1074 lines
34 KiB
1074 lines
34 KiB
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Jean-Pierre Charras, jean-pierre.charras@ujf-grenoble.fr
* Copyright (C) 2012 SoftPLC Corporation, Dick Hollenbeck <dick@softplc.com>
* Copyright (C) 2012 Wayne Stambaugh <stambaughw@verizon.net>
* Copyright (C) 1992-2012 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file editrack.cpp
#include <fctsys.h>
#include <class_drawpanel.h>
#include <trigo.h>
#include <pcb_edit_frame.h>
#include <pcbnew.h>
#include <drc.h>
#include <protos.h>
#include <class_board.h>
#include <class_track.h>
#include <class_zone.h>
#include <connectivity_data.h>
static void Abort_Create_Track( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel, wxDC* DC );
void ShowNewTrackWhenMovingCursor( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC,
const wxPoint& aPosition, bool aErase );
static void ComputeBreakPoint( TRACK* track, int n, wxPoint end );
static void DeleteNullTrackSegments( BOARD* pcb, DLIST<TRACK>& aTrackList );
static void EnsureEndTrackOnPad( D_PAD* Pad );
// A PICKED_ITEMS_LIST to store tracks which are modified/added/deleted
// during a track edition:
static PICKED_ITEMS_LIST s_ItemsListPicker;
/* Function called to abort a track creation
static void Abort_Create_Track( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* Panel, wxDC* DC )
PCB_EDIT_FRAME* frame = (PCB_EDIT_FRAME*) Panel->GetParent();
BOARD* pcb = frame->GetBoard();
TRACK* track = dyn_cast<TRACK*>( frame->GetCurItem() );
if( track )
// Erase the current drawing
ShowNewTrackWhenMovingCursor( Panel, DC, wxDefaultPosition, false );
if( pcb->IsHighLightNetON() )
frame->HighLight( DC );
if( pcb->IsHighLightNetON() )
pcb->DrawHighLight( Panel, DC, pcb->GetHighLightNetCode() );
// Undo pending changes (mainly a lock point creation) and clear the
// undo picker list:
frame->PutDataInPreviousState( &s_ItemsListPicker, false, false );
// Delete current (new) track
frame->SetCurItem( NULL );
* This function starts a new track segment.
* If a new track segment is in progress, ends this current new segment,
* and created a new one.
TRACK* PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Begin_Route( TRACK* aTrack, wxDC* aDC )
TRACK* trackOnStartPoint = NULL;
LSET layerMask( GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer );
wxPoint pos = GetCrossHairPosition();
if( aTrack == NULL ) // Starting a new track segment
m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( ShowNewTrackWhenMovingCursor, Abort_Create_Track );
// Prepare the undo command info
s_ItemsListPicker.ClearListAndDeleteItems(); // Should not be necessary, but...
// erase old highlight
if( GetBoard()->IsHighLightNetON() )
HighLight( aDC );
g_CurrentTrackList.PushBack( new TRACK( GetBoard() ) );
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetFlags( IS_NEW );
GetBoard()->SetHighLightNet( 0 );
// Search for a starting point of the new track, a track or pad
lockPoint = GetBoard()->GetLockPoint( pos, layerMask );
D_PAD* pad = NULL;
if( lockPoint ) // An item (pad or track) is found
if( lockPoint->Type() == PCB_PAD_T )
pad = (D_PAD*) lockPoint;
// A pad is found: put the starting point on pad center
pos = pad->GetPosition();
GetBoard()->SetHighLightNet( pad->GetNetCode() );
else // A track segment is found
trackOnStartPoint = (TRACK*) lockPoint;
GetBoard()->SetHighLightNet( trackOnStartPoint->GetNetCode() );
GetBoard()->CreateLockPoint( pos, trackOnStartPoint, &s_ItemsListPicker );
// Not a starting point, but a filled zone area can exist. This is also a
// good starting point.
