 * This program source code file is part of KICAD, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 2013-2017 CERN
 * Copyright (C) 2018-2020  KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
 * @author Maciej Suminski <maciej.suminski@cern.ch>
 * @author Tomasz Wlostowski <tomasz.wlostowski@cern.ch>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
 * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA


#include <board.h>
#include <pad.h>
#include <footprint.h>
#include <track.h>
#include <zone.h>

#include <geometry/shape_poly_set.h>
#include <geometry/poly_grid_partition.h>

#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <intrusive_list.h>

#include <connectivity/connectivity_rtree.h>
#include <connectivity/connectivity_data.h>

class CN_ITEM;

        m_item = nullptr;

    CN_ANCHOR( const VECTOR2I& aPos, CN_ITEM* aItem )
        m_pos   = aPos;
        m_item  = aItem;
        assert( m_item );

    bool Valid() const;

    CN_ITEM* Item() const
        return m_item;

    BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* Parent() const;

    const VECTOR2I& Pos() const
        return m_pos;

    void Move( const VECTOR2I& aPos )
        m_pos += aPos;

    const unsigned int Dist( const CN_ANCHOR& aSecond )
        return ( m_pos - aSecond.Pos() ).EuclideanNorm();

    /// Returns tag, common identifier for connected nodes
    inline int GetTag() const
        return m_tag;

    /// Sets tag, common identifier for connected nodes
    inline void SetTag( int aTag )
        m_tag = aTag;

    /// Decides whether this node can be a ratsnest line target
    inline void SetNoLine( bool aEnable )
        m_noline = aEnable;

    /// Returns true if this node can be a target for ratsnest lines
    inline const bool& GetNoLine() const
        return m_noline;

    inline void SetCluster( std::shared_ptr<CN_CLUSTER> aCluster )
        m_cluster = aCluster;

    inline const std::shared_ptr<CN_CLUSTER>& GetCluster() const
        return m_cluster;

     * has meaning only for tracks and vias.
     * @return true if this anchor is dangling
     * The anchor point is dangling if the parent is a track
     * and this anchor point is not connected to another item
     * ( track, vas pad or zone) or if the parent is a via and this anchor point
     * is connected to only one track and not to another item
    bool IsDangling() const;

     * has meaning only for tracks and vias.
     * @return the count of items connected to this anchor
    int ConnectedItemsCount() const;

    // Tag used for unconnected items.
    static const int TAG_UNCONNECTED = -1;

    /// Position of the anchor
    VECTOR2I m_pos;

    /// Item owning the anchor
    CN_ITEM* m_item = nullptr;

    /// Tag for quick connection resolution
    int m_tag = -1;

    /// Whether it the node can be a target for ratsnest lines
    bool m_noline = false;

    /// Cluster to which the anchor belongs
    std::shared_ptr<CN_CLUSTER> m_cluster;

typedef std::shared_ptr<CN_ANCHOR>  CN_ANCHOR_PTR;
typedef std::vector<CN_ANCHOR_PTR>  CN_ANCHORS;

// basic connectivity item
class CN_ITEM
    using CONNECTED_ITEMS = std::vector<CN_ITEM*>;


    CONNECTED_ITEMS m_connected;      ///> list of items physically connected (touching)
    CN_ANCHORS      m_anchors;

    bool            m_canChangeNet;  ///> can the net propagator modify the netcode?

    bool            m_visited;       ///> visited flag for the BFS scan
    bool            m_valid;         ///> used to identify garbage items (we use lazy removal)

    std::mutex      m_listLock;      ///> mutex protecting this item's connected_items set to
                                     ///> allow parallel connection threads
    bool            m_dirty;         ///> used to identify recently added item not yet
                                     ///> scanned into the connectivity search
    LAYER_RANGE     m_layers;        ///> layer range over which the item exists
    BOX2I           m_bbox;          ///> bounding box for the item

    void Dump();

    CN_ITEM( BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* aParent, bool aCanChangeNet, int aAnchorCount = 2 )
        m_parent = aParent;
        m_canChangeNet = aCanChangeNet;
        m_visited = false;
        m_valid = true;
        m_dirty = true;
        m_anchors.reserve( std::max( 6, aAnchorCount ) );
        m_layers = LAYER_RANGE( 0, PCB_LAYER_ID_COUNT );
        m_connected.reserve( 8 );

    virtual ~CN_ITEM() {};

    void AddAnchor( const VECTOR2I& aPos )
        m_anchors.emplace_back( std::make_shared<CN_ANCHOR>( aPos, this ) );

    CN_ANCHORS& Anchors() { return m_anchors; }

    void SetValid( bool aValid ) { m_valid = aValid; }
    bool Valid() const { return m_valid; }

    void SetDirty( bool aDirty ) { m_dirty = aDirty; }
    bool Dirty() const { return m_dirty;  }

     * Function SetLayers()
     * Sets the layers spanned by the item to aLayers.
    void SetLayers( const LAYER_RANGE& aLayers )
        m_layers = aLayers;

     * Function SetLayer()
     * Sets the layers spanned by the item to a single layer aLayer.
    void SetLayer( int aLayer )
        m_layers = LAYER_RANGE( aLayer, aLayer );

     * Function Layers()
     * Returns the contiguous set of layers spanned by the item.
    const LAYER_RANGE& Layers() const
        return m_layers;

