/* filling_zone_algorithm: * Algos used to fill a zone defined by a polygon and a filling starting point */ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "pcbnew.h" #include "autorout.h" #include "cell.h" #include "trigo.h" #include "protos.h" /* Local functions */ static void Genere_Segments_Zone( WinEDA_PcbFrame* frame, wxDC* DC, int net_code, int layer ); /* Local variables */ static bool Zone_Debug = false; static unsigned long s_TimeStamp; /* Time stamp common to all segments relative to the new created zone */ /*****************************************************************************/ int ZONE_CONTAINER::Fill_Zone( WinEDA_PcbFrame* frame, wxDC* DC, bool verbose ) /*****************************************************************************/ /** Function Fill_Zone() * Calculate the zone filling * The zone outline is a frontier, and can be complex (with holes) * The filling starts from starting points like pads, tracks. * @param frame = reference to the main frame * @param DC = current Device Context (can be NULL) * @param verbose = true to show error messages * @return error level (0 = no error) */ { int ii, jj; int error_level = 0; int lp_tmp, lay_tmp_TOP, lay_tmp_BOTTOM; int save_isol = g_DesignSettings.m_TrackClearence; wxPoint ZoneStartFill; wxString msg; BOARD* Pcb = frame->m_Pcb; // Set the g_DesignSettings.m_TrackClearence (used to fill board map) to the max of m_TrackClearence and m_ZoneClearence g_DesignSettings.m_TrackClearence = max ( g_DesignSettings.m_TrackClearence, g_DesignSettings.m_ZoneClearence); // In order to avoid ends of segments used to fill the zone, and to the clearence the radius of ends // which is g_GridRoutingSize/2 g_DesignSettings.m_TrackClearence += g_GridRoutingSize/2; g_HightLigth_NetCode = m_NetCode; s_TimeStamp = m_TimeStamp; // Delete the old filling, if any : frame->Delete_Zone_Fill( DC, NULL, m_TimeStamp ); // calculate the fixed step of the routing matrix as 25 mils or more E_scale = g_GridRoutingSize / 25; if( g_GridRoutingSize < 1 ) g_GridRoutingSize = 1; // calculate the Ncols and Nrows, size of the routing matrix ComputeMatriceSize( frame, g_GridRoutingSize ); // create the routing matrix in autorout.h's eda_global BOARDHEAD Board Nb_Sides = ONE_SIDE; if( Board.InitBoard() < 0 ) { if( verbose ) DisplayError( frame, wxT( "Mo memory for creating zones" ) ); error_level = 1; return error_level; } msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), Ncols ); Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, 1, wxT( "Cols" ), msg, GREEN ); msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), Nrows ); Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, 7, wxT( "Lines" ), msg, GREEN ); msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), Board.m_MemSize / 1024 ); Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, 14, wxT( "Mem(Ko)" ), msg, CYAN ); lay_tmp_BOTTOM = Route_Layer_BOTTOM; lay_tmp_TOP = Route_Layer_TOP; Route_Layer_BOTTOM = Route_Layer_TOP = m_Layer; lp_tmp = g_DesignSettings.m_CurrentTrackWidth; g_DesignSettings.m_CurrentTrackWidth = g_GridRoutingSize; // trace the pcb edges (pcb contour) into the routing matrix Route_Layer_BOTTOM = Route_Layer_TOP = EDGE_N; PlaceCells( Pcb, -1, 0 ); Route_Layer_BOTTOM = Route_Layer_TOP = m_Layer; /* Create the starting point for the zone: * The starting point and all the tracks are suitable "starting points" */ TRACK* pt_segm = Pcb->m_Track; for( ; pt_segm != NULL; pt_segm = pt_segm->Next() ) { if( g_HightLigth_NetCode != pt_segm->GetNet() ) continue; if( ! pt_segm->IsOnLayer( m_Layer ) ) continue; // if( pt_segm->Type() != TYPETRACK ) // continue; TraceSegmentPcb( Pcb, pt_segm, CELL_is_FRIEND, 0, WRITE_CELL ); } // trace the zone edges into the routing matrix int i_start_contour = 0; for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < m_Poly->corner.size(); ic++ ) { int xi = m_Poly->corner[ic].x - Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.x; int yi = m_Poly->corner[ic].y - Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.y; int xf, yf; if( m_Poly->corner[ic].end_contour == FALSE && ic < m_Poly->corner.size() - 1 ) { xf = m_Poly->corner[ic + 1].x - Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.x; yf = m_Poly->corner[ic + 1].y - Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.y; } else { xf = m_Poly->corner[i_start_contour].x - Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.x; yf = m_Poly->corner[i_start_contour].y - Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.y; i_start_contour = ic + 1; } TraceLignePcb( xi, yi, xf, yf, -1, HOLE | CELL_is_EDGE, WRITE_CELL ); } /* Create a starting point to create the zone filling, from pads */ LISTE_PAD* pad; int cells_count = 0; for( ii = 0, pad = frame->m_Pcb->m_Pads; ii < frame->m_Pcb->m_NbPads; ii++, pad++ ) { if ( ! (*pad)->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) ) continue; if ( (*pad)->GetNet() != GetNet() ) continue; wxPoint pos = (*pad)->m_Pos; if( m_Poly->TestPointInside( pos.x, pos.y ) ) { pos -= Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos; ZoneStartFill.x = ( pos.x + (g_GridRoutingSize / 2) ) / g_GridRoutingSize; ZoneStartFill.y = ( pos.y + (g_GridRoutingSize / 2) ) / g_GridRoutingSize; BoardCell cell = GetCell( ZoneStartFill.y, ZoneStartFill.x, BOTTOM ); if ( (cell & CELL_is_EDGE) == 0 ) { OrCell( ZoneStartFill.y, ZoneStartFill.x, BOTTOM, CELL_is_ZONE ); cells_count++; } } } /* Create a starting point to create the zone filling, from vias and tracks */ TRACK* track; for( track = frame->m_Pcb->m_Track; track != NULL; track = track->Next() ) { if ( ! track->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) ) continue; if ( track->GetNet() != GetNet() ) continue; wxPoint pos = track->m_Start; if( m_Poly->TestPointInside( pos.x, pos.y ) ) { pos -= Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos; ZoneStartFill.x = ( pos.x + (g_GridRoutingSize / 2) ) / g_GridRoutingSize; ZoneStartFill.y = ( pos.y + (g_GridRoutingSize / 2) ) / g_GridRoutingSize; BoardCell cell = GetCell( ZoneStartFill.y, ZoneStartFill.x, BOTTOM ); if ( (cell & CELL_is_EDGE) == 0 ) { OrCell( ZoneStartFill.y, ZoneStartFill.x, BOTTOM, CELL_is_ZONE ); cells_count++; } } pos = track->m_End; if( m_Poly->TestPointInside( pos.x, pos.y ) ) { pos -= Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos; ZoneStartFill.x = ( pos.x + (g_GridRoutingSize / 2) ) / g_GridRoutingSize; ZoneStartFill.y = ( pos.y + (g_GridRoutingSize / 2) ) / g_GridRoutingSize; BoardCell cell = GetCell( ZoneStartFill.y, ZoneStartFill.x, BOTTOM ); if ( (cell & CELL_is_EDGE) == 0 ) { OrCell( ZoneStartFill.y, ZoneStartFill.x, BOTTOM, CELL_is_ZONE ); cells_count++; } } } if( cells_count == 0 ) { if( verbose ) DisplayError( frame, _( "No pads or starting point found to fill this zone outline" ) ); error_level = 2; goto end_of_zone_fill; } // mark the cells forming part of the zone ii = 1; jj = 1; while( ii ) { msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), jj++ ); Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, 50, wxT( "Iter." ), msg, CYAN ); ii = Propagation( frame ); } // selection of the suitable cells for the points of anchoring of the zone for( ii = 0; ii < Nrows; ii++ ) { for( jj = 0; jj < Ncols; jj++ ) { long cell = GetCell( ii, jj, BOTTOM ); if( (cell & CELL_is_ZONE) ) { if( (cell & CELL_is_FRIEND) == 0 ) AndCell( ii, jj, BOTTOM, (BoardCell) ~(CELL_is_FRIEND | CELL_is_ZONE) ); } } } if( Zone_Debug && DC ) { DisplayBoard( frame->DrawPanel, DC ); } // now, all the cell candidates are marked // place all the obstacles into the matrix, such as (pads, tracks, vias, // pcb edges or segments) ii = 0; if( m_PadOption == PAD_NOT_IN_ZONE ) ii = FORCE_PADS; Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, 42, wxT( "GenZone" ), wxEmptyString, RED ); PlaceCells( Pcb, g_HightLigth_NetCode, ii ); Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, -1, wxEmptyString, _( "Ok" ), RED ); /* Recreate zone limits on the routing matrix * (could be deleted by PlaceCells()) : */ i_start_contour = 0; for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < m_Poly->corner.size(); ic++ ) { int xi = m_Poly->corner[ic].x - Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.x; int yi = m_Poly->corner[ic].y - Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.y; int xf, yf; if( m_Poly->corner[ic].end_contour == FALSE && ic < m_Poly->corner.size() - 1 ) { xf = m_Poly->corner[ic + 1].x - Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.x; yf = m_Poly->corner[ic + 1].y - Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.y; } else { xf = m_Poly->corner[i_start_contour].x - Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.x; yf = m_Poly->corner[i_start_contour].y - Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.y; i_start_contour = ic + 1; } TraceLignePcb( xi, yi, xf, yf, -1, HOLE | CELL_is_EDGE, WRITE_CELL ); } /* Init the starting point for zone filling : this is the mouse position * (could be deleted by PlaceCells()) : */ for( ii = 0, pad = frame->m_Pcb->m_Pads; ii < frame->m_Pcb->m_NbPads; ii++, pad++ ) { if ( ! (*pad)->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) ) continue; if ( (*pad)->GetNet() != GetNet() ) continue; wxPoint pos = (*pad)->m_Pos; if( m_Poly->TestPointInside( pos.x, pos.y ) ) { pos -= Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos; ZoneStartFill.x = ( pos.x + (g_GridRoutingSize / 2) ) / g_GridRoutingSize; ZoneStartFill.y = ( pos.y + (g_GridRoutingSize / 2) ) / g_GridRoutingSize; BoardCell cell = GetCell( ZoneStartFill.y, ZoneStartFill.x, BOTTOM ); if ( (cell & CELL_is_EDGE) == 0 ) OrCell( ZoneStartFill.y, ZoneStartFill.x, BOTTOM, CELL_is_ZONE ); } } /* Filling the cells of the matrix (this is the zone building)*/ ii = 1; jj = 1; while( ii ) { msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), jj++ ); Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, 50, wxT( "Iter." ), msg, CYAN ); ii = Propagation( frame ); } if( Zone_Debug && DC ) { DisplayBoard( frame->DrawPanel, DC ); } // replace obstacles into the matrix(pads) if( m_PadOption == THERMAL_PAD ) PlaceCells( Pcb, g_HightLigth_NetCode, FORCE_PADS ); if( Zone_Debug && DC ) DisplayBoard( frame->DrawPanel, DC ); /* Convert the matrix information (cells) to segments which are actually the zone */ if( g_HightLigth_NetCode < 0 ) Genere_Segments_Zone( frame, DC, 0, m_Layer ); else Genere_Segments_Zone( frame, DC, g_HightLigth_NetCode, m_Layer ); /* Create the thermal reliefs */ g_DesignSettings.m_CurrentTrackWidth = lp_tmp; if( m_PadOption == THERMAL_PAD ) frame->Genere_Pad_Connexion( DC, m_Layer ); end_of_zone_fill: g_DesignSettings.m_TrackClearence = save_isol; // free the memory Board.UnInitBoard(); // restore original values unchanged Route_Layer_TOP = lay_tmp_TOP; Route_Layer_BOTTOM = lay_tmp_BOTTOM; return error_level; } /*******************************************************************************************/ static void Genere_Segments_Zone( WinEDA_PcbFrame* frame, wxDC* DC, int net_code, int layer ) /*******************************************************************************************/ /** Function Genere_Segments_Zone() * Create the zone segments from the routing matrix structure * Algorithm: * Search for consecutive cells (flagged "zone") , and create segments * from the first cell to the last cell in the matrix * 2 searchs are made * 1 - From left to right and create horizontal zone segments * 2 - From top to bottom, and create vertical zone segmùents * @param net_code = net_code common to all segment zone created * @param DC = current device context ( can be NULL ) * @param frame = current WinEDA_PcbFrame * global: parameter TimeStamp: time stamp common to all segment zone created */ { int row, col; long current_cell, old_cell; int ux0 = 0, uy0 = 0, ux1 = 0, uy1 = 0; int Xmin = frame->m_Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.x; int Ymin = frame->m_Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.y; SEGZONE* pt_track; int nbsegm = 0; wxString msg; /* Create horizontal segments */ Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, 64, wxT( "Segm H" ), wxT( "0" ), BROWN ); for( row = 0; row < Nrows; row++ ) { old_cell = 0; uy0 = uy1 = (row * g_GridRoutingSize) + Ymin; for( col = 0; col < Ncols; col++ ) { current_cell = GetCell( row, col, BOTTOM ) & CELL_is_ZONE; if( current_cell ) /* ce point doit faire partie d'un segment */ { ux1 = (col * g_GridRoutingSize) + Xmin; if( old_cell == 0 ) ux0 = ux1; } if( !current_cell || (col == Ncols - 1) ) /* peut etre fin d'un segment */ { if( (old_cell) && (ux0 != ux1) ) { /* un segment avait debute de longueur > 0 */ pt_track = new SEGZONE( frame->m_Pcb ); pt_track->SetLayer( layer ); pt_track->SetNet( net_code ); pt_track->m_Width = g_GridRoutingSize; pt_track->m_Start.x = ux0; pt_track->m_Start.y = uy0; pt_track->m_End.x = ux1; pt_track->m_End.y = uy1; pt_track->m_TimeStamp = s_TimeStamp; pt_track->Insert( frame->m_Pcb, NULL ); if ( DC ) pt_track->Draw( frame->DrawPanel, DC, GR_OR ); nbsegm++; } } old_cell = current_cell; } msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), nbsegm ); Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, -1, wxEmptyString, msg, BROWN ); } /* Create vertical segments */ Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, 72, wxT( "Segm V" ), wxT( "0" ), BROWN ); for( col = 0; col < Ncols; col++ ) { old_cell = 0; ux0 = ux1 = (col * g_GridRoutingSize) + Xmin; for( row = 0; row < Nrows; row++ ) { current_cell = GetCell( row, col, BOTTOM ) & CELL_is_ZONE; if( current_cell ) /* ce point doit faire partie d'un segment */ { uy1 = (row * g_GridRoutingSize) + Ymin; if( old_cell == 0 ) uy0 = uy1; } if( !current_cell || (row == Nrows - 1) ) /* peut etre fin d'un segment */ { if( (old_cell) && (uy0 != uy1) ) { /* un segment avait debute de longueur > 0 */ pt_track = new SEGZONE( frame->m_Pcb ); pt_track->SetLayer( layer ); pt_track->m_Width = g_GridRoutingSize; pt_track->SetNet( net_code ); pt_track->m_Start.x = ux0; pt_track->m_Start.y = uy0; pt_track->m_End.x = ux1; pt_track->m_End.y = uy1; pt_track->m_TimeStamp = s_TimeStamp; pt_track->Insert( frame->m_Pcb, NULL ); if( DC ) pt_track->Draw( frame->DrawPanel, DC, GR_OR ); nbsegm++; } } old_cell = current_cell; } msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), nbsegm ); Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, -1, wxEmptyString, msg, BROWN ); } } /********************************************/ int Propagation( WinEDA_PcbFrame* frame ) /********************************************/ /** Function Propagation() * An important function to calculate zones * Uses the routing matrix to fill the cells within the zone * Search and mark cells within the zone, and agree with DRC options. * Requirements: * Start from an initial point, to fill zone * The zone must have no "copper island" * Algorithm: * If the current cell has a neightbour flagged as "cell in the zone", it * become a cell in the zone * The first point in the zone is the starting point * 4 searches within the matrix are made: * 1 - Left to right and top to bottom * 2 - Right to left and top to bottom * 3 - bottom to top and Right to left * 4 - bottom to top and Left to right * Given the current cell, for each search, we consider the 2 neightbour cells * the previous cell on the same line and the previous cell on the same column. * * This funtion can request some iterations * Iterations are made until no cell is added to the zone. * @return: added cells count (i.e. which the attribute CELL_is_ZONE is set) */ { int row, col, nn; long current_cell, old_cell_H; int long* pt_cell_V; int nbpoints = 0; #define NO_CELL_ZONE (HOLE | CELL_is_EDGE | CELL_is_ZONE) wxString msg; Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, 57, wxT( "Detect" ), msg, CYAN ); Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, -1, wxEmptyString, wxT( "1" ), CYAN ); // Alloc memory to handle 1 line or 1 colunmn on the routing matrix nn = MAX( Nrows, Ncols ) * sizeof(*pt_cell_V); pt_cell_V = (long*) MyMalloc( nn ); /* search 1 : from left to right and top to bottom */ memset( pt_cell_V, 0, nn ); for( row = 0; row < Nrows; row++ ) { old_cell_H = 0; for( col = 0; col < Ncols; col++ ) { current_cell = GetCell( row, col, BOTTOM ) & NO_CELL_ZONE; if( current_cell == 0 ) /* a free cell is found */ { if( (old_cell_H & CELL_is_ZONE) || (pt_cell_V[col] & CELL_is_ZONE) ) { OrCell( row, col, BOTTOM, CELL_is_ZONE ); current_cell = CELL_is_ZONE; nbpoints++; } } pt_cell_V[col] = old_cell_H = current_cell; } } /* search 2 : from right to left and top to bottom */ Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, -1, wxEmptyString, wxT( "2" ), CYAN ); memset( pt_cell_V, 0, nn ); for( row = 0; row < Nrows; row++ ) { old_cell_H = 0; for( col = Ncols - 1; col >= 0; col-- ) { current_cell = GetCell( row, col, BOTTOM ) & NO_CELL_ZONE; if( current_cell == 0 ) /* a free cell is found */ { if( (old_cell_H & CELL_is_ZONE) || (pt_cell_V[col] & CELL_is_ZONE) ) { OrCell( row, col, BOTTOM, CELL_is_ZONE ); current_cell = CELL_is_ZONE; nbpoints++; } } pt_cell_V[col] = old_cell_H = current_cell; } } /* search 3 : from bottom to top and right to left balayage */ Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, -1, wxEmptyString, wxT( "3" ), CYAN ); memset( pt_cell_V, 0, nn ); for( col = Ncols - 1; col >= 0; col-- ) { old_cell_H = 0; for( row = Nrows - 1; row >= 0; row-- ) { current_cell = GetCell( row, col, BOTTOM ) & NO_CELL_ZONE; if( current_cell == 0 ) /* a free cell is found */ { if( (old_cell_H & CELL_is_ZONE) || (pt_cell_V[row] & CELL_is_ZONE) ) { OrCell( row, col, BOTTOM, CELL_is_ZONE ); current_cell = CELL_is_ZONE; nbpoints++; } } pt_cell_V[row] = old_cell_H = current_cell; } } /* search 4 : from bottom to top and left to right */ Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, -1, wxEmptyString, wxT( "4" ), CYAN ); memset( pt_cell_V, 0, nn ); for( col = 0; col < Ncols; col++ ) { old_cell_H = 0; for( row = Nrows - 1; row >= 0; row-- ) { current_cell = GetCell( row, col, BOTTOM ) & NO_CELL_ZONE; if( current_cell == 0 ) /* a free cell is found */ { if( (old_cell_H & CELL_is_ZONE) || (pt_cell_V[row] & CELL_is_ZONE) ) { OrCell( row, col, BOTTOM, CELL_is_ZONE ); current_cell = CELL_is_ZONE; nbpoints++; } } pt_cell_V[row] = old_cell_H = current_cell; } } MyFree( pt_cell_V ); return nbpoints; } /*****************************************************************************/ bool WinEDA_PcbFrame::Genere_Pad_Connexion( wxDC* DC, int layer ) /*****************************************************************************/ /* Create the thermal relief for each pad in the zone: * this is 4 small segments from the pad to the zone */ { int ii, jj, Npads; D_PAD* pt_pad; LISTE_PAD* pt_liste_pad; TRACK* pt_track, * loctrack; int angle; int cX, cY, dx, dy; int sommet[4][2]; wxString msg; if( m_Pcb->m_Zone == NULL ) return FALSE; /* error: no zone */ if( m_Pcb->m_Zone->m_TimeStamp != s_TimeStamp ) /* error: this is not the new zone */ return FALSE; /* Count the pads, i.e. the thermal relief to create count, and displays it */ Affiche_1_Parametre( this, 50, wxT( "NPads" ), wxT( " " ), CYAN ); pt_liste_pad = (LISTE_PAD*) m_Pcb->m_Pads; for( ii = 0, Npads = 0; ii < m_Pcb->m_NbPads; ii++, pt_liste_pad++ ) { pt_pad = *pt_liste_pad; /* Search pads relative to the selected net code */ if( pt_pad->GetNet() != g_HightLigth_NetCode ) continue; /* Is the pad on the active layer ? */ if( (pt_pad->m_Masque_Layer & g_TabOneLayerMask[layer]) == 0 ) continue; Npads++; } msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), Npads ); Affiche_1_Parametre( this, -1, wxEmptyString, msg, CYAN ); /* Create the thermal reliefs */ Affiche_1_Parametre( this, 57, wxT( "Pads" ), wxT( " " ), CYAN ); pt_liste_pad = (LISTE_PAD*) m_Pcb->m_Pads; for( ii = 0, Npads = 0; ii < m_Pcb->m_NbPads; ii++, pt_liste_pad++ ) { pt_pad = *pt_liste_pad; /* Search pads relative to the selected net code */ if( pt_pad->GetNet() != g_HightLigth_NetCode ) continue; /* Is the pad on the active layer ? */ if( (pt_pad->m_Masque_Layer & g_TabOneLayerMask[layer]) == 0 ) continue; /* Create the theram relief for the current pad */ Npads++; msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), Npads ); Affiche_1_Parametre( this, -1, wxEmptyString, msg, CYAN ); cX = pt_pad->GetPosition().x; cY = pt_pad->GetPosition().y; dx = pt_pad->m_Size.x / 2; dy = pt_pad->m_Size.y / 2; dx += g_DesignSettings.m_TrackClearence + g_GridRoutingSize; dy += g_DesignSettings.m_TrackClearence + g_GridRoutingSize; if( pt_pad->m_PadShape == PAD_TRAPEZOID ) { dx += abs( pt_pad->m_DeltaSize.y ) / 2; dy += abs( pt_pad->m_DeltaSize.x ) / 2; } /* calculate the 4 segment coordintes (starting from the pad centre cX,cY) */ sommet[0][0] = 0; sommet[0][1] = -dy; sommet[1][0] = -dx; sommet[1][1] = 0; sommet[2][0] = 0; sommet[2][1] = dy; sommet[3][0] = dx; sommet[3][1] = 0; angle = pt_pad->m_Orient; for( jj = 0; jj < 4; jj++ ) { RotatePoint( &sommet[jj][0], &sommet[jj][1], angle ); pt_track = new SEGZONE( m_Pcb ); pt_track->SetLayer( layer ); pt_track->m_Width = g_DesignSettings.m_CurrentTrackWidth; pt_track->SetNet( g_HightLigth_NetCode ); pt_track->start = pt_pad; pt_track->m_Start.x = cX; pt_track->m_Start.y = cY; pt_track->m_End.x = cX + sommet[jj][0]; pt_track->m_End.y = cY + sommet[jj][1]; pt_track->m_TimeStamp = s_TimeStamp; /* Test if the segment is allowed */ if( BAD_DRC==m_drc->DrcBlind( pt_track, m_Pcb->m_Track ) ) { delete pt_track; continue; } /* Search for a zone segment */ loctrack = Locate_Zone( m_Pcb->m_Zone, pt_track->m_End, layer ); if( (loctrack == NULL) || (loctrack->m_TimeStamp != s_TimeStamp) ) { delete pt_track; continue; } pt_track->Insert( m_Pcb, NULL ); if( DC ) pt_track->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_OR ); } } return TRUE; }