 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 2012 CERN
 * Copyright (C) 1992-2018 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
 * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

#include <fctsys.h>
#include <kicad_string.h>
#include <common.h>
#include <build_version.h>      // LEGACY_BOARD_FILE_VERSION
#include <macros.h>
#include <wildcards_and_files_ext.h>
#include <base_units.h>
#include <trace_helpers.h>

#include <class_board.h>
#include <class_module.h>
#include <class_pcb_text.h>
#include <class_dimension.h>
#include <class_track.h>
#include <class_zone.h>
#include <class_drawsegment.h>
#include <class_pcb_target.h>
#include <class_edge_mod.h>
#include <pcb_plot_params.h>
#include <zones.h>
#include <kicad_plugin.h>
#include <pcb_parser.h>

#include <wx/dir.h>
#include <wx/filename.h>
#include <wx/wfstream.h>
#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_map.hpp>
#include <memory.h>
#include <connectivity/connectivity_data.h>
#include <convert_basic_shapes_to_polygon.h>    // for enum RECT_CHAMFER_POSITIONS definition

using namespace PCB_KEYS_T;

///> Removes empty nets (i.e. with node count equal zero) from net classes
void filterNetClass( const BOARD& aBoard, NETCLASS& aNetClass )
    auto connectivity = aBoard.GetConnectivity();

    for( NETCLASS::iterator it = aNetClass.begin(); it != aNetClass.end(); )
        NETINFO_ITEM* netinfo = aBoard.FindNet( *it );

        if( netinfo && connectivity->GetNodeCount( netinfo->GetNet() ) <= 0 ) // hopefully there are no nets with negative
            aNetClass.Remove( it++ );                  // node count, but you never know..

 * is helper class for creating a footprint library cache.
 * The new footprint library design is a file path of individual module files
 * that contain a single module per file.  This class is a helper only for the
 * footprint portion of the PLUGIN API, and only for the #PCB_IO plugin.  It is
 * private to this implementation file so it is not placed into a header.
    WX_FILENAME             m_filename;
    std::unique_ptr<MODULE> m_module;

    FP_CACHE_ITEM( MODULE* aModule, const WX_FILENAME& aFileName );

    const WX_FILENAME& GetFileName() const { return m_filename; }
    const MODULE*      GetModule()   const { return m_module.get(); }

    m_filename( aFileName ),
    m_module( aModule )
{ }

typedef boost::ptr_map< wxString, FP_CACHE_ITEM >   MODULE_MAP;
typedef MODULE_MAP::iterator                        MODULE_ITER;
typedef MODULE_MAP::const_iterator                  MODULE_CITER;

class FP_CACHE
    PCB_IO*         m_owner;            // Plugin object that owns the cache.
    wxFileName      m_lib_path;         // The path of the library.
    wxString        m_lib_raw_path;     // For quick comparisons.
    MODULE_MAP      m_modules;          // Map of footprint file name per MODULE*.

    bool            m_cache_dirty;      // Stored separately because it's expensive to check
                                        // m_cache_timestamp against all the files.
    long long       m_cache_timestamp;  // A hash of the timestamps for all the footprint
                                        // files.

    FP_CACHE( PCB_IO* aOwner, const wxString& aLibraryPath );

    wxString    GetPath() const { return m_lib_raw_path; }
    bool        IsWritable() const { return m_lib_path.IsOk() && m_lib_path.IsDirWritable(); }
    bool        Exists() const { return m_lib_path.IsOk() && m_lib_path.DirExists(); }
    MODULE_MAP& GetModules() { return m_modules; }

    // Most all functions in this class throw IO_ERROR exceptions.  There are no
    // error codes nor user interface calls from here, nor in any PLUGIN.
    // Catch these exceptions higher up please.

     * Function Save
     * Save the footprint cache or a single module from it to disk
     * @param aModule if set, save only this module, otherwise, save the full library
    void Save( MODULE* aModule = NULL );

    void Load();

    void Remove( const wxString& aFootprintName );

     * Function GetTimestamp
     * Generate a timestamp representing all source files in the cache (including the
     * parent directory).
     * Timestamps should not be considered ordered.  They either match or they don't.
    static long long GetTimestamp( const wxString& aLibPath );

     * Function IsModified
     * Return true if the cache is not up-to-date.
    bool IsModified();

     * Function IsPath
     * checks if \a aPath is the same as the current cache path.
     * This tests paths by converting \a aPath using the native separators.  Internally
     * #FP_CACHE stores the current path using native separators.  This prevents path
     * miscompares on Windows due to the fact that paths can be stored with / instead of \\
     * in the footprint library table.
     * @param aPath is the library path to test against.
     * @return true if \a aPath is the same as the cache path.
    bool IsPath( const wxString& aPath ) const;

FP_CACHE::FP_CACHE( PCB_IO* aOwner, const wxString& aLibraryPath )
    m_owner = aOwner;
    m_lib_raw_path = aLibraryPath;
    m_lib_path.SetPath( aLibraryPath );
    m_cache_timestamp = 0;
    m_cache_dirty = true;

void FP_CACHE::Save( MODULE* aModule )
    m_cache_timestamp = 0;

    if( !m_lib_path.DirExists() && !m_lib_path.Mkdir() )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "Cannot create footprint library path \"%s\"" ),
                                          m_lib_raw_path ) );

    if( !m_lib_path.IsDirWritable() )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "Footprint library path \"%s\" is read only" ),
                                          m_lib_raw_path ) );

    for( MODULE_ITER it = m_modules.begin();  it != m_modules.end();  ++it )
        if( aModule && aModule != it->second->GetModule() )

        WX_FILENAME fn = it->second->GetFileName();

        wxString tempFileName =
        wxFileName::CreateTempFileName( fn.GetPath() );
        // Allow file output stream to go out of scope to close the file stream before
        // renaming the file.
            wxLogTrace( traceKicadPcbPlugin, wxT( "Creating temporary library file %s" ),
                        GetChars( tempFileName ) );

            FILE_OUTPUTFORMATTER formatter( tempFileName );

            m_owner->SetOutputFormatter( &formatter );
            m_owner->Format( (BOARD_ITEM*) it->second->GetModule() );

        wxRemove( fn.GetFullPath() );     // it is not an error if this does not exist

        // Even on linux you can see an _intermittent_ error when calling wxRename(),
        // and it is fully inexplicable.  See if this dodges the error.
        wxMilliSleep( 250L );

        if( !wxRenameFile( tempFileName, fn.GetFullPath() ) )
            wxString msg = wxString::Format(
                    _( "Cannot rename temporary file \"%s\" to footprint library file \"%s\"" ),
                    GetChars( tempFileName ),
                    GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() )
            THROW_IO_ERROR( msg );
        m_cache_timestamp += fn.GetTimestamp();

    m_cache_timestamp += m_lib_path.GetModificationTime().GetValue().GetValue();

    // If we've saved the full cache, we clear the dirty flag.
    if( !aModule )
        m_cache_dirty = false;

void FP_CACHE::Load()
    m_cache_dirty = false;
    m_cache_timestamp = 0;

    wxDir dir( m_lib_raw_path );

    if( !dir.IsOpened() )
        wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Footprint library path \"%s\" does not exist" ),
                                         m_lib_raw_path );
        THROW_IO_ERROR( msg );

    wxString fullName;
    wxString fileSpec = wxT( "*." ) + KiCadFootprintFileExtension;

    // wxFileName construction is egregiously slow.  Construct it once and just swap out
    // the filename thereafter.
    WX_FILENAME fn( m_lib_raw_path, wxT( "dummyName" ) );

    if( dir.GetFirst( &fullName, fileSpec ) )
        wxString cacheError;

            fn.SetFullName( fullName );

            // Queue I/O errors so only files that fail to parse don't get loaded.
                FILE_LINE_READER    reader( fn.GetFullPath() );

                m_owner->m_parser->SetLineReader( &reader );

                MODULE*     footprint = (MODULE*) m_owner->m_parser->Parse();
                wxString    fpName = fn.GetName();

                footprint->SetFPID( LIB_ID( wxEmptyString, fpName ) );
                m_modules.insert( fpName, new FP_CACHE_ITEM( footprint, fn ) );

                m_cache_timestamp += fn.GetTimestamp();
            catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
                if( !cacheError.IsEmpty() )
                    cacheError += "\n\n";

                cacheError += ioe.What();
        } while( dir.GetNext( &fullName ) );

        if( !cacheError.IsEmpty() )
            THROW_IO_ERROR( cacheError );

void FP_CACHE::Remove( const wxString& aFootprintName )
    MODULE_CITER it = m_modules.find( aFootprintName );

    if( it == m_modules.end() )
        wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "library \"%s\" has no footprint \"%s\" to delete" ),
                                         aFootprintName );
        THROW_IO_ERROR( msg );

