 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 1992-2011 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
 * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

#include <wx/wx.h>
#include <pcb_plot_params_lexer.h>
#include <eda_text.h>                // EDA_DRAW_MODE_T
#include <plot_common.h>


 * is the parser class for PCB_PLOT_PARAMS.
    PCB_PLOT_PARAMS_PARSER( char* aLine, const wxString& aSource );

    LINE_READER* GetReader() { return reader; };

    void Parse( PCB_PLOT_PARAMS* aPcbPlotParams ) throw( PARSE_ERROR, IO_ERROR );
    bool ParseBool();

     * Function ParseInt
     * parses an integer and constrains it between two values.
     * @param aMin is the smallest return value.
     * @param aMax is the largest return value.
     * @return int - the parsed integer.
    int ParseInt( int aMin, int aMax );

 * handles plot parameters and options when plotting/printing a board.
    friend class PCB_PLOT_PARAMS_PARSER;
    enum DrillMarksType {
        NO_DRILL_SHAPE    = 0,
        SMALL_DRILL_SHAPE = 1,
        FULL_DRILL_SHAPE  = 2

    // If true, do not plot NPTH pads
    // (mainly used to disable NPTH pads plotting on copper layers)
    bool        m_skipNPTH_Pads;

    /** LINE, FILLED or SKETCH selects how to plot filled objects.
     *  FILLED is not available with all drivers */
    EDA_DRAW_MODE_T m_mode;

    /// Plot format type (chooses the driver to be used)
    PlotFormat  m_format;

    /// Holes can be not plotted, have a small mark or plotted in actual size
    DrillMarksType m_drillMarks;

    /// Choose how represent text with PS, PDF and DXF drivers
    PlotTextMode m_textMode;

    /// The default line width (used for the frame and in LINE mode)
    int         m_lineWidth;

    /// When true set the scale to fit the board in the page
    bool        m_autoScale;

    /// Global scale factor, 1.0 plots a board with its actual size.
    double      m_scale;

    /// Mirror the plot around the X axis
    bool        m_mirror;

    /// Plot in negative color (supported only by some drivers)
    bool        m_negative;

    /// True if vias are drawn on Mask layer (ie untented, *exposed* by mask)
    bool        m_plotViaOnMaskLayer;

    /// True to plot/print frame references
    bool        m_plotFrameRef;

    /// If false always plot (merge) the pcb edge layer on other layers
    bool        m_excludeEdgeLayer;

    /// Set of layers to plot
    long        m_layerSelection;

    /** When plotting gerbers use a conventional set of extensions instead of
     * appending a suffix to the board name */
    bool        m_useGerberExtensions;

    /// Plot gerbers using auxiliary (drill) origin instead of page coordinates
    bool        m_useAuxOrigin;

    /// On gerbers 'scrape' away the solder mask from silkscreen (trim silks)
    bool        m_subtractMaskFromSilk;

    /// Autoscale the plot to fit an A4 (landscape?) sheet
    bool        m_A4Output;

    /// Scale ratio index (UI only)
    int         m_scaleSelection;

    /// Output directory for plot files (usually relative to the board file)
    wxString    m_outputDirectory;

    /// Enable plotting of part references
    bool        m_plotReference;

    /// Enable plotting of part values
    bool        m_plotValue;

    /// Enable plotting of other fields
    bool        m_plotOtherText;

    /// Force plotting of fields marked invisible
    bool        m_plotInvisibleText;

    /// Allows pads outlines on silkscreen layer
    /// (when pads are also on silk screen)
    bool        m_plotPadsOnSilkLayer;

    /* These next two scale factors are intended to compensate plotters
     * (mainly printers) X and Y scale error. Therefore they are expected very
     * near 1.0; only X and Y dimensions are adjusted: circles are plotted as
     * circles, even if X and Y fine scale differ; because of this it is mostly
     * useful for printers: postscript plots would be best adjusted using
     * the prologue (that would change the whole output matrix */

    double      m_fineScaleAdjustX;     ///< fine scale adjust X axis
    double      m_fineScaleAdjustY;     ///< fine scale adjust Y axis

    /** This width factor is intended to compensate PS printers/ plotters that do
     *  not strictly obey line width settings. Only used to plot pads and tracks
    int         m_widthAdjust;

    int         m_HPGLPenNum;           ///< HPGL only: pen number selection(1 to 9)
    int         m_HPGLPenSpeed;         ///< HPGL only: pen speed, always in cm/s (1 to 99 cm/s)
    int         m_HPGLPenDiam;          ///< HPGL only: pen diameter in MILS, useful to fill areas
    int         m_HPGLPenOvr;           ///< HPGL only: pen overlay in MILS, useful only to fill areas
    EDA_COLOR_T m_color;                ///< Color for plotting the current layer
    EDA_COLOR_T m_referenceColor;       ///< Color for plotting references
    EDA_COLOR_T m_valueColor;           ///< Color for plotting values


    void        SetSkipPlotNPTH_Pads( bool aSkip ) { m_skipNPTH_Pads = aSkip; }
    bool        GetSkipPlotNPTH_Pads() const { return m_skipNPTH_Pads; }

    void        Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* aFormatter, int aNestLevel, int aControl=0 )
                        const throw( IO_ERROR );
    void        Parse( PCB_PLOT_PARAMS_PARSER* aParser ) throw( PARSE_ERROR, IO_ERROR );

    bool        operator==( const PCB_PLOT_PARAMS &aPcbPlotParams ) const;
    bool        operator!=( const PCB_PLOT_PARAMS &aPcbPlotParams ) const;

    void        SetColor( EDA_COLOR_T aVal ) { m_color = aVal; }
    EDA_COLOR_T GetColor() const { return m_color; }

