
416 lines
12 KiB

/* Routines d'affichage de parametres et caracteristiques */
/* Fichier common.cpp */
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "gr_basic.h"
#include "trigo.h"
#include "wxstruct.h"
#include "base_struct.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "macros.h"
#include "build_version.h"
wxString GetBuildVersion(void)
/* Return the build date
return g_BuildVersion;
Ki_PageDescr::Ki_PageDescr(const wxSize & size, const wxPoint & offset, const wxString & name)
// All sizes are in 1/1000 inch
m_Size = size; m_Offset = offset, m_Name = name;
// Adjust the default value for margins to 400 mils (0,4 inch or 10 mm)
m_LeftMargin = m_RightMargin = m_TopMargin = m_BottomMargin = 400;
wxString ReturnUnitSymbol(int Units )
wxString label;
switch ( Units )
case INCHES:
label = _(" (\"):");
label = _(" (mm):");
return label;
void AddUnitSymbol(wxStaticText & Stext, int Units)
/* Add string " (mm):" or " ("):" to the static text Stext.
Used in dialog boxes for entering values depending on selected units
wxString msg = Stext.GetLabel() + ReturnUnitSymbol(Units);
void PutValueInLocalUnits(wxTextCtrl & TextCtr, int Value, int Internal_Unit)
/* Convert the number Value in a string according to the internal units
and the selected unit (g_UnitMetric) and put it in the wxTextCtrl TextCtrl
wxString msg = ReturnStringFromValue(g_UnitMetric, Value, Internal_Unit);
int ReturnValueFromTextCtrl(const wxTextCtrl & TextCtr, int Internal_Unit)
/* Convert the Value in the wxTextCtrl TextCtrl in an integer,
according to the internal units and the selected unit (g_UnitMetric)
int value;
wxString msg = TextCtr.GetValue();
value = ReturnValueFromString(g_UnitMetric, msg, Internal_Unit);
return value;
wxString ReturnStringFromValue(int Units, int Value, int Internal_Unit)
/* Return the string from Value, according to units (inch, mm ...) for display,
and the initial unit for value
Unit = display units (INCH, MM ..)
Value = value in Internal_Unit
Internal_Unit = units per inch for Value
wxString StringValue;
double value_to_print;
if ( Units >= CENTIMETRE ) StringValue << Value;
value_to_print = To_User_Unit(Units, Value,Internal_Unit);
StringValue.Printf( ( Internal_Unit > 1000 ) ? wxT("%.4f") : wxT("%.3f"),
value_to_print );
return StringValue;
int ReturnValueFromString(int Units, const wxString & TextValue, int Internal_Unit)
/* Return the string from Value, according to units (inch, mm ...) for display,
and the initial unit for value
Unit = display units (INCH, MM ..)
Value = text
Internal_Unit = units per inch for computed value
int Value;
double dtmp = 0;
if ( Units >= CENTIMETRE ) Value = (int) round(dtmp);
else Value = From_User_Unit(Units, dtmp, Internal_Unit);
return Value;
double To_User_Unit(bool is_metric, int val,int internal_unit_value)
/* Convert in inch or mm the variable "val" given in internal units
double value;
if (is_metric)
value = (double) (val) * 25.4 / internal_unit_value;
else value = (double) (val) / internal_unit_value;
return value;
int From_User_Unit(bool is_metric, double val,int internal_unit_value)
/* Return in internal units the value "val" given in inch or mm
double value;
if (is_metric) value = val * internal_unit_value / 25.4 ;
else value = val * internal_unit_value;
return (int) round(value);
wxString GenDate(void)
/* Return the string date "day month year" like "23 jun 2005"
wxString mois[12] =
wxT("jan"), wxT("feb"), wxT("mar"), wxT("apr"), wxT("may"), wxT("jun"),
wxT("jul"), wxT("aug"), wxT("sep"), wxT("oct"), wxT("nov"), wxT("dec")
time_t buftime;
struct tm * Date;
wxString string_date;
Date = gmtime(&buftime);
string_date.Printf( wxT("%d %s %d"), Date->tm_mday,
Date->tm_year + 1900);
void * MyMalloc (size_t nb_octets)
/* My memory allocation */
void * pt_mem;
if (nb_octets == 0)
DisplayError(NULL, wxT("Allocate 0 bytes !!"));
pt_mem = malloc(nb_octets);
if (pt_mem == NULL)
wxString msg;
msg.Printf( wxT("Out of memory: allocation %d bytes"), nb_octets);
DisplayError(NULL, msg);
void * MyZMalloc (size_t nb_octets)
/* My memory allocation, memory space is cleared
void * pt_mem = MyMalloc (nb_octets);
if ( pt_mem) memset(pt_mem, 0, nb_octets);
void MyFree (void * pt_mem)
if( pt_mem ) free(pt_mem);
wxString ReturnPcbLayerName(int layer_number, bool is_filename, bool is_gui)
/* Return the name of the layer number "layer_number".
