/* * Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SINTEF ICT, * Applied Mathematics, Norway. * * Contact information: E-mail: tor.dokken@sintef.no * SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics, * P.O. Box 124 Blindern, * 0314 Oslo, Norway. * * This file is part of TTL. * * TTL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * TTL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with TTL. If not, see * . * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public * License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every data * file that is created or manipulated using TTL. * * Other Usage * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you * develop commercial activities involving the TTL library without * disclosing the source code of your own applications. * * This file may be used in accordance with the terms contained in a * written agreement between you and SINTEF ICT. */ #ifndef _TTL_H_ #define _TTL_H_ #include #include // Debugging #ifdef DEBUG_TTL static void errorAndExit( char* aMessage ) { cout << "\n!!! ERROR: " << aMessage << " !!!\n" << endl; exit(-1); } #endif // Next on TOPOLOGY: // - get triangle strips // - weighted graph, algorithms using a weight (real) for each edge, // e.g. an "abstract length". Use for minimum spanning tree // or some arithmetics on weights? // - Circulators as defined in CGAL with more STL compliant code // - analyze in detail locateFace: e.g. detect 0-orbit in case of infinite loop // around a node etc. /** * \brief Main interface to TTL * * This namespace contains the basic generic algorithms for the TTL, * the Triangulation Template Library.\n * * Examples of functionality are: * - Incremental Delaunay triangulation * - Constrained triangulation * - Insert/remove nodes and constrained edges * - Traversal operations * - Misc. queries for extracting information for visualisation systems etc. * * \par General requirements and assumptions: * - \e DART_TYPE and \e TRAITS_TYPE should be implemented in accordance with the description * in \ref api. * - A \b "Requires:" section in the documentation of a function template * shows which functionality is required in \e TRAITS_TYPE to * support that specific function.\n * Functionalty required in \e DART_TYPE is the same (almost) for all * function templates; see \ref api and the example referred to. * - When a reference to a \e dart object is passed to a function in TTL, * it is assumed that it is oriented \e counterclockwise (CCW) in a triangle * unless it is explicitly mentioned that it can also be \e clockwise (CW). * The same applies for a dart that is passed from a function in TTL to * the users TRAITS_TYPE class (or struct). * - When an edge (represented with a dart) is swapped, it is assumed that darts * outside the quadrilateral where the edge is a diagonal are not affected by * the swap. Thus, \ref hed::TTLtraits::swapEdge "TRAITS_TYPE::swapEdge" * must be implemented in accordance with this rule. * * \par Glossary: * - General terms are explained in \ref api. * - \e CCW - counterclockwise * - \e CW - clockwise * - \e 0_orbit, \e 1_orbit and \e 2_orbit: A sequence of darts around * a node, around an edge and in a triangle respectively; * see get_0_orbit_interior and get_0_orbit_boundary * - \e arc - In a triangulation an arc is equivalent with an edge * * \see * \ref ttl_util and \ref api * * \author * �yvind Hjelle, oyvindhj@ifi.uio.no */ namespace ttl { class TRIANGULATION_HELPER { #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS public: TRIANGULATION_HELPER( hed::TRIANGULATION& aTriang ) : m_triangulation( aTriang ) { } // Delaunay Triangulation template bool InsertNode( DART_TYPE& aDart, POINT_TYPE& aPoint ); template void RemoveRectangularBoundary( DART_TYPE& aDart ); template void RemoveNode( DART_TYPE& aDart ); template void RemoveBoundaryNode( DART_TYPE& aDart ); template void RemoveInteriorNode( DART_TYPE& aDart ); // Topological and Geometric Queries // --------------------------------- template static bool LocateFaceSimplest( const POINT_TYPE& aPoint, DART_TYPE& aDart ); template static bool LocateTriangle( const POINT_TYPE& aPoint, DART_TYPE& aDart ); template static bool InTriangle( const POINT_TYPE& aPoint, const DART_TYPE& aDart ); template static void GetBoundary( const DART_TYPE& aDart, DART_LIST_TYPE& aBoundary ); template static bool IsBoundaryEdge( const DART_TYPE& aDart ); template static bool IsBoundaryFace( const DART_TYPE& aDart ); template static bool IsBoundaryNode( const DART_TYPE& aDart ); template static int GetDegreeOfNode( const DART_TYPE& aDart ); template static void Get0OrbitInterior( const DART_TYPE& aDart, DART_LIST_TYPE& aOrbit ); template static void Get0OrbitBoundary( const DART_TYPE& aDart, DART_LIST_TYPE& aOrbit ); template static bool Same0Orbit( const DART_TYPE& aD1, const DART_TYPE& aD2 ); template static bool Same1Orbit( const DART_TYPE& aD1, const DART_TYPE& aD2 ); template static bool Same2Orbit( const DART_TYPE& aD1, const DART_TYPE& aD2 ); template static bool SwappableEdge( const DART_TYPE& aDart, bool aAllowDegeneracy = false ); template static void PositionAtNextBoundaryEdge( DART_TYPE& aDart ); template static bool ConvexBoundary( const DART_TYPE& aDart ); // Utilities for Delaunay Triangulation // ------------------------------------ template void OptimizeDelaunay( DART_LIST_TYPE& aElist ); template void OptimizeDelaunay( DART_LIST_TYPE& aElist, const typename DART_LIST_TYPE::iterator aEnd ); template bool SwapTestDelaunay( const DART_TYPE& aDart, bool aCyclingCheck = false ) const; template void RecSwapDelaunay( DART_TYPE& aDiagonal ); template void SwapEdgesAwayFromInteriorNode( DART_TYPE& aDart, LIST_TYPE& aSwappedEdges ); template void SwapEdgesAwayFromBoundaryNode( DART_TYPE& aDart, LIST_TYPE& aSwappedEdges ); template void SwapEdgeInList( const typename DART_LIST_TYPE::iterator& aIt, DART_LIST_TYPE& aElist ); // Constrained Triangulation // ------------------------- template static DART_TYPE InsertConstraint( DART_TYPE& aDStart, DART_TYPE& aDEnd, bool aOptimizeDelaunay ); private: hed::TRIANGULATION& m_triangulation; template void insertNodes( FORWARD_ITERATOR aFirst, FORWARD_ITERATOR aLast, DART_TYPE& aDart ); template static bool isMemberOfFace( const TOPOLOGY_ELEMENT_TYPE& aTopologyElement, const DART_TYPE& aDart ); template static bool locateFaceWithNode( const NODE_TYPE& aNode, DART_TYPE& aDartIter ); template static