/**********************************************************************/ /* fonctions membres des classes utilisees dans pcbnew (voir pcbstruct.h */ /* sauf routines relatives aux pistes (voir class_track.cpp) */ /**********************************************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "common.h" #include "pcbnew.h" #include "trigo.h" #include "id.h" /* Default PCB zoom coefficients. */ static const int PcbZoomList[] = { 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5120, 10240, 20480 }; #define PCB_ZOOM_LIST_CNT ( sizeof( PcbZoomList ) / sizeof( int ) ) /* Default grid sizes for PCB editor screens. */ static GRID_TYPE PcbGridList[] = { { ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_1000, wxSize( 1000, 1000 ) }, { ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_500, wxSize( 500, 500 ) }, { ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_250, wxSize( 250, 250 ) }, { ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_200, wxSize( 200, 200 ) }, { ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_100, wxSize( 100, 100 ) }, { ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_50, wxSize( 50, 50 ) }, { ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_25, wxSize( 25, 25 ) }, { ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_20, wxSize( 20, 20 ) }, { ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_10, wxSize( 10, 10 ) }, { ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_5, wxSize( 5, 5 ) }, { ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_2, wxSize( 2, 2 ) }, { ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_1, wxSize( 1, 1 ) } }; #define PCB_GRID_LIST_CNT ( sizeof( PcbGridList ) / sizeof( GRID_TYPE ) ) /**************************************************/ /* Class SCREEN: classe de gestion d'un affichage */ /***************************************************/ /* Constructeur de SCREEN */ PCB_SCREEN::PCB_SCREEN( ) : BASE_SCREEN( TYPE_SCREEN ) { size_t i; for( i = 0; i < PCB_ZOOM_LIST_CNT; i++ ) m_ZoomList.Add( PcbZoomList[i] ); for( i = 0; i < PCB_GRID_LIST_CNT; i++ ) AddGrid( PcbGridList[i] ); SetGrid( wxSize( 500, 500 ) ); /* pas de la grille en 1/10000 "*/ Init(); } /***************************/ PCB_SCREEN::~PCB_SCREEN() /***************************/ { } /*************************/ void PCB_SCREEN::Init() /*************************/ { InitDatas(); m_Active_Layer = COPPER_LAYER_N; /* ref couche active 0.. 31 */ m_Route_Layer_TOP = CMP_N; /* ref couches par defaut pour vias (Cu.. Cmp) */ m_Route_Layer_BOTTOM = COPPER_LAYER_N; m_Zoom = 128; /* valeur */ } int PCB_SCREEN::GetInternalUnits( void ) { return PCB_INTERNAL_UNIT; } /* Return true if a microvia can be put on board * A microvia ia a small via restricted to 2 near neighbour layers * because its is hole is made by laser which can penetrate only one layer * It is mainly used to connect BGA to the first inner layer * And it is allowed from an external layer to the first inner layer */ bool PCB_SCREEN::IsMicroViaAcceptable( void ) { int copperlayercnt = g_DesignSettings.m_CopperLayerCount; if( !g_DesignSettings.m_MicroViasAllowed ) return false; // Obvious.. if( copperlayercnt < 4 ) return false; // Only on multilayer boards.. if( ( m_Active_Layer == COPPER_LAYER_N ) || ( m_Active_Layer == LAYER_CMP_N ) || ( m_Active_Layer == g_DesignSettings.m_CopperLayerCount - 2 ) || ( m_Active_Layer == LAYER_N_2 ) ) return true; return false; } /*************************/ /* class DISPLAY_OPTIONS */ /*************************/ /* * Handle display options like enable/disable some optional drawings: */ DISPLAY_OPTIONS::DISPLAY_OPTIONS() { DisplayPadFill = TRUE; DisplayPadNum = TRUE; DisplayPadNoConn = TRUE; DisplayPadIsol = TRUE; DisplayModEdge = TRUE; DisplayModText = TRUE; DisplayPcbTrackFill = TRUE; /* FALSE = sketch , TRUE = rempli */ DisplayTrackIsol = FALSE; m_DisplayViaMode = VIA_HOLE_NOT_SHOW; DisplayPolarCood = TRUE; DisplayZonesMode = 0; // 0 = Show filled areas outlines in zones, // 1 = do not show filled areas outlines // 2 = show outlines of filled areas Show_Modules_Cmp = TRUE; Show_Modules_Cu = TRUE; DisplayDrawItems = TRUE; ContrastModeDisplay = FALSE; } /*****************************************************/ EDA_BoardDesignSettings::EDA_BoardDesignSettings() /*****************************************************/ // Default values for designing boards { int ii; static const int default_layer_color[32] = { GREEN, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, RED, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, MAGENTA, CYAN, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY }; m_CopperLayerCount = 2; // Default design is a double sided board m_ViaDrill = 250; // defualt via drill (for the entire board) m_ViaDrillCustomValue = 250; // via drill for vias which must have a defined drill value m_CurrentViaSize = 450; // Current via size m_CurrentViaType = VIA_THROUGH; // via type (VIA_BLIND_BURIED, VIA_THROUGH VIA_MICROVIA) m_CurrentTrackWidth = 170; // current track width m_UseConnectedTrackWidth = false; // if true, when creating a new track starting on an existing track, use this track width m_MicroViaDrill = 50; // micro via drill (for the entire board) m_CurrentMicroViaSize = 150; // Current micro via size m_MicroViasAllowed = false; // true to allow micro vias for( ii = 0; ii < HISTORY_NUMBER; ii++ ) { m_TrackWidthHistory[ii] = 0; // Last HISTORY_NUMBER used track widths m_ViaSizeHistory[ii] = 0; // Last HISTORY_NUMBER used via sizes } m_DrawSegmentWidth = 100; // current graphic line width (not EDGE layer) m_EdgeSegmentWidth = 100; // current graphic line width (EDGE layer only) m_PcbTextWidth = 100; // current Pcb (not module) Text width m_PcbTextSize = wxSize( 500, 500 ); // current Pcb (not module) Text size m_TrackClearence = 100; // track to track and track to pads clearance m_MaskMargin = 150; // Solder mask margin /* Color options for screen display of the Printed Board: */ m_PcbGridColor = DARKGRAY; // Grid color for( ii = 0; ii < 32; ii++ ) m_LayerColor[ii] = default_layer_color[ii]; // Layer colors (tracks and graphic items) m_ViaColor[VIA_NOT_DEFINED] = DARKGRAY; m_ViaColor[VIA_MICROVIA] = CYAN; m_ViaColor[VIA_BLIND_BURIED] = BROWN; m_ViaColor[VIA_THROUGH] = WHITE; m_ModuleTextCMPColor = LIGHTGRAY; // Text module color for modules on the COMPONENT layer m_ModuleTextCUColor = MAGENTA; // Text module color for modules on the COPPER layer m_ModuleTextNOVColor = DARKGRAY; // Text module color for "invisible" texts (must be BLACK if really not displayed) m_AnchorColor = BLUE; // Anchor color for modules and texts m_PadCUColor = GREEN; // Pad color for the COMPONENT side of the pad m_PadCMPColor = RED; // Pad color for the COPPER side of the pad m_RatsnestColor = WHITE; // Ratsnest color } // see pcbstruct.h int EDA_BoardDesignSettings::GetVisibleLayers() const { int layerMask = 0; for( int i = 0, mask = 1; i< 32; ++i, mask <<= 1 ) { if( !( m_LayerColor[i] & ITEM_NOT_SHOW ) ) layerMask |= mask; } return layerMask; }