/* TODO ENGLISH BRIEF TODO */ /*** * @file edaapl.cpp * @brief methodes relative a la classe winEDA_App, communes * aux environements window et linux ***/ #define EDA_BASE #define COMMON_GLOBL #ifdef KICAD_PYTHON # include #endif #include "fctsys.h" #include "wx/html/htmlwin.h" #include "wx/fs_zip.h" #include "common.h" #include "worksheet.h" #include "id.h" #include "build_version.h" #include "hotkeys_basic.h" #include "macros.h" #include "online_help.h" #include "bitmaps.h" #ifdef __UNIX__ # define TMP_FILE "/tmp/kicad.tmp" #endif /* Just add new languages to the list. This macro will properly recalculate * the size of the array. */ #define LANGUAGE_DESCR_COUNT ( sizeof( s_Language_List ) / \ sizeof( struct LANGUAGE_DESCR ) ) /* Default font size */ #define FONT_DEFAULT_SIZE 10 /* Default font size. */ /** * The real font size will be computed at run time * A small class to handle the list od existing translations. * the locale translation is automatic. * the selection of languages is mainly for mainteners's convenience (tests...)\n * To add a support to a new tranlation: * create a new icon (flag of the country) (see Lang_Fr.xpm as an exemple) * add a new item to s_Language_List[LANGUAGE_DESCR_COUNT] * and set LANGUAGE_DESCR_COUNT to the new value */ struct LANGUAGE_DESCR { /* wxWidgets locale identifier (See wxWidgets doc) */ int m_WX_Lang_Identifier; /* KiCad identifier used in menu selection (See id.h) */ int m_KI_Lang_Identifier; /* The menu language icons */ const char** m_Lang_Icon; /* Labels used in menus */ const wxChar* m_Lang_Label; /* Set to true if the m_Lang_Label must not be translated */ bool m_DoNotTranslate; }; /** * Language list struct */ static struct LANGUAGE_DESCR s_Language_List[] = { /* Default language */ { wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT, ID_LANGUAGE_DEFAULT, lang_def_xpm, _( "Default" ) }, /* English language */ { wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH, ID_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH, lang_en_xpm, wxT( "English" ), true }, /* French language */ { wxLANGUAGE_FRENCH, ID_LANGUAGE_FRENCH, lang_fr_xpm, _( "French" ) }, /* Spanish language */ { wxLANGUAGE_SPANISH, ID_LANGUAGE_SPANISH, lang_es_xpm, _( "Spanish" ) }, /* Portugese language */ { wxLANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE, ID_LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE, lang_pt_xpm, _( "Portuguese" ) }, /* Italian language */ { wxLANGUAGE_ITALIAN, ID_LANGUAGE_ITALIAN, lang_it_xpm, _( "Italian" ) }, /* German language */ { wxLANGUAGE_GERMAN, ID_LANGUAGE_GERMAN, lang_de_xpm, _( "German" ) }, /* Slovenian language */ { wxLANGUAGE_SLOVENIAN, ID_LANGUAGE_SLOVENIAN, lang_sl_xpm, _( "Slovenian" ) }, /* Hungarian language */ { wxLANGUAGE_HUNGARIAN, ID_LANGUAGE_HUNGARIAN, lang_hu_xpm, _( "Hungarian" ) }, /* Polish language */ { wxLANGUAGE_POLISH, ID_LANGUAGE_POLISH, lang_pl_xpm, _( "Polish" ) }, /* Czech language */ { wxLANGUAGE_CZECH, ID_LANGUAGE_CZECH, lang_cs_xpm, _( "Czech" ) }, /* Russian language */ { wxLANGUAGE_RUSSIAN, ID_LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN, lang_ru_xpm, _( "Russian" ) }, /* Korean language */ { wxLANGUAGE_KOREAN, ID_LANGUAGE_KOREAN, lang_ko_xpm, _( "Korean" ) }, /* Chinese simplified */ { wxLANGUAGE_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED, ID_LANGUAGE_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED, lang_chinese_xpm, _( "Chinese simplified" ) }, /* Catalan language */ { wxLANGUAGE_CATALAN, ID_LANGUAGE_CATALAN, lang_catalan_xpm, _( "Catalan" ) }, /* Dutch language */ { wxLANGUAGE_DUTCH, ID_LANGUAGE_DUTCH, lang_nl_xpm, _( "Dutch" ) } }; /** * WinEDA_App Constructor */ WinEDA_App::WinEDA_App() { m_Checker = NULL; m_LastProjectMaxCount = 10; m_HtmlCtrl = NULL; m_EDA_CommonConfig = NULL; m_EDA_Config = NULL; m_Env_Defined = FALSE; m_LanguageId = wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT; m_Language_Menu = NULL; m_Locale = NULL; m_PdfBrowserIsDefault = TRUE; } /** * WinEDA_App Destructor */ WinEDA_App::~WinEDA_App() { SaveSettings(); /* delete user datas */ delete g_Prj_Config; delete m_EDA_Config; delete m_EDA_CommonConfig; delete g_StdFont; delete g_DialogFont; delete g_ItalicFont; delete g_FixedFont; delete g_MsgFont; if( m_Checker ) delete m_Checker; delete m_Locale; } /** * TODO brief */ void WinEDA_App::InitEDA_Appl( const wxString& name ) { wxString ident; wxString EnvLang; ident = name + wxT( "-" ) + wxGetUserId(); m_Checker = new wxSingleInstanceChecker( ident ); /* Init kicad environment * the environment variable KICAD (if exists) gives the kicad path: * something like set KICAD=d:\kicad */ m_Env_Defined = wxGetEnv( wxT( "KICAD" ), &m_KicadEnv ); if( m_Env_Defined ) // ensure m_KicadEnv ends by "/" { m_KicadEnv.Replace( WIN_STRING_DIR_SEP, UNIX_STRING_DIR_SEP ); if( m_KicadEnv.Last() != '/' ) m_KicadEnv += UNIX_STRING_DIR_SEP; } /* Prepare On Line Help. Use only lower case for help filenames, * in order to avoid problems with upper/lower case filenames under windows and unix */ #if defined ONLINE_HELP_FILES_FORMAT_IS_HTML m_HelpFileName = name.Lower() + wxT( ".html" ); #elif defined ONLINE_HELP_FILES_FORMAT_IS_PDF m_HelpFileName = name.Lower() + wxT( ".pdf" ); #else #error Help files format not defined #endif /* Init parameters for configuration */ SetVendorName( wxT( "kicad" ) ); SetAppName( name ); m_EDA_Config = new wxConfig( name ); m_EDA_CommonConfig = new wxConfig( wxT( "kicad_common" ) ); /* Create the fonts used in dialogs and messages */ g_StdFontPointSize = FONT_DEFAULT_SIZE; g_MsgFontPointSize = FONT_DEFAULT_SIZE; g_DialogFontPointSize = FONT_DEFAULT_SIZE; g_FixedFontPointSize = FONT_DEFAULT_SIZE; g_StdFont = new wxFont( g_StdFontPointSize, wxFONTFAMILY_ROMAN, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL ); g_MsgFont = new wxFont( g_StdFontPointSize, wxFONTFAMILY_ROMAN, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL ); g_DialogFont = new wxFont( g_DialogFontPointSize, wxFONTFAMILY_ROMAN, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL ); g_ItalicFont = new wxFont( g_DialogFontPointSize, wxFONTFAMILY_ROMAN, wxFONTSTYLE_ITALIC, wxNORMAL ); g_FixedFont = new wxFont( g_FixedFontPointSize, wxFONTFAMILY_MODERN, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL ); /* TODO installation des gestionnaires de visu d'images (pour help) TODO*/ wxImage::AddHandler( new wxPNGHandler ); wxImage::AddHandler( new wxGIFHandler ); wxImage::AddHandler( new wxJPEGHandler ); wxFileSystem::AddHandler( new wxZipFSHandler ); // Analyse the command line & init binary path SetBinDir(); ReadPdfBrowserInfos(); // Internationalisation: loading the kicad suitable Dictionnary m_EDA_CommonConfig->Read( wxT( "Language" ), &m_LanguageId, wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT ); bool succes = SetLanguage( TRUE ); if( !succes ) { } /* Set locale option for separator used in float numbers */ SetLocaleTo_Default(); #ifdef KICAD_PYTHON PyHandler::GetInstance()->SetAppName( name ); #endif } /** * Init online help * @return none */ /*****************************************/ void WinEDA_App::InitOnLineHelp() /*****************************************/ { wxString