    // Remove the module from the cache and delete the module file from the library.
    wxString fullPath = it->second->GetFileName().GetFullPath();
    m_modules.erase( aFootprintName );
    wxRemoveFile( fullPath );

bool FP_CACHE::IsPath( const wxString& aPath ) const
    return aPath == m_lib_raw_path;

bool FP_CACHE::IsModified()
    m_cache_dirty = m_cache_dirty || GetTimestamp( m_lib_path.GetFullPath() ) != m_cache_timestamp;

    return m_cache_dirty;

long long FP_CACHE::GetTimestamp( const wxString& aLibPath )
    wxString fileSpec = wxT( "*." ) + KiCadFootprintFileExtension;

    return TimestampDir( aLibPath, fileSpec );

void PCB_IO::Save( const wxString& aFileName, BOARD* aBoard, const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    LOCALE_IO   toggle;     // toggles on, then off, the C locale.

    init( aProperties );

    m_board = aBoard;       // after init()

    // Prepare net mapping that assures that net codes saved in a file are consecutive integers
    m_mapping->SetBoard( aBoard );

    FILE_OUTPUTFORMATTER    formatter( aFileName );

    m_out = &formatter;     // no ownership

    m_out->Print( 0, "(kicad_pcb (version %d) (host pcbnew %s)\n", SEXPR_BOARD_FILE_VERSION,
                  formatter.Quotew( GetBuildVersion() ).c_str() );

    Format( aBoard, 1 );

    m_out->Print( 0, ")\n" );

BOARD_ITEM* PCB_IO::Parse( const wxString& aClipboardSourceInput )
    std::string input = TO_UTF8( aClipboardSourceInput );

    STRING_LINE_READER  reader( input, wxT( "clipboard" ) );

    m_parser->SetLineReader( &reader );

        return m_parser->Parse();
    catch( const PARSE_ERROR& parse_error )
        if( m_parser->IsTooRecent() )
            throw FUTURE_FORMAT_ERROR( parse_error, m_parser->GetRequiredVersion() );

void PCB_IO::Format( BOARD_ITEM* aItem, int aNestLevel ) const
    LOCALE_IO   toggle;     // public API function, perform anything convenient for caller

    switch( aItem->Type() )
    case PCB_T:
        format( static_cast<BOARD*>( aItem ), aNestLevel );

        format( static_cast<DIMENSION*>( aItem ), aNestLevel );

    case PCB_LINE_T:
        format( static_cast<DRAWSEGMENT*>( aItem ), aNestLevel );

        format( static_cast<EDGE_MODULE*>( aItem ), aNestLevel );

    case PCB_TARGET_T:
        format( static_cast<PCB_TARGET*>( aItem ), aNestLevel );

    case PCB_MODULE_T:
        format( static_cast<MODULE*>( aItem ), aNestLevel );

    case PCB_PAD_T:
        format( static_cast<D_PAD*>( aItem ), aNestLevel );

    case PCB_TEXT_T:
        format( static_cast<TEXTE_PCB*>( aItem ), aNestLevel );

        format( static_cast<TEXTE_MODULE*>( aItem ), aNestLevel );

    case PCB_TRACE_T:
    case PCB_VIA_T:
        format( static_cast<TRACK*>( aItem ), aNestLevel );

    case PCB_ZONE_AREA_T:
        format( static_cast<ZONE_CONTAINER*>( aItem ), aNestLevel );

        wxFAIL_MSG( wxT( "Cannot format item " ) + aItem->GetClass() );

void PCB_IO::formatLayer( const BOARD_ITEM* aItem ) const
    if( m_ctl & CTL_STD_LAYER_NAMES )
        PCB_LAYER_ID layer = aItem->GetLayer();

        // English layer names should never need quoting.
        m_out->Print( 0, " (layer %s)", TO_UTF8( BOARD::GetStandardLayerName( layer ) ) );
        m_out->Print( 0, " (layer %s)", m_out->Quotew( aItem->GetLayerName() ).c_str() );

void PCB_IO::formatSetup( BOARD* aBoard, int aNestLevel ) const
    const BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS& dsnSettings = aBoard->GetDesignSettings();

    // Setup
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(setup\n" );

    // Save current default track width, for compatibility with older Pcbnew version;
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(last_trace_width %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.GetCurrentTrackWidth() ).c_str() );

    // Save custom tracks width list (the first is not saved here: this is the netclass value
    for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < dsnSettings.m_TrackWidthList.size(); ii++ )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(user_trace_width %s)\n",
                      FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_TrackWidthList[ii] ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(trace_clearance %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.GetDefault()->GetClearance() ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(zone_clearance %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( aBoard->GetZoneSettings().m_ZoneClearance ).c_str() );
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(zone_45_only %s)\n",
                  aBoard->GetZoneSettings().m_Zone_45_Only ? "yes" : "no" );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(trace_min %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_TrackMinWidth ).c_str() );

    // Save current default via size, for compatibility with older Pcbnew version;
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(via_size %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.GetDefault()->GetViaDiameter() ).c_str() );
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(via_drill %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.GetDefault()->GetViaDrill() ).c_str() );
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(via_min_size %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_ViasMinSize ).c_str() );
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(via_min_drill %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_ViasMinDrill ).c_str() );

    // Save custom vias diameters list (the first is not saved here: this is
    // the netclass value
    for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < dsnSettings.m_ViasDimensionsList.size(); ii++ )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(user_via %s %s)\n",
                      FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_ViasDimensionsList[ii].m_Diameter ).c_str(),
                      FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_ViasDimensionsList[ii].m_Drill ).c_str() );

    // for old versions compatibility:
    if( dsnSettings.m_BlindBuriedViaAllowed )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(blind_buried_vias_allowed yes)\n" );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(uvia_size %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.GetDefault()->GetuViaDiameter() ).c_str() );
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(uvia_drill %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.GetDefault()->GetuViaDrill() ).c_str() );
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(uvias_allowed %s)\n",
                  ( dsnSettings.m_MicroViasAllowed ) ? "yes" : "no" );
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(uvia_min_size %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_MicroViasMinSize ).c_str() );
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(uvia_min_drill %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_MicroViasMinDrill ).c_str() );

    // 6.0 TODO: are we going to update the tokens we save these under?
    // 6.0 TODO: need to save the LAYER_CLASS_OTHERS stuff
    // 6.0 TODO: need to save the TextItalic and TextUpright settings

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(edge_width %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_LineThickness[ LAYER_CLASS_EDGES ] ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(segment_width %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_LineThickness[ LAYER_CLASS_COPPER ] ).c_str() );
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(pcb_text_width %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_TextThickness[ LAYER_CLASS_COPPER ] ).c_str() );
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(pcb_text_size %s %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_TextSize[ LAYER_CLASS_COPPER ].x ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_TextSize[ LAYER_CLASS_COPPER ].y ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(mod_edge_width %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_LineThickness[ LAYER_CLASS_SILK ] ).c_str() );
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(mod_text_size %s %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_TextSize[ LAYER_CLASS_SILK ].x ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_TextSize[ LAYER_CLASS_SILK ].y ).c_str() );
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(mod_text_width %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_TextThickness[ LAYER_CLASS_SILK ] ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(pad_size %s %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_Pad_Master.GetSize().x ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_Pad_Master.GetSize().y ).c_str() );
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(pad_drill %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_Pad_Master.GetDrillSize().x ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(pad_to_mask_clearance %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_SolderMaskMargin ).c_str() );

    if( dsnSettings.m_SolderMaskMinWidth )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(solder_mask_min_width %s)\n",
                      FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_SolderMaskMinWidth ).c_str() );

    if( dsnSettings.m_SolderPasteMargin != 0 )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(pad_to_paste_clearance %s)\n",
                      FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.m_SolderPasteMargin ).c_str() );

    if( dsnSettings.m_SolderPasteMarginRatio != 0 )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(pad_to_paste_clearance_ratio %s)\n",
                      Double2Str( dsnSettings.m_SolderPasteMarginRatio ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(aux_axis_origin %s %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( aBoard->GetAuxOrigin().x ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aBoard->GetAuxOrigin().y ).c_str() );

    if( aBoard->GetGridOrigin().x || aBoard->GetGridOrigin().y )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(grid_origin %s %s)\n",
                      FormatInternalUnits( aBoard->GetGridOrigin().x ).c_str(),
                      FormatInternalUnits( aBoard->GetGridOrigin().y ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(visible_elements %X)\n",
                  dsnSettings.GetVisibleElements() );

    aBoard->GetPlotOptions().Format( m_out, aNestLevel+1 );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel, ")\n\n" );

void PCB_IO::formatGeneral( BOARD* aBoard, int aNestLevel ) const
    const BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS& dsnSettings = aBoard->GetDesignSettings();

    m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(general\n" );
    // Write Bounding box info
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(thickness %s)\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( dsnSettings.GetBoardThickness() ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(drawings %d)\n", aBoard->Drawings().Size() );
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(tracks %d)\n", aBoard->GetNumSegmTrack() );
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(modules %d)\n", aBoard->m_Modules.GetCount() );
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(nets %d)\n", m_mapping->GetSize() );
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel, ")\n\n" );

    aBoard->GetPageSettings().Format( m_out, aNestLevel, m_ctl );
    aBoard->GetTitleBlock().Format( m_out, aNestLevel, m_ctl );

void PCB_IO::formatBoardLayers( BOARD* aBoard, int aNestLevel ) const
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(layers\n" );

