///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: dialog_copper_zones.cpp // Author: jean-pierre Charras // Created: 09/oct/2008 // Licence: GNU License ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include "fctsys.h" #include "appl_wxstruct.h" #include "confirm.h" #include "PolyLine.h" #include "pcbnew.h" #include "wxPcbStruct.h" #include "trigo.h" #include "zones.h" #include "dialog_copper_zones.h" #include "class_zone_setting.h" #include "class_board.h" #define LAYER_BITMAP_SIZE_X 20 #define LAYER_BITMAP_SIZE_Y 10 // Initialize static member variables wxString DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE::m_netNameShowFilter( wxT( "*" ) ); wxPoint DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE::prevPosition( -1, -1 ); wxSize DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE::prevSize; DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE::DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE( PCB_EDIT_FRAME* parent, ZONE_SETTING* zone_setting ) : DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE_BASE( parent ) { m_Parent = parent; m_Config = wxGetApp().m_EDA_Config; m_Zone_Setting = zone_setting; m_NetSortingByPadCount = true; // false = alphabetic sort, true = pad count sort m_OnExitCode = ZONE_ABORT; SetReturnCode( ZONE_ABORT ); // Will be changed on buttons click m_LayerSelectionCtrl = new wxListView( this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxLC_NO_HEADER | wxLC_REPORT | wxLC_SINGLE_SEL | wxRAISED_BORDER ); wxListItem col0; col0.SetId( 0 ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->InsertColumn( 0, col0 ); m_layerSizer->Add( m_LayerSelectionCtrl, 1, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxBOTTOM, 5 ); // Fix static text widget minimum width to a suitable value so that // resizing the dialog is not necessary when changing the corner smoothing type. // Depends on the default text in the widget. m_cornerSmoothingTitle->SetMinSize( m_cornerSmoothingTitle->GetSize() ); initDialog(); GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this ); if( prevPosition.x != -1 ) SetSize( prevPosition.x, prevPosition.y, prevSize.x, prevSize.y ); else Center(); } void DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE::initDialog() { BOARD* board = m_Parent->GetBoard(); SetFocus(); // Required under wxGTK if we want to demiss the dialog with the ESC key wxString msg; if( g_Zone_45_Only ) m_OrientEdgesOpt->SetSelection( 1 ); m_FillModeCtrl->SetSelection( m_Zone_Setting->m_FillMode ? 1 : 0 ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_ClearanceValueTitle, g_UserUnit ); msg = ReturnStringFromValue( g_UserUnit, m_Zone_Setting->m_ZoneClearance, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits ); m_ZoneClearanceCtrl->SetValue( msg ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_MinThicknessValueTitle, g_UserUnit ); msg = ReturnStringFromValue( g_UserUnit, m_Zone_Setting->m_ZoneMinThickness, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits ); m_ZoneMinThicknessCtrl->SetValue( msg ); switch( m_Zone_Setting->m_Zone_Pad_Options ) { case PAD_NOT_IN_ZONE: // Pads are not covered m_PadInZoneOpt->SetSelection( 2 ); break; case THERMAL_PAD: // Use thermal relief for pads m_PadInZoneOpt->SetSelection( 1 ); break; case PAD_IN_ZONE: // pads are covered by copper m_PadInZoneOpt->SetSelection( 0 ); break; } if( m_Zone_Setting->m_Zone_Pad_Options != THERMAL_PAD ) { m_AntipadSizeValue->Enable( false ); m_CopperWidthValue->Enable( false ); } else { m_AntipadSizeValue->Enable( true ); m_CopperWidthValue->Enable( true ); } AddUnitSymbol( *m_AntipadSizeText, g_UserUnit ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_CopperBridgeWidthText, g_UserUnit ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_AntipadSizeValue, m_Zone_Setting->m_ThermalReliefGapValue, PCB_INTERNAL_UNIT ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_CopperWidthValue, m_Zone_Setting->m_ThermalReliefCopperBridgeValue, PCB_INTERNAL_UNIT ); m_cornerSmoothingChoice->SetSelection( m_Zone_Setting->GetCornerSmoothingType() ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_cornerSmoothingCtrl, m_Zone_Setting->GetCornerRadius(), PCB_INTERNAL_UNIT ); switch( m_Zone_Setting->m_Zone_HatchingStyle ) { case CPolyLine::NO_HATCH: m_OutlineAppearanceCtrl->SetSelection( 0 ); break; case CPolyLine::DIAGONAL_EDGE: m_OutlineAppearanceCtrl->SetSelection( 1 ); break; case CPolyLine::DIAGONAL_FULL: m_OutlineAppearanceCtrl->SetSelection( 2 ); break; } m_ArcApproximationOpt->SetSelection( m_Zone_Setting->m_ArcToSegmentsCount == ARC_APPROX_SEGMENTS_COUNT_HIGHT_DEF ? 