/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2015 Jean-Pierre Charras, jp.charras at wanadoo.fr * Copyright (C) 2012 Wayne Stambaugh * Copyright (C) 1992-2024 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include wxDEFINE_EVENT( EDA_EVT_CLOSE_ERC_DIALOG, wxCommandEvent ); // wxWidgets spends *far* too long calcuating column widths (most of it, believe it or // not, in repeatedly creating/destroying a wxDC to do the measurement in). // Use default column widths instead. static int DEFAULT_SINGLE_COL_WIDTH = 660; static SCHEMATIC* g_lastERCSchematic = nullptr; static bool g_lastERCRun = false; static std::vector> g_lastERCIgnored; DIALOG_ERC::DIALOG_ERC( SCH_EDIT_FRAME* parent ) : DIALOG_ERC_BASE( parent ), PROGRESS_REPORTER_BASE( 1 ), m_parent( parent ), m_markerTreeModel( nullptr ), m_running( false ), m_ercRun( false ), m_centerMarkerOnIdle( nullptr ), m_severities( 0 ) { m_currentSchematic = &parent->Schematic(); SetName( DIALOG_ERC_WINDOW_NAME ); // Set a window name to be able to find it KIPLATFORM::UI::SetFloatLevel( this ); EESCHEMA_SETTINGS* settings = dynamic_cast( Kiface().KifaceSettings() ); m_severities = settings->m_Appearance.erc_severities; m_messages->SetImmediateMode(); m_markerProvider = std::make_shared( &m_parent->Schematic() ); m_markerTreeModel = new ERC_TREE_MODEL( parent, m_markerDataView ); m_markerDataView->AssociateModel( m_markerTreeModel ); m_markerTreeModel->Update( m_markerProvider, m_severities ); m_ignoredList->InsertColumn( 0, wxEmptyString, wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, DEFAULT_SINGLE_COL_WIDTH ); if( m_currentSchematic == g_lastERCSchematic ) { m_ercRun = g_lastERCRun; for( const auto& [ str, code ] : g_lastERCIgnored ) { wxListItem listItem; listItem.SetId( m_ignoredList->GetItemCount() ); listItem.SetText( str ); listItem.SetData( code ); m_ignoredList->InsertItem( listItem ); } } m_notebook->SetSelection( 0 ); SetupStandardButtons( { { wxID_OK, _( "Run ERC" ) }, { wxID_CANCEL, _( "Close" ) } } ); m_violationsTitleTemplate = m_notebook->GetPageText( 0 ); m_ignoredTitleTemplate = m_notebook->GetPageText( 1 ); m_errorsBadge->SetMaximumNumber( 999 ); m_warningsBadge->SetMaximumNumber( 999 ); m_exclusionsBadge->SetMaximumNumber( 999 ); UpdateAnnotationWarning(); Layout(); SetFocus(); syncCheckboxes(); updateDisplayedCounts(); // Now all widgets have the size fixed, call FinishDialogSettings finishDialogSettings(); } DIALOG_ERC::~DIALOG_ERC() { g_lastERCSchematic = m_currentSchematic; g_lastERCRun = m_ercRun; g_lastERCIgnored.clear(); for( int ii = 0; ii < m_ignoredList->GetItemCount(); ++ii ) { g_lastERCIgnored.push_back( { m_ignoredList->GetItemText( ii ), m_ignoredList->GetItemData( ii ) } ); } EESCHEMA_SETTINGS* settings = dynamic_cast( Kiface().KifaceSettings() ); wxASSERT( settings ); if( settings ) settings->m_Appearance.erc_severities = m_severities; m_markerTreeModel->DecRef(); } void DIALOG_ERC::UpdateAnnotationWarning() { if( m_parent->CheckAnnotate( []( ERCE_T, const wxString&, SCH_REFERENCE*, SCH_REFERENCE* ) { } ) ) { if( !m_infoBar->IsShownOnScreen() ) { wxHyperlinkCtrl* button = new wxHyperlinkCtrl( m_infoBar, wxID_ANY, _( "Show Annotation dialog" ), wxEmptyString ); button->Bind( wxEVT_COMMAND_HYPERLINK, std::function( [&]( wxHyperlinkEvent& aEvent ) { wxHtmlLinkEvent htmlEvent( aEvent.GetId(), wxHtmlLinkInfo( aEvent.GetURL() ) ); OnLinkClicked( htmlEvent ); } ) ); m_infoBar->RemoveAllButtons(); m_infoBar->AddButton( button ); m_infoBar->ShowMessage( _( "Schematic is not fully annotated. " "ERC results will be incomplete." ) ); } } else { if( m_infoBar->IsShownOnScreen() ) { m_infoBar->RemoveAllButtons(); m_infoBar->Hide(); } } } bool DIALOG_ERC::updateUI() { // If ERC checks ever get slow enough we'll want a progress indicator... // // double cur = (double) m_progress.load() / m_maxProgress; // cur = std::max( 0.0, std::min( cur, 1.0 ) ); // // m_gauge->SetValue( KiROUND( cur * 1000.0 ) ); // wxSafeYield( this ); return !m_cancelled; } void DIALOG_ERC::AdvancePhase( const wxString& aMessage ) { // Will also call Report( aMessage ): PROGRESS_REPORTER_BASE::AdvancePhase( aMessage ); SetCurrentProgress( 0.0 ); } void DIALOG_ERC::Report( const wxString& aMessage ) { m_messages->Report( aMessage ); } void DIALOG_ERC::updateDisplayedCounts() { int numErrors = 0; int numWarnings = 0; int numExcluded = 0; int numMarkers = 0; if( m_markerProvider ) { numMarkers += m_markerProvider->GetCount(); numErrors += m_markerProvider->GetCount( RPT_SEVERITY_ERROR ); numWarnings += m_markerProvider->GetCount( RPT_SEVERITY_WARNING ); numExcluded += m_markerProvider->GetCount( RPT_SEVERITY_EXCLUSION ); } bool markersOverflowed = false; // We don't currently have a limit on ERC violations, so the above is always false. wxString num; wxString msg; if( m_ercRun ) { num.Printf( markersOverflowed ? wxT( "%d+" ) : wxT( "%d" ), numMarkers ); msg.Printf( m_violationsTitleTemplate, num ); } else { msg = m_violationsTitleTemplate; msg.Replace( wxT( "(%s)" ), wxEmptyString ); } m_notebook->SetPageText( 0, msg ); if( m_ercRun ) { num.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), m_ignoredList->GetItemCount() ); msg.sprintf( m_ignoredTitleTemplate, num ); } else { msg = m_ignoredTitleTemplate; msg.Replace( wxT( "(%s)" ), wxEmptyString ); } m_notebook->SetPageText( 1, msg ); if( !m_ercRun && numErrors == 0 ) numErrors = -1; if( !m_ercRun && numWarnings == 0 ) numWarnings = -1; m_errorsBadge->UpdateNumber( numErrors, RPT_SEVERITY_ERROR ); m_warningsBadge->UpdateNumber( numWarnings, RPT_SEVERITY_WARNING ); m_exclusionsBadge->UpdateNumber( numExcluded, RPT_SEVERITY_EXCLUSION ); } void DIALOG_ERC::OnDeleteOneClick( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { if( m_notebook->GetSelection() == 0 ) { // Clear the selection. It may be the selected ERC marker. m_parent->GetToolManager()->RunAction( EE_ACTIONS::clearSelection ); m_markerTreeModel->DeleteCurrentItem( true ); // redraw the schematic redrawDrawPanel(); } updateDisplayedCounts(); } void DIALOG_ERC::OnDeleteAllClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { bool includeExclusions = false; int