/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2023 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.TXT for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 3 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "dialog_git_repository.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include DIALOG_GIT_REPOSITORY::DIALOG_GIT_REPOSITORY( wxWindow* aParent, git_repository* aRepository, wxString aURL ) : DIALOG_GIT_REPOSITORY_BASE( aParent ), m_repository( aRepository ), m_prevFile( wxEmptyString ), m_tested( 0 ), m_failedTest( false ), m_testError( wxEmptyString ), m_tempRepo( false ), m_repoType( KIGIT_COMMON::GIT_CONN_TYPE::GIT_CONN_LOCAL ) { m_txtURL->SetFocus(); if( !m_repository ) { // Make a temporary repository to test the connection m_tempRepo = true; m_tempPath = wxFileName::CreateTempFileName( "kicadtestrepo" ); git_repository_init_options options; options.version = GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_OPTIONS_VERSION; options.flags = GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_MKPATH | GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_NO_REINIT; git_repository_init_ext( &m_repository, m_tempPath.ToStdString().c_str(), &options ); } if( !aURL.empty() ) m_txtURL->SetValue( aURL ); else extractClipboardData(); if( !m_txtURL->GetValue().IsEmpty() ) updateURLData(); SetupStandardButtons(); updateAuthControls(); Layout(); } DIALOG_GIT_REPOSITORY::~DIALOG_GIT_REPOSITORY() { if( m_tempRepo ) { git_repository_free( m_repository ); RmDirRecursive( m_tempPath ); } } bool DIALOG_GIT_REPOSITORY::extractClipboardData() { if( wxTheClipboard->Open() && wxTheClipboard->IsSupported( wxDF_TEXT ) ) { wxString clipboardText; wxTextDataObject textData; if( wxTheClipboard->GetData( textData ) && !( clipboardText = textData.GetText() ).empty() ) { if( std::get<0>( isValidHTTPS( clipboardText ) ) || std::get<0>( isValidSSH( clipboardText ) ) ) { m_txtURL->SetValue( clipboardText ); } } wxTheClipboard->Close(); } return false; } void DIALOG_GIT_REPOSITORY::setDefaultSSHKey() { wxFileName sshKey; sshKey.SetPath( wxGetUserHome() ); wxString retval; sshKey.AppendDir( ".ssh" ); sshKey.SetFullName( "id_rsa" ); if( sshKey.FileExists() ) { retval = sshKey.GetFullPath(); } else if( sshKey.SetFullName( "id_dsa" ); sshKey.FileExists() ) { retval = sshKey.GetFullPath(); } else if( sshKey.SetFullName( "id_ecdsa" ); sshKey.FileExists() ) { retval = sshKey.GetFullPath(); } if( !retval.empty() ) { m_fpSSHKey->SetFileName( retval ); wxFileDirPickerEvent evt; evt.SetPath( retval ); OnFileUpdated( evt ); } } void DIALOG_GIT_REPOSITORY::OnUpdateUI( wxUpdateUIEvent& event ) { // event.Enable( !m_txtName->GetValue().IsEmpty() && !m_txtURL->GetValue().IsEmpty() ); } void DIALOG_GIT_REPOSITORY::SetEncrypted( bool aEncrypted ) { if( aEncrypted ) { m_txtPassword->Enable(); m_txtPassword->SetToolTip( _( "Enter the password for the SSH key" ) ); } else { m_txtPassword->SetValue( wxEmptyString ); m_txtPassword->SetToolTip( wxEmptyString ); m_txtPassword->Disable(); } } std::tuple DIALOG_GIT_REPOSITORY::isValidHTTPS( const wxString& url ) { wxRegEx regex( R"((https?:\/\/)(([^:]+)(:([^@]+))?@)?([^\/]+\/[^\s]+))" ); if( regex.Matches( url ) ) { wxString username = regex.GetMatch( url, 3 ); wxString password = regex.GetMatch( url, 5 ); wxString repoAddress = regex.GetMatch( url, 1 ) + regex.GetMatch( url, 6 ); return std::make_tuple( true, username, password, repoAddress ); } return std::make_tuple( false, "", "", "" ); } std::tuple DIALOG_GIT_REPOSITORY::isValidSSH( const wxString& url ) { wxRegEx regex( R"((?:ssh:\/\/)?