/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2020 Roberto Fernandez Bautista * Copyright (C) 2020 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . */ /** * @file cadstar_sch_archive_loader.cpp * @brief Loads a csa file into a KiCad SCHEMATIC object */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //COMPONENT_ORIENTATION_T #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::Load( ::SCHEMATIC* aSchematic, ::SCH_SHEET* aRootSheet, SCH_PLUGIN::SCH_PLUGIN_RELEASER* aSchPlugin, const wxFileName& aLibraryFileName ) { Parse(); LONGPOINT designLimit = Assignments.Settings.DesignLimit; //Note: can't use getKiCadPoint() due wxPoint being int - need long long to make the check long long designSizeXkicad = (long long) designLimit.x * KiCadUnitMultiplier; long long designSizeYkicad = (long long) designLimit.y * KiCadUnitMultiplier; // Max size limited by the positive dimension of wxPoint (which is an int) constexpr long long maxDesignSizekicad = std::numeric_limits::max(); if( designSizeXkicad > maxDesignSizekicad || designSizeYkicad > maxDesignSizekicad ) { THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "The design is too large and cannot be imported into KiCad. \n" "Please reduce the maximum design size in CADSTAR by navigating to: \n" "Design Tab -> Properties -> Design Options -> Maximum Design Size. \n" "Current Design size: %.2f, %.2f millimeters. \n" "Maximum permitted design size: %.2f, %.2f millimeters.\n" ), (double) designSizeXkicad / SCH_IU_PER_MM, (double) designSizeYkicad / SCH_IU_PER_MM, (double) maxDesignSizekicad / SCH_IU_PER_MM, (double) maxDesignSizekicad / SCH_IU_PER_MM ) ); } // Assume the centre at 0,0 since we are going to be translating the design afterwards anyway mDesignCenter = { 0, 0 }; mSchematic = aSchematic; mRootSheet = aRootSheet; mPlugin = aSchPlugin; mLibraryFileName = aLibraryFileName; loadSheets(); loadHierarchicalSheetPins(); loadPartsLibrary(); loadSchematicSymbolInstances(); loadBusses(); loadNets(); loadFigures(); loadTexts(); loadDocumentationSymbols(); loadTextVariables(); if( Schematic.VariantHierarchy.Variants.size() > 0 ) { wxLogWarning( wxString::Format( _( "The CADSTAR design contains variants which has no KiCad equivalent. Only " "the master variant ('%s') was loaded." ), Schematic.VariantHierarchy.Variants.at( "V0" ).Name ) ); } if( Schematic.Groups.size() > 0 ) { wxLogWarning( _( "The CADSTAR design contains grouped items which has no KiCad equivalent. Any " "grouped items have been ungrouped." ) ); } if( Schematic.ReuseBlocks.size() > 0 ) { wxLogWarning( _( "The CADSTAR design contains re-use blocks which has no KiCad equivalent. The " "re-use block information has been discarded during the import." ) ); } // For all sheets, centre all elements and re calculate the page size: for( std::pair sheetPair : mSheetMap ) { SCH_SHEET* sheet = sheetPair.second; // Calculate the new sheet size. EDA_RECT sheetBoundingBox; for( auto item : sheet->GetScreen()->Items() ) sheetBoundingBox.Merge( item->GetBoundingBox() ); wxSize targetSheetSize = sheetBoundingBox.GetSize(); targetSheetSize.IncBy( Mils2iu( 400 ), Mils2iu( 400 ) ); // Get current Eeschema sheet size. wxSize pageSizeIU = sheet->GetScreen()->GetPageSettings().GetSizeIU(); PAGE_INFO pageInfo = sheet->GetScreen()->GetPageSettings(); // Increase if necessary if( pageSizeIU.x < targetSheetSize.x ) pageInfo.SetWidthMils( Iu2Mils( targetSheetSize.x ) ); if( pageSizeIU.y < targetSheetSize.y ) pageInfo.SetHeightMils( Iu2Mils( targetSheetSize.y ) ); // Set the new sheet size. sheet->GetScreen()->SetPageSettings( pageInfo ); pageSizeIU = sheet->GetScreen()->GetPageSettings().GetSizeIU(); wxPoint sheetcentre( pageSizeIU.x / 2, pageSizeIU.y / 2 ); wxPoint itemsCentre = sheetBoundingBox.Centre(); // round the translation to nearest 100mil to place it on the grid. wxPoint translation = sheetcentre - itemsCentre; translation.x = translation.x - translation.x % Mils2iu( 100 ); translation.y = translation.y - translation.y % Mils2iu( 100 ); // Translate the items. std::vector allItems; std::copy( sheet->GetScreen()->Items().begin(), sheet->GetScreen()->Items().end(), std::back_inserter( allItems ) ); for( SCH_ITEM* item : allItems ) { item->SetPosition( item->GetPosition() + translation ); item->ClearFlags(); sheet->GetScreen()->Update( item ); } } wxLogMessage( _( "The CADSTAR design has been imported successfully.\n" "Please review the import errors and warnings (if any)." ) ); } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::loadSheets() { const std::vector& orphanSheets = findOrphanSheets(); SCH_SHEET_PATH rootPath; rootPath.push_back( mRootSheet ); mRootSheet->AddInstance( rootPath.Path() ); mRootSheet->SetPageNumber( rootPath, wxT( "1" ) ); if( orphanSheets.size() > 1 ) { int x = 1; int y = 1; for( LAYER_ID sheetID : orphanSheets ) { wxPoint pos( x * Mils2iu( 1000 ), y * Mils2iu( 1000 ) ); wxSize siz( Mils2iu( 1000 ), Mils2iu( 1000 ) ); loadSheetAndChildSheets( sheetID, pos, siz, rootPath ); x += 2; if( x > 10 ) // start next row { x = 1; y += 2; } } } else if( orphanSheets.size() > 0 ) { LAYER_ID rootSheetID = orphanSheets.at( 0 ); wxFileName loadedFilePath = wxFileName( Filename ); std::string filename = wxString::Format( "%s_%02d", loadedFilePath.GetName(), getSheetNumber( rootSheetID ) ) .ToStdString(); ReplaceIllegalFileNameChars( &filename ); filename += wxT( "." ) + KiCadSchematicFileExtension; wxFileName fn( filename ); mRootSheet->GetScreen()->SetFileName( fn.GetFullPath() ); mSheetMap.insert( { rootSheetID, mRootSheet } ); loadChildSheets( rootSheetID, rootPath ); } else { THROW_IO_ERROR( _( "The CADSTAR schematic might be corrupt: there is no root sheet." ) ); } } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::loadHierarchicalSheetPins() { for( std::pair blockPair : Schematic.Blocks ) { BLOCK& block = blockPair.second; LAYER_ID sheetID = ""; if( block.Type == BLOCK::TYPE::PARENT ) sheetID = block.LayerID; else if( block.Type == BLOCK::TYPE::CHILD ) sheetID = block.AssocLayerID; else continue; if( mSheetMap.find( sheetID ) != mSheetMap.end() ) { SCH_SHEET* sheet = mSheetMap.at( sheetID ); for( std::pair termPair : block.Terminals ) { TERMINAL term = termPair.second; wxString name = "YOU SHOULDN'T SEE THIS TEXT. THIS IS A BUG."; SCH_HIERLABEL* sheetPin = nullptr; if( block.Type == BLOCK::TYPE::PARENT ) sheetPin = new SCH_HIERLABEL(); else if( block.Type == BLOCK::TYPE::CHILD ) sheetPin = new SCH_SHEET_PIN( sheet ); sheetPin->SetText( name ); sheetPin->SetShape( PINSHEETLABEL_SHAPE::PS_UNSPECIFIED ); sheetPin->SetLabelSpinStyle( getSpinStyle( term.OrientAngle, false ) ); sheetPin->SetPosition( getKiCadPoint( term.Position ) ); if( sheetPin->Type() == SCH_SHEET_PIN_T ) sheet->AddPin( (SCH_SHEET_PIN*) sheetPin ); else sheet->GetScreen()->Append( sheetPin ); BLOCK_PIN_ID blockPinID = std::make_pair( block.ID, term.ID ); mSheetPinMap.insert( { blockPinID, sheetPin } ); } } } } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::loadPartsLibrary() { for( std::pair partPair : Parts.PartDefinitions ) { PART_ID key = partPair.first; PART part = partPair.second; if( part.Definition.GateSymbols.size() == 0 ) continue; LIB_PART* kiPart = new LIB_PART( part.Name ); kiPart->SetUnitCount( part.Definition.GateSymbols.size() ); for( std::pair gatePair : part.Definition.GateSymbols ) { GATE_ID gateID = gatePair.first; PART::DEFINITION::GATE gate = gatePair.second; SYMDEF_ID symbolID = getSymDefFromName( gate.Name, gate.Alternate ); if( symbolID.IsEmpty() ) { wxLogWarning( wxString::Format( _( "Part definition '%s' references symbol '%s' (alternate '%s') " "which could not be found in the symbol library. The part has not " "been loaded into the KiCad library." ), part.Name, gate.Name, gate.Alternate ) ); continue; } loadSymDefIntoLibrary( symbolID, &part, gateID, kiPart ); } ( *mPlugin )->SaveSymbol( mLibraryFileName.GetFullPath(), kiPart ); LIB_PART* loadedPart = ( *mPlugin )->LoadSymbol( mLibraryFileName.GetFullPath(), kiPart->GetName() ); mPartMap.insert( { key, loadedPart } ); } } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::loadSchematicSymbolInstances() { for( std::pair symPair : Schematic.Symbols ) { SYMBOL sym = symPair.second; if( !sym.VariantID.empty() && sym.VariantParentSymbolID != sym.ID ) continue; // Only load master Variant if( sym.IsComponent ) { if( mPartMap.find( sym.PartRef.RefID ) == mPartMap.end() ) { wxLogError( wxString::Format( _( "Symbol '%s' references part '%s' which could not be found " "in the library. The symbol was not loaded" ), sym.ComponentRef.Designator, sym.PartRef.RefID ) ); continue; } LIB_PART* kiPart = mPartMap.at( sym.PartRef.RefID ); double symOrientDeciDeg = 0.0; SCH_COMPONENT* component = loadSchematicSymbol( sym, kiPart, symOrientDeciDeg ); SCH_FIELD* refField = component->GetField( REFERENCE_FIELD ); sym.ComponentRef.Designator.Replace( wxT( "\n" ), wxT( "\\n" ) ); sym.ComponentRef.Designator.Replace( wxT( "\r" ), wxT( "\\r" ) ); sym.ComponentRef.Designator.Replace( wxT( "\t" ), wxT( "\\t" ) ); sym.ComponentRef.Designator.Replace( wxT( " " ), wxT( "_" ) ); refField->SetText( sym.ComponentRef.Designator ); loadSymbolFieldAttribute( sym.ComponentRef.AttrLoc, symOrientDeciDeg, sym.Mirror, refField ); if( sym.HasPartRef ) { SCH_FIELD* partField = component->GetField( FIELD1 ); if( !partField ) { component->AddField( SCH_FIELD( wxPoint(), FIELD1, component, wxT( "Part Name" ) ) ); partField = component->GetField( FIELD1 ); } wxString partname = getPart( sym.PartRef.RefID ).Name; partname.Replace( wxT( "\n" ), wxT( "\\n" ) ); partname.Replace( wxT( "\r" ), wxT( "\\r" ) ); partname.Replace( wxT( "\t" ), wxT( "\\t" ) ); partField->SetText( partname ); loadSymbolFieldAttribute( sym.PartRef.AttrLoc, symOrientDeciDeg, sym.Mirror, partField ); } int fieldIdx = FIELD1; for( auto attr : sym.AttributeValues ) { ATTRIBUTE_VALUE attrVal = attr.second; if( attrVal.HasLocation ) { //SCH_FIELD* attrField = getFieldByName( component ); wxString attrName = getAttributeName( attrVal.AttributeID ); SCH_FIELD* attrField = component->FindField( attrName ); if( !attrField ) { component->AddField( SCH_FIELD( wxPoint(), ++fieldIdx, component, attrName ) ); attrField = component->GetField( fieldIdx ); } attrVal.Value.Replace( wxT( "\n" ), wxT( "\\n" ) ); attrVal.Value.Replace( wxT( "\r" ), wxT( "\\r" ) ); attrVal.Value.Replace( wxT( "\t" ), wxT( "\\t" ) ); attrField->SetText( attrVal.Value ); loadSymbolFieldAttribute( attrVal.AttributeLocation, symOrientDeciDeg, sym.Mirror, attrField ); attrField->SetVisible( isAttributeVisible( attrVal.AttributeID ) ); } } } else if( sym.IsSymbolVariant ) { if( Library.SymbolDefinitions.find( sym.SymdefID ) == Library.SymbolDefinitions.end() ) { THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "Symbol ID '%s' references library symbol '%s' which could not be " "found in the library. Did you export all items of the design?" ), sym.ID, sym.PartRef.RefID ) ); } SYMDEF_SCM libSymDef = Library.SymbolDefinitions.at( sym.SymdefID ); if( libSymDef.Terminals.size() != 1 ) { THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "Symbol ID '%s' is a signal reference or global signal but it has too " "many pins. The expected number of pins is 1 but %d were found." ), sym.ID, libSymDef.Terminals.size() ) ); } if( sym.SymbolVariant.Type == SYMBOLVARIANT::TYPE::GLOBALSIGNAL ) { SYMDEF_ID symID = sym.SymdefID; LIB_PART* kiPart = nullptr; //KiCad requires parts to be named the same as the net: wxString partName = sym.SymbolVariant.Reference; partName = LIB_ID::FixIllegalChars( partName ); if( mPowerSymLibMap.find( symID ) == mPowerSymLibMap.end() || mPowerSymLibMap.at( symID )->GetName() != partName ) { kiPart = new LIB_PART( partName ); kiPart->SetPower(); loadSymDefIntoLibrary( symID, nullptr, "A", kiPart ); kiPart->GetValueField().SetText( partName ); SYMDEF_SCM symbolDef = Library.SymbolDefinitions.at( symID ); if( symbolDef.TextLocations.find( SIGNALNAME_ORIGIN_ATTRID ) != symbolDef.TextLocations.end() ) { TEXT_LOCATION signameOrigin = symbolDef.TextLocations.at( SIGNALNAME_ORIGIN_ATTRID ); kiPart->GetValueField().SetPosition( getKiCadLibraryPoint( signameOrigin.Position, symbolDef.Origin ) ); } kiPart->GetReferenceField().SetText( "#PWR" ); ( *mPlugin )->SaveSymbol( mLibraryFileName.GetFullPath(), kiPart ); mPowerSymLibMap.insert( { symID, kiPart } ); } else { kiPart = mPowerSymLibMap.at( symID ); } double compOrientationTenthDegree = 0.0; SCH_COMPONENT* component = loadSchematicSymbol( sym, kiPart, compOrientationTenthDegree ); mPowerSymMap.insert( { sym.ID, component } ); } else if( sym.SymbolVariant.Type == SYMBOLVARIANT::TYPE::SIGNALREF ) { // There should only be one pin and we'll use that to set the position TERMINAL& symbolTerminal = libSymDef.Terminals.begin()->second; wxPoint terminalPosOffset = symbolTerminal.Position - libSymDef.Origin; SCH_GLOBALLABEL* netLabel = new SCH_GLOBALLABEL; netLabel->SetPosition( getKiCadPoint( sym.Origin + terminalPosOffset ) ); netLabel->SetText( "YOU SHOULDN'T SEE THIS TEXT - PLEASE REPORT THIS BUG" ); netLabel->SetTextSize( wxSize( Mils2iu( 50 ), Mils2iu( 50 ) ) ); netLabel->SetLabelSpinStyle( getSpinStyle( sym.OrientAngle, sym.Mirror ) ); if( libSymDef.Alternate.Lower().Contains( "in" ) ) netLabel->SetShape( PINSHEETLABEL_SHAPE::PS_INPUT ); else if( libSymDef.Alternate.Lower().Contains( "bi" ) ) netLabel->SetShape( PINSHEETLABEL_SHAPE::PS_BIDI ); else if( libSymDef.Alternate.Lower().Contains( "out" ) ) netLabel->SetShape( PINSHEETLABEL_SHAPE::PS_OUTPUT ); else netLabel->SetShape( PINSHEETLABEL_SHAPE::PS_UNSPECIFIED ); mSheetMap.at( sym.LayerID )->GetScreen()->Append( netLabel ); mGlobLabelMap.insert( { sym.ID, netLabel } ); } else { wxASSERT_MSG( false, "Unkown Symbol Variant." ); } } else { wxLogError( wxString::Format( _( "Symbol ID '%s' is of an unknown type. It is neither a component or a " "net power / symbol. The symbol was not loaded." ), sym.ID ) ); } if( sym.ScaleRatioDenominator != 1 || sym.ScaleRatioNumerator != 1 ) { wxString symbolName = sym.ComponentRef.Designator; if( symbolName.empty() ) symbolName = wxString::Format( "ID: %s", sym.ID); wxLogError( wxString::Format( _( "Symbol '%s' is scaled in the original CADSTAR schematic but this is not" " supported in KiCad. The symbol was loaded with 1:1 scale and may require " "manual fixing." ), symbolName, sym.PartRef.RefID ) ); } } } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::loadBusses() { for( std::pair busPair : Schematic.Buses ) { BUS bus = busPair.second; bool firstPt = true; VERTEX last; if( bus.LayerID != wxT( "NO_SHEET" ) ) { SCH_SCREEN* screen = mSheetMap.at( bus.LayerID )->GetScreen(); std::shared_ptr kiBusAlias = std::make_shared(); kiBusAlias->SetName( bus.Name ); kiBusAlias->SetParent( screen ); screen->AddBusAlias( kiBusAlias ); mBusesMap.insert( { bus.ID, kiBusAlias } ); SCH_LABEL* label = new SCH_LABEL(); label->SetText( wxT( "{" ) + bus.Name + wxT( "}" ) ); label->SetVisible( true ); screen->Append( label ); SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN busLineChain; // to compute nearest segment to bus label for( const VERTEX& cur : bus.Shape.Vertices ) { busLineChain.Append( getKiCadPoint( cur.End ) ); if( firstPt ) { last = cur; firstPt = false; if( !bus.HasBusLabel ) { // Add a bus label on the starting point if the original CADSTAR design // does not have an explicit label label->SetPosition( getKiCadPoint( last.End ) ); } continue; } SCH_LINE* kiBus = new SCH_LINE(); kiBus->SetStartPoint( getKiCadPoint( last.End ) ); kiBus->SetEndPoint( getKiCadPoint( cur.End ) ); kiBus->SetLayer( LAYER_BUS ); kiBus->SetLineWidth( getLineThickness( bus.LineCodeID ) ); screen->Append( kiBus ); last = cur; } if( bus.HasBusLabel ) { //lets find the closest point in the busline to the label VECTOR2I busLabelLoc = getKiCadPoint( bus.BusLabel.Position ); wxPoint nearestPt = (wxPoint) busLineChain.NearestPoint( busLabelLoc ); label->SetPosition( nearestPt ); applyTextSettings( bus.BusLabel.TextCodeID, bus.BusLabel.Alignment, bus.BusLabel.Justification, label ); } } } } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::loadNets() { for( std::pair netPair : Schematic.Nets ) { NET_SCH net = netPair.second; wxString netName = net.Name; std::map netlabels; if( netName.IsEmpty() ) netName = wxString::Format( "$%ld", net.SignalNum ); for( std::pair terminalPair : net.Terminals ) { NET_SCH::SYM_TERM netTerm = terminalPair.second; if( mPowerSymMap.find( netTerm.SymbolID ) != mPowerSymMap.end() ) { SCH_FIELD* val = mPowerSymMap.at( netTerm.SymbolID )->GetField( VALUE_FIELD ); val->SetText( netName ); val->SetBold( false ); val->SetVisible( false ); if( netTerm.HasNetLabel ) { val->SetVisible( true ); val->SetPosition( getKiCadPoint( netTerm.NetLabel.Position ) ); val->SetTextAngle( getAngleTenthDegree( netTerm.NetLabel.OrientAngle ) ); applyTextSettings( netTerm.NetLabel.TextCodeID, netTerm.NetLabel.Alignment, netTerm.NetLabel.Justification, val ); } } else if( mGlobLabelMap.find( netTerm.SymbolID ) != mGlobLabelMap.end() ) { mGlobLabelMap.at( netTerm.SymbolID )->SetText( netName ); } } auto getHierarchicalLabel = [&]( NETELEMENT_ID aNode ) -> SCH_HIERLABEL* { if( aNode.Contains( "BLKT" ) ) { NET_SCH::BLOCK_TERM blockTerm = net.BlockTerminals.at( aNode ); BLOCK_PIN_ID blockPinID = std::make_pair( blockTerm.BlockID, blockTerm.TerminalID ); if( mSheetPinMap.find( blockPinID ) != mSheetPinMap.end() ) { return mSheetPinMap.at( blockPinID ); } } return nullptr; }; //Add net name to all hierarchical pins (block terminals in CADSTAR) for( std::pair blockPair : net.BlockTerminals ) { SCH_HIERLABEL* label = getHierarchicalLabel( blockPair.first ); if(label) label->SetText( netName ); } // Load all bus entries and add net label if required for( std::pair busPair : net.BusTerminals ) { NET_SCH::BUS_TERM busTerm = busPair.second; BUS bus = Schematic.Buses.at( busTerm.BusID ); if( !mBusesMap.at( bus.ID )->Contains( netName ) ) mBusesMap.at( bus.ID )->AddMember( netName ); SCH_BUS_WIRE_ENTRY* busEntry = new SCH_BUS_WIRE_ENTRY( getKiCadPoint( busTerm.FirstPoint ), false ); wxPoint size = getKiCadPoint( busTerm.SecondPoint ) - getKiCadPoint( busTerm.FirstPoint ); busEntry->SetSize( wxSize( size.x, size.y ) ); mSheetMap.at( bus.LayerID )->GetScreen()->Append( busEntry ); if( busTerm.HasNetLabel ) { SCH_LABEL* label = new SCH_LABEL(); label->SetText( netName ); label->SetPosition( getKiCadPoint( busTerm.SecondPoint ) ); label->SetVisible( true ); applyTextSettings( busTerm.NetLabel.TextCodeID, busTerm.NetLabel.Alignment, busTerm.NetLabel.Justification, label ); netlabels.insert( { busTerm.ID, label } ); mSheetMap.at( bus.LayerID )->GetScreen()->Append( label ); } } for( std::pair danglerPair : net.Danglers ) { NET_SCH::DANGLER dangler = danglerPair.second; SCH_LABEL* label = new SCH_LABEL(); label->SetText( netName ); label->SetPosition( getKiCadPoint( dangler.Position ) ); label->SetVisible( true ); netlabels.insert( { dangler.ID, label } ); mSheetMap.at( dangler.LayerID )->GetScreen()->Append( label ); } for( NET_SCH::CONNECTION_SCH conn : net.Connections ) { if( conn.LayerID == wxT( "NO_SHEET" ) ) continue; // No point loading virtual connections. KiCad handles that internally if( conn.Path.size() < 2 ) { //Implied straight line connection between the two elements POINT start = getLocationOfNetElement( net, conn.StartNode ); POINT end = getLocationOfNetElement( net, conn.EndNode ); if( start.x == UNDEFINED_VALUE || end.x == UNDEFINED_VALUE ) continue; conn.Path.clear(); conn.Path.push_back( start ); conn.Path.push_back( end ); } bool firstPt = true; bool secondPt = false; wxPoint last; SCH_LINE* wire = nullptr; SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN wireChain; // Create a temp. line chain representing the connection for( POINT pt : conn.Path ) { wireChain.Append( getKiCadPoint( pt ) ); } // AUTO-FIX SHEET PINS //-------------------- // KiCad constrains the sheet pin on the edge of the sheet object whereas in // CADSTAR it can be anywhere. Let's find the intersection of the wires with the sheet // and place the hierarchical std::vector nodes; nodes.push_back( conn.StartNode ); nodes.push_back( conn.EndNode ); for( NETELEMENT_ID node : nodes ) { SCH_HIERLABEL* sheetPin = getHierarchicalLabel( node ); if( sheetPin ) { if( sheetPin->Type() == SCH_SHEET_PIN_T && SCH_SHEET::ClassOf( sheetPin->GetParent() ) ) { SCH_SHEET* parentSheet = static_cast( sheetPin->GetParent() ); wxSize sheetSize = parentSheet->GetSize(); wxPoint sheetPosition = parentSheet->GetPosition(); int leftSide = sheetPosition.x; int rightSide = sheetPosition.x + sheetSize.x; int topSide = sheetPosition.y; int botSide = sheetPosition.y + sheetSize.y; SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN sheetEdge; sheetEdge.Append( leftSide, topSide ); sheetEdge.Append( rightSide, topSide ); sheetEdge.Append( rightSide, botSide ); sheetEdge.Append( leftSide, botSide ); sheetEdge.Append( leftSide, topSide ); SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::INTERSECTIONS wireToSheetIntersects; if( !wireChain.Intersect( sheetEdge, wireToSheetIntersects ) ) { // The block terminal is outside the block shape in the original // CADSTAR design. Since KiCad's Sheet Pin will already be constrained // on the edge, we will simply join to it with a straight line. if( node == conn.StartNode ) wireChain = wireChain.Reverse(); wireChain.Append( sheetPin->GetPosition() ); if( node == conn.StartNode ) wireChain = wireChain.Reverse(); } else { // The block terminal is either inside or on the shape edge. Lets use the // first interection point VECTOR2I intsctPt = wireToSheetIntersects.at( 0 ).p; int intsctIndx = wireChain.FindSegment( intsctPt ); wxASSERT_MSG( intsctIndx != -1, "Can't find intersecting segment" ); if( node == conn.StartNode ) wireChain.Replace( 0, intsctIndx, intsctPt ); else wireChain.Replace( intsctIndx + 1, /*end index*/ -1, intsctPt ); sheetPin->SetPosition( (wxPoint) intsctPt ); } } } } // Now we can load the wires for( const VECTOR2I& pt : wireChain.CPoints() ) { if( firstPt ) { last = (wxPoint) pt; firstPt = false; secondPt = true; continue; } if( secondPt ) { secondPt = false; wxPoint kiLast = last; wxPoint kiCurrent = (wxPoint) pt; double wireangleDeciDeg = getPolarAngle( kiLast - kiCurrent ); LABEL_SPIN_STYLE spin = getSpinStyleDeciDeg( wireangleDeciDeg ); if( netlabels.find( conn.StartNode ) != netlabels.end() ) { netlabels.at( conn.StartNode )->SetLabelSpinStyle( spin ); } SCH_HIERLABEL* sheetPin = getHierarchicalLabel( conn.StartNode ); if( sheetPin ) sheetPin->SetLabelSpinStyle( spin ); } wire = new SCH_LINE(); wire->SetStartPoint( last ); wire->SetEndPoint( (wxPoint) pt ); wire->SetLayer( LAYER_WIRE ); if( !conn.ConnectionLineCode.IsEmpty() ) wire->SetLineWidth( getLineThickness( conn.ConnectionLineCode ) ); last = (wxPoint) pt; mSheetMap.at( conn.LayerID )->GetScreen()->Append( wire ); } //Fix labels on the end wire if( wire ) { wxPoint kiLast = wire->GetEndPoint(); wxPoint kiCurrent = wire->GetStartPoint(); double wireangleDeciDeg = getPolarAngle( kiLast - kiCurrent ); LABEL_SPIN_STYLE spin = getSpinStyleDeciDeg( wireangleDeciDeg ); if( netlabels.find( conn.EndNode ) != netlabels.end() ) netlabels.at( conn.EndNode )->SetLabelSpinStyle( spin ); SCH_HIERLABEL* sheetPin = getHierarchicalLabel( conn.EndNode ); if( sheetPin ) sheetPin->SetLabelSpinStyle( spin ); } } for( std::pair juncPair : net.Junctions ) { NET_SCH::JUNCTION_SCH junc = juncPair.second; SCH_JUNCTION* kiJunc = new SCH_JUNCTION(); kiJunc->SetPosition( getKiCadPoint( junc.Location ) ); mSheetMap.at( junc.LayerID )->GetScreen()->Append( kiJunc ); if( junc.HasNetLabel ) { // In CADSTAR the label can be placed anywhere, but in KiCad it has to be placed // in the same location as the junction for it to be connected to it. SCH_LABEL* label = new SCH_LABEL(); label->SetText( netName ); label->SetPosition( getKiCadPoint( junc.Location ) ); label->SetVisible( true ); double labelAngleDeciDeg = getAngleTenthDegree( junc.NetLabel.OrientAngle ); LABEL_SPIN_STYLE spin = getSpinStyleDeciDeg( labelAngleDeciDeg ); label->SetLabelSpinStyle( spin ); mSheetMap.at( junc.LayerID )->GetScreen()->Append( label ); } } } } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::loadFigures() { for( std::pair figPair : Schematic.Figures ) { FIGURE fig = figPair.second; loadFigure( fig, fig.LayerID, LAYER_NOTES ); } } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::loadTexts() { for( std::pair textPair : Schematic.Texts ) { TEXT txt = textPair.second; SCH_TEXT* kiTxt = getKiCadSchText( txt ); loadItemOntoKiCadSheet( txt.LayerID, kiTxt ); } } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::loadDocumentationSymbols() { for( std::pair docSymPair : Schematic.DocumentationSymbols ) { DOCUMENTATION_SYMBOL docSym = docSymPair.second; if( Library.SymbolDefinitions.find( docSym.SymdefID ) == Library.SymbolDefinitions.end() ) { wxLogError( wxString::Format( _( "Documentation Symbol '%s' refers to symbol definition " "ID '%s' which does not exist in the library. The symbol " "was not loaded." ), docSym.ID, docSym.SymdefID ) ); continue; } SYMDEF_SCM docSymDef = Library.SymbolDefinitions.at( docSym.SymdefID ); wxPoint moveVector = getKiCadPoint( docSym.Origin ) - getKiCadPoint( docSymDef.Origin ); double rotationAngle = getAngleTenthDegree( docSym.OrientAngle ); double scalingFactor = (double) docSym.ScaleRatioNumerator / (double) docSym.ScaleRatioDenominator; wxPoint centreOfTransform = getKiCadPoint( docSymDef.Origin ); bool mirrorInvert = docSym.Mirror; for( std::pair figPair : docSymDef.Figures ) { FIGURE fig = figPair.second; loadFigure( fig, docSym.LayerID, LAYER_NOTES, moveVector, rotationAngle, scalingFactor, centreOfTransform, mirrorInvert ); } for( std::pair textPair : docSymDef.Texts ) { TEXT txt = textPair.second; SCH_TEXT* kiTxt = getKiCadSchText( txt ); wxPoint newPosition = applyTransform( kiTxt->GetPosition(), moveVector, rotationAngle, scalingFactor, centreOfTransform, mirrorInvert ); double newTxtAngle = NormalizeAnglePos( kiTxt->GetTextAngle() + rotationAngle ); bool newMirrorStatus = kiTxt->IsMirrored() ? !mirrorInvert : mirrorInvert; int newTxtWidth = KiROUND( kiTxt->GetTextWidth() * scalingFactor ); int newTxtHeight = KiROUND( kiTxt->GetTextHeight() * scalingFactor ); int newTxtThickness = KiROUND( kiTxt->GetTextThickness() * scalingFactor ); kiTxt->SetPosition( newPosition ); kiTxt->SetTextAngle( newTxtAngle ); kiTxt->SetMirrored( newMirrorStatus ); kiTxt->SetTextWidth( newTxtWidth ); kiTxt->SetTextHeight( newTxtHeight ); kiTxt->SetTextThickness( newTxtThickness ); loadItemOntoKiCadSheet( docSym.LayerID, kiTxt ); } } } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::loadTextVariables() { auto findAndReplaceTextField = [&]( TEXT_FIELD_NAME aField, wxString aValue ) { if( mContext.TextFieldToValuesMap.find( aField ) != mContext.TextFieldToValuesMap.end() ) { if( mContext.TextFieldToValuesMap.at( aField ) != aValue ) { mContext.TextFieldToValuesMap.at( aField ) = aValue; mContext.InconsistentTextFields.insert( aField ); return false; } } else { mContext.TextFieldToValuesMap.insert( { aField, aValue } ); } return true; }; PROJECT* pj = &mSchematic->Prj(); if( pj ) { std::map& txtVars = pj->GetTextVars(); // Most of the design text fields can be derived from other elements if( Schematic.VariantHierarchy.Variants.size() > 0 ) { VARIANT loadedVar = Schematic.VariantHierarchy.Variants.begin()->second; findAndReplaceTextField( TEXT_FIELD_NAME::VARIANT_NAME, loadedVar.Name ); findAndReplaceTextField( TEXT_FIELD_NAME::VARIANT_DESCRIPTION, loadedVar.Description ); } findAndReplaceTextField( TEXT_FIELD_NAME::DESIGN_TITLE, Header.JobTitle ); for( std::pair txtvalue : mContext.TextFieldToValuesMap ) { wxString varName = CadstarToKicadFieldsMap.at( txtvalue.first ); wxString varValue = txtvalue.second; txtVars.insert( { varName, varValue } ); } for( std::pair txtvalue : mContext.FilenamesToTextMap ) { wxString varName = txtvalue.first; wxString varValue = txtvalue.second; txtVars.insert( { varName, varValue } ); } } else { wxLogError( _( "Text Variables could not be set as there is no project attached." ) ); } } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::loadSymDefIntoLibrary( const SYMDEF_ID& aSymdefID, const PART* aCadstarPart, const GATE_ID& aGateID, LIB_PART* aPart ) { wxCHECK( Library.SymbolDefinitions.find( aSymdefID ) != Library.SymbolDefinitions.end(), ); SYMDEF_SCM symbol = Library.SymbolDefinitions.at( aSymdefID ); int gateNumber = getKiCadUnitNumberFromGate( aGateID ); for( std::pair figPair : symbol.Figures ) { FIGURE fig = figPair.second; loadLibrarySymbolShapeVertices( fig.Shape.Vertices, symbol.Origin, aPart, gateNumber ); for( CUTOUT c : fig.Shape.Cutouts ) { loadLibrarySymbolShapeVertices( c.Vertices, symbol.Origin, aPart, gateNumber ); } } for( std::pair termPair : symbol.Terminals ) { TERMINAL term = termPair.second; wxString pinNum = wxString::Format( "%ld", term.ID ); wxString pinName = wxEmptyString; if( aCadstarPart ) { PART::DEFINITION::PIN csPin = getPartDefinitionPin( *aCadstarPart, aGateID, term.ID ); pinName = csPin.Label; pinNum = csPin.Name; if( pinNum.IsEmpty() ) { if( !csPin.Identifier.IsEmpty() ) pinNum = csPin.Identifier; else pinNum = wxString::Format( "%ld", csPin.ID ); } } LIB_PIN* pin = new LIB_PIN( aPart ); pin->SetPosition( getKiCadLibraryPoint( term.Position, symbol.Origin ) ); pin->SetLength( 0 ); //CADSTAR Pins are just a point (have no length) pin->SetShape( GRAPHIC_PINSHAPE::LINE ); pin->SetUnit( gateNumber ); pin->SetNumber( pinNum ); pin->SetName( pinName ); int oDeg = (int) NormalizeAngle180( getAngleTenthDegree( term.OrientAngle ) ); if( oDeg >= -450 && oDeg <= 450 ) pin->SetOrientation( 'R' ); // 0 degrees else if( oDeg >= 450 && oDeg <= 1350 ) pin->SetOrientation( 'U' ); // 90 degrees else if( oDeg >= 1350 || oDeg <= -1350 ) pin->SetOrientation( 'L' ); // 180 degrees else pin->SetOrientation( 'D' ); // -90 degrees if( aPart->IsPower() ) { pin->SetVisible( false ); pin->SetType( ELECTRICAL_PINTYPE::PT_POWER_IN ); pin->SetName( aPart->GetName() ); } aPart->AddDrawItem( pin ); } for( std::pair textPair : symbol.Texts ) { TEXT csText = textPair.second; LIB_TEXT* libtext = new LIB_TEXT( aPart ); libtext->SetText( csText.Text ); libtext->SetUnit( gateNumber ); libtext->SetPosition( getKiCadLibraryPoint( csText.Position, symbol.Origin ) ); applyTextSettings( csText.TextCodeID, csText.Alignment, csText.Justification, libtext ); aPart->AddDrawItem( libtext ); } if( symbol.TextLocations.find( SYMBOL_NAME_ATTRID ) != symbol.TextLocations.end() ) { TEXT_LOCATION textLoc = symbol.TextLocations.at( SYMBOL_NAME_ATTRID ); LIB_FIELD* field = &aPart->GetReferenceField(); applyToLibraryFieldAttribute( textLoc, symbol.Origin, field ); field->SetUnit( gateNumber ); } if( symbol.TextLocations.find( PART_NAME_ATTRID ) != symbol.TextLocations.end() ) { TEXT_LOCATION textLoc = symbol.TextLocations.at( PART_NAME_ATTRID ); LIB_FIELD* field = aPart->GetField( FIELD1 ); if( !field ) { field = new LIB_FIELD( aPart, FIELD1 ); aPart->AddField( field ); } field->SetName( "Part Name" ); applyToLibraryFieldAttribute( textLoc, symbol.Origin, field ); if( aCadstarPart ) { wxString partName = aCadstarPart->Name; partName.Replace( wxT( "\n" ), wxT( "\\n" ) ); partName.Replace( wxT( "\r" ), wxT( "\\r" ) ); partName.Replace( wxT( "\t" ), wxT( "\\t" ) ); field->SetText( partName ); } field->SetUnit( gateNumber ); } if( aCadstarPart ) { int fieldIdx = FIELD1; wxString footprintRefName = wxEmptyString; wxString footprintAlternateName = wxEmptyString; auto loadLibraryField = [&]( ATTRIBUTE_VALUE& aAttributeVal ) { wxString attrName = getAttributeName( aAttributeVal.AttributeID ); LIB_FIELD* attrField = nullptr; //Remove invalid field characters aAttributeVal.Value.Replace( wxT( "\n" ), wxT( "\\n" ) ); aAttributeVal.Value.Replace( wxT( "\r" ), wxT( "\\r" ) ); aAttributeVal.Value.Replace( wxT( "\t" ), wxT( "\\t" ) ); //TODO: Handle "links": In cadstar a field can be a "link" if its name starts with the //characters "Link ". Need to figure out how to convert them to equivalent in KiCad if( attrName == wxT( "(PartDefinitionNameStem)" ) ) { //Space not allowed in Reference field aAttributeVal.Value.Replace( wxT( " " ), "_" ); aPart->GetReferenceField().SetText( aAttributeVal.Value ); return; } else if( attrName == wxT( "(PartDescription)" ) ) { aPart->SetDescription( aAttributeVal.Value ); return; } else if( attrName == wxT( "(PartDefinitionReferenceName)" ) ) { footprintRefName = aAttributeVal.Value; return; } else if( attrName == wxT( "(PartDefinitionAlternateName)" ) ) { footprintAlternateName = aAttributeVal.Value; return; } else { attrField = aPart->FindField( attrName ); } if( !attrField ) { aPart->AddField( new LIB_FIELD( aPart, ++fieldIdx ) ); attrField = aPart->GetField( fieldIdx ); attrField->SetName( attrName ); } attrField->SetText( aAttributeVal.Value ); attrField->SetUnit( gateNumber ); if( aAttributeVal.HasLocation ) { // #1 Check if the part itself defined a location for the field applyToLibraryFieldAttribute( aAttributeVal.AttributeLocation, symbol.Origin, attrField ); attrField->SetVisible( isAttributeVisible( aAttributeVal.AttributeID ) ); } else if( symbol.TextLocations.find( aAttributeVal.AttributeID ) != symbol.TextLocations.end() ) { // #2 Look in the symbol definition: Text locations TEXT_LOCATION symTxtLoc = symbol.TextLocations.at( aAttributeVal.AttributeID ); applyToLibraryFieldAttribute( symTxtLoc, symbol.Origin, attrField ); attrField->SetVisible( isAttributeVisible( symTxtLoc.AttributeID ) ); } else if( symbol.AttributeValues.find( aAttributeVal.AttributeID ) != symbol.AttributeValues.end() ) { // #3 Look in the symbol definition: Attribute values ATTRIBUTE_VALUE symAttrVal = symbol.AttributeValues.at( aAttributeVal.AttributeID ); if( symAttrVal.HasLocation ) { applyToLibraryFieldAttribute( symAttrVal.AttributeLocation, symbol.Origin, attrField ); attrField->SetVisible( isAttributeVisible( symAttrVal.AttributeID ) ); } else { attrField->SetVisible( false ); applyTextSettings( wxT( "TC1" ), ALIGNMENT::NO_ALIGNMENT, JUSTIFICATION::LEFT, attrField ); } } else { attrField->SetVisible( false ); applyTextSettings( wxT( "TC1" ), ALIGNMENT::NO_ALIGNMENT, JUSTIFICATION::LEFT, attrField ); } }; // Load all attributes in the Part Definition for( std::pair attr : aCadstarPart->Definition.AttributeValues ) { ATTRIBUTE_VALUE attrVal = attr.second; loadLibraryField( attrVal ); } // Load all attributes in the Part itself. for( std::pair attr : aCadstarPart->AttributeValues ) { ATTRIBUTE_VALUE attrVal = attr.second; loadLibraryField( attrVal ); } wxString fpNameInLibrary = generateLibName( footprintRefName, footprintAlternateName ); wxArrayString fpFilters; fpFilters.Add( fpNameInLibrary ); aPart->SetFPFilters( fpFilters ); // Assume that the PCB footprint library name will be the same as the schematic filename wxFileName schFilename( Filename ); wxString libName = schFilename.GetName(); aPart->GetFootprintField().SetText( libName + wxT( ":" ) + fpNameInLibrary ); } if( aCadstarPart && aCadstarPart->Definition.HidePinNames ) { aPart->SetShowPinNames( false ); aPart->SetShowPinNumbers( false ); } } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::loadLibrarySymbolShapeVertices( const std::vector& aCadstarVertices, wxPoint aSymbolOrigin, LIB_PART* aPart, int aGateNumber ) { const VERTEX* prev = &aCadstarVertices.at( 0 ); const VERTEX* cur; wxASSERT_MSG( prev->Type == VERTEX_TYPE::POINT, "First vertex should always be a point vertex" ); for( size_t i = 1; i < aCadstarVertices.size(); i++ ) { cur = &aCadstarVertices.at( i ); LIB_ITEM* segment = nullptr; bool cw = false; wxPoint startPoint = getKiCadLibraryPoint( prev->End, aSymbolOrigin ); wxPoint endPoint = getKiCadLibraryPoint( cur->End, aSymbolOrigin ); wxPoint centerPoint; if( cur->Type == VERTEX_TYPE::ANTICLOCKWISE_SEMICIRCLE || cur->Type == VERTEX_TYPE::CLOCKWISE_SEMICIRCLE ) { centerPoint = ( startPoint + endPoint ) / 2; } else { centerPoint = getKiCadLibraryPoint( cur->Center, aSymbolOrigin ); } switch( cur->Type ) { case VERTEX_TYPE::POINT: segment = new LIB_POLYLINE( aPart ); ( (LIB_POLYLINE*) segment )->AddPoint( startPoint ); ( (LIB_POLYLINE*) segment )->AddPoint( endPoint ); break; case VERTEX_TYPE::CLOCKWISE_SEMICIRCLE: case VERTEX_TYPE::CLOCKWISE_ARC: cw = true; KI_FALLTHROUGH; case VERTEX_TYPE::ANTICLOCKWISE_SEMICIRCLE: case VERTEX_TYPE::ANTICLOCKWISE_ARC: segment = new LIB_ARC( aPart ); ( (LIB_ARC*) segment )->SetPosition( centerPoint ); if( cw ) { ( (LIB_ARC*) segment )->SetStart( endPoint ); ( (LIB_ARC*) segment )->SetEnd( startPoint ); } else { ( (LIB_ARC*) segment )->SetStart( startPoint ); ( (LIB_ARC*) segment )->SetEnd( endPoint ); } ( (LIB_ARC*) segment )->CalcRadiusAngles(); break; } segment->SetUnit( aGateNumber ); aPart->AddDrawItem( segment ); prev = cur; } } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::applyToLibraryFieldAttribute( const ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION& aCadstarAttrLoc, wxPoint aSymbolOrigin, LIB_FIELD* aKiCadField ) { aKiCadField->SetTextPos( getKiCadLibraryPoint( aCadstarAttrLoc.Position, aSymbolOrigin ) ); aKiCadField->SetTextAngle( getAngleTenthDegree( aCadstarAttrLoc.OrientAngle ) ); aKiCadField->SetBold( false ); aKiCadField->SetVisible( true ); applyTextSettings( aCadstarAttrLoc.TextCodeID, aCadstarAttrLoc.Alignment, aCadstarAttrLoc.Justification, aKiCadField ); } SCH_COMPONENT* CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::loadSchematicSymbol( const SYMBOL& aCadstarSymbol, LIB_PART* aKiCadPart, double& aComponentOrientationDeciDeg ) { SCH_COMPONENT* component = new SCH_COMPONENT(); component->SetPosition( getKiCadPoint( aCadstarSymbol.Origin ) ); double compAngleDeciDeg = getAngleTenthDegree( aCadstarSymbol.OrientAngle ); int compOrientation = 0; if( aCadstarSymbol.Mirror ) { compAngleDeciDeg = -compAngleDeciDeg; compOrientation += COMPONENT_ORIENTATION_T::CMP_MIRROR_Y; } compOrientation += getComponentOrientation( compAngleDeciDeg, aComponentOrientationDeciDeg ); if( NormalizeAngle180( compAngleDeciDeg ) != NormalizeAngle180( aComponentOrientationDeciDeg ) ) { wxLogError( wxString::Format( _( "Symbol '%s' is rotated by an angle of %.1f degrees in the " "original CADSTAR design but KiCad only supports rotation " "angles multiples of 90 degrees. The connecting wires will " "need manual fixing." ), aCadstarSymbol.ComponentRef.Designator, compAngleDeciDeg / 10.0 ) ); } component->SetOrientation( compOrientation ); LIB_ID libId( mLibraryFileName.GetName(), aKiCadPart->GetName() ); component->SetLibId( libId ); component->SetLibSymbol( aKiCadPart->Duplicate() ); component->SetUnit( getKiCadUnitNumberFromGate( aCadstarSymbol.GateID ) ); if( mSheetMap.find( aCadstarSymbol.LayerID ) == mSheetMap.end() ) { wxLogError( wxString::Format( _( "Symbol '%s' references sheet ID '%s' which does not exist in " "the design. The symbol was not loaded." ), aCadstarSymbol.ComponentRef.Designator, aCadstarSymbol.LayerID ) ); delete component; return nullptr; } SCH_SHEET* kiSheet = mSheetMap.at( aCadstarSymbol.LayerID ); SCH_SHEET_PATH sheetpath; mRootSheet->LocatePathOfScreen( kiSheet->GetScreen(), &sheetpath ); wxString currentSheetPath = sheetpath.PathAsString() + component->m_Uuid.AsString(); if( aCadstarSymbol.IsComponent ) { component->AddHierarchicalReference( currentSheetPath, aCadstarSymbol.ComponentRef.Designator, getKiCadUnitNumberFromGate( aCadstarSymbol.GateID ) ); } kiSheet->GetScreen()->Append( component ); return component; } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::loadSymbolFieldAttribute( const ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION& aCadstarAttrLoc, const double& aComponentOrientationDeciDeg, bool aIsMirrored, SCH_FIELD* aKiCadField ) { aKiCadField->SetPosition( getKiCadPoint( aCadstarAttrLoc.Position ) ); aKiCadField->SetTextAngle( getAngleTenthDegree( aCadstarAttrLoc.OrientAngle ) - aComponentOrientationDeciDeg ); aKiCadField->SetBold( false ); aKiCadField->SetVisible( true ); ALIGNMENT fieldAlignment = aCadstarAttrLoc.Alignment; JUSTIFICATION fieldJustification = aCadstarAttrLoc.Justification; // KiCad mirrors the justification and alignment when the component is mirrored but CADSTAR // specifies it post-mirroring if( aIsMirrored ) { switch( fieldAlignment ) { // Change left to right: case ALIGNMENT::NO_ALIGNMENT: case ALIGNMENT::BOTTOMLEFT: fieldAlignment = ALIGNMENT::BOTTOMRIGHT; break; case ALIGNMENT::CENTERLEFT: fieldAlignment = ALIGNMENT::CENTERRIGHT; break; case ALIGNMENT::TOPLEFT: fieldAlignment = ALIGNMENT::TOPRIGHT; break; //Change right to left: case ALIGNMENT::BOTTOMRIGHT: fieldAlignment = ALIGNMENT::BOTTOMLEFT; break; case ALIGNMENT::CENTERRIGHT: fieldAlignment = ALIGNMENT::CENTERLEFT; break; case ALIGNMENT::TOPRIGHT: fieldAlignment = ALIGNMENT::TOPLEFT; break; // Center alignment does not mirror: case ALIGNMENT::BOTTOMCENTER: case ALIGNMENT::CENTERCENTER: case ALIGNMENT::TOPCENTER: break; } switch( fieldJustification ) { case JUSTIFICATION::LEFT: fieldJustification = JUSTIFICATION::RIGHT; break; case JUSTIFICATION::RIGHT: fieldJustification = JUSTIFICATION::LEFT; break; case JUSTIFICATION::CENTER: break; } } applyTextSettings( aCadstarAttrLoc.TextCodeID, fieldAlignment, fieldJustification, aKiCadField ); } int CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getComponentOrientation( double aOrientAngleDeciDeg, double& aReturnedOrientationDeciDeg ) { int compOrientation = COMPONENT_ORIENTATION_T::CMP_ORIENT_0; int oDeg = (int) NormalizeAngle180( aOrientAngleDeciDeg ); if( oDeg >= -450 && oDeg <= 450 ) { compOrientation = COMPONENT_ORIENTATION_T::CMP_ORIENT_0; aReturnedOrientationDeciDeg = 0.0; } else if( oDeg >= 450 && oDeg <= 1350 ) { compOrientation = COMPONENT_ORIENTATION_T::CMP_ORIENT_90; aReturnedOrientationDeciDeg = 900.0; } else if( oDeg >= 1350 || oDeg <= -1350 ) { compOrientation = COMPONENT_ORIENTATION_T::CMP_ORIENT_180; aReturnedOrientationDeciDeg = 1800.0; } else { compOrientation = COMPONENT_ORIENTATION_T::CMP_ORIENT_270; aReturnedOrientationDeciDeg = 2700.0; } return compOrientation; } CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::POINT CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getLocationOfNetElement( const NET_SCH& aNet, const NETELEMENT_ID& aNetElementID ) { // clang-format off auto logUnknownNetElementError = [&]() { wxLogError( wxString::Format( _( "Net %s references unknown net element %s. The net was " "not properly loaded and may require manual fixing." ), getNetName( aNet ), aNetElementID ) ); return POINT(); }; // clang-format on if( aNetElementID.Contains( "J" ) ) // Junction { if( aNet.Junctions.find( aNetElementID ) == aNet.Junctions.end() ) return logUnknownNetElementError(); return aNet.Junctions.at( aNetElementID ).Location; } else if( aNetElementID.Contains( "P" ) ) // Terminal/Pin of a symbol { if( aNet.Terminals.find( aNetElementID ) == aNet.Terminals.end() ) return logUnknownNetElementError(); SYMBOL_ID symid = aNet.Terminals.at( aNetElementID ).SymbolID; TERMINAL_ID termid = aNet.Terminals.at( aNetElementID ).TerminalID; if( Schematic.Symbols.find( symid ) == Schematic.Symbols.end() ) return logUnknownNetElementError(); SYMBOL sym = Schematic.Symbols.at( symid ); SYMDEF_ID symdefid = sym.SymdefID; wxPoint symbolOrigin = sym.Origin; if( Library.SymbolDefinitions.find( symdefid ) == Library.SymbolDefinitions.end() ) return logUnknownNetElementError(); wxPoint libpinPosition = Library.SymbolDefinitions.at( symdefid ).Terminals.at( termid ).Position; wxPoint libOrigin = Library.SymbolDefinitions.at( symdefid ).Origin; wxPoint pinOffset = libpinPosition - libOrigin; wxPoint pinPosition = symbolOrigin + pinOffset; double compAngleDeciDeg = getAngleTenthDegree( sym.OrientAngle ); if( sym.Mirror ) pinPosition.x = ( 2 * symbolOrigin.x ) - pinPosition.x; double adjustedOrientationDecideg; getComponentOrientation( compAngleDeciDeg, adjustedOrientationDecideg ); RotatePoint( &pinPosition, symbolOrigin, -adjustedOrientationDecideg ); POINT retval; retval.x = pinPosition.x; retval.y = pinPosition.y; return retval; } else if( aNetElementID.Contains( "BT" ) ) // Bus Terminal { if( aNet.BusTerminals.find( aNetElementID ) == aNet.BusTerminals.end() ) return logUnknownNetElementError(); return aNet.BusTerminals.at( aNetElementID ).SecondPoint; } else if( aNetElementID.Contains( "BLKT" ) ) // Block Terminal (sheet hierarchy connection) { if( aNet.BlockTerminals.find( aNetElementID ) == aNet.BlockTerminals.end() ) return logUnknownNetElementError(); BLOCK_ID blockid = aNet.BlockTerminals.at( aNetElementID ).BlockID; TERMINAL_ID termid = aNet.BlockTerminals.at( aNetElementID ).TerminalID; if( Schematic.Blocks.find( blockid ) == Schematic.Blocks.end() ) return logUnknownNetElementError(); return Schematic.Blocks.at( blockid ).Terminals.at( termid ).Position; } else if( aNetElementID.Contains( "D" ) ) // Dangler { if( aNet.Danglers.find( aNetElementID ) == aNet.Danglers.end() ) return logUnknownNetElementError(); return aNet.Danglers.at( aNetElementID ).Position; } else { return logUnknownNetElementError(); } return POINT(); } wxString CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getNetName( const NET_SCH& aNet ) { wxString netname = aNet.Name; if( netname.IsEmpty() ) netname = wxString::Format( "$%ld", aNet.SignalNum ); return netname; } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::loadGraphicStaightSegment( const wxPoint& aStartPoint, const wxPoint& aEndPoint, const LINECODE_ID& aCadstarLineCodeID, const LAYER_ID& aCadstarSheetID, const SCH_LAYER_ID& aKiCadSchLayerID, const wxPoint& aMoveVector, const double& aRotationAngleDeciDeg, const double& aScalingFactor, const wxPoint& aTransformCentre, const bool& aMirrorInvert ) { SCH_LINE* segment = new SCH_LINE(); segment->SetLayer( aKiCadSchLayerID ); segment->SetLineWidth( KiROUND( getLineThickness( aCadstarLineCodeID ) * aScalingFactor ) ); segment->SetLineStyle( getLineStyle( aCadstarLineCodeID ) ); //Apply transforms wxPoint startPoint = applyTransform( aStartPoint, aMoveVector, aRotationAngleDeciDeg, aScalingFactor, aTransformCentre, aMirrorInvert ); wxPoint endPoint = applyTransform( aEndPoint, aMoveVector, aRotationAngleDeciDeg, aScalingFactor, aTransformCentre, aMirrorInvert ); segment->SetStartPoint( startPoint ); segment->SetEndPoint( endPoint ); loadItemOntoKiCadSheet( aCadstarSheetID, segment ); } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::loadShapeVertices( const std::vector& aCadstarVertices, LINECODE_ID aCadstarLineCodeID, LAYER_ID aCadstarSheetID, SCH_LAYER_ID aKiCadSchLayerID, const wxPoint& aMoveVector, const double& aRotationAngleDeciDeg, const double& aScalingFactor, const wxPoint& aTransformCentre, const bool& aMirrorInvert ) { const VERTEX* prev = &aCadstarVertices.at( 0 ); const VERTEX* cur; wxASSERT_MSG( prev->Type == VERTEX_TYPE::POINT, "First vertex should always be a point vertex" ); for( size_t ii = 1; ii < aCadstarVertices.size(); ii++ ) { cur = &aCadstarVertices.at( ii ); wxPoint startPoint = getKiCadPoint( prev->End ); wxPoint endPoint = getKiCadPoint( cur->End ); wxPoint centerPoint = getKiCadPoint( cur->Center ); bool cw = false; if( cur->Type == VERTEX_TYPE::ANTICLOCKWISE_SEMICIRCLE || cur->Type == VERTEX_TYPE::CLOCKWISE_SEMICIRCLE ) { centerPoint = ( startPoint + endPoint ) / 2; } switch( cur->Type ) { case VERTEX_TYPE::CLOCKWISE_SEMICIRCLE: case VERTEX_TYPE::CLOCKWISE_ARC: cw = true; KI_FALLTHROUGH; case VERTEX_TYPE::ANTICLOCKWISE_SEMICIRCLE: case VERTEX_TYPE::ANTICLOCKWISE_ARC: { double arcStartAngle = getPolarAngle( startPoint - centerPoint ); double arcEndAngle = getPolarAngle( endPoint - centerPoint ); double arcAngleDeciDeg = arcEndAngle - arcStartAngle; if( cw ) arcAngleDeciDeg = NormalizeAnglePos( arcAngleDeciDeg ); else arcAngleDeciDeg = NormalizeAngleNeg( arcAngleDeciDeg ); SHAPE_ARC tempArc( VECTOR2I(centerPoint), VECTOR2I(startPoint), arcAngleDeciDeg / 10.0 ); SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN arcSegments = tempArc.ConvertToPolyline( Millimeter2iu( 0.1 ) ); // Load the arc as a series of piece-wise segments for( int jj = 0; jj < arcSegments.SegmentCount(); jj++ ) { wxPoint segStart = (wxPoint) arcSegments.Segment( jj ).A; wxPoint segEnd = (wxPoint) arcSegments.Segment( jj ).B; loadGraphicStaightSegment( segStart, segEnd, aCadstarLineCodeID, aCadstarSheetID, aKiCadSchLayerID, aMoveVector, aRotationAngleDeciDeg, aScalingFactor, aTransformCentre, aMirrorInvert ); } } break; case VERTEX_TYPE::POINT: loadGraphicStaightSegment( startPoint, endPoint, aCadstarLineCodeID, aCadstarSheetID, aKiCadSchLayerID, aMoveVector, aRotationAngleDeciDeg, aScalingFactor, aTransformCentre, aMirrorInvert ); break; default: wxFAIL_MSG( "Unknown CADSTAR Vertex type" ); } prev = cur; } } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::loadFigure( const FIGURE& aCadstarFigure, const LAYER_ID& aCadstarSheetIDOverride, SCH_LAYER_ID aKiCadSchLayerID, const wxPoint& aMoveVector, const double& aRotationAngleDeciDeg, const double& aScalingFactor, const wxPoint& aTransformCentre, const bool& aMirrorInvert ) { loadShapeVertices( aCadstarFigure.Shape.Vertices, aCadstarFigure.LineCodeID, aCadstarSheetIDOverride, aKiCadSchLayerID, aMoveVector, aRotationAngleDeciDeg, aScalingFactor, aTransformCentre, aMirrorInvert ); for( CUTOUT cutout : aCadstarFigure.Shape.Cutouts ) { loadShapeVertices( cutout.Vertices, aCadstarFigure.LineCodeID, aCadstarSheetIDOverride, aKiCadSchLayerID, aMoveVector, aRotationAngleDeciDeg, aScalingFactor, aTransformCentre, aMirrorInvert ); } } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::loadSheetAndChildSheets( LAYER_ID aCadstarSheetID, wxPoint aPosition, wxSize aSheetSize, const SCH_SHEET_PATH& aParentSheet ) { wxCHECK_MSG( mSheetMap.find( aCadstarSheetID ) == mSheetMap.end(), , "Sheet already loaded!" ); SCH_SHEET* sheet = new SCH_SHEET( aParentSheet.Last(), aPosition ); SCH_SCREEN* screen = new SCH_SCREEN( mSchematic ); SCH_SHEET_PATH instance( aParentSheet ); sheet->SetSize( aSheetSize ); sheet->SetScreen( screen ); wxString name = Sheets.SheetNames.at( aCadstarSheetID ); SCH_FIELD& sheetNameField = sheet->GetFields()[SHEETNAME]; SCH_FIELD& filenameField = sheet->GetFields()[SHEETFILENAME]; sheetNameField.SetText( name ); int sheetNum = getSheetNumber( aCadstarSheetID ); wxString loadedFilename = wxFileName( Filename ).GetName(); std::string filename = wxString::Format( "%s_%02d", loadedFilename, sheetNum ).ToStdString(); ReplaceIllegalFileNameChars( &filename ); filename += wxT( "." ) + KiCadSchematicFileExtension; filenameField.SetText( filename ); wxFileName fn( filename ); sheet->GetScreen()->SetFileName( fn.GetFullPath() ); aParentSheet.Last()->GetScreen()->Append( sheet ); instance.push_back( sheet ); sheet->AddInstance( instance.Path() ); wxString pageNumStr = wxString::Format( "%d", getSheetNumber( aCadstarSheetID ) ); sheet->SetPageNumber( instance, pageNumStr ); mSheetMap.insert( { aCadstarSheetID, sheet } ); loadChildSheets( aCadstarSheetID, instance ); } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::loadChildSheets( LAYER_ID aCadstarSheetID, const SCH_SHEET_PATH& aSheet ) { wxCHECK_MSG( mSheetMap.find( aCadstarSheetID ) != mSheetMap.end(), , "FIXME! Parent sheet should be loaded before attempting to load subsheets" ); for( std::pair blockPair : Schematic.Blocks ) { BLOCK& block = blockPair.second; if( block.LayerID == aCadstarSheetID && block.Type == BLOCK::TYPE::CHILD ) { if( block.AssocLayerID == wxT( "NO_LINK" ) ) { if( block.Figures.size() > 0 ) { wxLogError( wxString::Format( _( "The block ID %s (Block name: '%s') is drawn on sheet '%s' but is " "not linked to another sheet in the design. KiCad requires all " "sheet symbols to be associated to a sheet, so the block was not " "loaded." ), block.ID, block.Name, Sheets.SheetNames.at( aCadstarSheetID ) ) ); } continue; } // In KiCad you can only draw rectangular shapes whereas in Cadstar arbitrary shapes // are allowed. We will calculate the extents of the Cadstar shape and draw a rectangle std::pair blockExtents; if( block.Figures.size() > 0 ) { blockExtents = getFigureExtentsKiCad( block.Figures.begin()->second ); } else { THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "The CADSTAR schematic might be corrupt: Block %s references a " "child sheet but has no Figure defined." ), block.ID ) ); } loadSheetAndChildSheets( block.AssocLayerID, blockExtents.first, blockExtents.second, aSheet ); if( block.HasBlockLabel ) { // Add the block label as a separate field SCH_SHEET* loadedSheet = mSheetMap.at( block.AssocLayerID ); SCH_FIELDS fields = loadedSheet->GetFields(); for( SCH_FIELD& field : fields ) { field.SetVisible( false ); } SCH_FIELD blockNameField( getKiCadPoint( block.BlockLabel.Position ), 2, loadedSheet, wxString( "Block name" ) ); blockNameField.SetTextAngle( getAngleTenthDegree( block.BlockLabel.OrientAngle ) ); blockNameField.SetText( block.Name ); blockNameField.SetVisible( true ); applyTextSettings( block.BlockLabel.TextCodeID, block.BlockLabel.Alignment, block.BlockLabel.Justification, &blockNameField ); fields.push_back( blockNameField ); loadedSheet->SetFields( fields ); } } } } std::vector CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::findOrphanSheets() { std::vector childSheets, orphanSheets; //Find all sheets that are child of another for( std::pair blockPair : Schematic.Blocks ) { BLOCK& block = blockPair.second; LAYER_ID& assocSheetID = block.AssocLayerID; if( block.Type == BLOCK::TYPE::CHILD ) childSheets.push_back( assocSheetID ); } //Add sheets that do not have a parent for( LAYER_ID sheetID : Sheets.SheetOrder ) { if( std::find( childSheets.begin(), childSheets.end(), sheetID ) == childSheets.end() ) orphanSheets.push_back( sheetID ); } return orphanSheets; } int CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getSheetNumber( LAYER_ID aCadstarSheetID ) { int i = 1; for( LAYER_ID sheetID : Sheets.SheetOrder ) { if( sheetID == aCadstarSheetID ) return i; ++i; } return -1; } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::loadItemOntoKiCadSheet( LAYER_ID aCadstarSheetID, SCH_ITEM* aItem ) { wxCHECK_MSG( aItem, /*void*/, "aItem is null" ); if( aCadstarSheetID == "ALL_SHEETS" ) { SCH_ITEM* duplicateItem; for( std::pair sheetPair : Sheets.SheetNames ) { LAYER_ID sheetID = sheetPair.first; duplicateItem = aItem->Duplicate(); mSheetMap.at( sheetID )->GetScreen()->Append( aItem->Duplicate() ); } //Get rid of the extra copy: delete aItem; aItem = duplicateItem; } else if( aCadstarSheetID == "NO_SHEET" ) { wxASSERT_MSG( false, "Trying to add an item to NO_SHEET? This might be a documentation symbol." ); } else { if( mSheetMap.find( aCadstarSheetID ) != mSheetMap.end() ) { mSheetMap.at( aCadstarSheetID )->GetScreen()->Append( aItem ); } else { delete aItem; wxASSERT_MSG( false, "Unknown Sheet ID." ); } } } CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::SYMDEF_ID CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getSymDefFromName( const wxString& aSymdefName, const wxString& aSymDefAlternate ) { for( std::pair symPair : Library.SymbolDefinitions ) { SYMDEF_ID id = symPair.first; SYMDEF_SCM symdef = symPair.second; if( symdef.ReferenceName == aSymdefName && symdef.Alternate == aSymDefAlternate ) return id; } return SYMDEF_ID(); } bool CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::isAttributeVisible( const ATTRIBUTE_ID& aCadstarAttributeID ) { // Use CADSTAR visibility settings to determine if an attribute is visible if( AttrColors.AttributeColors.find( aCadstarAttributeID ) != AttrColors.AttributeColors.end() ) { return AttrColors.AttributeColors.at( aCadstarAttributeID ).IsVisible; } return false; // If there is no visibility setting, assume not displayed } int CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getLineThickness( const LINECODE_ID& aCadstarLineCodeID ) { wxCHECK( Assignments.Codedefs.LineCodes.find( aCadstarLineCodeID ) != Assignments.Codedefs.LineCodes.end(), mSchematic->Settings().m_DefaultWireThickness ); return getKiCadLength( Assignments.Codedefs.LineCodes.at( aCadstarLineCodeID ).Width ); } PLOT_DASH_TYPE CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getLineStyle( const LINECODE_ID& aCadstarLineCodeID ) { wxCHECK( Assignments.Codedefs.LineCodes.find( aCadstarLineCodeID ) != Assignments.Codedefs.LineCodes.end(), PLOT_DASH_TYPE::SOLID ); // clang-format off switch( Assignments.Codedefs.LineCodes.at( aCadstarLineCodeID ).Style ) { case LINESTYLE::DASH: return PLOT_DASH_TYPE::DASH; case LINESTYLE::DASHDOT: return PLOT_DASH_TYPE::DASHDOT; case LINESTYLE::DASHDOTDOT: return PLOT_DASH_TYPE::DASHDOT; //TODO: update in future case LINESTYLE::DOT: return PLOT_DASH_TYPE::DOT; case LINESTYLE::SOLID: return PLOT_DASH_TYPE::SOLID; default: return PLOT_DASH_TYPE::DEFAULT; } // clang-format on return PLOT_DASH_TYPE(); } CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::TEXTCODE CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getTextCode( const TEXTCODE_ID& aCadstarTextCodeID ) { wxCHECK( Assignments.Codedefs.TextCodes.find( aCadstarTextCodeID ) != Assignments.Codedefs.TextCodes.end(), TEXTCODE() ); return Assignments.Codedefs.TextCodes.at( aCadstarTextCodeID ); } wxString CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getAttributeName( const ATTRIBUTE_ID& aCadstarAttributeID ) { wxCHECK( Assignments.Codedefs.AttributeNames.find( aCadstarAttributeID ) != Assignments.Codedefs.AttributeNames.end(), wxEmptyString ); return Assignments.Codedefs.AttributeNames.at( aCadstarAttributeID ).Name; } CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::PART CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getPart( const