# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """KiCad Python Shell. This module provides the python shell for KiCad. KiCad starts the shell once, by calling makePcbnewShellWindow() the first time it is opened, subsequently the shell window is just hidden or shown, as per user requirements. IF makePcbnewShellWindow() is called again, a second/third shell window can be created. Note: **DO NOT** import pcbnew module if not called from Pcbnew: on msys2 it creates a serious issue: the python script import is broken because the pcbnew application is not running, and for instance Pgm() returns a nullptr and Kicad crashes when Pgm is invoked. """ import wx import sys import os import pcbnew from wx.py import crust, version, dispatcher from .kicad_pyeditor import KiCadEditorNotebookFrame from .kicad_pyeditor import KiCadEditorNotebook class KiCadPyShell(KiCadEditorNotebookFrame): def __init__(self, parent): # Search if a pcbnew frame is open, because import pcbnew can be made only if it exists. # frame names are "SchematicFrame" and "PcbFrame" # # Note we must do this before the KiCadEditorNotebookFrame __init__ call because it ends up calling _setup back on us frame = wx.FindWindowByName( "PcbFrame" ) self.isPcbframe = frame is not None KiCadEditorNotebookFrame.__init__(self, parent) def _setup_startup(self): if self.config_dir != "": """Initialise the startup script.""" # Create filename for startup script. self.startup_file = os.path.join(self.config_dir, "PyShell_pcbnew_startup.py") self.execStartupScript = True # Check if startup script exists if not os.path.isfile(self.startup_file): # Not, so try to create a default. try: default_startup = open(self.startup_file, 'w') # provide the content for the default startup file. default_startup.write( "### DEFAULT STARTUP FILE FOR KiCad Python Shell\n" + "# Enter any Python code you would like to execute when" + " the PCBNEW python shell first runs.\n" + "\n" + "# For example, uncomment the following lines to import the current board\n" + "\n" + "# import pcbnew\n" + "# import eeschema\n" + "# board = pcbnew.GetBoard()\n" + "# sch = eeschema.GetSchematic()\n") default_startup.close() except: pass else: self.startup_file = "" self.execStartupScript = False def _setup(self): """ Setup prior to first buffer creation. Called automatically by base class during init. """ self.notebook = KiCadEditorNotebook(parent=self.parent) intro = 'Py %s' % version.VERSION import types import builtins module = types.ModuleType('__main__') module.__dict__['__builtins__'] = builtins namespace = module.__dict__.copy() ''' Import pcbnew **only** if the board editor exists, to avoid strange behavior if not. pcbnew.SETTINGS_MANAGER should be in fact called only if the python console is created from the board editor, and if created from schematic editor, should use something like eeschema.SETTINGS_MANAGER ''' if self.isPcbframe: import pcbnew self.config_dir = pcbnew.SETTINGS_MANAGER.GetUserSettingsPath() else: self.config_dir = "" self.dataDir = self.config_dir self._setup_startup() self.history_file = os.path.join(self.config_dir, "PyShell_pcbnew.history") self.config = None # self.config_file = os.path.join(self.config_dir, # "PyShell_pcbnew.cfg") # self.config = wx.FileConfig(localFilename=self.config_file) # self.config.SetRecordDefaults(True) self.autoSaveSettings = False self.autoSaveHistory = False self.LoadSettings() self.crust = crust.Crust(parent=self.notebook, intro=intro, locals=namespace, rootLabel="locals()", startupScript=self.startup_file, execStartupScript=self.execStartupScript) self.crust._CheckShouldSplit() self.shell = self.crust.shell # Override the filling so that status messages go to the status bar. self.crust.filling.tree.setStatusText = self.parent.SetStatusText # Override the shell so that status messages go to the status bar. self.shell.setStatusText = self.parent.SetStatusText # Fix a problem with the sash shrinking to nothing. self.crust.filling.SetSashPosition(200) self.notebook.AddPage(page=self.crust, text='*Shell*', select=True) self.setEditor(self.crust.editor) self.crust.editor.SetFocus() self.LoadHistory() def OnAbout(self, event): """Display an About window.""" title = 'About : KiCad - Python Shell' text = "Enhanced Python Shell for KiCad\n\n" + \ "KiCad Revision: %s\n" % pcbnew.FullVersion() + \ "Platform: %s\n" % sys.platform + \ "Python Version: %s\n" % sys.version.split()[0] + \ "wxPython Version: %s\n" % wx.VERSION_STRING + \ ("\t(%s)\n" % ", ".join(wx.PlatformInfo[1:])) dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self.parent, text, title, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dialog.ShowModal() dialog.Destroy() def EditStartupScript(self): """Open a Edit buffer of the startup script file.""" self.bufferCreate(filename=self.startup_file) def LoadSettings(self): """Load settings for the shell.""" if self.config is not None: KiCadEditorNotebookFrame.LoadSettings(self.parent, self.config) self.autoSaveSettings = \ self.config.ReadBool('Options/AutoSaveSettings', False) self.execStartupScript = \ self.config.ReadBool('Options/ExecStartupScript', True) self.autoSaveHistory = \ self.config.ReadBool('Options/AutoSaveHistory', False) self.hideFoldingMargin = \ self.config.ReadBool('Options/HideFoldingMargin', True) def SaveSettings(self, force=False): """ Save settings for the shell. Arguments: force -- False - Autosaving. True - Manual Saving. """ if self.config is not None: # always save these self.config.WriteBool('Options/AutoSaveSettings', self.autoSaveSettings) if self.autoSaveSettings or force: KiCadEditorNotebookFrame.SaveSettings(self, self.config) self.config.WriteBool('Options/AutoSaveHistory', self.autoSaveHistory) self.config.WriteBool('Options/ExecStartupScript', self.execStartupScript) self.config.WriteBool('Options/HideFoldingMargin', self.hideFoldingMargin) if self.autoSaveHistory: self.SaveHistory() def DoSaveSettings(self): """Menu function to trigger saving the shells settings.""" if self.config is not None: self.SaveSettings(force=True) self.config.Flush() def SaveHistory(self): """Save shell history to the shell history file.""" if self.dataDir: try: name = self.history_file f = file(name, 'w') hist = [] enc = wx.GetDefaultPyEncoding() for h in self.shell.history: if isinstance(h, unicode): h = h.encode(enc) hist.append(h) hist = '\x00\n'.join(hist) f.write(hist) f.close() except: d = wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error saving history file.", "Error", wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION | wx.OK) d.ShowModal() d.Destroy() raise def LoadHistory(self): """Load shell history from the shell history file.""" if self.dataDir: name = self.history_file if os.path.exists(name): try: f = file(name, 'U') hist = f.read() f.close() self.shell.history = hist.split('\x00\n') dispatcher.send(signal="Shell.loadHistory", history=self.shell.history) except: d = wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error loading history file!", "Error", wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION | wx.OK) d.ShowModal() d.Destroy() def makePcbnewShellWindow(parentid): """ Create a new Shell Window and return its handle. Arguments: parent -- The parent window to attach to. Returns: The handle to the new window. """ parent = wx.FindWindowById( parentid ) frmname = parent.GetName() return KiCadPyShell(parent)