([^@]+)@([^\/]+\/[^\s]+))" ); if( regex.Matches( url ) ) { wxString username = regex.GetMatch( url, 1 ); wxString repoAddress = regex.GetMatch( url, 2 ); return std::make_tuple( true, username, repoAddress ); } return std::make_tuple( false, "", "" ); } static wxString get_repo_name( wxString& aRepoAddr ) { wxString retval; size_t last_slash = aRepoAddr.find_last_of( '/' ); bool ends_with_dot_git = aRepoAddr.EndsWith( ".git" ); if( ends_with_dot_git ) retval = aRepoAddr.substr( last_slash + 1, aRepoAddr.size() - last_slash - 5 ); else retval = aRepoAddr.substr( last_slash + 1, aRepoAddr.size() - last_slash ); return retval; } void DIALOG_GIT_REPOSITORY::OnLocationExit( wxFocusEvent& event ) { updateURLData(); updateAuthControls(); event.Skip(); } void DIALOG_GIT_REPOSITORY::updateURLData() { wxString url = m_txtURL->GetValue(); if( url.IsEmpty() ) return; if( url.Contains( "https://" ) || url.Contains( "http://" ) ) { auto [valid, username, password, repoAddress] = isValidHTTPS( url ); if( valid ) { m_ConnType->SetSelection( static_cast( KIGIT_COMMON::GIT_CONN_TYPE::GIT_CONN_HTTPS ) ); SetUsername( username ); SetPassword( password ); m_txtURL->SetValue( repoAddress ); if( m_txtName->GetValue().IsEmpty() ) m_txtName->SetValue( get_repo_name( repoAddress ) ); } } else if( url.Contains( "ssh://" ) || url.Contains( "git@" ) ) { auto [valid, username, repoAddress] = isValidSSH( url ); if( valid ) { m_ConnType->SetSelection( static_cast( KIGIT_COMMON::GIT_CONN_TYPE::GIT_CONN_SSH ) ); m_txtUsername->SetValue( username ); m_txtURL->SetValue( repoAddress ); if( m_txtName->GetValue().IsEmpty() ) m_txtName->SetValue( get_repo_name( repoAddress ) ); setDefaultSSHKey(); } } } void DIALOG_GIT_REPOSITORY::OnTestClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { git_remote* remote = nullptr; git_remote_callbacks callbacks; callbacks.version = GIT_REMOTE_CALLBACKS_VERSION; // We track if we have already tried to connect. // If we have, the server may come back to offer another connection // type, so we need to keep track of how many times we have tried. m_tested = 0; callbacks.credentials = []( git_cred** aOut, const char* aUrl, const char* aUsername, unsigned int aAllowedTypes, void* aPayload ) -> int { DIALOG_GIT_REPOSITORY* dialog = static_cast( aPayload ); if( dialog->GetRepoType() == KIGIT_COMMON::GIT_CONN_TYPE::GIT_CONN_LOCAL ) return GIT_PASSTHROUGH; if( aAllowedTypes & GIT_CREDTYPE_USERNAME && !( dialog->GetTested() & GIT_CREDTYPE_USERNAME ) ) { wxString username = dialog->GetUsername().Trim().Trim( false ); git_cred_username_new( aOut, username.ToStdString().c_str() ); dialog->GetTested() |= GIT_CREDTYPE_USERNAME; } else if( dialog->GetRepoType() == KIGIT_COMMON::GIT_CONN_TYPE::GIT_CONN_HTTPS && ( aAllowedTypes & GIT_CREDTYPE_USERPASS_PLAINTEXT ) && !( dialog->GetTested() & GIT_CREDTYPE_USERPASS_PLAINTEXT ) ) { wxString username = dialog->GetUsername().Trim().Trim( false ); wxString password = dialog->GetPassword().Trim().Trim( false ); git_cred_userpass_plaintext_new( aOut, username.ToStdString().c_str(), password.ToStdString().c_str() ); dialog->GetTested() |= GIT_CREDTYPE_USERPASS_PLAINTEXT; } else if( dialog->GetRepoType() == KIGIT_COMMON::GIT_CONN_TYPE::GIT_CONN_SSH && ( aAllowedTypes & GIT_CREDTYPE_SSH_KEY ) && !