/* * This program source code file is part of KICAD, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2016 Anil8735(https://stackoverflow.com/users/3659387/anil8753) * from https://stackoverflow.com/a/37274011 * Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Kicad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include SPLIT_BUTTON::SPLIT_BUTTON( wxWindow* aParent, wxWindowID aId, const wxString& aLabel, const wxPoint& aPos, const wxSize& aSize ) : wxPanel( aParent, aId, aPos, aSize, wxBORDER_NONE | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL, wxS( "DropDownButton" ) ), m_label( aLabel ) { if( aSize == wxDefaultSize ) { wxSize defaultSize = wxButton::GetDefaultSize( aParent ); wxSize textSize = GetTextExtent( m_label ); SetMinSize( wxSize( std::max( textSize.GetWidth(), defaultSize.GetWidth() + 1 ), defaultSize.GetHeight() + 1 ) ); } Bind( wxEVT_PAINT, &SPLIT_BUTTON::OnPaint, this ); Bind( wxEVT_LEFT_UP, &SPLIT_BUTTON::OnLeftButtonUp, this ); Bind( wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, &SPLIT_BUTTON::OnLeftButtonDown, this ); Bind( wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS, &SPLIT_BUTTON::OnKillFocus, this ); Bind( wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, &SPLIT_BUTTON::OnMouseLeave, this ); Bind( wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW, &SPLIT_BUTTON::OnMouseEnter, this ); Bind( wxEVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED, wxSysColourChangedEventHandler( SPLIT_BUTTON::onThemeChanged ), this ); m_pMenu = new wxMenu(); } SPLIT_BUTTON::~SPLIT_BUTTON() { delete m_pMenu; m_pMenu = nullptr; } void SPLIT_BUTTON::onThemeChanged( wxSysColourChangedEvent &aEvent ) { Refresh(); } void SPLIT_BUTTON::SetMinSize( const wxSize& aSize ) { m_unadjustedMinSize = aSize; wxPanel::SetMinSize( wxSize( aSize.GetWidth() + m_arrowButtonWidth + m_widthPadding, aSize.GetHeight() ) ); } void SPLIT_BUTTON::SetWidthPadding( int aPadding ) { m_widthPadding = aPadding; SetMinSize( m_unadjustedMinSize ); } void SPLIT_BUTTON::SetBitmap( const wxBitmapBundle& aBmp ) { m_bitmap = aBmp; #ifndef __WXMSW__ SetMinSize( m_bitmap.GetDefaultSize() ); #else SetMinSize( m_bitmap.GetPreferredBitmapSizeFor( this ) ); #endif } void SPLIT_BUTTON::SetLabel( const wxString& aLabel ) { if( m_label != aLabel ) { m_label = aLabel; Refresh(); } } wxMenu* SPLIT_BUTTON::GetSplitButtonMenu() { return m_pMenu; } void SPLIT_BUTTON::OnKillFocus( wxFocusEvent& aEvent ) { if( m_stateButton != 0 || m_stateMenu != 0 ) { m_stateButton = 0; m_stateMenu = 0; Refresh(); } aEvent.Skip(); } void SPLIT_BUTTON::OnMouseLeave( wxMouseEvent& aEvent ) { if( m_stateButton != 0 || m_stateMenu != 0 ) { m_stateButton = 0; m_stateMenu = 0; Refresh(); } aEvent.Skip(); } void SPLIT_BUTTON::OnMouseEnter( wxMouseEvent& aEvent ) { if( m_stateButton != wxCONTROL_CURRENT || m_stateMenu != wxCONTROL_CURRENT ) { m_stateButton = wxCONTROL_CURRENT; m_stateMenu = wxCONTROL_CURRENT; Refresh(); } aEvent.Skip(); } void SPLIT_BUTTON::OnLeftButtonUp( wxMouseEvent& aEvent ) { m_stateButton = 0; m_stateMenu = 0; Refresh(); int x = -1; int y = -1; aEvent.GetPosition( &x, &y ); if( x < ( GetSize().GetWidth() - m_arrowButtonWidth ) ) { wxEvtHandler* pEventHandler = GetEventHandler(); wxASSERT( pEventHandler ); pEventHandler->CallAfter( [=]() { wxCommandEvent evt( wxEVT_BUTTON, GetId() ); evt.SetEventObject( this ); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( evt ); } ); } m_bLButtonDown = false; aEvent.Skip(); } void