void getAdjacentTriangles( const DART_TYPE& aDart, DART_TYPE& aT1, DART_TYPE& aT2, DART_TYPE& aT3 ); template static void getNeighborNodes( const DART_TYPE& aDart, std::list& aNodeList, bool& aBoundary ); template static bool degenerateTriangle( const DART_TYPE& aDart ); }; #endif // DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS /** @name Delaunay Triangulation */ //@{ /** * Inserts a new node in an existing Delaunay triangulation and * swaps edges to obtain a new Delaunay triangulation. * This is the basic function for incremental Delaunay triangulation. * When starting from a set of points, an initial Delaunay triangulation * can be created as two triangles forming a rectangle that contains * all the points. * After \c insertNode has been called repeatedly with all the points, * removeRectangularBoundary can be called to remove triangles * at the boundary of the triangulation so that the boundary * form the convex hull of the points. * * Note that this incremetal scheme will run much faster if the points * have been sorted lexicographically on \e x and \e y. * * \param aDart * An arbitrary CCW dart in the tringulation.\n * Output: A CCW dart incident to the new node. * * \param aPoint * A point (node) to be inserted in the triangulation. * * \retval bool * \c true if \e point was inserted; \c false if not.\n * If \e point is outside the triangulation, or the input dart is not valid, * \c false is returned. * * \require * - \ref hed::TTLtraits::splitTriangle "TRAITS_TYPE::splitTriangle" (DART_TYPE&, const POINT_TYPE&) * * \using * - locateTriangle * - RecSwapDelaunay * * \note * - For efficiency reasons \e dart should be close to the insertion \e point. * * \see * removeRectangularBoundary */ template bool TRIANGULATION_HELPER::InsertNode( DART_TYPE& aDart, POINT_TYPE& aPoint ) { bool found = LocateTriangle( aPoint, aDart ); if( !found ) { #ifdef DEBUG_TTL cout << "ERROR: Triangulation::insertNode: NO triangle found. /n"; #endif return false; } // ??? can we hide the dart? this is not possible if one triangle only m_triangulation.splitTriangle( aDart, aPoint ); DART_TYPE d1 = aDart; d1.Alpha2().Alpha1().Alpha2().Alpha0().Alpha1(); DART_TYPE d2 = aDart; d2.Alpha1().Alpha0().Alpha1(); // Preserve a dart as output incident to the node and CCW DART_TYPE d3 = aDart; d3.Alpha2(); aDart = d3; // and see below //DART_TYPE dsav = d3; d3.Alpha0().Alpha1(); //if (!TRAITS_TYPE::fixedEdge(d1) && !IsBoundaryEdge(d1)) { if( !IsBoundaryEdge( d1 ) ) { d1.Alpha2(); RecSwapDelaunay( d1 ); } //if (!TRAITS_TYPE::fixedEdge(d2) && !IsBoundaryEdge(d2)) { if( !IsBoundaryEdge( d2 ) ) { d2.Alpha2(); RecSwapDelaunay( d2 ); } // Preserve the incoming dart as output incident to the node and CCW //d = dsav.Alpha2(); aDart.Alpha2(); //if (!TRAITS_TYPE::fixedEdge(d3) && !IsBoundaryEdge(d3)) { if( !IsBoundaryEdge( d3 ) ) { d3.Alpha2(); RecSwapDelaunay( d3 ); } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Private/Hidden function (might change later) template void TRIANGULATION_HELPER::insertNodes( FORWARD_ITERATOR aFirst, FORWARD_ITERATOR aLast, DART_TYPE& aDart ) { // Assumes that the dereferenced point objects are pointers. // References to the point objects are then passed to TTL. FORWARD_ITERATOR it; for( it = aFirst; it != aLast; ++it ) { InsertNode( aDart, **it ); } } /** Removes the rectangular boundary of a triangulation as a final step of an * incremental Delaunay triangulation. * The four nodes at the corners will be removed and the resulting triangulation * will have a convex boundary and be Delaunay. * * \param dart * A CCW dart at the boundary of the triangulation\n * Output: A CCW dart at the new boundary * * \using * - RemoveBoundaryNode * * \note * - This function requires that the boundary of the m_triangulation is * a rectangle with four nodes (one in each corner). */ template void TRIANGULATION_HELPER::RemoveRectangularBoundary( DART_TYPE& aDart ) { DART_TYPE d_next = aDart; DART_TYPE d_iter; for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { d_iter = d_next; d_next.Alpha0(); PositionAtNextBoundaryEdge( d_next ); RemoveBoundaryNode( d_iter ); } aDart = d_next; // Return a dart at the new boundary } /** Removes the node associated with \e dart and * updates the triangulation to be Delaunay. * * \using * - RemoveBoundaryNode if \e dart represents a node at the boundary * - RemoveInteriorNode if \e dart represents an interior node * * \note * - The node cannot belong to a fixed (constrained) edge that is not * swappable. (An endless loop is likely to occur in this case). */ template void TRIANGULATION_HELPER::RemoveNode( DART_TYPE& aDart ) { if( isBoundaryNode( aDart ) ) RemoveBoundaryNode( aDart ); else RemoveInteriorNode( aDart ); } /** Removes the boundary node associated with \e dart and * updates the triangulation to be Delaunay. * * \using * - SwapEdgesAwayFromBoundaryNode * - OptimizeDelaunay * * \require * - \ref hed::TTLtraits::removeBoundaryTriangle "TRAITS_TYPE::removeBoundaryTriangle" (Dart&) */ template void TRIANGULATION_HELPER::RemoveBoundaryNode( DART_TYPE& aDart ) { // ... and update Delaunay // - CCW dart must be given (for remove) // - No dart is delivered back now (but this is possible if // we assume that there is not only one triangle left in the m_triangulation. // Position at boundary edge and CCW if( !IsBoundaryEdge( aDart ) ) { aDart.Alpha1(); // ensures that next function delivers back a CCW dart (if the given dart is CCW) PositionAtNextBoundaryEdge( aDart ); } std::list swapped_edges; SwapEdgesAwayFromBoundaryNode( aDart, swapped_edges ); // Remove boundary triangles and remove the new boundary from the list // of swapped edges, see below. DART_TYPE d_iter = aDart; DART_TYPE dnext = aDart; bool bend = false; while( bend == false ) { dnext.Alpha1().Alpha2(); if( IsBoundaryEdge( dnext ) ) bend = true; // Stop when boundary // Generic: Also remove the new boundary from the list of swapped edges DART_TYPE n_bedge = d_iter; n_bedge.Alpha1().Alpha0().Alpha1().Alpha2(); // new boundary edge // ??? can we avoid find if we do this in swap away? typename std::list::iterator it; it = find( swapped_edges.begin(), swapped_edges.end(), n_bedge ); if( it != swapped_edges.end() ) swapped_edges.erase( it ); // Remove the boundary triangle m_triangulation.removeBoundaryTriangle( d_iter ); d_iter = dnext; } // Optimize Delaunay typedef std::list DART_LIST_TYPE; OptimizeDelaunay( swapped_edges ); } /** Removes the interior node associated with \e dart and * updates the triangulation to be Delaunay. * * \using * - SwapEdgesAwayFromInteriorNode * - OptimizeDelaunay * * \require * - \ref hed::TTLtraits::reverse_splitTriangle "TRAITS_TYPE::reverse_splitTriangle" (Dart&) * * \note * - The node cannot belong to a fixed (constrained) edge that is not * swappable. (An endless loop is likely to occur in this case). */ template void TRIANGULATION_HELPER::RemoveInteriorNode( DART_TYPE& aDart ) { // ... and update to Delaunay. // Must allow degeneracy temporarily, see comments in swap edges away // Assumes: // - revese_splitTriangle does not affect darts // outside the resulting triangle. // 1) Swaps edges away from the node until degree=3 (generic) // 2) Removes the remaining 3 triangles and creates a new to fill the hole // unsplitTriangle which is required // 3) Runs LOP on the platelet to obtain a Delaunay m_triangulation // (No dart is delivered as output) // Assumes dart is counterclockwise std::list swapped_edges; SwapEdgesAwayFromInteriorNode( aDart, swapped_edges ); // The reverse operation of split triangle: // Make one triangle of the three triangles at the node associated with dart // TRAITS_TYPE:: m_triangulation.reverseSplitTriangle( aDart ); // ???? Not generic yet if we are very strict: // When calling unsplit triangle, darts at the three opposite sides may // change! // Should we hide them longer away??? This is possible since they cannot // be boundary edges. // ----> Or should we just require that they are not changed??? // Make the swapped-away edges Delaunay. // Note the theoretical result: if there are no edges in the list, // the triangulation is Delaunay already OptimizeDelaunay( swapped_edges ); } //@} // End of Delaunay Triangulation Group /** @name Topological and Geometric Queries */ //@{ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Private/Hidden function (might change later) template bool TRIANGULATION_HELPER::isMemberOfFace( const TOPOLOGY_ELEMENT_TYPE& aTopologyElement, const DART_TYPE& aDart ) { // Check if the given topology element (node, edge or face) is a member of the face // Assumes: // - DART_TYPE::isMember(TOPOLOGY_ELEMENT_TYPE) DART_TYPE dart_iter = aDart; do { if( dart_iter.isMember( aTopologyElement ) ) return true; dart_iter.Alpha0().Alpha1(); } while( dart_iter != aDart ); return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Private/Hidden function (might change later) template bool TRIANGULATION_HELPER::locateFaceWithNode( const NODE_TYPE& aNode, DART_TYPE& aDartIter ) { // Locate a face in the topology structure with the given node as a member // Assumes: // - TRAITS_TYPE::Orient2D(DART_TYPE, DART_TYPE, NODE_TYPE) // - DART_TYPE::isMember(NODE_TYPE) // - Note that if false is returned, the node might still be in the // topology structure. Application programmer // should check all if by hypothesis the node is in the topology structure; // see doc. on LocateTriangle. bool status = LocateFaceSimplest( aNode, aDartIter ); if( status == false ) return status; // True was returned from LocateFaceSimplest, but if the located triangle is // degenerate and the node is on the extension of the edges, // the node might still be inside. Check if node is a member and return false // if not. (Still the node might be in the topology structure, see doc. above // and in locateTriangle(const POINT_TYPE& point, DART_TYPE& dart_iter) return isMemberOfFace( aNode, aDartIter ); } /** Locates the face containing a given point. * It is assumed that the tessellation (e.g. a triangulation) is \e regular in the sense that * there are no holes, the boundary is convex and there are no degenerate faces. * * \param aPoint * A point to be located * * \param aDart * An arbitrary CCW dart in the triangulation\n * Output: A CCW dart in the located face * * \retval bool * \c true if a face is found; \c false if not. * * \require * - \ref hed::TTLtraits::Orient2D "TRAITS_TYPE::Orient2D" (DART_TYPE&, DART_TYPE&, POINT_TYPE&) * * \note * - If \c false is returned, \e point may still be inside a face if the tessellation is not * \e regular as explained above. * * \see * LocateTriangle */ template bool TRIANGULATION_HELPER::LocateFaceSimplest( const POINT_TYPE& aPoint, DART_TYPE& aDart ) { // Not degenerate triangles if point is on the extension of the edges // But inTriangle may be called in case of true (may update to inFace2) // Convex boundary // no holes // convex faces (works for general convex faces) // Not specialized for triangles, but ok? // // TRAITS_TYPE::orint2d(POINT_TYPE) is the half open half-plane defined // by the dart: // n1 = dart.node() // n2 = dart.Alpha0().node // Only the following gives true: // ((n2->x()-n1->x())*(point.y()-n1->y()) >= (point.x()-n1->x())*(n2->y()-n1->y())) DART_TYPE dart_start; dart_start = aDart; DART_TYPE dart_prev; DART_TYPE d0; for( ;; ) { d0 = aDart; d0.Alpha0(); if( TRAITS_TYPE::Orient2D( aDart, d0, aPoint ) >= 0 ) { aDart.Alpha0().Alpha1(); if( aDart == dart_start ) return true; // left to all edges in face } else { dart_prev = aDart; aDart.Alpha2(); if( aDart == dart_prev ) return false; // iteration to outside boundary dart_start = aDart; dart_start.Alpha0(); aDart.Alpha1(); // avoid twice on same edge and ccw in next } } } /** Locates the triangle containing a given point. * It is assumed that the triangulation is \e regular in the sense that there * are no holes and the boundary is convex. * This function deals with degeneracy to some extent, but round-off errors may still * lead to a wrong result if triangles are degenerate. * * \param point * A point to be located * * \param dart * An arbitrary CCW dart in the triangulation\n * Output: A CCW dart in the located triangle * * \retval bool * \c true if a triangle is found; \c false if not.