
790 lines
29 KiB

* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2021 Jean-Pierre Charras, jp.charras at
* Copyright (C) 2023-2024 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* Some calculations (mainly computeCurvedForRoundShape) are derived from
#include <board_design_settings.h>
#include <pcb_track.h>
#include <pad.h>
#include <zone_filler.h>
#include <board_commit.h>
#include <drc/drc_rtree.h>
#include "teardrop.h"
#include <geometry/convex_hull.h>
#include <geometry/shape_line_chain.h>
#include <convert_basic_shapes_to_polygon.h>
#include <bezier_curves.h>
#include <wx/log.h>
void TRACK_BUFFER::AddTrack( PCB_TRACK* aTrack, int aLayer, int aNetcode )
auto item = m_map_tracks.find( idxFromLayNet( aLayer, aNetcode ) );
std::vector<PCB_TRACK*>* buffer;
if( item == m_map_tracks.end() )
buffer = new std::vector<PCB_TRACK*>;
m_map_tracks[idxFromLayNet( aLayer, aNetcode )] = buffer;
buffer = (*item).second;
buffer->push_back( aTrack );
if( aItem->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
PCB_VIA* via = static_cast<PCB_VIA*>( aItem );
return via->GetWidth();
else if( aItem->Type() == PCB_PAD_T )
PAD* pad = static_cast<PAD*>( aItem );
return std::min( pad->GetSize().x, pad->GetSize().y );
else if( aItem->Type() == PCB_TRACE_T || aItem->Type() == PCB_ARC_T )
PCB_TRACK* track = static_cast<PCB_TRACK*>( aItem );
return track->GetWidth();
return 0;
if( aItem->Type() == PCB_PAD_T )
PAD* pad = static_cast<PAD*>( aItem );
return pad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE::CIRCLE
|| ( pad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE::OVAL && pad->GetSize().x == pad->GetSize().y );
return true;
void TEARDROP_MANAGER::buildTrackCaches()
for( PCB_TRACK* track : m_board->Tracks() )
if( track->Type() == PCB_TRACE_T || track->Type() == PCB_ARC_T )
m_tracksRTree.Insert( track, track->GetLayer() );
m_trackLookupList.AddTrack( track, track->GetLayer(), track->GetNetCode() );
bool TEARDROP_MANAGER::areItemsInSameZone( BOARD_ITEM* aPadOrVia, PCB_TRACK* aTrack ) const
for( ZONE* zone: m_board->Zones() )
// Skip teardrops
if( zone->IsTeardropArea() )
// Only consider zones on the same layer
if( !zone->IsOnLayer( aTrack->GetLayer() ) )
if( zone->GetNetCode() == aTrack->GetNetCode() )
if( zone->Outline()->Contains( VECTOR2I( aPadOrVia->GetPosition() ) ) )
// If the first item is a pad, ensure it can be connected to the zone
if( aPadOrVia->Type() == PCB_PAD_T )
PAD *pad = static_cast<PAD*>( aPadOrVia );
if( zone->GetPadConnection() == ZONE_CONNECTION::NONE
|| pad->GetZoneConnectionOverrides( nullptr ) == ZONE_CONNECTION::NONE )
return false;
return true;
return false;
const VECTOR2I& aEndPoint ) const
int matches = 0; // Count of candidates: only 1 is acceptable
PCB_TRACK* candidate = nullptr; // a reference to the track connected
m_tracksRTree.QueryColliding( aTrackRef, aTrackRef->GetLayer(), aTrackRef->GetLayer(),
// Filter:
[&]( BOARD_ITEM* trackItem ) -> bool
return trackItem != aTrackRef;
// Visitor
[&]( BOARD_ITEM* trackItem ) -> bool
PCB_TRACK* curr_track = static_cast<PCB_TRACK*>( trackItem );
if( EDA_ITEM_FLAGS match = curr_track->IsPointOnEnds( aEndPoint, m_tolerance ) )
// if faced with a Y junction, choose the track longest segment as candidate
if( matches > 1 )
double previous_len = candidate->GetLength();
double curr_len = curr_track->GetLength();
if( previous_len >= curr_len )
return true;
aMatchType = match;
candidate = curr_track;
return true;
0 );
return candidate;
* @return a vector unit length from aVector
static VECTOR2D NormalizeVector( const VECTOR2I& aVector )
VECTOR2D vect( aVector );
double norm = vect.EuclideanNorm();
return vect / norm;
