* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2023 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see .
static wxString s_oemColumn = wxEmptyString;
DIALOG_EXPORT_2581_BASE( aParent ), m_parent( aParent )
m_browseButton->SetBitmap( KiBitmapBundle( BITMAPS::small_folder ) );
SetupStandardButtons( { { wxID_OK, _( "Export" ) },
{ wxID_CANCEL, _( "Close" ) } } );
wxString path = m_parent->GetLastPath( LAST_PATH_2581 );
if( path.IsEmpty() )
wxFileName brdFile( m_parent->GetBoard()->GetFileName() );
brdFile.SetExt( wxT( "xml" ) );
path = brdFile.GetFullPath();
m_outputFileName->SetValue( path );
m_textDistributor->SetSize( m_choiceDistPN->GetSize() );
// Fill wxChoice (and others) items with data before calling finishDialogSettings()
// to calculate suitable widgets sizes
// Now all widgets have the size fixed, call FinishDialogSettings
void DIALOG_EXPORT_2581::onBrowseClicked( wxCommandEvent& event )
// Build the absolute path of current output directory to preselect it in the file browser.
wxString path = ExpandEnvVarSubstitutions( m_outputFileName->GetValue(), &Prj() );
wxFileName fn( Prj().AbsolutePath( path ) );
wxString ipc_files = _( "IPC-2581 Files (*.xml)|*.xml" );
wxString compressed_files = _( "IPC-2581 Compressed Files (*.zip)|*.zip" );
wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Export IPC-2581 File" ), fn.GetPath(), fn.GetFullName(),
m_cbCompress->IsChecked() ? compressed_files : ipc_files,
if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )
m_outputFileName->SetValue( dlg.GetPath() );
void DIALOG_EXPORT_2581::onOKClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
m_parent->SetLastPath( LAST_PATH_2581, m_outputFileName->GetValue() );
void DIALOG_EXPORT_2581::onCompressCheck( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( m_cbCompress->GetValue() )
wxFileName fn = m_outputFileName->GetValue();
fn.SetExt( "zip" );
m_outputFileName->SetValue( fn.GetFullPath() );
wxFileName fn = m_outputFileName->GetValue();
fn.SetExt( "xml" );
m_outputFileName->SetValue( fn.GetFullPath() );
void DIALOG_EXPORT_2581::onMfgPNChange( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( event.GetSelection() == 0 )
m_choiceMfg->Enable( false );
m_choiceMfg->Enable( true );
// Don't try to guess the manufacturer if the user has already selected one
if( m_choiceMfg->GetSelection() > 0 )
int it = 0;
if( it = m_choiceMfg->FindString( wxT( "manufacturer" ) ); it != wxNOT_FOUND )
m_choiceMfg->Select( it );
else if( it = m_choiceMfg->FindString( _( "manufacturer" ) ); it != wxNOT_FOUND )
m_choiceMfg->Select( it );
else if( it = m_choiceMfg->FindString( wxT( "mfg" ) ); it != wxNOT_FOUND )
m_choiceMfg->Select( it );
else if( it = m_choiceMfg->FindString( _( "mfg" ) ); it != wxNOT_FOUND )
m_choiceMfg->Select( it );
void DIALOG_EXPORT_2581::onDistPNChange( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( event.GetSelection() == 0 )
m_textDistributor->Enable( false );
m_textDistributor->SetValue( _( "N/A" ) );
m_textDistributor->Enable( true );
// Don't try to guess the distributor if the user has already selected one
if( m_textDistributor->GetValue() != _( "N/A" ) )
wxString dist = m_choiceDistPN->GetStringSelection();
