# Italian translation of kicad.po # Ing. Angelo Aliberti , 2005. # Michele Petrecca , 2005, 2006. # Doriano Blengino , 06-2006 # Marco Ciampa , 2014-2020. # # db: Usare le maiuscole con moderazione: vanno usate per i nomi propri e all'inizio # db: di una frase: negli altri casi può risultare molto inelegante # # mc: note linguistiche: # mc: - gli apici singoli non si usano in italiano, sostituiti con virgolette # mc: - idem per i simboli <> # mc: - come regola generale si usano le parole più corte (es. utilizza -> usa) # # mc: Note terminologiche: # # mc: - il termine component/componente è deprecato in quanto ambiguo # mc: - symbol -> simbolo, un simbolo dello schema elettrico # mc: - footprint -> impronta, un simbolo del circuito stampato # # mc: - netlist = non si traduce perché termine tecnico = TT # mc: - alias = alias # mc: - ratsnest = TT # mc: - editor = TT # mc: - netclass = TT # mc: - DRC = TT # mc: - Browser = TT o esploratore, a seconda del contesto (web browser e esploratore impronte/simboli/librerie) # mc: - Nickname = Denominazione # mc: - Die = TT # mc: - Dia = diametro (per chiarezza) # mc: - legacy = datato, vecchio o obsoleto (a seconda del contesto) # mc: - assembly = assemblaggio # mc: - neckdown = restringimento (è la strozzatura che avviene quando si passa per esempio tra due via) # mc: - outline = contorno # mc: - pad = piazzola # mc: - track = pista # mc: - via = via # mc: - uvia = microvia (per chiarezza) # mc: - layer = strato # mc: - zone = zona # mc: - keepout = proibita # mc: - through hole = foro passante # mc: - board = scheda # mc: - PCB = C.S. (Circuiti Stampati) # mc: - component documentation = documentazione componente # mc: - datasheet = TT # mc: - setback = sporgenza? # mc: - wizard = assistente # mc: - target = marcatore # mc: - miter = angolatura (-> le spigolature/strozzature usate in radiofrequenza) # mc: - meandering = serpeggiamento (-> la sinuosità delle linee di ritardo in radiofrequenza) # mc: - meander = serpeggiato (vedere: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meander_(disambiguation) ) # mc: - skew = TT (se qualcuno conosce un termine con il quale tradurlo, mi lasci un'email) # mc: - tune = regola # mc: - Push & Shove (spingi e compatta) = sbroglio interattivo P&S # mc: - stub = spezzone # mc: - hotkey = comando da tastiera (tolto scorciatoia perché si # confondeva con le scorciatoie per i menu, i tasti contrassegnati # dal carattere & nella stringa di traduzione) # mc: - reference designator = (designatore di) riferimento # mc: - chamfer = smuss(o/amento) # mc: - fillet = stond(o/amento) # mc: - edge = spigolo # mc: - edge cut = bordo scheda (sarebbe il bordo di ritaglio della scheda) # mc: - Layout editor (norma UNI 8187, ISO 7200): # mc: - (page) layout = disposizione (pagina) # mc: - title block = secondo le norme UNI, riquadro (delle) iscrizioni, gergalmente detto cartiglio. # mc: - frame/sheer references = squadratura # mc: - workbook = libretto di lavoro (simulazioni) # mc: - thermal relief = supporto termico # mc: - cutout zone = zona ritaglio # mc: - courtyard = ingombro (impronta) # mc: - navigator = navigatore (della gerarchia dello schema) # mc: - solder paste = pasta salda # mc: - board outline = contorni scheda (il bordo -chiuso- entro il quale devo stare le impronte) # mc: - snap = magnetismo # mc: - overridden = sostituito (non è un termine tecnico ma per uniformità della traduzione) # mc: - canvas = area di lavoro # mc: - flip = capovolgi # mc: - mirror-ed = (rende) speculare # mc: - Loss Tangent = Tangente di perdita # mc: - Edge card connectors = Connettori a filo scheda # mc: - Stackup = Stackup = impilazione, sequenza e spessori strati di CS multistrato, di Core e Prereg (strato pre-impregnato di resina) # mc: - fiducial = allineatore # mc: - castellated = dentellato # mc: - annotation = annotazione # mc: - back annotation = annotazione inversa msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KiCad\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-03-11 01:33+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-03-11 08:12+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Marco Ciampa \n" "Language-Team: Italian \n" "Language: it\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: /home/marco/git/github/kicad/kicad-source-mirror\n" "X-Generator: Poedit\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _;_HKI\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: kicad\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: pcbnew\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: common\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: eeschema\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-4: cvpcb\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-5: 3d-viewer\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-6: gerbview\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-7: bitmap2component\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-8: new\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-9: polygon\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-10: pcb_calculator\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-11: potrace\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-12: tools\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-13: pagelayout_editor\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-14: include\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-15: lib_dxf\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-16: patches\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-17: scripts\n" #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/3d_plugin_manager.cpp:50 msgid "All Files (*.*)|*.*" msgstr "Tutti i file (*.*)|*.*" #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/dialogs/dlg_select_3dmodel.cpp:53 msgid "Select 3D Model" msgstr "Seleziona modello 3D" #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/dialogs/dlg_select_3dmodel.cpp:137 msgid "Paths:" msgstr "Percorsi:" #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/dialogs/dlg_select_3dmodel.cpp:138 #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths_base.h:73 msgid "Configure Paths" msgstr "Configura percorsi" #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/dialogs/dlg_select_3dmodel.cpp:143 #: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_select_one_pcb_layer.cpp:181 #: pcbnew/microwave.cpp:309 msgid "OK" msgstr "OK" #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/dialogs/dlg_select_3dmodel.cpp:144 common/confirm.cpp:195 #: common/tool/actions.cpp:120 #: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_select_one_pcb_layer.cpp:185 #: pcbnew/microwave.cpp:312 pcbnew/pcb_parser.cpp:626 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Annulla" #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/dialogs/panel_prev_3d_base.cpp:21 #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:55 msgid "Scale" msgstr "Scala" #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/dialogs/panel_prev_3d_base.cpp:28 #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/dialogs/panel_prev_3d_base.cpp:72 #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/dialogs/panel_prev_3d_base.cpp:116 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:209 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:265 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:69 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:33 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:59 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:85 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:111 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:863 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:889 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:915 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:941 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1054 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_set_grid_base.cpp:31 #: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:63 msgid "X:" msgstr "X:" #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/dialogs/panel_prev_3d_base.cpp:38 #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/dialogs/panel_prev_3d_base.cpp:82 #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/dialogs/panel_prev_3d_base.cpp:126 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:220 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:276 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:84 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:44 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:70 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:96 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:122 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:874 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:900 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:926 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:952 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1065 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_set_grid_base.cpp:42 #: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:80 msgid "Y:" msgstr "Y:" #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/dialogs/panel_prev_3d_base.cpp:48 #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/dialogs/panel_prev_3d_base.cpp:92 #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/dialogs/panel_prev_3d_base.cpp:136 msgid "Z:" msgstr "Z:" #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/dialogs/panel_prev_3d_base.cpp:65 #: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:701 pcbnew/class_module.cpp:594 msgid "Rotation" msgstr "Rotazione" #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/dialogs/panel_prev_3d_base.cpp:109 msgid "Offset" msgstr "Scostamento" #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/dialogs/panel_prev_3d_base.cpp:159 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer.cpp:143 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer.cpp:215 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialogs_for_printing.cpp:225 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_edit_footprint_for_BoardEditor_base.cpp:447 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_edit_footprint_for_fp_editor_base.cpp:339 msgid "Preview" msgstr "Anteprima di stampa" #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/dialogs/panel_prev_3d_base.cpp:180 msgid "Change to isometric perspective" msgstr "Cambia in prospettiva isometrica" #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/dialogs/panel_prev_3d_base.cpp:203 msgid "Reload board and 3D models" msgstr "Ricarica scheda e modelli 3D" #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/sg/ifsg_api.cpp:333 msgid "no such file" msgstr "file inesistente" #: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/sg/ifsg_api.cpp:364 msgid "failed to open file" msgstr "fallita l'apertura file" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/cinfo3d_visu.cpp:433 msgid "Build board body" msgstr "Costruisci il corpo scheda" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/cinfo3d_visu.cpp:436 msgid "Warning: Board outline is not closed" msgstr "Attenzione: il contorno scheda non è chiuso" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/cinfo3d_visu.cpp:446 msgid "Create layers" msgstr "Crea strati" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/create_layer_items.cpp:240 msgid "Create tracks and vias" msgstr "Crea piste e via" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/create_layer_items.cpp:730 msgid "Create zones" msgstr "Crea zone" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/create_layer_items.cpp:801 msgid "Simplifying copper layers polygons" msgstr "Semplifica i poligoni degli strati in rame" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/create_layer_items.cpp:845 msgid "Simplify holes contours" msgstr "Semplifica i contorni dei fori" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/create_layer_items.cpp:891 msgid "Build Tech layers" msgstr "Costruisci gli strati tecnici" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/create_layer_items.cpp:1089 msgid "Build BVH for holes and vias" msgstr "Crea BVH (Buried Via Holes) per fori e via" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/eda_3d_canvas.cpp:474 #, c-format msgid "Render time %.0f ms ( %.1f fps)" msgstr "Tempo di render %.0f ms (%.1f fps)" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/eda_3d_canvas.cpp:677 msgid "Zoom +\tF1" msgstr "Zoom +\tF1" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/eda_3d_canvas.cpp:679 msgid "Zoom -\tF2" msgstr "Zoom -\tF2" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/eda_3d_canvas.cpp:683 msgid "Top View\tZ" msgstr "Vista dall'alto\tZ" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/eda_3d_canvas.cpp:685 msgid "Bottom View\tShift+Z" msgstr "Vista dal basso\tMaiusc+Z" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/eda_3d_canvas.cpp:689 msgid "Right View\tX" msgstr "Vista da destra\tX" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/eda_3d_canvas.cpp:691 msgid "Left View\tShift+X" msgstr "Vista da sinistra\tMaiusc+X" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/eda_3d_canvas.cpp:695 msgid "Front View\tY" msgstr "Vista di fronte\tY" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/eda_3d_canvas.cpp:697 msgid "Back View\tShift+Y" msgstr "Vista da dietro\tMaiusc+Y" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/eda_3d_canvas.cpp:701 msgid "Move Left <-\tLeft" msgstr "Sposta a sinistra <-\tSinistra" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/eda_3d_canvas.cpp:703 msgid "Move Right ->\tRight" msgstr "Sposta a destra ->\tDestra" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/eda_3d_canvas.cpp:705 msgid "Move Up ^\tUp" msgstr "Sposta in alto\tAlto" #: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/eda_3d_canvas.cpp:707 #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:118 msgid "Move Down\tDown" msgstr "Sposta in basso\tBasso" #: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/3d_render_ogl_legacy/c3d_render_createscene_ogl_legacy.cpp:365 msgid "Load OpenGL: board" msgstr "Carica OpenGL: scheda" #: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/3d_render_ogl_legacy/c3d_render_createscene_ogl_legacy.cpp:437 msgid "Load OpenGL: holes and vias" msgstr "Carica OpenGL: fori e via" #: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/3d_render_ogl_legacy/c3d_render_createscene_ogl_legacy.cpp:527 msgid "Load OpenGL: layers" msgstr "Carica OpenGL: strati" #: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/3d_render_ogl_legacy/c3d_render_createscene_ogl_legacy.cpp:627 msgid "Loading 3D models" msgstr "Caricamento modelli 3D" #: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/3d_render_ogl_legacy/c3d_render_createscene_ogl_legacy.cpp:651 #: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/3d_render_raytracing/c3d_render_createscene.cpp:1022 #, c-format msgid "Reload time %.3f s" msgstr "Tempo di ricaricamento %.3f s" #: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/3d_render_ogl_legacy/c3d_render_createscene_ogl_legacy.cpp:923 #, c-format msgid "Loading %s" msgstr "Caricamento di %s" #: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/3d_render_ogl_legacy/c3d_render_ogl_legacy.cpp:534 #: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/3d_render_raytracing/c3d_render_raytracing.cpp:178 #: common/widgets/footprint_preview_widget.cpp:100 msgid "Loading..." msgstr "Caricamento..." #: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/3d_render_raytracing/c3d_render_raytracing.cpp:358 #, c-format msgid "Rendering time %.3f s" msgstr "Tempo di rendering %.3f s" #: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/3d_render_raytracing/c3d_render_raytracing.cpp:413 #, c-format msgid "Rendering: %.0f %%" msgstr "Rendering: %.0f %%" #: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/3d_render_raytracing/c3d_render_raytracing.cpp:924 msgid "Rendering: Post processing shader" msgstr "Rendering: ombreggiatura in post elaborazione" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:50 msgid "Export Current View as PNG..." msgstr "Esporta la vista corrente come PNG..." #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:53 msgid "Export Current View as JPEG..." msgstr "Esporta la vista corrente come JPEG..." #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:57 common/hotkey_store.cpp:70 #: common/tool/actions.cpp:509 pcbnew/footprint_viewer_frame.cpp:860 #: pcbnew/pcb_base_frame.cpp:406 msgid "3D Viewer" msgstr "Visualizzatore 3D" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:66 msgid "Copy 3D Image" msgstr "Copia immagine 3D" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:75 msgid "Zoom In\tF1" msgstr "Ingrandisci\tF1" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:78 msgid "Zoom Out\tF2" msgstr "Rimpicciolisci\tF2" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:81 common/tool/actions.cpp:251 msgid "Zoom to Fit" msgstr "Adatta zoom" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:84 msgid "Redraw\tR" msgstr "Aggiorna\tR" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:88 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:98 msgid "Rotate X Clockwise" msgstr "Ruota X in senso orario" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:91 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:102 msgid "Rotate X Counterclockwise" msgstr "Ruota X in senso antiorario" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:95 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:108 msgid "Rotate Y Clockwise" msgstr "Ruota Y in senso orario" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:98 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:112 msgid "Rotate Y Counterclockwise" msgstr "Ruota Y in senso antiorario" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:102 #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:118 msgid "Rotate Z Clockwise" msgstr "Ruota Z in senso orario" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:105 #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:122 msgid "Rotate Z Counterclockwise" msgstr "Ruota Z in senso antiorario" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:109 msgid "Move Left\tLeft" msgstr "Sposta a sinistra\tSinistra" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:112 msgid "Move Right\tRight" msgstr "Sposta a destra\tDestra" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:115 msgid "Move Up\tUp" msgstr "Sposta in alto\tAlto" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:199 #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_display_options_base.h:56 #: eeschema/eeschema_config.cpp:349 eeschema/eeschema_config.cpp:600 #: gerbview/gerbview_frame.cpp:1128 pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:403 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_browser_display_options_base.h:56 #: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:817 pcbnew/pcbnew_config.cpp:66 msgid "Display Options" msgstr "Opzioni di visualizzazione" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:202 msgid "Raytracing" msgstr "Raytracing" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:207 msgid "Render Options" msgstr "Opzioni di disegno" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:212 msgid "Material Properties" msgstr "Proprietà del materiale" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:216 msgid "Use All Properties" msgstr "Usa tutte le proprietà" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:217 msgid "Use all material properties from each 3D model file" msgstr "Usa tutte le proprietà del materiale da ogni file modello 3D" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:221 msgid "Use Diffuse Only" msgstr "Usa solo diffusione" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:222 msgid "Use only the diffuse color property from model 3D model file" msgstr "Usa solo la proprietà diffusione colore dal file del modello 3D" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:226 msgid "CAD Color Style" msgstr "Stile colore CAD" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:227 msgid "Use a CAD color style based on the diffuse color of the material" msgstr "" "Usa uno stile colore CAD basato sulla diffusione del colore del materiale" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:233 msgid "Show Copper Thickness" msgstr "Mostra lo spessore rame" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:234 msgid "Shows the copper thickness on copper layers (slower loading)" msgstr "Mostra lo spessore del rame sugli strati rame (caricamento più lento)" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:238 msgid "Show Model Bounding Boxes" msgstr "Mostra i perimetri di delimitazione del modello" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:243 msgid "Raytracing Options" msgstr "Opzioni raytracing" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:247 msgid "Render Shadows" msgstr "Disegna le ombre" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:251 msgid "Procedural Textures" msgstr "Motivi procedurali" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:252 msgid "Apply procedural textures to materials (slow)" msgstr "Applica motivi procedurali ai materiali (lento)" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:256 msgid "Add Floor" msgstr "Aggiungi pavimento" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:257 msgid "Adds a floor plane below the board (slow)" msgstr "Aggiungi un piano di pavimento sotto la scheda (lento)" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:261 msgid "Refractions" msgstr "Rifrazioni" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:262 msgid "Render materials with refractions properties on final render (slow)" msgstr "" "Render dei materiali con proprietà di rifrazione sul render finale (lento)" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:266 msgid "Reflections" msgstr "Riflessioni" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:267 msgid "Render materials with reflections properties on final render (slow)" msgstr "" "Render dei materiali con proprietà di riflessione sul render finale (lento)" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:271 msgid "Anti-aliasing" msgstr "Anti-aliasing" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:272 msgid "Render with improved quality on final render (slow)" msgstr "Render con qualità migliorata sul render finale (lento)" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:276 msgid "Post-processing" msgstr "Post-elaborazione" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:277 msgid "" "Apply Screen Space Ambient Occlusion and Global Illumination reflections on " "final render (slow)" msgstr "" "Applica l'occlusione ambiente spazio schermo e le riflessioni " "sull'illuminazione globale sul render finale (lento)" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:287 msgid "Choose Colors" msgstr "Scegli i colori" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:290 msgid "Background Top Color..." msgstr "Colore di sfondo in alto..." #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:293 msgid "Background Bottom Color..." msgstr "Colore di sfondo in fondo..." #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:296 msgid "Silkscreen Color..." msgstr "Colore serigrafia..." #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:299 msgid "Solder Mask Color..." msgstr "Colore maschera di saldatura..." #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:302 msgid "Solder Paste Color..." msgstr "Colore pasta salda..." #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:305 msgid "Copper/Surface Finish Color..." msgstr "Colore rame/finitura superficiale..." #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:308 msgid "Board Body Color..." msgstr "Colore corpo scheda..." #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:314 msgid "Get colors from physical stackup" msgstr "Ottieni i colori dall'impilazione fisica" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:320 msgid "Show 3D &Axis" msgstr "Mostra &Assi 3D" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:325 msgid "3D Grid" msgstr "Griglia 3D" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:355 msgid "No 3D Grid" msgstr "No griglia 3D" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:357 msgid "3D Grid 10mm" msgstr "Griglia 3D 10mm" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:359 msgid "3D Grid 5mm" msgstr "Griglia 3D 5mm" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:361 msgid "3D Grid 2.5mm" msgstr "Griglia 3D 2.5mm" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:363 msgid "3D Grid 1mm" msgstr "Griglia 3D 1mm" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:369 msgid "Reset to Default Settings" msgstr "Reimposta alle impostazione predefinite" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:374 cvpcb/menubar.cpp:88 #: eeschema/libedit/menubar_libedit.cpp:210 eeschema/menubar.cpp:308 #: gerbview/menubar.cpp:257 kicad/menubar.cpp:148 #: pagelayout_editor/menubar.cpp:173 pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:280 #: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:535 msgid "Preferences...