SPLIT_BUTTON::OnLeftButtonDown( wxMouseEvent& aEvent ) { m_bLButtonDown = true; int x = -1; int y = -1; aEvent.GetPosition( &x, &y ); if( x >= ( GetSize().GetWidth() - m_arrowButtonWidth ) ) { m_stateButton = 0; m_stateMenu = wxCONTROL_PRESSED; Refresh(); wxSize size = GetSize(); wxPoint position; position.x = 0; position.y = size.GetHeight(); PopupMenu( m_pMenu, position ); m_stateMenu = 0; Refresh(); } else { m_stateButton = wxCONTROL_PRESSED; m_stateMenu = wxCONTROL_PRESSED; Refresh(); } aEvent.Skip(); } void SPLIT_BUTTON::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED( aEvent ) ) { wxPaintDC dc( this ); wxSize size = GetSize(); const int width = size.GetWidth() - m_arrowButtonWidth; #ifdef __WXMAC__ auto drawBackground = [&]( wxRect aRect ) { // wxWidgets doesn't have much support for dark mode on OSX; none of the // system colours return the right values, nor does wxRendererNative draw // the borders correctly. So we add some empirically chosen hacks here. // NOTE: KEEP THESE HACKS IN SYNC WITH STD_BITMAP_BUTTON wxColor fg = wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNTEXT ); wxColor bg = wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE ); aRect.width += 1; aRect.height += 1; if( KIPLATFORM::UI::IsDarkTheme() ) { bg = bg.ChangeLightness( m_bIsEnable ? 130 : 120 ); dc.SetBrush( bg ); dc.SetPen( bg ); } else { bg = bg.ChangeLightness( m_bIsEnable ? 200 : 160 ); dc.SetBrush( bg ); fg = fg.ChangeLightness( 180 ); dc.SetPen( fg ); } dc.DrawRoundedRectangle( aRect, aRect.height / 4.0 ); }; #endif // Draw first part of button wxRect r1; r1.x = 0; r1.y = 0; r1.width = width; r1.height = size.GetHeight(); #ifdef __WXMAC__ // wxRendereNative doesn't handle dark mode on OSX. drawBackground( r1 ); #else #ifdef _WXMSW_ r1.width += 2; #endif wxRendererNative::Get().DrawPushButton( this, dc, r1, m_stateButton ); #endif SetForegroundColour( m_bIsEnable ? wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNTEXT ) : wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_GRAYTEXT ) ); if( m_bitmap.IsOk() ) { #ifndef __WXMSW__ wxSize bmpSize = m_bitmap.GetDefaultSize(); #else wxSize bmpSize = m_bitmap.GetPreferredBitmapSizeFor( this ); #endif wxBitmap bmp = m_bitmap.GetBitmapFor( this ); wxMemoryDC mdc( bmp ); r1.x = ( width - bmpSize.GetWidth() ) / 2; if( r1.x < 0 ) r1.x = 0; r1.y += ( size.GetHeight() - bmpSize.GetHeight() ) / 2; dc.Blit( wxPoint( r1.x, r1.y ), bmpSize, &mdc, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), wxCOPY, true ); } else { r1.y += ( ( size.GetHeight() - GetCharHeight() ) / 2 ) - 1; dc.DrawLabel( m_label, r1, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL ); } // Draw second part of button wxRect r2; r2.x = width; r2.y = 0; r2.width = m_arrowButtonWidth; r2.height = size.GetHeight(); #ifdef __WXMAC__ // wxRendereNative doesn't handle dark mode on OSX. drawBackground( r2 ); #else r2.x -= 2; wxRendererNative::Get().DrawPushButton( this, dc, r2, m_stateMenu ); #endif wxRendererNative::Get().DrawDropArrow( this, dc, r2, m_stateMenu ); } bool SPLIT_BUTTON::Enable( bool aEnable ) { m_bIsEnable = aEnable; wxPanel::Enable( m_bIsEnable ); if( m_bIsEnable && ( m_stateButton == wxCONTROL_DISABLED || m_stateMenu == wxCONTROL_DISABLED ) ) { m_stateButton = 0; m_stateMenu = 0; Refresh(); } if( !m_bIsEnable && ( m_stateButton != wxCONTROL_DISABLED || m_stateMenu != wxCONTROL_DISABLED ) ) { m_stateButton = wxCONTROL_DISABLED; m_stateMenu = wxCONTROL_DISABLED; Refresh(); } return aEnable; }