/************************************************/ /* class_pad.cpp : fonctions de la classe D_PAD */ /************************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "common.h" #include "confirm.h" #include "kicad_string.h" #include "pcbnew.h" #include "trigo.h" #include "id.h" // ID_TRACK_BUTT /*******************************/ /* classe D_PAD : constructeur */ /*******************************/ D_PAD::D_PAD( MODULE* parent ) : BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM( parent, TYPE_PAD ) { m_NumPadName = 0; m_Masque_Layer = CUIVRE_LAYER; m_DrillShape = PAD_CIRCLE; // Drill shape = circle m_Size.x = m_Size.y = 500; if( m_Parent && (m_Parent->Type() == TYPE_MODULE) ) { m_Pos = ( (MODULE*) m_Parent )->GetPosition(); } m_PadShape = PAD_CIRCLE; // forme CERCLE, PAD_RECT PAD_OVAL PAD_TRAPEZOID ou libre m_Attribut = PAD_STANDARD; // NORMAL, PAD_SMD, PAD_CONN, Bit 7 = STACK m_Orient = 0; // en 1/10 degres SetSubRatsnest( 0 ); ComputeRayon(); } D_PAD::~D_PAD() { } /****************************/ void D_PAD::ComputeRayon() /****************************/ /* met a jour m_Rayon, rayon du cercle exinscrit */ { switch( m_PadShape & 0x7F ) { case PAD_CIRCLE: m_Rayon = m_Size.x / 2; break; case PAD_OVAL: m_Rayon = MAX( m_Size.x, m_Size.y ) / 2; break; case PAD_RECT: case PAD_TRAPEZOID: m_Rayon = (int) ( sqrt( (double) m_Size.y * m_Size.y + (double) m_Size.x * m_Size.x ) / 2 ); break; } } /** * Function GetBoundingBox * returns the bounding box of this pad * Mainly used to redraw the screen area occuped by the pad */ EDA_Rect D_PAD::GetBoundingBox() { // Calculate area: ComputeRayon(); // calculate the radius of the area, considered as a circle EDA_Rect area; area.SetOrigin( m_Pos ); area.Inflate( m_Rayon, m_Rayon ); return area; } /*********************************************/ const wxPoint D_PAD::ReturnShapePos() /*********************************************/ // retourne la position de la forme (pastilles excentrees) { if( m_Offset.x == 0 && m_Offset.y == 0 ) return m_Pos; wxPoint shape_pos; int dX, dY; dX = m_Offset.x; dY = m_Offset.y; RotatePoint( &dX, &dY, m_Orient ); shape_pos.x = m_Pos.x + dX; shape_pos.y = m_Pos.y + dY; return shape_pos; } /****************************************/ wxString D_PAD::ReturnStringPadName() /****************************************/ /* Return pad name as string in a wxString */ { wxString name; ReturnStringPadName( name ); return name; } /********************************************/ void D_PAD::ReturnStringPadName( wxString& text ) /********************************************/ /* Return pad name as string in a buffer */ { int ii; text.Empty(); for( ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ ) { if( m_Padname[ii] == 0 ) break; text.Append( m_Padname[ii] ); } } /********************************************/ void D_PAD::SetPadName( const wxString& name ) /********************************************/ // Change pad name { int ii, len; len = name.Length(); if( len > 4 ) len = 4; for( ii = 0; ii < len; ii++ ) m_Padname[ii] = name.GetChar( ii ); for( ii = len; ii < 4; ii++ ) m_Padname[ii] = 0; } /**************************************************/ void D_PAD::SetNetname( const wxString & aNetname ) /**************************************************/ /** * Function SetNetname * @param const wxString : the new netname */ { m_Netname = aNetname; m_ShortNetname = m_Netname.AfterLast( '/' ); } /********************************/ void D_PAD::Copy( D_PAD* source ) /********************************/ { if( source == NULL ) return; m_Pos = source->m_Pos; m_Masque_Layer = source->m_Masque_Layer; memcpy( m_Padname, source->m_Padname, sizeof(m_Padname) ); /* nom de la pastille */ SetNet( source->GetNet() ); /* Numero de net pour comparaisons rapides */ m_Drill = source->m_Drill; // Diametre de percage m_DrillShape = source->m_DrillShape; m_Offset = source->m_Offset; // Offset de la forme m_Size = source->m_Size; // Dimension ( pour orient 0 ) m_DeltaSize = source->m_DeltaSize; // delta sur formes rectangle -> trapezes m_Pos0 = source->m_Pos0; /* Coord relatives a l'ancre du pad en orientation 0 */ m_Rayon = source->m_Rayon; // rayon du cercle exinscrit du pad m_PadShape = source->m_PadShape; // forme CERCLE, PAD_RECT PAD_OVAL PAD_TRAPEZOID ou libre m_Attribut = source->m_Attribut; // NORMAL, PAD_SMD, PAD_CONN, Bit 7 = STACK m_Orient = source->m_Orient; // en 1/10 degres SetSubRatsnest( 0 ); SetSubNet( 0 ); m_Netname = source->m_Netname; m_ShortNetname = source->m_ShortNetname; } /*************************************************/ int D_PAD::ReadDescr( FILE* File, int* LineNum ) /*************************************************/ /* Routine de lecture de descr de pads * la 1ere ligne de descr ($PAD) est supposee etre deja lue * syntaxe: * $PAD * Sh "N1" C 550 550 0 0 1800 * Dr 310 0 0 * At STD N 00C0FFFF * Ne 3 "netname" * Po 6000 -6000 * $EndPAD */ { char Line[1024], BufLine[1024], BufCar[256]; char* PtLine; int nn, ll, dx, dy; while( GetLine( File, Line, LineNum ) != NULL ) { if( Line[0] == '$' ) return 0; PtLine = Line + 3; /* Pointe 1er code utile de la ligne */ switch( Line[0] ) { case 'S': /* Ligne de description de forme et dims*/ /* Lecture du nom pad */ nn = 0; while( (*PtLine != '"') && *PtLine ) PtLine++; if( *PtLine ) PtLine++; memset( m_Padname, 0, sizeof(m_Padname) ); while( (*PtLine != '"') && *PtLine ) { if( nn < (int) sizeof(m_Padname) ) { if( *PtLine > ' ' ) { m_Padname[nn] = *PtLine; nn++; } } PtLine++; } if( *PtLine == '"' ) PtLine++; nn = sscanf( PtLine, " %s %d %d %d %d %d", BufCar, &m_Size.x, &m_Size.y, &m_DeltaSize.x, &m_DeltaSize.y, &m_Orient ); ll = 0xFF & BufCar[0]; /* Mise a jour de la forme */ m_PadShape = PAD_CIRCLE; switch( ll ) { case 'C': m_PadShape = PAD_CIRCLE; break; case 'R': m_PadShape = PAD_RECT; break; case 'O': m_PadShape = PAD_OVAL; break; case 'T': m_PadShape = PAD_TRAPEZOID; break; } ComputeRayon(); break; case 'D': BufCar[0] = 0; nn = sscanf( PtLine, "%d %d %d %s %d %d", &m_Drill.x, &m_Offset.x, &m_Offset.y, BufCar, &dx, &dy ); m_Drill.y = m_Drill.x; m_DrillShape = PAD_CIRCLE; if( nn >= 6 ) // Drill shape = OVAL ? { if( BufCar[0] == 'O' ) { m_Drill.x = dx; m_Drill.y = dy; m_DrillShape = PAD_OVAL; } } break; case 'A': nn = sscanf( PtLine, "%s %s %X", BufLine, BufCar, &m_Masque_Layer ); /* Contenu de BufCar non encore utilise ( reserve pour evolutions * ulterieures */ /* Mise a jour de l'attribut */ m_Attribut = PAD_STANDARD; if( strncmp( BufLine, "SMD", 3 ) == 0 ) m_Attribut = PAD_SMD; if( strncmp( BufLine, "CONN", 4 ) == 0 ) m_Attribut = PAD_CONN; if( strncmp( BufLine, "HOLE", 4 ) == 0 ) m_Attribut = PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED; break; case 