* Compute the curve part points for teardrops connected to a round shape
* The Bezier curve control points are optimized for a round pad/via shape,
* and do not give a good curve shape for other pad shapes
void TEARDROP_MANAGER::computeCurvedForRoundShape( const TEARDROP_PARAMETERS& aParams,
std::vector<VECTOR2I>& aPoly,
int aTrackHalfWidth, const VECTOR2D& aTrackDir,
BOARD_ITEM* aOther, const VECTOR2I& aOtherPos,
std::vector<VECTOR2I>& pts ) const
// in pts:
// A and B are points on the track ( pts[0] and pts[1] )
// C and E are points on the aViaPad ( pts[2] and pts[4] )
// D is the aViaPad centre ( pts[3] )
double Vpercent = aParams.m_BestWidthRatio;
int td_height = KiROUND( GetWidth( aOther ) * Vpercent );
// First, calculate a aVpercent equivalent to the td_height clamped by aTdMaxHeight
// We cannot use the initial aVpercent because it gives bad shape with points
// on aViaPad calculated for a clamped aViaPad size
if( aParams.m_TdMaxWidth > 0 && aParams.m_TdMaxWidth < td_height )
Vpercent *= (double) aParams.m_TdMaxWidth / td_height;
int radius = GetWidth( aOther ) / 2;
// Don't divide by zero. No good can come of that.
wxCHECK2( radius != 0, radius = 1 );
double minVpercent = double( aTrackHalfWidth ) / radius;
double weaken = (Vpercent - minVpercent) / ( 1 - minVpercent ) / radius;
double biasBC = 0.5 * SEG( pts[1], pts[2] ).Length();
double biasAE = 0.5 * SEG( pts[4], pts[0] ).Length();
VECTOR2I vecC = (VECTOR2I)pts[2] - aOtherPos;
VECTOR2I tangentC = VECTOR2I( pts[2].x - vecC.y * biasBC * weaken,
pts[2].y + vecC.x * biasBC * weaken );
VECTOR2I vecE = (VECTOR2I)pts[4] - aOtherPos;
VECTOR2I tangentE = VECTOR2I( pts[4].x + vecE.y * biasAE * weaken,
pts[4].y - vecE.x * biasAE * weaken );
VECTOR2I tangentB = VECTOR2I( pts[1].x - aTrackDir.x * biasBC, pts[1].y - aTrackDir.y * biasBC );
VECTOR2I tangentA = VECTOR2I( pts[0].x - aTrackDir.x * biasAE, pts[0].y - aTrackDir.y * biasAE );
std::vector<VECTOR2I> curve_pts;
curve_pts.reserve( aParams.m_CurveSegCount );
BEZIER_POLY( pts[1], tangentB, tangentC, pts[2] ).GetPoly( curve_pts, ARC_HIGH_DEF );
for( VECTOR2I& corner: curve_pts )
aPoly.push_back( corner );
aPoly.push_back( pts[3] );
BEZIER_POLY( pts[4], tangentE, tangentA, pts[0] ).GetPoly( curve_pts, ARC_HIGH_DEF );
for( VECTOR2I& corner: curve_pts )
aPoly.push_back( corner );
* Compute the curve part points for teardrops connected to a rectangular/polygonal shape
* The Bezier curve control points are not optimized for a special shape
void TEARDROP_MANAGER::computeCurvedForRectShape( const TEARDROP_PARAMETERS& aParams,
std::vector<VECTOR2I>& aPoly, int aTdWidth,
int aTrackHalfWidth,
std::vector<VECTOR2I>& aPts ) const
// in aPts:
// A and B are points on the track ( pts[0] and pts[1] )
// C and E are points on the aViaPad ( pts[2] and pts[4] )
// D is the aViaPad centre ( pts[3] )
// side1 is( aPts[1], aPts[2] ); from track to via
VECTOR2I side1( aPts[2] - aPts[1] ); // vector from track to via
// side2 is ( aPts[4], aPts[0] ); from via to track
VECTOR2I side2( aPts[4] - aPts[0] ); // vector from track to via
std::vector<VECTOR2I> curve_pts;
curve_pts.reserve( aParams.m_CurveSegCount );
// Note: This side is from track to via
VECTOR2I ctrl1 = ( aPts[1] + aPts[1] + aPts[2] ) / 3;
VECTOR2I ctrl2 = ( aPts[1] + aPts[2] + aPts[2] ) / 3;
// The control points must be moved toward the polygon inside, in order to give a curved shape
// The move vector is perpendicular to the vertex (side 1 or side 2), and its
// value is delta, depending on the sizes of via and track
int delta = ( aTdWidth / 2 - aTrackHalfWidth );
delta /= 4; // A scaling factor giving a fine shape, defined from tests.