    // Save only the used copper layers from front to back.
    LSET visible_layers = aBoard->GetVisibleLayers();

    for( LSEQ cu = aBoard->GetEnabledLayers().CuStack();  cu;  ++cu )
        PCB_LAYER_ID layer = *cu;

        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(%d %s %s", layer,
                      m_out->Quotew( aBoard->GetLayerName( layer ) ).c_str(),
                      LAYER::ShowType( aBoard->GetLayerType( layer ) ) );

        if( !visible_layers[layer] )
            m_out->Print( 0, " hide" );

        m_out->Print( 0, ")\n" );

    // Save used non-copper layers in the order they are defined.
    // desired sequence for non Cu BOARD layers.
    static const PCB_LAYER_ID non_cu[] =
        B_Adhes,        // 32

    for( LSEQ seq = aBoard->GetEnabledLayers().Seq( non_cu, arrayDim( non_cu ) );  seq;  ++seq )
        PCB_LAYER_ID layer = *seq;

        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(%d %s user", layer,
                      m_out->Quotew( aBoard->GetLayerName( layer ) ).c_str() );

        if( !visible_layers[layer] )
            m_out->Print( 0, " hide" );

        m_out->Print( 0, ")\n" );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel, ")\n\n" );

void PCB_IO::formatNetInformation( BOARD* aBoard, int aNestLevel ) const
    const BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS& dsnSettings = aBoard->GetDesignSettings();
    for( NETINFO_ITEM* net : *m_mapping )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(net %d %s)\n",
                                  m_mapping->Translate( net->GetNet() ),
                                  m_out->Quotew( net->GetNetname() ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );

    // Save the default net class first.
    NETCLASS defaultNC = *dsnSettings.GetDefault();
    filterNetClass( *aBoard, defaultNC );       // Remove empty nets (from a copy of a netclass)
    defaultNC.Format( m_out, aNestLevel, m_ctl );

    // Save the rest of the net classes alphabetically.
    for( const auto& it : dsnSettings.m_NetClasses )
        NETCLASS netclass = *it.second;
        filterNetClass( *aBoard, netclass );    // Remove empty nets (from a copy of a netclass)
        netclass.Format( m_out, aNestLevel, m_ctl );

void PCB_IO::formatHeader( BOARD* aBoard, int aNestLevel ) const
    formatGeneral( aBoard, aNestLevel );
    // Layers.
    formatBoardLayers( aBoard, aNestLevel );
    // Setup
    formatSetup( aBoard, aNestLevel );
    // Save net codes and names
    formatNetInformation( aBoard, aNestLevel );

void PCB_IO::format( BOARD* aBoard, int aNestLevel ) const
    formatHeader( aBoard, aNestLevel );

    // Save the modules.
    for( MODULE* module = aBoard->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        Format( module, aNestLevel );
        m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );

    // Save the graphical items on the board (not owned by a module)
    for( auto item : aBoard->Drawings() )
        Format( item, aNestLevel );

    if( aBoard->Drawings().Size() )
        m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );

    // Do not save MARKER_PCBs, they can be regenerated easily.

    // Save the tracks and vias.
    for( TRACK* track = aBoard->m_Track;  track; track = track->Next() )
        Format( track, aNestLevel );

    if( aBoard->m_Track.GetCount() )
        m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );

    /// @todo Add warning here that the old segment filed zones are no longer supported and
    ///       will not be saved.

    // Save the polygon (which are the newer technology) zones.
    for( int i = 0; i < aBoard->GetAreaCount();  ++i )
        Format( aBoard->GetArea( i ), aNestLevel );

void PCB_IO::format( DIMENSION* aDimension, int aNestLevel ) const
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(dimension %s (width %s)",
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->GetValue() ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->GetWidth() ).c_str() );

    formatLayer( aDimension );

    if( aDimension->GetTimeStamp() )
        m_out->Print( 0, " (tstamp %lX)", (unsigned long)aDimension->GetTimeStamp() );

    m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );

    Format( &aDimension->Text(), aNestLevel+1 );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(feature1 (pts (xy %s %s) (xy %s %s)))\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_featureLineDO.x ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_featureLineDO.y ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_featureLineDF.x ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_featureLineDF.y ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(feature2 (pts (xy %s %s) (xy %s %s)))\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_featureLineGO.x ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_featureLineGO.y ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_featureLineGF.x ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_featureLineGF.y ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(crossbar (pts (xy %s %s) (xy %s %s)))\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_crossBarO.x ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_crossBarO.y ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_crossBarF.x ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_crossBarF.y ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(arrow1a (pts (xy %s %s) (xy %s %s)))\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_crossBarF.x ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_crossBarF.y ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_arrowD1F.x ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_arrowD1F.y ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(arrow1b (pts (xy %s %s) (xy %s %s)))\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_crossBarF.x ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_crossBarF.y ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_arrowD2F.x ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_arrowD2F.y ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(arrow2a (pts (xy %s %s) (xy %s %s)))\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_crossBarO.x ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_crossBarO.y ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_arrowG1F.x ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_arrowG1F.y ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(arrow2b (pts (xy %s %s) (xy %s %s)))\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_crossBarO.x ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_crossBarO.y ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_arrowG2F.x ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aDimension->m_arrowG2F.y ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel, ")\n" );

void PCB_IO::format( DRAWSEGMENT* aSegment, int aNestLevel ) const
    switch( aSegment->GetShape() )
    case S_SEGMENT:  // Line
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(gr_line (start %s) (end %s)",
                      FormatInternalUnits( aSegment->GetStart() ).c_str(),
                      FormatInternalUnits( aSegment->GetEnd() ).c_str() );

        if( aSegment->GetAngle() != 0.0 )
            m_out->Print( 0, " (angle %s)", FormatAngle( aSegment->GetAngle() ).c_str() );


    case S_CIRCLE:  // Circle
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(gr_circle (center %s) (end %s)",
                      FormatInternalUnits( aSegment->GetStart() ).c_str(),
                      FormatInternalUnits( aSegment->GetEnd() ).c_str() );

    case S_ARC:     // Arc
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(gr_arc (start %s) (end %s) (angle %s)",
                      FormatInternalUnits( aSegment->GetStart() ).c_str(),
                      FormatInternalUnits( aSegment->GetEnd() ).c_str(),
                      FormatAngle( aSegment->GetAngle() ).c_str() );

    case S_POLYGON: // Polygon
        if( aSegment->IsPolyShapeValid() )
            SHAPE_POLY_SET& poly = aSegment->GetPolyShape();
            SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& outline = poly.Outline( 0 );
            int pointsCount = outline.PointCount();

            m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(gr_poly (pts" );

            for( int ii = 0; ii < pointsCount;  ++ii )
                m_out->Print( 0, " (xy %s)", FormatInternalUnits( outline.CPoint( ii ) ).c_str() );

            m_out->Print( 0, ")" );
            wxFAIL_MSG( wxT( "Cannot format invalid polygon." ) );


    case S_CURVE:   // Bezier curve
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(gr_curve (pts (xy %s) (xy %s) (xy %s) (xy %s))",
                      FormatInternalUnits( aSegment->GetStart() ).c_str(),
                      FormatInternalUnits( aSegment->GetBezControl1() ).c_str(),
                      FormatInternalUnits( aSegment->GetBezControl2() ).c_str(),
                      FormatInternalUnits( aSegment->GetEnd() ).c_str() );

        wxFAIL_MSG( wxT( "Cannot format invalid DRAWSEGMENT type." ) );

    formatLayer( aSegment );

    m_out->Print( 0, " (width %s)", FormatInternalUnits( aSegment->GetWidth() ).c_str() );

    if( aSegment->GetTimeStamp() )
        m_out->Print( 0, " (tstamp %lX)", (unsigned long)aSegment->GetTimeStamp() );

    if( aSegment->GetStatus() )
        m_out->Print( 0, " (status %X)", aSegment->GetStatus() );

    m_out->Print( 0, ")\n" );

