 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 2009 Jean-Pierre Charras, jaen-pierre.charras@gipsa-lab.inpg.com
 * Copyright (C) 1992-2011 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
 * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

 * @file sch_line.cpp
 * @brief Class SCH_LINE implementation

#include <fctsys.h>
#include <gr_basic.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include <class_drawpanel.h>
#include <trigo.h>
#include <richio.h>
#include <plot_common.h>
#include <base_units.h>
#include <eeschema_config.h>
#include <general.h>
#include <protos.h>
#include <sch_line.h>
#include <class_netlist_object.h>

#include <boost/foreach.hpp>

SCH_LINE::SCH_LINE( const wxPoint& pos, int layer ) :
    m_start = pos;
    m_end   = pos;
    m_startIsDangling = m_endIsDangling = false;

    switch( layer )
        m_Layer = LAYER_NOTES;

    case LAYER_WIRE:
        m_Layer = LAYER_WIRE;

    case LAYER_BUS:
        m_Layer = LAYER_BUS;

SCH_LINE::SCH_LINE( const SCH_LINE& aLine ) :
    SCH_ITEM( aLine )
    m_start = aLine.m_start;
    m_end = aLine.m_end;
    m_startIsDangling = m_endIsDangling = false;

EDA_ITEM* SCH_LINE::Clone() const
    return new SCH_LINE( *this );

void SCH_LINE::Move( const wxPoint& aOffset )
    if( (m_Flags & STARTPOINT) == 0 && aOffset != wxPoint( 0, 0 ) )
        m_start += aOffset;

    if( (m_Flags & ENDPOINT) == 0 && aOffset != wxPoint( 0, 0 ) )
        m_end += aOffset;

#if defined(DEBUG)

void SCH_LINE::Show( int nestLevel, std::ostream& os ) const
    NestedSpace( nestLevel, os ) << '<' << GetClass().Lower().mb_str()
                                 << " layer=\"" << m_Layer << '"'
                                 << " startIsDangling=\"" << m_startIsDangling
                                 << '"' << " endIsDangling=\""
                                 << m_endIsDangling << '"' << ">"
                                 << " <start" << m_start << "/>"
                                 << " <end" << m_end << "/>" << "</"
                                 << GetClass().Lower().mb_str() << ">\n";


const EDA_RECT SCH_LINE::GetBoundingBox() const
    int      width = 25;

    int      xmin = std::min( m_start.x, m_end.x ) - width;
    int      ymin = std::min( m_start.y, m_end.y ) - width;

    int      xmax = std::max( m_start.x, m_end.x ) + width;
    int      ymax = std::max( m_start.y, m_end.y ) + width;

    // return a rectangle which is [pos,dim) in nature.  therefore the +1
    EDA_RECT ret( wxPoint( xmin, ymin ), wxSize( xmax - xmin + 1, ymax - ymin + 1 ) );

    return ret;

double SCH_LINE::GetLength() const
    return GetLineLength( m_start, m_end );

bool SCH_LINE::Save( FILE* aFile ) const
    bool        success = true;

    const char* layer = "Notes";
    const char* width = "Line";

    if( GetLayer() == LAYER_WIRE )
        layer = "Wire";

    if( GetLayer() == LAYER_BUS )
        layer = "Bus";

    if( fprintf( aFile, "Wire %s %s\n", layer, width ) == EOF )
        success = false;

    if( fprintf( aFile, "\t%-4d %-4d %-4d %-4d\n", m_start.x, m_start.y,
                 m_end.x, m_end.y ) == EOF )
        success = false;

    return success;

bool SCH_LINE::Load( LINE_READER& aLine, wxString& aErrorMsg )
    char  Name1[256];
    char  Name2[256];
    char* line = (char*) aLine;

    while( (*line != ' ' ) && *line )