'N': /* Lecture du netname */ int netcode; nn = sscanf( PtLine, "%d", &netcode ); SetNet( netcode ); /* Lecture du netname */ ReadDelimitedText( BufLine, PtLine, sizeof(BufLine) ); SetNetname(CONV_FROM_UTF8( StrPurge( BufLine ) )); break; case 'P': nn = sscanf( PtLine, "%d %d", &m_Pos0.x, &m_Pos0.y ); m_Pos = m_Pos0; break; default: DisplayError( NULL, wxT( "Err Pad: Id inconnu" ) ); return 1; } } return 2; /* error : EOF */ } /*************************************/ bool D_PAD::Save( FILE* aFile ) const /*************************************/ { int cshape; const char* texttype; if( GetState( DELETED ) ) return true; bool rc = false; // check the return values for first and last fprints() in this function if( fprintf( aFile, "$PAD\n" ) != sizeof("$PAD\n") - 1 ) goto out; switch( m_PadShape ) { case PAD_CIRCLE: cshape = 'C'; break; case PAD_RECT: cshape = 'R'; break; case PAD_OVAL: cshape = 'O'; break; case PAD_TRAPEZOID: cshape = 'T'; break; default: cshape = 'C'; DisplayError( NULL, _( "Unknown Pad shape" ) ); break; } fprintf( aFile, "Sh \"%.4s\" %c %d %d %d %d %d\n", m_Padname, cshape, m_Size.x, m_Size.y, m_DeltaSize.x, m_DeltaSize.y, m_Orient ); fprintf( aFile, "Dr %d %d %d", m_Drill.x, m_Offset.x, m_Offset.y ); if( m_DrillShape == PAD_OVAL ) { fprintf( aFile, " %c %d %d", 'O', m_Drill.x, m_Drill.y ); } fprintf( aFile, "\n" ); switch( m_Attribut ) { case PAD_STANDARD: texttype = "STD"; break; case PAD_SMD: texttype = "SMD"; break; case PAD_CONN: texttype = "CONN"; break; case PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED: texttype = "HOLE"; break; default: texttype = "STD"; DisplayError( NULL, wxT( "Invalid Pad attribute" ) ); break; } fprintf( aFile, "At %s N %8.8X\n", texttype, m_Masque_Layer ); fprintf( aFile, "Ne %d \"%s\"\n", GetNet(), CONV_TO_UTF8( m_Netname ) ); fprintf( aFile, "Po %d %d\n", m_Pos0.x, m_Pos0.y ); if( fprintf( aFile, "$EndPAD\n" ) != sizeof("$EndPAD\n") - 1 ) goto out; rc = true; out: return rc; } /******************************************************/ void D_PAD::DisplayInfo( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame ) /******************************************************/ /* Affiche en bas d'ecran les caract de la pastille demandee */ { int ii; MODULE* module; wxString Line; int pos = 1; /* Pad messages */ static const wxString Msg_Pad_Shape[6] = { wxT( "??? " ), wxT( "Circ" ), wxT( "Rect" ), wxT( "Oval" ), wxT( "trap" ), wxT( "spec" ) }; static const wxString Msg_Pad_Layer[9] = { wxT( "??? " ), wxT( "cmp " ), wxT( "cu " ), wxT( "cmp+cu " ), wxT( "int " ), wxT( "cmp+int " ), wxT( "cu+int " ), wxT( "all " ), wxT( "No copp" ) }; static const wxString Msg_Pad_Attribut[5] = { wxT( "norm" ), wxT( "smd " ), wxT( "conn" ), wxT( "????" ) }; frame->MsgPanel->EraseMsgBox(); /* Recherche du module correspondant */ module = (MODULE*) m_Parent; if( module ) { wxString msg = module->GetReference(); Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, _( "Module" ), msg, DARKCYAN ); ReturnStringPadName( Line ); pos += 8; Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, _( "RefP" ), Line, BROWN ); } pos += 4; Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, _( "Net" ), m_Netname, DARKCYAN ); /* For test and debug only: display m_physical_connexion and m_logical_connexion */ pos += 10; #if 1 // Used only to debug connectivity calculations Line.Printf( wxT( "%d-%d-%d " ), GetSubRatsnest(), GetSubNet(), m_ZoneSubnet ); Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, wxT( "L-P-Z" ), Line, DARKGREEN ); #endif wxString LayerInfo; ii = 0; if( m_Masque_Layer & CUIVRE_LAYER ) ii = 2; if( m_Masque_Layer & CMP_LAYER ) ii += 1; if( (m_Masque_Layer & ALL_CU_LAYERS) == ALL_CU_LAYERS ) ii = 7; LayerInfo = Msg_Pad_Layer[ii]; if( (m_Masque_Layer & ALL_CU_LAYERS) == 0 ) { if( m_Masque_Layer ) LayerInfo = Msg_Pad_Layer[8]; switch( m_Masque_Layer & ~ALL_CU_LAYERS ) { case ADHESIVE_LAYER_CU: LayerInfo = ReturnPcbLayerName( ADHESIVE_N_CU ); break; case ADHESIVE_LAYER_CMP: LayerInfo = ReturnPcbLayerName( ADHESIVE_N_CMP ); break; case SOLDERPASTE_LAYER_CU: LayerInfo = ReturnPcbLayerName( SOLDERPASTE_N_CU ); break; case SOLDERPASTE_LAYER_CMP: LayerInfo = ReturnPcbLayerName( SOLDERPASTE_N_CMP ); break; case SILKSCREEN_LAYER_CU: LayerInfo = ReturnPcbLayerName( SILKSCREEN_N_CU ); break; case SILKSCREEN_LAYER_CMP: LayerInfo = ReturnPcbLayerName( SILKSCREEN_N_CMP ); break; case SOLDERMASK_LAYER_CU: LayerInfo = ReturnPcbLayerName( SOLDERMASK_N_CU ); break; case SOLDERMASK_LAYER_CMP: LayerInfo = ReturnPcbLayerName( SOLDERMASK_N_CMP ); break; case DRAW_LAYER: LayerInfo = ReturnPcbLayerName( DRAW_N ); break; case COMMENT_LAYER: LayerInfo = ReturnPcbLayerName( COMMENT_N ); break; case ECO1_LAYER: LayerInfo = ReturnPcbLayerName( ECO1_N ); break; case ECO2_LAYER: LayerInfo = ReturnPcbLayerName( ECO2_N ); break; case EDGE_LAYER: LayerInfo = ReturnPcbLayerName( EDGE_N ); break; default: break; } } pos += 3; Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, _( "Layer" ), LayerInfo, DARKGREEN ); pos += 6; int attribut = m_Attribut & 15; if( attribut > 3 ) attribut = 3; Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, Msg_Pad_Shape[m_PadShape], Msg_Pad_Attribut[attribut], DARKGREEN ); valeur_param( m_Size.x, Line ); pos += 6; Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, _( "H Size" ), Line, RED ); valeur_param( m_Size.y, Line ); pos += 7; Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, _( "V Size" ), Line, RED ); pos += 7; valeur_param( (unsigned) m_Drill.x, Line ); if( m_DrillShape == PAD_CIRCLE ) { Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, _( "Drill" ), Line, RED ); } else { valeur_param( (unsigned) m_Drill.x, Line ); wxString msg; valeur_param( (unsigned) m_Drill.y, msg ); Line += wxT( " / " ) + msg; Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, _( "Drill X / Y" ), Line, RED ); } int module_orient = module ? module->m_Orient : 0; if( module_orient ) Line.Printf( wxT( "%3.1f(+%3.1f)" ), (float) ( m_Orient - module_orient ) / 10, (float) module_orient / 10 ); else Line.Printf( wxT( "%3.1f" ), (float) m_Orient / 10 ); pos += 8; Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, _( "Orient" ), Line, BLUE ); valeur_param( m_Pos.x, Line ); pos += 8; Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, _( "X Pos" ), Line, BLUE ); valeur_param( m_Pos.y, Line ); pos += 6; Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, _( "Y pos" ), Line, BLUE ); } // see class_pad.h bool D_PAD::IsOnLayer( int aLayer ) const { return (1 << aLayer) & m_Masque_Layer; } /** * Function HitTest * tests if the given wxPoint is within the bounds of this object. * @param