/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2017 Oliver Walters * Copyright (C) 2017-2023 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dialog_symbol_fields_table.h" #include #include #include wxDEFINE_EVENT( EDA_EVT_CLOSE_DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE, wxCommandEvent ); #ifdef __WXMAC__ #define COLUMN_MARGIN 3 #else #define COLUMN_MARGIN 15 #endif using SCOPE = FIELDS_EDITOR_GRID_DATA_MODEL::SCOPE; enum { MYID_SELECT_FOOTPRINT = GRIDTRICKS_FIRST_CLIENT_ID, MYID_SHOW_DATASHEET }; class FIELDS_EDITOR_GRID_TRICKS : public GRID_TRICKS { public: FIELDS_EDITOR_GRID_TRICKS( DIALOG_SHIM* aParent, WX_GRID* aGrid, wxDataViewListCtrl* aFieldsCtrl, FIELDS_EDITOR_GRID_DATA_MODEL* aDataModel ) : GRID_TRICKS( aGrid ), m_dlg( aParent ), m_fieldsCtrl( aFieldsCtrl ), m_dataModel( aDataModel ) {} protected: void showPopupMenu( wxMenu& menu, wxGridEvent& aEvent ) override { if( m_grid->GetGridCursorCol() == FOOTPRINT_FIELD ) { menu.Append( MYID_SELECT_FOOTPRINT, _( "Select Footprint..." ), _( "Browse for footprint" ) ); menu.AppendSeparator(); } else if( m_grid->GetGridCursorCol() == DATASHEET_FIELD ) { menu.Append( MYID_SHOW_DATASHEET, _( "Show Datasheet" ), _( "Show datasheet in browser" ) ); menu.AppendSeparator(); } GRID_TRICKS::showPopupMenu( menu, aEvent ); } void doPopupSelection( wxCommandEvent& event ) override { if( event.GetId() == MYID_SELECT_FOOTPRINT ) { // pick a footprint using the footprint picker. wxString fpid = m_grid->GetCellValue( m_grid->GetGridCursorRow(), FOOTPRINT_FIELD ); KIWAY_PLAYER* frame = m_dlg->Kiway().Player( FRAME_FOOTPRINT_CHOOSER, true, m_dlg ); if( frame->ShowModal( &fpid, m_dlg ) ) m_grid->SetCellValue( m_grid->GetGridCursorRow(), FOOTPRINT_FIELD, fpid ); frame->Destroy(); } else if (event.GetId() == MYID_SHOW_DATASHEET ) { wxString datasheet_uri = m_grid->GetCellValue( m_grid->GetGridCursorRow(), DATASHEET_FIELD ); GetAssociatedDocument( m_dlg, datasheet_uri, &m_dlg->Prj(), PROJECT_SCH::SchSearchS( &m_dlg->Prj() ) ); } else { // We have grid tricks events to show/hide the columns from the popup menu // and we need to make sure the data model is updated to match the grid, // so do it through our code instead if( event.GetId() >= GRIDTRICKS_FIRST_SHOWHIDE ) { // Pop-up column order is the order of the shown fields, not the // fieldsCtrl order int col = event.GetId() - GRIDTRICKS_FIRST_SHOWHIDE; bool show = !m_dataModel->GetShowColumn( col ); // Convert data model column to by iterating over m_fieldsCtrl rows // and finding the matching field name wxString fieldName = m_dataModel->GetColFieldName( col ); for( int row = 0; row < m_fieldsCtrl->GetItemCount(); row++ ) { if( m_fieldsCtrl->GetTextValue( row, FIELD_NAME_COLUMN ) == fieldName ) { m_fieldsCtrl->SetToggleValue( show, row, SHOW_FIELD_COLUMN ); break; } } } else GRID_TRICKS::doPopupSelection( event ); } } DIALOG_SHIM* m_dlg; wxDataViewListCtrl* m_fieldsCtrl; FIELDS_EDITOR_GRID_DATA_MODEL* m_dataModel; }; DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE( SCH_EDIT_FRAME* parent ) : DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE_BASE( parent ), m_currentBomPreset( nullptr ), m_lastSelectedBomPreset( nullptr ), m_parent( parent ), m_schSettings( parent->Schematic().Settings() ) { // Get all symbols from the list of schematic sheets m_parent->Schematic().GetSheets().GetSymbols( m_symbolsList, false ); m_separator1->SetIsSeparator(); m_separator2->SetIsSeparator(); m_bRefresh->SetBitmap( KiBitmapBundle( BITMAPS::small_refresh ) ); m_bRefreshPreview->SetBitmap( KiBitmapBundle( BITMAPS::small_refresh ) ); m_browseButton->SetBitmap( KiBitmapBundle( BITMAPS::small_folder ) ); m_addFieldButton->SetBitmap( KiBitmapBundle( BITMAPS::small_plus ) ); m_removeFieldButton->SetBitmap( KiBitmapBundle( BITMAPS::small_trash ) ); m_renameFieldButton->SetBitmap( KiBitmapBundle( BITMAPS::small_edit ) ); m_removeFieldButton->Enable( false ); m_renameFieldButton->Enable( false ); m_bomPresetsLabel->SetFont( KIUI::GetInfoFont( this ) ); m_labelBomExportPresets->SetFont( KIUI::GetInfoFont( this ) ); m_separator11->SetIsSeparator(); m_fieldsCtrl->AppendTextColumn( _( "Field" ), wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT, 0 ); m_fieldsCtrl->AppendTextColumn( _( "Label" ), wxDATAVIEW_CELL_EDITABLE, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT, 0 ); m_fieldsCtrl->AppendToggleColumn( _( "Show" ), wxDATAVIEW_CELL_ACTIVATABLE, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0 ); m_fieldsCtrl->AppendToggleColumn( _( "Group By" ), wxDATAVIEW_CELL_ACTIVATABLE, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0 ); // GTK asserts if the number of columns doesn't match the data, but we still don't want // to display the canonical names. So we'll insert a column for them, but keep it 0 width. m_fieldsCtrl->AppendTextColumn( _( "Name" ), wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT, 0 ); // SetWidth( wxCOL_WIDTH_AUTOSIZE ) fails here on GTK, so we calculate the title sizes and // set the column widths ourselves. wxDataViewColumn* column = m_fieldsCtrl->GetColumn( SHOW_FIELD_COLUMN ); m_showColWidth = KIUI::GetTextSize( column->GetTitle(), m_fieldsCtrl ).x + COLUMN_MARGIN; column->SetMinWidth( m_showColWidth ); column = m_fieldsCtrl->GetColumn( GROUP_BY_COLUMN ); m_groupByColWidth = KIUI::GetTextSize( column->GetTitle(), m_fieldsCtrl ).x + COLUMN_MARGIN; column->SetMinWidth( m_groupByColWidth ); // The fact that we're a list should keep the control from reserving space for the // expander buttons... but it doesn't. Fix by forcing the indent to 0. m_fieldsCtrl->SetIndent( 0 ); m_filter->SetDescriptiveText( _( "Filter" ) ); m_dataModel = new FIELDS_EDITOR_GRID_DATA_MODEL( m_symbolsList ); // We want to show excluded symbols because the Edit page needs to show all symbols, // they will still be excluded from the export. m_dataModel->SetIncludeExcludedFromBOM( true ); LoadFieldNames(); // loads rows into m_fieldsCtrl and columns into m_dataModel // Now that the fields are loaded we can set the initial location of the splitter // based on the list width. Again, SetWidth( wxCOL_WIDTH_AUTOSIZE ) fails us on GTK. m_fieldNameColWidth = 0; m_labelColWidth = 0; int colWidth = 0; for( int row = 0; row < m_fieldsCtrl->GetItemCount(); ++row ) { const wxString& displayName = m_fieldsCtrl->GetTextValue( row, DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN ); colWidth = std::max( colWidth, KIUI::GetTextSize( displayName, m_fieldsCtrl ).x ); const wxString& label = m_fieldsCtrl->GetTextValue( row, LABEL_COLUMN ); colWidth = std::max( colWidth, KIUI::GetTextSize( label, m_fieldsCtrl ).x ); } m_fieldNameColWidth = colWidth + 20; m_labelColWidth = colWidth + 20; int fieldsMinWidth = m_fieldNameColWidth + m_labelColWidth + m_groupByColWidth + m_showColWidth; m_fieldsCtrl->GetColumn( DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN )->SetWidth( m_fieldNameColWidth ); m_fieldsCtrl->GetColumn( LABEL_COLUMN )->SetWidth( m_labelColWidth ); // This is used for data only. Don't show it to the user. m_fieldsCtrl->GetColumn( FIELD_NAME_COLUMN )->SetHidden( true ); m_splitterMainWindow->SetMinimumPaneSize( fieldsMinWidth ); m_splitterMainWindow->SetSashPosition( fieldsMinWidth + 40 ); m_grid->UseNativeColHeader( true ); m_grid->SetTable( m_dataModel, true ); // must be done after SetTable(), which appears to re-set it m_grid->SetSelectionMode( wxGrid::wxGridSelectCells ); // add Cut, Copy, and Paste to wxGrid m_grid->PushEventHandler( new FIELDS_EDITOR_GRID_TRICKS( this, m_grid, m_fieldsCtrl, m_dataModel ) ); // give a bit more room for comboboxes m_grid->SetDefaultRowSize( m_grid->GetDefaultRowSize() + 4 ); // Load our BOM view presets