// However for short sides, the value of delta must be reduced, depending
// on the side length
// We use here a max delta value = side_length/8, defined from tests
int side_length = side1.EuclideanNorm();
int delta_effective = std::min( delta, side_length/8 );
// The move vector depend on the quadrant: it must be always defined to create a
// curve with a direction toward the track
EDA_ANGLE angle1( side1 );
int sign = std::abs( angle1 ) >= ANGLE_90 ? 1 : -1;
VECTOR2I bias( 0, sign * delta_effective );
// Does not works well with the current algo, due to an initial bug.
// but I (JPC) keep it here because probably it will gives a better shape
// if the algo is refined.
// RotatePoint( bias, angle1 );
ctrl1.x += bias.x;
ctrl1.y += bias.y;
ctrl2.x += bias.x;
ctrl2.y += bias.y;
BEZIER_POLY( aPts[1], ctrl1, ctrl2, aPts[2] ).GetPoly( curve_pts, ARC_HIGH_DEF );
for( VECTOR2I& corner: curve_pts )
aPoly.push_back( corner );
aPoly.push_back( aPts[3] );
// Note: This side is from via to track
ctrl1 = ( aPts[4] + aPts[4] + aPts[0] ) / 3;
ctrl2 = ( aPts[4] + aPts[0] + aPts[0] ) / 3;
side_length = side2.EuclideanNorm();
delta_effective = std::min( delta, side_length/8 );
EDA_ANGLE angle2( side2 );
sign = std::abs( angle2 ) <= ANGLE_90 ? 1 : -1;
bias = VECTOR2I( 0, sign * delta_effective );
// Does not works well with the current algo
// RotatePoint( bias, angle2 );
ctrl1.x += bias.x;
ctrl1.y += bias.y;
ctrl2.x += bias.x;
ctrl2.y += bias.y;
BEZIER_POLY( aPts[4], ctrl1, ctrl2, aPts[0] ).GetPoly( curve_pts, ARC_HIGH_DEF );
for( VECTOR2I& corner: curve_pts )
aPoly.push_back( corner );
bool TEARDROP_MANAGER::computeAnchorPoints( const TEARDROP_PARAMETERS& aParams, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer,
BOARD_ITEM* aItem, const VECTOR2I& aPos,
std::vector<VECTOR2I>& aPts ) const
// Compute the 2 anchor points on pad/via/track of the teardrop shape
SHAPE_POLY_SET c_buffer;
// m_BestWidthRatio is the factor to calculate the teardrop preferred width.
// teardrop width = pad, via or track size * m_BestWidthRatio (m_BestWidthRatio <= 1.0)
// For rectangular (and similar) shapes, the preferred_width is calculated from the min
// dim of the rectangle
int preferred_width = KiROUND( GetWidth( aItem ) * aParams.m_BestWidthRatio );
// force_clip = true to force the pad/via/track polygon to be clipped to follow
// constraints
// Clipping is also needed for rectangular shapes, because the teardrop shape is restricted
// to a polygonal area smaller than the pad area (the teardrop height use the smaller value
// of X and Y sizes).
bool force_clip = aParams.m_BestWidthRatio < 1.0;
// To find the anchor points on the pad/via/track shape, we build the polygonal shape, and
// clip the polygon to the max size (preferred_width or m_TdMaxWidth) by a rectangle
// centered on the axis of the expected teardrop shape.