\tCTRL+," msgstr "Preferenze...\tCtrl+," #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:375 cvpcb/menubar.cpp:89 #: eeschema/libedit/menubar_libedit.cpp:211 eeschema/menubar.cpp:309 #: gerbview/menubar.cpp:258 kicad/menubar.cpp:149 #: pagelayout_editor/menubar.cpp:174 pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:281 #: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:536 msgid "Show preferences for all open tools" msgstr "Mostra le preferenze per tutti gli strumenti aperti" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:383 cvpcb/menubar.cpp:101 #: eeschema/libedit/menubar_libedit.cpp:225 eeschema/menubar.cpp:323 #: eeschema/toolbars_lib_view.cpp:138 gerbview/menubar.cpp:272 #: kicad/menubar.cpp:159 pagelayout_editor/menubar.cpp:184 #: pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:295 pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:550 #: pcbnew/toolbars_footprint_viewer.cpp:142 msgid "&File" msgstr "&File" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:384 cvpcb/menubar.cpp:102 #: eeschema/libedit/menubar_libedit.cpp:226 eeschema/menubar.cpp:324 #: pagelayout_editor/menubar.cpp:185 pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:296 #: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:551 msgid "&Edit" msgstr "&Modifica" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:385 #: eeschema/libedit/menubar_libedit.cpp:227 eeschema/menubar.cpp:325 #: eeschema/toolbars_lib_view.cpp:139 gerbview/menubar.cpp:273 #: kicad/menubar.cpp:160 pagelayout_editor/menubar.cpp:186 #: pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:297 pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:552 #: pcbnew/toolbars_footprint_viewer.cpp:143 msgid "&View" msgstr "&Visualizza" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:386 cvpcb/menubar.cpp:103 #: gerbview/menubar.cpp:275 kicad/menubar.cpp:162 msgid "&Preferences" msgstr "&Preferenze" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:57 msgid "Reload board" msgstr "Ricarica scheda" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:63 msgid "Copy 3D image to clipboard" msgstr "Copia immagine 3D sugli appunti" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:69 msgid "Set display options, and some layers visibility" msgstr "" "Imposta le opzioni di visualizzazione, e la visibilità di alcuni strati" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:74 msgid "Render current view using Raytracing" msgstr "Render della vista corrente con raytracing" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:80 pcbnew/help_common_strings.h:19 msgid "Zoom in" msgstr "Ingrandisci" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:84 pcbnew/help_common_strings.h:20 msgid "Zoom out" msgstr "Rimpicciolisci" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:88 msgid "Redraw view" msgstr "Aggiorna vista" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:92 msgid "Zoom to fit 3D model" msgstr "Adatta zoom al modello 3D" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:128 msgid "Move left" msgstr "Sposta a sinistra " #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:132 msgid "Move right" msgstr "Sposta a destra " #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:136 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:91 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic_base.cpp:84 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sch_sheet_props_base.cpp:86 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table_base.cpp:147 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table_base.cpp:144 msgid "Move up" msgstr "Sposta in alto" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:140 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:97 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic_base.cpp:90 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sch_sheet_props_base.cpp:92 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table_base.cpp:152 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table_base.cpp:149 msgid "Move down" msgstr "Sposta in basso" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:146 msgid "Enable/Disable orthographic projection" msgstr "Abilita/Disabilita la proiezione ortogonale" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/dialogs/dialog_3D_view_option_base.cpp:25 msgid "Render options:" msgstr "Opzioni di renderizzazione:" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/dialogs/dialog_3D_view_option_base.cpp:42 msgid "Realistic mode" msgstr "Modalità realistica" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/dialogs/dialog_3D_view_option_base.cpp:51 msgid "Show board body" msgstr "Mostra il corpo scheda" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/dialogs/dialog_3D_view_option_base.cpp:60 msgid "Show copper thickness" msgstr "Mostra spessore rame " #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/dialogs/dialog_3D_view_option_base.cpp:69 msgid "Show model bounding boxes" msgstr "Mostra i perimetri di delimitazione dei modelli" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/dialogs/dialog_3D_view_option_base.cpp:78 msgid "Show filled areas in zones" msgstr "Mostra riempimenti nelle zone" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/dialogs/dialog_3D_view_option_base.cpp:87 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:197 msgid "Subtract soldermask from silkscreen" msgstr "Sottrai maschera di saldatura dalla serigrafia" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/dialogs/dialog_3D_view_option_base.cpp:104 msgid "3D model visibility:" msgstr "Visibilità modelli 3D:" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/dialogs/dialog_3D_view_option_base.cpp:121 msgid "Show 3D through hole models" msgstr "Mostra i modelli 3D a via passanti" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/dialogs/dialog_3D_view_option_base.cpp:130 msgid "Show 3D SMD models" msgstr "Mostra modelli 3D SMD" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/dialogs/dialog_3D_view_option_base.cpp:139 msgid "Show 3D virtual models" msgstr "Mostra modelli 3D virtuali" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/dialogs/dialog_3D_view_option_base.cpp:157 msgid "Board layers:" msgstr "Strati scheda:" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/dialogs/dialog_3D_view_option_base.cpp:174 msgid "Show silkscreen layers" msgstr "Mostra strato Serigrafia" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/dialogs/dialog_3D_view_option_base.cpp:183 msgid "Show solder mask layers" msgstr "Mostra strato Maschera saldatura" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/dialogs/dialog_3D_view_option_base.cpp:192 msgid "Show solder paste layers" msgstr "Mostra strato Pasta salda " #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/dialogs/dialog_3D_view_option_base.cpp:201 msgid "Show adhesive layers" msgstr "Mostra strato Adesivo" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/dialogs/dialog_3D_view_option_base.cpp:210 msgid "User layers (not shown in realistic mode):" msgstr "Usa gli strati (non mostrato in modalità realistica):" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/dialogs/dialog_3D_view_option_base.cpp:227 msgid "Show comments and drawings layers" msgstr "Mostra strati commenti e grafica" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/dialogs/dialog_3D_view_option_base.cpp:236 msgid "Show ECO layers" msgstr "Mostra strati ECO" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/dialogs/dialog_3D_view_option_base.h:87 msgid "3D Display Options" msgstr "Opzioni visualizzazione 3D" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer.cpp:330 msgid "Background Color, Bottom" msgstr "Colore di sfondo, basso" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer.cpp:341 msgid "Background Color, Top" msgstr "Colore di sfondo, alto" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer.cpp:906 msgid "3D Image File Name" msgstr "Nome file immagine 3D" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer.cpp:948 msgid "Failed to copy image to clipboard" msgstr "Impossibile salvare immagine sugli appunti" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer.cpp:959 msgid "Can't save file" msgstr "Impossibile salvare il file" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer.cpp:1007 msgid "Silkscreen Color" msgstr "Colore serigrafia" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer.cpp:1037 msgid "Solder Mask Color" msgstr "Colore maschera di saldatura" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer.cpp:1057 msgid "Copper Color" msgstr "Colore rame" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer.cpp:1080 msgid "Board Body Color" msgstr "Colore corpo scheda" #: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer.cpp:1098 msgid "Solder Paste Color" msgstr "Colore pasta salda" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:156 common/base_units.cpp:501 #: common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:411 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_draw_item_base.cpp:32 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:109 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:145 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:40 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:54 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:100 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:114 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:125 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:135 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:163 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:173 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:216 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:227 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:272 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:283 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:431 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:441 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:500 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:510 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:534 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:544 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:597 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:607 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:631 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:641 #: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:630 pcb_calculator/UnitSelector.cpp:34 #: pcb_calculator/UnitSelector.cpp:66 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:52 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:63 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:74 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:85 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:214 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:225 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:237 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf_base.cpp:48 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:80 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:94 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:63 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:111 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact_base.cpp:31 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact_base.cpp:45 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:157 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:239 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:292 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative_base.cpp:74 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative_base.cpp:91 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_set_grid_base.cpp:38 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_set_grid_base.cpp:49 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_set_grid_base.cpp:75 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_set_grid_base.cpp:86 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_feature_constraints_base.cpp:59 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_feature_constraints_base.cpp:120 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_feature_constraints_base.cpp:140 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_feature_constraints_base.cpp:151 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_feature_constraints_base.cpp:171 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_feature_constraints_base.cpp:182 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_feature_constraints_base.cpp:202 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_feature_constraints_base.cpp:222 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:53 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:66 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:88 #: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:101 #: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:143 msgid "mm" msgstr "mm" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:156 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:111 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:94 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:105 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:116 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:127 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:153 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:164 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:175 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:291 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:302 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:315 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:461 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:474 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:487 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:586 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:597 msgid "Inch" msgstr "Pollici" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:156 msgid "DPI" msgstr "DPI" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:329 #: eeschema/tools/sch_drawing_tools.cpp:347 #: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:724 msgid "Choose Image" msgstr "Scegli immagine" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:330 #: eeschema/tools/sch_drawing_tools.cpp:348 #: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:725 msgid "Image Files " msgstr "File immagine" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:686 msgid "Unable to export to the Clipboard" msgstr "Impossibile esportare negli appunti" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:721 msgid "Create Logo File" msgstr "Crea file del Logo" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:739 #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:779 #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:818 #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:857 #, c-format msgid "File \"%s\" could not be created." msgstr "Il file \"%s\" non può essere creato." #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:759 msgid "Create Postscript File" msgstr "Crea file Postscript " #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:799 msgid "Create Symbol Library" msgstr "Crea libreria di simboli" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:838 msgid "Create Footprint Library" msgstr "Crea libreria di impronte" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:880 msgid "Error allocating memory for potrace bitmap" msgstr "Errore di allocazione memoria per bitmap potrace" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:907 #: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel_base.cpp:42 gerbview/files.cpp:378 #: gerbview/files.cpp:493 gerbview/readgerb.cpp:72 #: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:1045 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:177 msgid "Errors" msgstr "Errori" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:24 msgid "Original Picture" msgstr "Immagine originale" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:29 msgid "Greyscale Picture" msgstr "Immagine in scala di grigi" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:32 msgid "Black&&White Picture" msgstr "Immagine in bianco e nero" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:41 msgid "Bitmap Info:" msgstr "Info Bitmap:" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:50 msgid "Bitmap size:" msgstr "Dimensione bitmap:" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:54 #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:58 #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:70 #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:74 #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:86 msgid "0000" msgstr "0000" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:62 msgid "pixels" msgstr "Pixels" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:66 msgid "Bitmap PPI:" msgstr "PPI bitmap:" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:78 msgid "PPI" msgstr "PPI" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:82 msgid "BPP:" msgstr "BPP:" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:90 msgid "bits" msgstr "Bits" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:104 msgid "Output Parameters:" msgstr "Parametri d'uscita:" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:109 msgid "Lock height/width ratio" msgstr "Blocca rapporto altezza/larghezza" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:122 #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:32 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_target_properties_base.cpp:28 msgid "Size:" msgstr "Dimensioni:" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:126 #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:131 msgid "300" msgstr "300" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:149 msgid "Load Bitmap" msgstr "Carica bitmap" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:152 msgid "Export to File" msgstr "Esporta su file" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:155 #: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:178 msgid "Export to Clipboard" msgstr "Esporta sugli appunti" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:158 msgid "Eeschema (.lib file)" msgstr "Eeschema (file .lib)" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:158 msgid "Pcbnew (.kicad_mod file)" msgstr "Pcbnew (file .kicad_mod)" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:158 msgid "Postscript (.ps file)" msgstr "Postscript (file .ps)" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:158 msgid "Logo for title block (.kicad_wks file)" msgstr "Logo per riquadro iscrizioni (file .kicad_wks)" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:160 msgid "Format:" msgstr "Formato:" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:165 msgid "Image Options:" msgstr "Opzioni immagine:" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:167 msgid "Black / White Threshold:" msgstr "Soglia bianco / nero:" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:172 msgid "" "Adjust the level to convert the greyscale picture to a black and white " "picture." msgstr "Regola il livello di conversione da scala di grigi a bianco e nero" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:176 #: gerbview/gerber_file_image.cpp:352 msgid "Negative" msgstr "Negativo" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:182 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:373 msgid "Front silk screen" msgstr "Serigrafia fronte" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:182 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:379 msgid "Front solder mask" msgstr "Maschera di saldatura fronte" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:182 msgid "User layer Eco1" msgstr "Strato utente Eco1" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:182 msgid "User layer Eco2" msgstr "Strato utente Eco2" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:184 msgid "Board Layer for Outline:" msgstr "Strato scheda per i bordi:" #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:186 msgid "" "Choose the board layer to place the outline.\n" "The 2 invisible fields reference and value are always placed on the silk " "screen layer." msgstr "" "Scegli lo strato scheda per piazzare i bordi.\n" "I 2 campi invisibili riferimento e valore vengono sempre piazzati sullo " "strato di serigrafia." #: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.h:100 msgid "Bitmap to Component Converter" msgstr "Convertitore da Bitmap a componente" #: common/base_screen.cpp:123 #, c-format msgid "User grid: %.4f mm (%.2f mils)" msgstr "Griglia utente: %.4f mm (%.2f mils)" #: common/base_screen.cpp:126 #, c-format msgid "User grid: %.2f mils (%.4f mm)" msgstr "Griglia utente: %.2f mils (%.4f mm)" #: common/base_screen.cpp:133 #, c-format msgid "Grid: %.4f mm (%.2f mils)" msgstr "Griglia: %.4f mm (%.2f mils)" #: common/base_screen.cpp:136 #, c-format msgid "Grid: %.2f mils (%.4f mm)" msgstr "Griglia: %.2f mils (%.4f mm)" #: common/base_units.cpp:477 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_component_base.cpp:101 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_set_grid_base.cpp:34 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_display_options_base.cpp:41 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_display_options_base.cpp:52 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_display_options_base.cpp:63 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_settings_base.cpp:52 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_settings_base.cpp:63 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_settings_base.cpp:74 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_libedit_settings_base.cpp:35 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_libedit_settings_base.cpp:55 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_libedit_settings_base.cpp:66 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_libedit_settings_base.cpp:77 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_libedit_settings_base.cpp:106 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_libedit_settings_base.cpp:117 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_libedit_settings_base.cpp:131 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:73 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:84 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:95 #: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:143 msgid "mils" msgstr "mils" #: common/base_units.cpp:479 msgid "sq. mils" msgstr "mils²" #: common/base_units.cpp:481 msgid "cu. mils" msgstr "mils³" #: common/base_units.cpp:489 msgid "in" msgstr "in" #: common/base_units.cpp:491 msgid "sq. in" msgstr "in²" #: common/base_units.cpp:493 msgid "cu. in" msgstr "in³" #: common/base_units.cpp:503 msgid "sq. mm" msgstr "mm²" #: common/base_units.cpp:505 msgid "cu. mm" msgstr "mm³" #: common/base_units.cpp:509 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_edit_footprint_for_BoardEditor_base.cpp:382 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_edit_footprint_for_fp_editor_base.cpp:274 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:201 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:227 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:500 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:151 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:101 msgid "%" msgstr "%" #: common/base_units.cpp:515 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:268 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:250 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:152 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact_base.cpp:59 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:142 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1086 msgid "deg" msgstr "Gradi " #: common/colors.cpp:39 #: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:73 msgid "Black" msgstr "Nero" #: common/colors.cpp:40 msgid "Gray 1" msgstr "Grigio 1" #: common/colors.cpp:41 msgid "Gray 2" msgstr "Grigio 2" #: common/colors.cpp:42 msgid "Gray 3" msgstr "Grigio 3" #: common/colors.cpp:43 #: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:74 msgid "White" msgstr "Bianco" #: common/colors.cpp:44 msgid "L.Yellow" msgstr "Giallo C." #: common/colors.cpp:45 msgid "Blue 1" msgstr "Blu 1" #: common/colors.cpp:46 msgid "Green 1" msgstr "Verde 1" #: common/colors.cpp:47 msgid "Cyan 1" msgstr "Ciano 1" #: common/colors.cpp:48 msgid "Red 1" msgstr "Rosso 1" #: common/colors.cpp:49 msgid "Magenta 1" msgstr "Magenta 1" #: common/colors.cpp:50 msgid "Brown 1" msgstr "Marrone 1" #: common/colors.cpp:51 msgid "Blue 2" msgstr "Blu 2" #: common/colors.cpp:52 msgid "Green 2" msgstr "Verde 2" #: common/colors.cpp:53 msgid "Cyan 2" msgstr "Ciano 2" #: common/colors.cpp:54 msgid "Red 2" msgstr "Rosso 2" #: common/colors.cpp:55 msgid "Magenta 2" msgstr "Magenta 2" #: common/colors.cpp:56 msgid "Brown 2" msgstr "Marrone 2" #: common/colors.cpp:57 msgid "Blue 3" msgstr "Blu 3" #: common/colors.cpp:58 msgid "Green 3" msgstr "Verde 3" #: common/colors.cpp:59 msgid "Cyan 3" msgstr "Ciano 3" #: common/colors.cpp:60 msgid "Red 3" msgstr "Rosso 3" #: common/colors.cpp:61 msgid "Magenta 3" msgstr "Magenta 3" #: common/colors.cpp:62 msgid "Yellow 3" msgstr "Giallo 3" #: common/colors.cpp:63 msgid "Blue 4" msgstr "Blu 4" #: common/colors.cpp:64 msgid "Green 4" msgstr "Verde 4" #: common/colors.cpp:65 msgid "Cyan 4" msgstr "Ciano 4" #: common/colors.cpp:66 msgid "Red 4" msgstr "Rosso 4" #: common/colors.cpp:67 msgid "Magenta 4" msgstr "Magenta 4" #: common/colors.cpp:68 msgid "Yellow 4" msgstr "Giallo 4" #: common/common.cpp:485 #, c-format msgid "" "Environment variables expansion failed: missing '%c' at position %u in '%s'." msgstr "" "Fallita espansione variabili ambiente: manca '%c' alla posizione %u in '%s'." #: common/common.cpp:565 #, c-format msgid "Cannot make path \"%s\" absolute with respect to \"%s\"." msgstr "Impossibile rendere il percorso \"%s\" assuluto rispetto a \"%s\"." #: common/common.cpp:583 #, c-format msgid "Output directory \"%s\" created.