    if( sscanf( line, "%s %s", Name1, Name2 ) != 2  )
        aErrorMsg.Printf( wxT( "Eeschema file segment error at line %d, aborted" ),
                          aLine.LineNumber() );
        aErrorMsg << wxT( "\n" ) << FROM_UTF8( (char*) aLine );
        return false;

    m_Layer = LAYER_NOTES;

    if( Name1[0] == 'W' )
        m_Layer = LAYER_WIRE;

    if( Name1[0] == 'B' )
        m_Layer = LAYER_BUS;

    if( !aLine.ReadLine() || sscanf( (char*) aLine, "%d %d %d %d ",
                                      &m_start.x, &m_start.y, &m_end.x, &m_end.y ) != 4 )
        aErrorMsg.Printf( wxT( "Eeschema file Segment struct error at line %d, aborted" ),
                          aLine.LineNumber() );
        aErrorMsg << wxT( "\n" ) << FROM_UTF8( (char*) aLine );
        return false;

    return true;

int SCH_LINE::GetPenSize() const

    if( m_Layer == LAYER_BUS )
        return GetDefaultBusThickness();

    return GetDefaultLineThickness();

void SCH_LINE::Draw( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel, wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& offset,
                     GR_DRAWMODE DrawMode, EDA_COLOR_T Color )
    EDA_COLOR_T color;
    int width = GetPenSize();

    if( Color >= 0 )
        color = Color;
        color = GetLayerColor( m_Layer );

    GRSetDrawMode( DC, DrawMode );

    wxPoint start = m_start;
    wxPoint end = m_end;

    if( ( m_Flags & STARTPOINT ) == 0 )
        start += offset;

    if( ( m_Flags & ENDPOINT ) == 0 )
        end += offset;

    if( m_Layer == LAYER_NOTES )
        GRDashedLine( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y, width, color );
        GRLine( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, start, end, width, color );

    if( m_startIsDangling )
        DrawDanglingSymbol( panel, DC, start, color );

    if( m_endIsDangling )
        DrawDanglingSymbol( panel, DC, end, color );

void SCH_LINE::MirrorX( int aXaxis_position )
    m_start.y -= aXaxis_position;
    NEGATE(  m_start.y );
    m_start.y += aXaxis_position;
    m_end.y   -= aXaxis_position;
    NEGATE(  m_end.y );
    m_end.y += aXaxis_position;

void SCH_LINE::MirrorY( int aYaxis_position )
    m_start.x -= aYaxis_position;
    NEGATE(  m_start.x );
    m_start.x += aYaxis_position;
    m_end.x   -= aYaxis_position;
    NEGATE(  m_end.x );
    m_end.x += aYaxis_position;

void SCH_LINE::Rotate( wxPoint aPosition )
    RotatePoint( &m_start, aPosition, 900 );
    RotatePoint( &m_end, aPosition, 900 );

 * helper sort function, used by MergeOverlap
 * sorts ref and test by x values, or (for same x values) by y values
bool sort_by_ends_position(const wxPoint * ref, const wxPoint * tst )
    if( ref->x == tst->x )
        return ref->y < tst->y;
    return ref->x < tst->x;

 * MergeOverlap try to merge 2 lines that are colinear.
 * this function expects these 2 lines have at least a common end
bool SCH_LINE::MergeOverlap( SCH_LINE* aLine )
    wxCHECK_MSG( aLine != NULL && aLine->Type() == SCH_LINE_T, false,
                 wxT( "Cannot test line segment for overlap." ) );

    if( this == aLine || GetLayer() != aLine->GetLayer() )
        return false;

    // Search for a common end:
    if( m_start == aLine->m_start )
        if( m_end == aLine->m_end )     // Trivial case
            return true;
    else if( m_start == aLine->m_end )
        if( m_end == aLine->m_start )     // Trivial case
            return true;
    else if( m_end == aLine->m_end )
        EXCHG( aLine->m_start, aLine->m_end );
    else if( m_end != aLine->m_start )
        // No common end point, segments cannot be merged.
        return false;

    bool colinear = false;

