/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2019 Jean_Pierre Charras * Copyright (C) 1992-2021 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . */ /** * @file gerber_placefile_writer.cpp * @brief Functions to create place files in gerber X2 format. */ #include "gerber_placefile_writer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include PLACEFILE_GERBER_WRITER::PLACEFILE_GERBER_WRITER( BOARD* aPcb ) { m_pcb = aPcb; m_plotPad1Marker = true; // Place a marker to pin 1 (or A1) position m_plotOtherPadsMarker = true; // Place a marker to other pins position m_layer = PCB_LAYER_ID::UNDEFINED_LAYER; // No layer set } int PLACEFILE_GERBER_WRITER::CreatePlaceFile( wxString& aFullFilename, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, bool aIncludeBrdEdges ) { m_layer = aLayer; PCB_PLOT_PARAMS plotOpts = m_pcb->GetPlotOptions(); if( plotOpts.GetUseAuxOrigin() ) m_offset = m_pcb->GetDesignSettings().m_AuxOrigin; // Collect footprints on the right layer std::vector fp_list; for( FOOTPRINT* footprint : m_pcb->Footprints() ) { if( footprint->GetAttributes() & FP_EXCLUDE_FROM_POS_FILES ) continue; if( footprint->GetLayer() == aLayer ) fp_list.push_back( footprint ); } LOCALE_IO dummy_io; // Use the standard notation for float numbers GERBER_PLOTTER plotter; // Gerber drill file imply X2 format: plotter.UseX2format( true ); plotter.UseX2NetAttributes( true ); // Add the standard X2 header, without FileFunction AddGerberX2Header( &plotter, m_pcb ); plotter.SetViewport( m_offset, IU_PER_MILS/10, /* scale */ 1.0, /* mirror */false ); // has meaning only for gerber plotter. Must be called only after SetViewport plotter.SetGerberCoordinatesFormat( 6 ); plotter.SetCreator( wxT( "PCBNEW" ) ); // Add the standard X2 FileFunction for P&P files // %TF.FileFunction,Component,Ln,[top][bottom]*% wxString text; text.Printf( "%%TF.FileFunction,Component,L%d,%s*%%", aLayer == B_Cu ? m_pcb->GetCopperLayerCount() : 1, aLayer == B_Cu ? "Bot" : "Top" ); plotter.AddLineToHeader( text ); // Add file polarity (positive) text = "%TF.FilePolarity,Positive*%"; plotter.AddLineToHeader( text ); if( !plotter.OpenFile( aFullFilename ) ) return -1; // We need a BRDITEMS_PLOTTER to plot pads BRDITEMS_PLOTTER brd_plotter( &plotter, m_pcb, plotOpts ); plotter.StartPlot(); // Some tools in P&P files have the type and size defined. // they are position flash (round), pad1 flash (diamond), other pads flash (round) // and component outline thickness (polyline) int flash_position_shape_diam = Millimeter2iu( 0.3 ); // defined size for position shape (circle) int pad1_mark_size = Millimeter2iu( 0.36 ); // defined size for pad 1 position (diamond) int other_pads_mark_size = 0; // defined size for position shape (circle) int line_thickness = Millimeter2iu( 0.1 ); // defined size for component outlines brd_plotter.SetLayerSet( LSET( aLayer ) ); int cmp_count = 0; bool allowUtf8 = true; // Plot components data: position, outlines, pad1 and other pads. for( FOOTPRINT* footprint : fp_list ) { // Manage the aperture attribute component position: GBR_METADATA gbr_metadata; gbr_metadata.SetApertureAttrib( GBR_APERTURE_METADATA::GBR_APERTURE_ATTRIB_CMP_POSITION ); // Add object