( dialog->GetTested() & GIT_CREDTYPE_SSH_KEY ) ) { // SSH key authentication wxString sshKey = dialog->GetRepoSSHPath(); wxString sshPubKey = sshKey + ".pub"; wxString username = dialog->GetUsername().Trim().Trim( false ); wxString password = dialog->GetPassword().Trim().Trim( false ); git_cred_ssh_key_new( aOut, username.ToStdString().c_str(), sshPubKey.ToStdString().c_str(), sshKey.ToStdString().c_str(), password.ToStdString().c_str() ); dialog->GetTested() |= GIT_CREDTYPE_SSH_KEY; } else { return GIT_PASSTHROUGH; } return GIT_OK; }; callbacks.payload = this; wxString txtURL = m_txtURL->GetValue(); git_remote_create_with_fetchspec( &remote, m_repository, "origin", txtURL.ToStdString().c_str(), "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" ); if( git_remote_connect( remote, GIT_DIRECTION_FETCH, &callbacks, nullptr, nullptr ) != GIT_OK ) SetTestResult( true, git_error_last()->message ); else SetTestResult( false, wxEmptyString ); git_remote_disconnect( remote ); git_remote_free( remote ); auto dlg = wxMessageDialog( this, wxEmptyString, _( "Test connection" ), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION ); if( !m_failedTest ) { dlg.SetMessage( _( "Connection successful" ) ); } else { dlg.SetMessage( wxString::Format( _( "Could not connect to '%s' " ), m_txtURL->GetValue() ) ); dlg.SetExtendedMessage( m_testError ); } dlg.ShowModal(); } void DIALOG_GIT_REPOSITORY::OnFileUpdated( wxFileDirPickerEvent& aEvent ) { wxString file = aEvent.GetPath(); if( file.ends_with( wxS( ".pub" ) ) ) file = file.Left( file.size() - 4 ); std::ifstream ifs( file.fn_str() ); if( !ifs.good() || !ifs.is_open() ) { DisplayErrorMessage( this, wxString::Format( _( "Could not open private key '%s'" ), file ), wxString::Format( "%s: %d", std::strerror( errno ), errno ) ); return; } std::string line; std::getline( ifs, line ); bool isValid = ( line.find( "PRIVATE KEY" ) != std::string::npos ); bool isEncrypted = ( line.find( "ENCRYPTED" ) != std::string::npos ); if( !isValid ) { DisplayErrorMessage( this, _( "Invalid SSH Key" ), _( "The selected file is not a valid SSH private key" ) ); CallAfter( [this] { SetRepoSSHPath( m_prevFile ); } ); return; } if( isEncrypted ) { m_txtPassword->Enable(); m_txtPassword->SetToolTip( _( "Enter the password for the SSH key" ) ); } else { m_txtPassword->SetValue( wxEmptyString ); m_txtPassword->SetToolTip( wxEmptyString ); m_txtPassword->Disable(); } ifs.close(); wxString pubFile = file + wxS( ".pub" ); std::ifstream pubIfs( pubFile.fn_str() ); if( !pubIfs.good() || !pubIfs.is_open() ) { DisplayErrorMessage( this, wxString::Format( _( "Could not open public key '%s'" ), file + ".pub" ), wxString::Format( "%s: %d", std::strerror( errno ), errno ) ); aEvent.SetPath( wxEmptyString ); CallAfter( [this] { SetRepoSSHPath( m_prevFile ); } ); return; } m_prevFile = file; pubIfs.close(); } void DIALOG_GIT_REPOSITORY::OnOKClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // Save the repository details if( m_txtName->GetValue().IsEmpty() ) { DisplayErrorMessage( this, _( "Missing information" ), _( "Please enter a name for the repository" ) ); return; } if( m_txtURL->GetValue().IsEmpty() ) { DisplayErrorMessage( this, _( "Missing information" ), _( "Please enter a URL for the repository" ) ); return; } EndModal( wxID_OK ); } void DIALOG_GIT_REPOSITORY::updateAuthControls() { if( m_ConnType->GetSelection() == static_cast( KIGIT_COMMON::GIT_CONN_TYPE::GIT_CONN_LOCAL ) ) { m_panelAuth->Show( false ); } else { m_panelAuth->Show( true ); if( m_ConnType->GetSelection() == static_cast( KIGIT_COMMON::GIT_CONN_TYPE::GIT_CONN_SSH ) ) { m_fpSSHKey->Show( true ); m_labelSSH->Show( true ); m_labelPass1->SetLabel( _( "SSH Key Password" ) ); } else { m_fpSSHKey->Show( false ); m_labelSSH->Show( false ); m_labelPass1->SetLabel( _( "Password" ) ); setDefaultSSHKey(); } } Layout(); } void DIALOG_GIT_REPOSITORY::OnSelectConnType( wxCommandEvent& event ) { updateAuthControls(); }