/******************************************/ /* Kicad: Common plot Postscript Routines */ /******************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "trigo.h" #include "wxstruct.h" #include "base_struct.h" #include "common.h" #include "plot_common.h" #include "worksheet.h" #include "macros.h" // Variables partagees avec Common plot Postscript et HPLG Routines wxPoint LastPenPosition; wxPoint PlotOffset; FILE * PlotOutputFile; double XScale, YScale; int g_DefaultPenWidth; int g_CurrentPenWidth = -1; int PlotOrientOptions, etat_plume; // Locales static Ki_PageDescr * SheetPS; /*************************/ void ForcePenReinit(void) /*************************/ /* set the flag g_CurrentPenWidth to -1 in order to force a pen width redefinition for the next draw command */ { g_CurrentPenWidth = -1; } /**********************************************/ void SetPlotScale(double xscale, double yscale) /**********************************************/ /* Set the plot scale for the current plotting) */ { XScale = xscale; YScale = yscale; } /*********************************/ void SetPlotOffset(wxPoint offset) /*********************************/ /* Set the plot offset for the current plotting) */ { PlotOffset = offset; } /***************************************************************************/ void InitPlotParametresGERBER(wxPoint offset, double xscale, double yscale) /***************************************************************************/ /* Set the plot offset for the current plotting xscale,yscale = coordinate scale (scale coefficient for coordinates) */ { PlotOrientOptions = 0; PlotOffset = offset; SheetPS = NULL; XScale = xscale; YScale = yscale; g_DefaultPenWidth = 120; /* epaisseur du trait standard en 1/1000 pouce */ g_CurrentPenWidth = -1; } /*******************************************************/ void PlotWorkSheet(int format_plot, BASE_SCREEN * screen) /*******************************************************/ /* Plot sheet references margin is in mils (1/1000 inch) */ { #define WSTEXTSIZE 50 // Text size in mils Ki_PageDescr * Sheet = screen->m_CurrentSheet; int ii, jj, xg , yg, ipas, gxpas, gypas; wxSize PageSize; wxPoint pos, ref; int color; Ki_WorkSheetData * WsItem; int conv_unit = screen->GetInternalUnits()/1000; /* Scale to convert dimension in 1/1000 in into internal units (1/1000 inc for EESchema, 1/10000 for pcbnew */ wxString msg; wxSize text_size; void (*FctPlume)(wxPoint pos, int state); int UpperLimit = VARIABLE_BLOCK_START_POSITION; switch ( format_plot) { case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: FctPlume = LineTo_PS; break; case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: FctPlume = Move_Plume_HPGL; break; case PLOT_FORMAT_GERBER: default: return; } color = BLACK; PageSize.x = Sheet->m_Size.x; PageSize.y = Sheet->m_Size.y; /* trace de la bordure */ ref.x = Sheet->m_LeftMargin * conv_unit; ref.y = Sheet->m_TopMargin * conv_unit; /* Upper left corner */ xg = (PageSize.x - Sheet->m_RightMargin) * conv_unit; yg = (PageSize.y - Sheet->m_BottomMargin) * conv_unit; /* lower right corner */ for ( ii = 0; ii < 2 ; ii++ ) { FctPlume(ref,'U'); pos.x = xg; pos.y = ref.y; FctPlume(pos,'D'); pos.x = xg; pos.y = yg; FctPlume(pos,'D'); pos.x = ref.x; pos.y = yg; FctPlume( pos,'D' ); FctPlume(ref,'D'); ref.x += GRID_REF_W * conv_unit; ref.y += GRID_REF_W * conv_unit; xg -= GRID_REF_W * conv_unit; yg -= GRID_REF_W * conv_unit; } /* trace des reperes */ text_size.x = WSTEXTSIZE * conv_unit; text_size.y = WSTEXTSIZE * conv_unit; ref.x = Sheet->m_LeftMargin; ref.y = Sheet->m_TopMargin; /* Upper left corner in 1/1000 inch */ xg = (PageSize.x - Sheet->m_RightMargin); yg = (PageSize.y - Sheet->m_BottomMargin); /* lower right corner in 1/1000 inch */ /* Trace des reperes selon l'axe X */ ipas = (xg - ref.x) / PAS_REF; gxpas = ( xg - ref.x) / ipas; for ( ii = ref.x + gxpas, jj = 1; ipas > 0 ; ii += gxpas , jj++, ipas--) { msg.Empty(); msg << jj; if( ii < xg - PAS_REF/2 ) { pos.x = ii * conv_unit; pos.y = ref.y * conv_unit; FctPlume(pos, 'U'); pos.x = ii * conv_unit; pos.y = (ref.y + GRID_REF_W) * conv_unit; FctPlume(pos,'D'); } pos.x = (ii - gxpas/2) * conv_unit; pos.y = (ref.y + GRID_REF_W/2) * conv_unit; PlotGraphicText(format_plot, pos, color, msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ,text_size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER); if( ii < xg - PAS_REF/2 ) { pos.x = ii * conv_unit; pos.y = yg * conv_unit; FctPlume(pos,'U'); pos.x = ii * conv_unit; pos.y = (yg - GRID_REF_W) * conv_unit; FctPlume(pos,'D'); } pos.x = (ii - gxpas/2) * conv_unit; pos.y = (yg - GRID_REF_W/2) * conv_unit; PlotGraphicText(format_plot, pos, color, msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ,text_size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER); } /* Trace des reperes selon l'axe Y */ ipas = (yg - ref.y) / PAS_REF; gypas = ( yg - ref.y) / ipas; for ( ii = ref.y + gypas, jj = 0; ipas > 0 ; ii += gypas , jj++, ipas--) { msg.Empty(); msg << jj; if( ii < yg - PAS_REF/2 ) { pos.x = ref.x * conv_unit; pos.y = ii * conv_unit; FctPlume(pos,'U'); pos.x = (ref.x + GRID_REF_W) * conv_unit; pos.y = ii * conv_unit; FctPlume(pos, 'D'); } pos.x = (ref.x + GRID_REF_W/2) * conv_unit; pos.y = (ii - gypas/2) * conv_unit; PlotGraphicText(format_plot, pos, color, msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ,text_size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER); if( ii < yg - PAS_REF/2 ) { pos.x = xg * conv_unit; pos.y = ii * conv_unit; FctPlume(pos,'U'); pos.x = (xg - GRID_REF_W) * conv_unit; pos.y = ii * conv_unit; FctPlume(pos,'D'); } pos.x = (xg - GRID_REF_W/2) * conv_unit; pos.y = (ii - gypas/2) * conv_unit; PlotGraphicText(format_plot, pos, color, msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ,text_size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER); } /* Trace du cartouche */ text_size.x = SIZETEXT * conv_unit; text_size.y = SIZETEXT * conv_unit; ref.x = PageSize.x - GRID_REF_W - Sheet->m_RightMargin; ref.y = PageSize.y - GRID_REF_W - Sheet->m_BottomMargin; for( WsItem = &WS_Date; WsItem != NULL; WsItem = WsItem->Pnext ) { pos.x = (ref.x - WsItem->m_Posx) * conv_unit; pos.y = (ref.y - WsItem->m_Posy) * conv_unit; if(WsItem->m_Legende) msg = WsItem->m_Legende; else msg.Empty(); switch( WsItem->m_Type ) { case WS_DATE: msg += screen->m_Date; break; case WS_REV: msg += screen->m_Revision; break; case WS_LICENCE: msg += g_ProductName; break; case WS_SIZESHEET: msg += screen->m_CurrentSheet->m_Name; break; case WS_IDENTSHEET: msg << screen->m_SheetNumber << wxT("/") << screen->m_NumberOfSheet; break; case WS_COMPANY_NAME: msg += screen->m_Company; if ( ! msg.IsEmpty() ) UpperLimit = MAX(UpperLimit, WsItem->m_Posy+SIZETEXT); break; case WS_TITLE: msg += screen->m_Title; break; case WS_COMMENT1: msg += screen->m_Commentaire1; if ( ! msg.IsEmpty() ) UpperLimit = MAX(UpperLimit, WsItem->m_Posy+SIZETEXT); break; case WS_COMMENT2: msg += screen->m_Commentaire2; if ( ! msg.IsEmpty() ) UpperLimit = MAX(UpperLimit, WsItem->m_Posy+SIZETEXT); break; case WS_COMMENT3: msg += screen->m_Commentaire3; if ( ! msg.IsEmpty() ) UpperLimit = MAX(UpperLimit, WsItem->m_Posy+SIZETEXT); break; case WS_COMMENT4: msg += screen->m_Commentaire4; if ( ! msg.IsEmpty() ) UpperLimit = MAX(UpperLimit, WsItem->m_Posy+SIZETEXT); break; case WS_UPPER_SEGMENT: if (UpperLimit == 0 ) break; case WS_LEFT_SEGMENT: WS_MostUpperLine.m_Posy = WS_MostUpperLine.m_Endy = WS_MostLeftLine.m_Posy = UpperLimit; pos.y = (ref.y - WsItem->m_Posy) * conv_unit; case WS_SEGMENT: { wxPoint auxpos; auxpos.x = (ref.x - WsItem->m_Endx) * conv_unit;; auxpos.y = (ref.y - WsItem->m_Endy) * conv_unit;; FctPlume(pos, 'U'); FctPlume(auxpos, 'D'); } break; } if ( ! msg.IsEmpty() ) { PlotGraphicText(format_plot, pos, color, msg.GetData(), TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ,text_size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER); } } switch ( format_plot ) { case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: Plume_HPGL('U'); break; case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: break; } } /******************************************/ void UserToDeviceCoordinate(wxPoint & pos ) /******************************************/ /* modifie les coord pos.x et pos.y pour le trace selon l'orientation, l'echelle, les offsets de trace */ { pos.x = (int) (pos.x * XScale); pos.y = (int) (pos.y * YScale); switch ( PlotOrientOptions) /* Calcul du cadrage */ { default : pos.x -= PlotOffset.x ; pos.y = PlotOffset.y - pos.y; break ; case PLOT_MIROIR : pos.x -= PlotOffset.x ; pos.y = - PlotOffset.y + pos.y; break ; } } /************************************/ void UserToDeviceSize(wxSize & size ) /************************************/ /* modifie les dimension size.x et size.y pour le trace selon l'echelle */ { size.x = (int) (size.x * XScale); size.y = (int) (size.y * YScale); }