// (only reduce the size of polygonal shape does not give good anchor points)
if( IsRound( aItem ) )
TransformCircleToPolygon( c_buffer, aPos, GetWidth( aItem ) / 2, ARC_LOW_DEF,
else // Only PADS can have a not round shape
PAD* pad = static_cast<PAD*>( aItem );
force_clip = true;
preferred_width = KiROUND( GetWidth( pad ) * aParams.m_BestWidthRatio );
pad->TransformShapeToPolygon( c_buffer, aLayer, 0, ARC_LOW_DEF, ERROR_INSIDE );
// Clip the pad/via/track shape to match the m_TdMaxWidth constraint, and for non-round pads,
// clip the shape to the smallest of size.x and size.y values.
if( force_clip || ( aParams.m_TdMaxWidth > 0 && aParams.m_TdMaxWidth < preferred_width ) )
int halfsize = std::min( aParams.m_TdMaxWidth, preferred_width )/2;
// teardrop_axis is the line from anchor point on the track and the end point
// of the teardrop in the pad/via
// this is the teardrop_axis of the teardrop shape to build
VECTOR2I ref_on_track = ( aPts[0] + aPts[1] ) / 2;
VECTOR2I teardrop_axis( aPts[3] - ref_on_track );
EDA_ANGLE orient( teardrop_axis );
int len = teardrop_axis.EuclideanNorm();
// Build the constraint polygon: a rectangle with
// length = dist between the point on track and the pad/via pos
// height = m_TdMaxWidth or aViaPad.m_Width
SHAPE_POLY_SET clipping_rect;
// Build a horizontal rect: it will be rotated later
clipping_rect.Append( 0, - halfsize );
clipping_rect.Append( 0, halfsize );
clipping_rect.Append( len, halfsize );
clipping_rect.Append( len, - halfsize );
clipping_rect.Rotate( -orient );
clipping_rect.Move( ref_on_track );
// Clip the shape to the max allowed teadrop area
c_buffer.BooleanIntersection( clipping_rect, SHAPE_POLY_SET::PM_FAST );
/* in aPts:
* A and B are points on the track ( aPts[0] and aPts[1] )
* C and E are points on the aViaPad ( aPts[2] and aPts[4] )
* D is midpoint behind the aViaPad centre ( aPts[3] )
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& padpoly = c_buffer.Outline(0);
std::vector<VECTOR2I> points = padpoly.CPoints();
std::vector<VECTOR2I> initialPoints;
initialPoints.push_back( aPts[0] );
initialPoints.push_back( aPts[1] );
for( const VECTOR2I& pt: points )
initialPoints.emplace_back( pt.x, pt.y );
std::vector<VECTOR2I> hull;
BuildConvexHull( hull, initialPoints );
// Search for end points of segments starting at aPts[0] or aPts[1]
// In some cases, in convex hull, only one point (aPts[0] or aPts[1]) is still in list
int found_start = -1; // 2 points (one start and one end) should be found
int found_end = -1;
VECTOR2I start = aPts[0];
VECTOR2I pend = aPts[1];
for( unsigned ii = 0, jj = 0; jj < hull.size(); ii++, jj++ )
unsigned next = ii+ 1;
if( next >= hull.size() )
next = 0;
int prev = ii -1;
if( prev < 0 )
prev = hull.size()-1;
if( hull[ii] == start )
// the previous or the next point is candidate:
if( hull[next] != pend )
PointE = hull[next];
PointE = hull[prev];
found_start = ii;
if( hull[ii] == pend )
if( hull[next] != start )
PointC = hull[next];
PointC = hull[prev];
found_end = ii;
if( found_start < 0 ) // PointE was not initialized, because start point does not exit
int ii = found_end-1;
if( ii < 0 )
ii = hull.size()-1;
PointE = hull[ii];
if( found_end < 0 ) // PointC was not initialized, because end point does not exit
int ii = found_start-1;
if( ii < 0 )
ii = hull.size()-1;
PointC = hull[ii];
aPts[2] = PointC;
aPts[4] = PointE;
// Now we have to know if the choice aPts[2] = PointC is the best, or if
// aPts[2] = PointE is better.
// A criteria is to calculate the polygon area in these 2 cases, and choose the case
// that gives the bigger area, because the segments starting at PointC and PointE
// maximize their distance.
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN dummy1( aPts, true );
double area1 = dummy1.Area();
std::swap( aPts[2], aPts[4] );
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN dummy2( aPts, true );
double area2 = dummy2.Area();
if( area1 > area2 ) // The first choice (without swapping) is the better.