\n * If \e point is outside the m_triangulation, in which case \c false is returned, * then the edge associated with \e dart will be at the boundary of the m_triangulation. * * \using * - LocateFaceSimplest * - InTriangle */ template bool TRIANGULATION_HELPER::LocateTriangle( const POINT_TYPE& aPoint, DART_TYPE& aDart ) { // The purpose is to have a fast and stable procedure that // i) avoids concluding that a point is inside a triangle if it is not inside // ii) avoids infinite loops // Thus, if false is returned, the point might still be inside a triangle in // the triangulation. But this will probably only occur in the following cases: // i) There are holes in the triangulation which causes the procedure to stop. // ii) The boundary of the m_triangulation is not convex. // ii) There might be degenerate triangles interior to the triangulation, or on the // the boundary, which in some cases might cause the procedure to stop there due // to the logic of the algorithm. // It is the application programmer's responsibility to check further if false is // returned. For example, if by hypothesis the point is inside a triangle // in the triangulation and and false is returned, then all triangles in the // triangulation should be checked by the application. This can be done using // the function: // bool inTriangle(const POINT_TYPE& point, const DART_TYPE& dart). // Assumes: // - CrossProduct2D, ScalarProduct2D etc., see functions called bool status = LocateFaceSimplest( aPoint, aDart ); if( status == false ) return status; // There may be degeneracy, i.e., the point might be outside the triangle // on the extension of the edges of a degenerate triangle. // The next call returns true if inside a non-degenerate or a degenerate triangle, // but false if the point coincides with the "supernode" in the case where all // edges are degenerate. return InTriangle( aPoint, aDart ); } /** Checks if \e point is inside the triangle associated with \e dart. * This function deals with degeneracy to some extent, but round-off errors may still * lead to wrong result if the triangle is degenerate. * * \param aDart * A CCW dart in the triangle * * \require * - \ref hed::TTLtraits::CrossProduct2D "TRAITS_TYPE::CrossProduct2D" (DART_TYPE&, POINT_TYPE&) * - \ref hed::TTLtraits::ScalarProduct2D "TRAITS_TYPE::ScalarProduct2D" (DART_TYPE&, POINT_TYPE&) * * \see * InTriangleSimplest */ template bool TRIANGULATION_HELPER::InTriangle( const POINT_TYPE& aPoint, const DART_TYPE& aDart ) { // SHOULD WE INCLUDE A STRATEGY WITH EDGE X e_1 ETC? TO GUARANTEE THAT // ONLY ON ONE EDGE? BUT THIS DOES NOT SOLVE PROBLEMS WITH // notInE1 && notInE1.neghbour ? // Returns true if inside (but not necessarily strictly inside) // Works for degenerate triangles, but not when all edges are degenerate, // and the aPoint coincides with all nodes; // then false is always returned. typedef typename TRAITS_TYPE::REAL_TYPE REAL_TYPE; DART_TYPE dart_iter = aDart; REAL_TYPE cr1 = TRAITS_TYPE::CrossProduct2D( dart_iter, aPoint ); if( cr1 < 0 ) return false; dart_iter.Alpha0().Alpha1(); REAL_TYPE cr2 = TRAITS_TYPE::CrossProduct2D( dart_iter, aPoint ); if( cr2 < 0 ) return false; dart_iter.Alpha0().Alpha1(); REAL_TYPE cr3 = TRAITS_TYPE::CrossProduct2D( dart_iter, aPoint ); if( cr3 < 0 ) return false; // All cross products are >= 0 // Check for degeneracy if( cr1 != 0 || cr2 != 0 || cr3 != 0 ) return true; // inside non-degenerate face // All cross-products are zero, i.e. degenerate triangle, check if inside // Strategy: d.ScalarProduct2D >= 0 && alpha0(d).d.ScalarProduct2D >= 0 for one of // the edges. But if all edges are degenerate and the aPoint is on (all) the nodes, // then "false is returned". DART_TYPE dart_tmp = dart_iter; REAL_TYPE sc1 = TRAITS_TYPE::ScalarProduct2D( dart_tmp, aPoint ); REAL_TYPE sc2 = TRAITS_TYPE::ScalarProduct2D( dart_tmp.Alpha0(), aPoint ); if( sc1 >= 0 && sc2 >= 0 ) { // test for degenerate edge if( sc1 != 0 || sc2 != 0 ) return true; // interior to this edge or on a node (but see comment above) } dart_tmp = dart_iter.Alpha0().Alpha1(); sc1 = TRAITS_TYPE::ScalarProduct2D( dart_tmp, aPoint ); sc2 = TRAITS_TYPE::ScalarProduct2D( dart_tmp.Alpha0(), aPoint ); if( sc1 >= 0 && sc2 >= 0 ) { // test for degenerate edge if( sc1 != 0 || sc2 != 0 ) return true; // interior to this edge or on a node (but see comment above) } dart_tmp = dart_iter.Alpha1(); sc1 = TRAITS_TYPE::ScalarProduct2D( dart_tmp, aPoint ); sc2 = TRAITS_TYPE::ScalarProduct2D( dart_tmp.Alpha0(), aPoint ); if( sc1 >= 0 && sc2 >= 0 ) { // test for degenerate edge if( sc1 != 0 || sc2 != 0 ) return true; // interior to this edge or on a node (but see comment above) } // Not on any of the edges of the degenerate triangle. // The only possibility for the aPoint to be "inside" is that all edges are degenerate // and the point coincide with all nodes. So false is returned in this case. return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Private/Hidden function (might change later) template void TRIANGULATION_HELPER::getAdjacentTriangles( const DART_TYPE& aDart, DART_TYPE& aT1, DART_TYPE& aT2, DART_TYPE& aT3 ) { DART_TYPE dart_iter = aDart; // add first if( dart_iter.Alpha2() != aDart ) { aT1 = dart_iter; dart_iter = aDart; } // add second dart_iter.Alpha0(); dart_iter.Alpha1(); DART_TYPE dart_prev = dart_iter; if( ( dart_iter.Alpha2() ) != dart_prev ) { aT2 = dart_iter; dart_iter = dart_prev; } // add third dart_iter.Alpha0(); dart_iter.Alpha1(); dart_prev = dart_iter; if( ( dart_iter.Alpha2() ) != dart_prev ) aT3 = dart_iter; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Gets the boundary as sequence of darts, where the edges associated with the darts are boundary * edges, given a dart with an associating edge at the boundary of a topology structure. * The first dart in the sequence will be the given one, and the others will have the same * orientation (CCW or CW) as the first. * Assumes that the given dart is at the boundary. * * \param aDart * A dart at the boundary (CCW or CW) * * \param aBoundary * A sequence of darts, where the associated edges are the boundary edges * * \require * - DART_LIST_TYPE::push_back (DART_TYPE&) */ template void TRIANGULATION_HELPER::GetBoundary( const DART_TYPE& aDart, DART_LIST_TYPE& aBoundary ) { // assumes the given dart is at the boundary (by edge) DART_TYPE dart_iter( aDart ); aBoundary.push_back( dart_iter ); // Given dart as first element dart_iter.Alpha0(); PositionAtNextBoundaryEdge( dart_iter ); while( dart_iter != aDart ) { aBoundary.push_back( dart_iter ); dart_iter.Alpha0(); PositionAtNextBoundaryEdge( dart_iter ); } } /** Checks if the edge associated with \e dart is at * the boundary of the m_triangulation. * * \par Implements: * \code * DART_TYPE dart_iter = dart; * if (dart_iter.Alpha2() == dart) * return true; * else * return false; * \endcode */ template bool TRIANGULATION_HELPER::IsBoundaryEdge( const DART_TYPE& aDart ) { DART_TYPE dart_iter = aDart; if( dart_iter.Alpha2() == aDart ) return true; else return false; } /** Checks if the face associated