/*********************************************************************/ /* EESchema - edition des librairies: Edition des champs ( Fields ) */ /*********************************************************************/ /* Fichier libfield.cpp */ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "class_drawpanel.h" #include "drawtxt.h" #include "confirm.h" #include "program.h" #include "libcmp.h" #include "general.h" #include "protos.h" #include "wx/spinctrl.h" /* Routines locales */ static void ShowMoveField( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, bool erase ); /* if the field is the reference, return reference like schematic, i.e U -> U? or U?A * or the field text for others */ static wxString ReturnFieldFullText( LibDrawField* aField ); /* Variables locales */ extern int CurrentUnit; static wxPoint StartCursor, LastTextPosition; /***********************************************************/ static void ExitMoveField( WinEDA_DrawPanel* Panel, wxDC* DC ) /***********************************************************/ { Panel->ManageCurseur = NULL; Panel->ForceCloseManageCurseur = NULL; if( CurrentDrawItem == NULL ) return; wxPoint curpos; curpos = Panel->GetScreen()->m_Curseur; Panel->GetScreen()->m_Curseur = StartCursor; ShowMoveField( Panel, DC, TRUE ); Panel->GetScreen()->m_Curseur = curpos; CurrentDrawItem->m_Flags = 0; CurrentDrawItem = NULL; } /****************************************************************************/ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::StartMoveField( wxDC* DC, LibDrawField* field ) /****************************************************************************/ /* Initialise le deplacement d'un champ ( ref ou Name) */ { wxPoint startPos; if( (CurrentLibEntry == NULL) || ( field == NULL ) ) return; CurrentDrawItem = field; LastTextPosition = field->m_Pos; CurrentDrawItem->m_Flags |= IS_MOVED; startPos.x = LastTextPosition.x; startPos.y = -LastTextPosition.y; DrawPanel->CursorOff( DC ); GetScreen()->m_Curseur = startPos; DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = ShowMoveField; DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur = ExitMoveField; DrawPanel->ManageCurseur( DrawPanel, DC, TRUE ); StartCursor = GetScreen()->m_Curseur; DrawPanel->CursorOn( DC ); } /* if the field is the reference, return reference like schematic, i.e U -> U? or U?A * or the field text for others */ static wxString ReturnFieldFullText( LibDrawField* aField ) { if( aField->m_FieldId != REFERENCE ) return aField->m_Text; wxString text = aField->m_Text; if( CurrentLibEntry->m_UnitCount > 1 ) { #if defined(KICAD_GOST) text.Printf( wxT( "%s?.%c" ), aField->m_Text.GetData(), CurrentUnit + '1' - 1 ); #else text.Printf( wxT( "%s?%c" ), aField->m_Text.GetData(), CurrentUnit + 'A' - 1 ); #endif } else text << wxT( "?" ); return text; } /*****************************************************************/ /* Routine d'affichage du texte 'Field' en cours de deplacement. */ /* Routine normalement attachee au curseur */ /*****************************************************************/ static void ShowMoveField( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, bool erase ) { int color; LibDrawField* Field = (LibDrawField*) CurrentDrawItem; if( (CurrentLibEntry == NULL) || (Field == NULL) ) return; switch( Field->m_FieldId ) { case VALUE: color = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_VALUEPART ); break; case REFERENCE: color = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_REFERENCEPART ); break; default: color = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_FIELDS ); break; } wxString text = ReturnFieldFullText( Field ); int TransMat[2][2]; TransMat[0][0] = 1; TransMat[1][1] = -1; TransMat[1][0] = TransMat[0][1] = 0; if( Field->m_Attributs & TEXT_NO_VISIBLE ) color = DARKGRAY; if( erase ) Field->Draw( panel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), color, g_XorMode, &text, TransMat ); LastTextPosition.x = panel->GetScreen()->m_Curseur.x; LastTextPosition.y = -panel->GetScreen()->m_Curseur.y; Field->m_Pos = LastTextPosition; Field->Draw( panel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), color, g_XorMode, &text, TransMat ); } /*******************************************************************/ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::PlaceField( wxDC* DC, LibDrawField* Field ) /*******************************************************************/ { EDA_Colors color; if( Field == NULL ) return; switch( Field->m_FieldId ) { case REFERENCE: color = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_REFERENCEPART ); break; case VALUE: color = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_VALUEPART ); break; default: color = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_FIELDS ); break; } Field->m_Flags = 0; if( (Field->m_Attributs & TEXT_NO_VISIBLE) != 0 ) color = DARKGRAY; Field->m_Pos.x = GetScreen()->m_Curseur.x; Field->m_Pos.y = -GetScreen()->m_Curseur.y; int linewidth = (Field->m_Width == 0) ? g_DrawDefaultLineThickness : Field->m_Width; linewidth = Clamp_Text_PenSize( linewidth, Field->m_Size, Field->m_Bold ); DrawPanel->CursorOff( DC ); GRSetDrawMode( DC, GR_DEFAULT_DRAWMODE ); DrawGraphicText( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( Field->m_Pos.x, -Field->m_Pos.y ), color, ReturnFieldFullText( Field ), Field->m_Orient ? TEXT_ORIENT_VERT : TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, Field->m_Size, Field->m_HJustify, Field->m_VJustify, linewidth, Field->m_Italic, Field->m_Bold); DrawPanel->CursorOn( DC ); GetScreen()->SetModify(); DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = NULL; DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur = NULL; CurrentDrawItem = NULL; } /******************************************************************/ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::EditField( wxDC* DC, LibDrawField* Field ) /******************************************************************/ { wxString Text; wxString title; EDA_Colors color; int linewidth = (Field->m_Width == 0) ? g_DrawDefaultLineThickness : Field->m_Width; linewidth = Clamp_Text_PenSize( linewidth, Field->m_Size, Field->m_Bold ); if( Field == NULL ) return; switch( Field->m_FieldId ) { case REFERENCE: title = wxT( "Reference:" ); color = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_REFERENCEPART ); break; case VALUE: title = wxT( "Component Name / Value:" ); color = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_VALUEPART ); break; default: color = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_FIELDS ); break; } if( Field->m_Attributs & TEXT_NO_VISIBLE ) color = DARKGRAY; Text = Field->m_Text; Get_Message( title, _( "Edit field" ), Text, this ); Text.Replace( wxT( " " ), wxT( "_" ) ); /* If the value is changed, this is equivalent to create a new component from the old one * So we must check for an existing alias of this "new" component * and change the value only if there is no existing alias with the same name * for this component */ if( Field->m_FieldId == VALUE ) { /* test for an existing name in alias list: */ for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList.GetCount(); ii += ALIAS_NEXT ) { wxString aliasname = CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList[ii + ALIAS_NAME]; if( Text.CmpNoCase( aliasname ) == 0 ) { DisplayError( this, _( "This name is an existing alias of the component\nAborting" ), 10 ); return; } } } GRSetDrawMode( DC, g_XorMode ); DrawGraphicText( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( Field->m_Pos.x, -Field->m_Pos.y ), color, ReturnFieldFullText( Field ), Field->m_Orient ? TEXT_ORIENT_VERT : TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, Field->m_Size, Field->m_HJustify, Field->m_VJustify, linewidth, Field->m_Italic, Field->m_Bold); if( !Text.IsEmpty() ) { SaveCopyInUndoList( CurrentLibEntry ); Field->m_Text = Text; } else DisplayError( this, _( "No new text: no change" ) ); if( Field->m_Flags == 0 ) GRSetDrawMode( DC, GR_DEFAULT_DRAWMODE ); DrawGraphicText( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( Field->m_Pos.x, -Field->m_Pos.y ), color, ReturnFieldFullText( Field ), Field->m_Orient ? TEXT_ORIENT_VERT : TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, Field->m_Size, Field->m_HJustify, Field->m_VJustify, linewidth, Field->m_Italic, Field->m_Bold); GetScreen()->SetModify(); if( Field->m_FieldId == VALUE ) ReCreateHToolbar(); } /********************************************************************/ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::RotateField( wxDC* DC, LibDrawField* Field ) /********************************************************************/ /* Routine de modification de l'orientation ( Horiz ou Vert. ) du champ. * si un champ est en cours d'edition, modif de celui ci. * sinon Modif du champ pointe par la souris */ { EDA_Colors color; if( Field == NULL ) return; GetScreen()->SetModify(); switch( Field->m_FieldId ) { case REFERENCE: color = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_REFERENCEPART ); break; case VALUE: color = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_VALUEPART ); break; default: color = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_FIELDS ); break; } if( (Field->m_Attributs & TEXT_NO_VISIBLE) != 0 ) color = DARKGRAY; DrawPanel->CursorOff( DC ); GRSetDrawMode( DC, g_XorMode ); int linewidth = (Field->m_Width == 0) ? g_DrawDefaultLineThickness : Field->m_Width; linewidth = Clamp_Text_PenSize( linewidth, Field->m_Size, Field->m_Bold ); DrawGraphicText( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( Field->m_Pos.x, -Field->m_Pos.y ), color, ReturnFieldFullText( Field ), Field->m_Orient ? TEXT_ORIENT_VERT : TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, Field->m_Size, Field->m_HJustify, Field->m_VJustify, linewidth, Field->m_Italic, Field->m_Bold); if( Field->m_Orient ) Field->m_Orient = 0; else Field->m_Orient = 1; if( Field->m_Flags == 0 ) GRSetDrawMode( DC, GR_DEFAULT_DRAWMODE ); DrawGraphicText( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( Field->m_Pos.x, -Field->m_Pos.y ), color, ReturnFieldFullText( Field ), Field->m_Orient ? TEXT_ORIENT_VERT : TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, Field->m_Size, Field->m_HJustify, Field->m_VJustify, linewidth, Field->m_Italic, Field->m_Bold); DrawPanel->CursorOn( DC ); } /****************************************************************************/ LibDrawField* WinEDA_LibeditFrame::LocateField( EDA_LibComponentStruct* LibEntry ) /****************************************************************************/ /* Locate the component fiels (ref, name or auxiliary fields) under the mouse cursor * return: * pointer on the field (or NULL ) */ { wxPoint refpos = GetScreen()->m_Curseur; /* Test reference */ if( LibEntry->m_Name.HitTest( refpos ) ) return &LibEntry->m_Name; /* Test Prefix */ if( LibEntry->m_Prefix.HitTest( refpos ) ) return &LibEntry->m_Prefix; /* Test others fields */ for( LibDrawField* field = LibEntry->m_Fields; field; field = field->Next() ) { if( field->m_Text.IsEmpty() ) continue; if( field->HitTest( refpos ) ) return field; } return NULL; } /********************************************************************************/ LibEDA_BaseStruct* WinEDA_LibeditFrame::LocateItemUsingCursor() /********************************************************************************/ { LibEDA_BaseStruct* DrawEntry = CurrentDrawItem; if( CurrentLibEntry == NULL ) return NULL; if( (DrawEntry == NULL) || (DrawEntry->m_Flags == 0) ) // Simple localisation des elements { DrawEntry = LocatePin( GetScreen()->m_Curseur, CurrentLibEntry, CurrentUnit, CurrentConvert ); if( DrawEntry == NULL ) { DrawEntry = CurrentDrawItem = LocateDrawItem( (SCH_SCREEN*) GetScreen(), GetScreen()->m_MousePosition, CurrentLibEntry, CurrentUnit, CurrentConvert, LOCATE_ALL_DRAW_ITEM ); } if( DrawEntry == NULL ) { DrawEntry = CurrentDrawItem = LocateDrawItem( (SCH_SCREEN*) GetScreen(), GetScreen()->m_Curseur, CurrentLibEntry, CurrentUnit, CurrentConvert, LOCATE_ALL_DRAW_ITEM ); } if( DrawEntry == NULL ) { DrawEntry = CurrentDrawItem = (LibEDA_BaseStruct*) LocateField( CurrentLibEntry ); } } return DrawEntry; }