/***************************************************************************** * * schframe.h * * Header for class definition of WinEDA_SchematicFrame. This is the main * window for EESchema. * *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SCHFRAME_H_ #define _SCHFRAME_H_ class WinEDA_DrawFrame; class WinEDA_SchematicFrame : public WinEDA_DrawFrame { public: WinEDAChoiceBox* m_SelPartBox; DrawSheetPath* m_CurrentSheet; //which sheet we are presently working on. private: wxMenu* m_FilesMenu; public: WinEDA_SchematicFrame( wxWindow* father, WinEDA_App* parent, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style = KICAD_DEFAULT_DRAWFRAME_STYLE ); ~WinEDA_SchematicFrame(); void OnCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& Event ); void Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event ); void Process_Config( wxCommandEvent& event ); void Save_Config( wxWindow* displayframe ); void RedrawActiveWindow( wxDC* DC, bool EraseBg ); void CreateScreens(); void ReCreateHToolbar(); void ReCreateVToolbar(); void ReCreateOptToolbar(); void ReCreateMenuBar(); void SetToolbars(); void OnHotKey( wxDC* DC, int hotkey, EDA_BaseStruct* DrawStruct ); DrawSheetPath* GetSheet(); virtual BASE_SCREEN* GetScreen(); virtual void SetScreen(SCH_SCREEN* screen); virtual wxString GetScreenDesc(); void InstallConfigFrame( const wxPoint& pos ); void OnLeftClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos ); void OnLeftDClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos ); bool OnRightClick( const wxPoint& MousePos, wxMenu* PopMenu ); void OnSelectOptionToolbar( wxCommandEvent& event ); void ToolOnRightClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); int BestZoom(); // Retourne le meilleur zoom EDA_BaseStruct* SchematicGeneralLocateAndDisplay( bool IncludePin = TRUE ); EDA_BaseStruct* SchematicGeneralLocateAndDisplay( const wxPoint& refpoint, bool IncludePin ); EDA_BaseStruct* FindComponentAndItem( const wxString& component_reference, bool Find_in_hierarchy, int SearchType, const wxString& text_to_find, bool mouseWarp ); /* Cross probing with pcbnew */ void SendMessageToPCBNEW( EDA_BaseStruct* objectToSync, EDA_SchComponentStruct* LibItem ); /* netlist generation */ void* BuildNetListBase(); // FUnctions used for hierarchy handling void InstallPreviousSheet(); void InstallNextScreen( DrawSheetStruct* Sheet ); void ToPlot_PS( wxCommandEvent& event ); void ToPlot_HPGL( wxCommandEvent& event ); void ToPostProcess( wxCommandEvent& event ); void Save_File( wxCommandEvent& event ); void SaveProject(); int LoadOneEEProject( const wxString& FileName, bool IsNew ); bool LoadOneEEFile(SCH_SCREEN* screen, const wxString& FullFileName ); bool SaveEEFile( SCH_SCREEN* screen, int FileSave ); SCH_SCREEN * CreateNewScreen(SCH_SCREEN * OldScreen, int TimeStamp); // General search: /** * Function FindSchematicItem * finds a string in the schematic. * @param pattern The text to search for, either in value, reference or * elsewhere. * @param SearchType: 0 => Search is made in current sheet * 1 => the whole hierarchy * 2 => or for the next item * @param mouseWarp If true, then move the mouse cursor to the item. */ EDA_BaseStruct* FindSchematicItem( const wxString& pattern, int SearchType, bool mouseWarp = true ); EDA_BaseStruct* FindMarker( int SearchType ); private: void Process_Move_Item( EDA_BaseStruct* DrawStruct, wxDC* DC ); void OnExit( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnAnnotate ( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnErc( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnCreateNetlist( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnCreateBillOfMaterials( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnFindItems( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnLoadFile( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnNewProject( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnLoadProject( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnOpenPcbnew( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnOpenCvpcb( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnOpenLibraryViewer( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnOpenLibraryEditor( wxCommandEvent& event ); // Bus Entry DrawBusEntryStruct* CreateBusEntry( wxDC* DC, int entry_type ); void SetBusEntryShape( wxDC* DC, DrawBusEntryStruct* BusEntry, int entry_type ); int GetBusEntryShape( DrawBusEntryStruct* BusEntry ); void StartMoveBusEntry( DrawBusEntryStruct* DrawLibItem, wxDC* DC ); // NoConnect EDA_BaseStruct* CreateNewNoConnectStruct( wxDC* DC ); // Junction DrawJunctionStruct* CreateNewJunctionStruct( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& pos, bool PutInUndoList = FALSE ); // Text ,label, glabel EDA_BaseStruct* CreateNewText( wxDC* DC, int type ); void EditSchematicText( DrawTextStruct* TextStruct, wxDC* DC ); void ChangeTextOrient( DrawTextStruct* TextStruct, wxDC* DC ); void StartMoveTexte( DrawTextStruct* TextStruct, wxDC* DC ); void ConvertTextType( DrawTextStruct* Text, wxDC* DC, int newtype ); // Wire, Bus void BeginSegment( wxDC* DC, int type ); void EndSegment( wxDC* DC ); void DeleteCurrentSegment( wxDC* DC ); void DeleteConnection( wxDC* DC, bool DeleteFullConnection ); // graphic lines void Delete_Segment_Edge( DRAWSEGMENT* Segment, wxDC* DC ); void Drawing_SetNewWidth( DRAWSEGMENT* DrawSegm, wxDC* DC ); void Delete_Drawings_All_Layer( DRAWSEGMENT* Segment, wxDC* DC ); DRAWSEGMENT* Begin_Edge( DRAWSEGMENT* Segment, wxDC* DC ); // Hierarchical Sheet & PinSheet void InstallHierarchyFrame( wxDC* DC, wxPoint& pos ); DrawSheetStruct* CreateSheet( wxDC* DC ); void ReSizeSheet( DrawSheetStruct* Sheet, wxDC* DC ); public: bool EditSheet( DrawSheetStruct* Sheet, wxDC* DC ); /** Function UpdateSheetNumberAndDate * Set a sheet number, the sheet count for sheets in the whole schematic * and update the date in all screens */ void UpdateSheetNumberAndDate(); private: void StartMoveSheet( DrawSheetStruct* sheet, wxDC* DC ); DrawSheetLabelStruct* Create_PinSheet( DrawSheetStruct* Sheet, wxDC* DC ); void Edit_PinSheet( DrawSheetLabelStruct* SheetLabel, wxDC* DC ); void StartMove_PinSheet( DrawSheetLabelStruct* SheetLabel, wxDC* DC ); void Place_PinSheet( DrawSheetLabelStruct* SheetLabel, wxDC* DC ); DrawSheetLabelStruct* Import_PinSheet( DrawSheetStruct* Sheet, wxDC* DC ); public: void DeleteSheetLabel( wxDC* DC, DrawSheetLabelStruct* SheetLabelToDel ); private: // Component EDA_SchComponentStruct* Load_Component( wxDC* DC, const wxString& libname, wxArrayString& List, bool UseLibBrowser ); void StartMovePart( EDA_SchComponentStruct* DrawLibItem, wxDC* DC ); public: void CmpRotationMiroir( EDA_SchComponentStruct* DrawComponent, wxDC* DC, int type_rotate ); private: void SelPartUnit( EDA_SchComponentStruct* DrawComponent, int unit, wxDC* DC ); void ConvertPart( EDA_SchComponentStruct* DrawComponent, wxDC* DC ); void SetInitCmp( EDA_SchComponentStruct* DrawComponent, wxDC* DC ); void EditComponentReference( EDA_SchComponentStruct* DrawLibItem, wxDC* DC ); void EditComponentValue( EDA_SchComponentStruct* DrawLibItem, wxDC* DC ); void EditComponentFootprint( EDA_SchComponentStruct* DrawLibItem, wxDC* DC ); void StartMoveCmpField( PartTextStruct* Field, wxDC* DC ); void EditCmpFieldText( PartTextStruct* Field, wxDC* DC ); void RotateCmpField( PartTextStruct* Field, wxDC* DC ); /* Operations sur bloc */ void PasteStruct( wxDC* DC ); /* Undo - redo */ public: void SaveCopyInUndoList( EDA_BaseStruct* ItemToCopy, int flag_type_command = 0 ); private: void PutDataInPreviousState( DrawPickedStruct* List ); bool GetSchematicFromRedoList(); bool GetSchematicFromUndoList(); public: void Key( wxDC* DC, int hotkey, EDA_BaseStruct* DrawStruct ); /* Gestion generale des operations sur block */ int ReturnBlockCommand( int key ); void InitBlockPasteInfos(); void HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC ); int HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC ); void HandleBlockEndByPopUp( int Command, wxDC* DC ); // Repetition automatique de placements void RepeatDrawItem( wxDC* DC ); // Test des points de connexion en l'air (dangling ends) void TestDanglingEnds( EDA_BaseStruct* DrawList, wxDC* DC ); LibDrawPin* LocatePinEnd( EDA_BaseStruct* DrawList, const wxPoint& pos ); DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; #endif /* _SCHFRAME_H_ */