SetUserBomPresets( m_schSettings.m_BomPresets ); ApplyBomPreset( m_schSettings.m_BomSettings ); syncBomPresetSelection(); // Load BOM export format presets SetUserBomFmtPresets( m_schSettings.m_BomFmtPresets ); ApplyBomFmtPreset( m_schSettings.m_BomFmtSettings ); syncBomFmtPresetSelection(); SetInitialFocus( m_grid ); m_grid->ClearSelection(); SetupStandardButtons(); finishDialogSettings(); EESCHEMA_SETTINGS* cfg = m_parent->eeconfig(); EESCHEMA_SETTINGS::PANEL_FIELD_EDITOR& panelCfg = cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel; wxSize dlgSize( panelCfg.width > 0 ? panelCfg.width : horizPixelsFromDU( 600 ), panelCfg.height > 0 ? panelCfg.height : vertPixelsFromDU( 300 ) ); SetSize( dlgSize ); m_nbPages->SetSelection( cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel.page ); switch( cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel.selection_mode ) { case 0: m_radioHighlight->SetValue( true ); break; case 1: m_radioSelect->SetValue( true ); break; case 2: m_radioOff->SetValue( true ); break; } switch( cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel.scope ) { case SCOPE::SCOPE_ALL: m_radioProject->SetValue( true ); break; case SCOPE::SCOPE_SHEET: m_radioCurrentSheet->SetValue( true ); break; case SCOPE::SCOPE_SHEET_RECURSIVE: m_radioRecursive->SetValue( true ); break; } m_outputFileName->SetValue( cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel.export_filename ); Center(); // Connect Events m_grid->Connect( wxEVT_GRID_COL_SORT, wxGridEventHandler( DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnColSort ), nullptr, this ); m_grid->Connect( wxEVT_GRID_COL_MOVE, wxGridEventHandler( DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnColMove ), nullptr, this ); m_cbBomPresets->Bind( wxEVT_CHOICE, &DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::onBomPresetChanged, this ); m_cbBomFmtPresets->Bind( wxEVT_CHOICE, &DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::onBomFmtPresetChanged, this ); m_fieldsCtrl->Bind( wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_VALUE_CHANGED, &DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnColLabelChange, this ); // Start listening for schematic changes m_parent->Schematic().AddListener( this ); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::SetupColumnProperties( int aCol ) { wxGridCellAttr* attr = new wxGridCellAttr; attr->SetReadOnly( false ); // Set some column types to specific editors if( m_dataModel->ColIsReference( aCol ) ) { attr->SetReadOnly(); m_grid->SetColAttr( aCol, attr ); } else if( m_dataModel->GetColFieldName( aCol ) == GetCanonicalFieldName( FOOTPRINT_FIELD ) ) { attr->SetEditor( new GRID_CELL_FPID_EDITOR( this, wxEmptyString ) ); m_grid->SetColAttr( aCol, attr ); } else if( m_dataModel->GetColFieldName( aCol ) == GetCanonicalFieldName( DATASHEET_FIELD ) ) { // set datasheet column viewer button attr->SetEditor( new GRID_CELL_URL_EDITOR( this, PROJECT_SCH::SchSearchS( &Prj() ) ) ); m_grid->SetColAttr( aCol, attr ); } else if( m_dataModel->ColIsQuantity( aCol ) || m_dataModel->ColIsItemNumber( aCol ) ) { attr->SetReadOnly(); m_grid->SetColAttr( aCol, attr ); m_grid->SetColFormatNumber( aCol ); } else if( m_dataModel->ColIsAttribute( aCol ) ) { attr->SetAlignment( wxALIGN_CENTER, wxALIGN_CENTER ); m_grid->SetColAttr( aCol, attr ); m_grid->SetColFormatBool( aCol ); } else if( IsTextVar( m_dataModel->GetColFieldName( aCol ) ) ) { attr->SetReadOnly(); m_grid->SetColAttr( aCol, attr ); } else { attr->SetEditor( m_grid->GetDefaultEditor() ); m_grid->SetColAttr( aCol, attr ); m_grid->SetColFormatCustom( aCol, wxGRID_VALUE_STRING ); } } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::SetupAllColumnProperties() { EESCHEMA_SETTINGS* cfg = m_parent->eeconfig(); wxSize defaultDlgSize = ConvertDialogToPixels( wxSize( 600, 300 ) ); // Restore column sorting order and widths m_grid->AutoSizeColumns( false ); int sortCol = 0; bool sortAscending = true; for( int col = 0; col < m_grid->GetNumberCols(); ++col ) { SetupColumnProperties( col ); if( col == m_dataModel->GetSortCol() ) { sortCol = col; sortAscending = m_dataModel->GetSortAsc(); } } // sync m_grid's column visibilities to Show checkboxes in m_fieldsCtrl for( int i = 0; i < m_fieldsCtrl->GetItemCount(); ++i ) { int col = m_dataModel->GetFieldNameCol( m_fieldsCtrl->GetTextValue( i, FIELD_NAME_COLUMN ) ); if( col == -1 ) continue; bool show = m_fieldsCtrl->GetToggleValue( i, SHOW_FIELD_COLUMN ); m_dataModel->SetShowColumn( col, show ); if( show ) { m_grid->ShowCol( col ); std::string key( m_dataModel->GetColFieldName( col ).ToUTF8() ); if( cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel.field_widths.count( key ) && ( cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel.field_widths.at( key ) > 0 ) ) { m_grid->SetColSize( col, cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel.field_widths.at( key ) ); } else { int textWidth = m_dataModel->GetDataWidth( col ) + COLUMN_MARGIN; int maxWidth = defaultDlgSize.x / 3; m_grid->SetColSize( col, Clamp( 100, textWidth, maxWidth ) ); } } else { m_grid->HideCol( col ); } } m_dataModel->SetSorting( sortCol, sortAscending ); m_grid->SetSortingColumn( sortCol, sortAscending ); } DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::~DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE() { // Disconnect Events m_grid->Disconnect( wxEVT_GRID_COL_SORT, wxGridEventHandler( DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnColSort ), nullptr, this ); m_grid->Disconnect( wxEVT_GRID_COL_SORT, wxGridEventHandler( DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnColMove ), nullptr, this ); // Delete the GRID_TRICKS. m_grid->PopEventHandler( true ); // we gave ownership of m_dataModel to the wxGrid... } bool DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::TransferDataToWindow() { if( !wxDialog::TransferDataFromWindow() ) return false; TOOL_MANAGER* toolMgr = m_parent->GetToolManager(); EE_SELECTION_TOOL* selectionTool = toolMgr->GetTool(); EE_SELECTION& selection = selectionTool->GetSelection(); SCH_SYMBOL* symbol = nullptr; UpdateScope(); if( selection.GetSize() == 1 ) { EDA_ITEM* item = selection.Front(); if( item->Type() == SCH_SYMBOL_T ) symbol = (SCH_SYMBOL*) item; else if( item->GetParent() && item->GetParent()->Type() == SCH_SYMBOL_T ) symbol = (SCH_SYMBOL*) item->GetParent(); } if( symbol ) { for( int row = 0; row < m_dataModel->GetNumberRows(); ++row ) { std::vector references = m_dataModel->GetRowReferences( row ); bool found = false; for( const SCH_REFERENCE& ref : references ) { if( ref.GetSymbol() == symbol ) { found = true; break; } } if( found ) { // Find the value column and the reference column if they're shown int valueCol = -1; int refCol = -1; int anyCol = -1; for( int col = 0; col < m_dataModel->GetNumberCols(); col++ ) { if( m_dataModel->ColIsValue( col ) ) valueCol = col; else if( m_dataModel->ColIsReference( col ) ) refCol = col; else if( anyCol == -1 && m_dataModel->GetShowColumn( col ) ) anyCol = col; } if( valueCol != -1 && m_dataModel->GetShowColumn( valueCol ) ) m_grid->GoToCell( row, valueCol ); else if( refCol != -1 && m_dataModel->GetShowColumn( refCol ) ) m_grid->GoToCell( row, refCol ); else if( anyCol != -1 ) m_grid->GoToCell( row, anyCol ); break; } } } // We don't want table range selection events to happen until we've loaded the data or we // we'll clear our selection as the grid is built before the code above can get the // user's current selection. EnableSelectionEvents(); return true; } bool DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::TransferDataFromWindow() { if( !m_grid->CommitPendingChanges() ) return false; if( !wxDialog::TransferDataFromWindow() ) return