\n" msgstr "Cartella risultati \"%s\" creata.\n" #: common/common.cpp:592 #, c-format msgid "Cannot create output directory \"%s\".\n" msgstr "Impossibile creare la cartella risultati \"%s\".\n" #: common/confirm.cpp:55 msgid "Do not show again" msgstr "Non mostrare più" #: common/confirm.cpp:121 #: pcb_calculator/dialogs/pcb_calculator_frame_base.cpp:250 msgid "Message" msgstr "Messaggio" #: common/confirm.cpp:122 msgid "Question" msgstr "Domanda" #: common/confirm.cpp:123 common/confirm.cpp:244 #: common/dialogs/panel_setup_severities.cpp:36 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_color_settings.cpp:154 #: eeschema/libedit/libedit.cpp:568 eeschema/libedit/symbedit.cpp:96 #: eeschema/sheet.cpp:655 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml.cpp:182 #: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx.cpp:299 pcbnew/pcb_parser.cpp:623 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Attenzione" #: common/confirm.cpp:124 common/confirm.cpp:256 #: common/dialogs/panel_setup_severities.cpp:36 #: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:174 #: pcbnew/router/length_tuner_tool.cpp:174 msgid "Error" msgstr "Errore" #: common/confirm.cpp:154 common/confirm.cpp:181 msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be permanently lost." msgstr "Non salvando, tutte le modifiche andranno perse!" #: common/confirm.cpp:155 common/confirm.cpp:182 common/tool/actions.cpp:65 #: eeschema/libedit/libedit.cpp:432 eeschema/widgets/tuner_slider_base.cpp:66 #: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:885 msgid "Save" msgstr "Salva" #: common/confirm.cpp:155 common/confirm.cpp:182 msgid "Discard Changes" msgstr "Abbandona i cambiamenti" #: common/confirm.cpp:158 common/confirm.cpp:226 msgid "Apply to all" msgstr "Applica a tutto" #: common/confirm.cpp:194 msgid "Your current changes will be permanently lost." msgstr "I cambiamenti correnti verranno irrecuperabilmente persi." #: common/confirm.cpp:195 common/tool/actions.cpp:89 msgid "Revert" msgstr "Ripristina" #: common/confirm.cpp:272 msgid "Info" msgstr "Info" #: common/confirm.cpp:285 eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate.cpp:209 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate.cpp:255 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_from_pcb.cpp:113 #: eeschema/libedit/lib_export.cpp:146 eeschema/tools/lib_pin_tool.cpp:154 #: kicad/import_project.cpp:101 kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:259 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf.cpp:164 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gencad_export_options.cpp:120 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties.cpp:327 #: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:459 #: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:957 pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:1044 #: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:1223 pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:1306 #: pcbnew/zone_filler.cpp:256 msgid "Confirmation" msgstr "Conferma" #: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:115 #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths_base.cpp:98 #: common/lib_tree_model_adapter.cpp:266 eeschema/lib_view_frame.cpp:302 #: eeschema/libedit/libedit.cpp:420 eeschema/libedit/symbedit.cpp:241 #: eeschema/sch_component.cpp:1304 include/lib_table_grid.h:196 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_wizard_list_base.cpp:44 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_action_plugins_base.cpp:40 #: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:873 #: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:1096 msgid "Description" msgstr "Descrizione" #: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:119 msgid "" "The KiCad EDA Suite is a set of open source applications for the creation of " "electronic schematics and printed circuit boards." msgstr "" "La suite EDA KiCad è un insieme di applicazioni open source per la creazione " "di schemi elettrici e circuiti stampati." #: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:127 msgid "KiCad on the web" msgstr "KiCad sul Web" #: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:133 msgid "The official KiCad website - " msgstr "Il sito web ufficiale di KiCad - " #: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:137 msgid "Developer website on Launchpad - " msgstr "Il sito degli sviluppatori su Launchpad - " #: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:142 msgid "Official KiCad library repositories - " msgstr "I repository delle librerie ufficiali di KiCad - " #: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:149 msgid "Bug tracker" msgstr "Bug tracker" #: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:155 msgid "Report or examine bugs - " msgstr "Rapporti bug e difetti - " #: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:161 msgid "KiCad user's groups and community" msgstr "Comunità e gruppi di utenti KiCad" #: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:166 msgid "KiCad forum - " msgstr "Forum di KiCad - " #: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:180 msgid "The complete KiCad EDA Suite is released under the" msgstr "La suite EDA di KiCad è realizzata secondo la" #: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:182 msgid "GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3 or any later version" msgstr "GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) versione 3 o successive" #: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:380 msgid "Others" msgstr "Altri" #: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:399 msgid "Icons by" msgstr "Autori icone" #: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:417 msgid "3D models by" msgstr "Autori modelli 3D" #: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:434 msgid "Symbols by" msgstr "Autori simboli" #: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:441 msgid "Footprints by" msgstr "Autori impronte" #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:127 #, c-format msgid "About %s" msgstr "Info su %s" #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:155 #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about_base.h:55 msgid "About" msgstr "Informazioni su KiCad" #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:161 msgid "Version" msgstr "Versione" #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:163 msgid "Developers" msgstr "Sviluppo" #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:165 msgid "Doc Writers" msgstr "Manuali" #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:168 msgid "Artists" msgstr "Artisti" #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:170 msgid "Translators" msgstr "Traduttori" #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:172 msgid "Packagers" msgstr "Pacchetti" #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:175 msgid "License" msgstr "Licenza" #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:653 msgid "Could not open clipboard to write version information." msgstr "" "Impossibile aprire gli appunti per scrivere le informazioni sulla versione." #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:654 msgid "Clipboard Error" msgstr "Errore degli appunti" #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:663 msgid "Copied..." msgstr "Copiate..." #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about_base.cpp:31 msgid "App Title" msgstr "Titolo app" #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about_base.cpp:37 msgid "Copyright Info" msgstr "Informazioni sul copyright" #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about_base.cpp:41 msgid "Build Version Info" msgstr "Informazioni sulla versione" #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about_base.cpp:45 msgid "Lib Version Info" msgstr "Info di versione librerie" #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about_base.cpp:58 msgid "&Copy Version Info" msgstr "&Copia info di versione" #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about_base.cpp:59 msgid "Copy KiCad version info to the clipboard" msgstr "Copia le info di versione di KiCad negli appunti" #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about_base.cpp:63 msgid "&Report Bug" msgstr "&Rapporto bug" #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about_base.cpp:64 msgid "Report a problem with KiCad" msgstr "Segnala un problema di KiCad" #: common/dialog_about/dialog_about_base.cpp:89 msgid "&OK" msgstr "&OK" #: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:31 msgid "RGB" msgstr "RGB" #: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:46 msgid "Red:" msgstr "Rosso:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:50 msgid "Green:" msgstr "Verde:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:54 msgid "Blue:" msgstr "Blu:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:74 msgid "HSV" msgstr "HVG" #: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:91 msgid "Hue:" msgstr "Tonalità:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:95 msgid "Saturation:" msgstr "Saturazione:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:114 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:45 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:623 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties.cpp:99 msgid "Value:" msgstr "Valore:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:134 #: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.h:93 msgid "Color Picker" msgstr "Prelievo colore" #: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:154 msgid "Defined Colors" msgstr "Colori definiti" #: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:163 msgid "Opacity:" msgstr "Opacità:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:185 msgid "Preview (old / new):" msgstr "Anteprima (vecchio / nuovo):" #: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:199 msgid "Reset to Default" msgstr "Reimposta al predefinito" #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:236 #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:306 msgid "Environment variable name cannot be empty." msgstr "Il nome della variabile ambiente non può essere vuoto." #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:244 #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:308 msgid "Environment variable path cannot be empty." msgstr "Il percorso della variabile ambiente non può essere vuoto." #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:271 #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:313 msgid "3D search path alias cannot be empty." msgstr "L'alias del percorso di ricerca 3D non può essere vuoto." #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:279 #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:315 msgid "3D search path cannot be empty." msgstr "Il percorso di ricerca 3D non può essere vuoto." #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:328 msgid "" "This path was defined externally to the running process and\n" "will only be temporarily overwritten." msgstr "" "Questo percorso, definito esternamente al processo in esecuzione,\n" "può essere solo temporaneamente sovrascritto." #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:330 msgid "" "The next time KiCad is launched, any paths that have already\n" "been defined are honored and any settings defined in the path\n" "configuration dialog are ignored. If you did not intend for\n" "this behavior, either rename any conflicting entries or remove\n" "the external environment variable(s) from your system." msgstr "" "Al prossimo avvio di KiCad, verrano onorati tutti i percorsi che siano\n" "già stati definiti, mentre ogni impostazione definita nella finestra\n" "di configurazione percorsi verrà ignorata. Se non si desidera tale\n" "comportamento, rinominare ogni voce in conflitto o rimuovere\n" "dal sistema le definizioni delle variabili ambiente esterne." #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:345 #, c-format msgid "The name %s is reserved, and cannot be used here" msgstr "Il nome %s è riservato e qui non può essere usato" #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:477 msgid "File Browser..." msgstr "Esplora file..." #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:480 #: common/widgets/grid_text_button_helpers.cpp:354 msgid "Select Path" msgstr "Seleziona percorso" #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:560 msgid "" "Enter the name and value for each environment variable. Grey entries are " "names that have been defined externally at the system or user level. " "Environment variables defined at the system or user level take precedence " "over the ones defined in this table. This means the values in this table " "are ignored." msgstr "" "Inserire nome e valore ad ogni variabile ambiente. Gli elementi in grigio " "sono nomi che sono stati definiti esternamente a livello di sistema o di " "utente. Le variabili ambiente definite a livello di sistema o di utente " "hanno la precedenza su quelle definite in questa tabella. Perciò (N.d.T. in " "caso di corrispondenza) i valori in questa tabella vengono ignorati." #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:566 msgid "" "To ensure environment variable names are valid on all platforms, the name " "field will only accept upper case letters, digits, and the underscore " "characters." msgstr "" "Per assicurarsi che i nomi delle variabili ambiente siano validi su tutte le " "piattaforme, il campo nome accetterà solo lettere maiuscole, numeri, e " "caratteri di sottolineatura." #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:581 msgid "Environment Variable Help" msgstr "Aiuto variabile ambiente" #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths_base.cpp:22 msgid "Environment Variables" msgstr "Variabili ambiente" #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths_base.cpp:39 #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:80 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:56 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic_base.cpp:48 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table.cpp:76 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table_base.cpp:45 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sch_sheet_props_base.cpp:50 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_template_fieldnames_base.cpp:42 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:285 #: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:188 eeschema/lib_pin.cpp:1405 #: eeschema/lib_view_frame.cpp:300 eeschema/libedit/symbedit.cpp:213 #: eeschema/sch_component.cpp:1272 eeschema/sch_component.cpp:1317 #: eeschema/widgets/tuner_slider_base.cpp:20 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_wizard_list_base.cpp:43 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_select_net_from_list.cpp:64 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:414 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_action_plugins_base.cpp:38 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:49 msgid "Name" msgstr "Nome" #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths_base.cpp:40 #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths_base.cpp:97 eeschema/sch_sheet.cpp:658 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_action_plugins_base.cpp:41 msgid "Path" msgstr "Percorso" #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths_base.cpp:78 msgid "3D Search Paths" msgstr "Percorsi di ricerca 3D" #: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths_base.cpp:96 msgid "Alias" msgstr "Alias" #: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config.cpp:39 #, c-format msgid "Configure Global %s Library Table" msgstr "Configura la tabella librerie %s globale" #: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config.cpp:42 #, c-format msgid "" "KiCad has been run for the first time using the new %s library table for\n" "accessing libraries. In order for KiCad to access %s libraries,\n" "you must configure your global %s library table. Please select from one\n" "of the options below. If you are not sure which option to select, please\n" "use the default selection." msgstr "" "KiCad è stato eseguito per la prima volta usando la nuova tabella librerie " "%s per l'accesso alle librerie. Per permettere a KiCad di accedere alle " "librerie %s, è necessario configurare la tabella librerie %s globale. " "Selezionare una delle opzioni sottostanti. Se non si sa quale opzione " "scegliere, usare la selezione predefinita." #: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config.cpp:49 #, c-format msgid "Copy default global %s library table (recommended)" msgstr "Copia la tabella librerie %s globale predefinita (raccomandato)" #: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config.cpp:51 #, c-format msgid "" "Select this option if you not sure about configuring the global %s library " "table" msgstr "" "Selezionare questa opzione se non si è sicuri sulla configurazione della " "tabella librerie %s globale" #: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config.cpp:55 #, c-format msgid "Copy custom global %s library table" msgstr "Copia la tabella librerie %s globale personalizzata" #: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config.cpp:57 #, c-format msgid "" "Select this option to copy a %s library table file other than the default" msgstr "" "Selezionare questa opzione per copiare un file tabella librerie %s globale " "diverso da quello predefinito" #: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config.cpp:61 #, c-format msgid "Create an empty global %s library table" msgstr "Creare una tabella librerie %s globale vuota" #: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config.cpp:63 #, c-format msgid "" "Select this option to define %s libraries in project specific library tables" msgstr "" "Selezionare questa opzione per definire le librerie %s nelle tabelle " "librerie specifiche del progetto" #: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config.cpp:67 #, c-format msgid "Select global %s library table file:" msgstr "Seleziona il file tabella librerie %s globale:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config_base.cpp:21 #: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config_base.cpp:30 #: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config_base.cpp:35 #: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config_base.cpp:40 msgid "Temp" msgstr "Temp" #: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config_base.cpp:28 msgid "temp1" msgstr "temp1" #: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config_base.cpp:34 msgid "temp2" msgstr "temp2" #: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config_base.cpp:39 msgid "temp3" msgstr "temp3" #: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config_base.cpp:47 msgid "temp" msgstr "temp" #: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config_base.cpp:51 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Seleziona un file" #: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config_base.h:56 msgid "Configure Global Library Table" msgstr "Configura la tabella librerie globale" #: common/dialogs/dialog_hotkey_list.cpp:34 msgid "Hotkey List" msgstr "Elenco comandi da tastiera" #: common/dialogs/dialog_image_editor.cpp:72 msgid "Incorrect scale number" msgstr "Scala errata" #: common/dialogs/dialog_image_editor.cpp:82 #, c-format msgid "" "This scale results in an image which is too small (%.2f mm or %.1f mil)." msgstr "" "Questa scala dà una dimensione immagine troppo piccola (%.2f mm o %.1f mil)." #: common/dialogs/dialog_image_editor.cpp:93 #, c-format msgid "" "This scale results in an image which is very large (%.1f mm or %.2f in). Are " "you sure?" msgstr "" "Questa scala dà una dimensione immagine molto grande (%.1f mm o %.2f in). " "Sicuri?" #: common/dialogs/dialog_image_editor_base.cpp:33 msgid "Grey" msgstr "Scala di grigi" #: common/dialogs/dialog_image_editor_base.cpp:39 msgid "Image Scale:" msgstr "Scala immagine:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_image_editor_base.h:53 msgid "Image Editor" msgstr "Editor immagine" #: common/dialogs/dialog_list_selector_base.cpp:22 msgid "Items:" msgstr "Elementi:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_list_selector_base.cpp:34 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc_base.cpp:65 #: pcb_calculator/dialogs/pcb_calculator_frame_base.cpp:1529 msgid "Messages:" msgstr "Messaggi:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_migrate_settings.cpp:29 msgid "Quit KiCad" msgstr "Esci da KiCad" #: common/dialogs/dialog_migrate_settings.cpp:49 #, c-format msgid "Welcome to KiCad %s!" msgstr "Benvenuto a KiCad %s!" #: common/dialogs/dialog_migrate_settings.cpp:56 msgid "Import settings from a previous version (none found)" msgstr "Importa le impostazioni da una versione precedente (nessuna trovata)" #: common/dialogs/dialog_migrate_settings.cpp:113 msgid "Select Settings Path" msgstr "Seleziona il percorso delle impostazioni" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:62 msgid "A4 210x297mm" msgstr "A4 210x297mm" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:63 msgid "A3 297x420mm" msgstr "A3 297x420mm" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:64 msgid "A2 420x594mm" msgstr "A2 420x594mm" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:65 msgid "A1 594x841mm" msgstr "A1 594x841mm" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:66 msgid "A0 841x1189mm" msgstr "A0 841x1189mm" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:67 msgid "A 8.5x11in" msgstr "A 8.5x11in" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:68 msgid "B 11x17in" msgstr "B 11x17in" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:69 msgid "C 17x22in" msgstr "C 17x22in" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:70 msgid "D 22x34in" msgstr "D 22x34in" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:71 msgid "E 34x44in" msgstr "E 34x44in" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:72 msgid "USLetter 8.5x11in" msgstr "USLetter 8.5x11in" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:73 msgid "USLegal 8.5x14in" msgstr "USLegal 8.5x14in" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:74 msgid "USLedger 11x17in" msgstr "USLedger 11x17in" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:75 msgid "User (Custom)" msgstr "Personalizzato" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:103 msgid "Preview Settings" msgstr "Impostazioni anteprima" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:104 msgid "Preview Paper" msgstr "Carta anteprima" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:105 msgid "Preview Title Block Data" msgstr "Dati riquadro iscrizioni anteprima" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:109 #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.h:139 msgid "Page Settings" msgstr "Impostazioni pagina" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:110 #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:25 msgid "Paper" msgstr "Foglio" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:111 msgid "Title Block" msgstr "Riquadro iscrizioni" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:301 #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:787 #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:46 msgid "Portrait" msgstr "Verticale" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:516 #, c-format msgid "Page layout description file \"%s\" not found." msgstr "File di disposizione pagina \"%s\" non trovato." #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:587 msgid "the translation for paper size must preserve original spellings" msgstr "" "la traduzione della dimensione della carta deve mantenere la denominazione " "originale" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:789 #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:46 msgid "Landscape" msgstr "Orizzontale" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:869 msgid "Select Page Layout Description File" msgstr "Seleziona il file di disposizione pagina" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:886 #, c-format msgid "" "The page layout description file name has changed.