void PCB_IO::format( EDGE_MODULE* aModuleDrawing, int aNestLevel ) const
    switch( aModuleDrawing->GetShape() )
    case S_SEGMENT:  // Line
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(fp_line (start %s) (end %s)",
                      FormatInternalUnits( aModuleDrawing->GetStart0() ).c_str(),
                      FormatInternalUnits( aModuleDrawing->GetEnd0() ).c_str() );

    case S_CIRCLE:  // Circle
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(fp_circle (center %s) (end %s)",
                      FormatInternalUnits( aModuleDrawing->GetStart0() ).c_str(),
                      FormatInternalUnits( aModuleDrawing->GetEnd0() ).c_str() );

    case S_ARC:     // Arc
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(fp_arc (start %s) (end %s) (angle %s)",
                      FormatInternalUnits( aModuleDrawing->GetStart0() ).c_str(),
                      FormatInternalUnits( aModuleDrawing->GetEnd0() ).c_str(),
                      FormatAngle( aModuleDrawing->GetAngle() ).c_str() );

    case S_POLYGON: // Polygonal segment
        if( aModuleDrawing->IsPolyShapeValid() )
            SHAPE_POLY_SET& poly = aModuleDrawing->GetPolyShape();
            SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& outline = poly.Outline( 0 );
            int pointsCount = outline.PointCount();

            m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(fp_poly (pts" );

            for( int ii = 0; ii < pointsCount;  ++ii )
                int nestLevel = 0;

                if( ii && !( ii%4 ) )   // newline every 4 pts
                    nestLevel = aNestLevel + 1;
                    m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );

                m_out->Print( nestLevel, "%s(xy %s)",
                              nestLevel ? "" : " ", FormatInternalUnits( outline.CPoint( ii ) ).c_str() );

            m_out->Print( 0, ")" );
            wxFAIL_MSG( wxT( "Cannot format invalid polygon." ) );

    case S_CURVE:   // Bezier curve
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(fp_curve (pts (xy %s) (xy %s) (xy %s) (xy %s))",
                      FormatInternalUnits( aModuleDrawing->GetStart0() ).c_str(),
                      FormatInternalUnits( aModuleDrawing->GetBezier0_C1() ).c_str(),
                      FormatInternalUnits( aModuleDrawing->GetBezier0_C2() ).c_str(),
                      FormatInternalUnits( aModuleDrawing->GetEnd0() ).c_str() );

        wxFAIL_MSG( wxT( "Cannot format invalid DRAWSEGMENT type." ) );

    formatLayer( aModuleDrawing );

    m_out->Print( 0, " (width %s)", FormatInternalUnits( aModuleDrawing->GetWidth() ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( 0, ")\n" );

void PCB_IO::format( PCB_TARGET* aTarget, int aNestLevel ) const
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(target %s (at %s) (size %s)",
                  ( aTarget->GetShape() ) ? "x" : "plus",
                  FormatInternalUnits( aTarget->GetPosition() ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aTarget->GetSize() ).c_str() );

    if( aTarget->GetWidth() != 0 )
        m_out->Print( 0, " (width %s)", FormatInternalUnits( aTarget->GetWidth() ).c_str() );

    formatLayer( aTarget );

    if( aTarget->GetTimeStamp() )
        m_out->Print( 0, " (tstamp %lX)", (unsigned long)aTarget->GetTimeStamp() );

    m_out->Print( 0, ")\n" );

void PCB_IO::format( MODULE* aModule, int aNestLevel ) const
    if( !( m_ctl & CTL_OMIT_INITIAL_COMMENTS ) )
        const wxArrayString* initial_comments = aModule->GetInitialComments();

        if( initial_comments )
            for( unsigned i=0;  i<initial_comments->GetCount();  ++i )
                m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "%s\n",  TO_UTF8( (*initial_comments)[i] ) );

            m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );    // improve readability?

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(module %s",
                  m_out->Quotes( aModule->GetFPID().Format() ).c_str() );

    if( aModule->IsLocked() )
        m_out->Print( 0, " locked" );

    if( aModule->IsPlaced() )
        m_out->Print( 0, " placed" );

    formatLayer( aModule );

    m_out->Print( 0, " (tedit %lX)", (unsigned long)aModule->GetLastEditTime() );

    if( !( m_ctl & CTL_OMIT_TSTAMPS ) )
        m_out->Print( 0, " (tstamp %lX)\n", (unsigned long)aModule->GetTimeStamp() );
        m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );

    if( !( m_ctl & CTL_OMIT_AT ) )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(at %s", FormatInternalUnits( aModule->GetPosition() ).c_str() );

        if( aModule->GetOrientation() != 0.0 )
            m_out->Print( 0, " %s", FormatAngle( aModule->GetOrientation() ).c_str() );

        m_out->Print( 0, ")\n" );

    if( !aModule->GetDescription().IsEmpty() )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(descr %s)\n",
                      m_out->Quotew( aModule->GetDescription() ).c_str() );

    if( !aModule->GetKeywords().IsEmpty() )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(tags %s)\n",
                      m_out->Quotew( aModule->GetKeywords() ).c_str() );

    if( !( m_ctl & CTL_OMIT_PATH ) && !!aModule->GetPath() )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(path %s)\n",
                      m_out->Quotew( aModule->GetPath() ).c_str() );

    if( aModule->GetPlacementCost90() != 0 )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(autoplace_cost90 %d)\n", aModule->GetPlacementCost90() );

    if( aModule->GetPlacementCost180() != 0 )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(autoplace_cost180 %d)\n", aModule->GetPlacementCost180() );

    if( aModule->GetLocalSolderMaskMargin() != 0 )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(solder_mask_margin %s)\n",
                      FormatInternalUnits( aModule->GetLocalSolderMaskMargin() ).c_str() );

    if( aModule->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() != 0 )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(solder_paste_margin %s)\n",
                      FormatInternalUnits( aModule->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() ).c_str() );

    if( aModule->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() != 0 )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(solder_paste_ratio %s)\n",
                      Double2Str( aModule->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() ).c_str() );

    if( aModule->GetLocalClearance() != 0 )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(clearance %s)\n",
                      FormatInternalUnits( aModule->GetLocalClearance() ).c_str() );

    if( aModule->GetZoneConnection() != PAD_ZONE_CONN_INHERITED )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(zone_connect %d)\n", aModule->GetZoneConnection() );

    if( aModule->GetThermalWidth() != 0 )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(thermal_width %s)\n",
                      FormatInternalUnits( aModule->GetThermalWidth() ).c_str() );

    if( aModule->GetThermalGap() != 0 )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(thermal_gap %s)\n",
                      FormatInternalUnits( aModule->GetThermalGap() ).c_str() );

    // Attributes
    if( aModule->GetAttributes() != MOD_DEFAULT )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(attr" );

        if( aModule->GetAttributes() & MOD_CMS )
            m_out->Print( 0, " smd" );

        if( aModule->GetAttributes() & MOD_VIRTUAL )
            m_out->Print( 0, " virtual" );

        m_out->Print( 0, ")\n" );

    Format( (BOARD_ITEM*) &aModule->Reference(), aNestLevel+1 );
    Format( (BOARD_ITEM*) &aModule->Value(), aNestLevel+1 );

    // Save drawing elements.
    for( BOARD_ITEM* gr = aModule->GraphicalItemsList();  gr;  gr = gr->Next() )
        Format( gr, aNestLevel+1 );

    // Save pads.
    for( D_PAD* pad = aModule->PadsList();  pad;  pad = pad->Next() )
        format( pad, aNestLevel+1 );

    // Save 3D info.
    auto bs3D = aModule->Models().begin();
    auto es3D = aModule->Models().end();

    while( bs3D != es3D )
        if( !bs3D->m_Filename.IsEmpty() )
            m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(model %s\n",
                          m_out->Quotew( bs3D->m_Filename ).c_str() );

            /* Write 3D model offset in mm
             * 4.0.x wrote "at" which was actually in inches
             * 5.0.x onwards, 3D model offset is written using "offset"
             * If the offset is all zero, write "at" (fewer file changes)
             * Otherwise, write "offset"

            wxString offsetTag = "offset";

            if( bs3D->m_Offset.x == 0 &&
                bs3D->m_Offset.y == 0 &&
                bs3D->m_Offset.z == 0 )
                offsetTag = "at";

            m_out->Print( aNestLevel+2, "(%s (xyz %s %s %s))\n",
                          Double2Str( bs3D->m_Offset.x ).c_str(),
                          Double2Str( bs3D->m_Offset.y ).c_str(),
                          Double2Str( bs3D->m_Offset.z ).c_str() );

            m_out->Print( aNestLevel+2, "(scale (xyz %s %s %s))\n",
                          Double2Str( bs3D->m_Scale.x ).c_str(),
                          Double2Str( bs3D->m_Scale.y ).c_str(),
                          Double2Str( bs3D->m_Scale.z ).c_str() );

            m_out->Print( aNestLevel+2, "(rotate (xyz %s %s %s))\n",
                          Double2Str( bs3D->m_Rotation.x ).c_str(),
                          Double2Str( bs3D->m_Rotation.y ).c_str(),
                          Double2Str( bs3D->m_Rotation.z ).c_str() );

            m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, ")\n" );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel, ")\n" );

void PCB_IO::formatLayers( LSET aLayerMask, int aNestLevel ) const
    std::string  output;

    if( aNestLevel == 0 )
        output += ' ';

    output += "(layers";

    static const LSET cu_all( LSET::AllCuMask() );
    static const LSET fr_bk( 2, B_Cu,       F_Cu );
    static const LSET adhes( 2, B_Adhes,    F_Adhes );
    static const LSET paste( 2, B_Paste,    F_Paste );
    static const LSET silks( 2, B_SilkS,    F_SilkS );
    static const LSET mask(  2, B_Mask,     F_Mask );
    static const LSET crt_yd(2, B_CrtYd,    F_CrtYd );
    static const LSET fab(   2, B_Fab,      F_Fab );

    LSET cu_mask = cu_all;

    // output copper layers first, then non copper

    if( ( aLayerMask & cu_mask ) == cu_mask )
        output += " *.Cu";
        aLayerMask &= ~cu_all;          // clear bits, so they are not output again below
    else if( ( aLayerMask & cu_mask ) == fr_bk )
        output += " F&B.Cu";
        aLayerMask &= ~fr_bk;

    if( ( aLayerMask & adhes ) == adhes )
        output += " *.Adhes";
        aLayerMask &= ~adhes;

    if( ( aLayerMask & paste ) == paste )
        output += " *.Paste";
        aLayerMask &= ~paste;

    if( ( aLayerMask & silks ) == silks )
        output += " *.SilkS";
        aLayerMask &= ~silks;

    if( ( aLayerMask & mask ) == mask )
        output += " *.Mask";
        aLayerMask &= ~mask;

    if( ( aLayerMask & crt_yd ) == crt_yd )
        output += " *.CrtYd";
        aLayerMask &= ~crt_yd;

    if( ( aLayerMask & fab ) == fab )
        output += " *.Fab";
        aLayerMask &= ~fab;

    // output any individual layers not handled in wildcard combos above

    wxString layerName;

    for( LAYER_NUM layer = 0; layer < PCB_LAYER_ID_COUNT; ++layer )
        if( aLayerMask[layer] )
            if( m_board && !( m_ctl & CTL_STD_LAYER_NAMES ) )
                layerName = m_board->GetLayerName( PCB_LAYER_ID( layer ) );

            else    // I am being called from FootprintSave()
                layerName = BOARD::GetStandardLayerName( PCB_LAYER_ID( layer ) );

            output += ' ';
            output += m_out->Quotew( layerName );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "%s)", output.c_str() );

void PCB_IO::format( D_PAD* aPad, int aNestLevel ) const
    const char* shape;

    switch( aPad->GetShape() )
    case PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE:          shape = "circle";       break;
    case PAD_SHAPE_RECT:            shape = "rect";         break;
    case PAD_SHAPE_OVAL:            shape = "oval";         break;
    case PAD_SHAPE_TRAPEZOID:       shape = "trapezoid";    break;
    case PAD_SHAPE_ROUNDRECT:       shape = "roundrect";    break;
    case PAD_SHAPE_CUSTOM:          shape = "custom";       break;

        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "unknown pad type: %d"), aPad->GetShape() ) );

    const char* type;

    switch( aPad->GetAttribute() )
    case PAD_ATTRIB_STANDARD:          type = "thru_hole";      break;
    case PAD_ATTRIB_SMD:               type = "smd";            break;
    case PAD_ATTRIB_CONN:              type = "connect";        break;
    case PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED:   type = "np_thru_hole";   break;

        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( "unknown pad attribute: %d", aPad->GetAttribute() ) );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(pad %s %s %s",
                  m_out->Quotew( aPad->GetName() ).c_str(),
                  type, shape );
    m_out->Print( 0, " (at %s", FormatInternalUnits( aPad->GetPos0() ).c_str() );

    if( aPad->GetOrientation() != 0.0 )
        m_out->Print( 0, " %s", FormatAngle( aPad->GetOrientation() ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( 0, ")" );
    m_out->Print( 0, " (size %s)", FormatInternalUnits( aPad->GetSize() ).c_str() );

    if( (aPad->GetDelta().GetWidth()) != 0 || (aPad->GetDelta().GetHeight() != 0 ) )
        m_out->Print( 0, " (rect_delta %s )", FormatInternalUnits( aPad->GetDelta() ).c_str() );

    wxSize sz = aPad->GetDrillSize();
    wxPoint shapeoffset = aPad->GetOffset();

    if( (sz.GetWidth() > 0) || (sz.GetHeight() > 0) ||
        (shapeoffset.x != 0) || (shapeoffset.y != 0) )
        m_out->Print( 0, " (drill" );

        if( aPad->GetDrillShape() == PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_OBLONG )
            m_out->Print( 0, " oval" );

        if( sz.GetWidth() > 0 )
            m_out->Print( 0,  " %s", FormatInternalUnits( sz.GetWidth() ).c_str() );

        if( sz.GetHeight() > 0  && sz.GetWidth() != sz.GetHeight() )
            m_out->Print( 0,  " %s", FormatInternalUnits( sz.GetHeight() ).c_str() );

        if( (shapeoffset.x != 0) || (shapeoffset.y != 0) )
            m_out->Print( 0, " (offset %s)", FormatInternalUnits( aPad->GetOffset() ).c_str() );

        m_out->Print( 0, ")" );

    formatLayers( aPad->GetLayerSet() );

    // Output the radius ratio for rounded and chamfered rect pads
    if( aPad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_ROUNDRECT || aPad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_CHAMFERED_RECT)
        m_out->Print( 0,  " (roundrect_rratio %s)",
                      Double2Str( aPad->GetRoundRectRadiusRatio() ).c_str() );

    // Output the chamfer corners for chamfered rect pads
    if( aPad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_CHAMFERED_RECT)
        m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );

        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1,  "(chamfer_ratio %s)",
                      Double2Str( aPad->GetChamferRectRatio() ).c_str() );

        m_out->Print( 0, " (chamfer" );

        if( ( aPad->GetChamferPositions() & RECT_CHAMFER_TOP_LEFT ) )
            m_out->Print( 0,  " top_left" );

        if( ( aPad->GetChamferPositions() & RECT_CHAMFER_TOP_RIGHT ) )
            m_out->Print( 0,  " top_right" );

        if( ( aPad->GetChamferPositions() & RECT_CHAMFER_BOTTOM_LEFT ) )
            m_out->Print( 0,  " bottom_left" );

        if( ( aPad->GetChamferPositions() & RECT_CHAMFER_BOTTOM_RIGHT ) )
            m_out->Print( 0,  " bottom_right" );

        m_out->Print( 0,  ")" );

    std::string output;

    // Unconnected pad is default net so don't save it.
    if( !( m_ctl & CTL_OMIT_NETS ) && aPad->GetNetCode() != NETINFO_LIST::UNCONNECTED )
        StrPrintf( &output, " (net %d %s)", m_mapping->Translate( aPad->GetNetCode() ),
                   m_out->Quotew( aPad->GetNetname() ).c_str() );

    if( aPad->GetPadToDieLength() != 0 )
        StrPrintf( &output, " (die_length %s)", FormatInternalUnits( aPad->GetPadToDieLength() ).c_str() );

    if( aPad->GetLocalSolderMaskMargin() != 0 )
        StrPrintf( &output, " (solder_mask_margin %s)",
                   FormatInternalUnits( aPad->GetLocalSolderMaskMargin() ).c_str() );

    if( aPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() != 0 )
        StrPrintf( &output, " (solder_paste_margin %s)",
                   FormatInternalUnits( aPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() ).c_str() );

    if( aPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() != 0 )
        StrPrintf( &output, " (solder_paste_margin_ratio %s)",
                   Double2Str( aPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() ).c_str() );

    if( aPad->GetLocalClearance() != 0 )
        StrPrintf( &output, " (clearance %s)", FormatInternalUnits( aPad->GetLocalClearance() ).c_str() );

    if( aPad->GetZoneConnection() != PAD_ZONE_CONN_INHERITED )
        StrPrintf( &output, " (zone_connect %d)", aPad->GetZoneConnection() );

    if( aPad->GetThermalWidth() != 0 )
        StrPrintf( &output, " (thermal_width %s)", FormatInternalUnits( aPad->GetThermalWidth() ).c_str() );

    if( aPad->GetThermalGap() != 0 )
        StrPrintf( &output, " (thermal_gap %s)", FormatInternalUnits( aPad->GetThermalGap() ).c_str() );

    if( output.size() )
        m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "%s", output.c_str()+1 );   // +1 skips 1st space on 1st element

    if( aPad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_CUSTOM )
        m_out->Print( 0, "\n");
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(options" );

        if( aPad->GetCustomShapeInZoneOpt() == CUST_PAD_SHAPE_IN_ZONE_CONVEXHULL )
            m_out->Print( 0, " (clearance convexhull)" );
        #if 1   // Set to 1 to output the default option
            m_out->Print( 0, " (clearance outline)" );

        // Output the anchor pad shape (circle/rect)
        if( aPad->GetAnchorPadShape() == PAD_SHAPE_RECT )
            shape = "rect";
            shape = "circle";

        m_out->Print( 0, " (anchor %s)", shape );

        m_out->Print( 0, ")");  // end of (options ...