if "is_filefame" == TRUE, the name can be used for a file name
(not internatinalized, no space)
wxString layer_name;
wxString layer_name_list[] = {
_("Copper "), _("Inner L1 "), _("Inner L2 "), _("Inner L3 "),
_("Inner L4 "), _("Inner L5 "), _("Inner L6 "), _("Inner L7 "),
_("Inner L8 "), _("Inner L9 "), _("Inner L10"), _("Inner L11"),
_("Inner L12"), _("Inner L13"), _("Inner L14"), _("Component"),
_("Adhes Cop"), _("Adhes Cmp"), _("SoldP Cop"), _("SoldP Cmp"),
_("SilkS Cop"), _("SilkS Cmp"), _("Mask Cop "), _("Mask Cmp "),
_("Drawings "), _("Comments "), _("Eco1 "), _("Eco2 "),
_("Edges Pcb"), _("--- "), _("--- "), _("--- ")
// Same as layer_name_list, without space, not internationalized
wxString layer_name_list_for_filename[] = {
wxT("Copper"), wxT("InnerL1"), wxT("InnerL2"), wxT("InnerL3"),
wxT("InnerL4"), wxT("InnerL5"), wxT("InnerL6"), wxT("InnerL7"),
wxT("InnerL8"), wxT("InnerL9"), wxT("InnerL10"), wxT("InnerL11"),
wxT("InnerL12"), wxT("InnerL13"), wxT("InnerL14"), wxT("Component"),
wxT("AdhesCop"), wxT("AdhesCmp"), wxT("SoldPCop"), wxT("SoldPCmp"),
wxT("SilkSCop"), wxT("SilkSCmp"), wxT("MaskCop"), wxT("MaskCmp"),
wxT("Drawings"), wxT("Comments"), wxT("Eco1"), wxT("Eco2"),
wxT("EdgesPcb"), wxT("---"), wxT("---"), wxT("---")
if ( layer_number >= 31 ) layer_number = 31;
if ( is_filename ) layer_name = layer_name_list_for_filename[layer_number];
else layer_name = layer_name_list[layer_number];
if( is_gui ){
wxString hotkey_list[] = {
wxT("(PgDn)"), wxT("(F5)"), wxT("(F6)"), wxT("(F7)"),
wxT("(F8)"), wxT("(F9)"), wxT("(F10)"), wxT(" "),
wxT(" "), wxT(" "), wxT(" "), wxT(" "),
wxT(" "), wxT(" "), wxT(" "), wxT(" (PgUp)"),
wxT(" "), wxT(" "), wxT(" "), wxT(" "),
wxT(" "), wxT(" "), wxT(" "), wxT(" "),
wxT(" "), wxT(" "), wxT(" "), wxT(" "),
wxT(" "), wxT(" "), wxT(" "), wxT(" ")
layer_name += wxT(" ") + hotkey_list[layer_number];
return layer_name;
enum textbox {
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(WinEDA_TextFrame, wxDialog)
EVT_CLOSE( WinEDA_TextFrame::OnClose )
WinEDA_TextFrame::WinEDA_TextFrame(wxWindow * parent, const wxString & title):
wxDialog(parent, -1, title, wxPoint(-1,-1), wxSize(250,350),
wxSize size;
m_Parent = parent;
size = GetClientSize();
m_List = new wxListBox(this, ID_TEXTBOX_LIST,
wxPoint(0,0), size,
0, NULL,
void WinEDA_TextFrame::Append( const wxString & text)
void WinEDA_TextFrame::D_ClickOnList(wxCommandEvent& event)
int ii = m_List->GetSelection();
void WinEDA_TextFrame::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event)
void Affiche_1_Parametre(WinEDA_DrawFrame * frame , int pos_X,
const wxString & texte_H,const wxString & texte_L,int color)
Routine d'affichage d'un parametre.
pos_X = cadrage horizontal
si pos_X < 0 : la position horizontale est la derniere
valeur demandee >= 0
texte_H = texte a afficher en ligne superieure.
si "", par d'affichage sur cette ligne
texte_L = texte a afficher en ligne inferieure.
si "", par d'affichage sur cette ligne
color = couleur d'affichage
frame->MsgPanel->Affiche_1_Parametre(pos_X, texte_H,texte_L, color);
void AfficheDoc(WinEDA_DrawFrame * frame, const wxString & Doc, const wxString & KeyW)
Routine d'affichage de la documentation associee a un composant
wxString Line1( wxT("Doc: ")), Line2( wxT("KeyW: "));
int color = BLUE;
if ( frame && frame->MsgPanel)
Line1 += Doc;
Line2 += KeyW;
frame->MsgPanel->Affiche_1_Parametre(10, Line1, Line2, color);
int GetTimeStamp(void)
Retourne une identification temporelle (Time stamp) differente a chaque appel
static int OldTimeStamp, NewTimeStamp;
NewTimeStamp = time(NULL);
if(NewTimeStamp <= OldTimeStamp) NewTimeStamp = OldTimeStamp + 1;
OldTimeStamp = NewTimeStamp;
void valeur_param(int valeur,wxString & buf_texte)
/* Retourne pour affichage la valeur d'un parametre, selon type d'unites choisies
entree : valeur en mils , buffer de texte
retourne en buffer : texte : valeur exprimee en pouces ou millimetres
suivie de " ou mm
if ( g_UnitMetric )
buf_texte.Printf( wxT("%3.3f "),(float) valeur * 0.00254);
buf_texte << wxT("mm") ;
buf_texte.Printf( wxT("%2.4f "),(float) valeur * 0.0001);
buf_texte << wxT("\" ");