\n" "Do you want to use the relative path:\n" "\"%s\"\n" "instead of\n" "\"%s\"?" msgstr "" "Il nome file di disposizione pagina è cambiato.\n" "Usare il percorso relativo:\n" "\"%s\"\n" "invece di\n" "\"%s\"?" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:36 msgid "dummy text" msgstr "Testo segnaposto" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:42 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:161 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_base.cpp:103 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_text_base.cpp:86 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:261 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:100 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:131 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:180 msgid "Orientation:" msgstr "Orientamento:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:52 msgid "Custom paper size:" msgstr "Dimensione foglio personalizzata:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:61 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:96 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:144 msgid "Height:" msgstr "Altezza:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:74 msgid "Custom paper height." msgstr "Altezza foglio personalizzata" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:78 #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:99 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_line_style_base.cpp:37 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:151 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:255 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_text_base.cpp:73 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_text_base.cpp:103 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_text_base.cpp:133 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:42 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:57 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:72 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_edit_footprint_for_BoardEditor_base.cpp:127 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_edit_footprint_for_BoardEditor_base.cpp:138 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_edit_footprint_for_BoardEditor_base.cpp:343 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_edit_footprint_for_BoardEditor_base.cpp:356 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_edit_footprint_for_BoardEditor_base.cpp:369 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_edit_footprint_for_fp_editor_base.cpp:235 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_edit_footprint_for_fp_editor_base.cpp:248 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_edit_footprint_for_fp_editor_base.cpp:261 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:139 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:173 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:190 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:208 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:40 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:51 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:66 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:77 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:92 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:103 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:118 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:129 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:163 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:214 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:870 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:881 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:896 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:907 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:922 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:933 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:948 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:959 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:973 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:996 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1061 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1072 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1237 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:76 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:105 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:116 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:127 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_target_properties_base.cpp:35 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_target_properties_base.cpp:46 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:134 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:153 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:176 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:202 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:223 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:242 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_size_base.cpp:32 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_size_base.cpp:43 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_size_base.cpp:54 msgid "unit" msgstr "Unità" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:82 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_line_style_base.cpp:30 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:94 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_diff_pair_dimensions_base.cpp:25 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:125 msgid "Width:" msgstr "Larghezza:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:95 msgid "Custom paper width." msgstr "Larghezza foglio personalizzato" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:106 msgid "Layout Preview" msgstr "Anteprima impaginazione" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:122 msgid "Title Block Parameters" msgstr "Parametri riquadro iscrizioni" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:132 #, c-format msgid "Number of sheets: %d" msgstr "Numero di fogli: %d" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:139 #, c-format msgid "Sheet number: %d" msgstr "Numero foglio: %d" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:152 msgid "Issue Date:" msgstr "Data versione:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:164 msgid "<<<" msgstr "<<<" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:173 #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:185 #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:197 #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:209 #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:221 #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:233 #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:245 #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:257 #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:269 #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:281 #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:293 #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:305 #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:317 msgid "Export to other sheets" msgstr "Esporta su altri fogli" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:176 msgid "Revision:" msgstr "Revisione:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:188 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:350 msgid "Title:" msgstr "Titolo:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:200 msgid "Company:" msgstr "Azienda:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:212 msgid "Comment1:" msgstr "Commento1:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:224 msgid "Comment2:" msgstr "Commento2:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:236 msgid "Comment3:" msgstr "Commento3:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:248 msgid "Comment4:" msgstr "Commento4:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:260 msgid "Comment5:" msgstr "Commento5:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:272 msgid "Comment6:" msgstr "Commento6:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:284 msgid "Comment7:" msgstr "Commento7:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:296 msgid "Comment8:" msgstr "Commento8:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:308 msgid "Comment9:" msgstr "Commento9:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:326 msgid "Page layout description file" msgstr "File di disposizione pagina" #: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:336 msgid "Browse..." msgstr "Esplora..." #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:40 #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:244 #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.h:78 common/tool/actions.cpp:101 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer.cpp:142 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer_base.h:53 #: kicad/tree_project_frame.cpp:708 msgid "Print" msgstr "Stampante" #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:41 #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:194 msgid "Print Preview" msgstr "Anteprima di stampa" #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:42 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate.cpp:110 eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:238 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:85 eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:296 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:73 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer.cpp:144 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find_base.cpp:129 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap_base.cpp:33 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_from_pcb.cpp:63 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:126 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:77 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints.cpp:152 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step.cpp:119 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg.cpp:94 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill.cpp:76 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:90 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot.cpp:62 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_update_pcb.cpp:77 #: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:70 msgid "Close" msgstr "Chiudi" #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:103 msgid "Warning: Bad scale number" msgstr "Attenzione: numero scala errato" #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:112 #, c-format msgid "" "Warning: Scale option set to a very large value.\n" " Clamped to %f" msgstr "" "Attenzione: scala impostata ad un valore molto alto.\n" " Tagliato a %f" #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:120 #, c-format msgid "" "Warning: Scale option set to a very small value.\n" " Clamped to %f" msgstr "" "Attenzione: scala impostata ad un valore molto basso.\n" " Tagliato a %f" #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:189 #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:236 msgid "Nothing to print" msgstr "Niente da stampare" #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:227 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer.cpp:252 msgid "Previous print job not yet complete." msgstr "Il precedente lavoro di stampa non è ancora stato completato." #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:251 msgid "There was a problem printing." msgstr "Problema durante la stampa." #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:298 msgid "An error occurred initializing the printer information." msgstr "Errore durante l'inizializzazione informazioni di stampa." #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:24 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc_base.cpp:113 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:50 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_fields_base.cpp:47 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_from_pcb_base.cpp:25 #: include/lib_table_grid.h:195 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:80 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist_base.cpp:52 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_push_pad_properties_base.cpp:23 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_update_pcb_base.cpp:33 msgid "Options" msgstr "Opzioni" #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:30 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:74 msgid "Output mode:" msgstr "Modalità d'uscita:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:34 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:78 #: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:95 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:101 msgid "Color" msgstr "Colore" #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:34 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:101 msgid "Black and white" msgstr "Bianco e nero" #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:40 msgid "Print border and title block" msgstr "Stampa squadratura e riquadro iscrizioni" #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:42 msgid "Print Frame references." msgstr "Stampa la squadratura." #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:57 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:129 msgid "1:1" msgstr "1:1" #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:60 msgid "Fit to page" msgstr "Adatta alla pagina" #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:66 msgid "Custom:" msgstr "Personalizzato:" #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:70 msgid "Set X scale adjust for exact scale plotting" msgstr "Imposta l'asse X per un esatta tracciatura" #: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:92 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer_base.cpp:41 msgid "Page Setup..." msgstr "Imposta pagina..." #: common/dialogs/dialog_text_entry_base.cpp:22 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1264 msgid "MyLabel" msgstr "MiaEtichetta" #: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:19 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_libedit_color_settings_base.cpp:27 msgid "Theme:" msgstr "Tema:" #: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:23 msgid "User" msgstr "Utente" #: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:31 msgid "&Save" msgstr "&Salva" #: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:33 msgid "Save the active color theme" msgstr "Salva il tema colore attivo" #: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:37 msgid "&New" msgstr "&Nuovo" #: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:38 msgid "Create a new color theme based on the current one" msgstr "Crea un nuovo tema colore basato sul quello corrente" #: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:42 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bus_manager.cpp:73 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bus_manager.cpp:107 msgid "Rename" msgstr "Rinomina" #: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:44 #, fuzzy msgid "The \"User\" theme cannot be renamed" msgstr "Il nome del campo non può essere vuoto." #: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:51 #, fuzzy msgid "&Reset to Defaults" msgstr "Reimposta ai predefiniti" #: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:52 #, fuzzy msgid "Reset all colors in this theme to the KiCad defaults" msgstr "" "Imposta tutti i comandi da tastiera come fossero i comandi predefiniti in " "KiCad" #: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:56 msgid "Open Theme Folder" msgstr "Apri cartella tema" #: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:57 msgid "Open the folder containing color themes" msgstr "Apri la cartella contenente i temi colore" #: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:69 msgid "Theme name:" msgstr "Nome tema:" #: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:82 msgid "Name of the theme" msgstr "Nome del tema" #: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:90 #: eeschema/tools/lib_control.cpp:370 msgid "Filename:" msgstr "Nome file" #: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:95 msgid "Filename to save the theme to (must end in .json)" msgstr "Il nome del file su cui salvare il tema (deve finire per .json)" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings.cpp:52 msgid "" "Set the scale for the canvas.\n" "\n" "On high-DPI displays on some platforms, KiCad cannot determine the scaling " "factor. In this case you may need to set this to a value to match your " "system's DPI scaling. 2.0 is a common value. \n" "\n" "If this does not match the system DPI scaling, the canvas will not match the " "window size and cursor position." msgstr "" "Imposta la scala per l'area di lavoro.\n" "\n" "Sugli schermi ad alta risoluzione di alcune piattaforme, KiCad non può " "determinare il fattore di scala. In questo caso si può dover impostare " "questo valore in modo tale che rispecchi la scala DPI del proprio sistema. " "2.0 è un valore tipico. \n" "\n" "Se questo valore non corrisponde alla scala DPI del sistema, l'area di " "lavoro non corrisponderà alla dimensione della finestra e alla posizione del " "puntatore." #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings.cpp:62 msgid "" "Use an automatic value for the canvas scale.\n" "\n" "On some platforms, the automatic value is incorrect and should be set " "manually." msgstr "" "Usa un valore automatico per la scala dell'area di lavoro.\n" "\n" "Su alcune piattaforme, il valore automatico è errato e deve essere impostato " "manualmente." #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings.cpp:237 msgid "Executable files (" msgstr "File eseguibili (" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings.cpp:242 msgid "Select Preferred PDF Browser" msgstr "Seleziona visualizzatore PDF preferito" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:26 msgid "&Auto save:" msgstr "&Autosalvataggio:" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:34 msgid "" "Delay after the first change to create a backup file of the board on disk.\n" "If set to 0, auto backup is disabled" msgstr "" "Ritardo dopo l'ultima modifica prima della creazione del file di salvataggio " "su disco.\n" "Se impostato a 0, l'auto salvataggio è disabilitato" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:39 msgid "minutes" msgstr "minuti" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:46 msgid "File history size:" msgstr "Dimensione cronologia file:" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:54 msgid "Accelerated graphics:" msgstr "Grafica accelerata:" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:58 #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:69 msgid "No Antialiasing" msgstr "No antialiasing" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:58 msgid "Subpixel Antialiasing (High Quality)" msgstr "Subpixel Antialiasing (qualità alta)" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:58 msgid "Subpixel Antialiasing (Ultra Quality)" msgstr "Subpixel Antialiasing (qualità ultra)" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:58 msgid "Supersampling (2x)" msgstr "Supercampionatura (2x)" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:58 msgid "Supersampling (4x)" msgstr "Supercampionatura (4x)" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:65 msgid "Fallback graphics:" msgstr "Grafica di ripiego:" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:69 msgid "Fast Antialiasing" msgstr "Antialiasing veloce" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:69 msgid "Balanced Antialiasing" msgstr "Antialiasing bilanciato" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:69 msgid "High Quality Antialiasing" msgstr "Antialiasing ad alta qualità" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:81 msgid "Helper Applications" msgstr "Applicazioni ausiliarie" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:90 msgid "Text editor:" msgstr "Editor di testo:" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:104 msgid "System default PDF viewer" msgstr "Visualizzatore PDF predefinto di sistema" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:107 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_edit_footprint_for_BoardEditor_base.cpp:168 msgid "Other:" msgstr "Altro:" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:129 msgid "User Interface" msgstr "Interfaccia utente" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:137 msgid "Icon scale:" msgstr "Scala icone:" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:146 #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:157 msgid "Automatic" msgstr "Automatico" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:149 msgid "Canvas scale:" msgstr "Scala area di lavoro:" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:166 msgid "Show icons in menus" msgstr "Mostra le icone nei menu" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:179 msgid "Pan and Zoom" msgstr "Pan e zoom" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:181 msgid "Ce&nter and warp cursor on zoom" msgstr "Ce&ntra e sposta il puntatore con lo zoom" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:182 msgid "Center the cursor on screen when zooming." msgstr "Centra il puntatore sullo schermo durante lo zoom." #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:186 msgid "Use touchpad to pan" msgstr "Pan con il touchpad" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:187 msgid "" "Enable touchpad-friendly controls (pan with scroll action, zoom with Ctrl" "+scroll)." msgstr "" "Abilita controlli amichevoli per touchpad (pan con lo scroll, zoom con Ctrl" "+scroll)." #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:191 msgid "&Pan while moving object" msgstr "&Pan mentre si sposta un oggetto" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:192 msgid "" "When drawing a track or moving an item, pan when approaching the edge of the " "display." msgstr "" "Quando si disegna una pista o si sposta un elemento, pan all'approssimarsi " "al bordo dello schermo." #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:200 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_settings_base.cpp:92 msgid "Editing" msgstr "Modifica" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:202 msgid "Prefer selection to dragging" msgstr "Preferire la selezione al trascinamento" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:205 msgid "Warp mouse to origin of moved object" msgstr "Sposta il mouse all'origine dell'oggetto spostato" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:208 msgid "First hotkey selects tool" msgstr "Il tasto seleziona lo strumento" #: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:209 msgid "" "If not checked, hotkeys will immediately perform an action even if the " "relevant tool was not previously selected." msgstr "" "Se non selezionata, i comandi da tastiera eseguiranno immediatamente " "un'azione anche se lo strumento corrispondente non fosse stato " "precedentemente selezionato." #: common/dialogs/panel_hotkeys_editor.cpp:78 msgid "Type filter text" msgstr "Battere il testo filtrato" #: common/dialogs/panel_hotkeys_editor.cpp:108 msgid "Undo All Changes" msgstr "Annulla tutti i cambiamenti" #: common/dialogs/panel_hotkeys_editor.cpp:109 msgid "Undo all changes made so far in this dialog" msgstr "Annulla tutti i cambiamenti fatti sino ad ora in questa finestra" #: common/dialogs/panel_hotkeys_editor.cpp:116 msgid "Restore All to Defaults" msgstr "Ripristina tutto ai predefiniti" #: common/dialogs/panel_hotkeys_editor.cpp:117 msgid "Set all hotkeys to the built-in KiCad defaults" msgstr "" "Imposta tutti i comandi da tastiera come fossero i comandi predefiniti in " "KiCad" #: common/dialogs/panel_hotkeys_editor.cpp:124 msgid "Import Hotkeys..." msgstr "Importa tasti..." #: common/dialogs/panel_hotkeys_editor.cpp:125 msgid "" "Import hotkey definitions from an external file, replacing the current values" msgstr "" "Importa le definizioni dei comandi da tastiera da file esterno, rimpiazzando " "i valori correnti" #: common/dialogs/panel_hotkeys_editor.cpp:175 msgid "Import Hotkeys File:" msgstr "Importa file tasti:" #: common/dialogs/panel_setup_severities.cpp:36 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "Ignora" #: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel.cpp:177 #: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel.cpp:204 #: pcbnew/drc/drc_tree_model.cpp:203 msgid "Error: " msgstr "Errore: " #: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel.cpp:181 #: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel.cpp:206 #: pcbnew/drc/drc_tree_model.cpp:203 msgid "Warning: " msgstr "Attenzione: " #: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel.cpp:185 #: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel.cpp:208 msgid "Info: " msgstr "Info: " #: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel.cpp:317 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:418 msgid "Save Report to File" msgstr "Salva il file rapporto" #: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel.cpp:334 #, c-format msgid "Cannot write report to file \"%s\"." msgstr "Impossibile scrivere rapporto nel file \"%s\"." #: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel.cpp:336 msgid "File save error" msgstr "Errore salvataggio file" #: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel_base.cpp:14 msgid "Output Messages" msgstr "Messaggi d'uscita" #: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel_base.cpp:31 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:167 msgid "Show:" msgstr "Mostra:" #: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel_base.cpp:35 eeschema/lib_item.cpp:59 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:171 msgid "All" msgstr "Tutti" #: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel_base.cpp:50 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:185 msgid "Warnings" msgstr "Avvisi:" #: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel_base.cpp:58 msgid "Actions" msgstr "Azioni" #: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel_base.cpp:64 msgid "Infos" msgstr "Info" #: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel_base.cpp:70 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:202 msgid "Save..." msgstr "Salva..." #: common/displlst.cpp:52 common/widgets/lib_tree.cpp:117 #: pcbnew/footprint_viewer_frame.cpp:145 pcbnew/footprint_viewer_frame.cpp:160 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filtra" #: common/draw_panel_gal.cpp:213 common/draw_panel_gal.cpp:376 msgid "Could not use OpenGL, falling back to software rendering" msgstr "Impossibile usare OpenGL, ripiego sul rendering software" #: common/dsnlexer.cpp:39 msgid "clipboard" msgstr "appunti" #: common/dsnlexer.cpp:356 common/dsnlexer.cpp:364 #, c-format msgid "Expecting \"%s\"" msgstr "Era atteso \"%s\"" #: common/dsnlexer.cpp:372 common/dsnlexer.cpp:388 #, c-format msgid "Unexpected \"%s\"" msgstr "Imprevisto \"%s\"" #: common/dsnlexer.cpp:380 #, c-format msgid "%s is a duplicate" msgstr "%s è un duplicato" #: common/dsnlexer.cpp:433 #, c-format msgid "need a NUMBER for \"%s\"" msgstr "serve un NUMERO per \"%s\"" #: common/dsnlexer.cpp:705 common/dsnlexer.cpp:765 msgid "Un-terminated delimited string" msgstr "Stringa non ultimata" #: common/dsnlexer.cpp:727 msgid "String delimiter must be a single character of ', \", or $" msgstr "Il limitatore di stringa deve essere un singolo carattere ', \", o $" #: common/eagle_parser.cpp:113 #, c-format msgid "Invalid size %lld: too large" msgstr "Dimensione non valida %lld: troppo larga" #: common/eagle_parser.cpp:275 #, c-format msgid "Invalid Arc with radius %f and angle %f" msgstr "Arco non valido con raggio %f e angolo %f" #: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:410 msgid "&About KiCad" msgstr "Inform&azioni su KiCad" #: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:412 msgid "&Help" msgstr "&Aiuto" #: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:632 #, c-format msgid "File \"%s\" was not found." msgstr "File \"%s\" non trovato." #: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:661 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferenze" #: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:664 common/hotkey_store.cpp:65 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:20 msgid "Common" msgstr "Comuni" #: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:667 msgid "Hotkeys" msgstr "Comandi da tastiera" #: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:711 #, c-format msgid "You do not have write permissions to folder \"%s\"." msgstr "Non hai i permessi di scrittura per la cartella \"%s\"." #: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:716 #, c-format msgid "You do not have write permissions to save file \"%s\" to folder \"%s\"." msgstr "" "Non hai i permessi di scrittura per salvare il file \"%s\" nella cartella " "\"%s\"." #: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:721 #, c-format msgid "You do not have write permissions to save file \"%s\"." msgstr "Non hai i permessi necessari per salvare il file \"%s\"." #: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:751 #, c-format msgid "" "Well this is potentially embarrassing!\n" "It appears that the last time you were editing the file\n" "\"%s\"\n" "it was not saved properly. Do you wish to restore the last saved edits you " "made?" msgstr "" "Questo speriamo non sia stato causato da qualche difetto, sarebbe " "imbarazzante!\n" "L'ultima volta che è stato modificato il file\n" "\"%s\"\n" "non è stato salvato correttamente. Recuperare le ultime modifiche effettuate?" #: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:775 #, c-format msgid "Could not create backup file \"%s\"" msgstr "Impossibile creare il file di salvataggio \"%s\"" #: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:783 msgid "The auto save file could not be renamed to the board file name." msgstr "" "Il file di salvataggio automatico non può essere rinominato con il nome file " "della scheda" #: common/eda_doc.cpp:142 msgid "Doc Files" msgstr "Specifiche" #: common/eda_doc.cpp:157 #, c-format msgid "Doc File \"%s\" not found" msgstr "Documento \"%s\" non trovato" #: common/eda_doc.cpp:200 #, c-format msgid "Unknown MIME type for doc file \"%s\"" msgstr "Tipo MIME sconosciuto per il documento \"%s\"" #: common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:127 common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:408 #: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_settings_base.cpp:28 #: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:153 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_footprint_position_file_base.cpp:56 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:108 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:325 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:93 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_modedit_settings_base.cpp:31 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_settings_base.cpp:31 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:86 msgid "Inches" msgstr "Pollici" #: common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:413 #: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_settings_base.cpp:30 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_footprint_position_file_base.cpp:58 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_modedit_settings_base.cpp:33 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_settings_base.cpp:33 #: pcbnew/footprint_wizard_frame.cpp:329 msgid "Units" msgstr "Unità" #: common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:792 eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:417 #: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:69 msgid "Select Library" msgstr "Seleziona libreria" #: common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:792 msgid "New Library" msgstr "Nuova libreria" #: common/eda_size_ctrl.cpp:39 msgid " X:" msgstr " X:" #: common/eda_size_ctrl.cpp:45 msgid " Y:" msgstr " Y:" #: common/eda_text.cpp:456 eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_label_base.cpp:111 #: eeschema/libedit/symbedit.cpp:231 eeschema/sch_text.cpp:591 #: gerbview/gerber_file_image.cpp:352 gerbview/gerber_file_image.cpp:356 #: gerbview/gerber_file_image.cpp:359 pcbnew/class_module.cpp:600 #: pcbnew/microwave.cpp:319 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normale" #: common/eda_text.cpp:457 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:61 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic_base.cpp:53 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_label_base.cpp:111 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:177 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_text_base.cpp:80 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sch_sheet_props_base.cpp:55 #: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:193 eeschema/sch_text.cpp:591 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:89 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_edit_footprint_for_BoardEditor_base.cpp:58 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_edit_footprint_for_fp_editor_base.cpp:58 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics.cpp:229 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:180 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:138 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_modedit_defaults_base.cpp:119 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:48 #: pcbnew/text_mod_grid_table.cpp:93 msgid "Italic" msgstr "Corsivo" #: common/eda_text.cpp:458 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:62 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic_base.cpp:54 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_label_base.cpp:111 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:158 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_text_base.cpp:110 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sch_sheet_props_base.cpp:56 #: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:194 eeschema/sch_text.cpp:591 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:73 msgid "Bold" msgstr "Grassetto" #: common/eda_text.cpp:459 msgid "Bold+Italic" msgstr "Grassetto+corsivo" #: common/env_vars.cpp:72 msgid "" "The base path of locally installed system footprint libraries (.pretty " "folders)." msgstr "" "Il percorso base delle librerie di impronte di sistema installate localmente " "(cartelle .pretty)." #: common/env_vars.cpp:75 msgid "The base path of system footprint 3D shapes (.3Dshapes folders)." msgstr "" "Il percorso base delle forme 3D delle impronte di sistema " "(cartelle .3Dshapes)." #: common/env_vars.cpp:77 msgid "The base path of the locally installed symbol libraries." msgstr "Il percorso base delle librerie di simboli installate localmente." #: common/env_vars.cpp:79 msgid "" "Used by KiCad to define the URL of the repository of the official KiCad " "footprint libraries." msgstr "" "Usato da KiCad per definire l'URL del repository delle librerie di impronte " "ufficiali di KiCad." #: common/env_vars.cpp:82 msgid "A directory containing project templates installed with KiCad." msgstr "La cartella contenente i modelli di progetto installati con KiCad." #: common/env_vars.cpp:84 msgid "" "Optional. Can be defined if you want to create your own project templates " "folder." msgstr "" "Opzionale. Può essere definito se si vuole creare una propria cartella di " "modelli di progetto." #: common/env_vars.cpp:87 msgid "" "Internally defined by KiCad (cannot be edited) and is set to the absolute " "path of the currently loaded project file. This environment variable can be " "used to define files and paths relative to the currently loaded project. " "For instance, ${KIPRJMOD}/libs/footprints.pretty can be defined as a folder " "containing a project specific footprint library named footprints.pretty." msgstr "" "Definita internamente da KiCad (non può essere modificata) ed è impostata al " "percorso assoluto del file di progetto attualmente caricato. Questa " "variabile ambiente può essere usata per definire file e percorsi relativi al " "progetto correntemente caricato. Per esempio, ${KIPRJMOD}/libs/footprints." "pretty può essere definita come una cartella contenente una libreria " "impronte specifica del progetto di nome footprints.pretty." #: common/env_vars.cpp:95 msgid "Deprecated version of KICAD_TEMPLATE_DIR." msgstr "Deprecata versione di KICAD_TEMPLATE_DIR." #: common/exceptions.cpp:29 #, c-format msgid "from %s : %s() line:%d" msgstr "da %s : %s() linea:%d" #: common/exceptions.cpp:30 #, c-format msgid "%s in \"%s\", line %d, offset %d" msgstr "%s in \"%s\", linea %d, offset %d" #: common/exceptions.cpp:104 #, c-format msgid "" "KiCad was unable to open this file, as it was created with\n" "a more recent version than the one you are running.\n" "To open it, you'll need to upgrade KiCad to a more recent version.\n" "\n" "Date of KiCad version required (or newer): %s\n" "\n" "Full error text:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "KiCad non è stato in grado di aprire questo file, dato che è stato creato " "con\n" "una versione più recente di quella correntemente in esecuzione.\n" "Per aprirlo, è necessario aggiornare KiCad ad una versione più recente.\n" "\n" "Data della versione di KiCad richiesta (o più recente): %s\n" "\n" "Testo errore completo:\n" "%s" #: common/filehistory.cpp:153 msgid "No Files" msgstr "Nessun file" #: common/filename_resolver.cpp:470 msgid "The given path does not exist" msgstr "Il percorso dato non esiste" #: common/filename_resolver.cpp:473 msgid "3D model search path" msgstr "Percorso di ricerca modelli 3D" #: common/filename_resolver.cpp:499 msgid "Alias: " msgstr "Alias:" #: common/filename_resolver.cpp:502 msgid "This path: " msgstr "Questo percorso:" #: common/filename_resolver.cpp:505 msgid "Existing path: " msgstr "Percorso esistente:" #: common/filename_resolver.cpp:507 msgid "Bad alias (duplicate name)" msgstr "Alias errato (nome duplicato)" #: common/filename_resolver.cpp:629 msgid "3D configuration directory is unknown" msgstr "cartella di configurazione 3D sconosciuta" #: common/filename_resolver.cpp:632 common/filename_resolver.cpp:657 #: common/filename_resolver.cpp:682 msgid "Write 3D search path list" msgstr "Scrivi elenco percorsi di ricerca 3D" #: common/filename_resolver.cpp:654 msgid "Could not open configuration file" msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file di configurazione" #: common/filename_resolver.cpp:681 msgid "Problems writing configuration file" msgstr "Problemi durante la scrittura del file di configurazione" #: common/footprint_info.cpp:90 cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:773 msgid "Load Error" msgstr "Errore di caricamento" #: common/footprint_info.cpp:92 msgid "Errors were encountered loading footprints:" msgstr "Errori durante il caricamento di impronte:" #: common/fp_lib_table.cpp:198 #, c-format msgid "" "Duplicate library nickname \"%s\" found in footprint library table file line " "%d" msgstr "" "Denominatore librerie \"%s\" duplicato nel file tabella librerie impronte " "alla riga %d." #: common/fp_lib_table.cpp:290 #, c-format msgid "fp-lib-table files contain no library with nickname \"%s\"" msgstr "I file fp-lib-table non contengono librerie con denominazione \"%s\"." #: common/fp_lib_table.cpp:479 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_sym_lib_table_config.cpp:110 #: eeschema/symbol_lib_table.cpp:469 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_fp_lib_table_config.cpp:110 #, c-format msgid "Cannot create global library table path \"%s\"." msgstr "Impossibile creare il percorso tabella librerie globale \"%s\"." #: common/gestfich.cpp:199 #, c-format msgid "Command \"%s\" could not found" msgstr "Comando \"%s\" non trovato" #: common/gestfich.cpp:242 #, c-format msgid "" "Problem while running the PDF viewer\n" "Command is \"%s\"" msgstr "" "Problema eseguendo il visualizzare il PDF\n" "Il comando è \"%s\"" #: common/gestfich.cpp:249 #, c-format msgid "Unable to find a PDF viewer for \"%s\"" msgstr "Impossibile trovare un visualizzatore PDF per \"%s\"" #: common/gestfich.cpp:343 #, c-format msgid "" "Cannot print '%s'.\n" "\n" "Unknown filetype." msgstr "" "Impossibile stampare \"%s\".\n" "\n" "Tipo file sconosciuto." #: common/gestfich.cpp:372 eeschema/eeschema.cpp:352 eeschema/eeschema.cpp:384 #: gerbview/gerbview.cpp:235 kicad/project_template.cpp:242 #: pcbnew/pcbnew.cpp:462 #, c-format msgid "Cannot copy file \"%s\"." msgstr "Impossibile copiare il file \"%s\"." #: common/grid_tricks.cpp:242 msgid "Cut\tCTRL+X" msgstr "Taglia\tCTRL+X" #: common/grid_tricks.cpp:242 msgid "Clear selected cells placing original contents on clipboard" msgstr "" "Cancella le celle selezionate piazzando i contenuti originali negli appunti" #: common/grid_tricks.cpp:243 msgid "Copy\tCTRL+C" msgstr "Copia\tCTRL+C" #: common/grid_tricks.cpp:243 msgid "Copy selected cells to clipboard" msgstr "Copia le celle selezionate sugli appunti" #: common/grid_tricks.cpp:244 msgid "Paste\tCTRL+V" msgstr "Incolla\tCTRL+V" #: common/grid_tricks.cpp:244 msgid "Paste clipboard cells to matrix at current cell" msgstr "Incolla le celle sugli appunti sulla matrice alla cella corrente" #: common/grid_tricks.cpp:245 msgid "Select All\tCTRL+A" msgstr "Seleziona tutto\tCTRL+A" #: common/grid_tricks.cpp:245 msgid "Select all cells" msgstr "Seleziona tutte le celle" #: common/hotkey_store.cpp:43 msgid "Pan Left/Right" msgstr "Pan sinistra/destra" #: common/hotkey_store.cpp:44 msgid "Pan Up/Down" msgstr "Pan alto/basso" #: common/hotkey_store.cpp:45 eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:233 msgid "Finish Drawing" msgstr "Termina grafica" #: common/hotkey_store.cpp:46 msgid "Show Clarify Selection Menu" msgstr "Mostra menu disambigua selezione" #: common/hotkey_store.cpp:47 msgid "Add to Selection" msgstr "Aggiungi alla selezione" #: common/hotkey_store.cpp:48 msgid "Toggle Selection State" msgstr "Commuta stato selezione" #: common/hotkey_store.cpp:49 msgid "Remove from Selection" msgstr "Rimuovi dalla selezione" #: common/hotkey_store.cpp:50 msgid "Ignore Grid Snaps" msgstr "Ignora magnetismo griglia" #: common/hotkey_store.cpp:51 msgid "Ignore Other Snaps" msgstr "Ignora altri magnetismi" #: common/hotkey_store.cpp:66 msgid "Kicad Manager" msgstr "Manager di KiCad" #: common/hotkey_store.cpp:67 eeschema/eeschema_config.cpp:348 #: eeschema/menubar.cpp:124 eeschema/sch_edit_frame.cpp:1029 #: eeschema/sch_edit_frame.cpp:1036 msgid "Eeschema" msgstr "Eeschema" #: common/hotkey_store.cpp:68 pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:206 #: pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:866 pcbnew/pcbnew_config.cpp:65 msgid "Pcbnew" msgstr "PcbNew" #: common/hotkey_store.cpp:69 pagelayout_editor/menubar.cpp:83 #: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:452 msgid "Page Layout Editor" msgstr "Editor disposizione pagina" #: common/hotkey_store.cpp:135 msgid "Gestures" msgstr "Gestures" #: common/kiway.cpp:225 #, c-format msgid "Failed to load kiface library \"%s\"." msgstr "Fallito il caricamento della libreria kiface \"%s\"." #: common/kiway.cpp:234 #, c-format msgid "" "Could not read instance name and version symbol form kiface library \"%s\"." msgstr "" "Impossibile leggere nome istanza e simbolo di versione dalla libreria kiface " "\"%s\"." #: common/kiway.cpp:268 #, c-format msgid "" "Fatal Installation Bug. File:\n" "\"%s\"\n" "could not be loaded\n" msgstr "" "Errore fatale di installazione. Il file:\n" "\"%s\"\n" "non può essere caricato\n" #: common/kiway.cpp:272 msgid "It is missing.\n" msgstr "È mancante.\n" #: common/kiway.cpp:274 msgid "Perhaps a shared library (.dll or .so) file is missing.\n" msgstr "Forse manca un file di libreria condivisa (.dll o .so).\n" #: common/kiway.cpp:276 msgid "" "From command line: argv[0]:\n" "'" msgstr "" "Dalla riga di comando: argv[0]:\n" "'" #: common/languages_menu.cpp:53 msgid "Set Language" msgstr "Imposta lingua" #: common/layer_id.cpp:29 eeschema/sch_bus_entry.cpp:394 msgid "Wire" msgstr "Filo" #: common/layer_id.cpp:32 eeschema/sch_bus_entry.cpp:395 msgid "Bus" msgstr "Bus" #: common/layer_id.cpp:35 eeschema/sch_junction.h:93 msgid "Junction" msgstr "Giunzione" #: common/layer_id.cpp:38 eeschema/connection_graph.cpp:2395 #: eeschema/sch_text.cpp:571 msgid "Label" msgstr "Etichetta" #: common/layer_id.cpp:41 eeschema/connection_graph.cpp:2395 msgid "Global label" msgstr "Etichetta globale" #: common/layer_id.cpp:44 msgid "Hierarchical label" msgstr "Etichetta gerarchica" #: common/layer_id.cpp:47 msgid "Pin number" msgstr "Numero piedino" #: common/layer_id.cpp:50 msgid "Pin name" msgstr "Nome piedino" #: common/layer_id.cpp:53 #, fuzzy msgid "Symbol reference" msgstr "Riferimenti simboli" #: common/layer_id.cpp:56 #, fuzzy msgid "Symbol value" msgstr "Valori simboli" #: common/layer_id.cpp:59 #, fuzzy msgid "Symbol fields" msgstr "Campi del simbolo" #: common/layer_id.cpp:62 #, fuzzy msgid "Symbol body outline" msgstr "Profilo corpo" #: common/layer_id.cpp:65 #, fuzzy msgid "Symbol body fill" msgstr "Autori simboli" #: common/layer_id.cpp:68 msgid "Notes" msgstr "Note" #: common/layer_id.cpp:71 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_select_net_from_list.cpp:349 msgid "Net name" msgstr "Nome collegamento" #: common/layer_id.cpp:74 eeschema/lib_pin.h:108 msgid "Pin" msgstr "Pin" #: common/layer_id.cpp:77 #, fuzzy msgid "Sheet border" msgstr "Nome etichetta del foglio" #: common/layer_id.cpp:80 #, fuzzy msgid "Sheet background" msgstr "Sfondo bianco" #: common/layer_id.cpp:83 eeschema/sch_sheet.cpp:54 msgid "Sheet name" msgstr "Nome foglio" #: common/layer_id.cpp:86 #, fuzzy msgid "Sheet fields" msgstr "Cancella campo" #: common/layer_id.cpp:89 msgid "Sheet file name" msgstr "Nome file del foglio" #: common/layer_id.cpp:92 msgid "Sheet label" msgstr "Nome etichetta del foglio" #: common/layer_id.cpp:95 msgid "No connect symbol" msgstr "Simbolo di non connesso" #: common/layer_id.cpp:98 msgid "ERC warning" msgstr "Avviso ERC" #: common/layer_id.cpp:101 msgid "ERC error" msgstr "Errore ERC" #: common/layer_id.cpp:104 common/tool/grid_menu.cpp:42 #: gerbview/gerbview_layer_widget.cpp:105 pcbnew/pcb_layer_widget.cpp:85 msgid "Grid" msgstr "Griglia" #: common/layer_id.cpp:107 gerbview/gerbview_layer_widget.cpp:107 #: pcbnew/pcb_layer_widget.cpp:86 msgid "Background" msgstr "Sfondo" #: common/layer_id.cpp:110 pcbnew/pcb_layer_widget.cpp:83 msgid "Cursor" msgstr "Puntatore" #: common/layer_id.cpp:113 #, fuzzy msgid "Highlighted items" msgstr "Collegamento evidenziato: %s" #: common/layer_id.cpp:116 #, fuzzy msgid "Hidden item" msgstr "Elementi nascosti" #: common/layer_id.cpp:119 #, fuzzy msgid "Selection highlight" msgstr "Evidenziazione selezione" #: common/layer_id.cpp:122 gerbview/gerbview_layer_widget.cpp:106 #: pcbnew/pcb_layer_widget.cpp:82 msgid "Worksheet" msgstr "Foglio di lavoro" #: common/lib_id.cpp:284 msgid "Illegal character found in logical library name" msgstr "Carattere non consentito trovato nel nome logico della libreria " #: common/lib_id.cpp:301 msgid "Illegal character found in revision" msgstr "Carattere non consentito trovato nella revisione" #: common/lib_tree_model.cpp:138 eeschema/lib_item.cpp:63 #: eeschema/libedit/symbedit.cpp:226 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:56 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:67 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:78 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:89 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:102 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:113 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:169 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:180 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:193 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:204 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:215 msgid "Unit" msgstr "Unità" #: common/lib_tree_model_adapter.cpp:265 msgid "Item" msgstr "Elemento" #: common/marker_base.cpp:284 msgid "Marker Info" msgstr "Info marcatore" #: common/page_layout/page_layout_reader.cpp:776 #, c-format msgid "The file \"%s\" was not fully read" msgstr "Il file \"%s\" non è stato letto completamente" #: common/page_layout/ws_data_model_io.cpp:99 #: common/page_layout/ws_data_model_io.cpp:127 msgid "Error writing page layout design file" msgstr "Errore durante la scrittura del file di disposizione pagina" #: common/page_layout/ws_draw_item.cpp:110 eeschema/pin_shape.cpp:45 #: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:230 pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:43 