774 lines
24 KiB
774 lines
24 KiB
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2012 SoftPLC Corporation, Dick Hollenbeck <dick@softplc.com>
* Copyright (C) 2012-2023 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <dialog_shim.h>
#include <core/ignore.h>
#include <kiway_player.h>
#include <kiway.h>
#include <pgm_base.h>
#include <tool/tool_manager.h>
#include <kiplatform/ui.h>
#include <wx/display.h>
#include <wx/evtloop.h>
#include <wx/app.h>
#include <wx/event.h>
#include <wx/grid.h>
#include <wx/bmpbuttn.h>
#include <wx/textctrl.h>
#include <wx/stc/stc.h>
#include <algorithm>
/// Toggle a window's "enable" status to disabled, then enabled on destruction.
wxWindow* m_win;
WDO_ENABLE_DISABLE( wxWindow* aWindow ) :
m_win( aWindow )
if( m_win )
if( m_win )
m_win->Raise(); // let's focus back on the parent window
DIALOG_SHIM::DIALOG_SHIM( wxWindow* aParent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title,
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style,
const wxString& name ) :
wxDialog( aParent, id, title, pos, size, style, name ),
m_useCalculatedSize( false ),
m_firstPaintEvent( true ),
m_initialFocusTarget( nullptr ),
m_qmodal_loop( nullptr ),
m_qmodal_showing( false ),
m_qmodal_parent_disabler( nullptr ),
m_parentFrame( nullptr )
KIWAY_HOLDER* kiwayHolder = nullptr;
m_initialSize = size;
if( aParent )
kiwayHolder = dynamic_cast<KIWAY_HOLDER*>( aParent );
while( !kiwayHolder && aParent->GetParent() )
aParent = aParent->GetParent();
kiwayHolder = dynamic_cast<KIWAY_HOLDER*>( aParent );
// Inherit units from parent
if( kiwayHolder && kiwayHolder->GetType() == KIWAY_HOLDER::FRAME )
m_units = static_cast<EDA_BASE_FRAME*>( kiwayHolder )->GetUserUnits();
else if( kiwayHolder && kiwayHolder->GetType() == KIWAY_HOLDER::DIALOG )
m_units = static_cast<DIALOG_SHIM*>( kiwayHolder )->GetUserUnits();
// Don't mouse-warp after a dialog run from the context menu
if( kiwayHolder && kiwayHolder->GetType() == KIWAY_HOLDER::FRAME )
m_parentFrame = static_cast<EDA_BASE_FRAME*>( kiwayHolder );
TOOL_MANAGER* toolMgr = m_parentFrame->GetToolManager();
if( toolMgr && toolMgr->IsContextMenuActive() )
// Set up the message bus
if( kiwayHolder )
SetKiway( this, &kiwayHolder->Kiway() );
if( HasKiway() )
Kiway().SetBlockingDialog( this );
Bind( wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, &DIALOG_SHIM::OnCloseWindow, this );
Bind( wxEVT_BUTTON, &DIALOG_SHIM::OnButton, this );
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
// On Windows, the app top windows can be brought to the foreground (at least temporarily)
// in certain circumstances such as when calling an external tool in Eeschema BOM generation.
// So set the parent frame (if exists) to top window to avoid this annoying behavior.