     * Function Layer()
     * Returns the item's layer, for single-layered items only.
    virtual int Layer() const
        return Layers().Start();

    const BOX2I& BBox()
        if( m_dirty && m_valid )
            EDA_RECT box = m_parent->GetBoundingBox();
            m_bbox = BOX2I( box.GetPosition(), box.GetSize() );
        return m_bbox;

    BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* Parent() const
        return m_parent;

    const CONNECTED_ITEMS& ConnectedItems() const { return m_connected; }
    void ClearConnections() { m_connected.clear(); }

    void SetVisited( bool aVisited ) { m_visited = aVisited; }
    bool Visited() const { return m_visited; }

    bool CanChangeNet() const { return m_canChangeNet; }

    void Connect( CN_ITEM* b )
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock( m_listLock );

        auto i = std::lower_bound( m_connected.begin(), m_connected.end(), b );

        if( i != m_connected.end() && *i == b )

        m_connected.insert( i, b );

    void RemoveInvalidRefs();

    virtual int AnchorCount() const;
    virtual const VECTOR2I GetAnchor( int n ) const;

    int Net() const
        return ( !m_parent || !m_valid ) ? -1 : m_parent->GetNetCode();

typedef std::shared_ptr<CN_ITEM> CN_ITEM_PTR;

class CN_ZONE_LAYER : public CN_ITEM
    CN_ZONE_LAYER( ZONE* aParent, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, bool aCanChangeNet, int aSubpolyIndex ) :
            CN_ITEM( aParent, aCanChangeNet ),
            m_subpolyIndex( aSubpolyIndex ),
            m_layer( aLayer )
        SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN outline = aParent->GetFilledPolysList( aLayer ).COutline( aSubpolyIndex );

        outline.SetClosed( true );

        m_cachedPoly = std::make_unique<POLY_GRID_PARTITION>( outline, 16 );

    int SubpolyIndex() const
        return m_subpolyIndex;

    bool ContainsAnchor( const CN_ANCHOR_PTR anchor ) const
        return ContainsPoint( anchor->Pos(), 0 );

    bool ContainsPoint( const VECTOR2I p, int aAccuracy = 0 ) const
        ZONE* zone = static_cast<ZONE*>( Parent() );
        int clearance = aAccuracy;

        if( zone->GetFilledPolysUseThickness() )
            clearance += ( zone->GetMinThickness() + 1 ) / 2;

        return m_cachedPoly->ContainsPoint( p, clearance );

    const BOX2I& BBox()
        if( m_dirty )
            m_bbox = m_cachedPoly->BBox();

        return m_bbox;

    virtual int AnchorCount() const override;
    virtual const VECTOR2I GetAnchor( int n ) const override;

    std::vector<VECTOR2I>                m_testOutlinePoints;
    std::unique_ptr<POLY_GRID_PARTITION> m_cachedPoly;
    int                                  m_subpolyIndex;
    PCB_LAYER_ID                         m_layer;

class CN_LIST
    bool                  m_dirty;
    bool                  m_hasInvalid;

    CN_RTREE<CN_ITEM*>    m_index;

    std::vector<CN_ITEM*> m_items;

    void addItemtoTree( CN_ITEM* item )
        m_index.Insert( item );

        m_dirty = false;
        m_hasInvalid = false;

    void Clear()
        for( auto item : m_items )
            delete item;


    using ITER       = decltype( m_items )::iterator;
    using CONST_ITER = decltype( m_items )::const_iterator;

    ITER begin() { return m_items.begin(); };
    ITER end() { return m_items.end(); };

    CONST_ITER begin() const
        return m_items.begin();

    CONST_ITER end() const
        return m_items.end();

    CN_ITEM* operator[] ( int aIndex ) { return m_items[aIndex]; }

    template <class T>
    void FindNearby( CN_ITEM *aItem, T aFunc )
        m_index.Query( aItem->BBox(), aItem->Layers(), aFunc );

    void SetHasInvalid( bool aInvalid = true ) { m_hasInvalid = aInvalid; }

    void SetDirty( bool aDirty = true ) { m_dirty = aDirty; }
    bool IsDirty() const { return m_dirty; }

    void RemoveInvalidItems( std::vector<CN_ITEM*>& aGarbage );

    void ClearDirtyFlags()
        for( auto item : m_items )
            item->SetDirty( false );

        SetDirty( false );

    void MarkAllAsDirty()
        for( auto item : m_items )
            item->SetDirty( true );

        SetDirty( true );

    int Size() const
        return m_items.size();

    CN_ITEM* Add( PAD* pad );

    CN_ITEM* Add( TRACK* track );

    CN_ITEM* Add( ARC* track );

    CN_ITEM* Add( VIA* via );

    const std::vector<CN_ITEM*> Add( ZONE* zone, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer );

    bool                  m_conflicting = false;
    int                   m_originNet = 0;
    CN_ITEM*              m_originPad = nullptr;
    std::vector<CN_ITEM*> m_items;


    bool HasValidNet() const { return m_originNet > 0; }
    int OriginNet() const { return m_originNet; }

    wxString OriginNetName() const;

    bool    Contains( const CN_ITEM* aItem );
    bool    Contains( const BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* aItem );
    void    Dump();

    int Size() const { return m_items.size(); }

    bool IsOrphaned() const { return m_originPad == nullptr; }

    bool IsConflicting() const { return m_conflicting; }

    void Add( CN_ITEM* item );

    using ITER = decltype(m_items)::iterator;

    ITER begin() { return m_items.begin(); };
    ITER end() { return m_items.end(); };

typedef std::shared_ptr<CN_CLUSTER> CN_CLUSTER_PTR;