std::swap( aPts[2], aPts[4] );
return true;
bool TEARDROP_MANAGER::findAnchorPointsOnTrack( const TEARDROP_PARAMETERS& aParams,
VECTOR2I& aStartPoint, VECTOR2I& aEndPoint,
PCB_TRACK*& aTrack, BOARD_ITEM* aOther,
const VECTOR2I& aOtherPos,
int* aEffectiveTeardropLen ) const
bool found = true;
VECTOR2I start = aTrack->GetStart(); // one reference point on the track, inside teardrop
VECTOR2I end = aTrack->GetEnd(); // the second reference point on the track, outside teardrop
int radius = GetWidth( aOther ) / 2;
// Requested length of the teardrop:
int targetLength = KiROUND( GetWidth( aOther ) * aParams.m_BestLengthRatio );
if( aParams.m_TdMaxLen > 0 )
targetLength = std::min( aParams.m_TdMaxLen, targetLength );
// actualTdLen is the distance between start and the teardrop point on the segment from start to end
int actualTdLen;
bool need_swap = false; // true if the start and end points of the current track are swapped
// aTrack is expected to have one end inside the via/pad and the other end outside
// so ensure the start point is inside the via/pad
if( !aOther->HitTest( start, 0 ) )
std::swap( start, end );
need_swap = true;
SHAPE_POLY_SET shapebuffer;
if( IsRound( aOther ) )
TransformCircleToPolygon( shapebuffer, aOtherPos, radius, ARC_LOW_DEF, ERROR_INSIDE, 16 );
static_cast<PAD*>( aOther )->TransformShapeToPolygon( shapebuffer, aTrack->GetLayer(), 0,
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& outline = shapebuffer.Outline(0);
outline.SetClosed( true );
// Search the intersection point between the pad/via shape and the current track
// This this the starting point to define the teardrop length
int pt_count;
if( aTrack->Type() == PCB_ARC_T )
// To find the starting point we convert the arc to a polyline
// and compute the intersection point with the pad/via shape
SHAPE_ARC arc( aTrack->GetStart(), static_cast<PCB_ARC*>( aTrack )->GetMid(),
aTrack->GetEnd(), aTrack->GetWidth() );
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN poly = arc.ConvertToPolyline();
pt_count = outline.Intersect( poly, pts );
pt_count = outline.Intersect( SEG( start, end ), pts );
// Ensure a intersection point was found, otherwise we cannot built the teardrop
// using this track (it is fully outside or inside the pad/via shape)
if( pt_count < 1 )
return false;
VECTOR2I intersect = pts[0].p;
start = intersect; // This is currently the reference point of the teardrop lenght
// actualTdLen for now the distance between start and the teardrop point on the (start end)segment
// It cannot be bigger than the lenght of this segment
actualTdLen = std::min( targetLength, SEG( start, end ).Length() );
VECTOR2I ref_lenght_point = start; // the reference point of actualTdLen
// If the first track is too short to allow a teardrop having the requested length
// explore the connected track(s), and try to find a anchor point at targetLength from initial start
if( actualTdLen < targetLength && aParams.m_AllowUseTwoTracks )
int consumed = 0;
while( actualTdLen + consumed < targetLength )
PCB_TRACK* connected_track = findTouchingTrack( matchType, aTrack, end );
if( connected_track == nullptr )
// TODO: stop if angle between old and new segment is > 45 deg to avoid bad shape
consumed += actualTdLen;
// actualTdLen is the new distance from new start point and the teardrop anchor point
actualTdLen = std::min( targetLength-consumed, int( connected_track->GetLength() ) );
aTrack = connected_track;
end = connected_track->GetEnd();
start = connected_track->GetStart();
need_swap = false;
if( matchType != STARTPOINT )
std::swap( start, end );
need_swap = true;
// If we do not want to explore more than one connected track, stop search here
// if aTrack is an arc, find the best teardrop end point on the arc
// It is currently on the segment from arc start point to arc end point,
// therefore not really on the arc, because we have used only the track end points.
if( aTrack->Type() == PCB_ARC_T )
// To find the best start and end points to build the teardrop shape, we convert
// the arc to segments, and search for the segment having its start point at a dist
// < actualTdLen, and its end point at adist > actualTdLen:
SHAPE_ARC arc( aTrack->GetStart(), static_cast<PCB_ARC*>( aTrack )->GetMid(),
aTrack->GetEnd(), aTrack->GetWidth() );
if( need_swap )
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN poly = arc.ConvertToPolyline();
// Now, find the segment of the arc at a distance < actualTdLen from ref_lenght_point.