        // Output graphic primitive of the pad shape
        m_out->Print( 0, "\n");
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(primitives" );

        int nested_level = aNestLevel+2;

        // Output all basic shapes
        for( unsigned icnt = 0; icnt < aPad->GetPrimitives().size(); ++icnt )
            m_out->Print( 0, "\n");

            const PAD_CS_PRIMITIVE& primitive = aPad->GetPrimitives()[icnt];

            switch( primitive.m_Shape )
            case S_SEGMENT:         // usual segment : line with rounded ends
                m_out->Print( nested_level, "(gr_line (start %s) (end %s) (width %s))",
                              FormatInternalUnits( primitive.m_Start ).c_str(),
                              FormatInternalUnits( primitive.m_End ).c_str(),
                              FormatInternalUnits( primitive.m_Thickness ).c_str() );

            case S_ARC:             // Arc with rounded ends
                m_out->Print( nested_level, "(gr_arc (start %s) (end %s) (angle %s) (width %s))",
                              FormatInternalUnits( primitive.m_Start ).c_str(),
                              FormatInternalUnits( primitive.m_End ).c_str(),
                              FormatAngle( primitive.m_ArcAngle ).c_str(),
                              FormatInternalUnits( primitive.m_Thickness ).c_str() );

            case S_CIRCLE:          //  ring or circle (circle if width == 0
                m_out->Print( nested_level, "(gr_circle (center %s) (end %s %s) (width %s))",
                              FormatInternalUnits( primitive.m_Start ).c_str(),
                              FormatInternalUnits( primitive.m_Start.x + primitive.m_Radius ).c_str(),
                              FormatInternalUnits( primitive.m_Start.y ).c_str(),
                              FormatInternalUnits( primitive.m_Thickness ).c_str() );

            case S_POLYGON:         // polygon
                if( primitive.m_Poly.size() < 2 )
                    break;      // Malformed polygon.

                m_out->Print( nested_level, "(gr_poly (pts\n");

                // Write the polygon corners coordinates:
                const std::vector< wxPoint>& poly = primitive.m_Poly;
                int newLine = 0;

                for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < poly.size(); ii++ )
                    if( newLine == 0 )
                        m_out->Print( nested_level+1, " (xy %s)",
                                      FormatInternalUnits( wxPoint( poly[ii].x, poly[ii].y ) ).c_str() );
                        m_out->Print( 0, " (xy %s)",
                                      FormatInternalUnits( wxPoint( poly[ii].x, poly[ii].y ) ).c_str() );

                    if( ++newLine > 4 )
                        newLine = 0;
                        m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );

                m_out->Print( 0, ") (width %s))", FormatInternalUnits( primitive.m_Thickness ).c_str() );


        m_out->Print( 0, "\n");
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, ")" );   // end of (basic_shapes

    m_out->Print( 0, ")\n" );

void PCB_IO::format( TEXTE_PCB* aText, int aNestLevel ) const
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(gr_text %s (at %s",
                  m_out->Quotew( aText->GetText() ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aText->GetTextPos() ).c_str() );

    if( aText->GetTextAngle() != 0.0 )
        m_out->Print( 0, " %s", FormatAngle( aText->GetTextAngle() ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( 0, ")" );

    formatLayer( aText );

    if( aText->GetTimeStamp() )
        m_out->Print( 0, " (tstamp %lX)", (unsigned long)aText->GetTimeStamp() );

    m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );

    aText->EDA_TEXT::Format( m_out, aNestLevel, m_ctl );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel, ")\n" );

void PCB_IO::format( TEXTE_MODULE* aText, int aNestLevel ) const
    std::string type;

    switch( aText->GetType() )
    case TEXTE_MODULE::TEXT_is_REFERENCE: type = "reference";   break;
    case TEXTE_MODULE::TEXT_is_VALUE:     type = "value";       break;
    case TEXTE_MODULE::TEXT_is_DIVERS:    type = "user";

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(fp_text %s %s (at %s", type.c_str(),
                  m_out->Quotew( aText->GetText() ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aText->GetPos0() ).c_str() );

    // Due to Pcbnew history, fp_text angle is saved as an absolute on screen angle,
    // but internally the angle is held relative to its parent footprint.  parent
    // may be NULL when saving a footprint outside a BOARD.
    double   orient = aText->GetTextAngle();
    MODULE*  parent = (MODULE*) aText->GetParent();

    if( parent )
        // GetTextAngle() is always in -360..+360 range because of
        // TEXTE_MODULE::SetTextAngle(), but summing that angle with an
        // additional board angle could kick sum up >= 360 or <= -360, so to have
        // consistent results, normalize again for the BOARD save.  A footprint
        // save does not use this code path since parent is NULL.
#if 0
        // This one could be considered reasonable if you like positive angles
        // in your board text.
        orient = NormalizeAnglePos( orient + parent->GetOrientation() );
        // Choose compatibility for now, even though this is only a 720 degree clamp
        // with two possible values for every angle.
        orient = NormalizeAngle360Min( orient + parent->GetOrientation() );

    if( orient != 0.0 )
        m_out->Print( 0, " %s", FormatAngle( orient ).c_str() );

    if( !aText->IsKeepUpright() )
        m_out->Print( 0, " unlocked" );

    m_out->Print( 0, ")" );
    formatLayer( aText );

    if( !aText->IsVisible() )
        m_out->Print( 0, " hide" );

    m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );

    aText->EDA_TEXT::Format( m_out, aNestLevel, m_ctl | CTL_OMIT_HIDE );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel, ")\n" );

void PCB_IO::format( TRACK* aTrack, int aNestLevel ) const
    if( aTrack->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
        PCB_LAYER_ID  layer1, layer2;

        const VIA*  via = static_cast<const VIA*>( aTrack );
        BOARD*      board = (BOARD*) via->GetParent();

        wxCHECK_RET( board != 0, wxT( "Via " ) + via->GetSelectMenuText( MILLIMETRES ) +
                     wxT( " has no parent." ) );

        m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(via" );

        via->LayerPair( &layer1, &layer2 );

        switch( via->GetViaType() )
        case VIA_THROUGH:           //  Default shape not saved.

        case VIA_BLIND_BURIED:
            m_out->Print( 0, " blind" );

        case VIA_MICROVIA:
            m_out->Print( 0, " micro" );

            THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "unknown via type %d"  ), via->GetViaType() ) );

        m_out->Print( 0, " (at %s) (size %s)",
                      FormatInternalUnits( aTrack->GetStart() ).c_str(),
                      FormatInternalUnits( aTrack->GetWidth() ).c_str() );

        if( via->GetDrill() != UNDEFINED_DRILL_DIAMETER )
            m_out->Print( 0, " (drill %s)", FormatInternalUnits( via->GetDrill() ).c_str() );

        m_out->Print( 0, " (layers %s %s)",
                      m_out->Quotew( m_board->GetLayerName( layer1 ) ).c_str(),
                      m_out->Quotew( m_board->GetLayerName( layer2 ) ).c_str() );
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(segment (start %s) (end %s) (width %s)",
                      FormatInternalUnits( aTrack->GetStart() ).c_str(), FormatInternalUnits( aTrack->GetEnd() ).c_str(),
                      FormatInternalUnits( aTrack->GetWidth() ).c_str() );

        m_out->Print( 0, " (layer %s)", m_out->Quotew( aTrack->GetLayerName() ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( 0, " (net %d)", m_mapping->Translate( aTrack->GetNetCode() ) );

    if( aTrack->GetTimeStamp() != 0 )
        m_out->Print( 0, " (tstamp %lX)", (unsigned long)aTrack->GetTimeStamp() );

    if( aTrack->GetStatus() != 0 )
        m_out->Print( 0, " (status %X)", aTrack->GetStatus() );

    m_out->Print( 0, ")\n" );

void PCB_IO::format( ZONE_CONTAINER* aZone, int aNestLevel ) const
    // Save the NET info; For keepout zones, net code and net name are irrelevant
    // so be sure a dummy value is stored, just for ZONE_CONTAINER compatibility
    // (perhaps netcode and netname should be not stored)
    m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(zone (net %d) (net_name %s)",
                  aZone->GetIsKeepout() ? 0 : m_mapping->Translate( aZone->GetNetCode() ),
                  m_out->Quotew( aZone->GetIsKeepout() ? wxT("") : aZone->GetNetname() ).c_str() );

