/****************************************************************/ /* EESchema: find.cpp (functions for searching a schematic item */ /****************************************************************/ /* * Search a text (text, value, reference) within a component or * search a component in libraries, a marker ..., * in current sheet or whole the project */ #include "fctsys.h" #include "appl_wxstruct.h" #include "common.h" #include "class_drawpanel.h" #include "confirm.h" #include "kicad_string.h" #include "gestfich.h" #include "program.h" #include "general.h" #include "class_marker_sch.h" #include "protos.h" #include "class_library.h" #include "class_pin.h" #include "kicad_device_context.h" #include #include "dialog_schematic_find.h" void WinEDA_SchematicFrame::OnFindDrcMarker( wxFindDialogEvent& event ) { static SCH_MARKER* lastMarker = NULL; wxString msg; SCH_SHEET_LIST schematic; SCH_SHEET_PATH* sheetFoundIn = NULL; bool wrap = ( event.GetFlags() & FR_SEARCH_WRAP ) != 0; wxRect clientRect( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GetClientSize() ); if( event.GetFlags() & FR_CURRENT_SHEET_ONLY ) { sheetFoundIn = m_CurrentSheet; lastMarker = (SCH_MARKER*) m_CurrentSheet->FindNextItem( TYPE_SCH_MARKER, lastMarker, wrap ); } else { lastMarker = (SCH_MARKER*) schematic.FindNextItem( TYPE_SCH_MARKER, &sheetFoundIn, lastMarker, wrap ); } if( lastMarker != NULL ) { if( sheetFoundIn != GetSheet() ) { sheetFoundIn->LastScreen()->SetZoom( GetScreen()->GetZoom() ); *m_CurrentSheet = *sheetFoundIn; ActiveScreen = m_CurrentSheet->LastScreen(); m_CurrentSheet->UpdateAllScreenReferences(); } sheetFoundIn->LastScreen()->m_Curseur = lastMarker->m_Pos; Recadre_Trace( TRUE ); wxString path = sheetFoundIn->Path(); wxString units = GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel(); double x = To_User_Unit( g_UnitMetric, (double) lastMarker->m_Pos.x, m_InternalUnits ); double y = To_User_Unit( g_UnitMetric, (double) lastMarker->m_Pos.y, m_InternalUnits ); msg.Printf( _( "Design rule check marker found in sheet %s at %0.3f%s, %0.3f%s" ), GetChars( path ), x, GetChars( units ), y, GetChars( units) ); SetStatusText( msg ); } else { SetStatusText( _( "No more markers were found." ) ); } } /** * Function FindComponentAndItem * finds a Component in the schematic, and an item in this component. * @param component_reference The component reference to find. * @param text_to_find - The text to search for, either in value, reference * or elsewhere. * @param Find_in_hierarchy: false => Search is made in current sheet * true => the whole hierarchy * @param SearchType: 0 => find component * 1 => find pin * 2 => find ref * 3 => find value * >= 4 => unused (same as 0) * @param mouseWarp If true, then move the mouse cursor to the item. */ SCH_ITEM* WinEDA_SchematicFrame::FindComponentAndItem( const wxString& component_reference, bool Find_in_hierarchy, int SearchType, const wxString& text_to_find, bool mouseWarp ) { SCH_SHEET_PATH* sheet, * SheetWithComponentFound = NULL; SCH_ITEM* DrawList = NULL; SCH_COMPONENT* Component = NULL; wxSize DrawAreaSize = DrawPanel->GetClientSize(); wxPoint pos, curpos; bool DoCenterAndRedraw = FALSE; bool NotFound = true; wxString msg; LIB_PIN* pin; SCH_SHEET_LIST SheetList; sheet = SheetList.GetFirst(); if( !Find_in_hierarchy ) sheet = m_CurrentSheet; for( ; sheet != NULL; sheet = SheetList.GetNext() ) { DrawList = (SCH_ITEM*) sheet->LastDrawList(); for( ; ( DrawList != NULL ) && ( NotFound == true ); DrawList = DrawList->Next() ) { if( DrawList->Type() == TYPE_SCH_COMPONENT ) { SCH_COMPONENT* pSch; pSch = (SCH_COMPONENT*) DrawList; if( component_reference.CmpNoCase( pSch->GetRef( sheet ) ) == 0 ) { Component = pSch; SheetWithComponentFound = sheet; switch( SearchType ) { default: case 0: // Find component only NotFound = FALSE; pos = pSch->m_Pos; break; case 1: // find a pin pos = pSch->m_Pos; /* temporary: will be changed