zone = GetBoard()->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( pos,
GetScreen()-> m_Active_Layer,
GetScreen()-> m_Active_Layer,
-1 );
if( zone )
GetBoard()->SetHighLightNet( zone->GetNetCode() );
DBG( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity() );
int net = -1;
if( lockPoint )
net = lockPoint->GetNetCode();
BuildAirWiresTargetsList( lockPoint, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), net );
DBG( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity() );
GetBoard()->DrawHighLight( m_canvas, aDC, GetBoard()->GetHighLightNetCode() );
// Display info about track Net class, and init track and vias sizes:
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetNetCode( GetBoard()->GetHighLightNetCode() );
SetCurrentNetClass( g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetNetClassName() );
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetLayer( GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer );
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetWidth( GetDesignSettings().GetCurrentTrackWidth() );
if( GetDesignSettings().m_UseConnectedTrackWidth )
if( trackOnStartPoint && trackOnStartPoint->Type() == PCB_TRACE_T )
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetWidth( trackOnStartPoint->GetWidth());
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetStart( pos );
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetEnd( pos );
if( pad )
// Useful to display track length, if the pad has a die length:
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetState( BEGIN_ONPAD, true );
g_CurrentTrackSegment->start = pad;
if( Settings().m_legacyUseTwoSegmentTracks )
// Create 2nd segment
g_CurrentTrackList.PushBack( (TRACK*)g_CurrentTrackSegment->Clone() );
DBG( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity(); );
g_CurrentTrackSegment->start = g_FirstTrackSegment;
g_FirstTrackSegment->end = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
g_FirstTrackSegment->SetState( BEGIN_ONPAD | END_ONPAD, false );
DBG( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity(); );
SetMsgPanel( g_CurrentTrackSegment );
SetCurItem( g_CurrentTrackSegment, false );
m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( aDC, wxDefaultPosition, false );
if( Settings().m_legacyDrcOn )
if( BAD_DRC == m_drc->DrcOnCreatingTrack( g_CurrentTrackSegment, GetBoard()->m_Track ) )
return g_CurrentTrackSegment;
else // Track in progress : segment coordinates are updated by ShowNewTrackWhenMovingCursor.
// Test for a D.R.C. error:
if( Settings().m_legacyDrcOn )
if( BAD_DRC == m_drc->DrcOnCreatingTrack( g_CurrentTrackSegment, GetBoard()->m_Track ) )
return NULL;
// We must handle 2 segments
if( Settings().m_legacyUseTwoSegmentTracks && g_CurrentTrackSegment->Back() )
if( BAD_DRC == m_drc->DrcOnCreatingTrack( g_CurrentTrackSegment->Back(),
GetBoard()->m_Track ) )
return NULL;
/* Current track is Ok: current segment is kept, and a new one is
* created unless the current segment is null, or 2 last are null
* if this is a 2 segments track build.
bool CanCreateNewSegment = true;
if( !Settings().m_legacyUseTwoSegmentTracks && g_CurrentTrackSegment->IsNull() )
CanCreateNewSegment = false;
if( Settings().m_legacyUseTwoSegmentTracks && g_CurrentTrackSegment->IsNull()
&& g_CurrentTrackSegment->Back()
&& g_CurrentTrackSegment->Back()->IsNull() )
CanCreateNewSegment = false;
if( CanCreateNewSegment )
// Erase old track on screen
DBG( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity(); );
ShowNewTrackWhenMovingCursor( m_canvas, aDC, wxDefaultPosition, false );
DBG( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity(); );
if( g_Raccord_45_Auto )
Add45DegreeSegment( aDC );
TRACK* previousTrack = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
TRACK* newTrack = (TRACK*)g_CurrentTrackSegment->Clone();
g_CurrentTrackList.PushBack( newTrack );
newTrack->SetFlags( IS_NEW );
newTrack->SetState( BEGIN_ONPAD | END_ONPAD, false );
newTrack->start = previousTrack->end;
DBG( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity(); );
newTrack->SetStart( newTrack->GetEnd() );
newTrack->SetLayer( GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer );
if( !GetDesignSettings().m_UseConnectedTrackWidth )
newTrack->SetWidth( GetDesignSettings().GetCurrentTrackWidth() );
DBG( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity(); );
// Show the new position
ShowNewTrackWhenMovingCursor( m_canvas, aDC, wxDefaultPosition, false );
SetCurItem( g_CurrentTrackSegment, false );
return g_CurrentTrackSegment;
bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Add45DegreeSegment( wxDC* aDC )
int dx0, dy0, dx1, dy1;
if( g_CurrentTrackList.GetCount() < 2 )
return false; // There must be 2 segments.
