#include "delaunator.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace delaunator { //@see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33333363/built-in-mod-vs-custom-mod-function-improve-the-performance-of-modulus-op/33333636#33333636 inline size_t fast_mod(const size_t i, const size_t c) { return i >= c ? i % c : i; } // Kahan and Babuska summation, Neumaier variant; accumulates less FP error inline double sum(const std::vector& x) { double sum = x[0]; double err = 0.0; for (size_t i = 1; i < x.size(); i++) { const double k = x[i]; const double m = sum + k; err += std::fabs(sum) >= std::fabs(k) ? sum - m + k : k - m + sum; sum = m; } return sum + err; } inline double dist( const double ax, const double ay, const double bx, const double by) { const double dx = ax - bx; const double dy = ay - by; return dx * dx + dy * dy; } inline double circumradius(const Point& p1, const Point& p2, const Point& p3) { Point d = Point::vector(p1, p2); Point e = Point::vector(p1, p3); const double bl = d.magnitude2(); const double cl = e.magnitude2(); const double det = Point::determinant(d, e); Point radius((e.y() * bl - d.y() * cl) * 0.5 / det, (d.x() * cl - e.x() * bl) * 0.5 / det); if ((bl > 0.0 || bl < 0.0) && (cl > 0.0 || cl < 0.0) && (det > 0.0 || det < 0.0)) return radius.magnitude2(); return (std::numeric_limits::max)(); } inline double circumradius( const double ax, const double ay, const double bx, const double by, const double cx, const double cy) { const double dx = bx - ax; const double dy = by - ay; const double ex = cx - ax; const double ey = cy - ay; const double bl = dx * dx + dy * dy; const double cl = ex * ex + ey * ey; const double d = dx * ey - dy * ex; const double x = (ey * bl - dy * cl) * 0.5 / d; const double y = (dx * cl - ex * bl) * 0.5 / d; if ((bl > 0.0 || bl < 0.0) && (cl > 0.0 || cl < 0.0) && (d > 0.0 || d < 0.0)) { return x * x + y * y; } else { return (std::numeric_limits::max)(); } } inline bool clockwise(const Point& p0, const Point& p1, const Point& p2) { Point v0 = Point::vector(p0, p1); Point v1 = Point::vector(p0, p2); double det = Point::determinant(v0, v1); double dist = v0.magnitude2() + v1.magnitude2(); double dist2 = Point::dist2(v0, v1); if (det == 0) { return false; } double reldet = std::abs(dist / det); if (reldet > 1e14) return false; return det < 0; } inline bool clockwise(double px, double py, double qx, double qy, double rx, double ry) { Point p0(px, py); Point p1(qx, qy); Point p2(rx, ry); return clockwise(p0, p1, p2); } inline bool counterclockwise(const Point& p0, const Point& p1, const Point& p2) { Point v0 = Point::vector(p0, p1); Point v1 = Point::vector(p0, p2); double det = Point::determinant(v0, v1); double dist = v0.magnitude2() + v1.magnitude2(); double dist2 = Point::dist2(v0, v1); if (det == 0) return false; double reldet = std::abs(dist / det); if (reldet > 1e14) return false; return det > 0; } inline bool counterclockwise(double px, double py, double qx, double qy, double rx, double ry) { Point p0(px, py); Point p1(qx, qy); Point p2(rx, ry); return counterclockwise(p0, p1, p2); } inline Point circumcenter( const double ax, const double ay, const double bx, const double by, const double cx, const double cy) { const double dx = bx - ax; const double dy = by - ay; const double ex = cx - ax; const double ey = cy - ay; const double bl = dx * dx + dy * dy; const double cl = ex * ex + ey * ey; //ABELL - This is suspect for div-by-0. const double d = dx * ey - dy * ex; const double x = ax + (ey * bl - dy * cl) * 0.5 / d; const double y = ay + (dx * cl - ex * bl) * 0.5 / d; return Point(x, y); } inline bool in_circle( const double ax, const double ay, const double bx, const double by, const double cx, const double cy, const double px, const