/* header file for shared ngspice */ /* Copyright 2013 Holger Vogt */ /* Modified BSD license */ /* Interface between a calling program (caller) and ngspice.dll (ngspice.so) ** ngSpice_Init(SendChar*, SendStat*, ControlledExit*, SendData*, SendInitData*, BGThreadRunning*, void*) After caller has loaded ngspice.dll, the simulator has to be initialized by calling ngSpice_Init(). Address pointers of several callback functions defined in the caller are sent to ngspice.dll. Callback funtion typedefs SendChar typedef of callback function for reading printf, fprintf, fputs SendStat typedef of callback function for reading status string and precent value ControlledExit typedef of callback function for tranferring a signal upon ngspice controlled_exit to caller. May be used by caller to detach ngspice.dll. SendData typedef of callback function for sending an array of structs containing data values of all vectors in the current plot (simulation output) SendInitData typedef of callback function for sending an array of structs containing info on all vectors in the current plot (immediately before simulation starts) BGThreadRunning typedef of callback function for sending a boolean signal (true if thread is running) The void pointer may contain the object address of the calling function ('self' or 'this' pointer), so that the answer may be directed to a calling object. Callback functions are defined in the global section. ** ngSpice_Command(char*) Send a valid command (see the control or interactive commands) from caller to ngspice.dll. Will be executed immediately (as if in interactive mode). Some commands are rejected (e.g. 'plot', because there is no graphics interface). Command 'quit' will remove internal data, and then send a notice to caller via ngexit(). ** ngGet_Vec_Info(char*) receives the name of a vector (may be in the form 'vectorname' or .vectorname) and returns a pointer to a vector_info struct. The caller may then directly assess the vector data (but probably should not modify them). ** ngSpice_Circ(char**) sends an array of null-terminated char* to ngspice.dll. Each char* contains a single line of a circuit (each line like in an input file **.sp). The last entry to char** has to be NULL. Upon receiving the arry, ngspice.dll will immediately parse the input and set up the circuit structure (as if received the circuit from a file by the 'source' command. ** char* ngSpice_CurPlot(); returns to the caller a pointer to the name of the current plot ** char** ngSpice_AllPlots() returns to the caller a pointer to an array of all plots (by their typename) ** char** ngSpice_AllVecs(char*); returns to the caller a pointer to an array of vector names in the plot named by the string in the argument. ** Additional basics: No memory mallocing and freeing across the interface: Memory allocated in ngspice.dll has to be freed in ngspice.dll. Memory allocated in the calling program has to be freed only there. ngspice.dll should never call exit() directly, but handle either the 'quit' request to the caller or an request for exiting upon error, done by callback function ngexit(). */ #ifndef NGSPICE_DLL_H #define NGSPICE_DLL_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__CYGWIN__) #ifdef SHARED_MODULE #define IMPEXP __declspec(dllexport) #else #define IMPEXP __declspec(dllimport) #endif #else /* use with gcc flag -fvisibility=hidden */ #if __GNUC__ >= 4 #define IMPEXP __attribute__ ((visibility ("default"))) #define IMPEXPLOCAL __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) #else #define IMPEXP #define IMPEXP_LOCAL #endif #endif /* required only if header is used by the caller, is already defined in ngspice.dll */ #ifndef ngspice_NGSPICE_H /* Complex numbers. */ struct ngcomplex { double cx_real; double cx_imag; } ; typedef struct ngcomplex ngcomplex_t; #endif /* vector info obtained from any vector in ngspice.dll. Allows direct access to the ngspice internal vector structure, as defined in include/ngspice/devc.h . */ typedef struct vector_info { char *v_name; /* Same as so_vname. */ int v_type; /* Same as so_vtype. */ short v_flags; /* Flags (a combination of VF_*). */ double *v_realdata; /* Real data. */ ngcomplex_t *v_compdata; /* Complex data. */ int v_length; /* Length of the vector. */ } vector_info, *pvector_info; typedef struct vecvalues { char* name; /* name of a specific vector */ double creal; /* actual data value */ double cimag; /* actual data value */ bool is_scale; /* if 'name' is the scale vector */ bool is_complex; /* if the data are complex numbers */ } vecvalues, *pvecvalues; typedef struct vecvaluesall { int veccount; /* number of vectors in plot */ int vecindex; /* index of actual set of vectors. i.e. the number of accepted data points */ pvecvalues *vecsa; /* values of actual set of vectors, indexed from 0 to veccount - 1 */ } vecvaluesall, *pvecvaluesall; /* info for a specific vector */ typedef struct vecinfo { int number; /* number of vector, as postion in the linked list of vectors, starts with 0 */ char *vecname; /* name of the actual vector */ bool is_real; /* TRUE if the actual vector has real data */ void *pdvec; /* a void pointer to struct dvec *d, the actual vector */ void *pdvecscale; /* a void pointer to struct dvec *ds, the scale vector */ } vecinfo, *pvecinfo; /* info for the current plot */ typedef struct vecinfoall { /* the plot */ char *name; char *title; char *date; char *type; int veccount; /* the data as an array of vecinfo with length equal to the number of vectors in the plot */ pvecinfo *vecs; } vecinfoall, *pvecinfoall; /* callback