false; SCH_COMMIT commit( m_parent ); SCH_SHEET_PATH currentSheet = m_parent->GetCurrentSheet(); std::function changeHandler = [&commit]( SCH_SYMBOL& aSymbol, SCH_SHEET_PATH& aPath ) -> void { commit.Modify( &aSymbol, aPath.LastScreen() ); }; m_dataModel->ApplyData( changeHandler ); commit.Push( wxS( "Symbol Fields Table Edit" ) ); // Reset the view to where we left the user m_parent->SetCurrentSheet( currentSheet ); m_parent->SyncView(); m_parent->Refresh(); m_parent->OnModify(); return true; } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::AddField( const wxString& aFieldName, const wxString& aLabelValue, bool show, bool groupBy, bool addedByUser ) { // Users can add fields with variable names that match the special names in the grid, // e.g. ${QUANTITY} so make sure we don't add them twice for( int i = 0; i < m_fieldsCtrl->GetItemCount(); i++ ) if( m_fieldsCtrl->GetTextValue( i, FIELD_NAME_COLUMN ) == aFieldName ) return; m_dataModel->AddColumn( aFieldName, aLabelValue, addedByUser ); wxVector fieldsCtrlRow; std::string key( aFieldName.ToUTF8() ); // Don't change these to emplace_back: some versions of wxWidgets don't support it fieldsCtrlRow.push_back( wxVariant( aFieldName ) ); fieldsCtrlRow.push_back( wxVariant( aLabelValue ) ); fieldsCtrlRow.push_back( wxVariant( show ) ); fieldsCtrlRow.push_back( wxVariant( groupBy ) ); fieldsCtrlRow.push_back( wxVariant( aFieldName ) ); m_fieldsCtrl->AppendItem( fieldsCtrlRow ); wxGridTableMessage msg( m_dataModel, wxGRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_COLS_APPENDED, 1 ); m_grid->ProcessTableMessage( msg ); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::LoadFieldNames() { // Add mandatory fields first for( int i = 0; i < MANDATORY_FIELDS; ++i ) { bool show = false; bool groupBy = false; switch( i ) { case REFERENCE_FIELD: case VALUE_FIELD: case FOOTPRINT_FIELD: show = true; groupBy = true; break; case DATASHEET_FIELD: show = true; groupBy = false; break; } AddField( TEMPLATE_FIELDNAME::GetDefaultFieldName( i ), TEMPLATE_FIELDNAME::GetDefaultFieldName( i, true ), show, groupBy ); } // Generated fields present only in the fields table AddField( FIELDS_EDITOR_GRID_DATA_MODEL::QUANTITY_VARIABLE, _( "Qty" ), true, false ); AddField( FIELDS_EDITOR_GRID_DATA_MODEL::ITEM_NUMBER_VARIABLE, _( "#" ), true, false ); // User fields next std::set userFieldNames; for( unsigned i = 0; i < m_symbolsList.GetCount(); ++i ) { SCH_SYMBOL* symbol = m_symbolsList[ i ].GetSymbol(); for( int j = MANDATORY_FIELDS; j < symbol->GetFieldCount(); ++j ) userFieldNames.insert( symbol->GetFields()[j].GetName() ); } for( const wxString& fieldName : userFieldNames ) AddField( fieldName, GetTextVars( fieldName ), true, false ); // Add any templateFieldNames which aren't already present in the userFieldNames for( const TEMPLATE_FIELDNAME& templateFieldname : m_schSettings.m_TemplateFieldNames.GetTemplateFieldNames() ) { if( userFieldNames.count( templateFieldname.m_Name ) == 0 ) AddField( templateFieldname.m_Name, GetTextVars( templateFieldname.m_Name ), false, false ); } } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnAddField( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxTextEntryDialog dlg( this, _( "New field name:" ), _( "Add Field" ) ); if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) return; wxString fieldName = dlg.GetValue(); if( fieldName.IsEmpty() ) { DisplayError( this, _( "Field must have a name." ) ); return; } for( int i = 0; i < m_dataModel->GetNumberCols(); ++i ) { if( fieldName == m_dataModel->GetColFieldName( i ) ) { DisplayError( this, wxString::Format( _( "Field name '%s' already in use." ), fieldName ) ); return; } } AddField( fieldName, GetTextVars( fieldName ), true, false, true ); SetupColumnProperties( m_dataModel->GetColsCount() - 1 ); syncBomPresetSelection(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnRemoveField( wxCommandEvent& event ) { int col = -1; int row = m_fieldsCtrl->GetSelectedRow(); // Should never occur: "Remove Field..." button should be disabled if invalid selection // via OnFieldsCtrlSelectionChanged() wxCHECK_RET( row != -1, wxS( "Some user defined field must be selected first" ) ); wxCHECK_RET( row >= MANDATORY_FIELDS, wxS( "Mandatory fields cannot be removed" ) ); wxString fieldName = m_fieldsCtrl->GetTextValue( row, FIELD_NAME_COLUMN ); wxString displayName = m_fieldsCtrl->GetTextValue( row, DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN ); wxString confirm_msg = wxString::Format( _( "Are you sure you want to remove the field '%s'?" ), displayName ); if( !IsOK( this, confirm_msg ) ) return; for( int i = 0; i < m_dataModel->GetNumberCols(); ++i ) { if( fieldName == m_dataModel->GetColFieldName( i ) ) col = i; } m_fieldsCtrl->DeleteItem( row ); m_dataModel->RemoveColumn( col ); // Make selection and update the state of "Remove field..." button via OnFieldsCtrlSelectionChanged() // Safe to decrement row index because we always have mandatory fields m_fieldsCtrl->SelectRow( --row ); if( row < MANDATORY_FIELDS ) { m_removeFieldButton->Enable( false ); m_renameFieldButton->Enable( false ); } wxGridTableMessage msg( m_dataModel, wxGRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_COLS_DELETED, col, 1 ); m_grid->ProcessTableMessage( msg ); syncBomPresetSelection(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnRenameField( wxCommandEvent& event ) { int row = m_fieldsCtrl->GetSelectedRow(); wxString fieldName = m_fieldsCtrl->GetTextValue( row, FIELD_NAME_COLUMN ); // Should never occur: "Rename Field..." button should be disabled if invalid selection // via OnFieldsCtrlSelectionChanged() wxCHECK_RET( row != -1, wxS( "Some user defined field must be selected first" ) ); wxCHECK_RET( row >= MANDATORY_FIELDS, wxS( "Mandatory fields cannot be renamed" ) ); wxCHECK_RET( !fieldName.IsEmpty(), wxS( "Field must have a name" ) ); int col = m_dataModel->GetFieldNameCol( fieldName ); wxCHECK_RET( col != -1, wxS( "Existing field name missing from data model" ) ); wxTextEntryDialog dlg( this, _( "New field name:" ), _( "Rename Field" ) ); if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) return; wxString newFieldName = dlg.GetValue(); // No change, no-op if( newFieldName == fieldName ) return; // New field name already exists if( m_dataModel->GetFieldNameCol( newFieldName ) != -1 ) { wxString confirm_msg = wxString::Format( _( "Field name %s already exists. Cannot rename over existing field." ), newFieldName ); DisplayError( this, confirm_msg ); return; } m_dataModel->RenameColumn( col, newFieldName ); m_fieldsCtrl->SetTextValue( newFieldName, col, DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN ); m_fieldsCtrl->SetTextValue( newFieldName, col, FIELD_NAME_COLUMN ); syncBomPresetSelection(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnFilterText( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { m_dataModel->SetFilter( m_filter->GetValue() ); m_dataModel->RebuildRows(); m_grid->ForceRefresh(); syncBomPresetSelection(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnFilterMouseMoved( wxMouseEvent& aEvent ) { wxPoint pos = aEvent.GetPosition(); wxRect ctrlRect = m_filter->GetScreenRect(); int buttonWidth = ctrlRect.GetHeight(); // Presume buttons are square if( m_filter->IsSearchButtonVisible() && pos.x < buttonWidth ) SetCursor( wxCURSOR_ARROW ); else if( m_filter->IsCancelButtonVisible() && pos.x > ctrlRect.GetWidth() - buttonWidth ) SetCursor( wxCURSOR_ARROW ); else SetCursor( wxCURSOR_IBEAM ); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnFieldsCtrlSelectionChanged( wxDataViewEvent& event ) { int row = m_fieldsCtrl->GetSelectedRow(); if( row >= MANDATORY_FIELDS ) { m_removeFieldButton->Enable( true ); m_renameFieldButton->Enable( true ); } else { m_removeFieldButton->Enable( false ); m_renameFieldButton->Enable( false ); } } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnColumnItemToggled( wxDataViewEvent& event ) { wxDataViewItem item = event.GetItem(); int row = m_fieldsCtrl->ItemToRow( item ); int col = event.GetColumn(); switch ( col ) { case SHOW_FIELD_COLUMN: { bool value = m_fieldsCtrl->GetToggleValue( row, col ); int dataCol = m_dataModel->GetFieldNameCol( m_fieldsCtrl->GetTextValue( row, FIELD_NAME_COLUMN ) ); m_dataModel->SetShowColumn( dataCol, value ); if( dataCol != -1 ) { if( value ) m_grid->ShowCol( dataCol ); else m_grid->HideCol( dataCol ); } break; } case GROUP_BY_COLUMN: { bool value = m_fieldsCtrl->GetToggleValue( row, col ); int dataCol = m_dataModel->GetFieldNameCol( m_fieldsCtrl->GetTextValue( row, FIELD_NAME_COLUMN ) ); if( m_dataModel->ColIsQuantity( dataCol ) && value ) { DisplayError( this, _( "The Quantity column cannot be grouped by." ) ); value = false; m_fieldsCtrl->SetToggleValue( value, row, col ); } if( m_dataModel->ColIsItemNumber( dataCol ) && value ) { DisplayError( this, _( "The Item Number column cannot be grouped by." ) ); value = false; m_fieldsCtrl->SetToggleValue( value, row, col ); } wxString fieldName = m_fieldsCtrl->GetTextValue( row, FIELD_NAME_COLUMN ); m_dataModel->SetGroupColumn( m_dataModel->GetFieldNameCol( fieldName ), value ); m_dataModel->RebuildRows(); m_grid->ForceRefresh(); break; } default: break; } syncBomPresetSelection(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnGroupSymbolsToggled( wxCommandEvent& event ) { m_dataModel->SetGroupingEnabled( m_groupSymbolsBox->GetValue() ); m_dataModel->RebuildRows(); m_grid->ForceRefresh(); syncBomPresetSelection(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnExcludeDNPToggled( wxCommandEvent& event ) { m_dataModel->SetExcludeDNP( m_checkExcludeDNP->GetValue() ); m_dataModel->RebuildRows(); m_grid->ForceRefresh(); syncBomPresetSelection(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnColSort( wxGridEvent& aEvent ) { int sortCol = aEvent.GetCol(); std::string key( m_dataModel->GetColFieldName( sortCol ).ToUTF8() ); bool ascending; // Don't sort by item number, it is generated by the sort if( m_dataModel->ColIsItemNumber( sortCol ) ) { aEvent.Veto(); return; } // This is bonkers, but wxWidgets doesn't tell us ascending/descending in the event, and // if we ask it will give us pre-event info. if( m_grid->IsSortingBy( sortCol ) ) { // same column; invert ascending ascending = !m_grid->IsSortOrderAscending(); } else { // different column; start with ascending ascending = true; } m_dataModel->SetSorting( sortCol, ascending ); m_dataModel->RebuildRows(); m_grid->ForceRefresh(); syncBomPresetSelection(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnColMove( wxGridEvent& aEvent ) { int origPos = aEvent.GetCol(); CallAfter( [origPos, this]() { int newPos = m_grid->GetColPos( origPos ); m_dataModel->MoveColumn( origPos, newPos ); // "Unmove" the column since we've moved the column internally m_grid->ResetColPos(); // We need to reset all the column attr's to the correct column order SetupAllColumnProperties(); m_grid->ForceRefresh(); } ); syncBomPresetSelection(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnColLabelChange( wxDataViewEvent& aEvent ) { wxDataViewItem item = aEvent.GetItem(); int row = m_fieldsCtrl->ItemToRow( item ); wxString label = m_fieldsCtrl->GetTextValue( row, LABEL_COLUMN ); wxString fieldName = m_fieldsCtrl->GetTextValue( row, FIELD_NAME_COLUMN ); int col = m_dataModel->GetFieldNameCol( fieldName ); if( col != -1 ) m_dataModel->SetColLabelValue( col, label ); syncBomPresetSelection(); aEvent.Skip(); m_grid->ForceRefresh(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnTableValueChanged( wxGridEvent& aEvent ) { m_grid->ForceRefresh(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnTableColSize( wxGridSizeEvent& aEvent ) { int col = aEvent.GetRowOrCol(); std::string key( m_dataModel->GetColFieldName( col ).ToUTF8() ); aEvent.Skip(); m_grid->ForceRefresh(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnRegroupSymbols( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { m_dataModel->RebuildRows(); m_grid->ForceRefresh(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnScopeChanged( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { UpdateScope(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::UpdateScope() { m_dataModel->SetPath( m_parent->GetCurrentSheet() ); if( m_radioProject->GetValue() ) m_dataModel->SetScope( FIELDS_EDITOR_GRID_DATA_MODEL::SCOPE::SCOPE_ALL ); else if( m_radioCurrentSheet->GetValue() ) m_dataModel->SetScope( FIELDS_EDITOR_GRID_DATA_MODEL::SCOPE::SCOPE_SHEET ); else if( m_radioRecursive->GetValue() ) m_dataModel->SetScope( FIELDS_EDITOR_GRID_DATA_MODEL::SCOPE::SCOPE_SHEET_RECURSIVE ); m_dataModel->RebuildRows(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnTableCellClick( wxGridEvent& event ) { if( m_dataModel->ColIsReference( event.GetCol() ) ) { m_grid->ClearSelection(); m_dataModel->ExpandCollapseRow( event.GetRow() ); m_grid->SetGridCursor( event.GetRow(), event.GetCol() ); } else { event.Skip(); } } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnTableRangeSelected( wxGridRangeSelectEvent& aEvent ) { // Multi-select can grab the rows that are expanded child refs, and also the row // containing the list of all child refs. Make sure we add refs/symbols uniquely std::set refs; std::set symbols; // This handler handles selecting and deselecting if( aEvent.Selecting() ) { for( int i = aEvent.GetTopRow(); i <= aEvent.GetBottomRow(); i++ ) { for( const SCH_REFERENCE& ref : m_dataModel->GetRowReferences( i ) ) refs.insert( ref ); } for( const SCH_REFERENCE& ref : refs ) symbols.insert( ref.GetSymbol() ); } if( m_radioHighlight->GetValue() ) { SCH_EDITOR_CONTROL* editor = m_parent->GetToolManager()->GetTool(); if( refs.size() > 0 ) { // Use of full path based on UUID allows select of not yet annotated or duplicaded symbols wxString symbol_path = refs.begin()->GetFullPath(); // Focus only handles on item at this time editor->FindSymbolAndItem( &symbol_path, nullptr, true, HIGHLIGHT_SYMBOL, wxEmptyString ); } else { m_parent->FocusOnItem( nullptr ); } } else if( m_radioSelect->GetValue() ) { EE_SELECTION_TOOL* selTool = m_parent->GetToolManager()->GetTool(); std::vector items( symbols.begin(), symbols.end() ); if( refs.size() > 0 ) selTool->SyncSelection( refs.begin()->GetSheetPath(), nullptr, items ); else selTool->ClearSelection(); } } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnTableItemContextMenu( wxGridEvent& event ) { // TODO: Option to select footprint if FOOTPRINT column selected event.Skip(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnSizeFieldList( wxSizeEvent& event ) { int width = KIPLATFORM::UI::GetUnobscuredSize( m_fieldsCtrl ).x - m_showColWidth - m_groupByColWidth; #ifdef __WXMAC__ // TODO: something in wxWidgets 3.1.x pads checkbox columns with extra space. (It used to // also be that the width of the column would get set too wide (to 30), but that's patched in // our local wxWidgets fork.) width -= 50; #endif m_fieldNameColWidth = width / 2; m_labelColWidth = width = m_fieldNameColWidth; // GTK loses its head and messes these up when resizing the splitter bar: m_fieldsCtrl->GetColumn( SHOW_FIELD_COLUMN )->SetWidth( m_showColWidth ); m_fieldsCtrl->GetColumn( GROUP_BY_COLUMN )->SetWidth( m_groupByColWidth ); m_fieldsCtrl->GetColumn( FIELD_NAME_COLUMN )->SetHidden( true ); m_fieldsCtrl->GetColumn( DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN )->SetWidth( m_fieldNameColWidth ); m_fieldsCtrl->GetColumn( LABEL_COLUMN )->SetWidth( m_labelColWidth ); m_fieldsCtrl->Refresh(); // To refresh checkboxes on Windows. event.Skip(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnSaveAndContinue( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { if( TransferDataFromWindow() ) m_parent->SaveProject(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnPageChanged( wxNotebookEvent& event ) { PreviewRefresh(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnPreviewRefresh( wxCommandEvent& event ) { PreviewRefresh(); syncBomFmtPresetSelection(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::PreviewRefresh() { m_dataModel->SetIncludeExcludedFromBOM( false ); m_dataModel->RebuildRows(); m_textOutput->SetValue( m_dataModel->Export( GetCurrentBomFmtSettings() ) ); m_dataModel->SetIncludeExcludedFromBOM( true ); m_dataModel->RebuildRows(); } BOM_FMT_PRESET DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::GetCurrentBomFmtSettings() { BOM_FMT_PRESET current; current.name = m_cbBomFmtPresets->GetStringSelection(); current.fieldDelimiter = m_textFieldDelimiter->GetValue(); current.stringDelimiter = m_textStringDelimiter->GetValue(); current.refDelimiter = m_textRefDelimiter->GetValue(); current.refRangeDelimiter = m_textRefRangeDelimiter->GetValue(); current.keepTabs = m_checkKeepTabs->GetValue(); current.keepLineBreaks = m_checkKeepLineBreaks->GetValue(); return current; } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::ShowEditTab() { m_nbPages->SetSelection( 0 ); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::ShowExportTab() { m_nbPages->SetSelection( 1 ); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnOutputFileBrowseClicked( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // Build the absolute path of current output directory to preselect it in the file browser. wxString path = ExpandEnvVarSubstitutions( m_outputFileName->GetValue(), &Prj() ); path = Prj().AbsolutePath( path ); // Calculate the export filename wxFileName fn( Prj().AbsolutePath( m_parent->Schematic().GetFileName() ) ); fn.SetExt( CsvFileExtension ); wxFileDialog saveDlg( this, _( "Bill of Materials Output File" ), path, fn.GetFullName(), CsvFileWildcard(), wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT ); if( saveDlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL ) return; wxFileName file = wxFileName( saveDlg.GetPath() ); wxString defaultPath = fn.GetPathWithSep(); wxString msg; msg.Printf( _( "Do you want to use a path relative to\n'%s'?" ), defaultPath ); wxMessageDialog dialog( this, msg, _( "BOM Output File" ), wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_DEFAULT ); if( dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_YES ) { if( !file.MakeRelativeTo( defaultPath ) ) { wxMessageBox( _( "Cannot make path relative (target volume different from schematic " "file volume)!" ), _( "BOM Output File" ), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR ); } } m_outputFileName->SetValue( file.GetFullPath() ); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnExport( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { if( m_dataModel->IsEdited() ) if( OKOrCancelDialog( nullptr, _( "Unsaved data" ), _( "Changes are unsaved. Export unsaved data?" ), "", _( "OK" ), _( "Cancel" ) ) == wxID_CANCEL ) return; // Create output directory if it does not exist (also transform it in absolute form). // Bail if it fails. std::function textResolver = [&]( wxString* token ) -> bool { SCHEMATIC& schematic = m_parent->Schematic(); // Handles m_board->GetTitleBlock() *and* m_board->GetProject() return schematic.ResolveTextVar( &schematic.CurrentSheet(), token, 0 ); }; wxString path = m_outputFileName->GetValue(); if( path.IsEmpty() ) { DisplayError( this, _( "No filename specified in exporter" ) ); return; } path = ExpandTextVars( path, &textResolver ); path = ExpandEnvVarSubstitutions( path, nullptr ); wxFileName outputFile = wxFileName::FileName( path ); wxString msg; if( !EnsureFileDirectoryExists( &outputFile, Prj().AbsolutePath( m_parent->Schematic().GetFileName() ), &NULL_REPORTER::GetInstance() ) ) { msg.Printf( _( "Could not open/create path '%s'." ), outputFile.GetPath() ); DisplayError( this, msg ); return; } wxFFile out( outputFile.GetFullPath(), "wb" ); if( !out.IsOpened() ) { msg.Printf( _( "Could not create BOM output '%s'." ), outputFile.GetFullPath() ); DisplayError( this, msg ); return; } PreviewRefresh(); if( !out.Write( m_textOutput->GetValue() ) ) { msg.Printf( _( "Could not write BOM output '%s'." ), outputFile.GetFullPath() ); DisplayError( this, msg ); return; } msg.Printf( _( "Wrote BOM output to '%s'" ), outputFile.GetFullPath() ); DisplayInfoMessage( this, msg ); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnCancel( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { Close(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnOk( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { TransferDataFromWindow(); Close(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnClose( wxCloseEvent& aEvent ) { // This is a cancel, so commit quietly as we're going to throw the results away anyway. m_grid->CommitPendingChanges( true ); if( m_dataModel->IsEdited() ) { if( !HandleUnsavedChanges( this, _( "Save changes?" ), [&]() -> bool { return TransferDataFromWindow(); } ) ) { aEvent.Veto(); return; } } // Stop listening to schematic events m_parent->Schematic().RemoveListener( this ); // Save all our settings since we're really closing savePresetsToSchematic(); EESCHEMA_SETTINGS* cfg = m_parent->eeconfig(); cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel.width = GetSize().x; cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel.height = GetSize().y; cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel.page = m_nbPages->GetSelection(); cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel.export_filename = m_outputFileName->GetValue(); if( m_radioHighlight->GetValue() ) cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel.selection_mode = 0; else if( m_radioSelect->GetValue() ) cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel.selection_mode = 1; else if( m_radioOff->GetValue() ) cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel.selection_mode = 2; if( m_radioProject->GetValue() ) cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel.scope = SCOPE::SCOPE_ALL; else if( m_radioCurrentSheet->GetValue() ) cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel.scope = SCOPE::SCOPE_SHEET; else if( m_radioRecursive->GetValue() ) cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel.scope = SCOPE::SCOPE_SHEET_RECURSIVE; for( int i = 0; i < m_grid->GetNumberCols(); i++ ) { if( m_grid->IsColShown( i ) ) { std::string fieldName( m_dataModel->GetColFieldName( i ).ToUTF8() ); cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel.field_widths[fieldName] = m_grid->GetColSize( i ); } } m_parent->FocusOnItem( nullptr ); wxCommandEvent* evt = new wxCommandEvent( EDA_EVT_CLOSE_DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE, wxID_ANY ); wxWindow* parent = GetParent(); if( parent ) wxQueueEvent( parent, evt ); } std::vector DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::GetUserBomPresets() const { std::vector ret; for( const std::pair& pair : m_bomPresets ) { if( !pair.second.readOnly ) ret.emplace_back( pair.second ); } return ret; } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::SetUserBomPresets( std::vector& aPresetList ) { // Reset to defaults loadDefaultBomPresets(); for( const BOM_PRESET& preset : aPresetList ) { if( m_bomPresets.count( preset.name ) ) continue; m_bomPresets[preset.name] = preset; m_bomPresetMRU.Add( preset.name ); } rebuildBomPresetsWidget(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::ApplyBomPreset( const wxString& aPresetName ) { updateBomPresetSelection( aPresetName ); wxCommandEvent dummy; onBomPresetChanged( dummy ); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::ApplyBomPreset( const BOM_PRESET& aPreset ) { if( m_bomPresets.count( aPreset.name ) ) m_currentBomPreset = &m_bomPresets[aPreset.name]; else m_currentBomPreset = nullptr; m_lastSelectedBomPreset = ( m_currentBomPreset && !m_currentBomPreset->readOnly ) ? m_currentBomPreset : nullptr; updateBomPresetSelection( aPreset.name ); doApplyBomPreset( aPreset ); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::loadDefaultBomPresets() { m_bomPresets.clear(); m_bomPresetMRU.clear(); // Load the read-only defaults for( const BOM_PRESET& preset : BOM_PRESET::BuiltInPresets() ) { m_bomPresets[preset.name] = preset; m_bomPresets[preset.name].readOnly = true; m_bomPresetMRU.Add( preset.name ); } } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::rebuildBomPresetsWidget() { m_cbBomPresets->Clear(); // Build the layers preset list. // By default, the presetAllLayers will be selected int idx = 0; int default_idx = 0; for( std::pair& pair : m_bomPresets ) { m_cbBomPresets->Append( wxGetTranslation( pair.first ), static_cast( &pair.second ) ); if( pair.first == BOM_PRESET::GroupedByValue().name ) default_idx = idx; idx++; } m_cbBomPresets->Append( wxT( "---" ) ); m_cbBomPresets->Append( _( "Save preset..." ) ); m_cbBomPresets->Append( _( "Delete preset..." ) ); // At least the built-in presets should always be present wxASSERT( !m_bomPresets.empty() ); // Default preset: all Boms m_cbBomPresets->SetSelection( default_idx ); m_currentBomPreset = static_cast( m_cbBomPresets->GetClientData( default_idx ) ); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::syncBomPresetSelection() { BOM_PRESET current = m_dataModel->GetBomSettings(); auto it = std::find_if( m_bomPresets.begin(), m_bomPresets.end(), [&]( const std::pair& aPair ) { const BOM_PRESET& preset = aPair.second; // Check the simple settings first if( !( preset.sortField == current.sortField && preset.sortAsc == current.sortAsc && preset.filterString == current.filterString && preset.groupSymbols == current.groupSymbols && preset.excludeDNP == current.excludeDNP ) ) return false; // Only compare shown or grouped fields std::vector A, B; for( const BOM_FIELD& field : preset.fieldsOrdered ) if( field.show || field.groupBy ) A.emplace_back( field ); for( const BOM_FIELD& field : current.fieldsOrdered ) if( field.show || field.groupBy ) B.emplace_back( field ); return A == B; } ); if( it != m_bomPresets.end() ) { // Select the right m_cbBomPresets item. // but these items are translated if they are predefined items. bool do_translate = it->second.readOnly; wxString text = do_translate ? wxGetTranslation( it->first ) : it->first; m_cbBomPresets->SetStringSelection( text ); } else { m_cbBomPresets->SetSelection( m_cbBomPresets->GetCount() - 3 ); // separator } m_currentBomPreset = static_cast( m_cbBomPresets->GetClientData( m_cbBomPresets->GetSelection() ) ); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::updateBomPresetSelection( const wxString& aName ) { // look at m_userBomPresets to know if aName is a read only preset, or a user preset. // Read only presets have translated names in UI, so we have to use // a translated name in UI selection. // But for a user preset name we should search for aName (not translated) wxString ui_label = aName; for( std::pair& pair : m_bomPresets ) { if( pair.first != aName ) continue; if( pair.second.readOnly == true ) ui_label = wxGetTranslation( aName ); break; } int idx = m_cbBomPresets->FindString( ui_label ); if( idx >= 0 && m_cbBomPresets->GetSelection() != idx ) { m_cbBomPresets->SetSelection( idx ); m_currentBomPreset = static_cast( m_cbBomPresets->GetClientData( idx ) ); } else if( idx < 0 ) { m_cbBomPresets->SetSelection( m_cbBomPresets->GetCount() - 3 ); // separator } } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::onBomPresetChanged( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { int count = m_cbBomPresets->GetCount(); int index = m_cbBomPresets->GetSelection(); auto resetSelection = [&]() { if( m_currentBomPreset ) m_cbBomPresets->SetStringSelection( m_currentBomPreset->name ); else m_cbBomPresets->SetSelection( m_cbBomPresets->GetCount() - 3 ); }; if( index == count - 3 ) { // Separator: reject the selection resetSelection(); return; } else if( index == count - 2 ) { // Save current state to new preset wxString name; if( m_lastSelectedBomPreset ) name = m_lastSelectedBomPreset->name; wxTextEntryDialog dlg( this, _( "BOM preset name:" ), _( "Save BOM Preset" ), name ); if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) { resetSelection(); return; } name = dlg.GetValue(); bool exists = m_bomPresets.count( name ); if( !exists ) { m_bomPresets[name] = m_dataModel->GetBomSettings(); m_bomPresets[name].readOnly = false; m_bomPresets[name].name = name; } BOM_PRESET* preset = &m_bomPresets[name]; if( !exists ) { index = m_cbBomPresets->Insert( name, index - 1, static_cast( preset ) ); } else if( preset->readOnly ) { wxMessageBox( _( "Default presets cannot be modified.\nPlease use a different name." ), _( "Error" ), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, this ); resetSelection(); return; } else { // Ask the user if they want to overwrite the existing preset if( !IsOK( this, _( "Overwrite existing preset?" ) ) ) { resetSelection(); return; } *preset = m_dataModel->GetBomSettings(); preset->name = name; index = m_cbBomPresets->FindString( name ); m_bomPresetMRU.Remove( name ); } m_currentBomPreset = preset; m_cbBomPresets->SetSelection( index ); m_bomPresetMRU.Insert( name, 0 ); return; } else if( index == count - 1 ) { // Delete a preset wxArrayString headers; std::vector items; headers.Add( _( "Presets" ) ); for( std::pair& pair : m_bomPresets ) { if( !pair.second.readOnly ) { wxArrayString item; item.Add( pair.first ); items.emplace_back( item ); } } EDA_LIST_DIALOG dlg( this, _( "Delete Preset" ), headers, items ); dlg.SetListLabel( _( "Select preset:" ) ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK ) { wxString presetName = dlg.GetTextSelection(); int idx = m_cbBomPresets->FindString( presetName ); if( idx != wxNOT_FOUND ) { m_bomPresets.erase( presetName ); m_cbBomPresets->Delete( idx ); m_currentBomPreset = nullptr; m_bomPresetMRU.Remove( presetName ); } } resetSelection(); return; } BOM_PRESET* preset = static_cast( m_cbBomPresets->GetClientData( index ) ); m_currentBomPreset = preset; m_lastSelectedBomPreset = ( !preset || preset->readOnly ) ? nullptr : preset; if( preset ) { doApplyBomPreset( *preset ); syncBomPresetSelection(); m_currentBomPreset = preset; if( !m_currentBomPreset->name.IsEmpty() ) { m_bomPresetMRU.Remove( preset->name ); m_bomPresetMRU.Insert( preset->name, 0 ); } } } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::doApplyBomPreset( const BOM_PRESET& aPreset ) { // Disable rebuilds while we're applying the preset otherwise we'll be // rebuilding the model constantly while firing off wx events m_dataModel->DisableRebuilds(); // Basically, we apply the BOM preset to the data model and then // update our UI to reflect resulting the data model state, not the preset. m_dataModel->ApplyBomPreset( aPreset ); // BOM Presets can add, but not remove, columns, so make sure the field control // grid has all of them before starting for( int i = 0; i < m_dataModel->GetColsCount(); i++ ) { const wxString& fieldName( m_dataModel->GetColFieldName( i ) ); bool found = false; for( int j = 0; j < m_fieldsCtrl->GetItemCount(); j++ ) { if( m_fieldsCtrl->GetTextValue( j, FIELD_NAME_COLUMN ) == fieldName ) { found = true; break; } } // Properties like label, etc. will be added in the next loop if( !found ) AddField( fieldName, GetTextVars( fieldName ), false, false ); } // Sync all fields for( int i = 0; i < m_fieldsCtrl->GetItemCount(); i++ ) { const wxString& fieldName( m_fieldsCtrl->GetTextValue( i, FIELD_NAME_COLUMN ) ); int col = m_dataModel->GetFieldNameCol( fieldName ); if( col == -1 ) { wxASSERT_MSG( true, "Fields control has a field not found in the data model." ); continue; } EESCHEMA_SETTINGS* cfg = m_parent->eeconfig(); std::string fieldNameStr( fieldName.ToUTF8() ); // Set column labels const wxString& label = m_dataModel->GetColLabelValue( col ); m_fieldsCtrl->SetTextValue( label, i, LABEL_COLUMN ); m_grid->SetColLabelValue( col, label ); if( cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel.field_widths.count( fieldNameStr ) ) m_grid->SetColSize( col, cfg->m_FieldEditorPanel.field_widths.at( fieldNameStr ) ); // Set shown colums bool show = m_dataModel->GetShowColumn( col ); m_fieldsCtrl->SetToggleValue( show, i, SHOW_FIELD_COLUMN ); if( show ) m_grid->ShowCol( col ); else m_grid->HideCol( col ); // Set grouped columns bool groupBy = m_dataModel->GetGroupColumn( col ); m_fieldsCtrl->SetToggleValue( groupBy, i, GROUP_BY_COLUMN ); } m_grid->SetSortingColumn( m_dataModel->GetSortCol(), m_dataModel->GetSortAsc() ); m_groupSymbolsBox->SetValue( m_dataModel->GetGroupingEnabled() ); m_filter->ChangeValue( m_dataModel->GetFilter() ); m_checkExcludeDNP->SetValue( m_dataModel->GetExcludeDNP() ); SetupAllColumnProperties(); // This will rebuild all rows and columns in the model such that the order // and labels are right, then we refresh the shown grid data to match m_dataModel->EnableRebuilds(); m_dataModel->RebuildRows(); m_grid->ForceRefresh(); } std::vector DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::GetUserBomFmtPresets() const { std::vector ret; for( const std::pair& pair : m_bomFmtPresets ) { if( !pair.second.readOnly ) ret.emplace_back( pair.second ); } return ret; } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::SetUserBomFmtPresets( std::vector& aPresetList ) { // Reset to defaults loadDefaultBomFmtPresets(); for( const BOM_FMT_PRESET& preset : aPresetList ) { if( m_bomFmtPresets.count( preset.name ) ) continue; m_bomFmtPresets[preset.name] = preset; m_bomFmtPresetMRU.Add( preset.name ); } rebuildBomFmtPresetsWidget(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::ApplyBomFmtPreset( const wxString& aPresetName ) { updateBomFmtPresetSelection( aPresetName ); wxCommandEvent dummy; onBomFmtPresetChanged( dummy ); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::ApplyBomFmtPreset( const BOM_FMT_PRESET& aPreset ) { if( m_bomFmtPresets.count( aPreset.name ) ) m_currentBomFmtPreset = &m_bomFmtPresets[aPreset.name]; else m_currentBomFmtPreset = nullptr; m_lastSelectedBomFmtPreset = ( m_currentBomFmtPreset && !m_currentBomFmtPreset->readOnly ) ? m_currentBomFmtPreset : nullptr; updateBomFmtPresetSelection( aPreset.name ); doApplyBomFmtPreset( aPreset ); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::loadDefaultBomFmtPresets() { m_bomFmtPresets.clear(); m_bomFmtPresetMRU.clear(); // Load the read-only defaults for( const BOM_FMT_PRESET& preset : BOM_FMT_PRESET::BuiltInPresets() ) { m_bomFmtPresets[preset.name] = preset; m_bomFmtPresets[preset.name].readOnly = true; m_bomFmtPresetMRU.Add( preset.name ); } } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::rebuildBomFmtPresetsWidget() { m_cbBomFmtPresets->Clear(); // Build the layers preset list. // By default, the presetAllLayers will be selected int idx = 0; int default_idx = 0; for( std::pair& pair : m_bomFmtPresets ) { m_cbBomFmtPresets->Append( wxGetTranslation( pair.first ), static_cast( &pair.second ) ); if( pair.first == BOM_FMT_PRESET::CSV().name ) default_idx = idx; idx++; } m_cbBomFmtPresets->Append( wxT( "---" ) ); m_cbBomFmtPresets->Append( _( "Save preset..." ) ); m_cbBomFmtPresets->Append( _( "Delete preset..." ) ); // At least the built-in presets should always be present wxASSERT( !m_bomFmtPresets.empty() ); // Default preset: all Boms m_cbBomFmtPresets->SetSelection( default_idx ); m_currentBomFmtPreset = static_cast( m_cbBomFmtPresets->GetClientData( default_idx ) ); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::syncBomFmtPresetSelection() { BOM_FMT_PRESET current = GetCurrentBomFmtSettings(); auto it = std::find_if( m_bomFmtPresets.begin(), m_bomFmtPresets.end(), [&]( const std::pair& aPair ) { return ( aPair.second.fieldDelimiter == current.fieldDelimiter && aPair.second.stringDelimiter == current.stringDelimiter && aPair.second.refDelimiter == current.refDelimiter && aPair.second.refRangeDelimiter == current.refRangeDelimiter && aPair.second.keepTabs == current.keepTabs && aPair.second.keepLineBreaks == current.keepLineBreaks ); } ); if( it != m_bomFmtPresets.end() ) { // Select the right m_cbBomFmtPresets item. // but these items are translated if they are predefined items. bool do_translate = it->second.readOnly; wxString text = do_translate ? wxGetTranslation( it->first ) : it->first; m_cbBomFmtPresets->SetStringSelection( text ); } else { m_cbBomFmtPresets->SetSelection( m_cbBomFmtPresets->GetCount() - 3 ); // separator } m_currentBomFmtPreset = static_cast( m_cbBomFmtPresets->GetClientData( m_cbBomFmtPresets->GetSelection() ) ); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::updateBomFmtPresetSelection( const wxString& aName ) { // look at m_userBomFmtPresets to know if aName is a read only preset, or a user preset. // Read only presets have translated names in UI, so we have to use // a translated name in UI selection. // But for a user preset name we should search for aName (not translated) wxString ui_label = aName; for( std::pair& pair : m_bomFmtPresets ) { if( pair.first != aName ) continue; if( pair.second.readOnly == true ) ui_label = wxGetTranslation( aName ); break; } int idx = m_cbBomFmtPresets->FindString( ui_label ); if( idx >= 0 && m_cbBomFmtPresets->GetSelection() != idx ) { m_cbBomFmtPresets->SetSelection( idx ); m_currentBomFmtPreset = static_cast( m_cbBomFmtPresets->GetClientData( idx ) ); } else if( idx < 0 ) { m_cbBomFmtPresets->SetSelection( m_cbBomFmtPresets->GetCount() - 3 ); // separator } } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::onBomFmtPresetChanged( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { int count = m_cbBomFmtPresets->GetCount(); int index = m_cbBomFmtPresets->GetSelection(); auto resetSelection = [&]() { if( m_currentBomFmtPreset ) m_cbBomFmtPresets->SetStringSelection( m_currentBomFmtPreset->name ); else m_cbBomFmtPresets->SetSelection( m_cbBomFmtPresets->GetCount() - 3 ); }; if( index == count - 3 ) { // Separator: reject the selection resetSelection(); return; } else if( index == count - 2 ) { // Save current state to new preset wxString name; if( m_lastSelectedBomFmtPreset ) name = m_lastSelectedBomFmtPreset->name; wxTextEntryDialog dlg( this, _( "BOM preset name:" ), _( "Save BOM Preset" ), name ); if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) { resetSelection(); return; } name = dlg.GetValue(); bool exists = m_bomFmtPresets.count( name ); if( !exists ) { m_bomFmtPresets[name] = GetCurrentBomFmtSettings(); m_bomFmtPresets[name].readOnly = false; m_bomFmtPresets[name].name = name; } BOM_FMT_PRESET* preset = &m_bomFmtPresets[name]; if( !exists ) { index = m_cbBomFmtPresets->Insert( name, index - 1, static_cast( preset ) ); } else if( preset->readOnly ) { wxMessageBox( _( "Default presets cannot be modified.