/***********************************************/ /* Routine de Generation du fichier de percage */ /***********************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "plot_common.h" #include "trigo.h" #include "pcbnew.h" #include "pcbplot.h" #include "autorout.h" #include "macros.h" #include "protos.h" /* Generation du fichier de percage en format EXCELLON Variantes supportees: - Decimal : coord flottantes en pouces - Metric : coord entieres en 1/10000 mm format "Trailling Zero" ( TZ ) On peut aussi generer le plan de percage en format HPGL ou PS */ /* Routines importees */ class FORET { public: int m_TotalCount; int m_OvalCount; int m_Diameter; }; /* drill precision format */ class DrillPrecision { public: int m_lhs; int m_rhs; public: DrillPrecision(int l, int r) {m_lhs=l; m_rhs=r;} }; /* zeros format */ enum zeros_fmt { DECIMAL_FORMAT, SUPPRESS_LEADING, SUPPRESS_TRAILING, KEEP_ZEROS }; /* Routines Locales */ static void Fin_Drill(void); static void PlotDrillSymbol(const wxPoint & position,int diametre,int num_forme,int format); static void PlotOvalDrillSymbol(const wxPoint & position,const wxSize & size,int orient,int format); /* Variables locales : */ static int DrillToolsCount; /* Nombre de forets a utiliser */ static float conv_unit; /* coeff de conversion des unites drill / pcb */ static bool Unit_Drill_is_Inch = TRUE; /* INCH,LZ (2:4) */ static int s_Zeros_Format = DECIMAL_FORMAT; static DrillPrecision s_Precision(2,4); static bool DrillOriginIsAuxAxis; // Axis selection (main / auxiliary) for Drill Origin coordinates static wxPoint File_Drill_Offset; /* Offset des coord de percage pour le fichier généré */ static bool Minimal = false; static bool Mirror = true; // Keywords for read and write config #define ZerosFormatKey wxT("DrillZerosFormat") #define LeftPrecisionKey wxT("DrillLeftPrecisionOpt") #define RightPrecisionKey wxT("DrillRightPrecisionOpt") #define MirrorKey wxT("DrillMirrorYOpt") #define MinimalKey wxT("DrillMinHeader") #define UnitDrillInchKey wxT("DrillUnit") #define DrillOriginIsAuxAxisKey wxT("DrillAuxAxis") /****************************************/ /* Dialog box for drill file generation */ /****************************************/ enum id_drill { ID_CREATE_DRILL_FILES = 1370, ID_CLOSE_DRILL, ID_SEL_DRILL_UNITS, ID_SEL_DRILL_SHEET, ID_SEL_DRILL_REPORT, ID_SEL_ZEROS_FMT, ID_SEL_PRECISION }; class WinEDA_DrillFrame: public wxDialog { WinEDA_PcbFrame * m_Parent; wxRadioBox * m_Choice_Drill_Map; wxRadioBox * m_Choice_Drill_Report; wxRadioBox * m_Choice_Unit; wxRadioBox * m_Choice_Drill_Offset; WinEDA_EnterText * m_EnterFileNameDrill; WinEDA_ValueCtrl * m_ViaDrillCtrl; WinEDA_ValueCtrl * m_PenSpeed; WinEDA_ValueCtrl * m_PenNum; wxCheckBox * m_Check_Mirror; wxCheckBox * m_Check_Minimal; wxRadioBox * m_Choice_Zeros_Format; wxRadioBox * m_Choice_Precision; // Constructor and destructor public: WinEDA_DrillFrame(WinEDA_PcbFrame *parent); ~WinEDA_DrillFrame(void) {}; private: void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event); void SetParams(void); void GenDrillFiles(wxCommandEvent& event); void GenDrillMap(int format); void UpdatePrecisionOptions(wxCommandEvent& event); void UpdateConfig(void); int Plot_Drill_PcbMap( FORET * buffer, int format); void GenDrillReport(const wxString & FullFileName); int Gen_Liste_Forets( FORET * buffer,bool print_header); int Gen_Drill_File_EXCELLON( FORET * buffer); void Gen_Line_EXCELLON(char *line, float x, float y); void Init_Drill(void); DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(WinEDA_DrillFrame, wxDialog) EVT_BUTTON(ID_CLOSE_DRILL, WinEDA_DrillFrame::OnQuit) EVT_BUTTON(ID_CREATE_DRILL_FILES, WinEDA_DrillFrame::GenDrillFiles) EVT_RADIOBOX(ID_SEL_DRILL_UNITS, WinEDA_DrillFrame::UpdatePrecisionOptions) EVT_RADIOBOX(ID_SEL_ZEROS_FMT, WinEDA_DrillFrame::UpdatePrecisionOptions) END_EVENT_TABLE() #define H_SIZE 550 #define V_SIZE 250 /*************************************************************************/ WinEDA_DrillFrame::WinEDA_DrillFrame(WinEDA_PcbFrame *parent): wxDialog(parent, -1, _("Drill tools"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(H_SIZE, V_SIZE), DIALOG_STYLE) /*************************************************************************/ { m_Parent = parent; SetFont(*g_DialogFont); SetReturnCode(1); wxBoxSizer * MainBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); SetSizer(MainBoxSizer); wxBoxSizer * LeftBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); wxBoxSizer * MiddleBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); wxBoxSizer * RightBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); MainBoxSizer->Add(LeftBoxSizer, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); MainBoxSizer->Add(MiddleBoxSizer, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); MainBoxSizer->Add(RightBoxSizer, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5); /* first column, NC drill options */ wxString choice_unit_msg[] = {_("millimeters"), _("inches") }; m_Choice_Unit = new wxRadioBox(this, ID_SEL_DRILL_UNITS, _("Drill Units:"), wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(-1,-1), 2,choice_unit_msg,1,wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS); if ( Unit_Drill_is_Inch )m_Choice_Unit->SetSelection(1); LeftBoxSizer->Add(m_Choice_Unit, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); wxString choice_zeros_format_msg[] = { _("decimal format"), _("suppress