with \e dart is at * the boundary of the m_triangulation. */ template bool TRIANGULATION_HELPER::IsBoundaryFace( const DART_TYPE& aDart ) { // Strategy: boundary if alpha2(d)=d DART_TYPE dart_iter( aDart ); DART_TYPE dart_prev; do { dart_prev = dart_iter; if( dart_iter.Alpha2() == dart_prev ) return true; else dart_iter = dart_prev; // back again dart_iter.Alpha0(); dart_iter.Alpha1(); } while( dart_iter != aDart ); return false; } /** Checks if the node associated with \e dart is at * the boundary of the m_triangulation. */ template bool TRIANGULATION_HELPER::IsBoundaryNode( const DART_TYPE& aDart ) { // Strategy: boundary if alpha2(d)=d DART_TYPE dart_iter( aDart ); DART_TYPE dart_prev; // If input dart is reached again, then internal node // If alpha2(d)=d, then boundary do { dart_iter.Alpha1(); dart_prev = dart_iter; dart_iter.Alpha2(); if( dart_iter == dart_prev ) return true; } while( dart_iter != aDart ); return false; } /** Returns the degree of the node associated with \e dart. * * \par Definition: * The \e degree (or valency) of a node \e V in a m_triangulation, * is defined as the number of edges incident with \e V, i.e., * the number of edges joining \e V with another node in the triangulation. */ template int TRIANGULATION_HELPER::GetDegreeOfNode( const DART_TYPE& aDart ) { DART_TYPE dart_iter( aDart ); DART_TYPE dart_prev; // If input dart is reached again, then interior node // If alpha2(d)=d, then boundary int degree = 0; bool boundaryVisited = false; do { dart_iter.Alpha1(); degree++; dart_prev = dart_iter; dart_iter.Alpha2(); if( dart_iter == dart_prev ) { if( !boundaryVisited ) { boundaryVisited = true; // boundary is reached first time, count in the reversed direction degree++; // count the start since it is not done above dart_iter = aDart; dart_iter.Alpha2(); } else return degree; } } while( dart_iter != aDart ); return degree; } // Modification of GetDegreeOfNode: // Strategy, reverse the list and start in the other direction if the boundary // is reached. NB. copying of darts but ok., or we could have collected pointers, // but the memory management. // NOTE: not symmetry if we choose to collect opposite edges // now we collect darts with radiating edges // Remember that we must also copy the node, but ok with push_back // The size of the list will be the degree of the node // No CW/CCW since topology only // Each dart consists of an incident edge and an adjacent node. // But note that this is only how we interpret the dart in this implementation. // Given this list, how can we find the opposite edges: // We can perform alpha1 on each, but for boundary nodes we will get one edge twice. // But this is will always be the last dart! // The darts in the list are in sequence and starts with the alpha0(dart) // alpha0, alpha1 and alpha2 // Private/Hidden function template void TRIANGULATION_HELPER::getNeighborNodes( const DART_TYPE& aDart, std::list& aNodeList, bool& aBoundary ) { DART_TYPE dart_iter( aDart ); dart_iter.Alpha0(); // position the dart at an opposite node DART_TYPE dart_prev = dart_iter; bool start_at_boundary = false; dart_iter.Alpha2(); if( dart_iter == dart_prev ) start_at_boundary = true; else dart_iter = dart_prev; // back again DART_TYPE dart_start = dart_iter; do { aNodeList.push_back( dart_iter ); dart_iter.Alpha1(); dart_iter.Alpha0(); dart_iter.Alpha1(); dart_prev = dart_iter; dart_iter.Alpha2(); if( dart_iter == dart_prev ) { // boundary reached aBoundary = true; if( start_at_boundary == true ) { // add the dart which now is positioned at the opposite boundary aNodeList.push_back( dart_iter ); return; } else { // call the function again such that we start at the boundary // first clear the list and reposition to the initial node dart_iter.Alpha0(); aNodeList.clear(); getNeighborNodes( dart_iter, aNodeList, aBoundary ); return; // after one recursive step } } } while( dart_iter != dart_start ); aBoundary = false; } /** Gets the 0-orbit around an interior node. * * \param aDart * A dart (CCW or CW) positioned at an \e interior node. * * \retval aOrbit * Sequence of darts with one orbit for each arc. All the darts have the same * orientation (CCW or CW) as \e dart, and \e dart is the first element * in the sequence. * * \require * - DART_LIST_TYPE::push_back (DART_TYPE&) * * \see * Get0OrbitBoundary */ template void TRIANGULATION_HELPER::Get0OrbitInterior( const DART_TYPE& aDart, DART_LIST_TYPE& aOrbit ) { DART_TYPE d_iter = aDart; aOrbit.push_back( d_iter ); d_iter.Alpha1().Alpha2(); while( d_iter != aDart ) { aOrbit.push_back( d_iter ); d_iter.Alpha1().Alpha2(); } } /** Gets the 0-orbit around a node at the boundary * * \param aDart * A dart (CCW or CW) positioned at a \e boundary \e node and at a \e boundary \e edge. * * \retval orbit * Sequence of darts with one orbit for each arc. All the darts, \e exept \e the \e last one, * have the same orientation (CCW or CW) as \e dart, and \e dart is the first element * in the sequence. * * \require * - DART_LIST_TYPE::push_back (DART_TYPE&) * * \note * - The last dart in the sequence have opposite orientation compared to the others! * * \see * Get0OrbitInterior */ template void TRIANGULATION_HELPER::Get0OrbitBoundary( const DART_TYPE& aDart, DART_LIST_TYPE& aOrbit ) { DART_TYPE dart_prev; DART_TYPE d_iter = aDart; do { aOrbit.push_back( d_iter ); d_iter.Alpha1(); dart_prev = d_iter; d_iter.Alpha2(); } while( d_iter != dart_prev ); aOrbit.push_back( d_iter ); // the last one with opposite orientation } /** Checks if the two darts belong to the same 0-orbit, i.e., * if they share a node. * \e d1 and/or \e d2 can be CCW or CW. * * (This function also examines if the the node associated with * \e d1 is at the boundary, which slows down the function (slightly). * If it is known that the node associated with \e d1 is an interior * node and a faster version is needed, the user should implement his/her * own version.) */ template bool TRIANGULATION_HELPER::Same0Orbit( const DART_TYPE& aD1, const DART_TYPE& aD2 ) { // Two copies of the same dart DART_TYPE d_iter = aD2; DART_TYPE d_end = aD2; if( isBoundaryNode( d_iter ) ) { // position at both boundary edges PositionAtNextBoundaryEdge( d_iter ); d_end.Alpha1(); PositionAtNextBoundaryEdge( d_end ); } for( ;; ) { if( d_iter == aD1 ) return true; d_iter.Alpha1(); if( d_iter == aD1 ) return true; d_iter.Alpha2(); if( d_iter == d_end ) break; } return false; } /** Checks if the two darts belong to