\nPlease use a different name." ), _( "Error" ), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, this ); resetSelection(); return; } else { // Ask the user if they want to overwrite the existing preset if( !IsOK( this, _( "Overwrite existing preset?" ) ) ) { resetSelection(); return; } *preset = GetCurrentBomFmtSettings(); preset->name = name; index = m_cbBomFmtPresets->FindString( name ); m_bomFmtPresetMRU.Remove( name ); } m_currentBomFmtPreset = preset; m_cbBomFmtPresets->SetSelection( index ); m_bomFmtPresetMRU.Insert( name, 0 ); return; } else if( index == count - 1 ) { // Delete a preset wxArrayString headers; std::vector items; headers.Add( _( "Presets" ) ); for( std::pair& pair : m_bomFmtPresets ) { if( !pair.second.readOnly ) { wxArrayString item; item.Add( pair.first ); items.emplace_back( item ); } } EDA_LIST_DIALOG dlg( this, _( "Delete Preset" ), headers, items ); dlg.SetListLabel( _( "Select preset:" ) ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK ) { wxString presetName = dlg.GetTextSelection(); int idx = m_cbBomFmtPresets->FindString( presetName ); if( idx != wxNOT_FOUND ) { m_bomFmtPresets.erase( presetName ); m_cbBomFmtPresets->Delete( idx ); m_currentBomFmtPreset = nullptr; m_bomFmtPresetMRU.Remove( presetName ); } } resetSelection(); return; } BOM_FMT_PRESET* preset = static_cast( m_cbBomFmtPresets->GetClientData( index ) ); m_currentBomFmtPreset = preset; m_lastSelectedBomFmtPreset = ( !preset || preset->readOnly ) ? nullptr : preset; if( preset ) { doApplyBomFmtPreset( *preset ); syncBomFmtPresetSelection(); m_currentBomFmtPreset = preset; if( !m_currentBomFmtPreset->name.IsEmpty() ) { m_bomFmtPresetMRU.Remove( preset->name ); m_bomFmtPresetMRU.Insert( preset->name, 0 ); } } } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::doApplyBomFmtPreset( const BOM_FMT_PRESET& aPreset ) { m_textFieldDelimiter->ChangeValue( aPreset.fieldDelimiter ); m_textStringDelimiter->ChangeValue( aPreset.stringDelimiter ); m_textRefDelimiter->ChangeValue( aPreset.refDelimiter ); m_textRefRangeDelimiter->ChangeValue( aPreset.refRangeDelimiter ); m_checkKeepTabs->SetValue( aPreset.keepTabs ); m_checkKeepLineBreaks->SetValue( aPreset.keepLineBreaks ); // Refresh the preview if that's the current page if( m_nbPages->GetSelection() == 1 ) PreviewRefresh(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::savePresetsToSchematic() { // Save our BOM presets std::vector presets; for( const std::pair& pair : m_bomPresets ) { if( !pair.second.readOnly ) presets.emplace_back( pair.second ); } m_schSettings.m_BomPresets = presets; m_schSettings.m_BomSettings = m_dataModel->GetBomSettings(); // Save our BOM Format presets std::vector fmts; for( const std::pair& pair : m_bomFmtPresets ) { if( !pair.second.readOnly ) fmts.emplace_back( pair.second ); } m_schSettings.m_BomFmtPresets = fmts; m_schSettings.m_BomFmtSettings = GetCurrentBomFmtSettings(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnSchItemsAdded( SCHEMATIC& aSch, std::vector& aSchItem ) { for( SCH_ITEM* item : aSchItem ) { if( item->Type() == SCH_SYMBOL_T ) { SCH_SYMBOL* symbol = static_cast( item ); // Add all fields again in case this symbol has a new one for( SCH_FIELD& field : symbol->GetFields() ) AddField( field.GetCanonicalName(), field.GetName(), true, false, true ); m_dataModel->AddReferences( getSymbolReferences( symbol ) ); } else if( item->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T ) { std::set symbols; SCH_REFERENCE_LIST refs = getSheetSymbolReferences( *static_cast( item ) ); for( SCH_REFERENCE& ref : refs ) symbols.insert( ref.GetSymbol() ); for( SCH_SYMBOL* symbol : symbols ) { // Add all fields again in case this symbol has a new one for( SCH_FIELD& field : symbol->GetFields() ) AddField( field.GetCanonicalName(), field.GetName(), true, false, true ); } m_dataModel->AddReferences( refs ); } } DisableSelectionEvents(); m_dataModel->RebuildRows(); EnableSelectionEvents(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnSchItemsRemoved( SCHEMATIC& aSch, std::vector& aSchItem ) { for( SCH_ITEM* item : aSchItem ) { if( item->Type() == SCH_SYMBOL_T ) m_dataModel->RemoveSymbol( *static_cast( item ) ); else if( item->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T ) m_dataModel->RemoveReferences( getSheetSymbolReferences( *static_cast( item ) ) ); } DisableSelectionEvents(); m_dataModel->RebuildRows(); EnableSelectionEvents(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnSchItemsChanged( SCHEMATIC& aSch, std::vector& aSchItem ) { for( SCH_ITEM* item : aSchItem ) { if( item->Type() == SCH_SYMBOL_T ) { SCH_SYMBOL* symbol = static_cast( item ); // Add all fields again in case this symbol has a new one for( SCH_FIELD& field : symbol->GetFields() ) AddField( field.GetCanonicalName(), field.GetName(), true, false, true ); m_dataModel->UpdateReferences( getSymbolReferences( symbol ) ); } else if( item->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T ) { std::set symbols; SCH_REFERENCE_LIST refs = getSheetSymbolReferences( *static_cast( item ) ); for( SCH_REFERENCE& ref : refs ) symbols.insert( ref.GetSymbol() ); for( SCH_SYMBOL* symbol : symbols ) { // Add all fields again in case this symbol has a new one for( SCH_FIELD& field : symbol->GetFields() ) AddField( field.GetCanonicalName(), field.GetName(), true, false, true ); } m_dataModel->UpdateReferences( refs ); } } DisableSelectionEvents(); m_dataModel->RebuildRows(); EnableSelectionEvents(); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnSchSheetChanged( SCHEMATIC& aSch ) { m_dataModel->SetPath( aSch.CurrentSheet() ); if( m_dataModel->GetScope() != FIELDS_EDITOR_GRID_DATA_MODEL::SCOPE::SCOPE_ALL ) { DisableSelectionEvents(); m_dataModel->RebuildRows(); EnableSelectionEvents(); } } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::EnableSelectionEvents() { m_grid->Connect( wxEVT_GRID_RANGE_SELECTED, wxGridRangeSelectEventHandler( DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnTableRangeSelected ), nullptr, this ); } void DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::DisableSelectionEvents() { m_grid->Disconnect( wxEVT_GRID_RANGE_SELECTED, wxGridRangeSelectEventHandler( DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnTableRangeSelected ), nullptr, this ); } SCH_REFERENCE_LIST DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::getSymbolReferences( SCH_SYMBOL* aSymbol ) { SCH_SHEET_LIST allSheets = m_parent->Schematic().GetSheets(); SCH_REFERENCE_LIST allRefs; SCH_REFERENCE_LIST symbolRefs; allSheets.GetSymbols( allRefs ); for( size_t i = 0; i < allRefs.GetCount(); i++ ) { SCH_REFERENCE& ref = allRefs[i]; if( ref.GetSymbol() == aSymbol ) { ref.Split(); // Figures out if we are annotated or not symbolRefs.AddItem( ref ); } } return symbolRefs; } SCH_REFERENCE_LIST DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::getSheetSymbolReferences( SCH_SHEET& aSheet ) { SCH_SHEET_LIST allSheets = m_parent->Schematic().GetSheets(); SCH_REFERENCE_LIST sheetRefs; // We need to operate on all instances of the sheet for( const SCH_SHEET_INSTANCE& instance : aSheet.GetInstances() ) { // For every sheet instance we need to get the current schematic sheet // instance that matches that particular sheet path from the root for( SCH_SHEET_PATH& basePath : allSheets ) { if( basePath.Path() == instance.m_Path ) { SCH_SHEET_PATH sheetPath = basePath; sheetPath.push_back( &aSheet ); // Create a list of all sheets in this path, starting with the path // of the sheet that we just deleted, then all of its subsheets SCH_SHEET_LIST subSheets; subSheets.push_back( sheetPath ); allSheets.GetSheetsWithinPath( subSheets, sheetPath ); subSheets.GetSymbolsWithinPath( sheetRefs, sheetPath, false, false ); break; } } } for( SCH_REFERENCE& ref : sheetRefs ) ref.Split(); return sheetRefs; }