/*******************************************************************/ /* CVPCB: Routines de base : */ /* lecture Netliste et creation des fenetres composants et modules */ /*******************************************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "common.h" #include "confirm.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "gestfich.h" #include "id.h" #include "cvpcb.h" #include "protos.h" #include "cvstruct.h" /* routines locales : */ /**********************************************************/ void WinEDA_CvpcbFrame::SetNewPkg( const wxString& package ) /*********************************************************/ /* * - Affecte un module au composant selectionne * - Selectionne le composant suivant */ { STORECMP* Composant; int ii, NumCmp, IsNew = 1; wxString Line; if( g_BaseListeCmp == NULL ) return; NumCmp = m_ListCmp->GetSelection(); if( NumCmp < 0 ) { NumCmp = 0; m_ListCmp->SetSelection( NumCmp, TRUE ); } Composant = g_BaseListeCmp; for( ii = 0; Composant != NULL; Composant = Composant->Pnext, ii++ ) { if( NumCmp == ii ) break; } if( Composant == NULL ) return; if( !Composant->m_Module.IsEmpty() ) IsNew = 0; Composant->m_Module = package; Line.Printf( CMP_FORMAT, ii + 1, Composant->m_Reference.GetData(), Composant->m_Valeur.GetData(), Composant->m_Module.GetData() ); modified = 1; if( IsNew ) composants_non_affectes -= 1; m_ListCmp->SetString( NumCmp, Line ); m_ListCmp->SetSelection( NumCmp, FALSE ); // We activate next component: if( NumCmp < (m_ListCmp->GetCount() - 1) ) NumCmp++; m_ListCmp->SetSelection( NumCmp, TRUE ); Line.Printf( _( "Components: %d (free: %d)" ), nbcomp, composants_non_affectes ); SetStatusText( Line, 1 ); } /********************************************/ void WinEDA_CvpcbFrame::ReadNetListe() /*******************************************/ /* Lecture de la netliste selon format, ainsi que du fichier des composants */ { STORECMP* Composant; wxString msg; int ii; int error_level; error_level = ReadSchematicNetlist(); if( error_level < 0 ) return; /* lecture des correspondances */ loadcmp(); if( m_ListCmp == NULL ) return; if( !NetInNameBuffer.IsEmpty() ) wxSetWorkingDirectory( wxPathOnly( NetInNameBuffer ) ); Read_Config( NetInNameBuffer ); // relecture de la config (elle peut etre modifiée) listlib(); BuildFootprintListBox(); m_ListCmp->Clear(); Composant = g_BaseListeCmp; composants_non_affectes = 0; for( ii = 1; Composant != NULL; Composant = Composant->Pnext, ii++ ) { msg.Printf( CMP_FORMAT, ii, Composant->m_Reference.GetData(), Composant->m_Valeur.GetData(), Composant->m_Module.GetData() ); m_ListCmp->AppendLine( msg ); if( Composant->m_Module.IsEmpty() ) composants_non_affectes += 1; } if( g_BaseListeCmp ) m_ListCmp->SetSelection( 0, TRUE ); msg.Printf( _( "Components: %d (free: %d)" ), nbcomp, composants_non_affectes ); SetStatusText( msg, 1 ); /* Mise a jour du titre de la fenetre principale */ wxString Title = g_Main_Title + wxT( " " ) + GetBuildVersion(); msg.Printf( wxT( "%s [%s]" ), Title.GetData(), FFileName.GetData() ); SetTitle( msg ); } /*****************************************************************/ int WinEDA_CvpcbFrame::SaveNetList( const wxString& FullFilename ) /*****************************************************************/ /* Sauvegarde des fichiers netliste et cmp * Le nom complet du fichier Netliste doit etre dans FFileName. * Le nom du fichier cmp en est deduit */ { wxString NetlistFullFileName = FullFilename; if( NetlistFullFileName.IsEmpty() ) { wxString Mask = wxT( "*" ) + NetExtBuffer; if( !NetNameBuffer.IsEmpty() ) { NetlistFullFileName = NetNameBuffer; ChangeFileNameExt( NetlistFullFileName, NetExtBuffer ); } NetlistFullFileName = EDA_FileSelector( _( "Save NetList and Components List files" ), NetDirBuffer, /* Chemin par defaut */ NetlistFullFileName, /* nom fichier par defaut */ NetExtBuffer, /* extension par defaut */ Mask, /* Masque d'affichage */ this, wxFD_SAVE, TRUE ); } if( NetlistFullFileName.IsEmpty() ) return -1; FFileName = NetlistFullFileName; NetNameBuffer = NetlistFullFileName; if( SaveComponentList( NetlistFullFileName ) == 0 ) { DisplayError( this, _( "Unable to create component file (.cmp)" ) ); return 0; } dest = wxFopen( NetlistFullFileName, wxT( "wt" ) ); if( dest == 0 ) { DisplayError( this, _( "Unable to create netlist file" ) ); return 0; } GenNetlistPcbnew(); return 1; } /**********************************************************************/ bool WinEDA_CvpcbFrame::ReadInputNetList( const wxString& FullFileName ) /**********************************************************************/ /* Routine de selection du nom de la netliste d'entree, et de lecure de * celle-ci */ { wxString Mask, Line; if( FullFileName.IsEmpty() ) { if( !NetInExtBuffer.IsEmpty() ) Mask = wxT( "*" ) + NetInExtBuffer; else Mask = wxT( "*.net" ); Line = EDA_FileSelector( _( "Load Net List" ), NetDirBuffer, /* Chemin par defaut */ NetInNameBuffer, /* nom fichier par defaut */ NetInExtBuffer, /* extension par defaut */ Mask, /* Masque d'affichage */ this, 0, FALSE ); if( Line.IsEmpty() ) return FALSE; } else Line = FullFileName; NetInNameBuffer = Line; NetNameBuffer = Line; FFileName = NetInNameBuffer; /* Mise a jour du titre de la fenetre principale */ Line = g_Main_Title + wxT( " " ) + GetBuildVersion(); Line += wxT( " " ) + NetInNameBuffer; SetTitle( Line ); ReadNetListe(); return TRUE; }