 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Jean-Pierre Charras, jaen-pierre.charras@gipsa-lab.inpg.com
 * Copyright (C) 1992-2011 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
 * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

 * @file base_struct.cpp
 * @brief Implementation of EDA_ITEM base class for KiCad.

#include <fctsys.h>
#include <trigo.h>
#include <common.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include <kicad_string.h>
#include <wxstruct.h>
#include <class_drawpanel.h>
#include <class_base_screen.h>

#include "../eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find.h"

const wxString traceFindReplace( wxT( "KicadFindReplace" ) );

enum textbox {
    ID_TEXTBOX_LIST = 8010

    m_StructType = idType;
    m_Parent     = parent;

    m_StructType = idType;

EDA_ITEM::EDA_ITEM( const EDA_ITEM& base )
    m_StructType = base.m_StructType;
    m_Parent     = base.m_Parent;
    m_Flags      = base.m_Flags;

    // A copy of an item cannot have the same time stamp as the original item.
    SetTimeStamp( GetNewTimeStamp() );
    m_Status     = base.m_Status;

void EDA_ITEM::InitVars()
    m_StructType = TYPE_NOT_INIT;
    Pnext       = NULL;     // Linked list: Link (next struct)
    Pback       = NULL;     // Linked list: Link (previous struct)
    m_Parent    = NULL;     // Linked list: Link (parent struct)
    m_List      = NULL;     // I am not on any list yet
    m_Image     = NULL;     // Link to an image copy for undelete or abort command
    m_Flags     = 0;        // flags for editions and other
    SetTimeStamp( 0 );      // Time stamp used for logical links
    m_Status    = 0;
    m_forceVisible = false; // true to override the visibility setting of the item.

void EDA_ITEM::SetModified()
    SetFlags( IS_CHANGED );

    // If this a child object, then the parent modification state also needs to be set.
    if( m_Parent )

EDA_ITEM* EDA_ITEM::Clone() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( false, NULL, wxT( "Clone not implemented in derived class " ) + GetClass() +
                 wxT( ".  Bad programmer!" ) );

SEARCH_RESULT EDA_ITEM::IterateForward( EDA_ITEM*     listStart,
                                        INSPECTOR*    inspector,
                                        const void*   testData,
                                        const KICAD_T scanTypes[] )
    EDA_ITEM* p = listStart;

    for( ; p; p = p->Pnext )
        if( SEARCH_QUIT == p->Visit( inspector, testData, scanTypes ) )
            return SEARCH_QUIT;


// see base_struct.h
// many classes inherit this method, be careful:
SEARCH_RESULT EDA_ITEM::Visit( INSPECTOR* inspector, const void* testData,
                               const KICAD_T scanTypes[] )
    KICAD_T stype;

#if 0 && defined(DEBUG)
    std::cout << GetClass().mb_str() << ' ';

    for( const KICAD_T* p = scanTypes;  (stype = *p) != EOT;   ++p )
        // If caller wants to inspect my type
        if( stype == Type() )
            if( SEARCH_QUIT == inspector->Inspect( this, testData ) )
                return SEARCH_QUIT;



wxString EDA_ITEM::GetSelectMenuText() const
    wxFAIL_MSG( wxT( "GetSelectMenuText() was not overridden for schematic item type " ) +
                GetClass() );

    return wxString( wxT( "Undefined menu text for " ) + GetClass() );

bool EDA_ITEM::Matches( const wxString& aText, wxFindReplaceData& aSearchData )
    wxString text = aText;
    wxString searchText = aSearchData.GetFindString();

    // Don't match if searching for replaceable item and the item doesn't support text replace.
    if( (aSearchData.GetFlags() & FR_SEARCH_REPLACE) && !IsReplaceable() )
        return false;

    if( aSearchData.GetFlags() & wxFR_WHOLEWORD )
        return aText.IsSameAs( searchText, aSearchData.GetFlags() & wxFR_MATCHCASE );

    if( aSearchData.GetFlags() & FR_MATCH_WILDCARD )
        if( aSearchData.GetFlags() & wxFR_MATCHCASE )
            return text.Matches( searchText );

        return text.MakeUpper().Matches( searchText.MakeUpper() );

    if( aSearchData.GetFlags() & wxFR_MATCHCASE )
        return aText.Find( searchText ) != wxNOT_FOUND;

    return text.MakeUpper().Find( searchText.MakeUpper() ) != wxNOT_FOUND;

bool EDA_ITEM::Replace( wxFindReplaceData& aSearchData, wxString& aText )
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsReplaceable(), false,
                 wxT( "Attempt to replace text in <" ) + GetClass() + wxT( "> item." ) );

    wxString searchString = (aSearchData.GetFlags() & wxFR_MATCHCASE) ? aText.Upper() : aText;

    int result = searchString.Find( (aSearchData.GetFlags() & wxFR_MATCHCASE) ?
                                    aSearchData.GetFindString() :
                                    aSearchData.GetFindString().Upper() );