the same 1-orbit, i.e., * if they share an edge. * \e d1 and/or \e d2 can be CCW or CW. */ template bool TRIANGULATION_HELPER::Same1Orbit( const DART_TYPE& aD1, const DART_TYPE& aD2 ) { DART_TYPE d_iter = aD2; // (Also works at the boundary) return ( d_iter == aD1 || d_iter.Alpha0() == aD1 || d_iter.Alpha2() == aD1 || d_iter.Alpha0() == aD1 ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Checks if the two darts belong to the same 2-orbit, i.e., * if they lie in the same triangle. * \e d1 and/or \e d2 can be CCW or CW */ template bool TRIANGULATION_HELPER::Same2Orbit( const DART_TYPE& aD1, const DART_TYPE& aD2 ) { DART_TYPE d_iter = aD2; return ( d_iter == aD1 || d_iter.Alpha0() == aD1 || d_iter.Alpha1() == aD1 || d_iter.Alpha0() == aD1 || d_iter.Alpha1() == aD1 || d_iter.Alpha0() == aD1 ); } // Private/Hidden function template bool TRIANGULATION_HELPER::degenerateTriangle( const DART_TYPE& aDart ) { // Check if triangle is degenerate // Assumes CCW dart DART_TYPE d1 = aDart; DART_TYPE d2 = d1; d2.Alpha1(); return ( TRAITS_TYPE::CrossProduct2D( d1, d2 ) == 0 ); } /** Checks if the edge associated with \e dart is swappable, i.e., if the edge * is a diagonal in a \e strictly convex (or convex) quadrilateral. * * \param aAllowDegeneracy * If set to true, the function will also return true if the numerical calculations * indicate that the quadrilateral is convex only, and not necessarily strictly * convex. * * \require * - \ref hed::TTLtraits::CrossProduct2D "TRAITS_TYPE::CrossProduct2D" (Dart&, Dart&) */ template bool TRIANGULATION_HELPER::SwappableEdge( const DART_TYPE& aDart, bool aAllowDegeneracy ) { // How "safe" is it? if( IsBoundaryEdge( aDart ) ) return false; // "angles" are at the diagonal DART_TYPE d1 = aDart; d1.Alpha2().Alpha1(); DART_TYPE d2 = aDart; d2.Alpha1(); if( aAllowDegeneracy ) { if( TRAITS_TYPE::CrossProduct2D( d1, d2 ) < 0.0 ) return false; } else { if( TRAITS_TYPE::CrossProduct2D( d1, d2 ) <= 0.0 ) return false; } // Opposite side (still angle at the diagonal) d1 = aDart; d1.Alpha0(); d2 = d1; d1.Alpha1(); d2.Alpha2().Alpha1(); if( aAllowDegeneracy ) { if( TRAITS_TYPE::CrossProduct2D( d1, d2 ) < 0.0 ) return false; } else { if( TRAITS_TYPE::CrossProduct2D( d1, d2 ) <= 0.0 ) return false; } return true; } /** Given a \e dart, CCW or CW, positioned in a 0-orbit at the boundary of a tessellation. * Position \e dart at a boundary edge in the same 0-orbit.\n * If the given \e dart is CCW, \e dart is positioned at the left boundary edge * and will be CW.\n * If the given \e dart is CW, \e dart is positioned at the right boundary edge * and will be CCW. * * \note * - The given \e dart must have a source node at the boundary, otherwise an * infinit loop occurs. */ template void TRIANGULATION_HELPER::PositionAtNextBoundaryEdge( DART_TYPE& aDart ) { DART_TYPE dart_prev; // If alpha2(d)=d, then boundary //old convention: dart.Alpha0(); do { aDart.Alpha1(); dart_prev = aDart; aDart.Alpha2(); } while( aDart != dart_prev ); } /** Checks if the boundary of a triangulation is convex. * * \param dart * A CCW dart at the boundary of the m_triangulation * * \require * - \ref hed::TTLtraits::CrossProduct2D "TRAITS_TYPE::CrossProduct2D" (const Dart&, const Dart&) */ template bool TRIANGULATION_HELPER::ConvexBoundary( const DART_TYPE& aDart ) { std::list blist; getBoundary( aDart, blist ); int no; no = (int) blist.size(); typename std::list::const_iterator bit = blist.begin(); DART_TYPE d1 = *bit; ++bit; DART_TYPE d2; bool convex = true; for( ; bit != blist.end(); ++bit ) { d2 = *bit; double crossProd = TRAITS_TYPE::CrossProduct2D( d1, d2 ); if( crossProd < 0.0 ) { //cout << "!!! Boundary is NOT convex: crossProd = " << crossProd << endl; convex = false; return convex; } d1 = d2; } // Check the last angle d2 = *blist.begin(); double crossProd = TRAITS_TYPE::CrossProduct2D( d1, d2 ); if( crossProd < 0.0 ) { //cout << "!!! Boundary is NOT convex: crossProd = " << crossProd << endl; convex = false; } //if (convex) // cout << "\n---> Boundary is convex\n" << endl; //cout << endl; return convex; } //@} // End of Topological and Geometric Queries Group /** @name Utilities for Delaunay Triangulation */ //@{ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Optimizes the edges in the given sequence according to the * \e Delaunay criterion, i.e., such that the edge will fullfill the * \e circumcircle criterion (or equivalently the \e MaxMin * angle criterion) with respect to the quadrilaterals where * they are diagonals. * * \param aElist * The sequence of edges * * \require * - \ref hed::TTLtraits::swapEdge "TRAITS_TYPE::swapEdge" (DART_TYPE& \e dart)\n * \b Note: Must be implemented such that \e dart is delivered back in a position as * seen if it was glued to the edge when swapping (rotating) the edge CCW * * \using * - swapTestDelaunay */ template void TRIANGULATION_HELPER::OptimizeDelaunay( DART_LIST_TYPE& aElist ) { OptimizeDelaunay( aElist, aElist.end() ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void TRIANGULATION_HELPER::OptimizeDelaunay( DART_LIST_TYPE& aElist, const typename DART_LIST_TYPE::iterator aEnd ) { // CCW darts // Optimize here means Delaunay, but could be any criterion by // requiring a "should swap" in the traits class, or give // a function object? // Assumes that elist has only one dart for each arc. // Darts outside the quadrilateral are preserved // For some data structures it is possible to preserve // all darts when swapping. Thus a preserve_darts_when swapping // ccould be given to indicate this and we would gain performance by avoiding // find in list. // Requires that swap retuns a dart in the "same position when rotated CCW" // (A vector instead of a list may be better.) // First check that elist is not empty if( aElist.empty() ) return; // Avoid cycling by more extensive circumcircle test bool cycling_check = true; bool optimal = false; typename DART_LIST_TYPE::iterator it; typename DART_LIST_TYPE::iterator end_opt = aEnd; // Hmm... The following code is trying to derefence an iterator that may // be invalid. This may lead to debug error on Windows, so we comment out // this code. Checking elist.empty() above will prevent some // problems... // // last_opt is passed the end of the "active list" //typename DART_LIST_TYPE::iterator end_opt; //if (*end != NULL) // end_opt = end; //else // end_opt = elist.end(); while( !optimal ) { optimal = true; for( it = aElist.begin(); it != end_opt; ++it ) { if( SwapTestDelaunay( *it, cycling_check ) ) { // Preserve darts. Potential darts in the list are: // - The current dart // - the four CCW darts on the boundary of the quadrilateral // (the current arc has only one dart) SwapEdgeInList( it, aElist ); optimal = false; } // end if should swap } // end for } // end pass } /** Checks if the edge associated with \e dart should be swapped according * to the \e Delaunay criterion, i.e., the \e circumcircle criterion (or * equivalently the \e MaxMin angle criterion). * * \param aCyclingCheck * Must be set to \c true when used in connection with optimization algorithms, * e.g., OptimizeDelaunay. This will avoid cycling and infinite loops in nearly * neutral cases. * * \require * - \ref hed::TTLtraits::ScalarProduct2D "TRAITS_TYPE::ScalarProduct2D" (DART_TYPE&, DART_TYPE&) * - \ref hed::TTLtraits::CrossProduct2D "TRAITS_TYPE::CrossProduct2D" (DART_TYPE&, DART_TYPE&) */ template #if ((_MSC_VER > 0) && (_MSC_VER < 1300))//#ifdef _MSC_VER bool TRIANGULATION_HELPER::SwapTestDelaunay(const DART_TYPE& aDart, bool aCyclingCheck = false) const { #else bool TRIANGULATION_HELPER::SwapTestDelaunay( const DART_TYPE& aDart, bool aCyclingCheck ) const { #endif // The general strategy is taken from Cline & Renka. They claim that // their algorithm insure numerical stability, but experiments show // that this is not correct for neutral, or almost neutral cases. // I have extended this strategy (without using tolerances) to avoid // cycling and infinit loops when used in connection with LOP algorithms; // see the comments below. typedef typename TRAITS_TYPE::REAL_TYPE REAL_TYPE; if( IsBoundaryEdge( aDart ) ) return false; DART_TYPE v11 = aDart; v11.Alpha1().Alpha0(); DART_TYPE v12 = v11; v12.Alpha1(); DART_TYPE v22 = aDart; v22.Alpha2().Alpha1().Alpha0(); DART_TYPE v21 = v22; v21.Alpha1(); REAL_TYPE cos1 = TRAITS_TYPE::ScalarProduct2D( v11, v12 ); REAL_TYPE cos2 = TRAITS_TYPE::ScalarProduct2D( v21, v22 ); // "Angles" are opposite to the diagonal. // The diagonals should be swapped iff (t1+t2) .gt. 180 // degrees. The following two tests insure numerical // stability according to Cline & Renka. But experiments show // that cycling may still happen; see the aditional test below. if( cos1 >= 0 && cos2 >= 0 ) // both angles are grater or equual 90 return false; if( cos1 < 0 && cos2 < 0 ) // both angles are less than 90 return true; REAL_TYPE sin1 = TRAITS_TYPE::CrossProduct2D( v11, v12 ); REAL_TYPE sin2 = TRAITS_TYPE::CrossProduct2D( v21, v22 ); REAL_TYPE sin12 = sin1 * cos2 + cos1 * sin2; if( sin12 >= 0 ) // equality represents a neutral case return false; if( aCyclingCheck ) { // situation so far is sin12 < 0. Test if this also // happens for the swapped edge. // The numerical calculations so far indicate that the edge is // not Delaunay and should not be swapped. But experiments show that // in neutral cases, or almost neutral cases, it may happen that // the swapped edge may again be found to be not Delaunay and thus // be swapped if we return true here. This may lead to cycling and // an infinte loop when used, e.g., in connection with OptimizeDelaunay. // // In an attempt to avoid this we test if the swapped edge will // also be found to be not Delaunay by repeating the last test above // for the swapped edge. // We now rely on the general requirement for TRAITS_TYPE::swapEdge which // should deliver CCW dart back in "the same position"; see the general // description. This will insure numerical stability as the next calculation // is the same as if this function was called again with the swapped edge. // Cycling is thus impossible provided that the initial tests above does // not result in ambiguity (and they should probably not do so). v11.Alpha0(); v12.Alpha0(); v21.Alpha0(); v22.Alpha0(); // as if the edge was swapped/rotated CCW cos1 = TRAITS_TYPE::ScalarProduct2D( v22, v11 ); cos2 = TRAITS_TYPE::ScalarProduct2D( v12, v21 ); sin1 = TRAITS_TYPE::CrossProduct2D( v22, v11 ); sin2 = TRAITS_TYPE::CrossProduct2D( v12, v21 ); sin12 = sin1 * cos2 + cos1 * sin2; if( sin12 < 0 ) { // A neutral case, but the tests above lead to swapping return false; } } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // x //" / \ " // / | \ Darts: //oe2 / | \ oe2 = oppEdge2 // x....|....x // \ d| d/ d = diagonal (input and output) // \ | / // oe1 \ / oe1 = oppEdge1 // x // //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Recursively swaps edges in the triangulation according to the \e Delaunay criterion. * * \param aDiagonal * A CCW dart representing the edge where the recursion starts from. * * \require * - \ref hed::TTLtraits::swapEdge "TRAITS_TYPE::swapEdge" (DART_TYPE&)\n * \b Note: Must be implemented such that the darts outside the quadrilateral * are not affected by the swap. * * \using * - Calls itself recursively */ template void TRIANGULATION_HELPER::RecSwapDelaunay( DART_TYPE& aDiagonal ) { if( !SwapTestDelaunay( aDiagonal ) ) // ??? swapTestDelaunay also checks if boundary, so this can be optimized return; // Get the other "edges" of the current triangle; see illustration above. DART_TYPE oppEdge1 = aDiagonal; oppEdge1.Alpha1(); bool b1; if( IsBoundaryEdge( oppEdge1 ) ) b1 = true; else { b1 = false; oppEdge1.Alpha2(); } DART_TYPE oppEdge2 = aDiagonal; oppEdge2.Alpha0().Alpha1().Alpha0(); bool b2; if( IsBoundaryEdge( oppEdge2 ) ) b2 = true; else { b2 = false; oppEdge2.Alpha2(); } // Swap the given diagonal m_triangulation.swapEdge( aDiagonal ); if( !b1 ) RecSwapDelaunay( oppEdge1 ); if( !b2 ) RecSwapDelaunay( oppEdge2 ); } /** Swaps edges away from the (interior) node associated with * \e dart such that that exactly three edges remain incident * with the node. * This function is used as a first step in RemoveInteriorNode * * \retval dart * A CCW dart incident with the node * * \par Assumes: * - The node associated with \e dart is interior to the * triangulation. * * \require * - \ref hed::TTLtraits::swapEdge "TRAITS_TYPE::swapEdge" (DART_TYPE& \e dart)\n * \b Note: Must be implemented such that \e dart is delivered back in a position as * seen if it was glued to the edge when swapping (rotating) the edge CCW * * \note * - A degenerate triangle may be left at the node. * - The function is not unique as it depends on which dart * at the node that is given as input. * * \see * SwapEdgesAwayFromBoundaryNode */ template void TRIANGULATION_HELPER::SwapEdgesAwayFromInteriorNode( DART_TYPE& aDart, LIST_TYPE& aSwappedEdges ) { // Same iteration as in fixEdgesAtCorner, but not boundary DART_TYPE dnext = aDart; // Allow degeneracy, otherwise we might end up with degree=4. // For example, the reverse operation of inserting a point on an // existing edge gives a situation where all edges are non-swappable. // Ideally, degeneracy in this case should be along the actual node, // but there is no strategy for this now. // ??? An alternative here is to wait with degeneracy till we get an // infinite loop with degree > 3. bool allowDegeneracy = true; int degree = getDegreeOfNode( aDart ); DART_TYPE d_iter; while( degree > 3 ) { d_iter = dnext; dnext.Alpha1().Alpha2(); if( SwappableEdge( d_iter, allowDegeneracy ) ) { m_triangulation.swapEdge( d_iter ); // swap the edge away // Collect swapped edges in the list // "Hide" the dart on the other side of the edge to avoid it being changed for // other swaps DART_TYPE swapped_edge = d_iter; // it was delivered back swapped_edge.Alpha2().Alpha0(); // CCW (if not at boundary) aSwappedEdges.push_back( swapped_edge ); degree--; } } // Output, incident to the node aDart = dnext; } /** Swaps edges away from the (boundary) node associated with * \e dart in such a way that when removing the edges that remain incident * with the node, the boundary of the triangulation will be convex. * This function is used as a first step in RemoveBoundaryNode * * \retval dart * A CCW dart incident with the node * * \require * - \ref hed::TTLtraits::swapEdge "TRAITS_TYPE::swapEdge" (DART_TYPE& \e dart)\n * \b Note: Must be implemented such that \e dart is delivered back in a position as * seen if it was glued to the edge when swapping (rotating) the edge CCW * * \par Assumes: * - The node associated with \e dart is at the boundary of the m_triangulation. * * \see * SwapEdgesAwayFromInteriorNode */ template void TRIANGULATION_HELPER::SwapEdgesAwayFromBoundaryNode( DART_TYPE& aDart, LIST_TYPE& aSwappedEdges ) { // All darts that are swappable. // To treat collinear nodes at an existing boundary, we must allow degeneracy // when swapping to the boundary. // dart is CCW and at the boundary. // The 0-orbit runs CCW // Deliver the dart back in the "same position". // Assume for the swap in the traits class: // - A dart on the swapped edge is delivered back in a position as // seen if it was glued to the edge when swapping (rotating) the edge CCW //int degree = getDegreeOfNode(dart); passes: // Swap swappable edges that radiate from the node away DART_TYPE d_iter = aDart; // ???? can simply use dart d_iter.Alpha1().Alpha2(); // first not at boundary DART_TYPE d_next = d_iter; bool bend = false; bool swapped_next_to_boundary = false; bool swapped_in_pass = false; bool allowDegeneracy; // = true; DART_TYPE tmp1, tmp2; while( !bend ) { d_next.Alpha1().Alpha2(); if( IsBoundaryEdge( d_next ) ) bend = true; // then it is CW since alpha2 // To allow removing among collinear nodes at the boundary, // degenerate triangles must be allowed // (they will be removed when used in connection with RemoveBoundaryNode) tmp1 = d_iter; tmp1.Alpha1(); tmp2 = d_iter; tmp2.Alpha2().Alpha1(); // don't bother with boundary (checked later) if( IsBoundaryEdge( tmp1 ) && IsBoundaryEdge( tmp2 ) ) allowDegeneracy = true; else allowDegeneracy = false; if( SwappableEdge( d_iter, allowDegeneracy ) ) { m_triangulation.swapEdge( d_iter ); // Collect swapped edges in the list // "Hide" the dart on the other side of the edge to avoid it being changed for // other swapps DART_TYPE swapped_edge = d_iter; // it was delivered back swapped_edge.Alpha2().Alpha0(); // CCW aSwappedEdges.push_back( swapped_edge ); //degree--; // if degree is 2, or bend=true, we are done swapped_in_pass = true; if( bend ) swapped_next_to_boundary = true; } if( !bend ) d_iter = d_next; } // Deliver a dart as output in the same position as the incoming dart if( swapped_next_to_boundary ) { // Assume that "swapping is CCW and dart is preserved in the same position d_iter.Alpha1().Alpha0().Alpha1(); // CW and see below } else { d_iter.Alpha1(); // CW and see below } PositionAtNextBoundaryEdge( d_iter ); // CCW aDart = d_iter; // for next pass or output // If a dart was swapped in this iteration we must run it more if( swapped_in_pass ) goto passes; } /** Swap the the edge associated with iterator \e it and update affected darts * in \e elist accordingly. * The darts affected by the swap are those in the same quadrilateral. * Thus, if one want to preserve one or more of these darts on should * keep them in \e elist. */ template void TRIANGULATION_HELPER::SwapEdgeInList( const typename DART_LIST_TYPE::iterator& aIt, DART_LIST_TYPE& aElist ) { typename DART_LIST_TYPE::iterator it1, it2, it3, it4; DART_TYPE dart( *aIt ); //typename TRAITS_TYPE::DART_TYPE d1 = dart; d1.Alpha2().Alpha1(); //typename TRAITS_TYPE::DART_TYPE d2 = d1; d2.Alpha0().Alpha1(); //typename TRAITS_TYPE::DART_TYPE d3 = dart; d3.Alpha0().Alpha1(); //typename TRAITS_TYPE::DART_TYPE d4 = d3; d4.Alpha0().Alpha1(); DART_TYPE d1 = dart; d1.Alpha2().Alpha1(); DART_TYPE d2 = d1; d2.Alpha0().Alpha1(); DART_TYPE d3 = dart; d3.Alpha0().Alpha1(); DART_TYPE d4 = d3; d4.Alpha0().Alpha1(); // Find pinters to the darts that may change. // ??? Note, this is not very efficient since we must use find, which is O(N), // four times. // - Solution?: replace elist with a vector of pair (dart,number) // and avoid find? // - make a function for swapping generically? // - sould we use another container type or, // - erase them and reinsert? // - or use two lists? it1 = find( aElist.begin(), aElist.end(), d1 ); it2 = find( aElist.begin(), aElist.end(), d2 ); it3 = find( aElist.begin(), aElist.end(), d3 ); it4 = find( aElist.begin(), aElist.end(), d4 ); m_triangulation.swapEdge( dart ); // Update the current dart which may have changed *aIt = dart; // Update darts that may have changed again (if they were present) // Note that dart is delivered back after swapping if( it1 != aElist.end() ) { d1 = dart; d1.Alpha1().Alpha0(); *it1 = d1; } if( it2 != aElist.end() ) { d2 = dart; d2.Alpha2().Alpha1(); *it2 = d2; } if( it3 != aElist.end() ) { d3 = dart; d3.Alpha2().Alpha1().Alpha0().Alpha1(); *it3 = d3; } if( it4 != aElist.end() ) { d4 = dart; d4.Alpha0().Alpha1(); *it4 = d4; } } //@} // End of Utilities for Delaunay Triangulation Group } // End of ttl namespace scope (but other files may also contain functions for ttl) #endif // _TTL_H_