if( kiwayHolder && kiwayHolder->GetType() == KIWAY_HOLDER::FRAME )
Pgm().App().SetTopWindow( (EDA_BASE_FRAME*) kiwayHolder );
Bind( wxEVT_PAINT, &DIALOG_SHIM::OnPaint, this );
Unbind( wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, &DIALOG_SHIM::OnCloseWindow, this );
Unbind( wxEVT_BUTTON, &DIALOG_SHIM::OnButton, this );
Unbind( wxEVT_PAINT, &DIALOG_SHIM::OnPaint, this );
std::function<void( wxWindowList& )> disconnectFocusHandlers = [&]( wxWindowList& children )
for( wxWindow* child : children )
if( wxTextCtrl* textCtrl = dynamic_cast<wxTextCtrl*>( child ) )
textCtrl->Disconnect( wxEVT_SET_FOCUS,
wxFocusEventHandler( DIALOG_SHIM::onChildSetFocus ), nullptr,
this );
else if( wxStyledTextCtrl* scintilla = dynamic_cast<wxStyledTextCtrl*>( child ) )
scintilla->Disconnect( wxEVT_SET_FOCUS,
wxFocusEventHandler( DIALOG_SHIM::onChildSetFocus ), nullptr,
this );
disconnectFocusHandlers( child->GetChildren() );
disconnectFocusHandlers( GetChildren() );
// if the dialog is quasi-modal, this will end its event loop
if( IsQuasiModal() )
EndQuasiModal( wxID_CANCEL );
if( HasKiway() )
Kiway().SetBlockingDialog( nullptr );
delete m_qmodal_parent_disabler;
void DIALOG_SHIM::finishDialogSettings()
// must be called from the constructor of derived classes,
// when all widgets are initialized, and therefore their size fixed
// SetSizeHints fixes the minimal size of sizers in the dialog
// (SetSizeHints calls Fit(), so no need to call it)
GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this );
void DIALOG_SHIM::setSizeInDU( int x, int y )
wxSize sz( x, y );
SetSize( ConvertDialogToPixels( sz ) );
int DIALOG_SHIM::horizPixelsFromDU( int x ) const
wxSize sz( x, 0 );
return ConvertDialogToPixels( sz ).x;
int DIALOG_SHIM::vertPixelsFromDU( int y ) const
wxSize sz( 0, y );
return ConvertDialogToPixels( sz ).y;
// our hashtable is an implementation secret, don't need or want it in a header file
#include <hashtables.h>
#include <typeinfo>
static std::unordered_map<std::string, wxRect> class_map;
void DIALOG_SHIM::SetPosition( const wxPoint& aNewPosition )
wxDialog::SetPosition( aNewPosition );
// Now update the stored position:
const char* hash_key;
if( m_hash_key.size() )
// a special case like EDA_LIST_DIALOG, which has multiple uses.
hash_key = m_hash_key.c_str();
hash_key = typeid(*this).name();
std::unordered_map<std::string, wxRect>::iterator it = class_map.find( hash_key );
if( it == class_map.end() )
wxRect rect = it->second;
rect.SetPosition( aNewPosition );
class_map[ hash_key ] = rect;
bool DIALOG_SHIM::Show( bool show )
bool ret;
const char* hash_key;
if( m_hash_key.size() )
// a special case like EDA_LIST_DIALOG, which has multiple uses.
hash_key = m_hash_key.c_str();
hash_key = typeid(*this).name();
// Show or hide the window. If hiding, save current position and size.
// If showing, use previous position and size.
if( show )
#ifndef __WINDOWS__
wxDialog::Raise(); // Needed on OS X and some other window managers (i.e. Unity)
ret = wxDialog::Show( show );
// classname is key, returns a zeroed-out default wxRect if none existed before.
wxRect savedDialogRect = class_map[ hash_key ];
if( savedDialogRect.GetSize().x != 0 && savedDialogRect.GetSize().y != 0 )
if( m_useCalculatedSize )
SetSize( savedDialogRect.GetPosition().x, savedDialogRect.GetPosition().y,
wxDialog::GetSize().x, wxDialog::GetSize().y, 0 );
SetSize( savedDialogRect.GetPosition().x, savedDialogRect.GetPosition().y,
std::max( wxDialog::GetSize().x, savedDialogRect.GetSize().x ),
std::max( wxDialog::GetSize().y, savedDialogRect.GetSize().y ),
0 );
else if( m_initialSize != wxDefaultSize )
SetSize( m_initialSize );
// Be sure that the dialog appears in a visible area
// (the dialog position might have been stored at the time when it was
// shown on another display)
if( wxDisplay::GetFromWindow( this ) == wxNOT_FOUND )
// Save the dialog's position & size before hiding, using classname as key
class_map[ hash_key ] = wxRect( wxDialog::GetPosition(), wxDialog::GetSize() );
#ifdef __WXMAC__
if ( m_eventLoop )
m_eventLoop->Exit( GetReturnCode() ); // Needed for APP-MODAL dlgs on OSX
ret = wxDialog::Show( show );
if( m_parent )
return ret;
void DIALOG_SHIM::resetSize()
const char* hash_key;
if( m_hash_key.size() )
// a special case like EDA_LIST_DIALOG, which has multiple uses.
hash_key = m_hash_key.c_str();
hash_key = typeid(*this).name();
std::unordered_map<std::string, wxRect>::iterator it = class_map.find( hash_key );
if( it == class_map.end() )
wxRect rect = it->second;
rect.SetSize( wxSize( 0, 0 ) );
class_map[ hash_key ] = rect;
bool DIALOG_SHIM::Enable( bool enable )
// so we can do logging of this state change:
return wxDialog::Enable( enable );
// Recursive descent doing a SelectAll() in wxTextCtrls.