ref_pos A wxPoint to test * @return bool - true if a hit, else false */ bool D_PAD::HitTest( const wxPoint& ref_pos ) { int deltaX, deltaY; int dx, dy; double dist; wxPoint shape_pos = ReturnShapePos(); deltaX = ref_pos.x - shape_pos.x; deltaY = ref_pos.y - shape_pos.y; /* Test rapide: le point a tester doit etre a l'interieur du cercle exinscrit ... */ if( (abs( deltaX ) > m_Rayon ) || (abs( deltaY ) > m_Rayon) ) return false; /* calcul des demi dim dx et dy */ dx = m_Size.x >> 1; // dx also is the radius for rounded pads dy = m_Size.y >> 1; /* localisation ? */ switch( m_PadShape & 0x7F ) { case PAD_CIRCLE: dist = hypot( deltaX, deltaY ); if( wxRound( dist ) <= dx ) return true; break; default: /* calcul des coord du point test dans le repere du Pad */ RotatePoint( &deltaX, &deltaY, -m_Orient ); if( (abs( deltaX ) <= dx ) && (abs( deltaY ) <= dy) ) return true; break; } return false; } /************************************************************/ int D_PAD::Compare( const D_PAD* padref, const D_PAD* padcmp ) /************************************************************/ { int diff; if( (diff = padref->m_PadShape - padcmp->m_PadShape) ) return diff; if( (diff = padref->m_Size.x - padcmp->m_Size.x) ) return diff; if( (diff = padref->m_Size.y - padcmp->m_Size.y) ) return diff; if( (diff = padref->m_Offset.x - padcmp->m_Offset.x) ) return diff; if( (diff = padref->m_Offset.y - padcmp->m_Offset.y) ) return diff; if( (diff = padref->m_DeltaSize.x - padcmp->m_DeltaSize.x) ) return diff; if( (diff = padref->m_DeltaSize.y - padcmp->m_DeltaSize.y) ) return diff; // @todo check if export_gencad still works: // specctra_export needs this, but maybe export_gencad does not. added on Jan 24 2008 by Dick. if( (diff = padref->m_Masque_Layer - padcmp->m_Masque_Layer) ) return diff; return 0; } #if defined (DEBUG) // @todo: could this be useable elsewhere also? static const char* ShowPadType( int aPadType ) { switch( aPadType ) { case PAD_CIRCLE: return "circle"; case PAD_OVAL: return "oval"; case PAD_RECT: return "rect"; case PAD_TRAPEZOID: return "trap"; default: return "??unknown??"; } } static const char* ShowPadAttr( int aPadAttr ) { switch( aPadAttr ) { case PAD_STANDARD: return "STD"; case PAD_SMD: return "SMD"; case PAD_CONN: return "CONN"; case PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED: return "HOLE"; default: return "??unkown??"; } } /** * Function Show * is used to output the object tree, currently for debugging only. * @param nestLevel An aid to prettier tree indenting, and is the level * of nesting of this object within the overall tree. * @param os The ostream& to output to. */ void D_PAD::Show( int nestLevel, std::ostream& os ) { char padname[5] = { m_Padname[0], m_Padname[1], m_Padname[2], m_Padname[3], 0 }; char layerMask[16]; sprintf( layerMask, "0x%08X", m_Masque_Layer ); // for now, make it look like XML: NestedSpace( nestLevel, os ) << '<' << GetClass().Lower().mb_str() << " shape=\"" << ShowPadType( m_PadShape ) << '"' << " attr=\"" << ShowPadAttr( m_Attribut ) << '"' << " num=\"" << padname << '"' << " net=\"" << m_Netname.mb_str() << '"' << " netcode=\"" << GetNet() << '"' << " layerMask=\"" << layerMask << '"' << m_Pos << "/>\n"; // NestedSpace( nestLevel+1, os ) << m_Text.mb_str() << '\n'; // NestedSpace( nestLevel, os ) << "\n"; } #endif