/*******************/ /* onleftclick.cpp */ /*******************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "common.h" #include "eeschema_id.h" #include "class_drawpanel.h" #include "confirm.h" #include "class_sch_screen.h" #include "wxEeschemaStruct.h" #include "general.h" #include "protos.h" #include "sch_bus_entry.h" #include "sch_text.h" #include "sch_marker.h" #include "sch_junction.h" #include "sch_line.h" #include "sch_no_connect.h" #include "sch_component.h" #include "sch_sheet.h" static wxArrayString s_CmpNameList; static wxArrayString s_PowerNameList; void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnLeftClick( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition ) { SCH_ITEM* item = GetScreen()->GetCurItem(); wxPoint gridPosition = GetGridPosition( aPosition ); if( ( GetToolId() == ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED ) || ( item && item->GetFlags() ) ) { DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = false; m_itemToRepeat = NULL; if( item && item->GetFlags() ) { switch( item->Type() ) { case SCH_LABEL_T: case SCH_GLOBAL_LABEL_T: case SCH_HIERARCHICAL_LABEL_T: case SCH_TEXT_T: case SCH_SHEET_PIN_T: case SCH_SHEET_T: case SCH_BUS_ENTRY_T: case SCH_JUNCTION_T: case SCH_COMPONENT_T: case SCH_FIELD_T: item->Place( this, aDC ); GetScreen()->SetCurItem( NULL ); GetScreen()->TestDanglingEnds(); DrawPanel->Refresh( true ); return; case SCH_LINE_T: // May already be drawing segment. break; default: wxFAIL_MSG( wxT( "SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnLeftClick error. Item type <" ) + item->GetClass() + wxT( "> is already being edited." ) ); item->ClearFlags(); } } else { item = LocateAndShowItem( aPosition ); } } switch( GetToolId() ) { case ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED: break; case ID_HIERARCHY_PUSH_POP_BUTT: if( ( item && item->GetFlags() ) || ( g_RootSheet->CountSheets() == 0 ) ) break; item = LocateAndShowItem( aPosition, SCH_COLLECTOR::SheetsOnly ); if( item ) { m_CurrentSheet->Push( (SCH_SHEET*) item ); DisplayCurrentSheet(); } else { wxCHECK_RET( m_CurrentSheet->Last() != g_RootSheet, wxT( "Cannot leave root sheet. Bad Programmer!" ) ); m_CurrentSheet->Pop(); DisplayCurrentSheet(); } break; case ID_NOCONN_BUTT: if( ( item == NULL ) || ( item->GetFlags() == 0 ) ) { m_itemToRepeat = AddNoConnect( aDC, gridPosition ); GetScreen()->SetCurItem( m_itemToRepeat ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = true; } else { item->Place( this, aDC ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = false; } GetScreen()->TestDanglingEnds(); DrawPanel->Refresh( true ); break; case ID_JUNCTION_BUTT: if( ( item == NULL ) || ( item->GetFlags() == 0 ) ) { m_itemToRepeat = AddJunction( aDC, gridPosition, true ); GetScreen()->SetCurItem( m_itemToRepeat ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = true; } else { item->Place( this, aDC ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = false; } GetScreen()->TestDanglingEnds(); DrawPanel->Refresh( true ); break; case ID_WIRETOBUS_ENTRY_BUTT: case ID_BUSTOBUS_ENTRY_BUTT: if( ( item == NULL ) || ( item->GetFlags() == 0 ) ) { item = CreateBusEntry( aDC, ( GetToolId() == ID_WIRETOBUS_ENTRY_BUTT ) ? WIRE_TO_BUS : BUS_TO_BUS ); GetScreen()->SetCurItem( item ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = true; } else { item->Place( this, aDC ); GetScreen()->SetCurItem( NULL ); GetScreen()->TestDanglingEnds(); DrawPanel->Refresh( true ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = false; } break; case ID_SCHEMATIC_DELETE_ITEM_BUTT: DeleteItemAtCrossHair( aDC ); OnModify(); GetScreen()->SetCurItem( NULL ); GetScreen()->TestDanglingEnds(); DrawPanel->Refresh( true ); break; case ID_WIRE_BUTT: BeginSegment( aDC, LAYER_WIRE ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = true; break; case ID_BUS_BUTT: BeginSegment( aDC, LAYER_BUS ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = true; break; case ID_LINE_COMMENT_BUTT: BeginSegment( aDC, LAYER_NOTES ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = true; break; case ID_TEXT_COMMENT_BUTT: if( ( item == NULL ) || ( item->GetFlags() == 0 ) ) { GetScreen()->SetCurItem( CreateNewText( aDC, LAYER_NOTES ) ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = true; } else { item->Place( this, aDC ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = false; } break; case