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:123 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_keepout_area_properties_base.cpp:63 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:52 msgid "Line" msgstr "Linea" #: common/page_layout/ws_draw_item.cpp:114 eeschema/lib_rectangle.h:54 msgid "Rectangle" msgstr "Rettangolo" #: common/page_layout/ws_draw_item.cpp:119 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:43 eeschema/lib_text.h:59 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_design_inspector_base.cpp:40 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:145 #: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:352 pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:359 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:28 msgid "Text" msgstr "Testo" #: common/page_layout/ws_draw_item.cpp:123 msgid "Imported Shape" msgstr "Forma importata" #: common/page_layout/ws_draw_item.cpp:127 eeschema/sch_bitmap.h:133 msgid "Image" msgstr "Immagine" #: common/page_layout/ws_draw_item.cpp:133 msgid "First Page Only" msgstr "Solo prima pagina" #: common/page_layout/ws_draw_item.cpp:134 msgid "Subsequent Pages" msgstr "Pagine successive" #: common/page_layout/ws_draw_item.cpp:135 msgid "All Pages" msgstr "Tutte le pagine" #: common/page_layout/ws_draw_item.cpp:138 msgid "First Page Option" msgstr "Opzione prima pagina" #: common/page_layout/ws_draw_item.cpp:141 msgid "Repeat Count" msgstr "Conteggio ripetizione" #: common/page_layout/ws_draw_item.cpp:144 msgid "Repeat Label Increment" msgstr "Incremento etichetta di ripetizione" #: common/page_layout/ws_draw_item.cpp:150 msgid "Repeat Position Increment" msgstr "Incremento posizione di ripetizione" #: common/page_layout/ws_draw_item.cpp:152 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_design_inspector_base.cpp:39 msgid "Comment" msgstr "Commento" #: common/page_layout/ws_draw_item.cpp:184 #, c-format msgid "Text %s at (%s, %s)" msgstr "Testo %s a (%s, %s)" #: common/page_layout/ws_draw_item.cpp:284 #, c-format msgid "Imported shape at (%s, %s)" msgstr "Forma importata a (%s, %s)" #: common/page_layout/ws_draw_item.cpp:341 eeschema/lib_rectangle.cpp:260 #, c-format msgid "Rectangle from (%s, %s) to (%s, %s)" msgstr "Rettangolo da (%s, %s) a (%s, %s)" #: common/page_layout/ws_draw_item.cpp:372 #, c-format msgid "Line from (%s, %s) to (%s, %s)" msgstr "Linea da (%s, %s) a (%s, %s)" #: common/page_layout/ws_draw_item.cpp:425 #, c-format msgid "Image at (%s, %s)" msgstr "Immagine a (%s, %s)" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:76 common/widgets/footprint_select_widget.cpp:226 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic_base.cpp:184 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_line_style.cpp:62 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:63 msgid "Default" msgstr "Predefinita" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:78 msgid "French" msgstr "Francese" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:79 msgid "Finnish" msgstr "Finlandese" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:80 msgid "Spanish" msgstr "Spagnolo" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:81 msgid "Portuguese" msgstr "Portoghese" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:82 msgid "Italian" msgstr "Italiano" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:83 msgid "German" msgstr "Tedesco" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:84 msgid "Greek" msgstr "Greco" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:85 msgid "Slovenian" msgstr "Sloveno" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:86 msgid "Slovak" msgstr "Slovacco" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:87 msgid "Hungarian" msgstr "Ungherese" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:88 msgid "Polish" msgstr "Polacco" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:89 msgid "Czech" msgstr "Ceco" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:90 msgid "Russian" msgstr "Russo" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:91 msgid "Korean" msgstr "Coreano" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:93 msgid "Chinese simplified" msgstr "Cinese semplificato" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:95 msgid "Chinese traditional" msgstr "Cinese tradizionale" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:96 msgid "Catalan" msgstr "Catalano" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:97 msgid "Dutch" msgstr "Olandese" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:98 msgid "Japanese" msgstr "Giapponese" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:99 msgid "Bulgarian" msgstr "Bulgaro" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:100 msgid "Lithuanian" msgstr "Lituano" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:174 msgid "No default editor found, you must choose it" msgstr "Nessun editor predefinito trovato, sceglierne uno" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:194 msgid "Executable file (*.exe)|*.exe" msgstr "File eseguibile (*.exe)|*.exe" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:196 msgid "Executable file (*)|*" msgstr "File eseguibile (*)|*" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:206 msgid "Select Preferred Editor" msgstr "Scegli editor preferito" #: common/pgm_base.cpp:225 #, c-format msgid "%s is already running. Continue?" msgstr "%s è già in esecuzione. Continuare?" #: common/project.cpp:285 #, c-format msgid "Unable to find \"%s\" template config file." msgstr "Impossibile trovare il file di modello configurazione \"%s\"." #: common/project.cpp:288 msgid "Error copying project file template" msgstr "Errore durante la copia del modello di progetto" #: common/project.cpp:309 #, c-format msgid "Cannot create prj file \"%s\" (Directory not writable)" msgstr "Impossibile creare il file progetto \"%s\" (cartella non scrivibile)" #: common/project.cpp:458 common/project.cpp:463 msgid "Error loading project footprint library table" msgstr "Errore durante il caricamento della tabella librerie del progetto" #: common/richio.cpp:167 #, c-format msgid "Unable to open filename \"%s\" for reading" msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file di nome \"%s\" in lettura" #: common/richio.cpp:201 common/richio.cpp:296 msgid "Maximum line length exceeded" msgstr "Lunghezza massima linea eccedente" #: common/richio.cpp:263 msgid "Line length exceeded" msgstr "Lunghezza linea eccedente" #: common/richio.cpp:547 msgid "OUTPUTSTREAM_OUTPUTFORMATTER write error" msgstr "OUTPUTSTREAM_OUTPUTFORMATTER errore di scrittura" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:41 msgid "New..." msgstr "Nuovo..." #: common/tool/actions.cpp:41 msgid "Create a new document in the editor" msgstr "Crea un nuovo documento nell'editor" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:47 msgid "New Library..." msgstr "Nuova libreria..." #: common/tool/actions.cpp:47 msgid "Create a new library folder" msgstr "Crea una nuova cartella libreria" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:53 msgid "Add Library..." msgstr "Aggiungi libreria..." #: common/tool/actions.cpp:53 msgid "Add an existing library folder" msgstr "Aggiungi una cartella libreria esistente" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:59 msgid "Open..." msgstr "Apri..." #: common/tool/actions.cpp:59 msgid "Open existing document" msgstr "Apri documento esistente" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:65 msgid "Save changes" msgstr "Salva i cambiamenti" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:71 msgid "Save As..." msgstr "Salva con nome..." #: common/tool/actions.cpp:71 msgid "Save current document to another location" msgstr "Salva il documento corrente in un'altra posizione" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:77 msgid "Save Copy As..." msgstr "Salva copia con nome..." #: common/tool/actions.cpp:77 msgid "Save a copy of the current document to another location" msgstr "Salva una copia del documento corrente in un'altra posizione" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:83 msgid "Save All" msgstr "Salva tutto" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:83 msgid "Save all changes" msgstr "Salva tutti i cambiamenti" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:89 msgid "Throw away changes" msgstr "Annulla i cambiamenti" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:95 msgid "Page Settings..." msgstr "Impostazioni pagina..." #: common/tool/actions.cpp:95 msgid "Settings for paper size and title block info" msgstr "Impostazioni dimensioni pagina e informazioni del riquadro iscrizioni" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:101 kicad/tree_project_frame.cpp:706 msgid "Print..." msgstr "Stampa..." #: common/tool/actions.cpp:107 msgid "Plot..." msgstr "Traccia..." #: common/tool/actions.cpp:107 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot.cpp:60 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.h:141 msgid "Plot" msgstr "Traccia" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:113 common/tool/conditional_menu.cpp:115 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Esci" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:113 msgid "Close the current editor" msgstr "Chiudi l'editor corrente" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:120 msgid "Cancel current tool" msgstr "Annulla strumento corrente" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:126 msgid "Show Context Menu" msgstr "Mostra menu contestuale" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:126 msgid "Perform the right-mouse-button action" msgstr "Esegue l'azione del tasto destro del mouse" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:135 msgid "Undo" msgstr "Annulla" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:135 pcbnew/help_common_strings.h:15 msgid "Undo last edit" msgstr "Annulla ultima modifica" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:146 msgid "Redo" msgstr "Rifà" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:146 msgid "Redo last edit" msgstr "Rifà l'ultima modifica" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:152 pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:935 msgid "Cut" msgstr "Taglia" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:152 msgid "Cut selected item(s) to clipboard" msgstr "Taglia gli elementi selezionati sugli appunti" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:158 msgid "Copy" msgstr "Copia" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:158 msgid "Copy selected item(s) to clipboard" msgstr "Copia gli elementi selezionati sugli appunti" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:164 msgid "Paste" msgstr "Incolla" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:164 msgid "Paste clipboard into schematic" msgstr "Incolla gli appunti nello schema" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:169 msgid "Paste Special..." msgstr "Incolla speciale..." #: common/tool/actions.cpp:169 msgid "Paste clipboard into schematic with options" msgstr "Incolla gli appunti nello schema con opzioni" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:175 msgid "Duplicate" msgstr "Duplica" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:175 msgid "Duplicates the selected item(s)" msgstr "Duplica gli elementi selezionati" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:181 kicad/tree_project_frame.cpp:698 #: pcbnew/pcb_parser.cpp:626 pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:937 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Cancella" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:181 msgid "Deletes selected item(s)" msgstr "Elimina gli elementi selezionati" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:186 msgid "Interactive Delete Tool" msgstr "Strumento di cancellazione interattivo" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:186 msgid "Delete clicked items" msgstr "Elimina elementi selezionati" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:195 eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find.cpp:33 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find_base.h:74 msgid "Find" msgstr "Cerca" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:195 msgid "Find text" msgstr "Trova testo" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:201 eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find.cpp:43 msgid "Find and Replace" msgstr "Trova e sostituisci" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:201 msgid "Find and replace text" msgstr "Trova e sostituisci testo" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:207 msgid "Find Next" msgstr "Trova il prossimo" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:207 msgid "Find next match" msgstr "Trova la prossima corrispondenza" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:213 msgid "Find Next Marker" msgstr "Trova il prossimo marcatore" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:219 msgid "Replace and Find Next" msgstr "Rimpiazza e trova il prossimo" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:219 msgid "Replace current match and find next" msgstr "Rimpiazza la corrispondenza corrente e trova la prossima" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:225 msgid "Replace All" msgstr "Rimpiazza tutti" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:225 msgid "Replace all matches" msgstr "Rimpiazza tutte le corrispondenze" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:240 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Aggiorna" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:262 msgid "Zoom In at Cursor" msgstr "Ingrandisci al puntatore" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:273 msgid "Zoom Out at Cursor" msgstr "Rimpicciolisci al puntatore" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:279 common/widgets/mathplot.cpp:1745 #: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:79 msgid "Zoom In" msgstr "Ingrandisci" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:285 common/widgets/mathplot.cpp:1746 #: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:83 msgid "Zoom Out" msgstr "Rimpicciolisci" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:291 common/widgets/mathplot.cpp:1743 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:199 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:218 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_text_base.cpp:120 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_text_base.cpp:150 #: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:142 eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:150 #: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:470 eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:480 #: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:562 eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:573 #: gerbview/gerber_file_image.cpp:356 gerbview/gerber_file_image.cpp:359 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:64 #: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:80 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties.cpp:165 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties.cpp:172 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_basicshapes_properties.cpp:120 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:161 msgid "Center" msgstr "Centra" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:297 msgid "Zoom to Selection" msgstr "Zoom alla selezione" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:310 msgid "Cursor Up" msgstr "Puntatore su" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:316 msgid "Cursor Down" msgstr "Puntatore giù" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:322 msgid "Cursor Left" msgstr "Puntatore sinistra" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:328 msgid "Cursor Right" msgstr "Puntatore destra" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:335 msgid "Cursor Up Fast" msgstr "Puntatore su veloce" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:341 msgid "Cursor Down Fast" msgstr "Puntatore giù veloce" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:347 msgid "Cursor Left Fast" msgstr "Puntatore sinistra veloce" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:353 msgid "Cursor Right Fast" msgstr "Puntatore destra veloce" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:359 msgid "Click" msgstr "Clic" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:359 msgid "Performs left mouse button click" msgstr "Esegue il clic del tasto sinistro del mouse" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:365 msgid "Double-click" msgstr "doppio clic" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:365 msgid "Performs left mouse button double-click" msgstr "Esegue il doppio clic del tasto sinistro del mouse" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:373 msgid "Pin Library" msgstr "Blocca libreria" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:377 msgid "Unpin Library" msgstr "Sblocca libreria" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:382 msgid "Pan Up" msgstr "Pan alto" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:388 msgid "Pan Down" msgstr "Pan basso" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:394 msgid "Pan Left" msgstr "Pan sinistra" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:400 msgid "Pan Right" msgstr "Pan destra" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:407 msgid "Switch to Fast Grid 1" msgstr "Passa a griglia veloce 1" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:412 msgid "Switch to Fast Grid 2" msgstr "Passa a griglia veloce 2" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:417 msgid "Switch to Next Grid" msgstr "Passa a griglia successiva" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:421 msgid "Switch to Previous Grid" msgstr "Passa a griglia precedente" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:426 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_set_grid_base.cpp:23 msgid "Grid Origin" msgstr "Origine griglia" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:426 msgid "Set the grid origin point" msgstr "Imposta il punto origine della griglia" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:432 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_set_grid_base.cpp:150 msgid "Reset Grid Origin" msgstr "Reimposta origine griglia" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:439 msgid "Show Grid" msgstr "Mostra griglia" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:439 msgid "Display grid dots or lines in the edit window" msgstr "Mostra i punti o le linee della griglia nella finestra di modifica" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:444 msgid "Grid Properties..." msgstr "Proprietà griglia..." #: common/tool/actions.cpp:444 msgid "Set grid dimensions" msgstr "Imposta dimensioni griglia" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:449 msgid "Imperial" msgstr "Imperiali" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:449 msgid "Use inches and mils" msgstr "Usa pollici e mils" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:454 msgid "Metric" msgstr "Metriche" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:454 msgid "Use millimeters" msgstr "Usa i millimetri" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:460 msgid "Switch units" msgstr "Commuta unità" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:460 msgid "Switch between inches and millimeters" msgstr "Commuta tra pollici e millimetri" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:465 msgid "Polar Coordinates" msgstr "Coordinate polari" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:465 msgid "Switch between polar and cartesian coordinate systems" msgstr "Commuta tra i sistemi di coordinate polare e cartesiano" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:471 msgid "Reset Local Coordinates" msgstr "Azzera coordinate locali" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:477 msgid "Always Show Cursor" msgstr "Mostra sempre il puntatore" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:477 msgid "Display crosshairs even in selection tool" msgstr "Mostra il crocino anche nello strumento di selezione" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:482 msgid "Full-Window Crosshairs" msgstr "Croce a pieno schermo" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:482 msgid "Switch display of full-window crosshairs" msgstr "Commuta visualizzazione a croce a pieno schermo" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:488 msgid "High Contrast Mode" msgstr "Modalità ad alto contrasto" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:488 msgid "Use high contrast display mode" msgstr "Usa la modalità di visualizzazione dello schermo ad alto contrasto" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:493 msgid "Select item(s)" msgstr "Seleziona elementi" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:500 msgid "Measure Tool" msgstr "Strumento di misura" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:500 msgid "Interactively measure distance between points" msgstr "Misura interattivamente distanze tra punti" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:509 msgid "Show 3D viewer window" msgstr "Mostra la finestra di visualizzazione 3D" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:514 eeschema/lib_view_frame.cpp:101 msgid "Symbol Library Browser" msgstr "Esploratore librerie di simboli" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:514 msgid "Browse symbol libraries" msgstr "Esplora le librerie di simboli" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:519 eeschema/eeschema_config.cpp:599 #: eeschema/libedit/libedit.cpp:52 msgid "Symbol Editor" msgstr "Editor di simboli" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:519 msgid "Create, delete and edit symbols" msgstr "Crea, cancella e modifica i simboli" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:524 pcbnew/footprint_viewer_frame.cpp:116 #: pcbnew/footprint_viewer_frame.cpp:896 msgid "Footprint Library Browser" msgstr "Esploratore librerie di impronte" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:524 msgid "Browse footprint libraries" msgstr "Esplora le librerie di impronte" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:529 pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:644 #: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:816 pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:108 msgid "Footprint Editor" msgstr "Editor impronte" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:529 msgid "Create, delete and edit footprints" msgstr "Crea, cancella e modifica le impronte" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:535 msgid "Update PCB from Schematic..." msgstr "Aggiorna il C.S. dallo schema..." #: common/tool/actions.cpp:535 msgid "Push changes from schematic to PCB" msgstr "Invia i cambiamenti dallo schema al C.S." #: common/tool/actions.cpp:539 msgid "Update Schematic from PCB..." msgstr "Aggiorna lo schema dal C.S. ..." #: common/tool/actions.cpp:540 msgid "Push changes from PCB to Schematic" msgstr "Invia i cambiamenti dal C.S. allo schema" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:550 msgid "Accelerated Graphics" msgstr "Grafica accelerata" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:550 msgid "Use hardware-accelerated graphics (recommended)" msgstr "Usa la grafica accelerata in hardware (raccomandato)" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:561 msgid "Standard Graphics" msgstr "Grafica standard" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:561 msgid "Use software graphics (fall-back)" msgstr "Usa la grafica non accelerata (di ripiego)" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:566 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_edit_footprint_for_BoardEditor_base.cpp:487 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_edit_footprint_for_fp_editor_base.cpp:371 msgid "Configure Paths..." msgstr "Configura percorsi..." #: common/tool/actions.cpp:566 msgid "Edit path configuration environment variables" msgstr "Modifica i percorsi delle variabili ambiente" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:571 msgid "Manage Symbol Libraries..." msgstr "Gestione librerie simboli..." #: common/tool/actions.cpp:572 msgid "Edit the global and project symbol library lists" msgstr "Modifica gli elenchi librerie di simboli globale e del progetto" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:577 msgid "Manage Footprint Libraries..." msgstr "Gestione librerie di impronte..." #: common/tool/actions.cpp:578 msgid "Edit the global and project footprint library lists" msgstr "Modifica gli elenchi librerie di impronte globale e del progetto" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:583 msgid "Getting Started with KiCad" msgstr "Introduzione a KiCad" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:584 msgid "Open \"Getting Started in KiCad\" guide for beginners" msgstr "Apri \"Introduzione a KiCad\", guida introduttiva" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:589 msgid "Help" msgstr "Aiuto" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:590 msgid "Open product documentation in a web browser" msgstr "Apri la documentazione del prodotto in un browser web" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:596 msgid "List Hotkeys..." msgstr "Elenco tasti..." #: common/tool/actions.cpp:597 msgid "Displays current hotkeys table and corresponding commands" msgstr "Mostra l'elenco dei tasti correnti e dei comandi corrispondenti" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:602 msgid "Get Involved" msgstr "Collabora con noi" #: common/tool/actions.cpp:603 msgid "Open \"Contribute to KiCad\" in a web browser" msgstr "Apri \"Contribuire a KiCad\" in un browser web" #: common/tool/common_control.cpp:154 #, c-format msgid "" "Html or pdf help file \n" "%s\n" "or\n" "%s could not be found." msgstr "" "File guida HTML o PDF \n" "%s\n" "o\n" "%s non trovato." #: common/tool/common_control.cpp:168 #, c-format msgid "Help file \"%s\" could not be found." msgstr "File della guida \"%s\" non trovato." #: common/tool/common_control.cpp:191 #, c-format msgid "" "Could not launch the default browser.