TRACK* curTrack = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
TRACK* prevTrack = curTrack->Back();
// Test if we have 2 consecutive track segments ( not via ) to connect.
if( curTrack->Type() != PCB_TRACE_T || prevTrack->Type() != PCB_TRACE_T )
return false;
int segm_step_45 = KiROUND( GetScreen()->GetGridSize().x / 2 );
if( segm_step_45 < ( curTrack->GetWidth() * 2 ) )
segm_step_45 = curTrack->GetWidth() * 2;
// Test if the segments are horizontal or vertical.
dx0 = prevTrack->GetEnd().x - prevTrack->GetStart().x;
dy0 = prevTrack->GetEnd().y - prevTrack->GetStart().y;
dx1 = curTrack->GetEnd().x - curTrack->GetStart().x;
dy1 = curTrack->GetEnd().y - curTrack->GetStart().y;
// Segments should have a min length.
if( std::max( abs( dx0 ), abs( dy0 ) ) < ( segm_step_45 * 2 ) )
return false;
if( std::max( abs( dx1 ), abs( dy1 ) ) < ( segm_step_45 * 2 ) )
return false;
// Create a new segment and connect it with the previous 2 segments.
TRACK* newTrack = (TRACK*)curTrack->Clone();
newTrack->SetStart( prevTrack->GetEnd() );
newTrack->SetEnd( curTrack->GetStart() );
if( dx0 == 0 ) // Previous segment is Vertical
if( dy1 != 0 ) // 2 segments are not 90 degrees.
delete newTrack;
return false;
/* Calculate coordinates the connection point.
* The new segment connects the 1st vertical segment and the 2nd
* horizontal segment.
if( dy0 > 0 )
newTrack->SetStart( wxPoint(newTrack->GetStart().x, newTrack->GetStart().y -segm_step_45) );
newTrack->SetStart( wxPoint(newTrack->GetStart().x, newTrack->GetStart().y + segm_step_45) );
if( dx1 > 0 )
newTrack->SetEnd( wxPoint(newTrack->GetEnd().x + segm_step_45, newTrack->GetEnd().y) );
newTrack->SetEnd( wxPoint(newTrack->GetEnd().x - segm_step_45, newTrack->GetEnd().y) );
if( Settings().m_legacyDrcOn &&
BAD_DRC == m_drc->DrcOnCreatingTrack( curTrack, GetBoard()->m_Track ) )
delete newTrack;
return false;
prevTrack->SetEnd( newTrack->GetStart());
curTrack->SetStart( newTrack->GetEnd());
g_CurrentTrackList.Insert( newTrack, curTrack );
return true;
if( dy0 == 0 ) // Previous segment is horizontal
if( dx1 != 0 ) // 2 segments are not 90 degrees
delete newTrack;
return false;
/* Calculate the coordinates of the point of connection:
* A new segment has been created, connecting segment 1
* (horizontal) and segment 2 (vertical)
if( dx0 > 0 )
newTrack->SetStart( wxPoint(newTrack->GetStart().x - segm_step_45 , newTrack->GetStart().y));
newTrack->SetStart( wxPoint(newTrack->GetStart().x + segm_step_45, newTrack->GetStart().y) );
if( dy1 > 0 )
newTrack->SetEnd( wxPoint(newTrack->GetEnd().x, newTrack->GetEnd().y + segm_step_45) );
newTrack->SetEnd( wxPoint(newTrack->GetEnd().x, newTrack->GetEnd().y - segm_step_45) );
if( Settings().m_legacyDrcOn &&
BAD_DRC == m_drc->DrcOnCreatingTrack( newTrack, GetBoard()->m_Track ) )
delete newTrack;
return false;
prevTrack->SetEnd( newTrack->GetStart());
curTrack->SetStart( newTrack->GetEnd());
g_CurrentTrackList.Insert( newTrack, curTrack );
return true;
return false;
bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::End_Route( TRACK* aTrack, wxDC* aDC )
LSET layerMask( GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer );
if( aTrack == NULL )
return false;
if( Settings().m_legacyDrcOn &&
BAD_DRC == m_drc->DrcOnCreatingTrack( g_CurrentTrackSegment, GetBoard()->m_Track ) )
return false;
// Saving the coordinate of end point of the trace
wxPoint pos = g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetEnd();
DBG( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity(); );
if( Begin_Route( aTrack, aDC ) == NULL )
return false;
// Update last track position
ShowNewTrackWhenMovingCursor( m_canvas, aDC, wxDefaultPosition, true );
// Erase the last drawings
ShowNewTrackWhenMovingCursor( m_canvas, aDC, wxDefaultPosition, false );
DBG( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity(); );
/* The track here is now chained to the list of track segments.