    // If a zone exists on multiple layers, format accordingly
    if( aZone->GetLayerSet().count() > 1 )
        formatLayers( aZone->GetLayerSet() );
        formatLayer( aZone );

    m_out->Print( 0, " (tstamp %lX)", (unsigned long) aZone->GetTimeStamp() );

    // Save the outline aux info
    std::string hatch;

    switch( aZone->GetHatchStyle() )
    case ZONE_CONTAINER::NO_HATCH:       hatch = "none";    break;
    case ZONE_CONTAINER::DIAGONAL_EDGE:  hatch = "edge";    break;
    case ZONE_CONTAINER::DIAGONAL_FULL:  hatch = "full";    break;

    m_out->Print( 0, " (hatch %s %s)\n", hatch.c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aZone->GetHatchPitch() ).c_str() );

    if( aZone->GetPriority() > 0 )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(priority %d)\n", aZone->GetPriority() );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(connect_pads" );

    switch( aZone->GetPadConnection() )
    case PAD_ZONE_CONN_THERMAL:       // Default option not saved or loaded.

        m_out->Print( 0, " thru_hole_only" );

        m_out->Print( 0, " yes" );

        m_out->Print( 0, " no" );

    m_out->Print( 0, " (clearance %s))\n",
                  FormatInternalUnits( aZone->GetZoneClearance() ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(min_thickness %s)",
                  FormatInternalUnits( aZone->GetMinThickness() ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );

    if( aZone->GetIsKeepout() )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(keepout (tracks %s) (vias %s) (copperpour %s))\n",
                      aZone->GetDoNotAllowTracks() ? "not_allowed" : "allowed",
                      aZone->GetDoNotAllowVias() ? "not_allowed" : "allowed",
                      aZone->GetDoNotAllowCopperPour() ? "not_allowed" : "allowed" );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(fill" );

    // Default is not filled.
    if( aZone->IsFilled() )
        m_out->Print( 0, " yes" );

    // Default is polygon filled.
    if( aZone->GetFillMode() == ZFM_HATCH_PATTERN )
        m_out->Print( 0, " (mode hatch)" );

    m_out->Print( 0, " (arc_segments %d) (thermal_gap %s) (thermal_bridge_width %s)",
                  FormatInternalUnits( aZone->GetThermalReliefGap() ).c_str(),
                  FormatInternalUnits( aZone->GetThermalReliefCopperBridge() ).c_str() );

    if( aZone->GetCornerSmoothingType() != ZONE_SETTINGS::SMOOTHING_NONE )
        m_out->Print( 0, " (smoothing" );

        switch( aZone->GetCornerSmoothingType() )
            m_out->Print( 0, " chamfer" );

            m_out->Print( 0,  " fillet" );

            THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "unknown zone corner smoothing type %d"  ),
                                              aZone->GetCornerSmoothingType() ) );
        m_out->Print( 0, ")" );

        if( aZone->GetCornerRadius() != 0 )
            m_out->Print( 0, " (radius %s)",
                          FormatInternalUnits( aZone->GetCornerRadius() ).c_str() );

    if( aZone->GetFillMode() == ZFM_HATCH_PATTERN )
        m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+2, "(hatch_thickness %s) (hatch_gap %s) (hatch_orientation %s)",
                         FormatInternalUnits( aZone->GetHatchFillTypeThickness() ).c_str(),
                         FormatInternalUnits( aZone->GetHatchFillTypeGap() ).c_str(),
                         Double2Str( aZone->GetHatchFillTypeOrientation() ).c_str() );

        if( aZone->GetHatchFillTypeSmoothingLevel() > 0 )
            m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );
            m_out->Print( aNestLevel+2, "(hatch_smoothing_level %d) (hatch_smoothing_value %s)",
                             Double2Str( aZone->GetHatchFillTypeSmoothingValue() ).c_str() );

    m_out->Print( 0, ")\n" );

    int newLine = 0;

    if( aZone->GetNumCorners() )
        bool new_polygon = true;
        bool is_closed = false;

        for( auto iterator = aZone->IterateWithHoles(); iterator; iterator++ )
            if( new_polygon )
                newLine = 0;
                m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(polygon\n" );
                m_out->Print( aNestLevel+2, "(pts\n" );
                new_polygon = false;
                is_closed = false;

            if( newLine == 0 )
                m_out->Print( aNestLevel+3, "(xy %s %s)",
                              FormatInternalUnits( iterator->x ).c_str(), FormatInternalUnits( iterator->y ).c_str() );
                m_out->Print( 0, " (xy %s %s)",
                              FormatInternalUnits( iterator->x ).c_str(), FormatInternalUnits( iterator->y ).c_str() );

            if( newLine < 4 )
                newLine += 1;
                newLine = 0;
                m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );

            if( iterator.IsEndContour() )
                is_closed = true;

                if( newLine != 0 )
                    m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );

                m_out->Print( aNestLevel+2, ")\n" );
                m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, ")\n" );
                new_polygon = true;

        if( !is_closed )    // Should not happen, but...
            m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, ")\n" );


    // Save the PolysList (filled areas)
    const SHAPE_POLY_SET& fv = aZone->GetFilledPolysList();
    newLine = 0;

    if( !fv.IsEmpty() )
        bool new_polygon = true;
        bool is_closed = false;

        for( auto it = fv.CIterate(); it; ++it )
            if( new_polygon )
                newLine = 0;
                m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(filled_polygon\n" );
                m_out->Print( aNestLevel+2, "(pts\n" );
                new_polygon = false;
                is_closed = false;

            if( newLine == 0 )
                m_out->Print( aNestLevel+3, "(xy %s %s)",
                              FormatInternalUnits( it->x ).c_str(), FormatInternalUnits( it->y ).c_str() );
                m_out->Print( 0, " (xy %s %s)",
                              FormatInternalUnits( it->x ) .c_str(), FormatInternalUnits( it->y ).c_str() );

            if( newLine < 4 )
                newLine += 1;
                newLine = 0;
                m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );

            if( it.IsEndContour() )
                is_closed = true;

                if( newLine != 0 )
                    m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );

                m_out->Print( aNestLevel+2, ")\n" );
                m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, ")\n" );
                new_polygon = true;

        if( !is_closed )    // Should not happen, but...
            m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, ")\n" );

    // Save the filling segments list
    const auto& segs = aZone->FillSegments();

    if( segs.size() )
        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(fill_segments\n" );

        for( ZONE_SEGMENT_FILL::const_iterator it = segs.begin();  it != segs.end();  ++it )
            m_out->Print( aNestLevel+2, "(pts (xy %s) (xy %s))\n",
                          FormatInternalUnits( wxPoint( it->A ) ).c_str(),
                          FormatInternalUnits( wxPoint( it->B ) ).c_str() );

        m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, ")\n" );

    m_out->Print( aNestLevel, ")\n" );

PCB_IO::PCB_IO( int aControlFlags ) :
    m_cache( 0 ),
    m_ctl( aControlFlags ),
    m_parser( new PCB_PARSER() ),
    m_mapping( new NETINFO_MAPPING() )
    init( 0 );
    m_out = &m_sf;

    delete m_cache;
    delete m_parser;
    delete m_mapping;

BOARD* PCB_IO::Load( const wxString& aFileName, BOARD* aAppendToMe, const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    FILE_LINE_READER    reader( aFileName );

    init( aProperties );

    m_parser->SetLineReader( &reader );
    m_parser->SetBoard( aAppendToMe );

    BOARD* board;

        board = dynamic_cast<BOARD*>( m_parser->Parse() );
    catch( const FUTURE_FORMAT_ERROR& )
        // Don't wrap a FUTURE_FORMAT_ERROR in another
    catch( const PARSE_ERROR& parse_error )
        if( m_parser->IsTooRecent() )
            throw FUTURE_FORMAT_ERROR( parse_error, m_parser->GetRequiredVersion() );

    if( !board )
        // The parser loaded something that was valid, but wasn't a board.
        THROW_PARSE_ERROR( _( "this file does not contain a PCB" ),
                m_parser->CurSource(), m_parser->CurLine(),
                m_parser->CurLineNumber(), m_parser->CurOffset() );