numExcluded = 0; if( m_markerProvider ) numExcluded += m_markerProvider->GetCount( RPT_SEVERITY_EXCLUSION ); if( numExcluded > 0 ) { wxMessageDialog dlg( this, _( "Delete exclusions too?" ), _( "Delete All Markers" ), wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL | wxCENTER | wxICON_QUESTION ); dlg.SetYesNoLabels( _( "Errors and Warnings Only" ), _( "Errors, Warnings and Exclusions" ) ); int ret = dlg.ShowModal(); if( ret == wxID_CANCEL ) return; else if( ret == wxID_NO ) includeExclusions = true; } deleteAllMarkers( includeExclusions ); // redraw the schematic redrawDrawPanel(); updateDisplayedCounts(); } void DIALOG_ERC::OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { if( m_running ) { m_cancelled = true; return; } m_parent->FocusOnItem( nullptr ); aEvent.Skip(); } void DIALOG_ERC::OnCloseErcDialog( wxCloseEvent& aEvent ) { m_parent->FocusOnItem( nullptr ); // Dialog is mode-less so let the parent know that it needs to be destroyed. if( !IsModal() && !IsQuasiModal() ) { wxCommandEvent* evt = new wxCommandEvent( EDA_EVT_CLOSE_ERC_DIALOG, wxID_ANY ); wxWindow* parent = GetParent(); if( parent ) wxQueueEvent( parent, evt ); } aEvent.Skip(); } static int RPT_SEVERITY_ALL = RPT_SEVERITY_WARNING | RPT_SEVERITY_ERROR | RPT_SEVERITY_EXCLUSION; void DIALOG_ERC::syncCheckboxes() { m_showAll->SetValue( m_severities == RPT_SEVERITY_ALL ); m_showErrors->SetValue( m_severities & RPT_SEVERITY_ERROR ); m_showWarnings->SetValue( m_severities & RPT_SEVERITY_WARNING ); m_showExclusions->SetValue( m_severities & RPT_SEVERITY_EXCLUSION ); } void DIALOG_ERC::OnLinkClicked( wxHtmlLinkEvent& event ) { wxCommandEvent dummy; m_parent->OnAnnotate( dummy ); } void DIALOG_ERC::OnRunERCClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxBusyCursor busy; SCHEMATIC* sch = &m_parent->Schematic(); UpdateAnnotationWarning(); sch->RecordERCExclusions(); deleteAllMarkers( true ); std::vector> violations = ERC_ITEM::GetItemsWithSeverities(); m_ignoredList->DeleteAllItems(); for( std::reference_wrapper& item : violations ) { if( sch->ErcSettings().GetSeverity( item.get().GetErrorCode() ) == RPT_SEVERITY_IGNORE ) { wxListItem listItem; listItem.SetId( m_ignoredList->GetItemCount() ); listItem.SetText( wxT( " • " ) + item.get().GetErrorText() ); listItem.SetData( item.get().GetErrorCode() ); m_ignoredList->InsertItem( listItem ); } } m_ignoredList->SetColumnWidth( 0, m_ignoredList->GetParent()->GetClientSize().x - 20 ); m_cancelled = false; Raise(); m_runningResultsBook->ChangeSelection( 0 ); // Display the "Tests Running..." tab m_messages->Clear(); wxYield(); // Allow time slice to refresh Messages m_running = true; m_sdbSizer1Cancel->SetLabel( _( "Cancel" ) ); m_sdbSizer1OK->Enable( false ); m_deleteOneMarker->Enable( false ); m_deleteAllMarkers->Enable( false ); m_saveReport->Enable( false ); sch->GetSheets().AnnotatePowerSymbols(); int itemsNotAnnotated = m_parent->CheckAnnotate( []( ERCE_T aType, const wxString& aMsg, SCH_REFERENCE* aItemA, SCH_REFERENCE* aItemB ) { std::shared_ptr ercItem = ERC_ITEM::Create( aType ); ercItem->SetErrorMessage( aMsg ); if( aItemB ) ercItem->SetItems( aItemA->GetSymbol(), aItemB->GetSymbol() ); else ercItem->SetItems( aItemA->GetSymbol() ); SCH_MARKER* marker = new SCH_MARKER( ercItem, aItemA->GetSymbol()->GetPosition() ); aItemA->GetSheetPath().LastScreen()->Append( marker ); } ); testErc(); if( itemsNotAnnotated ) m_messages->ReportHead( wxString::Format( _( "%d symbol(s) require annotation.