    /* Test alignment: */
    if( m_start.y == m_end.y )       // Horizontal segment
        if( aLine->m_start.y == aLine->m_end.y )
            colinear = true;
    else if( m_start.x == m_end.x )  // Vertical segment
        if( aLine->m_start.x == aLine->m_end.x )
            colinear = true;
        if( atan2( (double) ( m_start.x - m_end.x ), (double) ( m_start.y - m_end.y ) )
            == atan2( (double) ( aLine->m_start.x - aLine->m_end.x ),
                      (double) ( aLine->m_start.y - aLine->m_end.y ) ) )
            colinear = true;

    // Make a segment which merge the 2 segments
    // we must find the extremums
    // i.e. the more to the left and to the right points, or
    // for horizontal segments the uppermost and the lowest point
    if( colinear )
        static std::vector <wxPoint*> candidates;
        candidates.push_back( &m_start );
        candidates.push_back( &m_end );
        candidates.push_back( &aLine->m_start );
        candidates.push_back( &aLine->m_end );
        sort( candidates.begin(), candidates.end(), sort_by_ends_position );
        wxPoint tmp = *candidates[3];
        m_start = *candidates[0];
        m_end = tmp;
        return true;
    return false;

void SCH_LINE::GetEndPoints( std::vector <DANGLING_END_ITEM>& aItemList )
    if( GetLayer() == LAYER_NOTES )

    if( ( GetLayer() == LAYER_BUS ) || ( GetLayer() == LAYER_WIRE ) )
        DANGLING_END_ITEM item( (GetLayer() == LAYER_BUS) ? BUS_START_END : WIRE_START_END, this,
                                m_start );
        aItemList.push_back( item );

        DANGLING_END_ITEM item1( (GetLayer() == LAYER_BUS) ? BUS_END_END : WIRE_END_END, this,
                                 m_end );
        aItemList.push_back( item1 );

bool SCH_LINE::IsDanglingStateChanged( std::vector< DANGLING_END_ITEM >& aItemList )
    bool previousStartState = m_startIsDangling;
    bool previousEndState = m_endIsDangling;

    m_startIsDangling = m_endIsDangling = true;

    if( GetLayer() == LAYER_WIRE )
        BOOST_FOREACH( DANGLING_END_ITEM item, aItemList )
            if( item.GetItem() == this )

            if( m_start == item.GetPosition() )
                m_startIsDangling = false;

            if( m_end == item.GetPosition() )
                m_endIsDangling = false;

            if( (m_startIsDangling == false) && (m_endIsDangling == false) )
    else if( GetLayer() == LAYER_BUS || GetLayer() == LAYER_NOTES )
        // Lines on the notes layer and the bus layer cannot be tested for dangling ends.
        previousStartState = previousEndState = m_startIsDangling = m_endIsDangling = false;

    return ( previousStartState != m_startIsDangling ) || ( previousEndState != m_endIsDangling );

bool SCH_LINE::IsSelectStateChanged( const wxRect& aRect )
    bool previousState = IsSelected();

    if( aRect.Contains( m_start ) && aRect.Contains( m_end ) )
        SetFlags( SELECTED );
        ClearFlags( STARTPOINT | ENDPOINT );
    else if( aRect.Contains( m_start ) )
        ClearFlags( STARTPOINT );
        SetFlags( SELECTED | ENDPOINT );
    else if( aRect.Contains( m_end ) )
        ClearFlags( ENDPOINT );
        SetFlags( SELECTED | STARTPOINT );

    return previousState != IsSelected();

bool SCH_LINE::IsConnectable() const
    if( m_Layer == LAYER_WIRE || m_Layer == LAYER_BUS )
        return true;

    return false;

void SCH_LINE::GetConnectionPoints( std::vector< wxPoint >& aPoints ) const
    aPoints.push_back( m_start );
    aPoints.push_back( m_end );

wxString SCH_LINE::GetSelectMenuText() const
    wxString menuText, txtfmt, orient;