* It must be seen in the area of net
* As close as possible to the segment base (or end), because
* This helps to reduce the computing time */
// Attaching the end point of the new track to a pad or a track
BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* lockPoint = GetBoard()->GetLockPoint( pos, layerMask );
if( lockPoint )
if( lockPoint->Type() == PCB_PAD_T ) // End of track is on a pad.
EnsureEndTrackOnPad( (D_PAD*) lockPoint );
else // If end point of is on a different track,
// creates a lock point if not exists
// Creates a lock point, if not already exists:
wxPoint hp = g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetEnd();
lockPoint = GetBoard()->CreateLockPoint( hp, (TRACK*) lockPoint, &s_ItemsListPicker );
// Delete null length segments:
DeleteNullTrackSegments( GetBoard(), g_CurrentTrackList );
// Insert new segments if they exist.
// g_FirstTrackSegment can be NULL on a double click on the starting point
if( g_FirstTrackSegment != NULL )
int netcode = g_FirstTrackSegment->GetNetCode();
TRACK* firstTrack = g_FirstTrackSegment;
int newCount = 0;
// Put entire new current segment list in BOARD, and prepare undo command
TRACK* track;
TRACK* insertBeforeMe = g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetBestInsertPoint( GetBoard() );
while( ( track = g_CurrentTrackList.PopFront() ) != nullptr )
ITEM_PICKER picker( track, UR_NEW );
s_ItemsListPicker.PushItem( picker );
GetBoard()->m_Track.Insert( track, insertBeforeMe );
GetBoard()->GetConnectivity()->Add( track );
track->SetState( BUSY, false );
// delete the old track, if it exists and is redundant
if( Settings().m_legacyAutoDeleteOldTrack )
EraseRedundantTrack( aDC, firstTrack, newCount, &s_ItemsListPicker );
SaveCopyInUndoList( s_ItemsListPicker, UR_UNSPECIFIED );
s_ItemsListPicker.ClearItemsList(); // s_ItemsListPicker is no more owner of picked items
// Erase old ratsnest
if( GetBoard()->IsElementVisible( LAYER_RATSNEST ) && aDC )
GRSetDrawMode( aDC, GR_XOR );
DrawGeneralRatsnest( aDC, 0 );
// compute and display the new ratsnest
TestNetConnection( aDC, netcode );
SetMsgPanel( GetBoard() );
// Redraw the entire new track.
DrawTraces( m_canvas, aDC, firstTrack, newCount, GR_OR );
wxASSERT( g_FirstTrackSegment == NULL );
wxASSERT( g_CurrentTrackSegment == NULL );
wxASSERT( g_CurrentTrackList.GetCount() == 0 );
if( GetBoard()->IsHighLightNetON() )
HighLight( aDC );
if( GetBoard()->IsHighLightNetON() )
GetBoard()->DrawHighLight( m_canvas, aDC, GetBoard()->GetHighLightNetCode() );
m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );
SetCurItem( NULL );
return true;
TRACK* LocateIntrusion( TRACK* listStart, TRACK* aTrack, LAYER_NUM aLayer, const wxPoint& aRef )
int net = aTrack->GetNetCode();
int width = aTrack->GetWidth();
TRACK* found = NULL;
for( TRACK* track = listStart; track; track = track->Next() )
if( track->Type() == PCB_TRACE_T ) // skip vias
if( track->GetState( BUSY | IS_DELETED ) )
if( aLayer != track->GetLayer() )
if( track->GetNetCode() == net )
// TRACK::HitTest
int dist = (width + track->GetWidth()) / 2 + aTrack->GetClearance( track );
if( !TestSegmentHit( aRef, track->GetStart(), track->GetEnd(), dist ) )
found = track;
// prefer intrusions from the side, not the end
wxPoint pos = aRef - track->GetStart();
wxPoint vec = track->GetEnd() - track->GetStart();
double tmp = (double) pos.x * vec.x + (double) pos.y * vec.y;
if( tmp >= 0 && tmp <= (double) vec.x * vec.x + (double) vec.y * vec.y )
return found;
* Function PushTrack
* detects if the mouse is pointing into a conflicting track.