fullfilename = FindKicadHelpPath(); #if defined ONLINE_HELP_FILES_FORMAT_IS_HTML m_HelpFileName = fullfilename + wxT( ".html" ); fullfilename += wxT( "kicad.hhp" ); if( wxFileExists( fullfilename ) ) { m_HtmlCtrl = new wxHtmlHelpController( wxHF_TOOLBAR | wxHF_CONTENTS | wxHF_PRINT | wxHF_OPEN_FILES /*| wxHF_SEARCH */ ); m_HtmlCtrl->UseConfig( m_EDA_CommonConfig ); m_HtmlCtrl->SetTitleFormat( wxT( "Kicad Help" ) ); m_HtmlCtrl->AddBook( fullfilename ); } #elif defined ONLINE_HELP_FILES_FORMAT_IS_PDF m_HtmlCtrl = NULL; #else #error Help files format not defined #endif } /** * Find the path to the executable and store it in WinEDA_App::m_BinDir * @return TODO */ /*******************************/ bool WinEDA_App::SetBinDir() /*******************************/ { /* Apple MacOSx */ #ifdef __APPLE__ /* Derive path from location of the app bundle */ CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle(); if( mainBundle == NULL ) return false; CFURLRef urlref = CFBundleCopyBundleURL( mainBundle ); if( urlref == NULL ) return false; CFStringRef str = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath( urlref, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle ); if( str == NULL ) return false; char* native_str = NULL; int len = CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding( CFStringGetLength( str ), kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ) + 1; native_str = new char[len]; CFStringGetCString( str, native_str, len, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ); m_BinDir = CONV_FROM_UTF8( native_str ); delete[] native_str; /* Linux and Unix */ #elif defined (__UNIX__) // Under Linux, if argv[0] doesn't the complete path to the executable, // it's necessary to obtain it using "which ". FILE* ftmp; char Line[1024]; char FileName[1024]; wxString str_arg0; int ii; FileName[0] = 0; str_arg0 = argv[0]; if( strchr( (const char*) argv[0], '/' ) == NULL ) // no path { sprintf( FileName, "which %s > %s", CONV_TO_UTF8( str_arg0 ), TMP_FILE ); ii = system( FileName ); if( ( ftmp = fopen( TMP_FILE, "rt" ) ) != NULL ) { fgets( Line, 1000, ftmp ); fclose( ftmp ); remove( TMP_FILE ); } m_BinDir = CONV_FROM_UTF8( Line ); } else m_BinDir = argv[0]; #else m_BinDir = argv[0]; #endif /* __UNIX__ */ m_BinDir.Replace( WIN_STRING_DIR_SEP, UNIX_STRING_DIR_SEP ); while( m_BinDir.Last() != '/' ) m_BinDir.RemoveLast(); return TRUE; } /** * Get application settings * @return none */ /*********************************/ void WinEDA_App::GetSettings() /*********************************/ { wxString Line, Ident; unsigned ii; m_HelpSize.x = 500; m_HelpSize.y = 400; if( m_EDA_CommonConfig ) { m_LanguageId = m_EDA_CommonConfig->Read( wxT( "Language" ), wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT ); g_EditorName = m_EDA_CommonConfig->Read( wxT( "Editor" ) ); g_ConfigFileLocationChoice = m_EDA_CommonConfig->Read( HOTKEY_CFG_PATH_OPT, 0L ); } if( !m_EDA_Config ) return; /* Last 10 project settings */ for( ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++ ) { Ident = wxT( "LastProject" ); if( ii ) Ident << ii; if( m_EDA_Config->Read( Ident, &Line ) ) m_LastProject.Add( Line ); } /* Set default font sizes */ g_StdFontPointSize = m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "SdtFontSize" ), FONT_DEFAULT_SIZE ); g_MsgFontPointSize = m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "MsgFontSize" ), FONT_DEFAULT_SIZE ); g_DialogFontPointSize = m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "DialogFontSize" ), FONT_DEFAULT_SIZE ); g_FixedFontPointSize = m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "FixedFontSize" ), FONT_DEFAULT_SIZE ); /* Sdt font type */ Line = m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "SdtFontType" ), wxEmptyString ); if( !Line.IsEmpty() ) g_StdFont->SetFaceName( Line ); /* Sdt font style */ ii = m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "SdtFontStyle" ), wxFONTFAMILY_ROMAN ); g_StdFont->SetStyle( ii ); /* Sdt font weight */ ii = m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "SdtFontWeight" ), wxNORMAL ); g_StdFont->SetWeight( ii ); g_StdFont->SetPointSize( g_StdFontPointSize ); /* Msg font type */ Line = m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "MsgFontType" ), wxEmptyString ); if( !Line.IsEmpty() ) g_MsgFont->SetFaceName( Line ); /* Msg font style */ ii = m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "MsgFontStyle" ), wxFONTFAMILY_ROMAN ); g_MsgFont->SetStyle( ii ); /* Msg font weight */ ii = m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "MsgFontWeight" ), wxNORMAL ); g_MsgFont->SetWeight( ii ); g_MsgFont->SetPointSize( g_MsgFontPointSize ); Line = m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "DialogFontType" ), wxEmptyString ); if( !Line.IsEmpty() ) g_DialogFont->SetFaceName( Line ); ii = m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "DialogFontStyle" ), wxFONTFAMILY_ROMAN ); g_DialogFont->SetStyle( ii ); ii = m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "DialogFontWeight" ), wxNORMAL ); g_DialogFont->SetWeight( ii ); g_DialogFont->SetPointSize( g_DialogFontPointSize ); g_FixedFont->SetPointSize( g_FixedFontPointSize ); m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "ShowPageLimits" ), &g_ShowPageLimits ); if( m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "WorkingDir" ), &Line ) ) { if( wxDirExists( Line ) ) wxSetWorkingDirectory( Line ); } m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "BgColor" ), &g_DrawBgColor ); } /** * Save application settings * @return none */ /**********************************/ void WinEDA_App::SaveSettings() /**********************************/ { unsigned int i; if( m_EDA_Config == NULL ) return; /* Sdt font settings */ m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "SdtFontSize" ), g_StdFontPointSize ); m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "SdtFontType" ), g_StdFont->GetFaceName() ); m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "SdtFontStyle" ), g_StdFont->GetStyle() ); m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "SdtFontWeight" ), g_StdFont->GetWeight() ); /* Msg font settings */ m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "MsgFontSize" ), g_MsgFontPointSize ); m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "MsgFontType" ), g_MsgFont->GetFaceName() ); m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "MsgFontStyle" ), g_MsgFont->GetStyle() ); m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "MsgFontWeight" ), g_MsgFont->GetWeight() ); /* Dialog font settings */ m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "DialogFontSize" ), g_DialogFontPointSize ); m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "DialogFontType" ), g_DialogFont->GetFaceName() ); m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "DialogFontStyle" ), g_DialogFont->GetStyle() ); m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "DialogFontWeight" ), g_DialogFont->GetWeight() ); /* Misc settings */ m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "FixedFontSize" ), g_FixedFontPointSize ); m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "ShowPageLimits" ), g_ShowPageLimits ); m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "WorkingDir" ), wxGetCwd() ); /* Save last 10 project list */ for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { wxString msg = wxT( "LastProject" ); if( i ) msg << i; if( i < m_LastProject.GetCount() ) m_EDA_Config->Write( msg, m_LastProject[i] ); else m_EDA_Config->Write( msg, wxEmptyString ); } } /** * Set the dictionary file name for internationalization * the files are in kicad/internat/xx or kicad/internat/xx_XX * and are named kicad.mo * * @param first_time TODO * @return TODO */ /*********************************************/ bool WinEDA_App::SetLanguage( bool first_time ) /*********************************************/ { // dictionary file name without extend (full name is kicad.mo) wxString DictionaryName( wxT( "kicad" ) ); // Real path is kicad/internat/xx_XX or kicad/internat/xx wxString BaseDictionaryPath( wxT( "internat" ) ); wxString dic_path; if( m_Locale != NULL ) delete m_Locale; m_Locale = new wxLocale(); m_Locale->Init( m_LanguageId ); dic_path = ReturnKicadDatasPath() + BaseDictionaryPath; wxLogDebug( wxT( "Adding prefix <" ) + dic_path + wxT( "> to language lookup path." ) ); m_Locale->AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix( dic_path ); if( !first_time ) { if( m_EDA_CommonConfig ) m_EDA_CommonConfig->Write( wxT( "Language" ), m_LanguageId ); } if( !m_Locale->IsLoaded( DictionaryName ) ) m_Locale->AddCatalog( DictionaryName ); SetLanguageList( NULL ); return m_Locale->IsOk(); } /** * Return in m_LanguageId the wxWidgets language identifier Id * from the kicad menu id (internal menu identifier) * @param menu_id TODO * @return none */ /**************************************************/ void WinEDA_App::SetLanguageIdentifier( int menu_id ) /**************************************************/ { unsigned int ii; wxLogDebug( wxT( "Select language ID %d from %d possible languages." ), menu_id, LANGUAGE_DESCR_COUNT ); for( ii = 0; ii < LANGUAGE_DESCR_COUNT; ii++ ) { if( menu_id == s_Language_List[ii].m_KI_Lang_Identifier ) { m_LanguageId = s_Language_List[ii].m_WX_Lang_Identifier; break; } } } /** * Create menu list for language choice. * @param MasterMenu TODO * @return TODO */ /*********************************************************/ wxMenu* WinEDA_App::SetLanguageList( wxMenu* MasterMenu ) /*********************************************************/ { wxMenuItem* item; unsigned int ii; if( m_Language_Menu == NULL ) { m_Language_Menu = new wxMenu; for( ii = 0; ii < LANGUAGE_DESCR_COUNT; ii++ ) { wxString MenuLabel = s_Language_List[ii].m_DoNotTranslate ? s_Language_List[ii].m_Lang_Label : wxGetTranslation( s_Language_List[ii].m_Lang_Label ); item = new wxMenuItem( m_Language_Menu, s_Language_List[ii].m_KI_Lang_Identifier, MenuLabel, wxEmptyString, wxITEM_CHECK ); SETBITMAPS( s_Language_List[ii].m_Lang_Icon ); m_Language_Menu->Append( item ); } } for( ii = 0; ii < LANGUAGE_DESCR_COUNT; ii++ ) { if( m_LanguageId == s_Language_List[ii].m_WX_Lang_Identifier ) m_Language_Menu->Check( s_Language_List[ii].m_KI_Lang_Identifier, true ); else m_Language_Menu->Check( s_Language_List[ii].m_KI_Lang_Identifier, false ); } if( MasterMenu ) { ADD_MENUITEM_WITH_HELP_AND_SUBMENU( MasterMenu, m_Language_Menu, ID_LANGUAGE_CHOICE, _( "Language" ), _( "Select application language (only for testing!)" ), language_xpm ); } return m_Language_Menu; } /** * Run init scripts * @return TODO */ /**********************/ int WinEDA_App::OnRun() /**********************/ { # ifdef KICAD_PYTHON PyHandler::GetInstance()->RunScripts(); # endif return wxApp::OnRun(); }