1 : 0 ); // Build copper layer list and append to layer widget int layerCount = board->GetCopperLayerCount(); int layerNumber, itemIndex, layerColor; wxImageList* imageList = new wxImageList( LAYER_BITMAP_SIZE_X, LAYER_BITMAP_SIZE_Y ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->AssignImageList( imageList, wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL ); for( int ii = 0; ii < layerCount; ii++ ) { layerNumber = LAYER_N_BACK; if( layerCount <= 1 || ii < layerCount - 1 ) layerNumber = ii; else if( ii == layerCount - 1 ) layerNumber = LAYER_N_FRONT; m_LayerId.insert( m_LayerId.begin(), layerNumber ); msg = board->GetLayerName( layerNumber ).Trim(); layerColor = board->GetLayerColor( layerNumber ); imageList->Add( makeLayerBitmap( layerColor ) ); itemIndex = m_LayerSelectionCtrl->InsertItem( 0, msg, ii ); if( m_Zone_Setting->m_CurrentZone_Layer == layerNumber ) m_LayerSelectionCtrl->Select( itemIndex ); } wxString netNameDoNotShowFilter = wxT( "N-*" ); if( m_Config ) { int opt = m_Config->Read( ZONE_NET_SORT_OPTION_KEY, 1l ); m_NetDisplayOption->SetSelection( opt ); m_Config->Read( ZONE_NET_FILTER_STRING_KEY, netNameDoNotShowFilter ); } else m_NetDisplayOption->SetSelection( 1 ); m_ShowNetNameFilter->SetValue( m_netNameShowFilter ); initListNetsParams(); // Build list of nets: m_DoNotShowNetNameFilter->SetValue( netNameDoNotShowFilter ); buildAvailableListOfNets(); wxCommandEvent event; OnCornerSmoothingModeChoice( event ); } void DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE::OnButtonCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { Close( true ); } void DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE::OnClose( wxCloseEvent& event ) { prevPosition = GetPosition(); prevSize = GetSize(); EndModal( m_OnExitCode ); } void DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE::OnSize( wxSizeEvent& event ) { Layout(); // Set layer list column width to widget width minus a few pixels m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetColumnWidth( 0, m_LayerSelectionCtrl->GetSize().x - 5 ); event.Skip(); } void DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE::OnCornerSmoothingModeChoice( wxCommandEvent& event ) { int selection = m_cornerSmoothingChoice->GetSelection(); switch( selection ) { case ZONE_SETTING::SMOOTHING_NONE: m_cornerSmoothingTitle->Enable( false ); m_cornerSmoothingCtrl->Enable( false ); break; case ZONE_SETTING::SMOOTHING_CHAMFER: m_cornerSmoothingTitle->Enable( true ); m_cornerSmoothingCtrl->Enable( true ); m_cornerSmoothingTitle->SetLabel( _( "Chamfer distance" ) ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_cornerSmoothingTitle, g_UserUnit ); break; case ZONE_SETTING::SMOOTHING_FILLET: m_cornerSmoothingTitle->Enable( true ); m_cornerSmoothingCtrl->Enable( true ); m_cornerSmoothingTitle->SetLabel( _( "Fillet radius" ) ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_cornerSmoothingTitle, g_UserUnit ); break; } } bool DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE::AcceptOptions( bool aPromptForErrors, bool aUseExportableSetupOnly ) { switch( m_PadInZoneOpt->GetSelection() ) { case 2: m_Zone_Setting->m_Zone_Pad_Options = PAD_NOT_IN_ZONE; // Pads are not covered break; case 1: m_Zone_Setting->m_Zone_Pad_Options = THERMAL_PAD; // Use thermal relief for pads break; case 0: m_Zone_Setting->m_Zone_Pad_Options = PAD_IN_ZONE; // pads are covered by copper break; } switch( m_OutlineAppearanceCtrl->GetSelection() ) { case 0: m_Zone_Setting->m_Zone_HatchingStyle = CPolyLine::NO_HATCH; break; case 1: m_Zone_Setting->m_Zone_HatchingStyle = CPolyLine::DIAGONAL_EDGE; break; case 2: m_Zone_Setting->m_Zone_HatchingStyle = CPolyLine::DIAGONAL_FULL; break; } m_Zone_Setting->m_ArcToSegmentsCount = m_ArcApproximationOpt->GetSelection() == 1 ? ARC_APPROX_SEGMENTS_COUNT_HIGHT_DEF : ARC_APPROX_SEGMENTS_COUNT_LOW_DEF; if( m_Config ) { m_Config->Write( ZONE_NET_OUTLINES_HATCH_OPTION_KEY, (long) m_Zone_Setting->m_Zone_HatchingStyle ); wxString Filter = m_DoNotShowNetNameFilter->GetValue(); m_Config->Write( ZONE_NET_FILTER_STRING_KEY, Filter ); } m_netNameShowFilter = m_ShowNetNameFilter->GetValue(); m_Zone_Setting->m_FillMode = (m_FillModeCtrl->GetSelection() == 0) ? 0 : 1; wxString txtvalue = m_ZoneClearanceCtrl->GetValue(); m_Zone_Setting->m_ZoneClearance = ReturnValueFromString( g_UserUnit, txtvalue, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits ); // Test if this is a reasonnable value for this parameter // A too large value can hang pcbnew #define CLEARANCE_MAX_VALUE 5000 // in 1/10000 inch if( m_Zone_Setting->m_ZoneClearance > CLEARANCE_MAX_VALUE ) { DisplayError( this, _( "Clearance must be smaller than 0.5\" / 12.7 mm." ) ); return false; } txtvalue = m_ZoneMinThicknessCtrl->GetValue(); m_Zone_Setting->m_ZoneMinThickness = ReturnValueFromString( g_UserUnit, txtvalue, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits ); if( m_Zone_Setting->m_ZoneMinThickness < 10 ) { DisplayError( this, _( "Minimum width must be larger than 0.001\" / 0.0254 mm." ) ); return false; } m_Zone_Setting->SetCornerSmoothingType( m_cornerSmoothingChoice->GetSelection() ); txtvalue = m_cornerSmoothingCtrl->GetValue(); m_Zone_Setting->SetCornerRadius( ReturnValueFromString( g_UserUnit, txtvalue, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits ) ); if( m_OrientEdgesOpt->GetSelection() == 0 ) g_Zone_45_Only = FALSE; else g_Zone_45_Only = TRUE; m_Zone_Setting->m_ThermalReliefGapValue = ReturnValueFromTextCtrl( *m_AntipadSizeValue, PCB_INTERNAL_UNIT ); m_Zone_Setting->m_ThermalReliefCopperBridgeValue = ReturnValueFromTextCtrl( *m_CopperWidthValue, PCB_INTERNAL_UNIT ); m_Config->Write( ZONE_THERMAL_RELIEF_GAP_STRING_KEY, (long) m_Zone_Setting->m_ThermalReliefGapValue ); m_Config->Write( ZONE_THERMAL_RELIEF_COPPER_WIDTH_STRING_KEY, (long) m_Zone_Setting->m_ThermalReliefCopperBridgeValue ); if( m_Zone_Setting->m_ThermalReliefCopperBridgeValue <= m_Zone_Setting->m_ZoneMinThickness ) { DisplayError( this, _( "Thermal relief spoke width is larger than the minimum width." ) ); return false; } // If we use only exportable to others zones parameters, exit here: if( aUseExportableSetupOnly ) return true; // Get the layer selection for this zone int ii = m_LayerSelectionCtrl->GetFirstSelected(); if( ii < 0 && aPromptForErrors ) { DisplayError( this, _( "No layer selected." ) ); return false; } m_Zone_Setting->m_CurrentZone_Layer = m_LayerId[ii]; // Get the net name selection for this zone ii = m_ListNetNameSelection->GetSelection(); if( ii < 0 && aPromptForErrors ) { DisplayError( this, _( "No net selected." ) ); return false; } if( ii == 0 ) // the not connected option was selected: this is not a good practice: warn: { if( !IsOK( this, _( "You have chosen the \"not connected\" option. This will create insulated copper islands. Are you sure ?" ) ) ) return false; } wxString net_name = m_ListNetNameSelection->GetString( ii ); g_Zone_Default_Setting.m_NetcodeSelection = 0; // Search net_code for this net, if a net was selected if( m_ListNetNameSelection->GetSelection() > 0 ) { NETINFO_ITEM* net = m_Parent->GetBoard()->FindNet( net_name ); if( net ) g_Zone_Default_Setting.m_NetcodeSelection = net->GetNet(); } return true; } void DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE::OnNetSortingOptionSelected( wxCommandEvent& event ) { initListNetsParams(); buildAvailableListOfNets(); m_netNameShowFilter = m_ShowNetNameFilter->GetValue(); if( m_Config ) { m_Config->Write( ZONE_NET_SORT_OPTION_KEY, (long) m_NetDisplayOption->GetSelection() ); wxString Filter = m_DoNotShowNetNameFilter->GetValue(); m_Config->Write( ZONE_NET_FILTER_STRING_KEY, Filter ); } } void DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE::OnButtonOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { m_netNameShowFilter = m_ShowNetNameFilter->GetValue(); prevPosition = GetPosition(); prevSize = GetSize(); if( AcceptOptions( true ) ) EndModal( ZONE_OK ); } void DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE::ExportSetupToOtherCopperZones( wxCommandEvent& event ) { prevPosition = GetPosition(); prevSize = GetSize(); if( !AcceptOptions( true, true ) ) return; // Export settings ( but layer and netcode ) to others zones: BOARD* pcb = m_Parent->GetBoard(); for( int ii = 0; ii < pcb->GetAreaCount(); ii++ ) { ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = pcb->GetArea( ii ); m_Zone_Setting->ExportSetting( *zone, false ); // false = partiel export m_Parent->OnModify(); } m_OnExitCode = ZONE_EXPORT_VALUES; // values are exported to others zones } void DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE::OnPadsInZoneClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { switch( m_PadInZoneOpt->GetSelection() ) { default: m_AntipadSizeValue->Enable( false ); m_CopperWidthValue->Enable( false ); break; case 1: m_AntipadSizeValue->Enable( true ); m_CopperWidthValue->Enable( true ); break; } } void DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE::initListNetsParams() { switch( m_NetDisplayOption->GetSelection() ) { case 0: m_NetSortingByPadCount = false; m_NetFiltering = false; break; case 1: m_NetSortingByPadCount = true; m_NetFiltering = false; break; case 2: m_NetSortingByPadCount = false; m_NetFiltering = true; break; case 3: m_NetSortingByPadCount = true; m_NetFiltering = true; break; } } void DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE::OnRunFiltersButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { m_netNameShowFilter = m_ShowNetNameFilter->GetValue(); // Ensure filtered option for nets if( m_NetDisplayOption->GetSelection() == 0 ) m_NetDisplayOption->SetSelection( 2 ); else if( m_NetDisplayOption->GetSelection() == 1 ) m_NetDisplayOption->SetSelection( 3 ); initListNetsParams(); buildAvailableListOfNets(); } void DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE::buildAvailableListOfNets() { wxArrayString listNetName; m_Parent->GetBoard()->ReturnSortedNetnamesList( listNetName, m_NetSortingByPadCount ); if( m_NetFiltering ) { wxString doNotShowFilter = m_DoNotShowNetNameFilter->GetValue(); wxString ShowFilter = m_ShowNetNameFilter->GetValue(); for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < listNetName.GetCount(); ii++ ) { if( listNetName[ii].Matches( doNotShowFilter ) ) { listNetName.RemoveAt( ii ); ii--; } else if( !listNetName[ii].Matches( ShowFilter ) ) { listNetName.RemoveAt( ii ); ii--; } } } listNetName.Insert( wxT( "" ), 0 ); // Ensure currently selected net for the zone is visible, regardless of filters int selectedNetListNdx = -1; int net_select = m_Zone_Setting->m_NetcodeSelection; if( net_select > 0 ) { NETINFO_ITEM* equipot = m_Parent->GetBoard()->FindNet( net_select ); if( equipot ) { selectedNetListNdx = listNetName.Index( equipot->GetNetname() ); if( wxNOT_FOUND == selectedNetListNdx ) { // the currently selected net must *always* be visible. listNetName.Insert( equipot->GetNetname(), 0 ); selectedNetListNdx = 0; } } } else if( net_select == 0 ) selectedNetListNdx = 0; // SetSelection() on "" else { // selectedNetListNdx remains -1, no net selected. } m_ListNetNameSelection->Clear(); m_ListNetNameSelection->InsertItems( listNetName, 0 ); m_ListNetNameSelection->SetSelection( 0 ); if( selectedNetListNdx >= 0 ) { m_ListNetNameSelection->SetSelection( selectedNetListNdx ); m_ListNetNameSelection->EnsureVisible( selectedNetListNdx ); } } wxBitmap DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE::makeLayerBitmap( int aColor ) { wxBitmap bitmap( LAYER_BITMAP_SIZE_X, LAYER_BITMAP_SIZE_Y ); wxBrush brush; wxMemoryDC iconDC; iconDC.SelectObject( bitmap ); brush.SetColour( MakeColour( aColor ) ); brush.SetStyle( wxSOLID ); iconDC.SetBrush( brush ); iconDC.DrawRectangle( 0, 0, LAYER_BITMAP_SIZE_X, LAYER_BITMAP_SIZE_Y ); return bitmap; }