double py) { const double dx = ax - px; const double dy = ay - py; const double ex = bx - px; const double ey = by - py; const double fx = cx - px; const double fy = cy - py; const double ap = dx * dx + dy * dy; const double bp = ex * ex + ey * ey; const double cp = fx * fx + fy * fy; return (dx * (ey * cp - bp * fy) - dy * (ex * cp - bp * fx) + ap * (ex * fy - ey * fx)) < 0.0; } constexpr double EPSILON = std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); inline bool check_pts_equal(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { return std::fabs(x1 - x2) <= EPSILON && std::fabs(y1 - y2) <= EPSILON; } // monotonically increases with real angle, but doesn't need expensive trigonometry inline double pseudo_angle(const double dx, const double dy) { const double p = dx / (std::abs(dx) + std::abs(dy)); return (dy > 0.0 ? 3.0 - p : 1.0 + p) / 4.0; // [0..1) } Delaunator::Delaunator(std::vector const& in_coords) : coords(in_coords), m_points(in_coords) { std::size_t n = coords.size() >> 1; std::vector ids(n); std::iota(ids.begin(), ids.end(), 0); double max_x = std::numeric_limits::lowest(); double max_y = std::numeric_limits::lowest(); double min_x = (std::numeric_limits::max)(); double min_y = (std::numeric_limits::max)(); for (const Point& p : m_points) { min_x = std::min(p.x(), min_x); min_y = std::min(p.y(), min_y); max_x = std::max(p.x(), max_x); max_y = std::max(p.y(), max_y); } double width = max_x - min_x; double height = max_y - min_y; double span = width * width + height * height; // Everything is square dist. Point center((min_x + max_x) / 2, (min_y + max_y) / 2); std::size_t i0 = INVALID_INDEX; std::size_t i1 = INVALID_INDEX; std::size_t i2 = INVALID_INDEX; // pick a seed point close to the centroid double min_dist = (std::numeric_limits::max)(); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_points.size(); ++i) { const Point& p = m_points[i]; const double d = Point::dist2(center, p); if (d < min_dist) { i0 = i; min_dist = d; } } const Point& p0 = m_points[i0]; min_dist = (std::numeric_limits::max)(); // find the point closest to the seed for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i == i0) continue; const double d = Point::dist2(p0, m_points[i]); if (d < min_dist && d > 0.0) { i1 = i; min_dist = d; } } const Point& p1 = m_points[i1]; double min_radius = (std::numeric_limits::max)(); // find the third point which forms the smallest circumcircle // with the first two for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i == i0 || i == i1) continue; const double r = circumradius(p0, p1, m_points[i]); if (r < min_radius) { i2 = i; min_radius = r; } } if (!(min_radius < (std::numeric_limits::max)())) { throw std::runtime_error("not triangulation"); } const Point& p2 = m_points[i2]; if (counterclockwise(p0, p1, p2)) std::swap(i1, i2); double i0x = p0.x(); double i0y = p0.y(); double i1x = m_points[i1].x(); double i1y = m_points[i1].y(); double i2x = m_points[i2].x(); double i2y = m_points[i2].y(); m_center = circumcenter(i0x, i0y, i1x, i1y, i2x, i2y); // Calculate the distances from the center once to avoid having to // calculate for each compare. This used to be done in the comparator, // but GCC 7.5+ would copy the comparator to iterators used in the // sort, and this was excruciatingly slow when there were many points // because you had to copy the vector of distances. std::vector dists; dists.reserve(m_points.size()); for (const Point& p : m_points) dists.push_back(dist(p.x(), p.y(), m_center.x(), m_center.y())); // sort the points by distance from the seed triangle circumcenter std::sort(ids.begin(), ids.end(), [&dists](std::size_t i, std::size_t j) { return dists[i] < dists[j]; }); // initialize a hash table for storing edges of the advancing convex