* In this case, it tries to push the new track out of the conflicting track's
* clearance zone. This gives us a cheap mechanism for drawing tracks that
* tightly follow others, independent of grid settings.
* - we do the same sort of search and calculation up to three times:
* 1) we search for magnetic hits (in controle.cpp)
* 2) we check if there's a DRC violation in the making (also controle.cpp)
* 3) we try to fix the DRC violation (here)
* - if we have a magnetic hit and a DRC violation at the same time, we choose
* the magnetic hit instead of solving the violation
* - should locate conflicting tracks also when we're crossing over them
static void PushTrack( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel )
PCB_SCREEN* screen = (PCB_SCREEN*) panel->GetParent()->GetScreen();
BOARD* pcb = ( (PCB_BASE_FRAME*) (panel->GetParent()) )->GetBoard();
wxPoint cursor = panel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxPoint cv, vec, n;
TRACK* track = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
TRACK* other;
double det;
int dist;
double f;
other = LocateIntrusion( pcb->m_Track, track, screen->m_Active_Layer, panel->GetParent()->RefPos( true ) );
// are we currently pointing into a conflicting trace ?
if( !other )
if( other->GetNetCode() == track->GetNetCode() )
cv = cursor - other->GetStart();
vec = other->GetEnd() - other->GetStart();
det = (double) cv.x * vec.y - (double) cv.y * vec.x;
// cursor is right at the center of the old track
if( !det )
dist = (track->GetWidth() + 1) / 2 + (other->GetWidth() + 1) / 2 + track->GetClearance( other ) + 2;
* DRC wants >, so +1.
* We may have a quantization error of 1/sqrt(2), so +1 again.
// Vector "n" is perpendicular to "other", pointing towards the cursor.
if( det > 0 )
n.x = vec.y;
n.y = -vec.x;
n.x = -vec.y;
n.y = vec.x;
f = dist / hypot( double(n.x), double(n.y) );
n.x = KiROUND( f * n.x );
n.y = KiROUND( f * n.y );
wxPoint hp = track->GetEnd();
FindBestGridPointOnTrack( &hp, cursor, other );
track->SetEnd( hp + n );
//Helper function: Draws Via circle and Via Clearance circle.
inline void DrawViaCirclesWhenEditingNewTrack( EDA_RECT* aPanelClipBox,
wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPos,
int aViaRadius,
int aViaRadiusWithClearence,
COLOR4D aColor)
//Current viasize clearance circle
GRCircle( aPanelClipBox, aDC, aPos.x, aPos.y, aViaRadiusWithClearence, aColor );
//Current viasize circle
GRCircle( aPanelClipBox, aDC, aPos.x, aPos.y, aViaRadius, aColor );
/* Redraw the current track being created when the mouse cursor is moved
void ShowNewTrackWhenMovingCursor( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition,
bool aErase )
// DBG( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity(); );
PCB_SCREEN* screen = (PCB_SCREEN*) aPanel->GetScreen();
PCB_BASE_FRAME* frame = (PCB_BASE_FRAME*) aPanel->GetParent();
auto displ_opts = (PCB_DISPLAY_OPTIONS*) aPanel-> GetDisplayOptions();
bool tmp = displ_opts->m_DisplayPcbTrackFill;
displ_opts->m_DisplayPcbTrackFill = true;
auto showTrackClearanceMode = displ_opts->m_ShowTrackClearanceMode;
if ( g_FirstTrackSegment == NULL )
NETCLASSPTR netclass = g_FirstTrackSegment->GetNetClass();
displ_opts->m_ShowTrackClearanceMode = PCB_DISPLAY_OPTIONS::SHOW_CLEARANCE_ALWAYS;
// Values to Via circle
int boardViaRadius = frame->GetDesignSettings().GetCurrentViaSize()/2;
int viaRadiusWithClearence = boardViaRadius+netclass->GetClearance();
EDA_RECT* panelClipBox=aPanel->GetClipBox();
// Erase old track
if( aErase )
DrawTraces( aPanel, aDC, g_FirstTrackSegment, g_CurrentTrackList.GetCount(), GR_XOR );
frame->TraceAirWiresToTargets( aDC );
COLOR4D color = frame->Settings().Colors().GetLayerColor( g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetLayer() );
DrawViaCirclesWhenEditingNewTrack( panelClipBox, aDC, g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetEnd(),
boardViaRadius, viaRadiusWithClearence, color);
// MacOSX seems to need this.