" ), itemsNotAnnotated ), RPT_SEVERITY_INFO ); if( m_cancelled ) m_messages->Report( _( "-------- ERC cancelled by user.

" ), RPT_SEVERITY_INFO ); else m_messages->Report( _( "Done.

" ), RPT_SEVERITY_INFO ); Raise(); wxYield(); // Allow time slice to refresh Messages m_running = false; m_sdbSizer1Cancel->SetLabel( _( "Close" ) ); m_sdbSizer1OK->Enable( true ); m_deleteOneMarker->Enable( true ); m_deleteAllMarkers->Enable( true ); m_saveReport->Enable( true ); if( !m_cancelled ) { m_sdbSizer1Cancel->SetDefault(); // wxWidgets has a tendency to keep both buttons highlighted without the following: m_sdbSizer1OK->Enable( false ); wxMilliSleep( 500 ); m_runningResultsBook->ChangeSelection( 1 ); KIPLATFORM::UI::ForceFocus( m_notebook ); // now re-enable m_sdbSizerOK button m_sdbSizer1OK->Enable( true ); } m_ercRun = true; redrawDrawPanel(); updateDisplayedCounts(); // set float level again, it can be lost due to window events during test run KIPLATFORM::UI::SetFloatLevel( this ); } void DIALOG_ERC::redrawDrawPanel() { WINDOW_THAWER thawer( m_parent ); m_parent->GetCanvas()->Refresh(); } void DIALOG_ERC::testErc() { wxFileName fn; SCHEMATIC* sch = &m_parent->Schematic(); SCH_SCREENS screens( sch->Root() ); ERC_TESTER tester( sch ); { wxBusyCursor dummy; tester.RunTests( m_parent->GetCanvas()->GetView()->GetDrawingSheet(), m_parent, m_parent->Kiway().KiFACE( KIWAY::FACE_CVPCB ), &m_parent->Prj(), this ); } // Update marker list: m_markerTreeModel->Update( m_markerProvider, m_severities ); // Display new markers from the current screen: for( SCH_ITEM* marker : m_parent->GetScreen()->Items().OfType( SCH_MARKER_T ) ) { m_parent->GetCanvas()->GetView()->Remove( marker ); m_parent->GetCanvas()->GetView()->Add( marker ); } m_parent->GetCanvas()->Refresh(); } void DIALOG_ERC::OnERCItemSelected( wxDataViewEvent& aEvent ) { const KIID& itemID = RC_TREE_MODEL::ToUUID( aEvent.GetItem() ); SCH_SHEET_PATH sheet; SCH_ITEM* item = m_parent->Schematic().GetItem( itemID, &sheet ); if( m_centerMarkerOnIdle ) { // we already came from a cross-probe of the marker in the document; don't go // around in circles } else if( item && item->GetClass() != wxT( "DELETED_SHEET_ITEM" ) ) { const RC_TREE_NODE* node = RC_TREE_MODEL::ToNode( aEvent.GetItem() ); if( node ) { // Determine the owning sheet for sheet-specific items std::shared_ptr ercItem = std::static_pointer_cast( node->m_RcItem ); switch( node->m_Type ) { case RC_TREE_NODE::MARKER: if( ercItem->IsSheetSpecific() ) sheet = ercItem->GetSpecificSheetPath(); break; case RC_TREE_NODE::MAIN_ITEM: if( ercItem->MainItemHasSheetPath() ) sheet = ercItem->GetMainItemSheetPath(); break; case RC_TREE_NODE::AUX_ITEM: if( ercItem->AuxItemHasSheetPath() ) sheet = ercItem->GetAuxItemSheetPath(); break; default: break; } } WINDOW_THAWER thawer( m_parent ); if( !sheet.empty() && sheet != m_parent->GetCurrentSheet() ) { m_parent->GetToolManager()->RunAction( ACTIONS::cancelInteractive ); m_parent->GetToolManager()->RunAction( EE_ACTIONS::clearSelection ); m_parent->SetCurrentSheet( sheet ); m_parent->DisplayCurrentSheet(); m_parent->RedrawScreen( m_parent->GetScreen()->m_ScrollCenter, false ); } m_parent->FocusOnItem( item ); redrawDrawPanel(); } aEvent.Skip(); } void DIALOG_ERC::OnERCItemDClick( wxDataViewEvent& aEvent ) { if( aEvent.GetItem().IsOk() ) { // turn control over to m_parent, hide this DIALOG_ERC window, // no destruction so we can preserve listbox cursor if( !IsModal() ) Show( false ); } aEvent.Skip(); } void DIALOG_ERC::OnERCItemRClick( wxDataViewEvent& aEvent ) { TOOL_MANAGER* toolMgr = m_parent->GetToolManager(); EE_INSPECTION_TOOL* inspectionTool = toolMgr->GetTool(); RC_TREE_NODE* node = RC_TREE_MODEL::ToNode( aEvent.GetItem() ); if( !node ) return; ERC_SETTINGS& settings = m_parent->Schematic().ErcSettings(); std::shared_ptr rcItem = node->m_RcItem; wxString listName; wxMenu menu; switch( settings.GetSeverity( rcItem->GetErrorCode() ) ) { case RPT_SEVERITY_ERROR: listName = _( "errors" ); break; case RPT_SEVERITY_WARNING: listName = _( "warnings" ); break; default: listName = _( "appropriate" ); break; } enum MENU_IDS { ID_EDIT_EXCLUSION_COMMENT = 4467, ID_REMOVE_EXCLUSION, ID_REMOVE_EXCLUSION_ALL, ID_ADD_EXCLUSION, ID_ADD_EXCLUSION_ALL, ID_INSPECT_VIOLATION, ID_EDIT_PIN_CONFLICT_MAP, ID_EDIT_CONNECTION_GRID, ID_SET_SEVERITY_TO_ERROR, ID_SET_SEVERITY_TO_WARNING, ID_SET_SEVERITY_TO_IGNORE, ID_EDIT_SEVERITIES, }; if( rcItem->GetParent()->IsExcluded() ) { menu.Append( ID_EDIT_EXCLUSION_COMMENT, _( "Edit exclusion comment..." ) ); menu.Append( ID_REMOVE_EXCLUSION, _( "Remove exclusion for this violation" ), wxString::Format( _( "It will be placed back in the %s list" ), listName ) ); } else { menu.Append( ID_ADD_EXCLUSION, _( "Exclude this violation..." ), wxString::Format( _( "It will be excluded from the %s list" ), listName ) ); } wxString inspectERCErrorMenuText = inspectionTool->InspectERCErrorMenuText( rcItem ); if( !inspectERCErrorMenuText.IsEmpty() ) menu.Append( ID_INSPECT_VIOLATION, inspectERCErrorMenuText ); menu.AppendSeparator(); if( rcItem->GetErrorCode() == ERCE_PIN_TO_PIN_WARNING || rcItem->GetErrorCode() == ERCE_PIN_TO_PIN_ERROR ) { // Pin to pin severities edited through pin conflict map } else if( settings.GetSeverity( rcItem->GetErrorCode() ) == RPT_SEVERITY_WARNING ) { menu.Append( ID_SET_SEVERITY_TO_ERROR, wxString::Format( _( "Change severity to Error for all '%s' violations" ), rcItem->GetErrorText() ), _( "Violation severities can also be edited in the Schematic Setup... dialog" ) ); } else { menu.Append( ID_SET_SEVERITY_TO_WARNING, wxString::Format( _( "Change severity to Warning for all '%s' violations" ), rcItem->GetErrorText() ), _( "Violation severities can also be edited in the Schematic