attribute: component reference to flash (mainly useful for users) // using quoted UTF8 string wxString ref = ConvertNotAllowedCharsInGerber( footprint->Reference().GetShownText(), allowUtf8, true ); gbr_metadata.SetCmpReference( ref ); gbr_metadata.SetNetAttribType( GBR_NETLIST_METADATA::GBR_NETINFO_CMP ); // Add P&P specific attributes GBR_CMP_PNP_METADATA pnpAttrib; // Add rotation info (rotation is CCW, in degrees): pnpAttrib.m_Orientation = mapRotationAngle( footprint->GetOrientationDegrees() ); pnpAttrib.m_MountType = GBR_CMP_PNP_METADATA::MOUNT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED; if( footprint->GetAttributes() & FP_THROUGH_HOLE ) pnpAttrib.m_MountType = GBR_CMP_PNP_METADATA::MOUNT_TYPE_TH; else if( footprint->GetAttributes() & FP_SMD ) pnpAttrib.m_MountType = GBR_CMP_PNP_METADATA::MOUNT_TYPE_SMD; // Add component value info: pnpAttrib.m_Value = ConvertNotAllowedCharsInGerber( footprint->Value().GetShownText(), allowUtf8, true ); // Add component footprint info: wxString fp_info = FROM_UTF8( footprint->GetFPID().GetLibItemName().c_str() ); pnpAttrib.m_Footprint = ConvertNotAllowedCharsInGerber( fp_info, allowUtf8, true ); // Add footprint lib name: fp_info = FROM_UTF8( footprint->GetFPID().GetLibNickname().c_str() ); pnpAttrib.m_LibraryName = ConvertNotAllowedCharsInGerber( fp_info, allowUtf8, true ); gbr_metadata.m_NetlistMetadata.SetExtraData( pnpAttrib.FormatCmpPnPMetadata() ); wxPoint flash_pos = footprint->GetPosition(); plotter.FlashPadCircle( flash_pos, flash_position_shape_diam, FILLED, &gbr_metadata ); gbr_metadata.m_NetlistMetadata.ClearExtraData(); // Now some extra metadata is output, avoid blindly clearing the full metadata list gbr_metadata.m_NetlistMetadata.m_TryKeepPreviousAttributes = true; // We plot the footprint courtyard when possible. // If not, the pads bounding box will be used. bool useFpPadsBbox = true; bool onBack = aLayer == B_Cu; footprint->BuildPolyCourtyards(); int checkFlag = onBack ? MALFORMED_B_COURTYARD : MALFORMED_F_COURTYARD; if( ( footprint->GetFlags() & checkFlag ) == 0 ) { gbr_metadata.SetApertureAttrib( GBR_APERTURE_METADATA::GBR_APERTURE_ATTRIB_CMP_COURTYARD ); const SHAPE_POLY_SET& courtyard = footprint->GetPolyCourtyard( aLayer ); for( int ii = 0; ii < courtyard.OutlineCount(); ii++ ) { SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN poly = courtyard.Outline( ii ); if( !poly.PointCount() ) continue; useFpPadsBbox = false; plotter.PLOTTER::PlotPoly( poly, FILL_TYPE::NO_FILL, line_thickness, &gbr_metadata ); } } if( useFpPadsBbox ) { gbr_metadata.SetApertureAttrib( GBR_APERTURE_METADATA::GBR_APERTURE_ATTRIB_CMP_FOOTPRINT ); // bbox of fp pads, pos 0, rot 0, non flipped EDA_RECT bbox = footprint->GetFpPadsLocalBbox(); // negate bbox Y values if the fp is flipped (always flipped around X axis // in Gerber P&P files). int y_sign = aLayer == B_Cu ? -1 : 1; SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN poly; poly.Append( bbox.GetLeft(), y_sign*bbox.GetTop() ); poly.Append( bbox.GetLeft(), y_sign*bbox.GetBottom() ); poly.Append( bbox.GetRight(), y_sign*bbox.GetBottom() ); poly.Append( bbox.GetRight(), y_sign*bbox.GetTop() ); poly.SetClosed( true ); poly.Rotate( -footprint->GetOrientationRadians(), VECTOR2I( 0, 0 ) ); poly.Move( footprint->GetPosition() ); plotter.PLOTTER::PlotPoly( poly, FILL_TYPE::NO_FILL, line_thickness, &gbr_metadata ); } std::vectorpad_key_list; if( m_plotPad1Marker ) { findPads1( pad_key_list, footprint ); for( PAD* pad1 : pad_key_list ) { gbr_metadata.SetApertureAttrib( GBR_APERTURE_METADATA::GBR_APERTURE_ATTRIB_PAD1_POSITION ); gbr_metadata.SetPadName( pad1->GetNumber(), allowUtf8, true ); gbr_metadata.SetPadPinFunction( pad1->GetPinFunction(), allowUtf8, true ); gbr_metadata.SetNetAttribType( GBR_NETLIST_METADATA::GBR_NETINFO_PAD ); // Flashes a diamond at pad position: plotter.FlashRegularPolygon( pad1->GetPosition(), pad1_mark_size, 4, 0.0, FILLED, &gbr_metadata ); } } if( m_plotOtherPadsMarker ) { gbr_metadata.SetApertureAttrib( GBR_APERTURE_METADATA::GBR_APERTURE_ATTRIB_PADOTHER_POSITION ); gbr_metadata.SetNetAttribType( GBR_NETLIST_METADATA::GBR_NETINFO_PAD ); for( PAD* pad: footprint->Pads() ) { bool skip_pad = false; for( PAD* pad1 : pad_key_list ) { if( pad == pad1 ) // Already plotted { skip_pad = true; break; } } if( skip_pad ) continue; // Skip also pads not on the current layer, like pads only // on a tech layer if( !pad->IsOnLayer( aLayer ) ) continue; gbr_metadata.SetPadName( pad->GetNumber(), allowUtf8, true ); gbr_metadata.SetPadPinFunction( pad->GetPinFunction(), allowUtf8, true ); // Flashes a round, 0 sized round shape at pad position plotter.FlashPadCircle( pad->GetPosition(), other_pads_mark_size, FILLED, &gbr_metadata ); } } plotter.ClearAllAttributes(); // Unconditionally close all .TO attributes cmp_count++; } // Plot board outlines, if requested if( aIncludeBrdEdges ) { brd_plotter.SetLayerSet( LSET( Edge_Cuts ) ); // Plot edge layer and graphic items brd_plotter.PlotBoardGraphicItems(); // Draw footprint other graphic items: for( FOOTPRINT* footprint : fp_list ) { for( BOARD_ITEM* item : footprint->GraphicalItems() ) { if( item->Type() == PCB_FP_SHAPE_T && item->GetLayer() == Edge_Cuts ) brd_plotter.PlotFootprintGraphicItem( (FP_SHAPE*) item ); } } } plotter.EndPlot(); return cmp_count; } double PLACEFILE_GERBER_WRITER::mapRotationAngle( double aAngle ) { // Convert a KiCad footprint orientation to gerber rotation, depending on the layer // Currently, same notation as KiCad. return aAngle; } void PLACEFILE_GERBER_WRITER::findPads1( std::vector& aPadList, FOOTPRINT* aFootprint ) const { // Fint the pad "1" or pad "A1" // this is possible only if only one pad is found // useful to place a marker in this position for( PAD* pad : aFootprint->Pads() ) { if( !pad->IsOnLayer( m_layer ) ) continue; if( pad->GetNumber() == "1" || pad->GetNumber() == "A1") aPadList.push_back( pad ); } } const wxString PLACEFILE_GERBER_WRITER::GetPlaceFileName( const wxString& aFullBaseFilename, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer ) const { // Gerber files extension is always .gbr. // Therefore, to mark pnp files, add "-pnp" to the filename, and a layer id. wxFileName fn = aFullBaseFilename; wxString post_id = "-pnp_"; post_id += aLayer == B_Cu ? "bottom" : "top"; fn.SetName( fn.GetName() + post_id ); fn.SetExt( GerberFileExtension ); return fn.GetFullPath(); }