/***********************************************************************/ /* Methodes de base de gestion des classes des elements de schematique */ /***********************************************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "program.h" #include "libcmp.h" #include "general.h" #include "id.h" #include "protos.h" /************************/ /* class DrawTextStruct */ /* class DrawLabelStruct */ /* class DrawGlobalLabelStruct */ /************************/ /**************************************************************************/ DrawTextStruct::DrawTextStruct(const wxPoint & pos, const wxString & text): EDA_BaseStruct(DRAW_TEXT_STRUCT_TYPE), EDA_TextStruct(text) /**************************************************************************/ { m_Layer = LAYER_NOTES; m_Pos = pos; m_Shape = 0; m_IsDangling = FALSE; } /*********************************************/ DrawTextStruct * DrawTextStruct::GenCopy(void) /*********************************************/ { DrawTextStruct * newitem = new DrawTextStruct(m_Pos, m_Text); newitem->m_StructType = m_StructType; newitem->m_Layer = m_Layer; newitem->m_Shape = m_Shape; newitem->m_Orient = m_Orient; newitem->m_Size = m_Size; newitem->m_Width = m_Width; newitem->m_HJustify = m_HJustify; newitem->m_VJustify = m_VJustify; newitem->m_IsDangling = m_IsDangling ; return newitem; } /********************************************************/ void DrawTextStruct::SwapData(DrawTextStruct * copyitem) /********************************************************/ { EXCHG(m_Text, copyitem->m_Text); EXCHG(m_Pos, copyitem->m_Pos); EXCHG(m_Size, copyitem->m_Size); EXCHG(m_Width, copyitem->m_Width); EXCHG(m_Shape, copyitem->m_Shape); EXCHG(m_Orient, copyitem->m_Orient); EXCHG(m_StructType, copyitem->m_StructType); EXCHG(m_Layer, copyitem->m_Layer); EXCHG(m_HJustify, copyitem->m_HJustify); EXCHG(m_VJustify, copyitem->m_VJustify); EXCHG(m_IsDangling, copyitem->m_IsDangling); } /***************************************************************/ void DrawTextStruct::Place(WinEDA_DrawFrame * frame, wxDC * DC) /***************************************************************/ { /* save old text in undo list */ if ( g_ItemToUndoCopy && ((m_Flags & IS_NEW) == 0) ) { /* restore old values and save new ones */ SwapData( (DrawTextStruct*)g_ItemToUndoCopy); /* save in undo list */ ((WinEDA_SchematicFrame*)frame)->SaveCopyInUndoList(this, IS_CHANGED); /* restore new values */ SwapData((DrawTextStruct*)g_ItemToUndoCopy); delete g_ItemToUndoCopy; g_ItemToUndoCopy = NULL; } EDA_BaseStruct::Place(frame, DC); } /****************************************************************************/ DrawLabelStruct::DrawLabelStruct(const wxPoint & pos, const wxString & text): DrawTextStruct(pos, text) /****************************************************************************/ { m_StructType = DRAW_LABEL_STRUCT_TYPE; m_Layer = LAYER_LOCLABEL; m_IsDangling = TRUE; } /***********************************************************************************/ DrawGlobalLabelStruct::DrawGlobalLabelStruct(const wxPoint & pos, const wxString & text): DrawTextStruct(pos, text) /***********************************************************************************/ { m_StructType = DRAW_GLOBAL_LABEL_STRUCT_TYPE; m_Layer = LAYER_GLOBLABEL; m_Shape = NET_INPUT; m_IsDangling = TRUE; } /***************************************************************/ void DrawTextStruct::Draw(WinEDA_DrawPanel * panel,wxDC * DC, const wxPoint & offset, int DrawMode, int Color) /***************************************************************/ /* Les textes type label ou notes peuvent avoir 4 directions, mais sont tj cadres par rapport a la 1ere lettre du texte */ { switch ( m_StructType ) { case DRAW_GLOBAL_LABEL_STRUCT_TYPE: DrawAsGlobalLabel(panel, DC, offset, DrawMode, Color); break; case DRAW_LABEL_STRUCT_TYPE: DrawAsLabel(panel, DC, offset, DrawMode, Color); break; default: DrawAsText(panel, DC, offset, DrawMode, Color); } } /*******************************************************************************************/ void DrawTextStruct::DrawAsText(WinEDA_DrawPanel * panel,wxDC * DC, const wxPoint & offset, int DrawMode, int Color) /*******************************************************************************************/ /* Texts type Label or Comment (text on layer "NOTE") have 4 directions, and the Text origin is the first letter */ { int color; int width = MAX(m_Width, g_DrawMinimunLineWidth); if( Color >= 0 ) color = Color; else color = ReturnLayerColor(m_Layer); GRSetDrawMode(DC, DrawMode); switch(m_Orient) { case 0: /* Orientation horiz normale */ DrawGraphicText(panel, DC, wxPoint(m_Pos.x + offset.x, m_Pos.y - TXTMARGE + offset.y), color, m_Text, m_Orient*900, m_Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM, width); break; case 1: /* Orientation vert UP */ DrawGraphicText(panel, DC, wxPoint(m_Pos.x - TXTMARGE + offset.x, m_Pos.y + offset.y), color, m_Text, m_Orient*900, m_Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM, width); break; case 2: /* Orientation horiz inverse */ DrawGraphicText(panel, DC, wxPoint(m_Pos.x + offset.x, m_Pos.y + TXTMARGE + offset.y), color, m_Text, m_Orient*900, m_Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP, width); break; case 3: /* Orientation vert BOTTOM */ DrawGraphicText(panel, DC, wxPoint(m_Pos.x + TXTMARGE + offset.y, m_Pos.y + offset.y), color, m_Text, m_Orient*900, m_Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP, width); break; } if ( m_IsDangling ) DrawDanglingSymbol(panel, DC, m_Pos + offset, color); } /***************************************************************/ void DrawTextStruct::DrawAsLabel(WinEDA_DrawPanel * panel,wxDC * DC, const wxPoint & offset, int DrawMode, int Color) /***************************************************************/ { DrawAsText(panel, DC, offset, DrawMode, Color); } /*****************************************************************************/ void DrawTextStruct::DrawAsGlobalLabel(WinEDA_DrawPanel * panel, wxDC * DC, const wxPoint& offset, int DrawMode, int Color) /*****************************************************************************/ /* Texts type Global Label have 4 directions, and the Text origin is the graphic icon */ { int * Template; int Poly[12]; int ii, jj, imax, color, HalfSize; wxSize Size = m_Size; int width = MAX(m_Width, g_DrawMinimunLineWidth); if( Color >= 0 ) color = Color; else color = ReturnLayerColor(m_Layer); GRSetDrawMode(DC, DrawMode); HalfSize = Size.x / 2; ii = Size.x + TXTMARGE; switch(m_Orient) { case 0: /* Orientation horiz normale */ DrawGraphicText(panel, DC, wxPoint(m_Pos.x - ii + offset.x, m_Pos.y + offset.y), color, m_Text, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, width); break; case 1: /* Orientation vert UP */ DrawGraphicText(panel, DC, wxPoint(m_Pos.x + offset.x, m_Pos.y + ii + offset.y), color, m_Text, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP, width); break; case 2: /* Orientation horiz inverse */ DrawGraphicText(panel, DC, wxPoint(m_Pos.x + ii + offset.x, m_Pos.y + offset.y), color, m_Text, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, width); break; case 3: /* Orientation vert BOTTOM */ DrawGraphicText(panel, DC, wxPoint(m_Pos.x + offset.x, m_Pos.y - ii + offset.y), color, m_Text, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM, width); break; } Template = TemplateShape[m_Shape][m_Orient]; imax = *Template; Template++; for ( ii = 0, jj = 0; ii < imax ; ii++ ) { Poly[jj] = ( HalfSize * (*Template) ) + m_Pos.x + offset.x; jj++; Template++; Poly[jj] = ( HalfSize * (*Template) ) + m_Pos.y + offset.y; jj++; Template++; } // GRPoly(&panel->m_ClipBox, DC, imax,Poly,1, width, color, color ); /* Polygne Rempli */ GRPoly(&panel->m_ClipBox, DC, imax,Poly,0, width, color, color ); /* Polygne Non Rempli */ if ( m_IsDangling ) DrawDanglingSymbol(panel, DC, m_Pos + offset, color); }