ID_LABEL_BUTT: if( ( item == NULL ) || ( item->GetFlags() == 0 ) ) { GetScreen()->SetCurItem( CreateNewText( aDC, LAYER_LOCLABEL ) ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = true; } else { item->Place( this, aDC ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = false; GetScreen()->TestDanglingEnds(); DrawPanel->Refresh( true ); } break; case ID_GLABEL_BUTT: case ID_HIERLABEL_BUTT: if( (item == NULL) || (item->GetFlags() == 0) ) { if( GetToolId() == ID_GLABEL_BUTT ) GetScreen()->SetCurItem( CreateNewText( aDC, LAYER_GLOBLABEL ) ); if( GetToolId() == ID_HIERLABEL_BUTT ) GetScreen()->SetCurItem( CreateNewText( aDC, LAYER_HIERLABEL ) ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = true; } else { item->Place( this, aDC ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = false; GetScreen()->TestDanglingEnds(); DrawPanel->Refresh( true ); } break; case ID_SHEET_SYMBOL_BUTT: if( ( item == NULL ) || ( item->GetFlags() == 0 ) ) { GetScreen()->SetCurItem( CreateSheet( aDC ) ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = true; } else { item->Place( this, aDC ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = false; GetScreen()->TestDanglingEnds(); DrawPanel->Refresh( true ); } break; case ID_IMPORT_HLABEL_BUTT: case ID_SHEET_PIN_BUTT: if( ( item == NULL ) || ( item->GetFlags() == 0 ) ) item = LocateAndShowItem( aPosition, SCH_COLLECTOR::SheetsAndSheetLabels ); if( item == NULL ) break; if( (item->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T) && (item->GetFlags() == 0) ) { if( GetToolId() == ID_IMPORT_HLABEL_BUTT ) GetScreen()->SetCurItem( ImportSheetPin( (SCH_SHEET*) item, aDC ) ); else GetScreen()->SetCurItem( CreateSheetPin( (SCH_SHEET*) item, aDC ) ); } else if( (item->Type() == SCH_SHEET_PIN_T) && (item->GetFlags() != 0) ) { item->Place( this, aDC ); GetScreen()->TestDanglingEnds(); DrawPanel->Refresh( true ); } break; case ID_SCH_PLACE_COMPONENT: if( (item == NULL) || (item->GetFlags() == 0) ) { GetScreen()->SetCurItem( Load_Component( aDC, wxEmptyString, s_CmpNameList, true ) ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = true; } else { item->Place( this, aDC ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = false; GetScreen()->TestDanglingEnds(); DrawPanel->Refresh( true ); } break; case ID_PLACE_POWER_BUTT: if( ( item == NULL ) || ( item->GetFlags() == 0 ) ) { GetScreen()->SetCurItem( Load_Component( aDC, wxT( "power" ), s_PowerNameList, false ) ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = true; } else { item->Place( this, aDC ); DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Request = false; GetScreen()->TestDanglingEnds(); DrawPanel->Refresh( true ); } break; default: SetToolID( ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED, DrawPanel->GetDefaultCursor(), wxEmptyString ); wxFAIL_MSG( wxT( "SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnLeftClick invalid tool ID <" ) + wxString::Format( wxT( "%d> selected." ), GetToolId() ) ); } } /** * Function OnLeftDClick * called on a double click event from the drawpanel mouse handler * if an editable item is found (text, component) * Call the suitable dialog editor. * Id a create command is in progress: * validate and finish the command */ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnLeftDClick( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition ) { EDA_ITEM* item = GetScreen()->GetCurItem(); wxPoint pos = aPosition; switch( GetToolId() ) { case ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED: if( ( item == NULL ) || ( item->GetFlags() == 0 ) ) { item = LocateAndShowItem( aPosition ); } if( ( item == NULL ) || ( item->GetFlags() != 0 ) ) break; switch( item->Type() ) { case SCH_SHEET_T: m_CurrentSheet->Push( (SCH_SHEET*) item ); DisplayCurrentSheet(); break; case SCH_COMPONENT_T: InstallCmpeditFrame( this, (SCH_COMPONENT*) item ); DrawPanel->MoveCursorToCrossHair(); break; case SCH_TEXT_T: case SCH_LABEL_T: case SCH_GLOBAL_LABEL_T: case SCH_HIERARCHICAL_LABEL_T: EditSchematicText( (SCH_TEXT*) item ); break; case SCH_FIELD_T: EditComponentFieldText( (SCH_FIELD*) item, aDC ); DrawPanel->MoveCursorToCrossHair(); break; case SCH_MARKER_T: ( (SCH_MARKER*) item )->DisplayMarkerInfo( this ); break; default: break; } break; case ID_BUS_BUTT: case ID_WIRE_BUTT: case ID_LINE_COMMENT_BUTT: if( item && item->IsNew() ) EndSegment( aDC ); break; } }