744 lines
24 KiB
744 lines
24 KiB
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Jean-Pierre Charras, jp.charras at wanadoo.fr
* Copyright (C) 2008 Wayne Stambaugh <stambaughw@gmail.com>
* Copyright (C) 1992-2018 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file pgm_base.cpp
* @brief For the main application: init functions, and language selection
* (locale handling)
#include <fctsys.h>
#include <wx/html/htmlwin.h>
#include <wx/fs_zip.h>
#include <wx/dir.h>
#include <wx/filename.h>
#include <wx/snglinst.h>
#include <wx/stdpaths.h>
#include <wx/sysopt.h>
#include <wx/richmsgdlg.h>
#include <build_version.h>
#include <config_params.h>
#include <confirm.h>
#include <dialog_configure_paths.h>
#include <eda_base_frame.h>
#include <eda_draw_frame.h>
#include <gal/gal_display_options.h>
#include <gestfich.h>
#include <hotkeys_basic.h>
#include <id.h>
#include <lockfile.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include <menus_helpers.h>
#include <pgm_base.h>
#include <settings/common_settings.h>
#include <settings/settings_manager.h>
#include <systemdirsappend.h>
#include <trace_helpers.h>
* LanguagesList
* Note: because this list is not created on the fly, wxTranslation
* must be called when a language name must be displayed after translation.
* Do not change this behavior, because m_Lang_Label is also used as key in config
#undef _
#define _(s) s
LANGUAGE_DESCR LanguagesList[] =
{ wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT, ID_LANGUAGE_DEFAULT, _( "Default" ), false },
{ wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH, ID_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH, wxT( "English" ), true },
{ wxLANGUAGE_FRENCH, ID_LANGUAGE_FRENCH, wxT( "Français" ), false },
{ wxLANGUAGE_SPANISH, ID_LANGUAGE_SPANISH, wxT( "Español" ), false },
{ wxLANGUAGE_ITALIAN, ID_LANGUAGE_ITALIAN, wxT( "Italiano" ), false },
{ wxLANGUAGE_GERMAN, ID_LANGUAGE_GERMAN, wxT( "Deutsch" ), false },
{ wxLANGUAGE_GREEK, ID_LANGUAGE_GREEK, wxT( "Ελληνικά" ), false },
{ wxLANGUAGE_POLISH, ID_LANGUAGE_POLISH, wxT( "Polski" ), false },
{ wxLANGUAGE_CZECH, ID_LANGUAGE_CZECH, wxT( "Čeština" ), false },
{ wxLANGUAGE_RUSSIAN, ID_LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN, wxT( "Русский" ), false },
wxT( "简体中文" ), false },
wxT( "繁體中文" ), false },
{ wxLANGUAGE_CATALAN, ID_LANGUAGE_CATALAN, wxT( "Català" ), false },
{ 0, 0, "", false } // Sentinel
#undef _
#define _(s) wxGetTranslation((s))
m_pgm_checker = NULL;
m_locale = NULL;
m_Printing = false;
m_show_env_var_dialog = true;
setLanguageId( wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT );
ForceSystemPdfBrowser( false );
void PGM_BASE::Destroy()
// unlike a normal destructor, this is designed to be called more than once safely:
delete m_pgm_checker;
m_pgm_checker = 0;
delete m_locale;
m_locale = 0;
wxApp& PGM_BASE::App()
wxASSERT( wxTheApp );
return *wxTheApp;
void PGM_BASE::SetEditorName( const wxString& aFileName )
m_editor_name = aFileName;
wxASSERT( GetCommonSettings() );
GetCommonSettings()->m_System.editor_name = aFileName;
const wxString& PGM_BASE::GetEditorName( bool aCanShowFileChooser )
wxString editorname = m_editor_name;
if( !editorname )
if( !wxGetEnv( "EDITOR", &editorname ) )
// If there is no EDITOR variable set, try the desktop default
#ifdef __WXMAC__
editorname = "/usr/bin/open";
#elif __WXX11__
editorname = "/usr/bin/xdg-open";
// If we still don't have an editor name show a dialog asking the user to select one
if( !editorname && aCanShowFileChooser )
DisplayInfoMessage( NULL,
_( "No default editor found, you must choose it" ) );
editorname = AskUserForPreferredEditor();
// If we finally have a new editor name request it to be copied to m_editor_name and
// saved to the preferences file.
if( !editorname.IsEmpty() )
SetEditorName( editorname );
// m_editor_name already has the same value that editorname, or empty if no editor was
// found/chosen.
return m_editor_name;
const wxString PGM_BASE::AskUserForPreferredEditor( const wxString& aDefaultEditor )
// Create a mask representing the executable files in the current platform
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
wxString mask( _( "Executable file (*.exe)|*.exe" ) );
wxString mask( _( "Executable file (*)|*" ) );
// Extract the path, name and extension from the default editor (even if the editor's
// name was empty, this method will succeed and return empty strings).