// MacOS User Interface Guidelines state that when tabbing to a text control all its
// text should be selected. Since wxWidgets fails to implement this, we do it here.
void DIALOG_SHIM::selectAllInTextCtrls( wxWindowList& children )
for( wxWindow* child : children )
if( wxTextCtrl* textCtrl = dynamic_cast<wxTextCtrl*>( child ) )
m_beforeEditValues[ textCtrl ] = textCtrl->GetValue();
textCtrl->Connect( wxEVT_SET_FOCUS, wxFocusEventHandler( DIALOG_SHIM::onChildSetFocus ),
nullptr, this );
// We don't currently run this on GTK because some window managers don't hide the
// selection in non-active controls, and other window managers do the selection
// automatically anyway.
#if defined( __WXMAC__ ) || defined( __WXMSW__ )
if( !textCtrl->GetStringSelection().IsEmpty() )
// Respect an existing selection
else if( textCtrl->IsEditable() )
ignore_unused( textCtrl );
else if( wxStyledTextCtrl* scintilla = dynamic_cast<wxStyledTextCtrl*>( child ) )
m_beforeEditValues[ scintilla ] = scintilla->GetText();
scintilla->Connect( wxEVT_SET_FOCUS, wxFocusEventHandler( DIALOG_SHIM::onChildSetFocus ),
nullptr, this );
if( !scintilla->GetSelectedText().IsEmpty() )
// Respect an existing selection
else if( scintilla->IsEditable() )
#ifdef __WXMAC__
// Temp hack for square (looking) buttons on OSX. Will likely be made redundant
// by the image store....
else if( dynamic_cast<wxBitmapButton*>( child ) != nullptr )
wxSize minSize( 29, 27 );
wxRect rect = child->GetRect();
child->ConvertDialogToPixels( minSize );
rect.Inflate( std::max( 0, minSize.x - rect.GetWidth() ),
std::max( 0, minSize.y - rect.GetHeight() ) );
child->SetMinSize( rect.GetSize() );
child->SetSize( rect );
selectAllInTextCtrls( child->GetChildren() );
void DIALOG_SHIM::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &event )
if( m_firstPaintEvent )
KIPLATFORM::UI::FixupCancelButtonCmdKeyCollision( this );
selectAllInTextCtrls( GetChildren() );
if( m_initialFocusTarget )
KIPLATFORM::UI::ForceFocus( m_initialFocusTarget );
KIPLATFORM::UI::ForceFocus( this ); // Focus the dialog itself
m_firstPaintEvent = false;
void DIALOG_SHIM::OnModify()
if( !GetTitle().StartsWith( wxS( "*" ) ) )
SetTitle( wxS( "*" ) + GetTitle() );
Quasi-Modal Mode Explained:
The gtk calls in wxDialog::ShowModal() cause event routing problems if that
modal dialog then tries to use KIWAY_PLAYER::ShowModal(). The latter shows up
and mostly works but does not respond to the window decoration close button.
There is no way to get around this without reversing the gtk calls temporarily.
Quasi-Modal mode is our own almost modal mode which disables only the parent
of the DIALOG_SHIM, leaving other frames operable and while staying captured in the
nested event loop. This avoids the gtk calls and leaves event routing pure
and sufficient to operate the KIWAY_PLAYER::ShowModal() properly. When using
ShowQuasiModal() you have to use EndQuasiModal() in your dialogs and not
EndModal(). There is also IsQuasiModal() but its value can only be true
when the nested event loop is active. Do not mix the modal and quasi-modal
functions. Use one set or the other.
