#include "template_fieldnames.h" #include "dsnlexer.h" #include "fctsys.h" #include "macros.h" using namespace TFIELD_T; wxString TEMPLATE_FIELDNAME::GetDefaultFieldName( int aFieldNdx ) { // Fixed values for the first few default fields used by EESCHEMA static const wxString fixedNames[] = { _( "Reference" ), // The component reference, R1, C1, etc. _( "Value" ), // The component value + name _( "Footprint" ), // The footprint for use with PCBNEW _( "Datasheet" ), // Link to a datasheet for component }; if( (unsigned) aFieldNdx < DIM(fixedNames) ) return fixedNames[aFieldNdx]; else { wxString fieldName = _("Field"); fieldName << aFieldNdx; return fieldName; } } void TEMPLATE_FIELDNAME::Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) const throw( IO_ERROR ) { out->Print( nestLevel, "(field (name %s)", out->Quotew( m_Name ).c_str() ); if( !m_Value.IsEmpty() ) out->Print( 0, "(value %s)", out->Quotew( m_Value ).c_str() ); if( m_Visible ) out->Print( 0, " visible" ); out->Print( 0, ")\n" ); } void TEMPLATE_FIELDNAME::Parse( TEMPLATE_FIELDNAMES_LEXER* in ) throw( IO_ERROR ) { T tok; in->NeedLEFT(); // begin (name ...) if( (tok = in->NextTok()) != T_name ) in->Expecting( T_name ); in->NeedSYMBOLorNUMBER(); m_Name = FROM_UTF8( in->CurText() ); in->NeedRIGHT(); // end (name ...) while( (tok = in->NextTok() ) != T_RIGHT && tok != T_EOF ) { // "visible" has no '(' prefix, "value" does, so T_LEFT is optional. if( tok == T_LEFT ) tok = in->NextTok(); switch( tok ) { case T_value: in->NeedSYMBOLorNUMBER(); m_Value = FROM_UTF8( in->CurText() ); in->NeedRIGHT(); break; case T_visible: m_Visible = true; break; default: in->Expecting( "value|visible" ); break; } } } void TEMPLATES::Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) const throw( IO_ERROR ) { // We'll keep this general, and include the \n, even though the only known // use at this time will not want the newlines or the indentation. out->Print( nestLevel, "(templatefields" ); for( unsigned i=0; i<m_Fields.size(); ++i ) m_Fields[i].Format( out, nestLevel+1 ); out->Print( 0, ")\n" ); } void TEMPLATES::Parse( TEMPLATE_FIELDNAMES_LEXER* in ) throw( IO_ERROR ) { T tok; while( (tok = in->NextTok() ) != T_RIGHT && tok != T_EOF ) { if( tok == T_LEFT ) tok = in->NextTok(); switch( tok ) { case T_templatefields: // a token indicating class TEMPLATES. // Be flexible regarding the starting point of the TEMPLATE_FIELDNAMES_LEXER // stream. Caller may not have read the first two tokens out of the // stream: T_LEFT and T_templatefields, so ignore them if seen here. break; case T_field: { // instantiate on stack, so if exception is thrown, // destructor runs TEMPLATE_FIELDNAME field; field.Parse( in ); // add the field AddTemplateFieldName( field ); } break; default: in->Unexpected( in->CurText() ); break; } } D(printf("tok:%d\n", tok);) } int TEMPLATES::AddTemplateFieldName( const TEMPLATE_FIELDNAME& aFieldName ) { // Ensure that the template fieldname does not match a fixed fieldname. for( int i=0; i<MANDATORY_FIELDS; ++i ) { if( TEMPLATE_FIELDNAME::GetDefaultFieldName(i) == aFieldName.m_Name ) { return -1; } } // ensure uniqueness, overwrite any template fieldname by the same name. for( unsigned i=0; i<m_Fields.size(); ++i ) { if( m_Fields[i].m_Name == aFieldName.m_Name ) { D( printf( "inserting template fieldname:'%s' at %d\n", TO_UTF8( aFieldName.m_Name ), i ); ) m_Fields[i] = aFieldName; return i; // return the container index } } // D(printf("appending template fieldname:'%s'\n", aFieldName.m_Name.utf8_str() );) // the name is legal and not previously added to the config container, append // it and return its index within the container. m_Fields.push_back( aFieldName ); return m_Fields.size() - 1; // return the index of insertion. }