/* file debug_kbool_key_file_fct.cpp */ #include #include "fctsys.h" #include "kicad_string.h" #include "pcbnew.h" #include "wxPcbStruct.h" #include "zones.h" #include "PolyLine.h" #include "debug_kbool_key_file_fct.h" #if defined (CREATE_KBOOL_KEY_FILES) || (CREATE_KBOOL_KEY_FILES_FIRST_PASS) // Helper class to handle a coordinate struct kfcoord { int x, y; }; static FILE* kdebugFile; static char sDate_Time[256]; static vector s_EntityCoordinates; void CreateKeyFile() { wxString datetimestr; wxDateTime datetime = wxDateTime::Now(); datetime.SetCountry( wxDateTime::Country_Default ); datetimestr = datetime.FormatISODate( ) + wxT(" ") + datetime.FormatISOTime( ); strcpy(sDate_Time, TO_UTF8(datetimestr) ); kdebugFile = fopen( KEYFILE_FILENAME, "wt" ); if( kdebugFile ) { fprintf( kdebugFile, "# KEY file for GDS-II postprocessing tool\n" ); fprintf( kdebugFile, "# File = %s\n", KEYFILE_FILENAME ); fprintf( kdebugFile, "# ====================================================================\n"); fprintf( kdebugFile, "\nHEADER 5; # version\n"); fprintf( kdebugFile, "BGNLIB;\n"); fprintf( kdebugFile, "LASTMOD {%s}; # last modification time\n",sDate_Time ); fprintf( kdebugFile, "LASTACC {%s}; # last access time\n",sDate_Time ); fprintf( kdebugFile, "LIBNAME trial;\n" ); fprintf( kdebugFile, "UNITS;\n# Internal pcbnew units are in 0.0001 inch\n" ); fprintf( kdebugFile, "USERUNITS 1; PHYSUNITS 1;\n\n" ); } else { wxMessageBox( wxT( "CreateKeyFile() cannot create output file" ) ); } s_EntityCoordinates.clear(); } void CloseKeyFile() { if( kdebugFile ) { fprintf( kdebugFile, "\nENDLIB;\n" ); fclose( kdebugFile ); } s_EntityCoordinates.clear(); } const char* sCurrEntityName = NULL; void OpenKeyFileEntity( const char* aName ) { if( kdebugFile ) { fprintf( kdebugFile, "\nBGNSTR; # Begin of structure\n" ); fprintf( kdebugFile, "CREATION {%s}; # creation time\n",sDate_Time); fprintf( kdebugFile, "LASTMOD {%s}; # last modification time\n",sDate_Time); fprintf( kdebugFile, "STRNAME %s;\n", aName ); } sCurrEntityName = aName; s_EntityCoordinates.clear(); } void CloseKeyFileEntity() { if( kdebugFile ) fprintf( kdebugFile, "\nENDSTR %s;\n", sCurrEntityName ); } /* start a polygon entity in key file */ void StartKeyFilePolygon( int aLayer) { s_EntityCoordinates.clear(); fprintf( kdebugFile, "\nBOUNDARY; LAYER %d; DATATYPE 0;\n", aLayer ); } /* add a polygon corner to the current polygon entity in key file */ void AddKeyFilePointXY( int aXcoord, int aYcoord) { kfcoord coord; coord.x = aXcoord; coord.y = aYcoord; s_EntityCoordinates.push_back( coord ); } /* Close a polygon entity in key file * write the entire polygon data to the file */ void EndKeyFilePolygon() { // Polygon must be closed: test for that and close it if needed if( s_EntityCoordinates.size() ) { if( s_EntityCoordinates.back().x != s_EntityCoordinates[0].x || s_EntityCoordinates.back().y != s_EntityCoordinates[0].y ) s_EntityCoordinates.push_back( s_EntityCoordinates[0] ); } fprintf( kdebugFile, " XY %d;\n", s_EntityCoordinates.size() ); for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < s_EntityCoordinates.size(); ii ++ ) fprintf( kdebugFile, " X %d; Y %d;\n", s_EntityCoordinates[ii].x, s_EntityCoordinates[ii].y ); fprintf( kdebugFile, "ENDEL;\n" ); s_EntityCoordinates.clear(); } void CopyPolygonsFromFilledPolysListToKeyFile( ZONE_CONTAINER* aZone, int aLayer ) { if( !kdebugFile ) return; unsigned corners_count = aZone->m_FilledPolysList.size(); unsigned ic = 0; while( ic < corners_count ) { // write polygon: StartKeyFilePolygon( aLayer ); for( ; ic < corners_count; ic++ ) { CPolyPt* corner = &aZone->m_FilledPolysList[ic]; AddKeyFilePointXY( corner->x, corner->y ); if( corner->end_contour ) { ic++; break; } } EndKeyFilePolygon(); } } #endif