if( g_CurrentTrackList.GetCount() == 0 )
// Set track parameters, that can be modified while creating the track
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetLayer( screen->m_Active_Layer );
if( !frame->GetDesignSettings().m_UseConnectedTrackWidth )
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetWidth( frame->GetDesignSettings().GetCurrentTrackWidth() );
if( frame->Settings().m_legacyUseTwoSegmentTracks )
TRACK* previous_track = g_CurrentTrackSegment->Back();
if( previous_track && previous_track->Type()==PCB_TRACE_T )
previous_track->SetLayer( screen->m_Active_Layer );
if( !frame->GetDesignSettings().m_UseConnectedTrackWidth )
previous_track->SetWidth( frame->GetDesignSettings().GetCurrentTrackWidth() );
if( frame->Settings().m_legacyUse45DegreeTracks )
if( frame->Settings().m_legacyUseTwoSegmentTracks )
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetEnd( frame->GetCrossHairPosition() );
if( frame->Settings().m_legacyDrcOn )
PushTrack( aPanel );
ComputeBreakPoint( g_CurrentTrackSegment,
g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetEnd() );
/* Calculate of the end of the path for the permitted directions:
* horizontal, vertical or 45 degrees.
wxPoint hp = g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetEnd();
hp = CalculateSegmentEndPoint( frame->GetCrossHairPosition(),
g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetStart() );
else // Here the angle is arbitrary
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetEnd( frame->GetCrossHairPosition() );
// Redraw the new track
DBG( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity(); );
DrawTraces( aPanel, aDC, g_FirstTrackSegment, g_CurrentTrackList.GetCount(), GR_XOR );
COLOR4D color = frame->Settings().Colors().GetLayerColor(g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetLayer());
//Via diameter must have taken what we are using, rather than netclass value.
DrawViaCirclesWhenEditingNewTrack( panelClipBox, aDC, g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetEnd(),
boardViaRadius, viaRadiusWithClearence, color);
/* Display info about current segment and the full new track:
* Choose the interesting segment: because we are using a 2 segments step,
* the last segment can be null, and the previous segment can be the
* interesting segment.
TRACK* isegm = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
if( isegm->GetLength() == 0 && g_CurrentTrackSegment->Back() )
isegm = g_CurrentTrackSegment->Back();
// display track info:
frame->SetMsgPanel( isegm );
wxString msg;
// Display current segments count (number of segments in this new track):
msg.Printf( "%d", g_CurrentTrackList.GetCount() );
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Segs Count" ), msg, DARKCYAN );
displ_opts->m_ShowTrackClearanceMode = showTrackClearanceMode;
displ_opts->m_DisplayPcbTrackFill = tmp;
frame->BuildAirWiresTargetsList( NULL, g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetEnd(),
g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetNetCode() );
frame->TraceAirWiresToTargets( aDC );
wxPoint CalculateSegmentEndPoint( const wxPoint& aPosition, const wxPoint& aOrigin )
// Determine end point for a segment direction 0, 90, or 45 degrees
// depending on it's position from the origin \a aOrigin and \a aPosition.
wxPoint endPoint;
int deltax = aPosition.x - aOrigin.x;
int deltay = aPosition.y - aOrigin.y;
deltax = abs( deltax );
deltay = abs( deltay );
int angle = 45;
if( deltax >= deltay )
if( deltax == 0 )
angle = 0;
else if( ( (deltay << 6 ) / deltax ) < 26 )
angle = 0;
angle = 45;
if( deltay == 0 )
angle = 90;
else if( ( (deltax << 6 ) / deltay ) < 26 )
angle = 90;
switch( angle )
case 0:
endPoint.x = aPosition.x;
endPoint.y = aOrigin.y;
case 45:
deltax = std::min( deltax, deltay );
deltay = deltax;
// Recalculate the signs for deltax and deltaY.
if( ( aPosition.x - aOrigin.x ) < 0 )
deltax = -deltax;
if( ( aPosition.y - aOrigin.y ) < 0 )
deltay = -deltay;
endPoint.x = aOrigin.x + deltax;
endPoint.y = aOrigin.y + deltay;
case 90:
endPoint.x = aOrigin.x;
endPoint.y = aPosition.y;
return endPoint;
* Compute new track angle based on previous track.