hull m_hash_size = static_cast(std::ceil(std::sqrt(n))); m_hash.resize(m_hash_size); std::fill(m_hash.begin(), m_hash.end(), INVALID_INDEX); // initialize arrays for tracking the edges of the advancing convex hull hull_prev.resize(n); hull_next.resize(n); hull_tri.resize(n); hull_start = i0; size_t hull_size = 3; hull_next[i0] = hull_prev[i2] = i1; hull_next[i1] = hull_prev[i0] = i2; hull_next[i2] = hull_prev[i1] = i0; hull_tri[i0] = 0; hull_tri[i1] = 1; hull_tri[i2] = 2; m_hash[hash_key(i0x, i0y)] = i0; m_hash[hash_key(i1x, i1y)] = i1; m_hash[hash_key(i2x, i2y)] = i2; // ABELL - Why are we doing this is n < 3? There is no triangulation if // there is no triangle. std::size_t max_triangles = n < 3 ? 1 : 2 * n - 5; triangles.reserve(max_triangles * 3); halfedges.reserve(max_triangles * 3); add_triangle(i0, i1, i2, INVALID_INDEX, INVALID_INDEX, INVALID_INDEX); double xp = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); double yp = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); // Go through points based on distance from the center. for (std::size_t k = 0; k < n; k++) { const std::size_t i = ids[k]; const double x = coords[2 * i]; const double y = coords[2 * i + 1]; // skip near-duplicate points if (k > 0 && check_pts_equal(x, y, xp, yp)) continue; xp = x; yp = y; //ABELL - This is dumb. We have the indices. Use them. // skip seed triangle points if (check_pts_equal(x, y, i0x, i0y) || check_pts_equal(x, y, i1x, i1y) || check_pts_equal(x, y, i2x, i2y)) continue; // find a visible edge on the convex hull using edge hash std::size_t start = 0; size_t key = hash_key(x, y); for (size_t j = 0; j < m_hash_size; j++) { start = m_hash[fast_mod(key + j, m_hash_size)]; // ABELL - Not sure how hull_next[start] could ever equal start // I *think* hull_next is just a representation of the hull in one // direction. if (start != INVALID_INDEX && start != hull_next[start]) break; } //ABELL // Make sure what we found is on the hull. assert(hull_prev[start] != start); assert(hull_prev[start] != INVALID_INDEX); start = hull_prev[start]; size_t e = start; size_t q; // Advance until we find a place in the hull where our current point // can be added. while (true) { q = hull_next[e]; if (Point::equal(m_points[i], m_points[e], span) || Point::equal(m_points[i], m_points[q], span)) { e = INVALID_INDEX; break; } if (counterclockwise(x, y, coords[2 * e], coords[2 * e + 1], coords[2 * q], coords[2 * q + 1])) break; e = q; if (e == start) { e = INVALID_INDEX; break; } } // ABELL // This seems wrong. Perhaps we should check what's going on? if (e == INVALID_INDEX) // likely a near-duplicate point; skip it continue; // add the first triangle from the point std::size_t t = add_triangle( e, i, hull_next[e], INVALID_INDEX, INVALID_INDEX, hull_tri[e]); hull_tri[i] = legalize(t + 2); // Legalize the triangle we just added. hull_tri[e] = t; hull_size++; // walk forward through the hull, adding more triangles and // flipping recursively std::size_t next = hull_next[e]; while (true) { q = hull_next[next]; if (!counterclockwise(x, y, coords[2 * next], coords[2 * next + 1], coords[2 * q], coords[2 * q + 1])) break; t = add_triangle(next, i, q, hull_tri[i], INVALID_INDEX, hull_tri[next]); hull_tri[i] = legalize(t + 2); hull_next[next] = next; // mark as removed hull_size--; next = q; } // walk backward from the other side, adding more triangles and flipping if (e == start) { while (true) { q = hull_prev[e]; if (!counterclockwise(x, y, coords[2 * q], coords[2 * q + 1], coords[2 * e], coords[2 * e + 1])) break; t = add_triangle(q, i, e, INVALID_INDEX, hull_tri[e], hull_tri[q]); legalize(t + 2); hull_tri[q] = t; hull_next[e] = e; // mark as removed hull_size--; e = q; } } // update the hull indices hull_prev[i] = e; hull_start = e; hull_prev[next] = i; hull_next[e] = i; hull_next[i] = next; m_hash[hash_key(x, y)] = i; m_hash[hash_key(coords[2 * e], coords[2 * e + 1])] = e; } } double Delaunator::get_hull_area() { std::vector hull_area; size_t e = hull_start; size_t cnt = 1; do { hull_area.push_back((coords[2 * e] - coords[2 * hull_prev[e]]) * (coords[2 * e + 1] + coords[2 * hull_prev[e] + 1])); cnt++; e = hull_next[e]; } while (e != hull_start); return sum(hull_area); } double Delaunator::get_triangle_area() { std::vector vals; for (size_t i = 0; i < triangles.size(); i += 3) { const double ax = coords[2 * triangles[i]]; const double ay = coords[2 * triangles[i] + 1]; const double bx = coords[2 * triangles[i + 1]]; const double by = coords[2 * triangles[i + 1] + 1]; const double cx = coords[2 * triangles[i + 2]]; const double cy = coords[2 * triangles[i + 2] + 1]; double val = std::fabs((by - ay) * (cx - bx) - (bx - ax) * (cy - by)); vals.push_back(val); } return sum(vals); } std::size_t Delaunator::legalize(std::size_t a) { std::size_t i = 0; std::size_t ar = 0; m_edge_stack.clear(); // recursion eliminated with a fixed-size stack while (true) { const size_t b = halfedges[a]; /* if the pair of triangles doesn't satisfy the Delaunay condition * (p1 is inside the circumcircle of [p0, pl, pr]), flip them, * then do the same check/flip recursively for the new pair of triangles * * pl pl * /||\ / \ * al/ || \bl al/ \a * / || \ / \ * / a||b \ flip /___ar___\ * p0\ || /p1 => p0\---bl---/p1 * \ || / \ / * ar\ || /br b\ /br * \||/ \ / * pr pr */ const size_t a0 = 3 * (a / 3); ar = a0 + (a + 2) % 3; if (b == INVALID_INDEX) { if (i > 0) { i--; a = m_edge_stack[i]; continue; } else { //i = INVALID_INDEX; break; } } const size_t b0 = 3 * (b / 3); const size_t al = a0 + (a + 1) % 3; const size_t bl = b0 + (b + 2) % 3; const std::size_t p0 = triangles[ar]; const std::size_t pr = triangles[a]; const std::size_t pl = triangles[al]; const std::size_t p1 = triangles[bl]; const bool illegal = in_circle( coords[2 * p0], coords[2 * p0 + 1], coords[2 * pr], coords[2 * pr + 1], coords[2 * pl], coords[2 * pl + 1], coords[2 * p1], coords[2 * p1 + 1]); if (illegal) { triangles[a] = p1; triangles[b] = p0; auto hbl = halfedges[bl]; // Edge swapped on the other side of the hull (rare). // Fix the halfedge reference if (hbl == INVALID_INDEX) { std::size_t e = hull_start; do { if (hull_tri[e] == bl) { hull_tri[e] = a; break; } e = hull_prev[e]; } while (e != hull_start); } link(a, hbl); link(b, halfedges[ar]); link(ar, bl); std::size_t br = b0 + (b + 1) % 3; if (i < m_edge_stack.size()) { m_edge_stack[i] = br; } else { m_edge_stack.push_back(br); } i++; } else { if (i > 0) { i--; a = m_edge_stack[i]; continue; } else { break; } } } return ar; } std::size_t Delaunator::hash_key(const double x, const double y) const { const double dx = x - m_center.x(); const double dy = y - m_center.y(); return fast_mod( static_cast(std::llround(std::floor(pseudo_angle(dx, dy) * static_cast(m_hash_size)))), m_hash_size); } std::size_t Delaunator::add_triangle( std::size_t i0, std::size_t i1, std::size_t i2, std::size_t a, std::size_t b, std::size_t c) { std::size_t t = triangles.size(); triangles.push_back(i0); triangles.push_back(i1); triangles.push_back(i2); link(t, a); link(t + 1, b); link(t + 2, c); return t; } void Delaunator::link(const std::size_t a, const std::size_t b) { std::size_t s = halfedges.size(); if (a == s) { halfedges.push_back(b); } else if (a < s) { halfedges[a] = b; } else { throw std::runtime_error("Cannot link edge"); } if (b != INVALID_INDEX) { std::size_t s2 = halfedges.size(); if (b == s2) { halfedges.push_back(a); } else if (b < s2) { halfedges[b] = a; } else { throw std::runtime_error("Cannot link edge"); } } } } //namespace delaunator