\n" "For information on how to help the KiCad project, visit %s" msgstr "" "Impossibile eseguire il browser Internet predefinito.\n" "Per informazioni su come aiutare il progetto KiCad, visitare %s" #: common/tool/common_control.cpp:194 msgid "Get involved with KiCad" msgstr "Collabora a KiCad" #: common/tool/conditional_menu.cpp:104 msgid "Close\tCTRL+W" msgstr "Chiudi\tCTRL+W" #: common/tool/zoom_menu.cpp:41 msgid "Zoom" msgstr "Zoom" #: common/tool/zoom_menu.cpp:51 #, c-format msgid "Zoom: %.2f" msgstr "Zoom: %.2f" #: common/validators.cpp:250 #, c-format msgid "Incorrect value: %s" msgstr "Valore errato: %s" #: common/validators.cpp:294 msgid "Entry contains trailing white space." msgstr "La voce contiene uno spazio iniziale" #: common/validators.cpp:298 msgid "Entry contains leading white space." msgstr "La voce contiene uno spazio finale." #: common/validators.cpp:302 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid library identifier format." msgstr "\"%s\" non è un identificatore di formato libreria valido." #: common/validators.cpp:309 msgid "Library Identifier Validation Error" msgstr "Errore di validazione identificatore di libreria" #: common/view/view.cpp:567 msgid "Mirroring for Y axis is not supported yet" msgstr "La resa speculare lungo l'asse Y non è ancora supportata" #: common/widgets/footprint_preview_widget.cpp:96 msgid "Footprint not found" msgstr "Impronta non trovata" #: common/widgets/footprint_select_widget.cpp:77 cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:708 #: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:716 pcbnew/load_select_footprint.cpp:204 msgid "Loading Footprint Libraries" msgstr "Caricamento librerie di impronte" #: common/widgets/footprint_select_widget.cpp:225 msgid "No default footprint" msgstr "Nessuna impronta predefinita" #: common/widgets/footprint_select_widget.cpp:230 #: common/widgets/footprint_select_widget.cpp:231 msgid "Other..." msgstr "Altro..." #: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:73 msgid "Grid Options" msgstr "Opzioni griglia" #: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:78 msgid "Dots" msgstr "Punti" #: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:79 msgid "Lines" msgstr "Linee" #: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:80 msgid "Small crosses" msgstr "Piccole croci" #: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:84 msgid "Grid Style" msgstr "Stile griglia" #: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:96 msgid "Grid thickness:" msgstr "Spessore griglia:" #: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:107 #: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:123 msgid "px" msgstr "px" #: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:112 msgid "Min grid spacing:" msgstr "Spaziatura minima griglia:" #: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:137 msgid "Cursor Options" msgstr "Opzioni puntatore" #: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:142 msgid "Small crosshair" msgstr "Crocino piccolo" #: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:143 msgid "Full window crosshair" msgstr "Croce a pieno schermo" #: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:148 msgid "Cursor Shape" msgstr "Forma puntatore" #: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:153 msgid "Cursor shape for drawing, placement and movement tools" msgstr "" "Forma del puntatore per gli strumenti di disegno, piazzamento e spostamento" #: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:156 msgid "Always show crosshairs" msgstr "Mostra sempre il crocino" #: common/widgets/grid_text_button_helpers.cpp:343 msgid "Select a File" msgstr "Seleziona un file" #: common/widgets/mathplot.cpp:1743 msgid "Center plot view to this position" msgstr "Centra la vista tracciatura in questa posizione" #: common/widgets/mathplot.cpp:1744 eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:87 msgid "Fit on Screen" msgstr "Adatta allo schermo" #: common/widgets/mathplot.cpp:1744 msgid "Set plot view to show all items" msgstr "Imposta la vista tracciatura per mostrare tutti gli elementi" #: common/widgets/mathplot.cpp:1745 msgid "Zoom in plot view." msgstr "Ingrandisci vista tracciatura." #: common/widgets/mathplot.cpp:1746 msgid "Zoom out plot view." msgstr "Riduci vista tracciatura." #: common/widgets/net_selector.cpp:48 msgid "" msgstr "" #: common/widgets/net_selector.cpp:49 #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "Crea zone" #: common/widgets/net_selector.cpp:74 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_lib.cpp:553 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_lib.cpp:592 msgid "Filter:" msgstr "Filtro:" #: common/widgets/unit_binder.cpp:158 #, c-format msgid "%s must be at least %s." msgstr "%s deve essere almeno %s." #: common/widgets/unit_binder.cpp:174 #, c-format msgid "%s must be less than %s." msgstr "%s deve essere minore di %s." #: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:99 msgid "Press a new hotkey, or press Esc to cancel..." msgstr "Premere un nuovo tasto o premere Esc per annullare..." #: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:106 msgid "Command:" msgstr "Comando:" #: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:114 msgid "Current key:" msgstr "Tasto corrente:" #: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:208 msgid "Set Hotkey" msgstr "Imposta tasto" #: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:392 msgid "Edit..." msgstr "Modifica..." #: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:393 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_components_libid_base.cpp:64 msgid "Undo Changes" msgstr "Annulla cambiamenti" #: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:394 msgid "Clear Assigned Hotkey" msgstr "Cancella tasti assegnati" #: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:395 msgid "Restore Default" msgstr "Ripristina predefinito" #: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:433 #, c-format msgid "" "\"%s\" is already assigned to \"%s\" in section \"%s\". Are you sure you " "want to change its assignment?" msgstr "" "\"%s\" è già assegnata a \"%s\" nella sezione \"%s\". Sicuro di voler " "cambiare l'assegnamento?" #: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:439 msgid "Confirm change" msgstr "Conferma i cambiamenti" #: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:459 msgid "Command" msgstr "Comando" #: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:462 msgid "(double-click to edit)" msgstr "(doppio clic per modificare)" #: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:465 msgid "Hotkey" msgstr "Tasto" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:166 msgid "All files" msgstr "Tutti i file" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:172 msgid "KiCad drawing symbol files" msgstr "File di simboli grafici KiCad" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:178 msgid "KiCad symbol library files" msgstr "File di librerie di simboli KiCad" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:184 #, fuzzy msgid "KiCad legacy symbol library files" msgstr "File di librerie di simboli KiCad" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:190 msgid "KiCad project files" msgstr "File progetto KiCad" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:196 msgid "KiCad schematic files" msgstr "File di schemi elettrici KiCad" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:202 msgid "Eagle XML schematic files" msgstr "File di schemi elettrici Eagle XML" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:208 msgid "Eagle XML files" msgstr "File Eagle XML" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:214 msgid "KiCad netlist files" msgstr "File di netlist KiCad" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:220 gerbview/files.cpp:51 msgid "Gerber files" msgstr "File Gerber" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:226 #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:244 msgid "KiCad printed circuit board files" msgstr "File di circuiti stampati KiCad" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:232 msgid "Eagle ver. 6.x XML PCB files" msgstr "File di C.S. Eagle ver. 6.x XML" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:238 msgid "P-Cad 200x ASCII PCB files" msgstr "File di C.S. P-Cad 200x ASCII" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:250 msgid "KiCad footprint files" msgstr "File impronte KiCad" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:256 msgid "KiCad footprint library paths" msgstr "Percorsi di file di libreria impronte Kicad" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:262 msgid "Legacy footprint library files" msgstr "File di libreria di impronte obsoleti" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:268 msgid "Eagle ver. 6.x XML library files" msgstr "File di libreria Eagle ver. 6.x XML" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:274 msgid "Geda PCB footprint library files" msgstr "File di libreria di impronte Geda PCB" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:280 msgid "Page layout design files" msgstr "File di disposizione pagina" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:287 msgid "KiCad symbol footprint link files" msgstr "File di collegamento impronte-simboli KiCad" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:294 gerbview/files.cpp:70 msgid "Drill files" msgstr "File forature" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:300 msgid "SVG files" msgstr "File SVG" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:306 msgid "HTML files" msgstr "File HTML" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:312 msgid "CSV Files" msgstr "File CSV" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:318 msgid "Portable document format files" msgstr "File PDF" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:324 msgid "PostScript files" msgstr "File PostScript" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:330 msgid "Report files" msgstr "File rapporti" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:336 msgid "Footprint place files" msgstr "File di posizionamento impronte" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:342 msgid "VRML and X3D files" msgstr "File VRML e X3D" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:348 msgid "IDFv3 footprint files" msgstr "File impronte IDFv3" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:354 msgid "Text files" msgstr "File di testo" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:360 msgid "Legacy footprint export files" msgstr "File di esportazione impronte obsoleti" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:366 msgid "Electronic rule check file" msgstr "File di controllo regole elettroniche" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:372 msgid "Spice library file" msgstr "File di libreria Spice" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:378 msgid "SPICE netlist file" msgstr "File netlist SPICE" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:384 msgid "CadStar netlist file" msgstr "File netlist CadStar" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:390 msgid "Symbol footprint association files" msgstr "File di associazione simboli-impronte" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:396 msgid "Zip file" msgstr "File zip" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:402 msgid "GenCAD 1.4 board files" msgstr "File di C.S. GenCAD 1.4" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:408 msgid "DXF Files" msgstr "File DXF" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:414 msgid "Gerber job file" msgstr "File di lavoro Gerber" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:420 msgid "Specctra DSN file" msgstr "File Specctra DSN" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:426 msgid "IPC-D-356 Test Files" msgstr "File di test IPC-D-356" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:432 msgid "Workbook file" msgstr "File libretto di lavoro" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:438 msgid "PNG file" msgstr "File PNG" #: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:444 msgid "Jpeg file" msgstr "File Jpeg" #: cvpcb/auto_associate.cpp:102 #, c-format msgid "Equivalence file \"%s\" could not be found in the default search paths." msgstr "" "File di equivalenze \"%s\" non trovato nei percorsi di ricerca predefiniti." #: cvpcb/auto_associate.cpp:123 #, c-format msgid "Error opening equivalence file \"%s\"." msgstr "Errore durante l'apertura del file equivalenze \"%s\"." #: cvpcb/auto_associate.cpp:174 msgid "Equivalence File Load Error" msgstr "Errore nel caricamento file equivalenze" #: cvpcb/auto_associate.cpp:182 #, c-format msgid "%lu footprint/cmp equivalences found." msgstr "%lu equivalenze impronte/cmp trovate." #: cvpcb/auto_associate.cpp:257 #, c-format msgid "" "Component %s: footprint %s not found in any of the project footprint " "libraries." msgstr "" "Componente %s: impronta \"%s\" non trovato in nessuna libreria del progetto" #: cvpcb/auto_associate.cpp:302 msgid "CvPcb Warning" msgstr "Avvertenza CvPcb" #: cvpcb/cfg.cpp:68 #, c-format msgid "Project file \"%s\" is not writable" msgstr "File progetto \"%s\" non scrivibile" #: cvpcb/cvpcb.cpp:154 msgid "" "You have run CvPcb for the first time using the new footprint library table " "method for finding footprints.\n" "CvPcb has either copied the default table or created an empty table in your " "home folder.\n" "You must first configure the library table to include all footprint " "libraries not included with KiCad.\n" "See the \"Footprint Library Table\" section of the CvPcb documentation for " "more information." msgstr "" "È necessario eseguire CvPcb per la prima volta usando il nuovo metodo " "tabella librerie impronte per rilevare le impronte.\n" "CvPcb ha copiato la tabella predefinita o creato una tabella vuota nella " "cartella utente.\n" "Bisogna configurare la tabella librerie per includere tutte le librerie " "impronte non incluse in KiCad.\n" "Consultare la sezione \"Tabella librerie impronte\" della documentazione di " "CvPcb per ulteriori informazioni." #: cvpcb/cvpcb.cpp:169 msgid "An error occurred attempting to load the global footprint library table" msgstr "Errore durante il caricamento della tabella librerie impronte globale" #: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:59 cvpcb/menubar.cpp:55 msgid "Assign Footprints" msgstr "Assegna impronte" #: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:103 pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:980 msgid "Footprint Libraries" msgstr "Librerie di impronte" #: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:107 msgid "Symbol : Footprint Assignments" msgstr "Simbolo: assegnamenti impronte" #: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:110 msgid "Filtered Footprints" msgstr "Impronte filtrate" #: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:146 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_fields_editor_global_base.cpp:105 msgid "Apply, Save Schematic && Continue" msgstr "Applica, salva lo schema e continua" #: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:177 msgid "Symbol to footprint changes are unsaved" msgstr "Cambiamenti simboli a impronte non salvati" #: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:311 msgid "Symbol to Footprint links have been modified. Save changes?" msgstr "" "Le associazioni simbolo a impronta sono state modificate. Salvare i " "cambiamenti?" #: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:453 cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_association_tool.cpp:224 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid footprint." msgstr "\"%s\" non è un'impronta valida." #: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:605 msgid "key words" msgstr "parole chiave" #: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:618 msgid "pin count" msgstr "numero piedini" #: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:628 msgid "library" msgstr "libreria " #: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:636 msgid "search text" msgstr "Cerca testo" #: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:640 msgid "No filtering" msgstr "nessun filtro" #: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:642 #, c-format msgid "Filtered by %s" msgstr "Filtrato per %s" #: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:656 #, c-format msgid "Description: %s; Key words: %s" msgstr "Descrizione: %s; Parole chiave: %s" #: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:688 #, c-format msgid "Library location: %s" msgstr "Posizione libreria: %s" #: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:690 msgid "Library location: unknown" msgstr "Posizione libreria: sconosciuta" #: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:703 msgid "" "No PCB footprint libraries are listed in the current footprint library table." msgstr "" "Nessuna libreria impronte elencata nella tabella librerie impronte corrente." #: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:704 msgid "Configuration Error" msgstr "Errore di configurazione" #: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:771 #, c-format msgid "" "Error loading schematic.\n" "%s" msgstr "" "Errore durante il caricamento dello schema.\n" "%s" #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles.cpp:47 #, c-format msgid "Project file: \"%s\"" msgstr "File progetto: \"%s\"" #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles.cpp:91 msgid "No editor defined in KiCad. Please choose it." msgstr "Nessun editor definito in KiCad. Sceglierne uno." #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles.cpp:236 msgid "Footprint Association File" msgstr "File di associazione impronte" #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles.cpp:281 #, c-format msgid "File \"%s\" already exists in list" msgstr "Il file \"%s\" esiste già nell'elenco" #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:20 msgid "Symbol Footprint Association Files (.equ)" msgstr "File di associazione simboli-impronte (*.equ)" #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:36 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bus_manager.cpp:72 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bus_manager.cpp:106 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:637 #: eeschema/libedit/lib_edit_frame.cpp:726 msgid "Add" msgstr "Aggiungi" #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:39 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bus_manager.cpp:74 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bus_manager.cpp:108 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:645 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Rimuovi" #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:42 msgid "Move Up" msgstr "Sposta in alto " #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:45 msgid "Move Down" msgstr "Sposta in basso" #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:48 msgid "Edit File" msgstr "Modifica file" #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:63 msgid "Available environment variables for relative paths:" msgstr "Variabili ambiente disponibili per percorsi relativi:" #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:81 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:57 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic_base.cpp:49 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_rescue_each.cpp:134 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sch_sheet_props_base.cpp:51 #: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:286 #: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:189 eeschema/lib_field.cpp:392 #: eeschema/lib_field.cpp:465 eeschema/sch_component.cpp:1267 #: eeschema/sch_component.cpp:1315 eeschema/template_fieldnames.cpp:48 #: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:352 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_edit_footprint_for_BoardEditor_base.cpp:70 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_edit_footprint_for_fp_editor_base.cpp:70 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_plugin_options_base.cpp:44 #: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:415 #: pcbnew/footprint_wizard_frame.cpp:328 pcbnew/text_mod_grid_table.cpp:109 msgid "Value" msgstr "Valore" #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:99 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:100 msgid "Absolute" msgstr "Assoluta" #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:99 msgid "Relative" msgstr "Relativo" #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:101 msgid "Path Type:" msgstr "Tipo percorso:" #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_display_options_base.cpp:23 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_browser_display_options_base.cpp:23 msgid "Drawing Options" msgstr "Opzioni di disegno" #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_display_options_base.cpp:25 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_browser_display_options_base.cpp:25 msgid "Graphic items sketch mode" msgstr "Elementi grafici in modalità schizzo" #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_display_options_base.cpp:28 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_browser_display_options_base.cpp:28 msgid "Texts sketch mode" msgstr "Testo in modalità schizzo" #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_display_options_base.cpp:31 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_browser_display_options_base.cpp:31 msgid "Pad sketch mode" msgstr "Piazzola in modalità schizzo" #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_display_options_base.cpp:37 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_browser_display_options_base.cpp:37 msgid "Show pad &numbers" msgstr "Mostra &numeri di piazzola" #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_display_options_base.cpp:44 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_browser_display_options_base.cpp:44 msgid "Auto-zoom" msgstr "Auto-zoom" #: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_display_options_base.cpp:46 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_browser_display_options_base.cpp:46 msgid "Zoom to fit when changing footprint" msgstr "Adatta lo zoom ai cambiamenti all'impronta" #: cvpcb/dialogs/fp_conflict_assignment_selector.cpp:37 msgid "Ref" msgstr "Rif" #: cvpcb/dialogs/fp_conflict_assignment_selector.cpp:38 msgid "Schematic assignment" msgstr "Assegnamento schema" #: cvpcb/dialogs/fp_conflict_assignment_selector.cpp:41 msgid "Cmp file assignment" msgstr "Assegnamento file cmp" #: cvpcb/dialogs/fp_conflict_assignment_selector_base.cpp:19 msgid "" "Footprint assignments from schematic netlist and symbol footprint " "association file (.cmp) are conflicting.\n" "\n" "Please choose the assignment." msgstr "" "L'assegnamento impronte nella netlist dello schema e il file di associazione " "simboli impronte (.cmp) sono in conflitto.