functions addresses received from caller with ngSpice_Init() function */ /* sending output from stdout, stderr to caller */ typedef int (SendChar)(char*, int, void*); /* char* string to be sent to caller output int identification number of calling ngspice shared lib void* return pointer received from caller, e.g. pointer to object having sent the request */ /* sending simulation status to caller */ typedef int (SendStat)(char*, int, void*); /* char* simulation status and value (in percent) to be sent to caller int identification number of calling ngspice shared lib void* return pointer received from caller */ /* asking for controlled exit */ typedef int (ControlledExit)(int, bool, bool, int, void*); /* int exit status bool if true: immediate unloading dll, if false: just set flag, unload is done when function has returned bool if true: exit upon 'quit', if false: exit due to ngspice.dll error int identification number of calling ngspice shared lib void* return pointer received from caller */ /* send back actual vector data */ typedef int (SendData)(pvecvaluesall, int, int, void*); /* vecvaluesall* pointer to array of structs containing actual values from all vectors int number of structs (one per vector) int identification number of calling ngspice shared lib void* return pointer received from caller */ /* send back initailization vector data */ typedef int (SendInitData)(pvecinfoall, int, void*); /* vecinfoall* pointer to array of structs containing data from all vectors right after initialization int identification number of calling ngspice shared lib void* return pointer received from caller */ /* indicate if background thread is running */ typedef int (BGThreadRunning)(bool, int, void*); /* bool true if background thread is running int identification number of calling ngspice shared lib void* return pointer received from caller */ /* callback functions addresses received from caller with ngSpice_Init_Sync() function */ /* ask for VSRC EXTERNAL value */ typedef int (GetVSRCData)(double*, double, char*, int, void*); /* double* return voltage value double actual time char* node name int identification number of calling ngspice shared lib void* return pointer received from caller */ /* ask for ISRC EXTERNAL value */ typedef int (GetISRCData)(double*, double, char*, int, void*); /* double* return current value double actual time char* node name int identification number of calling ngspice shared lib void* return pointer received from caller */ /* ask for new delta time depending on synchronization requirements */ typedef int (GetSyncData)(double, double*, double, int, int, int, void*); /* double actual time (ckt->CKTtime) double* delta time (ckt->CKTdelta) double old delta time (olddelta) int redostep (as set by ngspice) int identification number of calling ngspice shared lib int location of call for synchronization in dctran.c void* return pointer received from caller */ /* ngspice initialization, printfcn: pointer to callback function for reading printf, fprintf statfcn: pointer to callback function for the status string and percent value ControlledExit: pointer to callback function for setting a 'quit' signal in caller SendData: pointer to callback function for returning data values of all current output vectors SendInitData: pointer to callback function for returning information of all output vectors just initialized BGThreadRunning: pointer to callback function indicating if workrt thread is running userData: pointer to user-defined data, will not be modified, but handed over back to caller during Callback, e.g. address of calling object */ IMPEXP int ngSpice_Init(SendChar* printfcn, SendStat* statfcn, ControlledExit* ngexit, SendData* sdata, SendInitData* sinitdata, BGThreadRunning* bgtrun, void* userData); /* initialization of synchronizing functions vsrcdat: pointer to callback function for retrieving a voltage source value from caller isrcdat: pointer to callback function for retrieving a current source value from caller syncdat: pointer to callback function for synchronization ident: pointer to integer unique to this shared library (defaults to 0) userData: pointer to user-defined data, will not be modified, but handed over back to caller during Callback, e.g. address of calling object. If NULL is sent here, userdata info from ngSpice_Init() will be kept, otherwise userdata will be overridden by new value from here. */ IMPEXP int ngSpice_Init_Sync(GetVSRCData *vsrcdat, GetISRCData *isrcdat, GetSyncData *syncdat, int *ident, void *userData); /* Caller may send ngspice commands to ngspice.dll. Commands are executed immediately */ IMPEXP int ngSpice_Command(char* command); /* get info about a vector */ IMPEXP pvector_info ngGet_Vec_Info(char* vecname); /* send a circuit to ngspice.dll The circuit description is a dynamic array of char*. Each char* corresponds to a single circuit line. The last entry of the array has to be a NULL */ IMPEXP int ngSpice_Circ(char** circarray); /* return to the caller a pointer to the name of the current plot */ IMPEXP char* ngSpice_CurPlot(void); /* return to the caller a pointer to an array of all plots created so far by ngspice.dll */ IMPEXP char** ngSpice_AllPlots(void); /* return to the caller a pointer to an array of vector names in the plot named by plotname */ IMPEXP char** ngSpice_AllVecs(char* plotname); /* returns TRUE if ngspice is running in a second (background) thread */ IMPEXP bool ngSpice_running(void); /* set a breakpoint in ngspice */ IMPEXP bool ngSpice_SetBkpt(double time); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif