/* * This program source code file is part of KICAD, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2016 CERN * @author Janito V. Ferreira Filho * Copyright (C) 1992-2018 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "svg_import_plugin.h" #include #include #include #include #include "convert_to_biu.h" #include "graphics_importer.h" static VECTOR2D calculateBezierBoundingBoxExtremity( const float* aCurvePoints, std::function< const float&( const float&, const float& ) > comparator ); static float calculateBezierSegmentationThreshold( const float* aCurvePoints ); static void segmentBezierCurve( const VECTOR2D& aStart, const VECTOR2D& aEnd, float aOffset, float aStep, const float* aCurvePoints, float aSegmentationThreshold, std::vector< VECTOR2D >& aGeneratedPoints ); static void createNewBezierCurveSegments( const VECTOR2D& aStart, const VECTOR2D& aMiddle, const VECTOR2D& aEnd, float aOffset, float aStep, const float* aCurvePoints, float aSegmentationThreshold, std::vector< VECTOR2D >& aGeneratedPoints ); static VECTOR2D getBezierPoint( const float* aCurvePoints, float aStep ); static VECTOR2D getPoint( const float* aPointCoordinates ); static VECTOR2D getPointInLine( const VECTOR2D& aLineStart, const VECTOR2D& aLineEnd, float aDistance ); static float distanceFromPointToLine( const VECTOR2D& aPoint, const VECTOR2D& aLineStart, const VECTOR2D& aLineEnd ); bool SVG_IMPORT_PLUGIN::Load( const wxString& aFileName ) { wxCHECK( m_importer, false ); m_parsedImage = nsvgParseFromFile( aFileName.c_str(), "mm", 96 ); wxCHECK( m_parsedImage, false ); return true; } bool SVG_IMPORT_PLUGIN::Import() { for( NSVGshape* shape = m_parsedImage->shapes; shape != NULL; shape = shape->next ) { double lineWidth = shape->strokeWidth; for( NSVGpath* path = shape->paths; path != NULL; path = path->next ) DrawPath( path->pts, path->npts, path->closed, shape->fill.type == NSVG_PAINT_COLOR, lineWidth ); } return true; } double SVG_IMPORT_PLUGIN::GetImageHeight() const { if( !m_parsedImage ) { wxASSERT_MSG(false, "Image must have been loaded before checking height"); return 0.0; } return m_parsedImage->height; } double SVG_IMPORT_PLUGIN::GetImageWidth() const { if( !m_parsedImage ) { wxASSERT_MSG(false, "Image must have been loaded before checking width"); return 0.0; } return m_parsedImage->width; } void SVG_IMPORT_PLUGIN::DrawPath( const float* aPoints, int aNumPoints, bool aClosedPath, bool aFilled, double aLineWidth ) { std::vector< VECTOR2D > collectedPathPoints; if( aNumPoints > 0 ) DrawCubicBezierPath( aPoints, aNumPoints, collectedPathPoints ); if( aFilled && aClosedPath ) DrawPolygon( collectedPathPoints, aLineWidth ); else DrawLineSegments( collectedPathPoints, aLineWidth ); } void SVG_IMPORT_PLUGIN::DrawCubicBezierPath( const float* aPoints, int aNumPoints, std::vector< VECTOR2D >& aGeneratedPoints ) { const int pointsPerSegment = 4; const int curveSpecificPointsPerSegment = 3; const int curveSpecificCoordinatesPerSegment = 2 * curveSpecificPointsPerSegment; const float* currentPoints = aPoints; int remainingPoints = aNumPoints; while( remainingPoints >= pointsPerSegment ) { DrawCubicBezierCurve( currentPoints, aGeneratedPoints ); currentPoints += curveSpecificCoordinatesPerSegment; remainingPoints -= curveSpecificPointsPerSegment; } } void SVG_IMPORT_PLUGIN::DrawCubicBezierCurve( const float* aPoints, std::vector< VECTOR2D >& aGeneratedPoints ) { auto start = getBezierPoint( aPoints, 0.0f ); auto end = getBezierPoint( aPoints, 1.0f ); auto segmentationThreshold = calculateBezierSegmentationThreshold( aPoints ); aGeneratedPoints.push_back( start ); segmentBezierCurve( start, end, 0.0f, 0.5f, aPoints, segmentationThreshold, aGeneratedPoints ); aGeneratedPoints.push_back( end ); } void SVG_IMPORT_PLUGIN::DrawPolygon( const std::vector< VECTOR2D >& aPoints, double aWidth ) { m_importer->AddPolygon( aPoints, aWidth ); } void SVG_IMPORT_PLUGIN::DrawLineSegments( const std::vector< VECTOR2D >& aPoints, double aWidth ) { unsigned int numLineStartPoints = aPoints.size() - 1; for( unsigned int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < numLineStartPoints; ++pointIndex ) m_importer->AddLine( aPoints[ pointIndex ], aPoints[ pointIndex + 1 ], aWidth ); } static VECTOR2D getPoint( const float* aPointCoordinates ) { return VECTOR2D( aPointCoordinates[0], aPointCoordinates[1] ); } static VECTOR2D getBezierPoint( const float* aPoints, float aStep ) { const int coordinatesPerPoint = 2; auto firstCubicPoint = getPoint( aPoints ); auto secondCubicPoint = getPoint( aPoints + 1 * coordinatesPerPoint ); auto thirdCubicPoint = getPoint( aPoints + 2 * coordinatesPerPoint ); auto fourthCubicPoint = getPoint( aPoints + 3 * coordinatesPerPoint ); auto firstQuadraticPoint = getPointInLine( firstCubicPoint, secondCubicPoint, aStep ); auto secondQuadraticPoint = getPointInLine( secondCubicPoint, thirdCubicPoint, aStep ); auto thirdQuadraticPoint = getPointInLine( thirdCubicPoint, fourthCubicPoint, aStep ); auto firstLinearPoint = getPointInLine( firstQuadraticPoint, secondQuadraticPoint, aStep ); auto secondLinearPoint = getPointInLine( secondQuadraticPoint, thirdQuadraticPoint, aStep ); return getPointInLine( firstLinearPoint, secondLinearPoint, aStep ); } static VECTOR2D getPointInLine( const VECTOR2D& aLineStart, const VECTOR2D& aLineEnd, float aDistance ) { return aLineStart + ( aLineEnd - aLineStart ) * aDistance; } static float calculateBezierSegmentationThreshold( const float* aCurvePoints ) { using comparatorFunction = const float&(*)( const float&, const float& ); auto minimumComparator = static_cast< comparatorFunction >( &std::min ); auto maximumComparator = static_cast< comparatorFunction >( &std::max ); VECTOR2D minimum = calculateBezierBoundingBoxExtremity( aCurvePoints, minimumComparator ); VECTOR2D maximum = calculateBezierBoundingBoxExtremity( aCurvePoints, maximumComparator ); VECTOR2D boundingBoxDimensions = maximum - minimum; return 0.001 * std::max( boundingBoxDimensions.x, boundingBoxDimensions.y ); } static VECTOR2D calculateBezierBoundingBoxExtremity( const float* aCurvePoints, std::function< const float&( const float&, const float& ) > comparator ) { float x = aCurvePoints[0]; float y = aCurvePoints[1]; for( int pointIndex = 1; pointIndex < 3; ++pointIndex ) { x = comparator( x, aCurvePoints[ 2 * pointIndex ] ); y = comparator( y, aCurvePoints[ 2 * pointIndex + 1 ] ); } return VECTOR2D( x, y ); } static void segmentBezierCurve( const VECTOR2D& aStart, const VECTOR2D& aEnd, float aOffset, float aStep, const float* aCurvePoints, float aSegmentationThreshold, std::vector< VECTOR2D >& aGeneratedPoints ) { VECTOR2D middle = getBezierPoint( aCurvePoints, aOffset + aStep ); float distanceToPreviousSegment = distanceFromPointToLine( middle, aStart, aEnd ); if( distanceToPreviousSegment > aSegmentationThreshold ) { createNewBezierCurveSegments( aStart, middle, aEnd, aOffset, aStep, aCurvePoints, aSegmentationThreshold, aGeneratedPoints ); } } static void createNewBezierCurveSegments( const VECTOR2D& aStart, const VECTOR2D& aMiddle, const VECTOR2D& aEnd, float aOffset, float aStep, const float* aCurvePoints, float aSegmentationThreshold, std::vector< VECTOR2D >& aGeneratedPoints ) { float newStep = aStep / 2.f; float offsetAfterMiddle = aOffset + aStep; segmentBezierCurve( aStart, aMiddle, aOffset, newStep, aCurvePoints, aSegmentationThreshold, aGeneratedPoints ); aGeneratedPoints.push_back( aMiddle ); segmentBezierCurve( aMiddle, aEnd, offsetAfterMiddle, newStep, aCurvePoints, aSegmentationThreshold, aGeneratedPoints ); } static float distanceFromPointToLine( const VECTOR2D& aPoint, const VECTOR2D& aLineStart, const VECTOR2D& aLineEnd ) { auto lineDirection = aLineEnd - aLineStart; auto lineNormal = lineDirection.Perpendicular().Resize( 1.f ); auto lineStartToPoint = aPoint - aLineStart; auto distance = lineNormal.Dot( lineStartToPoint ); return fabs( distance ); }