if * the pin is found */ pin = pSch->GetPin( text_to_find ); if( pin == NULL ) break; NotFound = FALSE; pos += pin->m_Pos; break; case 2: // find reference NotFound = FALSE; pos = pSch->GetField( REFERENCE )->m_Pos; break; case 3: // find value pos = pSch->m_Pos; if( text_to_find.CmpNoCase( pSch->GetField( VALUE )->m_Text ) != 0 ) break; NotFound = FALSE; pos = pSch->GetField( VALUE )->m_Pos; break; } } } } if( (Find_in_hierarchy == FALSE) || (NotFound == FALSE) ) break; } if( Component ) { sheet = SheetWithComponentFound; if( sheet != GetSheet() ) { sheet->LastScreen()->SetZoom( GetScreen()->GetZoom() ); *m_CurrentSheet = *sheet; ActiveScreen = m_CurrentSheet->LastScreen(); m_CurrentSheet->UpdateAllScreenReferences(); DoCenterAndRedraw = TRUE; } wxPoint delta; pos -= Component->m_Pos; delta = TransformCoordinate( Component->m_Transform, pos ); pos = delta + Component->m_Pos; wxPoint old_cursor_position = sheet->LastScreen()->m_Curseur; sheet->LastScreen()->m_Curseur = pos; curpos = DrawPanel->CursorScreenPosition(); DrawPanel->GetViewStart( &( GetScreen()->m_StartVisu.x ), &( GetScreen()->m_StartVisu.y ) ); // Calculating cursor position with original screen. curpos -= GetScreen()->m_StartVisu; /* There may be need to reframe the drawing */ #define MARGIN 30 if( ( curpos.x <= MARGIN ) || ( curpos.x >= DrawAreaSize.x - MARGIN ) || ( curpos.y <= MARGIN ) || ( curpos.y >= DrawAreaSize.y - MARGIN ) ) { DoCenterAndRedraw = true;; } #undef MARGIN if( DoCenterAndRedraw ) Recadre_Trace( mouseWarp ); else { INSTALL_DC( dc, DrawPanel ); EXCHG( old_cursor_position, sheet->LastScreen()->m_Curseur ); DrawPanel->CursorOff( &dc ); if( mouseWarp ) DrawPanel->MouseTo( curpos ); EXCHG( old_cursor_position, sheet->LastScreen()->m_Curseur ); DrawPanel->CursorOn( &dc ); } } /* Print diaq */ wxString msg_item; msg = component_reference; switch( SearchType ) { default: case 0: break; // Find component only case 1: // find a pin msg_item = _( "Pin " ) + text_to_find; break; case 2: // find reference msg_item = _( "Ref " ) + text_to_find; break; case 3: // find value msg_item = _( "Value " ) + text_to_find; break; case 4: // find field. todo msg_item = _( "Field " ) + text_to_find; break; } if( Component ) { if( !NotFound ) { if( !msg_item.IsEmpty() ) msg += wxT( " " ) + msg_item; msg += _( " found" ); } else { msg += _( " found" ); if( !msg_item.IsEmpty() ) { msg += wxT( " but " ) + msg_item + _( " not found" ); } } } else { if( !msg_item.IsEmpty() ) msg += wxT( " " ) + msg_item; msg += _( " not found" ); } SetStatusText( msg ); return DrawList; } /** * Finds an item in the schematic matching the search string. * * @param event - Find dialog event containing the find parameters. */ void WinEDA_SchematicFrame::OnFindSchematicItem( wxFindDialogEvent& event ) { static SCH_ITEM* lastItem = NULL; SCH_SHEET_LIST schematic; wxString msg; SCH_SHEET_PATH* sheetFoundIn = NULL; wxFindReplaceData searchCriteria; searchCriteria.SetFlags( event.GetFlags() ); searchCriteria.SetFindString( event.GetFindString() ); searchCriteria.SetReplaceString( event.GetReplaceString() ); if( event.GetFlags() & FR_CURRENT_SHEET_ONLY ) { sheetFoundIn = m_CurrentSheet; lastItem = m_CurrentSheet->MatchNextItem( searchCriteria, lastItem ); } else { lastItem = schematic.MatchNextItem( searchCriteria, &sheetFoundIn, lastItem ); } if( lastItem != NULL ) { if( sheetFoundIn != GetSheet() ) { sheetFoundIn->LastScreen()->SetZoom( GetScreen()->GetZoom() ); *m_CurrentSheet = *sheetFoundIn; ActiveScreen = m_CurrentSheet->LastScreen(); m_CurrentSheet->UpdateAllScreenReferences(); } sheetFoundIn->LastScreen()->m_Curseur = lastItem->GetBoundingBox().Centre(); Recadre_Trace( true ); msg = event.GetFindString() + _( " found in " ) + sheetFoundIn->PathHumanReadable(); SetStatusText( msg ); } else { msg.Printf( _( "No item found matching %s." ), GetChars( event.GetFindString() ) ); SetStatusText( msg ); } }