Setup... dialog" ) ); } menu.Append( ID_SET_SEVERITY_TO_IGNORE, wxString::Format( _( "Ignore all '%s' violations" ), rcItem->GetErrorText() ), _( "Violations will not be checked or reported" ) ); menu.AppendSeparator(); if( rcItem->GetErrorCode() == ERCE_PIN_TO_PIN_WARNING || rcItem->GetErrorCode() == ERCE_PIN_TO_PIN_ERROR ) { menu.Append( ID_EDIT_PIN_CONFLICT_MAP, _( "Edit pin-to-pin conflict map..." ), _( "Open the Schematic Setup... dialog" ) ); } else { menu.Append( ID_EDIT_SEVERITIES, _( "Edit violation severities..." ), _( "Open the Schematic Setup... dialog" ) ); } if( rcItem->GetErrorCode() == ERCE_ENDPOINT_OFF_GRID ) { menu.Append( ID_EDIT_CONNECTION_GRID, _( "Edit connection grid spacing..." ), _( "Open the Schematic Setup... dialog" ) ); } bool modified = false; switch( GetPopupMenuSelectionFromUser( menu ) ) { case ID_EDIT_EXCLUSION_COMMENT: if( SCH_MARKER* marker = dynamic_cast( node->m_RcItem->GetParent() ) ) { WX_TEXT_ENTRY_DIALOG dlg( this, _( "Optional comment:" ), _( "Exclusion Comment" ), marker->GetComment(), true ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL ) break; marker->SetExcluded( true, dlg.GetValue() ); // Update view static_cast( aEvent.GetModel() )->ValueChanged( node ); modified = true; } break; case ID_REMOVE_EXCLUSION: if( SCH_MARKER* marker = dynamic_cast( node->m_RcItem->GetParent() ) ) { marker->SetExcluded( false ); m_parent->GetCanvas()->GetView()->Update( marker ); // Update view static_cast( aEvent.GetModel() )->ValueChanged( node ); modified = true; } break; case ID_ADD_EXCLUSION: if( SCH_MARKER* marker = dynamic_cast( node->m_RcItem->GetParent() ) ) { WX_TEXT_ENTRY_DIALOG dlg( this, _( "Optional comment:" ), _( "Exclusion Comment" ), wxEmptyString, true ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL ) break; marker->SetExcluded( true, dlg.GetValue() ); m_parent->GetCanvas()->GetView()->Update( marker ); // Update view if( m_severities & RPT_SEVERITY_EXCLUSION ) static_cast( aEvent.GetModel() )->ValueChanged( node ); else static_cast( aEvent.GetModel() )->DeleteCurrentItem( false ); modified = true; } break; case ID_INSPECT_VIOLATION: inspectionTool->InspectERCError( node->m_RcItem ); break; case ID_SET_SEVERITY_TO_ERROR: settings.SetSeverity( rcItem->GetErrorCode(), RPT_SEVERITY_ERROR ); for( SCH_ITEM* item : m_parent->GetScreen()->Items().OfType( SCH_MARKER_T ) ) { SCH_MARKER* marker = static_cast( item ); if( marker->GetRCItem()->GetErrorCode() == rcItem->GetErrorCode() ) m_parent->GetCanvas()->GetView()->Update( marker ); } // Rebuild model and view static_cast( aEvent.GetModel() )->Update( m_markerProvider, m_severities ); modified = true; break; case ID_SET_SEVERITY_TO_WARNING: settings.SetSeverity( rcItem->GetErrorCode(), RPT_SEVERITY_WARNING ); for( SCH_ITEM* item : m_parent->GetScreen()->Items().OfType( SCH_MARKER_T ) ) { SCH_MARKER* marker = static_cast( item ); if( marker->GetRCItem()->GetErrorCode() == rcItem->GetErrorCode() ) m_parent->GetCanvas()->GetView()->Update( marker ); } // Rebuild model and view static_cast( aEvent.GetModel() )->Update( m_markerProvider, m_severities ); modified = true; break; case ID_SET_SEVERITY_TO_IGNORE: { settings.SetSeverity( rcItem->GetErrorCode(), RPT_SEVERITY_IGNORE ); if( rcItem->GetErrorCode() == ERCE_PIN_TO_PIN_ERROR ) settings.SetSeverity( ERCE_PIN_TO_PIN_WARNING, RPT_SEVERITY_IGNORE ); wxListItem listItem; listItem.SetId( m_ignoredList->GetItemCount() ); listItem.SetText( wxT( " • " ) + rcItem->GetErrorText() ); listItem.SetData( rcItem->GetErrorCode() ); m_ignoredList->InsertItem( listItem ); // Clear the selection before deleting markers. It may be some selected ERC markers. // Deleting a selected marker without deselecting it first generates a crash m_parent->GetToolManager()->RunAction( EE_ACTIONS::clearSelection ); SCH_SCREENS ScreenList( m_parent->Schematic().Root() ); ScreenList.DeleteMarkers( MARKER_BASE::MARKER_ERC, rcItem->GetErrorCode() ); // Rebuild model and view static_cast( aEvent.GetModel() )->Update( m_markerProvider, m_severities ); modified = true; } break; case ID_EDIT_PIN_CONFLICT_MAP: m_parent->ShowSchematicSetupDialog( _( "Pin Conflicts Map" ) ); break; case ID_EDIT_SEVERITIES: m_parent->ShowSchematicSetupDialog( _( "Violation Severity" ) ); break; case ID_EDIT_CONNECTION_GRID: m_parent->ShowSchematicSetupDialog( _( "Formatting" ) ); break; } if( modified ) { updateDisplayedCounts(); redrawDrawPanel(); m_parent->OnModify(); } } void DIALOG_ERC::OnIgnoredItemRClick( wxListEvent& event ) { ERC_SETTINGS& settings = m_parent->Schematic().ErcSettings(); int errorCode = (int) event.m_item.GetData(); wxMenu menu; menu.Append( RPT_SEVERITY_ERROR, _( "Error" ), wxEmptyString, wxITEM_CHECK ); menu.Append( RPT_SEVERITY_WARNING, _( "Warning" ), wxEmptyString, wxITEM_CHECK ); menu.Append( RPT_SEVERITY_IGNORE, _( "Ignore" ), wxEmptyString, wxITEM_CHECK ); menu.Check( settings.GetSeverity( errorCode ), true ); int severity = GetPopupMenuSelectionFromUser( menu ); if( severity > 0 ) { if( settings.GetSeverity( errorCode ) != severity ) { settings.SetSeverity( errorCode, (SEVERITY) severity ); updateDisplayedCounts(); redrawDrawPanel(); m_parent->OnModify(); } } } void DIALOG_ERC::PrevMarker() { if( m_notebook->IsShown() ) { if( m_notebook->GetSelection() != 0 ) m_notebook->SetSelection( 0 ); m_markerTreeModel->PrevMarker(); } } void DIALOG_ERC::NextMarker() { if( m_notebook->IsShown() ) { if( m_notebook->GetSelection() != 0 ) m_notebook->SetSelection( 0 ); m_markerTreeModel->NextMarker(); } } void DIALOG_ERC::SelectMarker( const SCH_MARKER* aMarker ) { if( m_notebook->IsShown() ) { m_notebook->SetSelection( 0 ); m_markerTreeModel->SelectMarker( aMarker ); // wxWidgets on some platforms fails to correctly ensure that a selected item is // visible, so we have to do it in a separate idle event. m_centerMarkerOnIdle = aMarker; Bind( wxEVT_IDLE, &DIALOG_ERC::centerMarkerIdleHandler, this ); } } void DIALOG_ERC::centerMarkerIdleHandler( wxIdleEvent& aEvent ) { m_markerTreeModel->CenterMarker( m_centerMarkerOnIdle ); m_centerMarkerOnIdle = nullptr; Unbind( wxEVT_IDLE, &DIALOG_ERC::centerMarkerIdleHandler, this ); } void