/***************/ /* lib_pin.cpp */ /***************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "appl_wxstruct.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "macros.h" #include "trigo.h" #include "class_drawpanel.h" #include "drawtxt.h" #include "plot_common.h" #include "wxEeschemaStruct.h" #include "bitmaps.h" #include "general.h" #include "protos.h" #include "libeditframe.h" #include "class_libentry.h" #include "lib_pin.h" #include "transform.h" #include "sch_component.h" /** * Note: The following name lists are sentence capitalized per the GNOME UI * standards for list controls. Please do not change the capitalization * of these strings unless the GNOME UI standards are changed. */ static const wxString pin_orientation_names[] = { _( "Right" ), _( "Left" ), _( "Up" ), _( "Down" ) }; // bitmaps to show pins orientations in dialog editor // must have same order than pin_orientation_names static const BITMAP_DEF s_icons_Pins_Orientations[] = { pinorient_right_xpm, pinorient_left_xpm, pinorient_up_xpm, pinorient_down_xpm, }; static const int pin_orientation_codes[] = { PIN_RIGHT, PIN_LEFT, PIN_UP, PIN_DOWN }; #define PIN_ORIENTATION_CNT ( sizeof( pin_orientation_names ) / \ sizeof( wxString ) ) static const wxString pin_style_names[] = { _( "Line" ), _( "Inverted" ), _( "Clock" ), _( "Inverted clock" ), _( "Input low" ), _( "Clock low" ), _( "Output low" ), _( "Falling edge clock" ), _( "NonLogic" ) }; // bitmaps to show pins shapes in dialog editor // must have same order than pin_style_names static BITMAP_DEF s_icons_Pins_Shapes[] = { pinshape_normal_xpm, pinshape_invert_xpm, pinshape_clock_normal_xpm, pinshape_clock_invert_xpm, pinshape_active_low_input_xpm, pinshape_clock_active_low_xpm, pinshape_active_low_output_xpm, pinshape_clock_fall_xpm, pinshape_nonlogic_xpm }; #define PIN_STYLE_CNT ( sizeof( pin_style_names ) / sizeof( wxString ) ) static const int pin_style_codes[] = { NONE, INVERT, CLOCK, CLOCK | INVERT, LOWLEVEL_IN, LOWLEVEL_IN | CLOCK, LOWLEVEL_OUT, CLOCK_FALL, NONLOGIC }; static const wxString pin_electrical_type_names[] = { _( "Input" ), _( "Output" ), _( "Bidirectional" ), _( "Tri-state" ), _( "Passive" ), _( "Unspecified" ), _( "Power input" ), _( "Power output" ), _( "Open collector" ), _( "Open emitter" ), _( "Not connected" ) }; // bitmaps to show pins electrical type in dialog editor // must have same order than pin_electrical_type_names static const BITMAP_DEF s_icons_Pins_Electrical_Type[] = { pintype_input_xpm, pintype_output_xpm, pintype_bidi_xpm, pintype_3states_xpm, pintype_passive_xpm, pintype_notspecif_xpm, pintype_powerinput_xpm, pintype_poweroutput_xpm, pintype_opencoll_xpm, pintype_openemit_xpm, pintype_noconnect_xpm }; #define PIN_ELECTRICAL_TYPE_CNT ( sizeof( pin_electrical_type_names ) / sizeof( wxString ) ) const wxChar* MsgPinElectricType[] = { wxT( "input" ), wxT( "output" ), wxT( "BiDi" ), wxT( "3state" ), wxT( "passive" ), wxT( "unspc" ), wxT( "power_in" ), wxT( "power_out" ), wxT( "openCol" ), wxT( "openEm" ), wxT( "NotConnected" ), wxT( "?????" ) }; LIB_PIN::LIB_PIN( LIB_COMPONENT* aParent ) : LIB_ITEM( LIB_PIN_T, aParent ) { m_length = 300; /* default Pin len */ m_orientation = PIN_RIGHT; /* Pin orient: Up, Down, Left, Right */ m_shape = NONE; /* Pin shape, bitwise. */ m_type = PIN_UNSPECIFIED; /* electrical type of pin */ m_attributes = 0; /* bit 0 != 0: pin invisible */ m_number = 0; /* pin number ( i.e. 4 codes ASCII ) */ m_PinNumSize = 50; m_PinNameSize = 50; /* Default size for pin name and num */ m_width = 0; m_typeName = _( "Pin" ); m_PinNumShapeOpt = 0; m_PinNameShapeOpt = 0; m_PinNumPositionOpt = 0; m_PinNamePositionOpt = 0; } LIB_PIN::LIB_PIN( const LIB_PIN& pin ) : LIB_ITEM( pin ) { m_position = pin.m_position; m_length = pin.m_length; m_orientation = pin.m_orientation; m_shape = pin.m_shape; m_type = pin.m_type; m_attributes = pin.m_attributes; m_number = pin.m_number; m_PinNumSize = pin.m_PinNumSize; m_PinNameSize = pin.m_PinNameSize; m_PinNumShapeOpt = pin.m_PinNumShapeOpt; m_PinNameShapeOpt = pin.m_PinNameShapeOpt; m_PinNumPositionOpt = pin.m_PinNumPositionOpt; m_PinNamePositionOpt = pin.m_PinNamePositionOpt; m_width = pin.m_width; m_name = pin.m_name; } void LIB_PIN::SetName( const wxString& aName ) { wxString tmp = ( aName.IsEmpty() ) ? wxT( "~" ) : aName; tmp.Replace( wxT( " " ), wxT( "_" ) ); if( m_name != tmp ) { m_name = tmp; SetModified(); } if( GetParent() == NULL ) return; LIB_PINS pinList; GetParent()->GetPins( pinList ); for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ ) { if( ( pinList[i]->m_Flags & IS_LINKED ) == 0 || pinList[i]->m_name == m_name ) continue; pinList[i]->m_name = m_name; SetModified(); } } void LIB_PIN::SetNameTextSize( int size ) { if( size != m_PinNameSize ) { m_PinNameSize = size; SetModified(); } if( GetParent() == NULL ) return; LIB_PINS pinList; GetParent()->GetPins( pinList ); for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ ) { if( ( pinList[i]->m_Flags & IS_LINKED ) == 0 || pinList[i]->m_PinNameSize == size ) continue; pinList[i]->m_PinNameSize = size; SetModified(); } } void LIB_PIN::SetNumber( const wxString& number ) { wxString tmp = ( number.IsEmpty() ) ? wxT( "~" ) : number; tmp.Replace( wxT( " " ), wxT( "_" ) ); long oldNumber = m_number; SetPinNumFromString( tmp ); if( m_number != oldNumber ) { m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED; } /* Others pin numbers marked by EnableEditMode() are not modified * because each pin has its own number */ } void LIB_PIN::SetNumberTextSize( int size ) { if( size != m_PinNumSize ) { m_PinNumSize = size; SetModified(); } if( GetParent() == NULL ) return; LIB_PINS pinList; GetParent()->GetPins( pinList ); for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ ) { if( ( pinList[i]->m_Flags & IS_LINKED ) == 0 || pinList[i]->m_PinNumSize == size ) continue; pinList[i]->m_PinNumSize = size; SetModified(); } } void LIB_PIN::SetOrientation( int orientation ) { if( m_orientation != orientation ) { m_orientation = orientation; SetModified(); } if( GetParent() == NULL ) return; LIB_PINS pinList; GetParent()->GetPins( pinList ); for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ ) { if( ( pinList[i]->m_Flags & IS_LINKED ) == 0 || pinList[i]->m_orientation == orientation ) continue; pinList[i]->m_orientation = orientation; SetModified(); } } void LIB_PIN::SetShape( int aShape ) { if( m_shape != aShape ) { m_shape = aShape; SetModified(); } if( GetParent() == NULL ) return; LIB_PINS pinList; GetParent()->GetPins( pinList ); for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ ) { if( ( pinList[i]->m_Flags & IS_LINKED ) == 0 || pinList[i]->m_Convert != m_Convert || pinList[i]->m_shape == aShape ) continue; pinList[i]->m_shape = aShape; SetModified(); } } void LIB_PIN::SetType( int aType ) { if( m_type != aType ) { m_type = aType; SetModified(); } if( GetParent() == NULL ) return; LIB_PINS pinList; GetParent()->GetPins( pinList ); for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ ) { if( ( pinList[i]->m_Flags & IS_LINKED ) == 0 || pinList[i]->m_type == aType ) continue; pinList[i]->m_type = aType; SetModified(); } } void LIB_PIN::SetLength( int length ) { if( m_length != length ) { m_length = length; SetModified(); } if( GetParent() == NULL ) return; LIB_PINS pinList; GetParent()->GetPins( pinList ); for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ ) { if( ( pinList[i]->m_Flags & IS_LINKED ) == 0 || pinList[i]->m_Convert != m_Convert || pinList[i]->m_length == length ) continue; pinList[i]->m_length = length; SetModified(); } } void LIB_PIN::SetPartNumber( int part ) { if( m_Unit == part ) return; m_Unit = part; SetModified(); if( m_Unit == 0 ) { LIB_PIN* pin; LIB_PIN* tmp = GetParent()->GetNextPin(); while( tmp != NULL ) { pin = tmp; tmp = GetParent()->GetNextPin( pin ); if( pin->m_Flags == 0 || pin == this || ( m_Convert && ( m_Convert != pin->m_Convert ) ) || ( m_position != pin->m_position ) || ( pin->m_orientation != m_orientation ) ) continue; GetParent()->RemoveDrawItem( (LIB_ITEM*) pin ); } } } void LIB_PIN::SetConversion( int style ) { if( m_Convert == style ) return; m_Convert = style; m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED; if( style == 0 ) { LIB_PIN* pin; LIB_PIN* tmp = GetParent()->GetNextPin(); while( tmp != NULL ) { pin = tmp; tmp = GetParent()->GetNextPin( pin ); if( ( pin->m_Flags & IS_LINKED ) == 0 || ( pin == this ) || ( m_Unit && ( m_Unit != pin->m_Unit ) ) || ( m_position != pin->m_position ) || ( pin->m_orientation != m_orientation ) ) continue; GetParent()->RemoveDrawItem( (LIB_ITEM*) pin ); } } } void LIB_PIN::SetVisible( bool visible ) { if( visible == IsVisible() ) return; if( visible ) m_attributes &= ~PIN_INVISIBLE; else m_attributes |= PIN_INVISIBLE; SetModified(); if( GetParent() == NULL ) return; LIB_PINS pinList; GetParent()->GetPins( pinList ); for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ ) { if( ( pinList[i]->m_Flags & IS_LINKED ) == 0 || pinList[i]->IsVisible() == visible ) continue; if( visible ) pinList[i]->m_attributes &= ~PIN_INVISIBLE; else pinList[i]->m_attributes |= PIN_INVISIBLE; SetModified(); } } void LIB_PIN::EnableEditMode( bool enable, bool editPinByPin ) { LIB_PINS pinList; if( GetParent() == NULL ) return; GetParent()->GetPins( pinList ); for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ ) { if( pinList[i] == this ) continue; if( ( pinList[i]->m_position == m_position ) && ( pinList[i]->m_orientation == m_orientation ) && !IsNew() && editPinByPin == false && enable ) pinList[i]->m_Flags |= IS_LINKED | IN_EDIT; else pinList[i]->m_Flags &= ~( IS_LINKED | IN_EDIT ); } } bool LIB_PIN::HitTest( const wxPoint& aPosition ) { return HitTest( aPosition, 0, DefaultTransform ); } bool LIB_PIN::HitTest( wxPoint aPosition, int aThreshold, const TRANSFORM& aTransform ) { if( aThreshold < 0 ) aThreshold = 0; TRANSFORM transform = DefaultTransform; DefaultTransform = aTransform; EDA_RECT rect = GetBoundingBox(); rect.Inflate( aThreshold ); //Restore matrix DefaultTransform = transform; return rect.Contains( aPosition ); } bool LIB_PIN::Save( FILE* ExportFile ) { wxString StringPinNum; int Etype; switch( m_type ) { default: case PIN_INPUT: Etype = 'I'; break; case PIN_OUTPUT: Etype = 'O'; break; case PIN_BIDI: Etype = 'B'; break; case PIN_TRISTATE: Etype = 'T'; break; case PIN_PASSIVE: Etype = 'P'; break; case PIN_UNSPECIFIED: Etype = 'U'; break; case PIN_POWER_IN: Etype = 'W'; break; case PIN_POWER_OUT: Etype = 'w'; break; case PIN_OPENCOLLECTOR: Etype = 'C'; break; case PIN_OPENEMITTER: Etype = 'E'; break; case PIN_NC: Etype = 'N'; break; } ReturnPinStringNum( StringPinNum ); if( StringPinNum.IsEmpty() ) StringPinNum = wxT( "~" ); if( !m_name.IsEmpty() ) { if( fprintf( ExportFile, "X %s", TO_UTF8( m_name ) ) < 0 ) return false; } else { if( fprintf( ExportFile, "X ~" ) < 0 ) return false; } if( fprintf( ExportFile, " %s %d %d %d %c %d %d %d %d %c", TO_UTF8( StringPinNum ), m_position.x, m_position.y, (int) m_length, (int) m_orientation, m_PinNumSize, m_PinNameSize, m_Unit, m_Convert, Etype ) < 0 ) return false; if( m_shape || !IsVisible() ) { if( fprintf( ExportFile, " " ) < 0 ) return false; } if( !IsVisible() && fprintf( ExportFile, "N" ) < 0 ) return false; if( m_shape & INVERT && fprintf( ExportFile, "I" ) < 0 ) return false; if( m_shape & CLOCK && fprintf( ExportFile, "C" ) < 0 ) return false; if( m_shape & LOWLEVEL_IN && fprintf( ExportFile, "L" ) < 0 ) return false; if( m_shape & LOWLEVEL_OUT && fprintf( ExportFile, "V" ) < 0 ) return false; if( m_shape & CLOCK_FALL && fprintf( ExportFile, "F" ) < 0 ) return false; if( m_shape & NONLOGIC && fprintf( ExportFile, "X" ) < 0 ) return false; if( fprintf( ExportFile, "\n" ) < 0 ) return false; m_Flags &= ~IS_CHANGED; return true; } bool LIB_PIN::Load( char* line, wxString& errorMsg ) { int i, j; char pinAttrs[64]; char pinName[256]; char pinNum[64]; char pinOrient[64]; char pinType[64]; *pinAttrs = 0; i = sscanf( line + 2, "%s %s %d %d %d %s %d %d %d %d %s %s", pinName, pinNum, &m_position.x, &m_position.y, &m_length, pinOrient, &m_PinNumSize, &m_PinNameSize, &m_Unit, &m_Convert, pinType, pinAttrs ); if( i < 11 ) { errorMsg.Printf( wxT( "pin only had %d parameters of the required 11 or 12" ), i ); return false; } m_orientation = pinOrient[0] & 255; strncpy( (char*) &m_number, pinNum, 4 ); m_name = FROM_UTF8( pinName ); switch( *pinType & 255 ) { case 'I': m_type = PIN_INPUT; break; case 'O': m_type = PIN_OUTPUT; break; case 'B': m_type = PIN_BIDI; break; case 'T': m_type = PIN_TRISTATE; break; case 'P': m_type = PIN_PASSIVE; break; case 'U': m_type = PIN_UNSPECIFIED; break; case 'W': m_type = PIN_POWER_IN; break; case 'w': m_type = PIN_POWER_OUT; break; case 'C': m_type = PIN_OPENCOLLECTOR; break; case 'E': m_type = PIN_OPENEMITTER; break; case 'N': m_type = PIN_NC; break; default: errorMsg.Printf( wxT( "unknown pin type [%c]" ), *pinType & 255 ); return false; } if( i == 12 ) /* Special Symbol defined */ { for( j = strlen( pinAttrs ); j > 0; ) { switch( pinAttrs[--j] ) { case '~': break; case 'N': m_attributes |= PIN_INVISIBLE; break; case 'I': m_shape |= INVERT; break; case 'C': m_shape |= CLOCK; break; case 'L': m_shape |= LOWLEVEL_IN; break; case 'V': m_shape |= LOWLEVEL_OUT; break; case 'F': m_shape |= CLOCK_FALL; break; case 'X': m_shape |= NONLOGIC; break; default: errorMsg.Printf( wxT( "unknown pin attribute [%c]" ), pinAttrs[j] ); return false; } } } return true; } /** * Function GetPenSize * @return the size of the "pen" that be used to draw or plot this item */ int LIB_PIN::GetPenSize() const { return ( m_width == 0 ) ? g_DrawDefaultLineThickness : m_width; } void LIB_PIN::drawGraphic( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aOffset, int aColor, int aDrawMode, void* aData, const TRANSFORM& aTransform ) { // Invisible pins are only drawn on request. // They are drawn in g_InvisibleItemColor. // in schematic, they are drawn only if m_ShowAllPins is true. // In other windows, they are always drawn because we must see them. if( ! IsVisible() ) { EDA_DRAW_FRAME* frame = NULL; if( aPanel && aPanel->GetParent() ) frame = (EDA_DRAW_FRAME*)aPanel->GetParent(); if( frame && frame->m_Ident == SCHEMATIC_FRAME && ! ((SCH_EDIT_FRAME*)frame)->m_ShowAllPins ) return; aColor = g_InvisibleItemColor; } LIB_COMPONENT* Entry = GetParent(); bool DrawPinText = true; if( ( aData != NULL ) && ( (bool*) aData == false ) ) DrawPinText = false; /* Calculate pin orient taking in account the component orientation. */ int orient = ReturnPinDrawOrient( aTransform ); /* Calculate the pin position */ wxPoint pos1 = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_position ) + aOffset; /* Drawing from the pin and the special symbol combination */ DrawPinSymbol( aPanel, aDC, pos1, orient, aDrawMode, aColor ); if( DrawPinText ) { DrawPinTexts( aPanel, aDC, pos1, orient, Entry->GetPinNameOffset(), Entry->ShowPinNumbers(), Entry->ShowPinNames(), aColor, aDrawMode ); } /* Set to one (1) to draw bounding box around pin to validate bounding * box calculation. */ #if 0 EDA_RECT* clipbox = aPanel ? &aPanel->m_ClipBox : NULL; TRANSFORM transform = DefaultTransform; DefaultTransform = aTransform; EDA_RECT bBox = GetBoundingBox(); bBox.Move( aOffset ); //Restore matrix DefaultTransform = transform; GRRect( clipbox, aDC, bBox, 0, LIGHTMAGENTA ); #endif } /** * Function DrawPinSymbol * Draw the pin symbol (without texts) * if Color != 0 draw with Color, else with the normal pin color */ void LIB_PIN::DrawPinSymbol( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPinPos, int aOrient, int aDrawMode, int aColor ) { int MapX1, MapY1, x1, y1; int color; int width = GetPenSize(); int posX = aPinPos.x, posY = aPinPos.y, len = m_length; EDA_RECT* clipbox = aPanel ? &aPanel->m_ClipBox : NULL; color = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_PIN ); if( aColor < 0 ) // Used normal color or selected color { if( (m_Selected & IS_SELECTED) ) color = g_ItemSelectetColor; } else color = aColor; GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode ); MapX1 = MapY1 = 0; x1 = posX; y1 = posY; switch( aOrient ) { case PIN_UP: y1 = posY - len; MapY1 = 1; break; case PIN_DOWN: y1 = posY + len; MapY1 = -1; break; case PIN_LEFT: x1 = posX - len; MapX1 = 1; break; case PIN_RIGHT: x1 = posX + len; MapX1 = -1; break; } if( m_shape & INVERT ) { GRCircle( clipbox, aDC, MapX1 * INVERT_PIN_RADIUS + x1, MapY1 * INVERT_PIN_RADIUS + y1, INVERT_PIN_RADIUS, width, color ); GRMoveTo( MapX1 * INVERT_PIN_RADIUS * 2 + x1, MapY1 * INVERT_PIN_RADIUS * 2 + y1 ); GRLineTo( clipbox, aDC, posX, posY, width, color ); } else if( m_shape & CLOCK_FALL ) /* an alternative for Inverted Clock */ { GRMoveTo( x1 + MapY1 * CLOCK_PIN_DIM, y1 - MapX1 * CLOCK_PIN_DIM ); GRLineTo( clipbox, aDC, x1 + MapX1 * CLOCK_PIN_DIM, y1 + MapY1 * CLOCK_PIN_DIM, width, color ); GRLineTo( clipbox, aDC, x1 - MapY1 * CLOCK_PIN_DIM, y1 + MapX1 * CLOCK_PIN_DIM, width, color ); GRMoveTo( MapX1 * CLOCK_PIN_DIM + x1, MapY1 * CLOCK_PIN_DIM + y1 ); GRLineTo( clipbox, aDC, posX, posY, width, color ); } else { GRMoveTo( x1, y1 ); GRLineTo( clipbox, aDC, posX, posY, width, color ); } if( m_shape & CLOCK ) { if( MapY1 == 0 ) /* MapX1 = +- 1 */ { GRMoveTo( x1, y1 + CLOCK_PIN_DIM ); GRLineTo( clipbox, aDC, x1 - MapX1 * CLOCK_PIN_DIM, y1, width, color ); GRLineTo( clipbox, aDC, x1, y1 - CLOCK_PIN_DIM, width, color ); } else /* MapX1 = 0 */ { GRMoveTo( x1 + CLOCK_PIN_DIM, y1 ); GRLineTo( clipbox, aDC, x1, y1 - MapY1 * CLOCK_PIN_DIM, width, color ); GRLineTo( clipbox, aDC, x1 - CLOCK_PIN_DIM, y1, width, color ); } } if( m_shape & LOWLEVEL_IN ) /* IEEE symbol "Active Low Input" */ { if( MapY1 == 0 ) /* MapX1 = +- 1 */ { GRMoveTo( x1 + MapX1 * IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM * 2, y1 ); GRLineTo( clipbox, aDC, x1 + MapX1 * IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM * 2, y1 - IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM, width, color ); GRLineTo( clipbox, aDC, x1, y1, width, color ); } else /* MapX1 = 0 */ { GRMoveTo( x1, y1 + MapY1 * IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM * 2 ); GRLineTo( clipbox, aDC, x1 - IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM, y1 + MapY1 * IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM * 2, width, color ); GRLineTo( clipbox, aDC, x1, y1, width, color ); } } if( m_shape & LOWLEVEL_OUT ) /* IEEE symbol "Active Low Output" */ { if( MapY1 == 0 ) /* MapX1 = +- 1 */ { GRMoveTo( x1, y1 - IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM ); GRLineTo( clipbox, aDC, x1 + MapX1 * IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM * 2, y1, width, color ); } else /* MapX1 = 0 */ { GRMoveTo( x1 - IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM, y1 ); GRLineTo( clipbox, aDC, x1, y1 + MapY1 * IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM * 2, width, color ); } } else if( m_shape & NONLOGIC ) /* NonLogic pin symbol */ { GRMoveTo( x1 - (MapX1 + MapY1) * NONLOGIC_PIN_DIM, y1 - (MapY1 - MapX1) * NONLOGIC_PIN_DIM ); GRLineTo( clipbox, aDC, x1 + (MapX1 + MapY1) * NONLOGIC_PIN_DIM, y1 + (MapY1 - MapX1) * NONLOGIC_PIN_DIM, width, color ); GRMoveTo( x1 - (MapX1 - MapY1) * NONLOGIC_PIN_DIM, y1 - (MapY1 + MapX1) * NONLOGIC_PIN_DIM ); GRLineTo( clipbox, aDC, x1 + (MapX1 - MapY1) * NONLOGIC_PIN_DIM, y1 + (MapY1 + MapX1) * NONLOGIC_PIN_DIM, width, color ); } /* Draw the pin end target (active end of the pin) */ BASE_SCREEN* screen = aPanel ? aPanel->GetScreen() : NULL; #define NCSYMB_PIN_DIM TARGET_PIN_RADIUS if( m_type == PIN_NC ) // Draw a N.C. symbol { GRLine( clipbox, aDC, posX - NCSYMB_PIN_DIM, posY - NCSYMB_PIN_DIM, posX + NCSYMB_PIN_DIM, posY + NCSYMB_PIN_DIM, width, color ); GRLine( clipbox, aDC, posX + NCSYMB_PIN_DIM, posY - NCSYMB_PIN_DIM, posX - NCSYMB_PIN_DIM, posY + NCSYMB_PIN_DIM, width, color ); } /* Draw but do not print the pin end target 1 pixel width */ else if( screen == NULL || !screen->m_IsPrinting ) { GRCircle( clipbox, aDC, posX, posY, TARGET_PIN_RADIUS, 0, color ); } } /***************************************************************************** * Put out pin number and pin text info, given the pin line coordinates. * The line must be vertical or horizontal. * If PinText == NULL nothing is printed. If PinNum = 0 no number is printed. * Current Zoom factor is taken into account. * If TextInside then the text is been put inside,otherwise all is drawn outside. * Pin Name: substring beteween '~' is negated * DrawMode = GR_OR, XOR ... *****************************************************************************/ void LIB_PIN::DrawPinTexts( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel, wxDC* DC, wxPoint& pin_pos, int orient, int TextInside, bool DrawPinNum, bool DrawPinName, int Color, int DrawMode ) { int x, y, x1, y1; wxString StringPinNum; EDA_Colors NameColor, NumColor; wxSize PinNameSize( m_PinNameSize, m_PinNameSize ); wxSize PinNumSize( m_PinNumSize, m_PinNumSize ); int nameLineWidth = GetPenSize(); nameLineWidth = Clamp_Text_PenSize( nameLineWidth, m_PinNameSize, false ); int numLineWidth = GetPenSize(); numLineWidth = Clamp_Text_PenSize( numLineWidth, m_PinNumSize, false ); GRSetDrawMode( DC, DrawMode ); /* Get the num and name colors */ if( (Color < 0) && (m_Selected & IS_SELECTED) ) Color = g_ItemSelectetColor; NameColor = (EDA_Colors) ( Color == -1 ? ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_PINNAM ) : Color ); NumColor = (EDA_Colors) ( Color == -1 ? ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_PINNUM ) : Color ); /* Create the pin num string */ ReturnPinStringNum( StringPinNum ); x1 = pin_pos.x; y1 = pin_pos.y; switch( orient ) { case PIN_UP: y1 -= m_length; break; case PIN_DOWN: y1 += m_length; break; case PIN_LEFT: x1 -= m_length; break; case PIN_RIGHT: x1 += m_length; break; } if( m_name.IsEmpty() ) DrawPinName = FALSE; if( TextInside ) /* Draw the text inside, but the pin numbers outside. */ { if( (orient == PIN_LEFT) || (orient == PIN_RIGHT) ) { // It is an horizontal line if( DrawPinName ) { if( orient == PIN_RIGHT ) { x = x1 + TextInside; DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( x, y1 ), NameColor, m_name, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, PinNameSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, nameLineWidth, false, false ); } else // Orient == PIN_LEFT { x = x1 - TextInside; DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( x, y1 ), NameColor, m_name, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, PinNameSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, nameLineWidth, false, false ); } } if( DrawPinNum ) { DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( (x1 + pin_pos.x) / 2, y1 - TXTMARGE ), NumColor, StringPinNum, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, PinNumSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM, numLineWidth, false, false ); } } else /* Its a vertical line. */ { // Text is drawn from bottom to top (i.e. to negative value for Y axis) if( orient == PIN_DOWN ) { y = y1 + TextInside; if( DrawPinName ) DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( x1, y ), NameColor, m_name, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, PinNameSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, nameLineWidth, false, false ); if( DrawPinNum ) DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( x1 - TXTMARGE, (y1 + pin_pos.y) / 2 ), NumColor, StringPinNum, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, PinNumSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM, numLineWidth, false, false ); } else /* PIN_UP */ { y = y1 - TextInside; if( DrawPinName ) DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( x1, y ), NameColor, m_name, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, PinNameSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, nameLineWidth, false, false ); if( DrawPinNum ) DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( x1 - TXTMARGE, (y1 + pin_pos.y) / 2 ), NumColor, StringPinNum, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, PinNumSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM, numLineWidth, false, false ); } } } else /**** Draw num & text pin outside ****/ { if( (orient == PIN_LEFT) || (orient == PIN_RIGHT) ) { /* Its an horizontal line. */ if( DrawPinName ) { x = (x1 + pin_pos.x) / 2; DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( x, y1 - TXTMARGE ), NameColor, m_name, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, PinNameSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM, nameLineWidth, false, false ); } if( DrawPinNum ) { x = (x1 + pin_pos.x) / 2; DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( x, y1 + TXTMARGE ), NumColor, StringPinNum, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, PinNumSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP, numLineWidth, false, false ); } } else /* Its a vertical line. */ { if( DrawPinName ) { y = (y1 + pin_pos.y) / 2; DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( x1 - TXTMARGE, y ), NameColor, m_name, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, PinNameSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM, nameLineWidth, false, false ); } if( DrawPinNum ) { DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( x1 + TXTMARGE, (y1 + pin_pos.y) / 2 ), NumColor, StringPinNum, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, PinNumSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP, numLineWidth, false, false ); } } } } void LIB_PIN::PlotSymbol( PLOTTER* aPlotter, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aOrientation ) { int MapX1, MapY1, x1, y1; EDA_Colors color = UNSPECIFIED_COLOR; color = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_PIN ); aPlotter->set_color( color ); MapX1 = MapY1 = 0; x1 = aPosition.x; y1 = aPosition.y; switch( aOrientation ) { case PIN_UP: y1 = aPosition.y - m_length; MapY1 = 1; break; case PIN_DOWN: y1 = aPosition.y + m_length; MapY1 = -1; break; case PIN_LEFT: x1 = aPosition.x - m_length; MapX1 = 1; break; case PIN_RIGHT: x1 = aPosition.x + m_length; MapX1 = -1; break; } if( m_shape & INVERT ) { aPlotter->circle( wxPoint( MapX1 * INVERT_PIN_RADIUS + x1, MapY1 * INVERT_PIN_RADIUS + y1 ), INVERT_PIN_RADIUS * 2, // diameter NO_FILL, // fill -1 ); // width aPlotter->move_to( wxPoint( MapX1 * INVERT_PIN_RADIUS * 2 + x1, MapY1 * INVERT_PIN_RADIUS * 2 + y1 ) ); aPlotter->finish_to( aPosition ); } else { aPlotter->move_to( wxPoint( x1, y1 ) ); aPlotter->finish_to( aPosition ); } if( m_shape & CLOCK ) { if( MapY1 == 0 ) /* MapX1 = +- 1 */ { aPlotter->move_to( wxPoint( x1, y1 + CLOCK_PIN_DIM ) ); aPlotter->line_to( wxPoint( x1 - MapX1 * CLOCK_PIN_DIM, y1 ) ); aPlotter->finish_to( wxPoint( x1, y1 - CLOCK_PIN_DIM ) ); } else /* MapX1 = 0 */ { aPlotter->move_to( wxPoint( x1 + CLOCK_PIN_DIM, y1 ) ); aPlotter->line_to( wxPoint( x1, y1 - MapY1 * CLOCK_PIN_DIM ) ); aPlotter->finish_to( wxPoint( x1 - CLOCK_PIN_DIM, y1 ) ); } } if( m_shape & LOWLEVEL_IN ) /* IEEE symbol "Active Low Input" */ { if( MapY1 == 0 ) /* MapX1 = +- 1 */ { aPlotter->move_to( wxPoint( x1 + MapX1 * IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM * 2, y1 ) ); aPlotter->line_to( wxPoint( x1 + MapX1 * IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM * 2, y1 - IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM ) ); aPlotter->finish_to( wxPoint( x1, y1 ) ); } else /* MapX1 = 0 */ { aPlotter->move_to( wxPoint( x1, y1 + MapY1 * IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM * 2 ) ); aPlotter->line_to( wxPoint( x1 - IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM, y1 + MapY1 * IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM * 2 ) ); aPlotter->finish_to( wxPoint( x1, y1 ) ); } } if( m_shape & LOWLEVEL_OUT ) /* IEEE symbol "Active Low Output" */ { if( MapY1 == 0 ) /* MapX1 = +- 1 */ { aPlotter->move_to( wxPoint( x1, y1 - IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM ) ); aPlotter->finish_to( wxPoint( x1 + MapX1 * IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM * 2, y1 ) ); } else /* MapX1 = 0 */ { aPlotter->move_to( wxPoint( x1 - IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM, y1 ) ); aPlotter->finish_to( wxPoint( x1, y1 + MapY1 * IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM * 2 ) ); } } } /***************************************************************************** * Plot pin number and pin text info, given the pin line coordinates. * * Same as DrawPinTexts((), but output is the plotter * The line must be vertical or horizontal. * * If PinNext == NULL nothing is printed. * * Current Zoom factor is taken into account. * * If TextInside then the text is been put inside (moving from x1, y1 in * * the opposite direction to x2,y2), otherwise all is drawn outside. * *****************************************************************************/ void LIB_PIN::PlotPinTexts( PLOTTER* plotter, wxPoint& pin_pos, int orient, int TextInside, bool DrawPinNum, bool DrawPinName, int aWidth ) { int x, y, x1, y1; wxString StringPinNum; EDA_Colors NameColor, NumColor; wxSize PinNameSize = wxSize( m_PinNameSize, m_PinNameSize ); wxSize PinNumSize = wxSize( m_PinNumSize, m_PinNumSize ); /* Get the num and name colors */ NameColor = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_PINNAM ); NumColor = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_PINNUM ); /* Create the pin num string */ ReturnPinStringNum( StringPinNum ); x1 = pin_pos.x; y1 = pin_pos.y; switch( orient ) { case PIN_UP: y1 -= m_length; break; case PIN_DOWN: y1 += m_length; break; case PIN_LEFT: x1 -= m_length; break; case PIN_RIGHT: x1 += m_length; break; } if( m_name.IsEmpty() ) DrawPinName = FALSE; /* Draw the text inside, but the pin numbers outside. */ if( TextInside ) { if( (orient == PIN_LEFT) || (orient == PIN_RIGHT) ) /* Its an horizontal line. */ { if( DrawPinName ) { if( orient == PIN_RIGHT ) { x = x1 + TextInside; plotter->text( wxPoint( x, y1 ), NameColor, m_name, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, PinNameSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, aWidth, false, false ); } else // orient == PIN_LEFT { x = x1 - TextInside; if( DrawPinName ) plotter->text( wxPoint( x, y1 ), NameColor, m_name, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, PinNameSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, aWidth, false, false ); } } if( DrawPinNum ) { plotter->text( wxPoint( (x1 + pin_pos.x) / 2, y1 - TXTMARGE ), NumColor, StringPinNum, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, PinNumSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM, aWidth, false, false ); } } else /* Its a vertical line. */ { if( orient == PIN_DOWN ) { y = y1 + TextInside; if( DrawPinName ) plotter->text( wxPoint( x1, y ), NameColor, m_name, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, PinNameSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, aWidth, false, false ); if( DrawPinNum ) { plotter->text( wxPoint( x1 - TXTMARGE, (y1 + pin_pos.y) / 2 ), NumColor, StringPinNum, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, PinNumSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM, aWidth, false, false ); } } else /* PIN_UP */ { y = y1 - TextInside; if( DrawPinName ) plotter->text( wxPoint( x1, y ), NameColor, m_name, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, PinNameSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, aWidth, false, false ); if( DrawPinNum ) { plotter->text( wxPoint( x1 - TXTMARGE, (y1 + pin_pos.y) / 2 ), NumColor, StringPinNum, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, PinNumSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM, aWidth, false, false ); } } } } else /* Draw num & text pin outside */ { if( (orient == PIN_LEFT) || (orient == PIN_RIGHT) ) { /* Its an horizontal line. */ if( DrawPinName ) { x = (x1 + pin_pos.x) / 2; plotter->text( wxPoint( x, y1 - TXTMARGE ), NameColor, m_name, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, PinNameSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM, aWidth, false, false ); } if( DrawPinNum ) { x = ( x1 + pin_pos.x ) / 2; plotter->text( wxPoint( x, y1 + TXTMARGE ), NumColor, StringPinNum, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, PinNumSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP, aWidth, false, false ); } } else /* Its a vertical line. */ { if( DrawPinName ) { y = ( y1 + pin_pos.y ) / 2; plotter->text( wxPoint( x1 - TXTMARGE, y ), NameColor, m_name, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, PinNameSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM, aWidth, false, false ); } if( DrawPinNum ) { plotter->text( wxPoint( x1 + TXTMARGE, ( y1 + pin_pos.y ) / 2 ), NumColor, StringPinNum, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, PinNumSize, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP, aWidth, false, false ); } } } } /* return the pin end position, for a component in normal orient */ wxPoint LIB_PIN::ReturnPinEndPoint() const { wxPoint pos = m_position; switch( m_orientation ) { case PIN_UP: pos.y += m_length; break; case PIN_DOWN: pos.y -= m_length; break; case PIN_LEFT: pos.x -= m_length; break; case PIN_RIGHT: pos.x += m_length; break; } return pos; } int LIB_PIN::ReturnPinDrawOrient( const TRANSFORM& aTransform ) const { int orient; wxPoint