leading zeros"), _("suppress trailing zeros"), _("keep zeros") }; m_Choice_Zeros_Format = new wxRadioBox(this, ID_SEL_ZEROS_FMT, _("Zeros Format"), wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(-1,-1), 4,choice_zeros_format_msg,1,wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS); m_Choice_Zeros_Format->SetSelection(s_Zeros_Format); LeftBoxSizer->Add(m_Choice_Zeros_Format, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); wxString *choice_precision_msg; wxString choice_precision_inch_msg[] = { _("2:3"), _("2:4")}; wxString choice_precision_metric_msg[] = { _("3:2"), _("3:3")}; if (Unit_Drill_is_Inch) choice_precision_msg = choice_precision_inch_msg; else choice_precision_msg = choice_precision_metric_msg; m_Choice_Precision = new wxRadioBox(this, ID_SEL_PRECISION, _("Precision"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(-1,-1), 2,choice_precision_msg,1,wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS); LeftBoxSizer->Add(m_Choice_Precision, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); wxString ps; ps << s_Precision.m_lhs << wxT(":") << s_Precision.m_rhs; m_Choice_Precision->SetStringSelection(ps); if (s_Zeros_Format==DECIMAL_FORMAT) m_Choice_Precision->Enable(false); wxString choice_drill_offset_msg[] = {_("absolute"), _("auxiliary axis")}; m_Choice_Drill_Offset = new wxRadioBox(this, ID_SEL_DRILL_SHEET, _("Drill Origin:"), wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(-1,-1), 2,choice_drill_offset_msg,1,wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS); if ( DrillOriginIsAuxAxis ) m_Choice_Drill_Offset->SetSelection(1); LeftBoxSizer->Add(m_Choice_Drill_Offset, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); /* second column */ wxString choice_drill_map_msg[] = {_("None"), _("drill sheet (HPGL)"), _("drill sheet (PostScript)")}; m_Choice_Drill_Map = new wxRadioBox(this, ID_SEL_DRILL_SHEET, _("Drill Sheet:"), wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(-1,-1), 3,choice_drill_map_msg,1,wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS); MiddleBoxSizer->Add(m_Choice_Drill_Map, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); wxString choice_drill_report_msg[] = {_("None"), _("Drill report") }; m_Choice_Drill_Report = new wxRadioBox(this, ID_SEL_DRILL_REPORT, _("Drill Report:"), wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(-1,-1), 2,choice_drill_report_msg,1,wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS); MiddleBoxSizer->Add(m_Choice_Drill_Report, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); m_ViaDrillCtrl = new WinEDA_ValueCtrl(this, _("Via Drill"), g_DesignSettings.m_ViaDrill, g_UnitMetric, MiddleBoxSizer, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits); m_PenNum = new WinEDA_ValueCtrl(this, _("Pen Number"), g_HPGL_Pen_Num, 2, MiddleBoxSizer, 1); m_PenSpeed = new WinEDA_ValueCtrl(this, _("Speed (cm/s)"), g_HPGL_Pen_Speed, CENTIMETRE, MiddleBoxSizer, 1); m_Check_Mirror = new wxCheckBox(this, -1, _("mirror y axis")); m_Check_Mirror->SetValue(Mirror); MiddleBoxSizer->Add(m_Check_Mirror, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); m_Check_Minimal = new wxCheckBox(this, -1, _("minimal header")); m_Check_Minimal->SetValue(Minimal); MiddleBoxSizer->Add(m_Check_Minimal, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); /* third column, buttons */ wxButton * Button = new wxButton(this, ID_CREATE_DRILL_FILES, _("&Execute")); Button->SetForegroundColour(*wxRED); RightBoxSizer->Add(Button, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); Button = new wxButton(this, ID_CLOSE_DRILL, _("&Close")); Button->SetForegroundColour(*wxBLUE); RightBoxSizer->Add(Button, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); GetSizer()->Fit(this); GetSizer()->SetSizeHints(this); Centre(); } /**************************************/ void WinEDA_DrillFrame::SetParams(void) /**************************************/ { Unit_Drill_is_Inch = (m_Choice_Unit->GetSelection() == 0) ? FALSE : TRUE; Minimal = m_Check_Minimal->IsChecked(); Mirror = m_Check_Mirror->IsChecked(); s_Zeros_Format = m_Choice_Zeros_Format->GetSelection(); DrillOriginIsAuxAxis = m_Choice_Drill_Offset->GetSelection(); g_DesignSettings.m_ViaDrill = m_ViaDrillCtrl->GetValue(); Unit_Drill_is_Inch = m_Choice_Unit->GetSelection(); g_HPGL_Pen_Speed = m_PenSpeed->GetValue(); g_HPGL_Pen_Num = m_PenNum->GetValue(); if ( m_Choice_Drill_Offset->GetSelection() == 0) File_Drill_Offset = wxPoint(0,0); else File_Drill_Offset = m_Parent->m_Auxiliary_Axis_Position; /* get precision from radio box strings (this just makes it easier to change options later)*/ wxString ps = m_Choice_Precision->GetStringSelection(); wxString l=ps.substr(0,1); wxString r=ps.substr(2,1); l.ToLong((long*)&s_Precision.m_lhs); r.ToLong((long*)&s_Precision.m_rhs); } /*****************************************************************/ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::InstallDrillFrame(wxCommandEvent& event) /*****************************************************************/ /* Thi function display and delete the dialog frame for drill tools */ { wxConfig * Config = m_Parent->m_EDA_Config; if( Config ) { Config->Read(ZerosFormatKey, & s_Zeros_Format ); Config->Read(LeftPrecisionKey, & s_Precision.m_lhs ); Config->Read(RightPrecisionKey, & s_Precision.m_rhs ); Config->Read(MirrorKey, &Mirror ); Config->Read(MinimalKey, &Minimal ); Config->Read(UnitDrillInchKey, &Unit_Drill_is_Inch ); Config->Read(DrillOriginIsAuxAxisKey, &DrillOriginIsAuxAxis ); } WinEDA_DrillFrame * frame = new WinEDA_DrillFrame(this); frame->ShowModal(); frame->Destroy(); } /******************************************/ void WinEDA_DrillFrame::UpdateConfig(void) /******************************************/ /* Save drill options: */ { SetParams(); wxConfig * Config = m_Parent->m_Parent->m_EDA_Config; if( Config ) { Config->Write(ZerosFormatKey, s_Zeros_Format); Config->Write(LeftPrecisionKey, s_Precision.m_lhs ); Config->Write(RightPrecisionKey, s_Precision.m_rhs ); Config->Write(MirrorKey, Mirror); Config->Write(MinimalKey, Minimal); Config->Write(UnitDrillInchKey, Unit_Drill_is_Inch); Config->Write(DrillOriginIsAuxAxisKey, DrillOriginIsAuxAxis); } } /****************************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrillFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) /****************************************************************/ { UpdateConfig(); /* Save drill options: */ Close(true); // true is to force the frame to close } /*************************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrillFrame::GenDrillFiles(wxCommandEvent& event) /*************************************************************/ { int ii; wxString FullFileName; wxString msg; UpdateConfig(); /* set params and Save drill options */ m_Parent->MsgPanel->EraseMsgBox(); /* Calcul des echelles de conversion */ conv_unit = 0.0001; /* unites = INCHES */ if( ! Unit_Drill_is_Inch) conv_unit = 0.000254; /* unites = mm */ /* Init nom fichier */ FullFileName = m_Parent->m_CurrentScreen->m_FileName; ChangeFileNameExt(FullFileName, wxT(".drl") ); FullFileName = EDA_FileSelector(_("Drill file"), wxEmptyString, /* Chemin par defaut */ FullFileName, /* nom fichier par defaut */ wxT(".drl"), /* extension par defaut */ wxT("*.drl"), /* Masque d'affichage */ this, wxFD_SAVE, TRUE ); if ( FullFileName != wxEmptyString ) { dest = wxFopen(FullFileName, wxT("w") ); if (dest == 0) { msg = _("Unable to create file ") + FullFileName; DisplayError(this, msg); EndModal(0); return ; } /* Init : */ Affiche_1_Parametre(m_Parent, 0,_("File"),FullFileName,BLUE) ; Init_Drill(); ii = Gen_Liste_Forets( (FORET *) adr_lowmem,TRUE); msg.Printf( wxT("%d"),ii); Affiche_1_Parametre(m_Parent, 30,_("Tools"), msg, BROWN); ii = Gen_Drill_File_EXCELLON( (FORET *) adr_lowmem); msg.Printf( wxT("%d"),ii); Affiche_1_Parametre(m_Parent, 45,_("Drill"), msg, GREEN); Fin_Drill(); } switch ( m_Choice_Drill_Map->GetSelection() ) { case 0: break; case 1: GenDrillMap(PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL); break; case 2: GenDrillMap(PLOT_FORMAT_POST); break; } if ( m_Choice_Drill_Report->GetSelection() > 0 ) { FullFileName << wxT(".rpt"); GenDrillReport(FullFileName); } EndModal(0); } /********************************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrillFrame::UpdatePrecisionOptions(wxCommandEvent& event) /********************************************************************/ { if (m_Choice_Unit->GetSelection()==1) { /* inch options */ m_Choice_Precision->SetString(0,_("2:3")); m_Choice_Precision->SetString(1,_("2:4")); } else { /* metric options */ m_Choice_Precision->SetString(0,_("3:2")); m_Choice_Precision->SetString(1,_("3:3")); } if (m_Choice_Zeros_Format->GetSelection()==DECIMAL_FORMAT) m_Choice_Precision->Enable(false); else m_Choice_Precision->Enable(true); } /***************************************************************/ int WinEDA_DrillFrame::Gen_Drill_File_EXCELLON( FORET * buffer) /***************************************************************/ /* Create the drill file in EXECELLON format Return hole count buffer: Drill tools list */ { FORET * foret; TRACK * pt_piste; D_PAD * pt_pad; MODULE * Module; int ii, diam, nb_trous; int x0, y0, xf, yf, xc, yc; float xt,yt; char line[1024]; /* Create the pad drill list : */ nb_trous = 0; /* Examen de la liste des forets */ for(ii = 0, foret = buffer; ii < DrillToolsCount; ii++, foret++) { sprintf(line,"T%d\n",ii+1); fputs(line,dest); /* Read the via list */ { pt_piste = m_Parent->m_Pcb->m_Track; for( ; pt_piste != NULL; pt_piste = (TRACK*) pt_piste->Pnext) { if(pt_piste->m_StructType != TYPEVIA) continue; if ( pt_piste->m_Drill == 0 ) continue; int via_drill = ( pt_piste->m_Drill < 0 ) ? g_DesignSettings.m_ViaDrill : pt_piste->m_Drill; if ( foret->m_Diameter != via_drill ) continue; x0 = pt_piste->m_Start.x - File_Drill_Offset.x; y0 = pt_piste->m_Start.y - File_Drill_Offset.y; // if (!Mirror) y0 *= -1; xt = float(x0) * conv_unit; yt = float(y0) * conv_unit; if(Unit_Drill_is_Inch) { Gen_Line_EXCELLON(line, xt, yt); } // else { /* metric 3:3 */ Gen_Line_EXCELLON(line, xt*10, yt*10); } // si les flottants sont ecrits avec , au lieu de . // conversion , -> . necessaire ! to_point( line ); fputs(line,dest); nb_trous++; } } /* Read pad list and create Drill infos for round holes only: */ Module = m_Parent->m_Pcb->m_Modules; for( ; Module != NULL; Module = (MODULE*)Module->Pnext ) { /* Examen des pastilles */ pt_pad = (D_PAD*) Module->m_Pads; for ( ; pt_pad != NULL; pt_pad = (D_PAD*)pt_pad->Pnext ) { if ( pt_pad->m_DrillShape != CIRCLE ) continue; diam = pt_pad->m_Drill.x; if ( diam == 0 ) continue; if(diam != foret->m_Diameter) continue; /* Compute the hole coordinates: */ x0 = pt_pad->m_Pos.x - File_Drill_Offset.x; y0 = pt_pad->m_Pos.y - File_Drill_Offset.y; // if (!Mirror) y0 *= -1; xt = float(x0) * conv_unit; yt = float(y0) * conv_unit; if(Unit_Drill_is_Inch) Gen_Line_EXCELLON(line, xt, yt); else Gen_Line_EXCELLON(line, xt*10, yt*10); to_point( line ); // Internationalization compensation (, to . for floats) fputs(line,dest); nb_trous++; } /* Fin examen 1 module */ } /* Fin 1 passe de foret */ /* Read pad list and create Drill infos for oblong holes only: */ Module = m_Parent->m_Pcb->m_Modules; for( ; Module != NULL; Module = (MODULE*)Module->Pnext ) { /* Examen des pastilles */ pt_pad = (D_PAD*) Module->m_Pads; for ( ; pt_pad != NULL; pt_pad = (D_PAD*)pt_pad->Pnext ) { if ( pt_pad->m_DrillShape != OVALE ) continue; diam = MIN( pt_pad->m_Drill.x, pt_pad->m_Drill.y ) ; if ( diam == 0 ) continue; if(diam != foret->m_Diameter) continue; /* Compute the hole coordinates: */ xc = x0 = xf = pt_pad->m_Pos.x - File_Drill_Offset.x; yc = y0 = yf = pt_pad->m_Pos.y - File_Drill_Offset.y; /* Compute the start and end coordinates for the shape */ if ( pt_pad->m_Drill.x < pt_pad->m_Drill.y ) { int delta = (pt_pad->m_Drill.y - pt_pad->m_Drill.x) / 2; y0 -= delta; yf += delta; } else { int delta = (pt_pad->m_Drill.x - pt_pad->m_Drill.y) / 2; x0 -= delta; xf += delta; } RotatePoint(&x0, &y0, xc, yc, pt_pad->m_Orient); RotatePoint(&xf, &yf, xc, yc, pt_pad->m_Orient); // if (!Mirror) { y0 *= -1; yf *= -1; } // sprintf(line,"T%d\n",ii+1); fputs(line,dest); xt = float(x0) * conv_unit; yt = float(y0) * conv_unit; if(Unit_Drill_is_Inch) Gen_Line_EXCELLON(line, xt, yt); else Gen_Line_EXCELLON(line, xt*10, yt*10); to_point( line ); /* remove the '\n' from end of line: */ for ( int kk = 0; line[kk] != 0; kk++ ) if ( line[kk] == '\n' || line[kk] =='\r' ) line[kk] = 0; fputs(line,dest); fputs("G85",dest); xt = float(xf) * conv_unit; yt = float(yf) * conv_unit; if(Unit_Drill_is_Inch) Gen_Line_EXCELLON(line, xt, yt); else Gen_Line_EXCELLON(line, xt*10, yt*10); to_point( line ); fputs(line,dest); fputs("G05\n",dest); nb_trous++; } /* Fin examen 1 module */ } /* fin analyse des trous de modules pour le foret en cours*/ } /* fin analyse des forets */ return(nb_trous); } /**********************************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrillFrame::Gen_Line_EXCELLON(char *line, float x, float y) /**********************************************************************/ { wxString xs, ys; int xpad = s_Precision.m_lhs + s_Precision.m_rhs; int ypad = xpad; /* I need to come up with an algorithm that handles any lhs:rhs format.*/ /* one idea is to take more inputs for xpad/ypad when metric is used. */ switch (s_Zeros_Format) { default: case DECIMAL_FORMAT: sprintf(line,"X%.3fY%.3f\n", x, y); break; case SUPPRESS_LEADING: /* that should work now */ for (int i=0;i< s_Precision.m_rhs;i++) { x*=10; y*=10; } sprintf(line,"X%dY%d\n", (int) round(x), (int) round(y) ); break; case SUPPRESS_TRAILING: { for (int i=0;i< s_Precision.m_rhs;i++) { x *= 10; y*=10; } if (x<0)xpad++; if (y<0)ypad++; xs.Printf( wxT("%0*d"), xpad, (int) round(x) ); ys.Printf( wxT("%0*d"), ypad, (int) round(y) ); size_t j=xs.Len()-1; while (xs[j] == '0' && j) xs.Truncate(j--); j=ys.Len()-1; while (ys[j] == '0' && j) ys.Truncate(j--); sprintf(line, "X%sY%s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8(xs), CONV_TO_UTF8(ys)); break; } case KEEP_ZEROS: for (int i=0;i< s_Precision.m_rhs;i++) { x *= 10; y*=10; } if (x<0)xpad++; if (y<0)ypad++; xs.Printf( wxT("%0*d"), xpad, (int) round(x) ); ys.Printf( wxT("%0*d"), ypad, (int) round(y) ); sprintf(line, "X%sY%s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8(xs), CONV_TO_UTF8(ys)); break; }; } /***************************************************/ /***************************************************/ FORET * GetOrAddForet( FORET * buffer, int diameter) /***************************************************/ /* Search the drill tool for the diameter "diameter" Create a new one if not found */ { int ii; FORET * foret; if(diameter == 0) return NULL; /* Search for an existing tool: */ for(ii = 0, foret = buffer ; ii < DrillToolsCount; ii++, foret++) { if(foret->m_Diameter == diameter) /* found */ return foret; } /* No tool found, we must create a new one */ DrillToolsCount ++; foret->m_TotalCount = 0; foret->m_OvalCount = 0; foret->m_Diameter = diameter; return foret; } /* Sort function by drill value */ int Sort_by_Drill_Value(void * foret1, void * foret2) { return( ((FORET*)foret1)->m_Diameter - ((FORET*)foret2)->m_Diameter); } /*********************************************************************/ int WinEDA_DrillFrame::Gen_Liste_Forets( FORET * buffer, bool print_header) /**********************************************************************/ /* Etablit la liste des forets de percage, dans l'ordre croissant des diametres Retourne: Nombre de Forets Mise a jour: DrillToolsCount = nombre de forets differents Genere une liste de DrillToolsCount structures FORET a partir de buffer */ { FORET * foret; D_PAD * pt_pad; MODULE * Module; int ii, diam; char line[1024]; DrillToolsCount = 0; foret = buffer; /* Create the via tools */ TRACK * pt_piste = m_Parent->m_Pcb->m_Track; for( ; pt_piste != NULL; pt_piste = (TRACK*) pt_piste->Pnext ) { if(pt_piste->m_StructType != TYPEVIA) continue; if ( pt_piste->m_Drill == 0 ) continue; int via_drill = g_DesignSettings.m_ViaDrill; if ( pt_piste->m_Drill > 0 ) // Drill value is not the default value via_drill = pt_piste->m_Drill; foret = GetOrAddForet( buffer, via_drill); if ( foret ) foret->m_TotalCount++; } /* Create the pad tools : */ Module = m_Parent->m_Pcb->m_Modules; for( ; Module != NULL; Module = (MODULE*)Module->Pnext ) { /* Examen des pastilles */ pt_pad = (D_PAD*) Module->m_Pads; for ( ; pt_pad != NULL; pt_pad = (D_PAD*)pt_pad->Pnext ) { if ( pt_pad->m_DrillShape == CIRCLE ) diam = pt_pad->m_Drill.x; else diam = MIN (pt_pad->m_Drill.x, pt_pad->m_Drill.y); if(diam == 0) continue; foret = GetOrAddForet( buffer, diam); if ( foret ) { foret->m_TotalCount++; if ( pt_pad->m_DrillShape == OVALE )foret->m_OvalCount++; } } /* Fin examen 1 module */ } /* tri des forets par ordre de diametre croissant */ qsort(buffer,DrillToolsCount,sizeof(FORET), (int(*)(const void *, const void * ))Sort_by_Drill_Value); /* Generation de la section liste des outils */ if (print_header) { for(ii = 0, foret = (FORET*) buffer ; ii < DrillToolsCount; ii++, foret++) { // if (Unit_Drill_is_Inch) /* does it need T01, T02 or is T1,T2 ok?*/ sprintf(line,"T%dC%.3f\n", ii+1, float(foret->m_Diameter) * conv_unit); else sprintf(line,"T%dC%.3f\n", ii+1, float(foret->m_Diameter) * conv_unit * 10.0); // to_point( line ); fputs(line,dest); } fputs("%\n",dest); if (!Minimal) fputs("M47\n",dest); /* Operator message */ fputs("G05\n",dest); /* Drill mode */ /* Units : */ if (Unit_Drill_is_Inch && !Minimal) fputs("M72\n",dest); /* M72 = inch mode */ else if (!Minimal) fputs("M71\n",dest); /* M71 = metric mode */ } return(DrillToolsCount); } /***************************************/ void WinEDA_DrillFrame::Init_Drill(void) /***************************************/ /* Print the DRILL file header */ { char Line[256]; fputs("M48\n",dest); if (!Minimal) { DateAndTime(Line); wxString Title = g_Main_Title + wxT(" ") + GetBuildVersion(); fprintf(dest,";DRILL file {%s} date %s\n",CONV_TO_UTF8(Title),Line); fputs(";FORMAT={",dest); fprintf(dest,"%s / absolute / ", CONV_TO_UTF8(m_Choice_Precision->GetStringSelection())); fprintf(dest,"%s / ",CONV_TO_UTF8(m_Choice_Unit->GetStringSelection())); fprintf(dest,"%s}\n",CONV_TO_UTF8(m_Choice_Zeros_Format->GetStringSelection())); fputs("R,T\nVER,1\nFMAT,2\n",dest); } if( Unit_Drill_is_Inch ) fputs("INCH",dest); // Si unites en INCHES else fputs("METRIC",dest); // Si unites en mm switch(s_Zeros_Format) { case SUPPRESS_LEADING: case DECIMAL_FORMAT: fputs(",TZ\n",dest); break; case SUPPRESS_TRAILING: fputs(",LZ\n",dest); break; case KEEP_ZEROS: fputs(",TZ\n",dest); // TZ is acceptable when all zeros are kept break; } if (!Minimal) fputs("TCST,OFF\nICI,OFF\nATC,ON\n",dest); } /************************/ void Fin_Drill(void) /************************/ { //add if minimal here fputs("T0\nM30\n",dest) ; fclose(dest) ; } /***********************************************/ void WinEDA_DrillFrame::GenDrillMap(int format) /***********************************************/ /* Genere le plan de percage (Drill map) format HPGL ou POSTSCRIPT */ { int ii, x, y; int plotX, plotY, TextWidth; FORET * foret; int intervalle = 0, CharSize = 0; EDA_BaseStruct * PtStruct; int old_g_PlotOrient = g_PlotOrient; wxString FullFileName, Mask(wxT("*")), Ext; char line[1024]; int dX, dY; wxPoint BoardCentre; int PlotMarge_in_mils = 400; // Margin in 1/1000 inch int marge = PlotMarge_in_mils * U_PCB; wxSize SheetSize; float fTextScale = 1.0; double scale_x = 1.0, scale_y = 1.0; Ki_PageDescr * SheetPS = NULL; wxString msg; /* Init extension */ switch( format ) { case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: Ext = wxT("-drl.plt"); break; case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: Ext = wxT("-drl.ps"); break; default: DisplayError (this, wxT("WinEDA_DrillFrame::GenDrillMap() error")); return; } /* Init file name */ FullFileName = m_Parent->m_CurrentScreen->m_FileName; ChangeFileNameExt(FullFileName,Ext) ; Mask += Ext; FullFileName = EDA_FileSelector(_("Drill Map file"), wxEmptyString, /* Chemin par defaut */ FullFileName, /* nom fichier par defaut */ Ext, /* extension par defaut */ Mask, /* Masque d'affichage */ this, wxFD_SAVE, TRUE ); if ( FullFileName.IsEmpty()) return; g_PlotOrient = 0; /* calcul des dimensions et centre du PCB */ m_Parent->m_Pcb->ComputeBoundaryBox(); dX = m_Parent->m_Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.GetWidth(); dY = m_Parent->m_Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.GetHeight(); BoardCentre = m_Parent->m_Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.Centre(); // Calcul de l'echelle du dessin du PCB, // Echelle 1 en HPGL, dessin sur feuille A4 en PS, + texte description des symboles switch( format ) { case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: /* Calcul des echelles de conversion format HPGL */ Scale_X = Scale_Y = 1.0; scale_x = Scale_X * SCALE_HPGL; scale_y = Scale_Y * SCALE_HPGL; fTextScale = SCALE_HPGL; SheetSize = m_Parent->m_CurrentScreen->m_CurrentSheet->m_Size; SheetSize.x *= U_PCB; SheetSize.y *= U_PCB; g_PlotOffset.x = 0; g_PlotOffset.y = (int)(SheetSize.y * scale_y); break; case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: { // calcul en unites internes des dimensions de la feuille ( connues en 1/1000 pouce ) SheetPS = &g_Sheet_A4; SheetSize.x = SheetPS->m_Size.x * U_PCB; SheetSize.y = SheetPS->m_Size.y * U_PCB; float Xscale = (float) (SheetSize.x - (marge*2)) / dX; float Yscale = (float) (SheetSize.y * 0.6 - (marge*2)) / dY; scale_x = scale_y = min(Xscale, Yscale); g_PlotOffset.x = - (SheetSize.x/2) + (int)(BoardCentre.x * scale_x) + marge; g_PlotOffset.y = SheetSize.y/2 + (int)(BoardCentre.y * scale_y) - marge; g_PlotOffset.y += SheetSize.y / 8 ; /* decalage pour legende */ break; } } dest = wxFopen(FullFileName, wxT("wt") ); if (dest == 0) { msg.Printf( _("Unable to create file <%s>"),FullFileName.GetData()) ; DisplayError(this, msg); return ; } /* Init : */ m_Parent->MsgPanel->EraseMsgBox(); Affiche_1_Parametre(m_Parent, 0,_("File"), FullFileName, BLUE); /* Calcul de la liste des diametres de percage (liste des forets) */ ii = Gen_Liste_Forets( (FORET *) adr_lowmem, FALSE); msg.Printf( wxT("%d"),ii); Affiche_1_Parametre(m_Parent, 48, _("Tools"), msg, BROWN); switch( format ) { case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: InitPlotParametresHPGL(g_PlotOffset, scale_x, scale_y); PrintHeaderHPGL(dest, g_HPGL_Pen_Speed,g_HPGL_Pen_Num); break; case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: { int BBox[4]; BBox[0] = BBox[1] = PlotMarge_in_mils; BBox[2] = SheetPS->m_Size.x - PlotMarge_in_mils; BBox[3] = SheetPS->m_Size.y - PlotMarge_in_mils; InitPlotParametresPS(g_PlotOffset, SheetPS, (double) 1.0 / PCB_INTERNAL_UNIT, (double) 1.0 / PCB_INTERNAL_UNIT); SetDefaultLineWidthPS(10); // Set line with to 10/1000 inch PrintHeaderPS(dest, wxT("PCBNEW-PS"), FullFileName, BBox); InitPlotParametresPS(g_PlotOffset, SheetPS, scale_x, scale_y); } break; default: break; } /* Trace du contour ( couche EDGE ) */ PtStruct = m_Parent->m_Pcb->m_Drawings; for( ; PtStruct != NULL; PtStruct = PtStruct->Pnext ) { switch( PtStruct->m_StructType ) { case TYPEDRAWSEGMENT: PlotDrawSegment( (DRAWSEGMENT*) PtStruct, format, EDGE_LAYER ); break; case TYPETEXTE: PlotTextePcb((TEXTE_PCB*) PtStruct, format, EDGE_LAYER); break; case TYPECOTATION: PlotCotation((COTATION*) PtStruct, format, EDGE_LAYER); break; case TYPEMIRE: PlotMirePcb((MIREPCB*) PtStruct, format, EDGE_LAYER); break; default: DisplayError(this, wxT("WinEDA_DrillFrame::GenDrillMap() : Unexpected Draw Type") ); break; } } TextWidth = (int)(50 * scale_x); // Set Drill Symbols width if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) { sprintf( line, "%d setlinewidth\n", TextWidth ); fputs(line,dest); } ii = Plot_Drill_PcbMap( (FORET *) adr_lowmem, format); msg.Printf( wxT("%d"),ii); Affiche_1_Parametre(m_Parent, 64, _("Drill"), msg,GREEN); /* Impression de la liste des symboles utilises */ CharSize = 600; /* hauteur des textes en 1/10000 mils */ float CharScale = 1.0; TextWidth = (int)(50 * CharScale); // Set text width intervalle = (int)(CharSize * CharScale) + TextWidth; switch( format) { case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: { /* generation des dim: commande SI x,y; x et y = dim en cm */ char csize[256]; sprintf(csize, "%2.3f", (float)CharSize * CharScale * 0.000254); to_point(csize); sprintf(line,"SI %s, %s;\n", csize, csize); break; } case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: /* Reglage de l'epaisseur de traits des textes */ sprintf( line,"%d setlinewidth\n", TextWidth ); break; default: *line = 0; break; } fputs(line,dest); switch( format ) { default: case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: g_PlotOffset.x = 0; g_PlotOffset.y = 0; InitPlotParametresPS(g_PlotOffset, SheetPS, scale_x, scale_x); break; case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: InitPlotParametresHPGL(g_PlotOffset, scale_x, scale_x); break; } /* Trace des informations */ /* Trace de "Infos" */ plotX = marge + 1000; plotY = CharSize + 1000; x = plotX ; y = plotY; x = +g_PlotOffset.x + (int)(x * fTextScale); y = g_PlotOffset.y - (int)(y * fTextScale); switch( format ) { case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: sprintf(line,"PU %d, %d; LBInfos\03;\n", x + (int)(intervalle * CharScale * fTextScale), y - (int)(CharSize / 2 * CharScale * fTextScale) ); fputs(line,dest); break; case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: wxString Text = wxT("Infos"); Plot_1_texte(format, Text, 0, TextWidth, x, y, (int) (CharSize * CharScale), (int) (CharSize * CharScale), FALSE); break; } plotY += (int)( intervalle * 1.2) + 200; for(ii = 0, foret = (FORET*)adr_lowmem ; ii < DrillToolsCount; ii++, foret++) { int plot_diam; if ( foret->m_TotalCount == 0 ) continue; plot_diam = (int)(foret->m_Diameter * scale_x); x = plotX; y = plotY; x = -g_PlotOffset.x + (int)(x * fTextScale); y = g_PlotOffset.y - (int)(y * fTextScale); PlotDrillSymbol(wxPoint(x,y),plot_diam,ii, format); intervalle = (int)(CharSize * CharScale) + TextWidth; intervalle = (int)( intervalle * 1.2); if ( intervalle < (plot_diam + 200 + TextWidth) ) intervalle = plot_diam + 200 + TextWidth; int rayon = plot_diam/2; x = plotX + rayon + (int)(CharSize * CharScale); y = plotY; x = -g_PlotOffset.x + (int)(x * fTextScale); y = g_PlotOffset.y - (int)(y * fTextScale); /* Trace de la legende associee */ switch( format ) { case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: sprintf(line,"PU %d, %d; LB%2.2fmm / %2.3f\" (%d holes)", x + (int)(intervalle * CharScale * fTextScale), y - (int)(CharSize / 2 * CharScale * fTextScale), float(foret->m_Diameter) * 0.00254, float(foret->m_Diameter) * 0.0001, foret->m_TotalCount ); fputs(line,dest); if ( foret->m_OvalCount ) { sprintf(line," (with %d oblongs)", foret->m_OvalCount ); fputs(line,dest); } fputs("\03;\n",dest); break; case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: sprintf(line,"%2.2fmm / %2.3f\" (%d holes)", float(foret->m_Diameter) * 0.00254, float(foret->m_Diameter) * 0.0001, foret->m_TotalCount ); msg = CONV_FROM_UTF8(line); if ( foret->m_OvalCount ) { sprintf(line," (with %d oblongs)", foret->m_OvalCount ); msg += CONV_FROM_UTF8(line); } Plot_1_texte(format, msg, 0, TextWidth, x, y, (int) (CharSize * CharScale), (int) (CharSize * CharScale), FALSE); break; } plotY += intervalle; } switch( format ) { case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: CloseFileHPGL(dest); break; case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: CloseFilePS(dest); break; } g_PlotOrient = old_g_PlotOrient; } /********************************************************************/ int WinEDA_DrillFrame::Plot_Drill_PcbMap( FORET * buffer, int format) /*********************************************************************/ /* Trace la liste des trous a percer en format HPGL ou POSTSCRIPT Retourne: Nombre de trous Utilise: liste des forets pointee par buffer */ { FORET * foret; TRACK * pt_piste; D_PAD * pt_pad; MODULE * Module; int ii , diam, nb_trous; wxPoint pos; wxSize size; nb_trous = 0; /* create the drill list */ if ( DrillToolsCount > 13 ) { DisplayInfo(this, _(" Drill map: Too many diameter values to draw to draw one symbol per drill value (max 13)\nPlot uses circle shape for some drill values"), 10); } for(ii = 0, foret = (FORET*)buffer ; ii < DrillToolsCount; ii++, foret++) { /* create the via drill map */ { pt_piste = m_Parent->m_Pcb->m_Track; for( ; pt_piste != NULL; pt_piste = (TRACK*) pt_piste->Pnext) { if(pt_piste->m_StructType != TYPEVIA) continue; if(pt_piste->m_Drill == 0) continue; int via_drill = g_DesignSettings.m_ViaDrill; if (pt_piste->m_Drill >= 0) via_drill = pt_piste->m_Drill; pos = pt_piste->m_Start; PlotDrillSymbol(pos, via_drill,ii, format); nb_trous++; } } /* create the pad drill map: */ for(Module = m_Parent->m_Pcb->m_Modules; Module != NULL; Module = (MODULE*)Module->Pnext) { pt_pad = (D_PAD*) Module->m_Pads; for ( ; pt_pad != NULL; pt_pad = (D_PAD*)pt_pad->Pnext ) { switch ( pt_pad->m_DrillShape ) { case CIRCLE: diam = pt_pad->m_Drill.x; if(diam != foret->m_Diameter) continue; PlotDrillSymbol(pt_pad->m_Pos, diam,ii, format); break; case OVALE: if ( pt_pad->m_DrillShape != OVALE ) continue; diam = MIN( pt_pad->m_Drill.x, pt_pad->m_Drill.y ); if(diam != foret->m_Diameter) continue; PlotOvalDrillSymbol(pt_pad->m_Pos, pt_pad->m_Drill,pt_pad->m_Orient, format); break; } nb_trous++; } /* Fin examen 1 module */ } /* Fin 1 passe de foret */ } /* fin analyse des trous de modules */ return(nb_trous); } /************************************************************************************/ void PlotDrillSymbol(const wxPoint & position,int diametre,int num_forme, int format) /************************************************************************************/ /* Trace un motif de numero de forme num_forme, aux coord x0, y0. x0, y0 = coordonnees tables diametre = diametre (coord table) du trou num_forme = index ( permet de gererer des formes caract ) */ { int rayon = diametre / 2; void (*FctPlume)(wxPoint pos, int state); int x0, y0; x0 = position.x; y0 = position.y; FctPlume = Move_Plume_HPGL; if(format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST) FctPlume = LineTo_PS; switch( num_forme) { case 0: /* vias : forme en X */ FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 - rayon, y0 - rayon), 'U'); FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 + rayon, y0 + rayon), 'D'); FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 + rayon, y0 - rayon), 'U'); FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 - rayon, y0 + rayon), 'D'); break; case 1: /* Cercle */ if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pastille_RONDE_HPGL(wxPoint(x0, y0), diametre, FILAIRE); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pastille_RONDE_POST(wxPoint(x0, y0), diametre, FILAIRE); break; case 2: /* forme en + */ FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 , y0 - rayon),'U'); FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 , y0 + rayon),'D'); FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 + rayon, y0), 'U'); FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 - rayon, y0), 'D'); break; case 3: /* forme en X cercle */ FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 - rayon, y0 - rayon),'U'); FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 + rayon, y0 + rayon),'D'); FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 + rayon, y0 - rayon),'U'); FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 - rayon, y0 + rayon),'D'); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pastille_RONDE_HPGL(wxPoint(x0, y0), diametre, FILAIRE); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pastille_RONDE_POST(wxPoint(x0, y0), diametre, FILAIRE); break; case 4: /* forme en cercle barre de - */ FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 - rayon, y0), 'U'); FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 + rayon, y0), 'D'); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pastille_RONDE_HPGL(wxPoint(x0, y0), diametre, FILAIRE); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pastille_RONDE_POST(wxPoint(x0, y0), diametre, FILAIRE); break; case 5: /* forme en cercle barre de | */ FctPlume( wxPoint(x0, y0 - rayon),'U'); FctPlume( wxPoint(x0, y0 + rayon),'D'); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pastille_RONDE_HPGL(wxPoint(x0, y0), diametre, FILAIRE); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pastille_RONDE_POST(wxPoint(x0, y0), diametre, FILAIRE); break; case 6: /* forme en carre */ if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_HPGL(wxPoint(x0,y0),wxSize(rayon, rayon),wxSize(0,0), 0, FILAIRE) ; if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_POST(wxPoint(x0,y0),wxSize(rayon, rayon),wxSize(0,0), 0, FILAIRE) ; break; case 7: /* forme en losange */ if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_HPGL(wxPoint(x0,y0),wxSize(rayon, rayon),wxSize(0,0), 450, FILAIRE) ; if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_POST(wxPoint(x0,y0),wxSize(rayon, rayon),wxSize(0,0), 450, FILAIRE) ; break; case 8: /* forme en carre barre par un X*/ FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 - rayon, y0 - rayon),'U'); FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 + rayon, y0 + rayon),'D'); FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 + rayon, y0 - rayon),'U'); FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 - rayon, y0 + rayon),'D'); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_HPGL(wxPoint(x0,y0),wxSize(rayon, rayon),wxSize(0,0), 0, FILAIRE) ; if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_POST(wxPoint(x0,y0),wxSize(rayon, rayon),wxSize(0,0), 0, FILAIRE) ; break; case 9: /* forme en losange barre par un +*/ FctPlume( wxPoint(x0, y0 - rayon),'U'); FctPlume( wxPoint(x0, y0 + rayon),'D'); FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 + rayon, y0), 'U'); FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 - rayon, y0), 'D'); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_HPGL(wxPoint(x0,y0),wxSize(rayon, rayon),wxSize(0,0), 450, FILAIRE); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_POST(wxPoint(x0,y0),wxSize(rayon, rayon),wxSize(0,0), 450, FILAIRE); break; case 10: /* forme en carre barre par un '/' */ FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 - rayon, y0 - rayon),'U'); FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 + rayon, y0 + rayon),'D'); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_HPGL(wxPoint(x0,y0),wxSize(rayon, rayon),wxSize(0,0), 0, FILAIRE) ; if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_POST(wxPoint(x0,y0),wxSize(rayon, rayon),wxSize(0,0), 0, FILAIRE) ; break; case 11: /* forme en losange barre par un |*/ FctPlume( wxPoint(x0, y0 - rayon), 'U'); FctPlume( wxPoint(x0, y0 + rayon), 'D'); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_HPGL(wxPoint(x0,y0),wxSize(rayon, rayon),wxSize(0,0), 450, FILAIRE) ; if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_POST(wxPoint(x0,y0),wxSize(rayon, rayon),wxSize(0,0), 450, FILAIRE) ; break; case 12: /* forme en losange barre par un -*/ FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 - rayon, y0), 'U'); FctPlume( wxPoint(x0 + rayon, y0), 'D'); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_HPGL(wxPoint(x0,y0),wxSize(rayon, rayon),wxSize(0,0), 450, FILAIRE) ; if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_POST(wxPoint(x0,y0),wxSize(rayon, rayon),wxSize(0,0), 450, FILAIRE) ; break; default: if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pastille_RONDE_HPGL(wxPoint(x0, y0), diametre, FILAIRE); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pastille_RONDE_POST(wxPoint(x0, y0), diametre, FILAIRE); break; } if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL) Plume_HPGL('U'); } /*******************************************************************************************/ void PlotOvalDrillSymbol(const wxPoint & position,const wxSize & size,int orient,int format) /*******************************************************************************************/ { switch( format ) { case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: trace_1_pastille_OVALE_HPGL(position, size, orient, FILAIRE); break; case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: trace_1_pastille_OVALE_POST(position, size, orient, FILAIRE); break; } } /********************************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrillFrame::GenDrillReport(const wxString & FullFileName) /********************************************************************/ /* Create a list of drill values and drill count */ { wxString FileName, Mask(wxT("*")), Ext(wxT(".*")); int ii; char line[1024]; FORET * foret; FileName = FullFileName; FileName = EDA_FileSelector(_("Drill Map file"), wxEmptyString, /* Chemin par defaut */ FullFileName, /* nom fichier par defaut */ Ext, /* extension par defaut */ Mask, /* Masque d'affichage */ this, wxFD_SAVE, TRUE ); if ( FileName.IsEmpty()) return; dest = wxFopen(FileName, wxT("w") ); if (dest == 0) { wxString msg = _("Unable to create file ") + FileName; DisplayError(this, msg); return ; } sprintf(line,"Drill report\n\n" ); fputs(line, dest); for(ii = 0, foret = (FORET*)adr_lowmem ; ii < DrillToolsCount; ii++, foret++) { int ncount; ncount = foret->m_TotalCount - foret->m_OvalCount; if ( ncount ) sprintf(line,"%2.2fmm %2.3f\" (%d holes)\n", float(foret->m_Diameter) * 0.00254, float(foret->m_Diameter) * 0.0001, ncount ); if ( foret->m_OvalCount ) { sprintf(line,"%2.2fmm %2.3f\" (%d oblongs)\n", float(foret->m_Diameter) * 0.00254, float(foret->m_Diameter) * 0.0001, foret->m_OvalCount ); } fputs(line, dest); } fclose(dest); }