DIALOG_ERC::ExcludeMarker( SCH_MARKER* aMarker ) { SCH_MARKER* marker = aMarker; if( marker != nullptr ) m_markerTreeModel->SelectMarker( marker ); if( m_notebook->GetSelection() != 0 ) return; RC_TREE_NODE* node = RC_TREE_MODEL::ToNode( m_markerDataView->GetCurrentItem() ); if( node && node->m_RcItem ) marker = dynamic_cast( node->m_RcItem->GetParent() ); if( node && marker && !marker->IsExcluded() ) { marker->SetExcluded( true ); m_parent->GetCanvas()->GetView()->Update( marker ); // Update view if( m_severities & RPT_SEVERITY_EXCLUSION ) m_markerTreeModel->ValueChanged( node ); else m_markerTreeModel->DeleteCurrentItem( false ); updateDisplayedCounts(); redrawDrawPanel(); m_parent->OnModify(); } } void DIALOG_ERC::OnEditViolationSeverities( wxHyperlinkEvent& aEvent ) { m_parent->ShowSchematicSetupDialog( _( "Violation Severity" ) ); } void DIALOG_ERC::OnSeverity( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { int flag = 0; if( aEvent.GetEventObject() == m_showAll ) flag = RPT_SEVERITY_ALL; else if( aEvent.GetEventObject() == m_showErrors ) flag = RPT_SEVERITY_ERROR; else if( aEvent.GetEventObject() == m_showWarnings ) flag = RPT_SEVERITY_WARNING; else if( aEvent.GetEventObject() == m_showExclusions ) flag = RPT_SEVERITY_EXCLUSION; if( aEvent.IsChecked() ) m_severities |= flag; else if( aEvent.GetEventObject() == m_showAll ) m_severities = RPT_SEVERITY_ERROR; else m_severities &= ~flag; syncCheckboxes(); m_markerTreeModel->Update( m_markerProvider, m_severities ); updateDisplayedCounts(); } void DIALOG_ERC::deleteAllMarkers( bool aIncludeExclusions ) { // Clear current selection list to avoid selection of deleted items m_parent->GetToolManager()->RunAction( EE_ACTIONS::clearSelection ); m_markerTreeModel->DeleteItems( false, aIncludeExclusions, false ); SCH_SCREENS screens( m_parent->Schematic().Root() ); screens.DeleteAllMarkers( MARKER_BASE::MARKER_ERC, aIncludeExclusions ); } void DIALOG_ERC::OnSaveReport( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { wxFileName fn( wxS( "ERC." ) + wxString( FILEEXT::ReportFileExtension ) ); wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Save Report File" ), Prj().GetProjectPath(), fn.GetFullName(), FILEEXT::ReportFileWildcard() + wxS( "|" ) + FILEEXT::JsonFileWildcard(), wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT ); if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) return; fn = dlg.GetPath(); if( fn.GetExt().IsEmpty() ) fn.SetExt( FILEEXT::ReportFileExtension ); if( !fn.IsAbsolute() ) { wxString prj_path = Prj().GetProjectPath(); fn.MakeAbsolute( prj_path ); } ERC_REPORT reportWriter( &m_parent->Schematic(), m_parent->GetUserUnits() ); bool success = false; if( fn.GetExt() == FILEEXT::JsonFileExtension ) success = reportWriter.WriteJsonReport( fn.GetFullPath() ); else success = reportWriter.WriteTextReport( fn.GetFullPath() ); if( success ) { m_messages->Report( wxString::Format( _( "Report file '%s' created." ), fn.GetFullPath() ) ); } else { DisplayError( this, wxString::Format( _( "Failed to create file '%s'." ), fn.GetFullPath() ) ); } }