void ComputeBreakPoint( TRACK* track, int SegmentCount, wxPoint end )
int iDx = 0;
int iDy = 0;
int iAngle = 0;
if( SegmentCount <= 0 )
if( track == NULL )
TRACK* newTrack = track;
track = track->Back();
if( track )
iDx = end.x - track->GetStart().x;
iDy = end.y - track->GetStart().y;
iDx = abs( iDx );
iDy = abs( iDy );
TRACK* lastTrack = track ? track->Back() : NULL;
if( lastTrack )
if(( (lastTrack->GetEnd().x == lastTrack->GetStart().x)
|| (lastTrack->GetEnd().y == lastTrack->GetStart().y) )
&& !g_Alternate_Track_Posture)
iAngle = 45;
if( g_Alternate_Track_Posture )
iAngle = 45;
if( iAngle == 0 )
if( iDx >= iDy )
iAngle = 0;
iAngle = 90;
if( track == NULL )
iAngle = -1;
switch( iAngle )
case -1:
case 0:
if( ( end.x - track->GetStart().x ) < 0 )
track->SetEnd(wxPoint( end.x + iDy, track->GetStart().y));
track->SetEnd(wxPoint( end.x - iDy, track->GetStart().y));
case 45:
iDx = std::min( iDx, iDy );
iDy = iDx;
// Recalculate the signs for deltax and deltaY.
if( ( end.x - track->GetStart().x ) < 0 )
iDx = -iDx;
if( ( end.y - track->GetStart().y ) < 0 )
iDy = -iDy;
track->SetEnd(wxPoint(track->GetStart().x + iDx, track->GetStart().y + iDy));
case 90:
if( ( end.y - track->GetStart().y ) < 0 )
track->SetEnd(wxPoint(track->GetStart().x , end.y + iDx));
track->SetEnd(wxPoint(track->GetStart().x , end.y - iDx));
if( track )
if( track->IsNull() )
track->SetEnd( end );
newTrack->SetStart( track->GetEnd() );
newTrack->SetEnd( end );
/* Delete track segments which have len = 0 after creating a new track
* return a pointer on the first segment (start of track list)
void DeleteNullTrackSegments( BOARD* pcb, DLIST<TRACK>& aTrackList )
if( aTrackList.GetCount() == 0 )
TRACK* track = aTrackList.GetFirst();
TRACK* firsttrack = track;
TRACK* oldtrack;
BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* lockPoint = track->start;
while( track != NULL )
oldtrack = track;
track = track->Next();
if( !oldtrack->IsNull() )
// NULL segment, delete it
if( firsttrack == oldtrack )
firsttrack = track;
delete aTrackList.Remove( oldtrack );
if( aTrackList.GetCount() == 0 )
return; // all the new track segments have been deleted
// we must set the pointers on connected items and the connection status
oldtrack = track = firsttrack;
firsttrack->start = NULL;
while( track != NULL )
oldtrack = track;
track = track->Next();
oldtrack->end = track;
if( track )
track->start = oldtrack;
oldtrack->SetStatus( 0 );
firsttrack->start = lockPoint;
if( lockPoint && lockPoint->Type()==PCB_PAD_T )
firsttrack->SetState( BEGIN_ONPAD, true );
track = firsttrack;
while( track != NULL )
TRACK* next_track = track->Next();
lockPoint = pcb->GetPad( track, ENDPOINT_END );
if( lockPoint )
track->end = lockPoint;
track->SetState( END_ONPAD, true );
if( next_track )
next_track->start = lockPoint;
next_track->SetState( BEGIN_ONPAD, true );
track = next_track;
/* Ensure the end point of g_CurrentTrackSegment is on the pad "Pad"
* if no, create a new track segment if necessary
* and move current (or new) end segment on pad
void EnsureEndTrackOnPad( D_PAD* aPad )
if( g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetEnd() == aPad->GetPosition() ) // Ok !
g_CurrentTrackSegment->end = aPad;
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetState( END_ONPAD, true );
TRACK* lasttrack = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
if( !g_CurrentTrackSegment->IsNull() )
// Must create a new segment, from track end to pad center
g_CurrentTrackList.PushBack( (TRACK*)lasttrack->Clone() );
lasttrack->end = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetEnd( aPad->GetPosition() );
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetState( END_ONPAD, false );
g_CurrentTrackSegment->end = aPad;
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetState( END_ONPAD, true );