You might find this behavior preferable over a pure modal mode, and it was said
that only the Mac has this natively, but now other platforms have something
similar. You CAN use it anywhere for any dialog. But you MUST use it when
you want to use KIWAY_PLAYER::ShowModal() from a dialog event.
int DIALOG_SHIM::ShowQuasiModal()
// This is an exception safe way to zero a pointer before returning.
// Yes, even though DismissModal() clears this first normally, this is
// here in case there's an exception before the dialog is dismissed.
struct NULLER
void*& m_what;
NULLER( void*& aPtr ) : m_what( aPtr ) {}
~NULLER() { m_what = nullptr; } // indeed, set it to NULL on destruction
} clear_this( (void*&) m_qmodal_loop );
// release the mouse if it's currently captured as the window having it
// will be disabled when this dialog is shown -- but will still keep the
// capture making it impossible to do anything in the modal dialog itself
wxWindow* win = wxWindow::GetCapture();
if( win )
// Get the optimal parent
wxWindow* parent = GetParentForModalDialog( GetParent(), GetWindowStyle() );
wxASSERT_MSG( !m_qmodal_parent_disabler, wxT( "Caller using ShowQuasiModal() twice on same "
"window?" ) );
// quasi-modal: disable only my "optimal" parent
m_qmodal_parent_disabler = new WDO_ENABLE_DISABLE( parent );
// Apple in its infinite wisdom will raise a disabled window before even passing
// us the event, so we have no way to stop it. Instead, we must set an order on
// the windows so that the quasi-modal will be pushed in front of the disabled
// window when it is raised.
KIPLATFORM::UI::ReparentQuasiModal( this );
Show( true );
m_qmodal_showing = true;
WX_EVENT_LOOP event_loop;
m_qmodal_loop = &event_loop;
m_qmodal_showing = false;
if( parent )
return GetReturnCode();
void DIALOG_SHIM::EndQuasiModal( int retCode )
// Hook up validator and transfer data from controls handling so quasi-modal dialogs
// handle validation in the same way as other dialogs.
if( ( retCode == wxID_OK ) && ( !Validate() || !TransferDataFromWindow() ) )
SetReturnCode( retCode );
if( !IsQuasiModal() )
wxFAIL_MSG( wxT( "Either DIALOG_SHIM::EndQuasiModal was called twice, or ShowQuasiModal"
"wasn't called" ) );
if( m_qmodal_loop )
if( m_qmodal_loop->IsRunning() )
m_qmodal_loop->Exit( 0 );
m_qmodal_loop->ScheduleExit( 0 );
m_qmodal_loop = nullptr;
delete m_qmodal_parent_disabler;
m_qmodal_parent_disabler = nullptr;
Show( false );
void DIALOG_SHIM::OnCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& aEvent )
if( IsQuasiModal() )
EndQuasiModal( wxID_CANCEL );
// This is mandatory to allow wxDialogBase::OnCloseWindow() to be called.
void DIALOG_SHIM::OnButton( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
const int id = aEvent.GetId();
if( IsQuasiModal() )
if( id == GetAffirmativeId() )
EndQuasiModal( id );
else if( id == wxID_APPLY )
// Dialogs that provide Apply buttons should make sure data is valid before
// allowing a transfer, as there is no other way to indicate failure
// (i.e. the dialog can't refuse to close as it might with OK, because it
// isn't closing anyway)
if( Validate() )
ignore_unused( TransferDataFromWindow() );
else if( id == wxID_CANCEL )
EndQuasiModal( wxID_CANCEL );
else // not a standard button
// This is mandatory to allow wxDialogBase::OnButton() to be called.
void DIALOG_SHIM::onChildSetFocus( wxFocusEvent& aEvent )
// When setting focus to a text control reset the before-edit value.
