/*! \file kbool/samples/boolonly/boolonly.cpp \brief boolonly demonstrates the use of the boolean algorithm \author Probably Klaas Holwerda Copyright: 2001-2004 (C) Probably Klaas Holwerda Licence: wxWidgets Licence RCS-ID: $Id: boolonly.cpp,v 1.9 2005/01/16 18:39:24 kire_putsje Exp $ */ #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "boolonly.h" #include // Constructors KBoolPoint::KBoolPoint() { _x = 0.0; _y = 0.0; } KBoolPoint::KBoolPoint(double const X, double const Y) { _x = X; _y = Y; } double KBoolPoint::GetX() { return _x; } double KBoolPoint::GetY() { return _y; } template class TDLI; void ArmBoolEng( Bool_Engine* booleng ) { // set some global vals to arm the boolean engine double DGRID = 1000; // round coordinate X or Y value in calculations to this double MARGE = 0.001; // snap with in this range points to lines in the intersection routines // should always be > DGRID a MARGE >= 10*DGRID is oke // this is also used to remove small segments and to decide when // two segments are in line. double CORRECTIONFACTOR = 500.0; // correct the polygons by this number double CORRECTIONABER = 1.0; // the accuracy for the rounded shapes used in correction double ROUNDFACTOR = 1.5; // when will we round the correction shape to a circle double SMOOTHABER = 10.0; // accuracy when smoothing a polygon double MAXLINEMERGE = 1000.0; // leave as is, segments of this length in smoothen // DGRID is only meant to make fractional parts of input data which // are doubles, part of the integers used in vertexes within the boolean algorithm. // Within the algorithm all input data is multiplied with DGRID // space for extra intersection inside the boolean algorithms // only change this if there are problems int GRID =10000; booleng->SetMarge( MARGE ); booleng->SetGrid( GRID ); booleng->SetDGrid( DGRID ); booleng->SetCorrectionFactor( CORRECTIONFACTOR ); booleng->SetCorrectionAber( CORRECTIONABER ); booleng->SetSmoothAber( SMOOTHABER ); booleng->SetMaxlinemerge( MAXLINEMERGE ); booleng->SetRoundfactor( ROUNDFACTOR ); } void AddPolygonsToBoolEng2( Bool_Engine* booleng ) { int x1 = 100; int x2 = 200; int y1 = 100; int y2 = 200; int pitch1 = 200; int numRowsAndCols = 120; int i, j; for ( i = 0; i < numRowsAndCols; i++) { for ( j = 0; j < numRowsAndCols; j++) { // foreach point in a polygon ... if (booleng->StartPolygonAdd(GROUP_A)) { // Counter-Clockwise booleng->AddPoint(x1,y1); booleng->AddPoint(x2,y1); booleng->AddPoint(x2,y2); booleng->AddPoint(x1,y2); } booleng->EndPolygonAdd(); x1 += pitch1; x2 += pitch1; } x1 = 100; x2 = 200; y1 += pitch1; y2 += pitch1; } x1 = 150; x2 = 250; y1 = 150; y2 = 250; for ( i = 0; i < numRowsAndCols; i++) { for ( int j = 0; j < numRowsAndCols; j++) { // foreach point in a polygon ... if (booleng->StartPolygonAdd(GROUP_B)) { // Counter Clockwise booleng->AddPoint(x1,y1); booleng->AddPoint(x2,y1); booleng->AddPoint(x2,y2); booleng->AddPoint(x1,y2); } booleng->EndPolygonAdd(); x1 += pitch1; x2 += pitch1; } x1 = 150; x2 = 250; y1 += pitch1; y2 += pitch1; } } void AddPolygonsToBoolEng( Bool_Engine* booleng ) { // foreach point in a polygon ... if (booleng->StartPolygonAdd(GROUP_A)) { booleng->AddPoint( 28237.480000, 396.364000 ); booleng->AddPoint( 28237.980000, 394.121000 ); booleng->AddPoint( 28242.000000, 395.699000 ); booleng->AddPoint( 28240.830000, 397.679000 ); } booleng->EndPolygonAdd(); // foreach point in a polygon ... if (booleng->StartPolygonAdd(GROUP_B)) { booleng->AddPoint( 28242.100000, 398.491000 ); booleng->AddPoint( 28240.580000, 397.485000 ); booleng->AddPoint( 28237.910000, 394.381000 ); } booleng->EndPolygonAdd(); if (booleng->StartPolygonAdd(GROUP_B)) { booleng->AddPoint( 28243.440000, 399.709000 ); booleng->AddPoint( 28237.910000, 394.381000 ); booleng->AddPoint( 28239.290000, 394.763000 ); } booleng->EndPolygonAdd(); } void AddPolygonsToBoolEng3( Bool_Engine* booleng ) { // foreach point in a polygon ... if (booleng->StartPolygonAdd(GROUP_A)) { booleng->AddPoint(100,100); booleng->AddPoint(-100,100); booleng->AddPoint(-100,-100); booleng->AddPoint(100,-100); } booleng->EndPolygonAdd(); // foreach