/************************************/ /* delete.cpp */ /************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "class_sch_screen.h" #include "wxEeschemaStruct.h" #include "general.h" #include "protos.h" #include "sch_marker.h" #include "sch_junction.h" #include "sch_line.h" #include "sch_sheet.h" #include "sch_text.h" /* * Delete a connection, i.e wires or bus connected * stop on a node (more than 2 wires (bus) connected) */ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::DeleteConnection( bool DeleteFullConnection ) { SCH_ITEM* item; EDA_ITEM* tmp; EDA_ITEMS list; PICKED_ITEMS_LIST pickList; SCH_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen(); wxPoint pos = screen->GetCrossHairPosition(); // Clear flags member for all items. screen->ClearDrawingState(); screen->BreakSegmentsOnJunctions(); if( screen->GetNode( pos, list ) == 0 ) return; for( size_t i = 0; i < list.size(); i++ ) { item = (SCH_ITEM*) list[ i ]; item->SetFlags( SELECTEDNODE | STRUCT_DELETED ); /* Put this structure in the picked list: */ ITEM_PICKER picker( item, UR_DELETED ); pickList.PushItem( picker ); } /* Mark all wires, junctions, .. connected to one of the item to delete */ if( DeleteFullConnection ) { SCH_LINE* segment; for( item = screen->GetDrawItems(); item != NULL; item = item->Next() ) { if( !(item->GetFlags() & SELECTEDNODE) ) continue; if( item->Type() != SCH_LINE_T ) continue; screen->MarkConnections( (SCH_LINE*) item ); } // Search all removable wires (i.e wire with one new dangling end ) for( item = screen->GetDrawItems(); item != NULL; item = item->Next() ) { bool noconnect = false; if( item->GetFlags() & STRUCT_DELETED ) continue; // Already seen if( !(item->GetFlags() & CANDIDATE) ) continue; // Already seen if( item->Type() != SCH_LINE_T ) continue; item->SetFlags( SKIP_STRUCT ); segment = (SCH_LINE*) item; /* Test the SEGM->m_Start point: if this point was connected to * an STRUCT_DELETED wire, and now is not connected, the wire can * be deleted */ SCH_LINE* testSegment = NULL; for( tmp = screen->GetDrawItems(); tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->Next() ) { if( ( tmp->GetFlags() & STRUCT_DELETED ) == 0 ) continue; if( tmp->Type() != SCH_LINE_T ) continue; testSegment = (SCH_LINE*) tmp; if( testSegment->IsEndPoint( segment->m_Start ) ) break; } if( testSegment && !screen->CountConnectedItems( segment->m_Start, true ) ) noconnect = true; /* Test the SEGM->m_End point: if this point was connected to * an STRUCT_DELETED wire, and now is not connected, the wire * can be deleted */ for( tmp = screen->GetDrawItems(); tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->Next() ) { if( ( tmp->GetFlags() & STRUCT_DELETED ) == 0 ) continue; if( tmp->Type() != SCH_LINE_T ) continue; if( testSegment->IsEndPoint( segment->m_End ) ) break; } if( tmp && !screen->CountConnectedItems( segment->m_End, true ) ) noconnect = true; item->ClearFlags( SKIP_STRUCT ); if( noconnect ) { item->SetFlags( STRUCT_DELETED ); /* Put this structure in the picked list: */ ITEM_PICKER picker( item, UR_DELETED ); pickList.PushItem( picker ); item = screen->GetDrawItems(); } } // Delete redundant junctions (junctions which connect < 3 end wires // and no pin are removed) for( item = screen->GetDrawItems(); item != NULL; item = item->Next() ) { if( item->GetFlags() & STRUCT_DELETED ) continue; if( !(item->GetFlags() & CANDIDATE) ) continue; if( item->Type() != SCH_JUNCTION_T ) continue; SCH_JUNCTION* junction = (SCH_JUNCTION*) item; if( screen->CountConnectedItems( junction->m_Pos, false ) <= 2 ) { item->SetFlags( STRUCT_DELETED ); /* Put this structure in the picked list: */ ITEM_PICKER picker( item, UR_DELETED ); pickList.PushItem( picker ); } } for( item = screen->GetDrawItems(); item != NULL; item = item->Next() ) { if( item->GetFlags() & STRUCT_DELETED ) continue; if( item->Type() != SCH_LABEL_T ) continue; tmp = screen->GetWireOrBus( ( (SCH_TEXT*) item )->m_Pos ); if( tmp && tmp->GetFlags() & STRUCT_DELETED ) { item->SetFlags( STRUCT_DELETED ); /* Put this structure in the picked list: */ ITEM_PICKER picker( item, UR_DELETED ); pickList.PushItem( picker ); } } } screen->ClearDrawingState(); if( pickList.GetCount() ) { DeleteItemsInList( DrawPanel, pickList ); OnModify(); } } bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::DeleteItemAtCrossHair( wxDC* DC ) { SCH_ITEM* item; SCH_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen(); item = LocateItem( screen->GetCrossHairPosition(), SCH_COLLECTOR::ParentItems ); if( item ) { bool itemHasConnections = item->IsConnectable(); GetScreen()->SetCurItem( NULL ); SetRepeatItem( NULL ); DeleteItem( item ); if( itemHasConnections ) screen->TestDanglingEnds( DrawPanel, DC ); OnModify(); return true; } return false; }