    if( result == wxNOT_FOUND )
        return false;

    wxString prefix = aText.Left( result );
    wxString suffix;

    if( aSearchData.GetFindString().length() + result < aText.length() )
        suffix = aText.Right( aText.length() - ( aSearchData.GetFindString().length() + result ) );

    wxLogTrace( traceFindReplace, wxT( "Replacing '%s', prefix '%s', replace '%s', suffix '%s'." ),
                GetChars( aText ), GetChars( prefix ), GetChars( aSearchData.GetReplaceString() ),
                GetChars( suffix ) );

    aText = prefix + aSearchData.GetReplaceString() + suffix;

    return true;

bool EDA_ITEM::operator<( const EDA_ITEM& aItem ) const
    wxFAIL_MSG( wxString::Format( wxT( "Less than operator not defined for item type %s." ),
                                  GetChars( GetClass() ) ) );

    return false;

EDA_ITEM& EDA_ITEM::operator=( const EDA_ITEM& aItem )
    if( &aItem != this )
        m_Image = aItem.m_Image;
        m_StructType = aItem.m_StructType;
        m_Parent = aItem.m_Parent;
        m_Flags = aItem.m_Flags;
        m_TimeStamp = aItem.m_TimeStamp;
        m_Status = aItem.m_Status;
        m_forceVisible = aItem.m_forceVisible;

    return *this;

const BOX2I EDA_ITEM::ViewBBox() const
    // Basic fallback
    return BOX2I( VECTOR2I( GetBoundingBox().GetOrigin() ),
                  VECTOR2I( GetBoundingBox().GetSize() ) );

void EDA_ITEM::ViewGetLayers( int aLayers[], int& aCount ) const
    // Basic fallback
    aCount      = 1;
    aLayers[0]  = 0;

#if defined(DEBUG)

// A function that should have been in wxWidgets
std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, const wxSize& size )
    out << " width=\"" << size.GetWidth() << "\" height=\"" << size.GetHeight() << "\"";
    return out;

// A function that should have been in wxWidgets
std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, const wxPoint& pt )
    out << " x=\"" << pt.x << "\" y=\"" << pt.y << "\"";
    return out;

void EDA_ITEM::ShowDummy( std::ostream& os ) const
    // XML output:
    wxString s = GetClass();

    os << '<' << s.Lower().mb_str() << ">"
       << " Need ::Show() override for this class "
       << "</" << s.Lower().mb_str() << ">\n";

std::ostream& EDA_ITEM::NestedSpace( int nestLevel, std::ostream& os )
    for( int i = 0; i<nestLevel; ++i )
        os << "  ";

    // number of spaces here controls indent per nest level

    return os;


/* Class EDA_RECT */

void EDA_RECT::Normalize()
    if( m_Size.y < 0 )
        m_Size.y = -m_Size.y;
        m_Pos.y -= m_Size.y;

    if( m_Size.x < 0 )
        m_Size.x = -m_Size.x;
        m_Pos.x -= m_Size.x;

void EDA_RECT::Move( const wxPoint& aMoveVector )
    m_Pos += aMoveVector;

bool EDA_RECT::Contains( const wxPoint& aPoint ) const
    wxPoint rel_pos = aPoint - m_Pos;
    wxSize size     = m_Size;

    if( size.x < 0 )
        size.x    = -size.x;
        rel_pos.x += size.x;

    if( size.y < 0 )
        size.y    = -size.y;
        rel_pos.y += size.y;

    return (rel_pos.x >= 0) && (rel_pos.y >= 0) && ( rel_pos.y <= size.y) && ( rel_pos.x <= size.x);

 * return true if aRect is inside me (or on boundaries)
bool EDA_RECT::Contains( const EDA_RECT& aRect ) const
    return Contains( aRect.GetOrigin() ) && Contains( aRect.GetEnd() );

/* Intersects
 * test for a common area between segment and rect.
 * return true if at least a common point is found
bool EDA_RECT::Intersects( const wxPoint& aPoint1, const wxPoint& aPoint2 ) const
    wxPoint point2, point4;

    if( Contains( aPoint1 ) || Contains( aPoint2 ) )
        return true;

    point2.x = GetEnd().x;
    point2.y = GetOrigin().y;
    point4.x = GetOrigin().x;
    point4.y = GetEnd().y;

    //Only need to test 3 sides since a straight line cant enter and exit on same side
    if( SegmentIntersectsSegment( aPoint1, aPoint2, GetOrigin() , point2 ) )
        return true;

    if( SegmentIntersectsSegment( aPoint1, aPoint2, point2      , GetEnd() ) )
        return true;

    if( SegmentIntersectsSegment( aPoint1, aPoint2, GetEnd()    , point4 ) )
        return true;

    return false;

