# # This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. # # Copyright (C) 2023 Mark Roszko <mark.roszko@gmail.com> # Copyright (C) 2023 KiCad Developers # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301, USA. # import difflib import cairosvg import logging import subprocess from typing import Tuple from pathlib import Path from PIL import Image, ImageChops, ImageFilter, ImageEnhance import numpy as np logger = logging.getLogger("cli_util") Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 800 * 1024 * 1024 // 4 # Increase limit to ~800MB uncompressed RGBA, 4bpp (~600MB RGB, 3bpp) def run_and_capture( command: list ) -> Tuple[ str, str, int ]: logger.info("Executing command \"%s\"", " ".join( command )) proc = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, encoding = 'utf-8' ) out,err = proc.communicate() return out, err, proc.returncode def textdiff_files( golden_filepath: str, new_filepath: str, skip: int = 0 ) -> bool: status: bool = True with open( golden_filepath, 'r' ) as f: golden_lines = f.readlines()[skip:] with open( new_filepath, 'r' ) as f: new_lines = f.readlines()[skip:] diff = difflib.unified_diff( golden_lines, new_lines, fromfile = golden_filepath, tofile = new_filepath ) diff_text = ''.join(list(diff)) if diff_text != "": logger.info( "Text diff found:" ) logger.info( diff_text ) return diff_text == "" def image_is_blank( image_path: str ) -> bool: img = Image.open( image_path ) sum = np.sum( np.asarray( img ) ) img.close() return sum == 0 def images_are_equal( image1_path: str, image2_path: str ) -> bool: # Note: if modifying this function - please add new tests for it in test_utils.py image1 = Image.open( image1_path ) image2 = Image.open( image2_path ) if image1.size != image2.size: return False if image1.mode != image2.mode: return False diff = ImageChops.difference( image1, image2 ) sum = np.sum( np.asarray( diff ) ) retval = True if sum != 0.0: # Images are not identical - lets allow 1 pixel error difference (for curved edges) diff_multi_bands = diff.split() binary_multi_bands = [] for band_diff in diff_multi_bands: thresholded_band = band_diff.point( lambda x: x > 0 and 255 ) binary_multi_bands.append( thresholded_band.convert( "1" ) ) binary_result = binary_multi_bands[0] for i in range( 1, len( binary_multi_bands ) ): binary_result = ImageChops.logical_or( binary_result, binary_multi_bands[i] ) eroded_result = binary_result.copy().filter( ImageFilter.MinFilter( 3 ) ) # erode once (trim 1 pixel) eroded_result_sum = np.sum( np.asarray( eroded_result ) ) retval = eroded_result_sum == 0 diff.close() binary_result.close() # Save diff if not retval: diff_name = image1.filename + ".DIFF_eroded_" + str( eroded_result_sum )+ ".png" red = Image.new( "RGB", image1.size, (255,0,0)) imageEnhanced = ImageEnhance.Contrast(image1).enhance(0.3) imageEnhanced.paste( red,mask=eroded_result) imageEnhanced.save(diff_name) logger.error( "Images not equal. Diff stored at '%s'", diff_name ) imageEnhanced.close() # Cleanup eroded_result.close() # Cleanup image1.close() image2.close() return retval def get_png_paths( generated_path: str, source_path : str, suffix : str = "" ) -> Tuple[str, str]: generated_stem = Path( generated_path ).stem generated_png_path = Path( generated_path ).with_stem( generated_stem + suffix).with_suffix( ".png" ) if generated_png_path.exists(): generated_png_path.unlink() # Delete file # store source png in same folder as generated, easier to compare source_stem = Path( source_path ).stem source_png_path = Path( generated_path ).with_stem( source_stem + "-source" + suffix).with_suffix( ".png" ) if source_png_path.exists(): source_png_path.unlink() # Delete file return str( generated_png_path ), str( source_png_path ) def svgs_are_equivalent( svg_generated_path: str, svg_source_path: str, comparison_dpi: int ) -> bool: png_generated, png_source = get_png_paths( svg_generated_path, svg_source_path ) cairosvg.svg2png( url=svg_generated_path, write_to=png_generated, dpi=comparison_dpi ) cairosvg.svg2png( url=svg_source_path, write_to=png_source, dpi=comparison_dpi ) return images_are_equal( png_generated , png_source ) def gerbers_are_equivalent( gerber_generated_path : str, gerber_source_path : str, comparison_dpi : int, originInches : Tuple[float, float], windowsizeInches : Tuple[float, float] ) -> bool: # Calculate tiles required noTilesRowsCols = np.array( [1,1] ) increaseRow = True tileSizeInches=np.array( windowsizeInches ) / noTilesRowsCols while( np.prod( tileSizeInches * comparison_dpi ) > Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS // 2 ): if increaseRow: noTilesRowsCols[0]+=1 else: noTilesRowsCols[1]+=1 increaseRow=not increaseRow tileSizeInches=np.array( windowsizeInches ) / noTilesRowsCols gerberGeneratedIsBlank=True gerberSourceIsBlank=True gerbersAreEqual=True for row in range( noTilesRowsCols[0] ): for col in range( noTilesRowsCols[1] ): tileOrigin=np.array( originInches ) + ( np.array( [row,col] ) * tileSizeInches ) tile_name=f"R{row}C{col}" png_generated, png_source = get_png_paths( gerber_generated_path, gerber_source_path, tile_name ) convert_gerber_to_png( gerber_generated_path, png_generated, comparison_dpi, tileOrigin, tileSizeInches ) convert_gerber_to_png( gerber_source_path, png_source, comparison_dpi, tileOrigin, tileSizeInches ) gerberGeneratedIsBlank = gerberGeneratedIsBlank and image_is_blank( png_generated ) gerberSourceIsBlank = gerberSourceIsBlank and image_is_blank( png_source ) if( not images_are_equal( png_generated, png_source ) ): gerbersAreEqual = False assert( not gerberGeneratedIsBlank ) assert( not gerberSourceIsBlank ) # make sure test case is generated correctly return gerbersAreEqual def convert_gerber_to_png( gerber_path : str, png_path : str, dpi : int, originInches : Tuple[float, float], windowsizeInches : Tuple[float, float] ): originStr="{:.2f}".format(originInches[0]) + "x" + "{:.2f}".format(originInches[1]) windowsizeInchesStr="{:.2f}".format(windowsizeInches[0]) + "x" + "{:.2f}".format(windowsizeInches[1]) stdout, stderr, exitcode = run_and_capture(["gerbv", "--export=png", f"--dpi={dpi}", f"--origin={originStr}", f"--window_inch={windowsizeInchesStr}", f"--output={png_path}", "--foreground=#FFFFFF", "--background=#000000", gerber_path ]) def is_gerbv_installed() -> bool: try: stdout, stderr, exitcode = run_and_capture(["gerbv", "--version"]) except: return False return exitcode == 0 and stdout is not None and stdout.startswith("gerbv version")