if( wxTextCtrl* textCtrl = dynamic_cast<wxTextCtrl*>( aEvent.GetEventObject() ) )
m_beforeEditValues[ textCtrl ] = textCtrl->GetValue();
else if( wxStyledTextCtrl* scintilla = dynamic_cast<wxStyledTextCtrl*>( aEvent.GetEventObject() ) )
m_beforeEditValues[ scintilla ] = scintilla->GetText();
void DIALOG_SHIM::OnCharHook( wxKeyEvent& aEvt )
if( aEvt.GetKeyCode() == 'U' && aEvt.GetModifiers() == wxMOD_CONTROL )
if( m_parentFrame )
// shift-return (Mac default) or Ctrl-Return (GTK) for OK
else if( ( aEvt.GetKeyCode() == WXK_RETURN || aEvt.GetKeyCode() == WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER )
&& ( aEvt.ShiftDown() || aEvt.ControlDown() ) )
wxPostEvent( this, wxCommandEvent( wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, wxID_OK ) );
else if( aEvt.GetKeyCode() == WXK_TAB && !aEvt.ControlDown() )
wxWindow* currentWindow = wxWindow::FindFocus();
int currentIdx = -1;
int delta = aEvt.ShiftDown() ? -1 : 1;
auto advance =
[&]( int& idx )
// Wrap-around modulus
int size = (int) m_tabOrder.size();
idx = ( ( idx + delta ) % size + size ) % size;
for( size_t i = 0; i < m_tabOrder.size(); ++i )
if( m_tabOrder[i] == currentWindow )
currentIdx = (int) i;
if( currentIdx >= 0 )
advance( currentIdx );
//todo: We don't currently have non-textentry dialog boxes but this will break if
// we add them.
#ifdef __APPLE__
while( dynamic_cast<wxTextEntry*>( m_tabOrder[ currentIdx ] ) == nullptr )
advance( currentIdx );
m_tabOrder[ currentIdx ]->SetFocus();
else if( aEvt.GetKeyCode() == WXK_ESCAPE )
wxObject* eventSource = aEvt.GetEventObject();
if( wxTextCtrl* textCtrl = dynamic_cast<wxTextCtrl*>( eventSource ) )
// First escape after an edit cancels edit
if( textCtrl->GetValue() != m_beforeEditValues[ textCtrl ] )
textCtrl->SetValue( m_beforeEditValues[ textCtrl ] );
else if( wxStyledTextCtrl* scintilla = dynamic_cast<wxStyledTextCtrl*>( eventSource ) )
// First escape after an edit cancels edit
if( scintilla->GetText() != m_beforeEditValues[ scintilla ] )
scintilla->SetText( m_beforeEditValues[ scintilla ] );
static void recursiveDescent( wxSizer* aSizer, std::map<int, wxString>& aLabels )
wxStdDialogButtonSizer* sdbSizer = dynamic_cast<wxStdDialogButtonSizer*>( aSizer );
auto setupButton =
[&]( wxButton* aButton )
if( aLabels.count( aButton->GetId() ) > 0 )
aButton->SetLabel( aLabels[ aButton->GetId() ] );
// wxWidgets has an uneven track record when the language is changed on
// the fly so we set them even when they don't appear in the label map
switch( aButton->GetId() )
case wxID_OK: aButton->SetLabel( _( "&OK" ) ); break;
case wxID_CANCEL: aButton->SetLabel( _( "&Cancel" ) ); break;
case wxID_YES: aButton->SetLabel( _( "&Yes" ) ); break;
case wxID_NO: aButton->SetLabel( _( "&No" ) ); break;
case wxID_APPLY: aButton->SetLabel( _( "&Apply" ) ); break;
case wxID_SAVE: aButton->SetLabel( _( "&Save" ) ); break;
case wxID_HELP: aButton->SetLabel( _( "&Help" ) ); break;
case wxID_CONTEXT_HELP: aButton->SetLabel( _( "&Help" ) ); break;
if( sdbSizer )
if( sdbSizer->GetAffirmativeButton() )
setupButton( sdbSizer->GetAffirmativeButton() );
if( sdbSizer->GetApplyButton() )
setupButton( sdbSizer->GetApplyButton() );
if( sdbSizer->GetNegativeButton() )
setupButton( sdbSizer->GetNegativeButton() );
if( sdbSizer->GetCancelButton() )
setupButton( sdbSizer->GetCancelButton() );
if( sdbSizer->GetHelpButton() )
setupButton( sdbSizer->GetHelpButton() );
if( sdbSizer->GetAffirmativeButton() )
for( wxSizerItem* item : aSizer->GetChildren() )
if( item->GetSizer() )
recursiveDescent( item->GetSizer(), aLabels );
void DIALOG_SHIM::SetupStandardButtons( std::map<int, wxString> aLabels )
recursiveDescent( GetSizer(), aLabels );