    // Give the filename to the board if it's new
    if( !aAppendToMe )
        board->SetFileName( aFileName );

    return board;

void PCB_IO::init( const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    m_board = NULL;
    m_reader = NULL;
    m_loading_format_version = SEXPR_BOARD_FILE_VERSION;
    m_props = aProperties;

void PCB_IO::validateCache( const wxString& aLibraryPath, bool checkModified )
    if( !m_cache || !m_cache->IsPath( aLibraryPath ) || ( checkModified && m_cache->IsModified() ) )
        // a spectacular episode in memory management:
        delete m_cache;
        m_cache = new FP_CACHE( this, aLibraryPath );

void PCB_IO::FootprintEnumerate( wxArrayString&    aFootprintNames,
                                 const wxString&   aLibraryPath,
                                 const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    LOCALE_IO     toggle;     // toggles on, then off, the C locale.
    wxDir         dir( aLibraryPath );

    init( aProperties );

    wxString errorMsg;

        validateCache( aLibraryPath );
    catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
        errorMsg = ioe.What();

    // Some of the files may have been parsed correctly so we want to add the valid files to
    // the library.

    const MODULE_MAP& mods = m_cache->GetModules();

    for( MODULE_CITER it = mods.begin();  it != mods.end();  ++it )
        aFootprintNames.Add( it->first );

    if( !errorMsg.IsEmpty() )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( errorMsg );

const MODULE* PCB_IO::getFootprint( const wxString& aLibraryPath,
                                    const wxString& aFootprintName,
                                    const PROPERTIES* aProperties,
                                    bool checkModified )
    LOCALE_IO   toggle;     // toggles on, then off, the C locale.

    init( aProperties );

        validateCache( aLibraryPath, checkModified );
    catch( const IO_ERROR& )
        // do nothing with the error

    const MODULE_MAP& mods = m_cache->GetModules();

    MODULE_CITER it = mods.find( aFootprintName );

    if( it == mods.end() )
        return NULL;

    return it->second->GetModule();

const MODULE* PCB_IO::GetEnumeratedFootprint( const wxString& aLibraryPath,
                                              const wxString& aFootprintName,
                                              const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    return getFootprint( aLibraryPath, aFootprintName, aProperties, false );

MODULE* PCB_IO::FootprintLoad( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const wxString& aFootprintName,
                               const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    const MODULE* footprint = getFootprint( aLibraryPath, aFootprintName, aProperties, true );
    return footprint ? new MODULE( *footprint ) : nullptr;

void PCB_IO::FootprintSave( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const MODULE* aFootprint,
                            const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    LOCALE_IO   toggle;     // toggles on, then off, the C locale.

    init( aProperties );

    // In this public PLUGIN API function, we can safely assume it was
    // called for saving into a library path.
    m_ctl = CTL_FOR_LIBRARY;

    validateCache( aLibraryPath );

    if( !m_cache->IsWritable() )
        if( !m_cache->Exists() )
            const wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Library \"%s\" does not exist.\n"
                                                   "Would you like to create it?"),
                                                   GetChars( aLibraryPath ) );

            if( wxMessageBox( msg, _( "Library Not Found"), wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION ) != wxYES )

            // Save throws its own IO_ERROR on failure, so no need to recreate here
            m_cache->Save( NULL );
            wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Library \"%s\" is read only" ), aLibraryPath );
            THROW_IO_ERROR( msg );

    wxString footprintName = aFootprint->GetFPID().GetLibItemName();

    MODULE_MAP& mods = m_cache->GetModules();

    // Quietly overwrite module and delete module file from path for any by same name.
    wxFileName fn( aLibraryPath, aFootprint->GetFPID().GetLibItemName(),
                   KiCadFootprintFileExtension );

#ifndef __WINDOWS__
    // Write through symlinks, don't replace them
    if( fn.Exists( wxFILE_EXISTS_SYMLINK ) )
        char buffer[ PATH_MAX + 1 ];
        ssize_t pathLen = readlink( TO_UTF8( fn.GetFullPath() ), buffer, PATH_MAX );

        if( pathLen > 0 )
            buffer[ pathLen ] = '\0';
            fn.Assign( fn.GetPath() + wxT( "/" ) + wxString::FromUTF8( buffer ) );

    if( !fn.IsOk() )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "Footprint file name \"%s\" is not valid." ),
                                          fn.GetFullPath() ) );

    if( fn.FileExists() && !fn.IsFileWritable() )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "No write permissions to delete file \"%s\"" ),
                                          fn.GetFullPath() ) );

    wxString fullPath = fn.GetFullPath();
    wxString fullName = fn.GetFullName();
    MODULE_CITER it = mods.find( footprintName );

    if( it != mods.end() )
        wxLogTrace( traceKicadPcbPlugin, wxT( "Removing footprint file '%s'." ), fullPath );
        mods.erase( footprintName );
        wxRemoveFile( fullPath );

    // I need my own copy for the cache
    MODULE* module = new MODULE( *aFootprint );

    // and it's time stamp must be 0, it should have no parent, orientation should
    // be zero, and it should be on the front layer.
    module->SetTimeStamp( 0 );
    module->SetParent( 0 );
    module->SetOrientation( 0 );

    if( module->GetLayer() != F_Cu )
        module->Flip( module->GetPosition() );

    wxLogTrace( traceKicadPcbPlugin, wxT( "Creating s-expr footprint file '%s'." ), fullPath );
    mods.insert( footprintName, new FP_CACHE_ITEM( module, WX_FILENAME( fn.GetPath(), fullName ) ) );
    m_cache->Save( module );

void PCB_IO::FootprintDelete( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const wxString& aFootprintName,
                              const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    LOCALE_IO   toggle;     // toggles on, then off, the C locale.

    init( aProperties );

    validateCache( aLibraryPath );

    if( !m_cache->IsWritable() )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "Library \"%s\" is read only" ),
                                          aLibraryPath.GetData() ) );

    m_cache->Remove( aFootprintName );

long long PCB_IO::GetLibraryTimestamp( const wxString& aLibraryPath ) const
    return FP_CACHE::GetTimestamp( aLibraryPath );

void PCB_IO::FootprintLibCreate( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    if( wxDir::Exists( aLibraryPath ) )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "cannot overwrite library path \"%s\"" ),
                                          aLibraryPath.GetData() ) );

    LOCALE_IO   toggle;

    init( aProperties );

    delete m_cache;
    m_cache = new FP_CACHE( this, aLibraryPath );

bool PCB_IO::FootprintLibDelete( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    wxFileName fn;
    fn.SetPath( aLibraryPath );

    // Return if there is no library path to delete.
    if( !fn.DirExists() )
        return false;

    if( !fn.IsDirWritable() )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "user does not have permission to delete directory \"%s\"" ),
                                          aLibraryPath.GetData() ) );

    wxDir dir( aLibraryPath );

    if( dir.HasSubDirs() )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "library directory \"%s\" has unexpected sub-directories" ),
                                          aLibraryPath.GetData() ) );

    // All the footprint files must be deleted before the directory can be deleted.
    if( dir.HasFiles() )
        unsigned      i;
        wxFileName    tmp;
        wxArrayString files;

        wxDir::GetAllFiles( aLibraryPath, &files );

        for( i = 0;  i < files.GetCount();  i++ )
            tmp = files[i];

            if( tmp.GetExt() != KiCadFootprintFileExtension )
                THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "unexpected file \"%s\" was found in library path \"%s\"" ),
                                                  files[i].GetData(), aLibraryPath.GetData() ) );

        for( i = 0;  i < files.GetCount();  i++ )
            wxRemoveFile( files[i] );

    wxLogTrace( traceKicadPcbPlugin, wxT( "Removing footprint library \"%s\"" ),
                aLibraryPath.GetData() );

    // Some of the more elaborate wxRemoveFile() crap puts up its own wxLog dialog
    // we don't want that.  we want bare metal portability with no UI here.
    if( !wxRmdir( aLibraryPath ) )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "footprint library \"%s\" cannot be deleted" ),
                                          aLibraryPath.GetData() ) );

    // For some reason removing a directory in Windows is not immediately updated.  This delay
    // prevents an error when attempting to immediately recreate the same directory when over
    // writing an existing library.
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
    wxMilliSleep( 250L );

    if( m_cache && !m_cache->IsPath( aLibraryPath ) )
        delete m_cache;
        m_cache = NULL;

    return true;

bool PCB_IO::IsFootprintLibWritable( const wxString& aLibraryPath )
    LOCALE_IO   toggle;

    init( NULL );

    validateCache( aLibraryPath );

    return m_cache->IsWritable();