#include #include #include // These members are static in class ACTIONS: Build them here: // Generic Actions TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::cancelInteractive( "common.Interactive.cancel", AS_GLOBAL, 0, // ESC key is handled in the dispatcher _( "Cancel" ), _( "Cancel current tool" ), cancel_xpm, AF_NONE ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::updateMenu( "common.Interactive.updateMenu", AS_GLOBAL, 0, "", "" ); // This is an internal event TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::undo( "common.Interactive.undo", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_UNDO ), _( "Undo" ), _( "Undo last edit" ), undo_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::redo( "common.Interactive.redo", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_REDO ), _( "Redo" ), _( "Redo last edit" ), redo_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::cut( "common.Interactive.cut", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_CUT ), _( "Cut" ), _( "Cut selected item(s) to clipboard" ), cut_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::copy( "common.Interactive.copy", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_COPY ), _( "Copy" ), _( "Copy selected item(s) to clipboard" ), copy_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::paste( "common.Interactive.paste", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_PASTE ), _( "Paste" ), _( "Paste clipboard into schematic" ), paste_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::find( "common.Interactive.find", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_FIND ), _( "Find" ), _( "Find text" ), find_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::replace( "common.Interactive.findAndReplace", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_REPLACE ), _( "Find and Replace" ), _( "Find and replace text" ), find_replace_xpm ); // View Controls TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::zoomRedraw( "common.Control.zoomRedraw", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_ZOOM_REDRAW ), _( "Refresh" ), "", zoom_redraw_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::zoomIn( "common.Control.zoomIn", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_ZOOM_IN ), _( "Zoom In" ), "", zoom_in_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::zoomOut( "common.Control.zoomOut", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_ZOOM_OUT ), _( "Zoom Out" ), "", zoom_out_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::zoomInCenter( "common.Control.zoomInCenter", AS_GLOBAL, 0, _( "Zoom In" ), "", zoom_in_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::zoomOutCenter( "common.Control.zoomOutCenter", AS_GLOBAL, 0, _( "Zoom Out" ), "", zoom_out_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::zoomCenter( "common.Control.zoomCenter", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_ZOOM_CENTER ), _( "Center" ), "", zoom_center_on_screen_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::zoomFitScreen( "common.Control.zoomFitScreen", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_ZOOM_AUTO ), _( "Zoom to Fit" ), "", zoom_fit_in_page_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::zoomTool( "common.Control.zoomTool", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_ZOOM_SELECTION ), _( "Zoom to Selection" ), "", zoom_area_xpm, AF_ACTIVATE ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::zoomPreset( "common.Control.zoomPreset", AS_GLOBAL, 0, "", "" ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::centerContents( "common.Control.centerContents", AS_GLOBAL, 0, "", "" ); // Cursor control TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::cursorUp( "common.Control.cursorUp", AS_GLOBAL, WXK_UP, "", "", NULL, AF_NONE, (void*) CURSOR_UP ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::cursorDown( "common.Control.cursorDown", AS_GLOBAL, WXK_DOWN, "", "" , NULL, AF_NONE, (void*) CURSOR_DOWN ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::cursorLeft( "common.Control.cursorLeft", AS_GLOBAL, WXK_LEFT, "", "" , NULL, AF_NONE, (void*) CURSOR_LEFT ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::cursorRight( "common.Control.cursorRight", AS_GLOBAL, WXK_RIGHT, "", "" , NULL, AF_NONE, (void*) CURSOR_RIGHT ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::cursorUpFast( "common.Control.cursorUpFast", AS_GLOBAL, MD_CTRL + WXK_UP, "", "", NULL, AF_NONE, (void*) ( CURSOR_UP | CURSOR_FAST_MOVE ) ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::cursorDownFast( "common.Control.cursorDownFast", AS_GLOBAL, MD_CTRL + WXK_DOWN, "", "" , NULL, AF_NONE, (void*) ( CURSOR_DOWN | CURSOR_FAST_MOVE ) ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::cursorLeftFast( "common.Control.cursorLeftFast", AS_GLOBAL, MD_CTRL + WXK_LEFT, "", "" , NULL, AF_NONE, (void*) ( CURSOR_LEFT | CURSOR_FAST_MOVE ) ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::cursorRightFast( "common.Control.cursorRightFast", AS_GLOBAL, MD_CTRL + WXK_RIGHT, "", "" , NULL, AF_NONE, (void*) ( CURSOR_RIGHT | CURSOR_FAST_MOVE ) ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::cursorClick( "common.Control.cursorClick", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_LEFT_CLICK ), "", "", NULL, AF_NONE, (void*) CURSOR_CLICK ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::cursorDblClick( "common.Control.cursorDblClick", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_LEFT_DCLICK ), "", "", NULL, AF_NONE, (void*) CURSOR_DBL_CLICK ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::panUp( "common.Control.panUp", AS_GLOBAL, MD_SHIFT + WXK_UP, "", "", NULL, AF_NONE, (void*) CURSOR_UP ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::panDown( "common.Control.panDown", AS_GLOBAL, MD_SHIFT + WXK_DOWN, "", "" , NULL, AF_NONE, (void*) CURSOR_DOWN ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::panLeft( "common.Control.panLeft", AS_GLOBAL, MD_SHIFT + WXK_LEFT, "", "" , NULL, AF_NONE, (void*) CURSOR_LEFT ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::panRight( "common.Control.panRight", AS_GLOBAL, MD_SHIFT + WXK_RIGHT, "", "" , NULL, AF_NONE, (void*) CURSOR_RIGHT ); // Grid control TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::gridFast1( "common.Control.gridFast1", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_SWITCH_GRID_TO_FASTGRID1 ), "", "" ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::gridFast2( "common.Control.gridFast2", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_SWITCH_GRID_TO_FASTGRID2 ), "", "" ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::gridNext( "common.Control.gridNext", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_SWITCH_GRID_TO_NEXT ), "", "" ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::gridPrev( "common.Control.gridPrev", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_SWITCH_GRID_TO_PREVIOUS ), "", "" ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::gridSetOrigin( "common.Control.gridSetOrigin", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_SET_GRID_ORIGIN ), _( "Grid Origin" ), _( "Set the grid origin point" ), grid_select_axis_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::gridResetOrigin( "common.Control.gridResetOrigin", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_RESET_GRID_ORIGIN ), "", "" ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::gridPreset( "common.Control.gridPreset", AS_GLOBAL, 0, "", "" ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::toggleGrid( "common.Control.toggleGrid", AS_GLOBAL, 0, _( "Show Grid" ), _( "Display grid dots or lines in the edit window" ), grid_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::gridProperties( "common.Control.gridProperties", AS_GLOBAL, 0, _( "Grid Properties..." ), _( "Set grid dimensions" ), grid_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::imperialUnits( "common.Control.imperialUnits", AS_GLOBAL, 0, _( "Imperial" ), _( "Use inches and mils" ), unit_inch_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::metricUnits( "common.Control.metricUnits", AS_GLOBAL, 0, _( "Metric" ), _( "Use millimeters" ), unit_mm_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::toggleUnits( "common.Control.toggleUnits", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_SWITCH_UNITS ), _( "Switch units" ), _( "Switch between inches and millimeters" ), unit_mm_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::togglePolarCoords( "common.Control.togglePolarCoords", AS_GLOBAL, 0, _( "Polar Coordinates" ), _( "Switch between polar and cartesian coordinate systems" ), polar_coord_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::toggleCursor( "common.Control.toggleCursor", AS_GLOBAL, TOOL_ACTION::LegacyHotKey( HK_TOGGLE_CURSOR ), _( "Always Show Cursor" ), _( "Display crosshairs even in selection tool" ), cursor_xpm ); TOOL_ACTION ACTIONS::toggleCursorStyle( "common.Control.toggleCursorStyle", AS_GLOBAL, 0, _( "Full-Window Crosshairs" ), _( "Switch display of full-window crosshairs" ), cursor_shape_xpm ); // System-wide selection Events ///> Event sent after an item is selected. const TOOL_EVENT EVENTS::SelectedEvent( TC_MESSAGE, TA_ACTION, "common.Interactive.selected" ); ///> Event sent after an item is unselected. const TOOL_EVENT EVENTS::UnselectedEvent( TC_MESSAGE, TA_ACTION, "common.Interactive.unselected" ); ///> Event sent after selection is cleared. const TOOL_EVENT EVENTS::ClearedEvent( TC_MESSAGE, TA_ACTION, "common.Interactive.cleared" ); const TOOL_EVENT EVENTS::SelectedItemsModified( TC_MESSAGE, TA_ACTION, "common.Interactive.modified" );