// Try to guess the distributor from the part number column
if( dist.Contains( wxT( "DIGIKEY" ) ) )
m_textDistributor->SetValue( wxT( "Digi-Key" ) );
else if( dist.Contains( wxT( "DIGI-KEY" ) ) )
m_textDistributor->SetValue( wxT( "Digi-Key" ) );
else if( dist.Contains( wxT( "MOUSER" ) ) )
m_textDistributor->SetValue( wxT( "Mouser" ) );
else if( dist.Contains( wxT( "NEWARK" ) ) )
m_textDistributor->SetValue( wxT( "Newark" ) );
else if( dist.Contains( wxT( "RS COMPONENTS" ) ) )
m_textDistributor->SetValue( wxT( "RS Components" ) );
else if( dist.Contains( wxT( "FARNELL" ) ) )
m_textDistributor->SetValue( wxT( "Farnell" ) );
else if( dist.Contains( wxT( "ARROW" ) ) )
m_textDistributor->SetValue( wxT( "Arrow" ) );
else if( dist.Contains( wxT( "AVNET" ) ) )
m_textDistributor->SetValue( wxT( "Avnet" ) );
else if( dist.Contains( wxT( "TME" ) ) )
m_textDistributor->SetValue( wxT( "TME" ) );
else if( dist.Contains( wxT( "LCSC" ) ) )
m_textDistributor->SetValue( wxT( "LCSC" ) );
bool DIALOG_EXPORT_2581::Init()
PCBNEW_SETTINGS* cfg = Pgm().GetSettingsManager().GetAppSettings();
std::set options;
BOARD* board = m_parent->GetBoard();
for( FOOTPRINT* fp : board->Footprints() )
for( PCB_FIELD* field : fp->GetFields() )
options.insert( field->GetName() );
m_choiceUnits->SetSelection( cfg->m_Export2581.units );
m_precision->SetValue( cfg->m_Export2581.precision );
m_versionChoice->SetSelection( cfg->m_Export2581.version );
m_cbCompress->SetValue( cfg->m_Export2581.compress );
wxCommandEvent dummy;
onCompressCheck( dummy );
std::vector items( options.begin(), options.end() );
m_oemRef->Append( items );
m_choiceMPN->Append( items );
m_choiceMfg->Append( items );
m_choiceDistPN->Append( items );
m_oemRef->SetStringSelection( s_oemColumn );
PROJECT_FILE& prj = Prj().GetProjectFile();
if( !m_choiceMPN->SetStringSelection( prj.m_IP2581Bom.id ) )
m_choiceMPN->SetSelection( 0 );
if( m_choiceMPN->SetStringSelection( prj.m_IP2581Bom.MPN ) )
m_choiceMfg->Enable( true );
if( !m_choiceMfg->SetStringSelection( prj.m_IP2581Bom.mfg ) )
m_choiceMfg->SetSelection( 0 );
m_choiceMPN->SetSelection( 0 );
m_choiceMfg->SetSelection( 0 );
m_choiceMfg->Enable( false );
if( m_choiceDistPN->SetStringSelection( prj.m_IP2581Bom.distPN ) )
m_textDistributor->Enable( true );
// The combo box selection can be fixed, so any value can be entered
if( !prj.m_IP2581Bom.distPN.empty() )
m_textDistributor->SetValue( prj.m_IP2581Bom.dist );
wxCommandEvent evt;
onDistPNChange( evt );
m_choiceDistPN->SetSelection( 0 );
m_textDistributor->SetValue( _( "N/A" ) );
m_textDistributor->Enable( false );
return true;
bool DIALOG_EXPORT_2581::TransferDataFromWindow()
PCBNEW_SETTINGS* cfg = Pgm().GetSettingsManager().GetAppSettings();
cfg->m_Export2581.units = m_choiceUnits->GetSelection();
cfg->m_Export2581.precision = m_precision->GetValue();
cfg->m_Export2581.version = m_versionChoice->GetSelection();
cfg->m_Export2581.compress = m_cbCompress->GetValue();
PROJECT_FILE& prj = Prj().GetProjectFile();
wxString empty;
prj.m_IP2581Bom.id = GetOEM();
prj.m_IP2581Bom.mfg = GetMfg();
prj.m_IP2581Bom.MPN = GetMPN();
prj.m_IP2581Bom.distPN = GetDistPN();
prj.m_IP2581Bom.dist = GetDist();
s_oemColumn = m_oemRef->GetStringSelection();
return true;