    void        SetReferenceColor( EDA_COLOR_T aVal ) { m_referenceColor = aVal; }
    EDA_COLOR_T GetReferenceColor() const { return m_referenceColor; }

    void        SetValueColor( EDA_COLOR_T aVal ) { m_valueColor = aVal; }
    EDA_COLOR_T GetValueColor() const { return m_valueColor; }

    void        SetTextMode( PlotTextMode aVal ) { m_textMode = aVal; }
    PlotTextMode GetTextMode() const { return m_textMode; }

    void        SetMode( EDA_DRAW_MODE_T aVal ) { m_mode = aVal; }
    EDA_DRAW_MODE_T GetMode() const { return m_mode; }

    void        SetDrillMarksType( DrillMarksType aVal ) { m_drillMarks = aVal; }
    DrillMarksType GetDrillMarksType() const { return m_drillMarks; }

    void        SetScale( double aVal ) { m_scale = aVal; }
    double      GetScale() const { return m_scale; }

    void        SetFineScaleAdjustX( double aVal ) { m_fineScaleAdjustX = aVal; }
    double      GetFineScaleAdjustX() const { return m_fineScaleAdjustX; }
    void        SetFineScaleAdjustY( double aVal ) { m_fineScaleAdjustY = aVal; }
    double      GetFineScaleAdjustY() const { return m_fineScaleAdjustY; }
    void        SetWidthAdjust( int aVal ) { m_widthAdjust = aVal; }
    int         GetWidthAdjust() const { return m_widthAdjust; }

    void        SetAutoScale( bool aFlag ) { m_autoScale = aFlag; }
    bool        GetAutoScale() const { return m_autoScale; }

    void        SetMirror( bool aFlag ) { m_mirror = aFlag; }
    bool        GetMirror() const { return m_mirror; }

    void        SetPlotPadsOnSilkLayer( bool aFlag ) { m_plotPadsOnSilkLayer = aFlag; }
    bool        GetPlotPadsOnSilkLayer() const { return m_plotPadsOnSilkLayer; }

    void        SetPlotInvisibleText( bool aFlag ) { m_plotInvisibleText = aFlag; }
    bool        GetPlotInvisibleText() const { return m_plotInvisibleText; }
    void        SetPlotOtherText( bool aFlag ) { m_plotOtherText = aFlag; }
    bool        GetPlotOtherText() const { return m_plotOtherText; }
    void        SetPlotValue( bool aFlag ) { m_plotValue = aFlag; }
    bool        GetPlotValue() const { return m_plotValue; }
    void        SetPlotReference( bool aFlag ) { m_plotReference = aFlag; }
    bool        GetPlotReference() const { return m_plotReference; }

    void        SetNegative( bool aFlag ) { m_negative = aFlag; }
    bool        GetNegative() const { return m_negative; }

    void        SetPlotViaOnMaskLayer( bool aFlag ) { m_plotViaOnMaskLayer = aFlag; }
    bool        GetPlotViaOnMaskLayer() const { return m_plotViaOnMaskLayer; }

    void        SetPlotFrameRef( bool aFlag ) { m_plotFrameRef = aFlag; }
    bool        GetPlotFrameRef() const { return m_plotFrameRef; }

    void        SetExcludeEdgeLayer( bool aFlag ) { m_excludeEdgeLayer = aFlag; }
    bool        GetExcludeEdgeLayer() const { return m_excludeEdgeLayer; }

    void        SetFormat( PlotFormat aFormat ) { m_format = aFormat; };
    PlotFormat  GetFormat() const { return m_format; };

    void        SetOutputDirectory( wxString aDir ) { m_outputDirectory = aDir; };
    wxString    GetOutputDirectory() const { return m_outputDirectory; };

    void        SetUseGerberExtensions( bool aUse ) { m_useGerberExtensions = aUse; };
    bool        GetUseGerberExtensions() const { return m_useGerberExtensions; };

    void        SetSubtractMaskFromSilk( bool aSubtract ) { m_subtractMaskFromSilk = aSubtract; };
    bool        GetSubtractMaskFromSilk() const { return m_subtractMaskFromSilk; };

    void        SetLayerSelection( long aSelection )
                    { m_layerSelection = aSelection; };
    long        GetLayerSelection() const { return m_layerSelection; };

    void        SetUseAuxOrigin( bool aAux ) { m_useAuxOrigin = aAux; };
    bool        GetUseAuxOrigin() const { return m_useAuxOrigin; };

    void        SetScaleSelection( int aSelection ) { m_scaleSelection = aSelection; };
    int         GetScaleSelection() const { return m_scaleSelection; };

    void        SetA4Output( int aForce ) { m_A4Output = aForce; };
    bool        GetA4Output() const { return m_A4Output; };

    int         GetHPGLPenDiameter() const { return m_HPGLPenDiam; };
    bool        SetHPGLPenDiameter( int aValue );
    int         GetHPGLPenSpeed() const { return m_HPGLPenSpeed; };
    bool        SetHPGLPenSpeed( int aValue );
    int         GetHPGLPenOverlay() const { return m_HPGLPenOvr; };
    bool        SetHPGLPenOverlay( int aValue );
    void        SetHPGLPenNum( int aVal ) { m_HPGLPenNum = aVal; }
    int         GetHPGLPenNum() const { return m_HPGLPenNum; }

    int         GetLineWidth() const { return m_lineWidth; };
    bool        SetLineWidth( int aValue );

 * Default line thickness in PCnew units used to draw or plot items having a
 * default thickness line value (Frame references) (i.e. = 0 ).
 * 0 = single pixel line width.
extern int g_DrawDefaultLineThickness;

#endif // PCB_PLOT_PARAMS_H_