PART_ID& aCadstarPartID ) { wxCHECK( Parts.PartDefinitions.find( aCadstarPartID ) != Parts.PartDefinitions.end(), PART() ); return Parts.PartDefinitions.at( aCadstarPartID ); } CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::ROUTECODE CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getRouteCode( const ROUTECODE_ID& aCadstarRouteCodeID ) { wxCHECK( Assignments.Codedefs.RouteCodes.find( aCadstarRouteCodeID ) != Assignments.Codedefs.RouteCodes.end(), ROUTECODE() ); return Assignments.Codedefs.RouteCodes.at( aCadstarRouteCodeID ); } wxString CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getAttributeValue( const ATTRIBUTE_ID& aCadstarAttributeID, const std::map& aCadstarAttributeMap ) { wxCHECK( aCadstarAttributeMap.find( aCadstarAttributeID ) != aCadstarAttributeMap.end(), wxEmptyString ); return aCadstarAttributeMap.at( aCadstarAttributeID ).Value; } CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::PART::DEFINITION::PIN CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getPartDefinitionPin( const PART& aCadstarPart, const GATE_ID& aGateID, const TERMINAL_ID& aTerminalID ) { for( std::pair pinPair : aCadstarPart.Definition.Pins ) { PART::DEFINITION::PIN partPin = pinPair.second; if( partPin.TerminalGate == aGateID && partPin.TerminalPin == aTerminalID ) return partPin; } return PART::DEFINITION::PIN(); } int CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getKiCadUnitNumberFromGate( const GATE_ID& aCadstarGateID ) { if( aCadstarGateID.IsEmpty() ) return 1; return (int) aCadstarGateID.Upper().GetChar( 0 ) - (int) wxUniChar( 'A' ) + 1; } LABEL_SPIN_STYLE CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getSpinStyle( const long long& aCadstarOrientation, bool aMirror ) { double orientationDeciDegree = getAngleTenthDegree( aCadstarOrientation ); LABEL_SPIN_STYLE spinStyle = getSpinStyleDeciDeg( orientationDeciDegree ); if( aMirror ) { spinStyle = spinStyle.RotateCCW(); spinStyle = spinStyle.RotateCCW(); } return spinStyle; } LABEL_SPIN_STYLE CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getSpinStyleDeciDeg( const double& aOrientationDeciDeg ) { LABEL_SPIN_STYLE spinStyle = LABEL_SPIN_STYLE::LEFT; int oDeg = (int) NormalizeAngle180( aOrientationDeciDeg ); if( oDeg >= -450 && oDeg <= 450 ) spinStyle = LABEL_SPIN_STYLE::RIGHT; // 0deg else if( oDeg >= 450 && oDeg <= 1350 ) spinStyle = LABEL_SPIN_STYLE::BOTTOM; // 90deg else if( oDeg >= 1350 || oDeg <= -1350 ) spinStyle = LABEL_SPIN_STYLE::LEFT; // 180deg else spinStyle = LABEL_SPIN_STYLE::UP; // 270deg return spinStyle; } void CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::applyTextSettings( const TEXTCODE_ID& aCadstarTextCodeID, const ALIGNMENT& aCadstarAlignment, const JUSTIFICATION& aCadstarJustification, EDA_TEXT* aKiCadTextItem ) { TEXTCODE textCode = getTextCode( aCadstarTextCodeID ); int textHeight = KiROUND( (double) getKiCadLength( textCode.Height ) * TXT_HEIGHT_RATIO ); aKiCadTextItem->SetTextWidth( getKiCadLength( textCode.Width ) ); aKiCadTextItem->SetTextHeight( textHeight ); aKiCadTextItem->SetTextThickness( getKiCadLength( textCode.LineWidth ) ); switch( aCadstarAlignment ) { case ALIGNMENT::NO_ALIGNMENT: // Bottom left of the first line FixTextPositionNoAlignment( aKiCadTextItem ); KI_FALLTHROUGH; case ALIGNMENT::BOTTOMLEFT: aKiCadTextItem->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM ); aKiCadTextItem->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT ); break; case ALIGNMENT::BOTTOMCENTER: aKiCadTextItem->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM ); aKiCadTextItem->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER ); break; case ALIGNMENT::BOTTOMRIGHT: aKiCadTextItem->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM ); aKiCadTextItem->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT ); break; case ALIGNMENT::CENTERLEFT: aKiCadTextItem->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER ); aKiCadTextItem->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT ); break; case ALIGNMENT::CENTERCENTER: aKiCadTextItem->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER ); aKiCadTextItem->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER ); break; case ALIGNMENT::CENTERRIGHT: aKiCadTextItem->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER ); aKiCadTextItem->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT ); break; case ALIGNMENT::TOPLEFT: aKiCadTextItem->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP ); aKiCadTextItem->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT ); break; case ALIGNMENT::TOPCENTER: aKiCadTextItem->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP ); aKiCadTextItem->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER ); break; case ALIGNMENT::TOPRIGHT: aKiCadTextItem->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP ); aKiCadTextItem->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT ); break; } } SCH_TEXT* CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getKiCadSchText( const TEXT& aCadstarTextElement ) { SCH_TEXT* kiTxt = new SCH_TEXT(); kiTxt->SetPosition( getKiCadPoint( aCadstarTextElement.Position ) ); kiTxt->SetText( aCadstarTextElement.Text ); kiTxt->SetTextAngle( getAngleTenthDegree( aCadstarTextElement.OrientAngle ) ); kiTxt->SetMirrored( aCadstarTextElement.Mirror ); applyTextSettings( aCadstarTextElement.TextCodeID, aCadstarTextElement.Alignment, aCadstarTextElement.Justification, kiTxt ); return kiTxt; } std::pair CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getFigureExtentsKiCad( const FIGURE& aCadstarFigure ) { wxPoint upperLeft( Assignments.Settings.DesignLimit.x, 0 ); wxPoint lowerRight( 0, Assignments.Settings.DesignLimit.y ); for( const VERTEX& v : aCadstarFigure.Shape.Vertices ) { if( upperLeft.x > v.End.x ) upperLeft.x = v.End.x; if( upperLeft.y < v.End.y ) upperLeft.y = v.End.y; if( lowerRight.x < v.End.x ) lowerRight.x = v.End.x; if( lowerRight.y > v.End.y ) lowerRight.y = v.End.y; } for( CUTOUT cutout : aCadstarFigure.Shape.Cutouts ) { for( const VERTEX& v : aCadstarFigure.Shape.Vertices ) { if( upperLeft.x > v.End.x ) upperLeft.x = v.End.x; if( upperLeft.y < v.End.y ) upperLeft.y = v.End.y; if( lowerRight.x < v.End.x ) lowerRight.x = v.End.x; if( lowerRight.y > v.End.y ) lowerRight.y = v.End.y; } } wxPoint upperLeftKiCad = getKiCadPoint( upperLeft ); wxPoint lowerRightKiCad = getKiCadPoint( lowerRight ); wxPoint size = lowerRightKiCad - upperLeftKiCad; return { upperLeftKiCad, wxSize( abs( size.x ), abs( size.y ) ) }; } wxPoint CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getKiCadPoint( wxPoint aCadstarPoint ) { wxPoint retval; retval.x = ( aCadstarPoint.x - mDesignCenter.x ) * KiCadUnitMultiplier; retval.y = -( aCadstarPoint.y - mDesignCenter.y ) * KiCadUnitMultiplier; return retval; } wxPoint CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getKiCadLibraryPoint( wxPoint aCadstarPoint, wxPoint aCadstarCentre ) { wxPoint retval; retval.x = ( aCadstarPoint.x - aCadstarCentre.x ) * KiCadUnitMultiplier; retval.y = ( aCadstarPoint.y - aCadstarCentre.y ) * KiCadUnitMultiplier; return retval; } wxPoint CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::applyTransform( const wxPoint& aPoint, const wxPoint& aMoveVector, const double& aRotationAngleDeciDeg, const double& aScalingFactor, const wxPoint& aTransformCentre, const bool& aMirrorInvert ) { wxPoint retVal = aPoint; if( aScalingFactor != 1.0 ) { //scale point retVal -= aTransformCentre; retVal.x = KiROUND( retVal.x * aScalingFactor ); retVal.y = KiROUND( retVal.y * aScalingFactor ); retVal += aTransformCentre; } if( aMirrorInvert ) { MIRROR( retVal.x, aTransformCentre.x ); MIRROR( retVal.x, aTransformCentre.x ); } if( aRotationAngleDeciDeg != 0.0 ) { RotatePoint( &retVal, aTransformCentre, aRotationAngleDeciDeg ); } if( aMoveVector != wxPoint{ 0, 0 } ) { retVal += aMoveVector; } return retVal; } double CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getPolarAngle( wxPoint aPoint ) { return NormalizeAnglePos( ArcTangente( aPoint.y, aPoint.x ) ); } double CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getPolarRadius( wxPoint aPoint ) { return sqrt( ( (double) aPoint.x * (double) aPoint.x ) + ( (double) aPoint.y * (double) aPoint.y ) ); }