/* Intersects
 * test for a common area between 2 rect.
 * return true if at least a common point is found
bool EDA_RECT::Intersects( const EDA_RECT& aRect ) const
    // this logic taken from wxWidgets' geometry.cpp file:
    bool rc;
    EDA_RECT me(*this);
    EDA_RECT rect(aRect);
    me.Normalize();         // ensure size is >= 0
    rect.Normalize();       // ensure size is >= 0

    // calculate the left common area coordinate:
    int  left   = std::max( me.m_Pos.x, rect.m_Pos.x );
    // calculate the right common area coordinate:
    int  right  = std::min( me.m_Pos.x + me.m_Size.x, rect.m_Pos.x + rect.m_Size.x );
    // calculate the upper common area coordinate:
    int  top    = std::max( me.m_Pos.y, aRect.m_Pos.y );
    // calculate the lower common area coordinate:
    int  bottom = std::min( me.m_Pos.y + me.m_Size.y, rect.m_Pos.y + rect.m_Size.y );

    // if a common area exists, it must have a positive (null accepted) size
    if( left <= right && top <= bottom )
        rc = true;
        rc = false;

    return rc;

EDA_RECT& EDA_RECT::Inflate( int aDelta )
    Inflate( aDelta, aDelta );
    return *this;

EDA_RECT& EDA_RECT::Inflate( wxCoord dx, wxCoord dy )
    if( m_Size.x >= 0 )
        if( m_Size.x < -2 * dx )
            // Don't allow deflate to eat more width than we have,
            m_Pos.x += m_Size.x / 2;
            m_Size.x = 0;
            // The inflate is valid.
            m_Pos.x  -= dx;
            m_Size.x += 2 * dx;
    else    // size.x < 0:
        if( m_Size.x > -2 * dx )
            // Don't allow deflate to eat more width than we have,
            m_Pos.x -= m_Size.x / 2;
            m_Size.x = 0;
            // The inflate is valid.
            m_Pos.x  += dx;
            m_Size.x -= 2 * dx; // m_Size.x <0: inflate when dx > 0

    if( m_Size.y >= 0 )
        if( m_Size.y < -2 * dy )
            // Don't allow deflate to eat more height than we have,
            m_Pos.y += m_Size.y / 2;
            m_Size.y = 0;
            // The inflate is valid.
            m_Pos.y  -= dy;
            m_Size.y += 2 * dy;
    else    // size.y < 0:
        if( m_Size.y > 2 * dy )
            // Don't allow deflate to eat more height than we have,
            m_Pos.y -= m_Size.y / 2;
            m_Size.y = 0;
            // The inflate is valid.
            m_Pos.y  += dy;
            m_Size.y -= 2 * dy; // m_Size.y <0: inflate when dy > 0

    return *this;

void EDA_RECT::Merge( const EDA_RECT& aRect )
    Normalize();        // ensure width and height >= 0
    EDA_RECT rect = aRect;
    rect.Normalize();   // ensure width and height >= 0
    wxPoint  end = GetEnd();
    wxPoint  rect_end = rect.GetEnd();

    // Change origin and size in order to contain the given rect
    m_Pos.x = std::min( m_Pos.x, rect.m_Pos.x );
    m_Pos.y = std::min( m_Pos.y, rect.m_Pos.y );
    end.x   = std::max( end.x, rect_end.x );
    end.y   = std::max( end.y, rect_end.y );
    SetEnd( end );

void EDA_RECT::Merge( const wxPoint& aPoint )
    Normalize();        // ensure width and height >= 0

    wxPoint  end = GetEnd();
    // Change origin and size in order to contain the given rect
    m_Pos.x = std::min( m_Pos.x, aPoint.x );
    m_Pos.y = std::min( m_Pos.y, aPoint.y );
    end.x   = std::max( end.x, aPoint.x );
    end.y   = std::max( end.y, aPoint.y );
    SetEnd( end );

double EDA_RECT::GetArea() const
    return (double) GetWidth() * (double) GetHeight();

/* Calculate the bounding box of this, when rotated
const EDA_RECT EDA_RECT::GetBoundingBoxRotated( wxPoint aRotCenter, double aAngle )
    wxPoint corners[4];

    // Build the corners list
    corners[0]   = GetOrigin();
    corners[2]   = GetEnd();
    corners[1].x = corners[0].x;
    corners[1].y = corners[2].y;
    corners[3].x = corners[2].x;
    corners[3].y = corners[0].y;

    // Rotate all corners, to find the bounding box
    for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii ++ )
        RotatePoint( &corners[ii], aRotCenter, aAngle );

    // Find the corners bounding box
    wxPoint start = corners[0];
    wxPoint end = corners[0];

    for( int ii = 1; ii < 4; ii ++ )
        start.x = std::min( start.x, corners[ii].x);
        start.y = std::min( start.y, corners[ii].y);
        end.x = std::max( end.x, corners[ii].x);
        end.y = std::max( end.y, corners[ii].y);

    EDA_RECT bbox;
    bbox.SetOrigin( start );
    bbox.SetEnd( end );

    return bbox;