/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2022 Mark Roszko * Copyright (C) 2016 Cirilo Bernardo * Copyright (C) 1992-2022 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . */ #include "command_export_step.h" #include "exit_codes.h" #include "jobs/job_export_step.h" #include #include #include #define ARG_DRILL_ORIGIN "--drill-origin" #define ARG_GRID_ORIGIN "--grid-origin" #define ARG_NO_VIRTUAL "--no-virtual" #define ARG_SUBST_MODELS "--subst-models" #define ARG_FORCE "--force" #define ARG_OUTPUT "--output" #define ARG_INPUT "input" #define ARG_MIN_DISTANCE "--min-distance" #define ARG_USER_ORIGIN "--user-origin" #define ARG_GUI "--gui" #define REGEX_QUANTITY "([\\s]*[+-]?[\\d]*[.]?[\\d]*)" #define REGEX_DELIMITER "(?:[\\s]*x)" #define REGEX_UNIT "([m]{2}|(?:in))" CLI::EXPORT_STEP_COMMAND::EXPORT_STEP_COMMAND() : COMMAND( "step" ) { m_argParser.add_argument( ARG_DRILL_ORIGIN ) .help( "Use Drill Origin for output origin" ) .implicit_value( true ) .default_value( false ); m_argParser.add_argument( ARG_GRID_ORIGIN ) .help( "Use Grid Origin for output origin" ) .implicit_value( true ) .default_value( false ); m_argParser.add_argument( ARG_NO_VIRTUAL ) .help( "Exclude 3D models for components with 'virtual' attribute" ) .implicit_value( true ) .default_value( false ); m_argParser.add_argument( "--subst-models" ) .help( "Substitute STEP or IGS models with the same name in place of VRML models" ) .implicit_value( true ) .default_value( false ); m_argParser.add_argument( ARG_FORCE, "-f" ) .help( "overwrite output file" ) .implicit_value( true ) .default_value( false ); m_argParser.add_argument( ARG_GUI ) .help( "Show GUI (log window)" ) .implicit_value( true ) .default_value( false ); m_argParser.add_argument( ARG_MIN_DISTANCE ) .default_value( std::string() ) .help( "Minimum distance between points to treat them as separate ones (default 0.01mm)" ); m_argParser.add_argument( ARG_USER_ORIGIN ) .default_value( std::string() ) .help( "User-specified output origin ex. 1x1in, 1x1inch, 25.4x25.4mm (default mm)" ); m_argParser.add_argument( "-o", ARG_OUTPUT ) .default_value( std::string() ) .help( "output file name" ); m_argParser.add_argument( ARG_INPUT ).help( "input file" ); } int CLI::EXPORT_STEP_COMMAND::Perform( KIWAY& aKiway ) const { std::unique_ptr step( new JOB_EXPORT_STEP( true ) ); step->m_useDrillOrigin = m_argParser.get( ARG_DRILL_ORIGIN ); step->m_useGridOrigin = m_argParser.get( ARG_GRID_ORIGIN ); step->m_includeVirtual = !m_argParser.get( ARG_NO_VIRTUAL ); step->m_substModels = m_argParser.get( ARG_SUBST_MODELS ); step->m_overwrite = m_argParser.get( ARG_FORCE ); step->m_filename = FROM_UTF8( m_argParser.get( ARG_INPUT ).c_str() ); step->m_outputFile = FROM_UTF8( m_argParser.get( ARG_OUTPUT ).c_str() ); step->m_gui = m_argParser.get( ARG_GUI ); wxString userOrigin = FROM_UTF8( m_argParser.get( ARG_USER_ORIGIN ).c_str() ); if( !userOrigin.IsEmpty() ) { std::regex re_pattern( REGEX_QUANTITY REGEX_DELIMITER REGEX_QUANTITY REGEX_UNIT, std::regex_constants::icase ); std::smatch sm; std::string str( userOrigin.ToUTF8() ); std::regex_search( str, sm, re_pattern ); step->m_xOrigin = atof( sm.str( 1 ).c_str() ); step->m_yOrigin = atof( sm.str( 2 ).c_str() ); std::string tunit( sm[3] ); if( tunit.size() > 0 ) // No unit accepted ( default = mm ) { if( ( !sm.str( 1 ).compare( " " ) || !sm.str( 2 ).compare( " " ) ) || ( sm.size() != 4 ) ) { std::cout << m_argParser; return CLI::EXIT_CODES::ERR_ARGS; } // only in, inch and mm are valid: if( !tunit.compare( "in" ) || !tunit.compare( "inch" ) ) { step->m_xOrigin *= 25.4; step->m_yOrigin *= 25.4; } else if( tunit.compare( "mm" ) ) { std::cout << m_argParser; return CLI::EXIT_CODES::ERR_ARGS; } } } wxString minDistance = FROM_UTF8( m_argParser.get( ARG_MIN_DISTANCE ).c_str() ); if( !minDistance.IsEmpty() ) { std::istringstream istr; istr.str( std::string( minDistance.ToUTF8() ) ); istr >> step->m_minDistance; if( istr.fail() ) { std::cout << m_argParser; return CLI::EXIT_CODES::ERR_ARGS; } if( !istr.eof() ) { std::string tunit; istr >> tunit; if( !tunit.compare( "in" ) || !tunit.compare( "inch" ) ) { step->m_minDistance *= 25.4; } else if( tunit.compare( "mm" ) ) { std::cout << m_argParser; return CLI::EXIT_CODES::ERR_ARGS; } } } int exitCode = aKiway.ProcessJob( KIWAY::FACE_PCB, step.get() ); return exitCode; }