// We just search for the first segment (starting from the farest segment) with its
// start point at a distance < actualTdLen dist
// This is basic, but it is probably enough.
if( poly.PointCount() > 2 )
// Note: the first point is inside or near the pad/via shape
// The last point is outside and the farest from the ref_lenght_point
// So we explore segments from the last to the first
for( int ii = poly.PointCount()-1; ii >= 0 ; ii-- )
int dist_from_start = ( poly.CPoint( ii ) - start ).EuclideanNorm();
// The first segment at a distance of the reference point < actualTdLen is OK
// and is suitable to define the reference segment of the teardrop anchor.
if( dist_from_start < actualTdLen || ii == 0 )
start = poly.CPoint( ii );
if( ii < poly.PointCount()-1 )
end = poly.CPoint( ii+1 );
// actualTdLen is the distance between start (the reference segment start point)
// and the point on track of the teardrop.
// This is the difference between the initial actualTdLen value and the
// distance between start and ref_lenght_point.
actualTdLen -= (start - ref_lenght_point).EuclideanNorm();
// Ensure validity of actualTdLen: >= 0, and <= segment lenght
if( actualTdLen < 0 ) // should not happen, but...
actualTdLen = 0;
actualTdLen = std::min( actualTdLen, (end - start).EuclideanNorm() );
// aStartPoint and aEndPoint will define later a segment to build the 2 anchors points
// of the teardrop on the aTrack shape.
// they are two points (both outside the pad/via shape) of aTrack if aTrack is a segment,
// or a small segment on aTrack if aTrack is an ARC
aStartPoint = start;
aEndPoint = end;
*aEffectiveTeardropLen = actualTdLen;
return found;
bool TEARDROP_MANAGER::computeTeardropPolygon( const TEARDROP_PARAMETERS& aParams,
std::vector<VECTOR2I>& aCorners, PCB_TRACK* aTrack,
BOARD_ITEM* aOther, const VECTOR2I& aOtherPos ) const
VECTOR2I start, end; // Start and end points of the track anchor of the teardrop
// the start point is inside the teardrop shape
// the end point is outside.
int track_stub_len; // the dist between the start point and the anchor point
// on the track
// Note: aTrack can be modified if the initial track is too short
if( !findAnchorPointsOnTrack( aParams, start, end, aTrack, aOther, aOtherPos, &track_stub_len ) )
return false;
// The start and end points must be different to calculate a valid polygon shape
if( start == end )
return false;
VECTOR2D vecT = NormalizeVector(end - start);
// find the 2 points on the track, sharp end of the teardrop
int track_halfwidth = aTrack->GetWidth() / 2;
VECTOR2I pointB = start + VECTOR2I( vecT.x * track_stub_len + vecT.y * track_halfwidth,
vecT.y * track_stub_len - vecT.x * track_halfwidth );
VECTOR2I pointA = start + VECTOR2I( vecT.x * track_stub_len - vecT.y * track_halfwidth,
vecT.y * track_stub_len + vecT.x * track_halfwidth );
// To build a polygonal valid shape pointA and point B must be outside the pad
// It can be inside with some pad shapes having very different X and X sizes
if( !IsRound( aOther ) )
PAD* pad = static_cast<PAD*>( aOther );
if( pad->HitTest( pointA ) )
return false;
if( pad->HitTest( pointB ) )
return false;
// Introduce a last point to cover the via centre to ensure it is seen as connected
VECTOR2I pointD = aOtherPos;
// add a small offset in order to have the aViaPad.m_Pos reference point inside
// the teardrop area, just in case...
int offset = pcbIUScale.mmToIU( 0.001 );
pointD += VECTOR2I( int( -vecT.x*offset), int(-vecT.y*offset) );
VECTOR2I pointC, pointE; // Point on PADVIA outlines
std::vector<VECTOR2I> pts = {pointA, pointB, pointC, pointD, pointE};
computeAnchorPoints( aParams, aTrack->GetLayer(), aOther, aOtherPos, pts );
if( !aParams.IsCurved() )
aCorners = pts;
return true;
// See if we can use curved teardrop shape
if( IsRound( aOther ) )
computeCurvedForRoundShape( aParams, aCorners, track_halfwidth, vecT, aOther, aOtherPos, pts );
int td_width = KiROUND( GetWidth( aOther ) * aParams.m_BestWidthRatio );
if( aParams.m_TdMaxWidth > 0 && aParams.m_TdMaxWidth < td_width )
td_width = aParams.m_TdMaxWidth;
computeCurvedForRectShape( aParams, aCorners, td_width, track_halfwidth, pts );
return true;