end; // position of pin end starting at 0,0 according to its orientation, length = 1 switch( m_orientation ) { case PIN_UP: end.y = 1; break; case PIN_DOWN: end.y = -1; break; case PIN_LEFT: end.x = -1; break; case PIN_RIGHT: end.x = 1; break; } // = pos of end point, according to the component orientation end = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( end ); orient = PIN_UP; if( end.x == 0 ) { if( end.y > 0 ) orient = PIN_DOWN; } else { orient = PIN_RIGHT; if( end.x < 0 ) orient = PIN_LEFT; } return orient; } /** * Function ReturnPinStringNum * fill a buffer with pin num as a wxString * Pin num is coded as a long or 4 ascii chars * Used to print/draw the pin num * @param aStringBuffer = the wxString to store the pin num as an unicode string */ void LIB_PIN::ReturnPinStringNum( wxString& aStringBuffer ) const { aStringBuffer = ReturnPinStringNum( m_number ); } /** * Function ReturnPinStringNum (static function) * Pin num is coded as a long or 4 ascii chars * @param aPinNum = a long containing a pin num * @return aStringBuffer = the wxString to store the pin num as an unicode string */ wxString LIB_PIN::ReturnPinStringNum( long aPinNum ) { char ascii_buf[5]; memcpy( ascii_buf, &aPinNum, 4 ); ascii_buf[4] = 0; wxString buffer = FROM_UTF8( ascii_buf ); return buffer; } /** * Function SetPinNumFromString * fill the buffer with pin num as a wxString * Pin num is coded as a long * Used to print/draw the pin num */ void LIB_PIN::SetPinNumFromString( wxString& buffer ) { char ascii_buf[4]; unsigned ii, len = buffer.Len(); ascii_buf[0] = ascii_buf[1] = ascii_buf[2] = ascii_buf[3] = 0; if( len > 4 ) len = 4; for( ii = 0; ii < len; ii++ ) { ascii_buf[ii] = buffer.GetChar( ii ); ascii_buf[ii] &= 0xFF; } strncpy( (char*) &m_number, ascii_buf, 4 ); } EDA_ITEM* LIB_PIN::doClone() const { return new LIB_PIN( *this ); } int LIB_PIN::DoCompare( const LIB_ITEM& other ) const { wxASSERT( other.Type() == LIB_PIN_T ); const LIB_PIN* tmp = (LIB_PIN*) &other; if( m_number != tmp->m_number ) return m_number - tmp->m_number; int result = m_name.CmpNoCase( tmp->m_name ); if( result != 0 ) return result; if( m_position.x != tmp->m_position.x ) return m_position.x - tmp->m_position.x; if( m_position.y != tmp->m_position.y ) return m_position.y - tmp->m_position.y; return 0; } void LIB_PIN::DoOffset( const wxPoint& offset ) { m_position += offset; } bool LIB_PIN::DoTestInside( EDA_RECT& rect ) const { wxPoint end = ReturnPinEndPoint(); return rect.Contains( m_position.x, -m_position.y ) || rect.Contains( end.x, -end.y ); } void LIB_PIN::DoMove( const wxPoint& newPosition ) { if( m_position != newPosition ) { m_position = newPosition; SetModified(); } } void LIB_PIN::DoMirrorHorizontal( const wxPoint& center ) { m_position.x -= center.x; m_position.x *= -1; m_position.x += center.x; if( m_orientation == PIN_RIGHT ) m_orientation = PIN_LEFT; else if( m_orientation == PIN_LEFT ) m_orientation = PIN_RIGHT; } void LIB_PIN::DoMirrorVertical( const wxPoint& center ) { m_position.y -= center.y; m_position.y *= -1; m_position.y += center.y; if( m_orientation == PIN_UP ) m_orientation = PIN_DOWN; else if( m_orientation == PIN_DOWN ) m_orientation = PIN_UP; } void LIB_PIN::DoRotate( const wxPoint& center, bool aRotateCCW ) { int rot_angle = aRotateCCW ? -900 : 900; RotatePoint( &m_position, center, rot_angle ); if( aRotateCCW ) { switch( m_orientation ) { case PIN_RIGHT: m_orientation = PIN_UP; break; case PIN_UP: m_orientation = PIN_LEFT; break; case PIN_LEFT: m_orientation = PIN_DOWN; break; case PIN_DOWN: m_orientation = PIN_RIGHT; break; } } else { switch( m_orientation ) { case PIN_RIGHT: m_orientation = PIN_DOWN; break; case PIN_UP: m_orientation = PIN_RIGHT; break; case PIN_LEFT: m_orientation = PIN_UP; break; case PIN_DOWN: m_orientation = PIN_LEFT; break; } } } void LIB_PIN::DoPlot( PLOTTER* plotter, const wxPoint& offset, bool fill, const TRANSFORM& aTransform ) { if( ! IsVisible() ) return; int orient = ReturnPinDrawOrient( aTransform ); wxPoint pos = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_position ) + offset; plotter->set_current_line_width( GetPenSize() ); PlotSymbol( plotter, pos, orient ); PlotPinTexts( plotter, pos, orient, GetParent()->GetPinNameOffset(), GetParent()->ShowPinNumbers(), GetParent()->ShowPinNames(), GetPenSize() ); } void LIB_PIN::DoSetWidth( int aWidth ) { if( m_width != aWidth ) { m_width = aWidth; SetModified(); } } /** * Function DisplayInfo * Displays info (pin num and name, orientation ... * on the Info window */ void LIB_PIN::DisplayInfo( EDA_DRAW_FRAME* frame ) { wxString Text; LIB_ITEM::DisplayInfo( frame ); frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Name" ), m_name, DARKCYAN ); if( m_number == 0 ) Text = wxT( "?" ); else ReturnPinStringNum( Text ); frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Number" ), Text, DARKCYAN ); frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Type" ), wxGetTranslation( pin_electrical_type_names[ m_type ] ), RED ); Text = wxGetTranslation( pin_style_names[ GetStyleCodeIndex( m_shape ) ] ); frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Style" ), Text, BLUE ); if( IsVisible() ) Text = _( "Yes" ); else Text = _( "No" ); frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Visible" ), Text, DARKGREEN ); /* Display pin length */ Text = ReturnStringFromValue( g_UserUnit, m_length, EESCHEMA_INTERNAL_UNIT, true ); frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Length" ), Text, MAGENTA ); Text = wxGetTranslation( pin_orientation_names[ GetOrientationCodeIndex( m_orientation ) ] ); frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Orientation" ), Text, DARKMAGENTA ); } /** * Function GetBoundingBox * @return the boundary box for this, in schematic coordinates * Uses DefaultTransform as transform matrix */ EDA_RECT LIB_PIN::GetBoundingBox() const { LIB_COMPONENT* entry = (LIB_COMPONENT*) m_Parent; EDA_RECT bbox; wxPoint begin; wxPoint end; int nameTextOffset = 0; bool showName = !m_name.IsEmpty() && (m_name != wxT( "~" )); bool showNum = m_number != 0; int minsizeV = TARGET_PIN_RADIUS; if( entry ) { if( entry->ShowPinNames() ) nameTextOffset = entry->GetPinNameOffset(); else showName = false; showNum = entry->ShowPinNumbers(); } // First, calculate boundary box corners position int numberTextLength = showNum ? m_PinNumSize * GetNumberString().Len() : 0; // Actual text height is bigger than text size int numberTextHeight = showNum ? wxRound( m_PinNumSize * 1.1 ) : 0; if( m_shape & INVERT ) minsizeV = MAX( TARGET_PIN_RADIUS, INVERT_PIN_RADIUS ); // calculate top left corner position // for the default pin orientation (PIN_RIGHT) begin.y = MAX( minsizeV, numberTextHeight + TXTMARGE ); begin.x = MIN( -TARGET_PIN_RADIUS, m_length - (numberTextLength / 2) ); // calculate bottom right corner position and adjust top left corner position int nameTextLength = 0; int nameTextHeight = 0; if( showName ) { int length = m_name.Len(); // Don't count the line over text symbol. if( m_name.Left( 1 ) == wxT( "~" ) ) length -= 1; nameTextLength = ( m_PinNameSize * length ) + nameTextOffset; // Actual text height are bigger than text size nameTextHeight = wxRound( m_PinNameSize * 1.1 ) + TXTMARGE; } if( nameTextOffset ) // for values > 0, pin name is inside the body { end.x = m_length + nameTextLength; end.y = MIN( -minsizeV, -nameTextHeight / 2 ); } else // if value == 0: // pin name is ouside the body, and above the pin line // pin num is below the pin line { end.x = MAX(m_length, nameTextLength); end.y = -begin.y; begin.y = MAX( minsizeV, nameTextHeight ); } // Now, calculate boundary box corners position for the actual pin orientation int orient = ReturnPinDrawOrient( DefaultTransform ); /* Calculate the pin position */ switch( orient ) { case PIN_UP: // Pin is rotated and texts positions are mirrored RotatePoint( &begin, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), -900 ); RotatePoint( &end, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), -900 ); break; case PIN_DOWN: RotatePoint( &begin, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), 900 ); RotatePoint( &end, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), 900 ); NEGATE( begin.x ); NEGATE( end.x ); break; case PIN_LEFT: NEGATE( begin.x ); NEGATE( end.x ); break; case PIN_RIGHT: break; } // Draw Y axis is reversed in schematic: NEGATE( begin.y ); NEGATE( end.y ); wxPoint pos1 = DefaultTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_position ); begin += pos1; end += pos1; bbox.SetOrigin( begin ); bbox.SetEnd( end ); bbox.Normalize(); bbox.Inflate( GetPenSize() / 2 ); return bbox; } wxArrayString LIB_PIN::GetOrientationNames( void ) { wxArrayString tmp; for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < PIN_ORIENTATION_CNT; ii++ ) tmp.Add( wxGetTranslation( pin_orientation_names[ii] ) ); return tmp; } int LIB_PIN::GetOrientationCode( int index ) { if( index >= 0 && index < (int) PIN_ORIENTATION_CNT ) return pin_orientation_codes[ index ]; return PIN_RIGHT; } int LIB_PIN::GetOrientationCodeIndex( int code ) { size_t i; for( i = 0; i < PIN_ORIENTATION_CNT; i++ ) { if( pin_orientation_codes[i] == code ) return (int) i; } return wxNOT_FOUND; } void LIB_PIN::Rotate() { int orient = PIN_RIGHT; switch( GetOrientation() ) { case PIN_UP: orient = PIN_LEFT; break; case PIN_DOWN: orient = PIN_RIGHT; break; case PIN_LEFT: orient = PIN_DOWN; break; case PIN_RIGHT: orient = PIN_UP; break; } // Set the new orientation SetOrientation( orient ); } wxArrayString LIB_PIN::GetStyleNames( void ) { wxArrayString tmp; for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < PIN_STYLE_CNT; ii++ ) tmp.Add( wxGetTranslation( pin_style_names[ii] ) ); return tmp; } int LIB_PIN::GetStyleCode( int index ) { if( index >= 0 && index < (int) PIN_STYLE_CNT ) return pin_style_codes[ index ]; return NONE; } int LIB_PIN::GetStyleCodeIndex( int code ) { size_t i; for( i = 0; i < PIN_STYLE_CNT; i++ ) { if( pin_style_codes[i] == code ) return (int) i; } return wxNOT_FOUND; } wxArrayString LIB_PIN::GetElectricalTypeNames( void ) { wxArrayString tmp; for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < PIN_ELECTRICAL_TYPE_CNT; ii++ ) tmp.Add( wxGetTranslation( pin_electrical_type_names[ii] ) ); return tmp; } const BITMAP_DEF* LIB_PIN::GetElectricalTypeSymbols() { return s_icons_Pins_Electrical_Type; } const BITMAP_DEF* LIB_PIN::GetOrientationSymbols() { return s_icons_Pins_Orientations; } const BITMAP_DEF* LIB_PIN::GetStyleSymbols() { return s_icons_Pins_Shapes; } BITMAP_DEF LIB_PIN::GetMenuImage() const { return s_icons_Pins_Electrical_Type[m_type]; } wxString LIB_PIN::GetSelectMenuText() const { wxString tmp; tmp.Printf( _( "Pin %s, %s, %s" ), GetChars( GetNumberString() ), GetChars( GetTypeString() ), GetChars( wxGetTranslation( pin_style_names[ GetStyleCodeIndex( m_shape ) ] ) ) ); return tmp; } #if defined(DEBUG) void LIB_PIN::Show( int nestLevel, std::ostream& os ) { NestedSpace( nestLevel, os ) << '<' << GetClass().Lower().mb_str() << " num=\"" << GetNumberString().mb_str() << '"' << "/>\n"; // NestedSpace( nestLevel, os ) << "\n"; } #endif