point in a polygon ... if (booleng->StartPolygonAdd(GROUP_B)) { booleng->AddPoint(50,50); booleng->AddPoint(-50,50); booleng->AddPoint(-50,-50); booleng->AddPoint(50,-50); booleng->EndPolygonAdd(); } booleng->EndPolygonAdd(); } void AddPolygonsToBoolEng4( Bool_Engine* booleng ) { // foreach point in a polygon ... if (booleng->StartPolygonAdd(GROUP_A)) { booleng->AddPoint(0,0); booleng->AddPoint(0,1000); booleng->AddPoint(1000,1000); booleng->AddPoint(1000,0); } booleng->EndPolygonAdd(); } void GetPolygonsFromBoolEng( Bool_Engine* booleng ) { // foreach resultant polygon in the booleng ... while ( booleng->StartPolygonGet() ) { // foreach point in the polygon while ( booleng->PolygonHasMorePoints() ) { fprintf(stderr,"x = %f\t", booleng->GetPolygonXPoint()); fprintf(stderr,"y = %f\n", booleng->GetPolygonYPoint()); } booleng->EndPolygonGet(); } } void GetPolygonsFromBoolEngKEY( Bool_Engine* booleng ) { FILE* file = fopen("keyfile.key", "w"); fprintf(file,"\ HEADER 5; \ BGNLIB; \ LASTMOD {2-11-15 15:39:21}; \ LASTACC {2-11-15 15:39:21}; \ LIBNAME trial; \ UNITS; \ USERUNITS 0.0001; PHYSUNITS 2.54e-009; \ \ BGNSTR; \ CREATION {2-11-15 15:39:21}; \ LASTMOD {2-11-15 15:39:21}; \ STRNAME top; \ "); // foreach resultant polygon in the booleng ... while ( booleng->StartPolygonGet() ) { fprintf(file,"BOUNDARY; LAYER 2; DATATYPE 0;\n"); fprintf(file," XY %d; \n",booleng->GetNumPointsInPolygon()+1 ); booleng->PolygonHasMorePoints(); double firstx = booleng->GetPolygonXPoint(); double firsty = booleng->GetPolygonYPoint(); fprintf(file,"X %f;\t", firstx); fprintf(file,"Y %f; \n", firsty); // foreach point in the polygon while ( booleng->PolygonHasMorePoints() ) { fprintf(file,"X %f;\t", booleng->GetPolygonXPoint()); fprintf(file,"Y %f; \n", booleng->GetPolygonYPoint()); } booleng->EndPolygonGet(); fprintf(file,"X %f;\t", firstx); fprintf(file,"Y %f; \n", firsty); fprintf(file,"ENDEL;\n"); } fprintf(file,"\ ENDSTR top; \ ENDLIB; \ "); fclose (file); } int main() { printf( "------------------------------------------------------\n" ); printf( "| Unit test of the KBool Engine |\n" ); printf( "------------------------------------------------------\n" ); float correction; char a = '1'; while (a != '0') { Bool_Engine* booleng = new Bool_Engine(); ArmBoolEng( booleng ); AddPolygonsToBoolEng( booleng ); printf( "\n***********************************\n" ); printf( "*** version: %s \n", booleng->GetVersion() ); printf( "***********************************\n" ); printf( "1: OR operation\n" ); printf( "2: AND operation\n" ); printf( "3: EXOR operation\n" ); printf( "4: A subtract B\n" ); printf( "5: B subtract A\n" ); printf( "6: Correct each polygon with a factor\n" ); printf( "7: Smoothen each polygon\n" ); printf( "8: Make a ring around each polygon\n" ); printf( "9: No operation\n" ); printf( "0: Quit\n" ); printf( "***********************************\n" ); printf( "type a number and " ); scanf( "%c", &a ); switch (a) { case ('0'): break; case ('1'): booleng->Do_Operation(BOOL_OR); break; case ('2'): booleng->Do_Operation(BOOL_AND); break; case ('3'): booleng->Do_Operation(BOOL_EXOR); break; case ('4'): booleng->Do_Operation(BOOL_A_SUB_B); break; case ('5'): booleng->Do_Operation(BOOL_B_SUB_A); break; case ('6'): printf( "give correction factor (eg. 100.0 or -100.0):"); scanf("%f", &correction ); // correct the polygons by this number booleng->SetCorrectionFactor( correction ); booleng->Do_Operation(BOOL_CORRECTION); break; case ('7'): booleng->Do_Operation(BOOL_SMOOTHEN); break; case ('8'): printf("give width of ring :"); scanf("%f", &correction ); // create a ring of this size booleng->SetCorrectionFactor( fabs( correction / 2.0) ); booleng->Do_Operation(BOOL_MAKERING); break; case ('9'): break; default: break; } if (a != '0') { printf("\nresulting polygons\n" ); GetPolygonsFromBoolEng( booleng ); //OR USE THIS //GetPolygonsFromBoolEngKEY( booleng ); printf( "\n\ntype a character and "); scanf( "%c", &a ); } delete booleng; } return 0; }