 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 2023 Alex Shvartzkop <dudesuchamazing@gmail.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2023 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
 * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

#include "fix_board_shape.h"

#include <vector>
#include <pcb_shape.h>
#include <geometry/circle.h>

 * Searches for a PCB_SHAPE matching a given end point or start point in a list.
 * @param aShape The starting shape.
 * @param aPoint The starting or ending point to search for.
 * @param aList The list to remove from.
 * @param aLimit is the distance from \a aPoint that still constitutes a valid find.
 * @return PCB_SHAPE* - The first PCB_SHAPE that has a start or end point matching
 *   aPoint, otherwise NULL if none.
static PCB_SHAPE* findNext( PCB_SHAPE* aShape, const VECTOR2I& aPoint,
                            const std::vector<PCB_SHAPE*>& aList, unsigned aLimit )
    // Look for an unused, exact hit
    for( PCB_SHAPE* graphic : aList )
        if( graphic == aShape || ( graphic->GetFlags() & SKIP_STRUCT ) != 0 )

        if( aPoint == graphic->GetStart() || aPoint == graphic->GetEnd() )
            return graphic;

    // Search again for anything that's close.
    VECTOR2I    pt( aPoint );
    SEG::ecoord closest_dist_sq = SEG::Square( aLimit );
    PCB_SHAPE*  closest_graphic = nullptr;
    SEG::ecoord d_sq;

    for( PCB_SHAPE* graphic : aList )
        if( graphic == aShape || ( graphic->GetFlags() & SKIP_STRUCT ) != 0 )

        d_sq = ( pt - graphic->GetStart() ).SquaredEuclideanNorm();

        if( d_sq < closest_dist_sq )
            closest_dist_sq = d_sq;
            closest_graphic = graphic;

        d_sq = ( pt - graphic->GetEnd() ).SquaredEuclideanNorm();

        if( d_sq < closest_dist_sq )
            closest_dist_sq = d_sq;
            closest_graphic = graphic;

    return closest_graphic; // Note: will be nullptr if nothing within aLimit

void ConnectBoardShapes( std::vector<PCB_SHAPE*>&                 aShapeList,
                         std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PCB_SHAPE>>& aNewShapes, int aChainingEpsilon )
    if( aShapeList.size() == 0 )

#if 0
    // Not used, but not removed, just in case
    auto close_enough = []( const VECTOR2I& aLeft, const VECTOR2I& aRight, unsigned aLimit ) -> bool
        return ( aLeft - aRight ).SquaredEuclideanNorm() <= SEG::Square( aLimit );

    auto closer_to_first = []( const VECTOR2I& aRef, const VECTOR2I& aFirst,
                               const VECTOR2I& aSecond ) -> bool
        return ( aRef - aFirst ).SquaredEuclideanNorm() < ( aRef - aSecond ).SquaredEuclideanNorm();

    auto min_distance_sq = []( const VECTOR2I& aRef, const VECTOR2I& aFirst,
                               const VECTOR2I& aSecond ) -> SEG::ecoord
        return std::min( ( aRef - aFirst ).SquaredEuclideanNorm(),
                         ( aRef - aSecond ).SquaredEuclideanNorm() );

    auto addSegment = [&]( const VECTOR2I start, const VECTOR2I end, int width, PCB_LAYER_ID layer )
        // Ensure null shapes are not added
        if( start == end )

        std::unique_ptr<PCB_SHAPE> seg = std::make_unique<PCB_SHAPE>( nullptr, SHAPE_T::SEGMENT );
        seg->SetStart( start );
        seg->SetEnd( end );
        seg->SetWidth( width );
        seg->SetLayer( layer );

        aNewShapes.emplace_back( std::move( seg ) );

    auto connectPair = [&]( PCB_SHAPE* aPrevShape, PCB_SHAPE* aShape )
        bool success = false;

        SHAPE_T shape0 = aPrevShape->GetShape();
        SHAPE_T shape1 = aShape->GetShape();

        if( shape0 == SHAPE_T::SEGMENT && shape1 == SHAPE_T::SEGMENT )
            SEG seg0( aPrevShape->GetStart(), aPrevShape->GetEnd() );
            SEG seg1( aShape->GetStart(), aShape->GetEnd() );

            if( seg0.Intersects( seg1 ) || seg0.Angle( seg1 ) > ANGLE_45 )
                if( OPT_VECTOR2I inter = seg0.IntersectLines( seg1 ) )
                    if( closer_to_first( *inter, seg0.A, seg0.B ) )
                        aPrevShape->SetStart( *inter );
                        aPrevShape->SetEnd( *inter );

                    if( closer_to_first( *inter, seg1.A, seg1.B ) )
                        aShape->SetStart( *inter );
                        aShape->SetEnd( *inter );

                    success = true;
        else if( ( shape0 == SHAPE_T::ARC && shape1 == SHAPE_T::SEGMENT )
                 || ( shape0 == SHAPE_T::SEGMENT && shape1 == SHAPE_T::ARC ) )
            PCB_SHAPE* arcShape = shape0 == SHAPE_T::ARC ? aPrevShape : aShape;
            PCB_SHAPE* segShape = shape0 == SHAPE_T::SEGMENT ? aPrevShape : aShape;

            SHAPE_ARC arc =
                    SHAPE_ARC( arcShape->GetStart(), arcShape->GetArcMid(), arcShape->GetEnd(), 0 );

            EDA_ANGLE extAngle( 20, DEGREES_T );
            if( arc.IsClockwise() )
                extAngle = -extAngle;

            VECTOR2D  arcStart = arc.GetP0();
            EDA_ANGLE arcAngle = arc.GetCentralAngle();

            RotatePoint( arcStart, arc.GetCenter(), extAngle );
            arcAngle += extAngle * 2;

            arcAngle = std::clamp( arcAngle, -ANGLE_360, ANGLE_360 );

            SHAPE_ARC extarc( arc.GetCenter(), arcStart, arcAngle );
            SEG       seg( segShape->GetStart(), segShape->GetEnd() );

            std::vector<VECTOR2I> ips;
            std::vector<VECTOR2I> onSeg;
            extarc.IntersectLine( seg, &ips );

            for( const VECTOR2I& ip : ips )
                if( min_distance_sq( ip, segShape->GetStart(), segShape->GetEnd() ) <= 0
                    && min_distance_sq( ip, arcShape->GetStart(), arcShape->GetEnd() ) <= 0 )
                    // Already connected

                if( seg.Distance( ip ) <= aChainingEpsilon )
                    if( closer_to_first( ip, seg.A, seg.B ) )
                        segShape->SetStart( ip );
                        segShape->SetEnd( ip );

                    // Move points in the actual PCB_SHAPE
                    if( closer_to_first( ip, arc.GetP0(), arc.GetP1() ) )
                        arcShape->SetArcGeometry( ip, arc.GetArcMid(), arc.GetP1() );
                        arcShape->SetArcGeometry( arc.GetP0(), arc.GetArcMid(), ip );

                    // Reconstruct the arc shape - we may have more than 1 intersection
                    arc = SHAPE_ARC( arcShape->GetStart(), arcShape->GetArcMid(),
                                     arcShape->GetEnd(), 0 );

                    success = true;

            if( !success )
                // Try to avoid acute angles
                VECTOR2I lineProj = seg.LineProject( arc.GetCenter() );
                bool     intersectsPerp = seg.SquaredDistance( lineProj ) <= 0;

                if( intersectsPerp )
                    if( closer_to_first( lineProj, seg.A, seg.B ) )
                        segShape->SetStart( lineProj );
                        segShape->SetEnd( lineProj );

                    CIRCLE   circ( arc.GetCenter(), arc.GetRadius() );
                    VECTOR2I circProj = circ.NearestPoint( lineProj );

                    if( closer_to_first( circProj, arc.GetP0(), arc.GetP1() ) )
                        arcShape->SetArcGeometry( circProj, arc.GetArcMid(), arc.GetP1() );
                        arcShape->SetArcGeometry( arc.GetP0(), arc.GetArcMid(), circProj );

                    addSegment( circProj, lineProj, segShape->GetWidth(), segShape->GetLayer() );
                    success = true;

        return success;

    PCB_SHAPE* graphic = nullptr;

    std::set<PCB_SHAPE*> startCandidates;
    for( PCB_SHAPE* shape : aShapeList )
        if( shape->GetShape() == SHAPE_T::SEGMENT || shape->GetShape() == SHAPE_T::ARC
            || shape->GetShape() == SHAPE_T::BEZIER )
            shape->ClearFlags( SKIP_STRUCT );
            startCandidates.emplace( shape );

    while( startCandidates.size() )
        graphic = *startCandidates.begin();

        auto walkFrom = [&]( PCB_SHAPE* curr_graphic, VECTOR2I startPt )
            VECTOR2I prevPt = startPt;

            for( ;; )
                // Get next closest segment.
                PCB_SHAPE* nextGraphic =
                        findNext( curr_graphic, prevPt, aShapeList, aChainingEpsilon );

                if( !nextGraphic )

                VECTOR2I nstart = nextGraphic->GetStart();
                VECTOR2I nend = nextGraphic->GetEnd();

                if( !closer_to_first( prevPt, nstart, nend ) )
                    std::swap( nstart, nend );

                if( !connectPair( curr_graphic, nextGraphic ) )
                    addSegment( prevPt, nstart, curr_graphic->GetWidth(),
                                curr_graphic->GetLayer() );

                // Shape might've changed
                nstart = nextGraphic->GetStart();
                nend = nextGraphic->GetEnd();

                if( !closer_to_first( prevPt, nstart, nend ) )
                    std::swap( nstart, nend );

                prevPt = nend;
                curr_graphic = nextGraphic;
                curr_graphic->SetFlags( SKIP_STRUCT );
                startCandidates.erase( curr_graphic );

        const VECTOR2I ptEnd = graphic->GetEnd();
        const VECTOR2I ptStart = graphic->GetStart();

        PCB_SHAPE* grAtEnd = findNext( graphic, ptEnd, aShapeList, aChainingEpsilon );
        PCB_SHAPE* grAtStart = findNext( graphic, ptStart, aShapeList, aChainingEpsilon );

        bool beginFromEndPt = true;

        // We need to start walking from a point that is closest to a point of another shape.
        if( grAtEnd && grAtStart )
            SEG::ecoord dAtEnd = min_distance_sq( ptEnd, grAtEnd->GetStart(), grAtEnd->GetEnd() );

            SEG::ecoord dAtStart =
                    min_distance_sq( ptStart, grAtStart->GetStart(), grAtStart->GetEnd() );

            beginFromEndPt = dAtEnd <= dAtStart;
        else if( grAtEnd )
            beginFromEndPt = true;
        else if( grAtStart )
            beginFromEndPt = false;

        if( beginFromEndPt )
            // Do not inline GetEnd / GetStart as endpoints may update
            walkFrom( graphic, graphic->GetEnd() );
            walkFrom( graphic, graphic->GetStart() );
            walkFrom( graphic, graphic->GetStart() );
            walkFrom( graphic, graphic->GetEnd() );

        startCandidates.erase( graphic );