    if( m_start.x == m_end.x )
        orient = _("Vert.");
    else if( m_start.y == m_end.y )
        orient = _("Horiz.");

    switch( m_Layer )
    case LAYER_NOTES:
        txtfmt = _( "%s Graphic Line from (%s,%s) to (%s,%s) " );

    case LAYER_WIRE:
        txtfmt = _( "%s Wire from (%s,%s) to (%s,%s)" );

    case LAYER_BUS:
        txtfmt = _( "%s Bus from (%s,%s) to (%s,%s)" );

        txtfmt += _( "%s Line on Unknown Layer from (%s,%s) to (%s,%s)" );

    menuText.Printf( txtfmt, GetChars( orient ),
                     GetChars( CoordinateToString( m_start.x ) ),
                     GetChars( CoordinateToString( m_start.y ) ),
                     GetChars( CoordinateToString( m_end.x ) ),
                     GetChars( CoordinateToString( m_end.y ) ) );

    return menuText;

BITMAP_DEF SCH_LINE::GetMenuImage() const
    if( m_Layer == LAYER_NOTES )
        return add_dashed_line_xpm;
    else if( m_Layer == LAYER_WIRE )
        return add_line_xpm;

    return add_bus_xpm;

void SCH_LINE::GetNetListItem( NETLIST_OBJECT_LIST& aNetListItems,
                               SCH_SHEET_PATH*      aSheetPath )
    // Net list item not required for graphic lines.
    if( (GetLayer() != LAYER_BUS) && (GetLayer() != LAYER_WIRE) )

    item->m_SheetPath = *aSheetPath;
    item->m_SheetPathInclude = *aSheetPath;
    item->m_Comp = (SCH_ITEM*) this;
    item->m_Start = m_start;
    item->m_End = m_end;

    if( GetLayer() == LAYER_BUS )
        item->m_Type = NET_BUS;
    else            /* WIRE */
        item->m_Type = NET_SEGMENT;

    aNetListItems.push_back( item );

bool SCH_LINE::operator <( const SCH_ITEM& aItem ) const
    if( Type() != aItem.Type() )
        return Type() < aItem.Type();

    SCH_LINE* line = (SCH_LINE*) &aItem;

    if( GetLength() != line->GetLength() )
        return GetLength() < line->GetLength();

    if( m_start.x != line->m_start.x )
        return m_start.x < line->m_start.x;

    if( m_start.y != line->m_start.y )
        return m_start.y < line->m_start.y;

    return false;

bool SCH_LINE::HitTest( const wxPoint& aPosition, int aAccuracy ) const
    return TestSegmentHit( aPosition, m_start, m_end, aAccuracy );

bool SCH_LINE::HitTest( const EDA_RECT& aRect, bool aContained, int aAccuracy ) const
    if( m_Flags & STRUCT_DELETED || m_Flags & SKIP_STRUCT )
        return false;

    EDA_RECT rect = aRect;

    rect.Inflate( aAccuracy );

    if( aContained )
        return rect.Contains( GetBoundingBox() );

    return rect.Intersects( GetBoundingBox() );

bool SCH_LINE::doIsConnected( const wxPoint& aPosition ) const
    if( m_Layer != LAYER_WIRE && m_Layer != LAYER_BUS )
        return false;

    return IsEndPoint( aPosition );

void SCH_LINE::Plot( PLOTTER* aPlotter )
    aPlotter->SetColor( GetLayerColor( GetLayer() ) );
    aPlotter->SetCurrentLineWidth( GetPenSize() );

    if( m_Layer == LAYER_NOTES )
        aPlotter->SetDash( true );

    aPlotter->MoveTo( m_start );
    aPlotter->FinishTo( m_end );

    if( m_Layer == LAYER_NOTES )
        aPlotter->SetDash( false );

void SCH_LINE::SetPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition )
    m_end = m_end - ( m_start - aPosition );
    m_start = aPosition;