\n" "\n" "È necessario scegliere l'assegnamento." #: cvpcb/dialogs/fp_conflict_assignment_selector_base.h:53 msgid "Footprint Assignment Conflicts" msgstr "Conflitto di assegnamento impronte" #: cvpcb/display_footprints_frame.cpp:60 eeschema/toolbars_lib_view.cpp:106 #: pcbnew/toolbars_footprint_viewer.cpp:121 msgid "Footprint Viewer" msgstr "Visualizzatore impronte" #: cvpcb/display_footprints_frame.cpp:206 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:676 msgid "Show pads in outline mode" msgstr "Mostra piazzole in modalità contorno" #: cvpcb/display_footprints_frame.cpp:210 msgid "Show texts in line mode" msgstr "Mostra testo in modalità linea" #: cvpcb/display_footprints_frame.cpp:214 msgid "Show outlines in line mode" msgstr "Mostra contorni in modalità linea" #: cvpcb/display_footprints_frame.cpp:229 #: pcbnew/toolbars_footprint_viewer.cpp:55 msgid "Display options" msgstr "Opzioni schermo" #: cvpcb/display_footprints_frame.cpp:337 #, c-format msgid "Footprint ID \"%s\" is not valid." msgstr "L'ID impronta \"%s\" non è valido." #: cvpcb/display_footprints_frame.cpp:364 #, c-format msgid "Footprint \"%s\" not found" msgstr "Impronta \"%s\" non trovata" #: cvpcb/display_footprints_frame.cpp:391 #, c-format msgid "Footprint: %s" msgstr "Impronta: %s" #: cvpcb/display_footprints_frame.cpp:402 #, c-format msgid "Lib: %s" msgstr "Lib: %s" #: cvpcb/readwrite_dlgs.cpp:120 msgid "" "Some of the assigned footprints are legacy entries (are missing lib " "nicknames). Would you like CvPcb to attempt to convert them to the new " "required LIB_ID format? (If you answer no, then these assignments will be " "cleared out and you will have to re-assign these footprints yourself.)" msgstr "" "Alcune delle impronte assegnate sono voci obsolete (sono denominazioni di " "librerie mancanti). Vuoi che CvPcb cerchi di convertirle nel nuovo formato " "LIB_ID (se si risponde no, questi assegnamenti verranno cancellati e sarà " "necessario ri-assegnare le impronte manualmente)?" #: cvpcb/readwrite_dlgs.cpp:153 #, c-format msgid "" "Component \"%s\" footprint \"%s\" was not found in any library.\n" msgstr "" "Il simbolo \"%s\" impronta \"%s\" non è stato trovato in nessuna " "libreria.\n" #: cvpcb/readwrite_dlgs.cpp:161 #, c-format msgid "" "Component \"%s\" footprint \"%s\" was found in multiple libraries.\n" msgstr "" "Il simbolo \"%s\" impronta \"%s\" è stato trovato in più librerie.\n" #: cvpcb/readwrite_dlgs.cpp:174 msgid "First check your footprint library table entries." msgstr "Prima controllare le voci della propria tabella librerie impronte." #: cvpcb/readwrite_dlgs.cpp:176 msgid "Problematic Footprint Library Tables" msgstr "Tabelle librerie impronte problematiche" #: cvpcb/readwrite_dlgs.cpp:184 msgid "" "The following errors occurred attempting to convert the footprint " "assignments:\n" "\n" msgstr "" "I seguenti errori si sono verificati durante la conversione degli " "assegnamenti impronte:\n" #: cvpcb/readwrite_dlgs.cpp:187 msgid "" "\n" "You will need to reassign them manually if you want them to be updated " "correctly the next time you import the netlist in Pcbnew." msgstr "" "\n" "È necessario riassegnarle manualmente se si desidera vengano aggiornate " "correttamente la prossima volta che si importa la netlist in Pcbnew." #: cvpcb/readwrite_dlgs.cpp:304 msgid "Schematic saved" msgstr "Schema salvato" #: cvpcb/toolbars_cvpcb.cpp:69 msgid "Footprint Filters:" msgstr "Filtri impronte:" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:52 msgid "View selected footprint" msgstr "Mostra impronta selezionata" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:53 msgid "View the selected footprint in the footprint viewer" msgstr "Mostra l'impronta selezionata nel visualizzatore impronte" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:60 msgid "Manage Footprint Association Files" msgstr "Gestisci i file di associazione impronte" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:61 msgid "" "Configure footprint association file (.equ) list. These files are used to " "automatically assign footprint names from symbol values." msgstr "" "Configura l'elenco file associazioni impronte (.equ). Questi file vengono " "usati per assegnare automaticamente i nomi impronta in base ai valori dei " "simboli." #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:67 msgid "Save to Schematic" msgstr "Salva su schema" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:68 msgid "Save footprint associations in schematic symbol footprint fields" msgstr "" "Salva le associazioni impronte nei campi impronte dei simboli nello schema" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:89 cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:90 msgid "Select next unassociated symbol" msgstr "Seleziona il successivo simbolo non associato" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:96 cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:97 msgid "Select previous unassociated symbol" msgstr "Seleziona il precedente simbolo non associato" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:105 msgid "Associate footprint" msgstr "Associa impronta" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:106 msgid "Associate selected footprint with selected components" msgstr "Associa l'impronta selezionata con componenti selezionati" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:111 msgid "Automatically associate footprints" msgstr "Associa impronte automaticamente" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:112 msgid "Perform automatic footprint association" msgstr "Esegui automaticamente associazione impronte" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:117 msgid "Delete association" msgstr "Cancella associazione" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:118 msgid "Delete selected footprint associations" msgstr "Cancella associazioni delle impronte selezionate" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:123 cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:124 msgid "Delete all footprint associations" msgstr "Cancella tutte le associazioni impronte" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:131 msgid "Use symbol footprint filters" msgstr "Usa filtri impronte simboli" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:132 msgid "Filter footprint list by footprint filters defined in the symbol" msgstr "Filtra elenco impronte per filtri impronte definiti nel simbolo" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:138 msgid "Filter by pin count" msgstr "Filtra per numero di pin" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:139 msgid "Filter footprint list by pin count" msgstr "Filtra lista componenti per riferimento" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:145 msgid "Filter by library" msgstr "Filtra per libreria" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:146 msgid "Filter footprint list by library" msgstr "Filtra lista componenti per libreria" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:152 msgid "Filter by display name" msgstr "Filtra per nome mostrato" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:153 msgid "Filter footprint list using plain text matching or regular expressions" msgstr "" "Filtra elenco impronte usando normale confronto testuale o espressione " "regolare" #: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_association_tool.cpp:273 msgid "Delete all associations?" msgstr "Cancellare tutte le associazioni?" #: eeschema/annotate.cpp:116 #, c-format msgid "%d duplicate time stamps were found and replaced." msgstr "%d marcature temporali duplicate trovate e sostituite." #: eeschema/annotate.cpp:202 #, c-format msgid "Updated %s (unit %s) from %s to %s" msgstr "Aggiornato %s (unità %s) da %s a %s" #: eeschema/annotate.cpp:207 #, c-format msgid "Updated %s from %s to %s" msgstr "Aggiornato %s da %s a %s" #: eeschema/annotate.cpp:214 #, c-format msgid "Annotated %s (unit %s) as %s" msgstr "Annotato %s (unità %s) come %s" #: eeschema/annotate.cpp:219 #, c-format msgid "Annotated %s as %s" msgstr "Annotato %s come %s" #: eeschema/annotate.cpp:229 msgid "Annotation complete." msgstr "annotazione completa." #: eeschema/bom_plugins.cpp:34 #, c-format msgid "" "Script file:\n" "%s\n" "not found. Script not available." msgstr "" "File script:\n" "%s\n" "non trovato. Script non disponibile." #: eeschema/class_libentry.cpp:589 #, c-format msgid "" "An attempt was made to remove the %s field from component %s in library %s." msgstr "" "Si è tentato di rimuovere il campo %s del componente %s nella libreria %s." #: eeschema/class_library.cpp:54 #, c-format msgid "" "Library \"%s\" has duplicate entry name \"%s\".\n" "This may cause some unexpected behavior when loading components into a " "schematic." msgstr "" "La libreria \"%s\" ha un nome elemento duplicato \"%s\".\n" "Questo potrebbe causare un comportamento imprevisto all'inserimento di un " "componente in uno schema elettrico." #: eeschema/class_library.cpp:478 #, c-format msgid "Unable to load project's \"%s\" file" msgstr "Impossibile caricare il file progetto \"%s\"" #: eeschema/class_library.cpp:518 eeschema/libedit/lib_edit_frame.cpp:653 #: eeschema/symbol_tree_model_adapter.cpp:63 msgid "Loading Symbol Libraries" msgstr "Caricamento librerie simboli" #: eeschema/class_library.cpp:535 msgid "Loading " msgstr "Caricamento " #: eeschema/class_library.cpp:578 #, c-format msgid "" "Symbol library \"%s\" failed to load. Error:\n" " %s" msgstr "" "Fallito il caricamento della libreria di simboli \"%s\". Errore:\n" " %s" #: eeschema/class_library.cpp:602 #, c-format msgid "" "Symbol library \"%s\" failed to load.\n" "Error: %s" msgstr "" "Fallito il caricamento della libreria di simboli \"%s\".\n" "Errore: %s" #: eeschema/component_references_lister.cpp:516 #, c-format msgid "Item not annotated: %s%s (unit %d)\n" msgstr "Elemento non annotato: %s%s (unità %d)\n" #: eeschema/component_references_lister.cpp:523 #, c-format msgid "Item not annotated: %s%s\n" msgstr "Elemento non annotato: %s%s\n" #: eeschema/component_references_lister.cpp:544 #, c-format msgid "Error: symbol %s%s unit %d and symbol has only %d units defined\n" msgstr "Errore: simbolo %s%s unità %d e il simbolo ha solo %d unità definite\n" #: eeschema/component_references_lister.cpp:582 #: eeschema/component_references_lister.cpp:612 #, c-format msgid "Multiple item %s%s (unit %d)\n" msgstr "Elemento multiplo %s%s (unità %d)\n" #: eeschema/component_references_lister.cpp:589 #: eeschema/component_references_lister.cpp:619 #, c-format msgid "Multiple item %s%s\n" msgstr "Elemento multiplo %s%s\n" #: eeschema/component_references_lister.cpp:633 #, c-format msgid "Different values for %s%d%s (%s) and %s%d%s (%s)" msgstr "Valori differenti per %s%d%s (%s) e %s%d%s (%s)" #: eeschema/connection_graph.cpp:158 #, c-format msgid "" "%s and %s are both attached to the same wires. %s was picked as the label to " "use for netlisting." msgstr "" "%s e %s sono entrambi collegati agli stessi fili. %s è stato scelto come " "etichetta da usare per la netlist." #: eeschema/connection_graph.cpp:1988 #, c-format msgid "" "%s and %s are graphically connected but cannot electrically connect because " "one is a bus and the other is a net." msgstr "" "%s e %s sono connessi graficamente ma non elettricamente perché uno è un bus " "e l'altro è un collegamento." #: eeschema/connection_graph.cpp:2064 #, c-format msgid "%s and %s are graphically connected but do not share any bus members" msgstr "" "%s e %s sono graficamente connessi ma non condividono nessun membro bus" #: eeschema/connection_graph.cpp:2151 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s) is connected to %s (%s) but is not a member of the bus" msgstr "%s (%s) è connesso a %s (%s) ma non è un membro del bus" #: eeschema/connection_graph.cpp:2215 #, c-format msgid "Pin %s of component %s has a no-connect marker but is connected" msgstr "" "Il pin %s del componente %s ha un marcatore di non connesso ma è connesso" #: eeschema/connection_graph.cpp:2233 msgid "No-connect marker is not connected to anything" msgstr "Marcatore di non connesso non connesso a nulla" #: eeschema/connection_graph.cpp:2293 #, c-format msgid "Pin %s of component %s is unconnected." msgstr "Il pin %s del componente %s non è connesso." #: eeschema/connection_graph.cpp:2398 #, c-format msgid "%s %s is not connected anywhere else in the schematic." msgstr "%s %s non è connesso da nessun'altra parte nello schema." #: eeschema/cross-probing.cpp:123 #, c-format msgid "pin %s" msgstr "pin %s" #: eeschema/cross-probing.cpp:125 msgid "component" msgstr "componente" #: eeschema/cross-probing.cpp:130 #, c-format msgid "%s %s found" msgstr "%s %s trovato" #: eeschema/cross-probing.cpp:132 #, c-format msgid "%s found but %s not found" msgstr "%s trovato ma %s non trovato" #: eeschema/cross-probing.cpp:135 #, c-format msgid "Component %s not found" msgstr "Componente %s non trovato" #: eeschema/cross-probing.cpp:192 msgid "Selected net: " msgstr "Collegamento selezionato:" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate.cpp:105 msgid "Annotation Messages:" msgstr "Messaggi di annotazione:" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate.cpp:109 msgid "Annotate" msgstr "Annota" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate.cpp:203 msgid "Clear and annotate all of the symbols on the entire schematic?" msgstr "Cancellare e annotare tutti i simboli dell'intero schema?" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate.cpp:205 msgid "Clear and annotate all of the symbols on the current sheet?" msgstr "Cancellare e annotare tutti i simboli del foglio corrente?" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate.cpp:207 msgid "" "\n" "\n" "This operation will change the current annotation and cannot be undone." msgstr "" "\n" "\n" "Questa operazione sovrascriverà la corrente annotazione e non potrà essere " "annullata." #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate.cpp:210 msgid "Clear and Annotate" msgstr "Cancella e annota" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate.cpp:249 msgid "Clear the existing annotation for the entire schematic?" msgstr "Ripulire l'annotazione esistente dell'intero schema?" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate.cpp:251 msgid "Clear the existing annotation for the current sheet?" msgstr "Ripulire l'annotazione esistente del foglio corrente?" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate.cpp:253 msgid "" "\n" "\n" "This operation will clear the existing annotation and cannot be undone." msgstr "" "\n" "\n" "L'operazione sovrasciverà l'annotazione esistente e non potrà essere " "annulata." #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate.cpp:256 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:126 msgid "Clear Annotation" msgstr "Cancella annotazione " #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:38 msgid "Use the entire schematic" msgstr "Usa lo schema intero" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:38 msgid "Use the current page only" msgstr "Usa solo la pagina corrente" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:40 msgid "Scope:" msgstr "Ambito:" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:45 msgid "Order:" msgstr "Ordine:" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:50 msgid "Sort components by &X position" msgstr "Ordina componenti per posizione &X" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:65 msgid "Sort components by &Y position" msgstr "Ordina componenti per posizione &Y" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:80 msgid "Keep existing annotations" msgstr "Mantieni le annotazioni esistenti" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:80 msgid "Reset existing annotations" msgstr "Reimposta le annotazioni esistenti" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:80 msgid "Reset, but keep order of multi-unit parts" msgstr "Reimposta, ma mantieni l'ordine delle parti multiple" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:82 #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:244 #: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:26 msgid "Options:" msgstr "Opzioni:" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:87 msgid "Numbering:" msgstr "Numerazione:" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:94 msgid "Use first free number after:" msgstr "Usa il primo numero libero dopo:" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:100 msgid "First free after sheet number X 100" msgstr "Primo libero sopra il numero foglio X 100" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:103 msgid "First free after sheet number X 1000" msgstr "Primo libero sopra il numero foglio X 1000" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.h:79 msgid "Annotate Schematic" msgstr "Annota schema" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:237 msgid "Generate" msgstr "Genera" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:515 eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_base.cpp:43 msgid "Generator nickname:" msgstr "Denominatore generatore:" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:515 msgid "Add Generator" msgstr "Aggiungi generatore" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:524 #, c-format msgid "Nickname \"%s\" already in use." msgstr "Denominatore \"%s\" già in uso." #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:559 eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:671 msgid "Generator files:" msgstr "File generatore:" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:578 msgid "Generator file name not found." msgstr "Nome file generatore non trovato." #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:588 msgid "No text editor selected in KiCad. Please choose one." msgstr "Nessun editor di testo selezionato in KiCad. Sceglierne uno." #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:594 msgid "Bill of Material Generation Help" msgstr "Aiuto generazione distinta di base" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_base.cpp:25 msgid "BOM generator scripts:" msgstr "Script generatori DIBA:" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_base.cpp:69 msgid "Add a new BOM generator and its command line to the list" msgstr "" "Aggiungi un nuovo generatore di distinta di base e la sua riga di comando " "all'elenco" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_base.cpp:74 msgid "Edit the script file in the text editor" msgstr "Modifica il file script in un editor di testo" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_base.cpp:82 msgid "Remove the current generator script from list" msgstr "Rimuovi lo script generatore corrente dall'elenco" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_base.cpp:92 msgid "Command line running the generator:" msgstr "Riga di comando di esecuzione del generatore:" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_base.cpp:101 msgid "Show console window" msgstr "Mostra finestra console" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_base.cpp:102 msgid "" "By default, command line runs with hidden console window and output is " "redirected to the info display.\n" "Set this option to show the window of the running command." msgstr "" "Come impostazione predefinita, la riga di comando viene eseguita con la " "finestra di console nascosta e l'uscita viene redirezionata nello schermo di " "informazioni.\n" "Impostare quest'opzione per mostrare la finestra del comando in esecuzione." #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_base.h:80 msgid "Bill of Material" msgstr "Elenco materiali" #: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_help_md.h:2 #, fuzzy msgid "" "# 1 - Full documentation\n" "\n" "The Eeschema documentation (*eeschema.html*) describes this intermediate " "netlist and gives examples(chapter ***creating customized netlists and bom " "files***).\n" "\n" "# 2 - The intermediate Netlist File\n" "\n" "BOM files (and netlist files) can be created from an *Intermediate netlist " "file* created by Eeschema.\n" "\n" "This file uses XML syntax and is called the intermediate netlist. The " "intermediate netlist includes a large amount of data about your board and " "because of this, it can be used with post-processing to create a BOM or " "other reports.\n" "\n" "Depending on the output (BOM or netlist), different subsets of the complete " "Intermediate Netlist file will be used in the post-processing.\n" "\n" "# 3 - Conversion to a new format\n" "\n" "By applying a post-processing filter to the Intermediate netlist file you " "can generate foreign netlist files as well as BOM files. Because this " "conversion is a text to text transformation, this post-processing filter can " "be written using *Python*, *XSLT*, or any other tool capable of taking XML " "as input.\n" "\n" "XSLT itself is a XML language suitable for XML transformations. There is a " "free program called `xsltproc` that you can download and install. The " "`xsltproc` program can be used to read the Intermediate XML netlist input " "file, apply a style-sheet to transform the input, and save the results in an " "output file. Use of `xsltproc` requires a style-sheet file using XSLT " "conventions. The full conversion process is handled by Eeschema, after it is " "configured once to run `xsltproc` in a specific way.\n" "\n" "A Python script is somewhat more easy to create.\n" "\n" "# 4 - Initialization of the dialog window\n" "\n" "You should add a new plugin (a script) in the plugin list by clicking on the " "Add Plugin button.\n" "\n" "## 4.1 - Plugin Configuration Parameters\n" "\n" "The Eeschema plug-in configuration dialog requires the following " "information:\n" "\n" " * The title: for instance, the name of the netlist format.\n" " * The command line to launch the converter (usually a script).\n" "\n" "***Note (Windows only):***\n" "*By default, the command line runs with hidden console window and output is " "redirected to \"Plugin info\" field. To show the window of the running " "command, set the checkbox \"Show console window\".*\n" "\n" "Once you click on the generate button the following will happen:\n" "\n" "1. Eeschema creates an intermediate netlist file \\*.xml, for instance `test." "xml`.\n" "2. Eeschema runs the script from the command line to create the final output " "file.\n" "\n" "## 4.2 - Generate netlist files with the command line\n" "\n" "Assuming we are using the program `xsltproc.exe` to apply the sheet style to " "the intermediate file, `xsltproc.exe` is executed with the following " "command.\n" "\n" "```\n" "xsltproc.exe -o \n" "```\n" "\n" "On Windows the command line is the following.\n" "\n" "```\n" "f:/kicad/bin/xsltproc.exe -o \"%O\" f:/kicad/bin/plugins/myconverter.xsl \"%I" "\"\n" "```\n" "\n" "On Linux the command becomes as following.\n" "\n" "```\n" "xsltproc -o \"%O\" /usr/local/kicad/bin/plugins/myconverter .xsl \"%I\"\n" "```\n" "where `myconverter.xsl` is the style-sheet that you are applying.\n" "\n" "Do not forget the double quotes around the file names, this allows them to " "have spaces after the substitution by Eeschema.\n" "\n" "If a Python script is used, the command line is something like (depending on " "the Python script):\n" "\n" "```\n" "python f:/kicad/bin/plugins/bom-in-python/myconverter.py \"%I\" \"%O\"\n" "```\n" "\n" "or\n" "\n" "```\n" "python /usr/local/kicad/bin/plugins/bom-in-python/myconverter .xsl \"%I\" " "\"%O\"\n" "```\n" "\n" "The command line format accepts parameters for filenames. The supported " "formatting parameters are:\n" "\n" " * `%B`: base filename of selected output file, minus path and extension.\n" " * `%P`: project directory, without name and without trailing '/'.\n" " * `%I`: complete filename and path of the temporary input file\n" "(the intermediate net file).\n" " * `%O`: complete filename and path (but without extension) of the user\n" "chosen output file.\n" "\n" "`%I` will be replaced by the actual intermediate file name (usually the full " "root sheet filename with extension \".xml\").\n" "`%O` will be replaced by the actual output file name (the full root sheet " "filename minus extension).\n" "`%B` will be replaced by the actual output short file name (the short root " "sheet filename minus extension).\n" "`%P` will be replaced by the actual current project path.\n" "\n" "## 4.3 - Command line format:\n" "\n" "### 4.3.1 - Remark:\n" "\n" "Most of time, the created file must have an extension, depending on its " "type.\n" "Therefore you have to add to the option ***%O*** the right file extension.\n" "\n" "For instance:\n" "\n" " * **%O.csv** to create a .csv file (comma separated value file).\n" " * **%O.htm** to create a .html file.\n" " * **%O.bom** to create a .bom file.\n" "\n" "### 4.3.2 Example for xsltproc:\n" "\n" "The command line format for xsltproc is the following:\n" "\n" "```\n" " xsltproc \n" "```\n" "\n" "On Windows:\n" "```\n" "f:/kicad/bin/xsltproc.exe -o \"%O.bom\" f:/kicad/bin/plugins/" "netlist_form_pads-pcb.xsl \"%I\"\n" "```\n" "\n" "On Linux:\n" "```\n" "xsltproc -o \"%O.bom\" /usr/local/kicad/bin/plugins/netlist_form_pads-pcb." "xsl \"%I\"\n" "```\n" "\n" "The above examples assume `xsltproc` is installed on your PC under Windows " "and xsl files located in `/kicad/bin/plugins/`.\n" "\n" "\n" "### 4.3.3 Example for Python scripts:\n" "\n" "Assuming python is installed on your PC, and python scripts are located in\n" "\n" " `/kicad/bin/plugins/bom-in-python/`,\n" "\n" "the command line format for python is something like:\n" "\n" "```\n" "python