wxString path, name, ext;
wxFileName::SplitPath( aDefaultEditor, &path, &name, &ext );
// Show the modal editor and return the file chosen (may be empty if the user cancels
// the dialog).
return EDA_FILE_SELECTOR( _( "Select Preferred Editor" ), path,
name, ext, mask,
true );
bool PGM_BASE::InitPgm()
wxFileName pgm_name( App().argv[0] );
m_pgm_checker = new wxSingleInstanceChecker( pgm_name.GetName().Lower() + wxT( "-" ) +
wxGetUserId(), GetKicadLockFilePath() );
if( m_pgm_checker->IsAnotherRunning() )
wxString quiz = wxString::Format(
_( "%s is already running. Continue?" ),
GetChars( pgm_name.GetName() )
if( !IsOK( NULL, quiz ) )
return false;
m_settings_manager = std::unique_ptr<SETTINGS_MANAGER>( new SETTINGS_MANAGER );
// Something got in the way of settings load: can't continue
if( !m_settings_manager->IsOK() )
return false;
// Init KiCad environment
// the environment variable KICAD (if exists) gives the kicad path:
// something like set KICAD=d:\kicad
bool isDefined = wxGetEnv( "KICAD", &m_kicad_env );
if( isDefined ) // ensure m_kicad_env ends by "/"
if( !m_kicad_env.IsEmpty() && m_kicad_env.Last() != '/' )
m_kicad_env += UNIX_STRING_DIR_SEP;
// Init parameters for configuration
App().SetVendorName( "KiCad" );
App().SetAppName( pgm_name.GetName().Lower() );
// Install some image handlers, mainly for help
if( wxImage::FindHandler( wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG ) == NULL )
wxImage::AddHandler( new wxPNGHandler );
if( wxImage::FindHandler( wxBITMAP_TYPE_GIF ) == NULL )
wxImage::AddHandler( new wxGIFHandler );
if( wxImage::FindHandler( wxBITMAP_TYPE_JPEG ) == NULL )
wxImage::AddHandler( new wxJPEGHandler );
wxFileSystem::AddHandler( new wxZipFSHandler );
// Analyze the command line & initialize the binary path
wxString envVarName = wxT( "KIGITHUB" );
ENV_VAR_ITEM envVarItem;
wxString envValue;
wxFileName tmpFileName;
if( wxGetEnv( envVarName, &envValue ) == true && !envValue.IsEmpty() )
tmpFileName.AssignDir( envValue );
envVarItem.SetDefinedExternally( true );
wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars, "PGM_BASE::InitPgm: Found entry %s externally", envVarName );
envVarItem.SetValue( wxString( wxT( "https://github.com/KiCad" ) ) );
envVarItem.SetDefinedExternally( false );
wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars, "PGM_BASE::InitPgm: Setting entry %s = %s", envVarName, envVarItem.GetValue() );
m_local_env_vars[ envVarName ] = envVarItem;
wxFileName baseSharePath;
#if defined( __WXMSW__ )
// Make the paths relative to the executable dir as KiCad might be installed anywhere
// It follows the Windows installer paths scheme, where binaries are installed in
// PATH/bin and extra files in PATH/share/kicad
baseSharePath.AssignDir( m_bin_dir + "\\.." );
baseSharePath.AssignDir( wxString( wxT( DEFAULT_INSTALL_PATH ) ) );
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
baseSharePath.AppendDir( "share" );
baseSharePath.AppendDir( "kicad" );
envVarName = wxT( "KISYSMOD" );
if( wxGetEnv( envVarName, &envValue ) == true && !envValue.IsEmpty() )
tmpFileName.AssignDir( envValue );
envVarItem.SetDefinedExternally( true );
wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars, "PGM_BASE::InitPgm: Found entry %s externally", envVarName );
tmpFileName = baseSharePath;
tmpFileName.AppendDir( "modules" );
envVarItem.SetDefinedExternally( false );
envVarItem.SetValue( tmpFileName.GetPath() );
wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars, "PGM_BASE::InitPgm: Setting entry %s = %s", envVarName, envVarItem.GetValue() );
m_local_env_vars[ envVarName ] = envVarItem;
envVarName = wxT( "KISYS3DMOD" );
if( wxGetEnv( envVarName, &envValue ) == true && !envValue.IsEmpty() )
tmpFileName.AssignDir( envValue );
envVarItem.SetDefinedExternally( true );
wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars, "PGM_BASE::InitPgm: Found entry %s externally", envVarName );
tmpFileName.AppendDir( "packages3d" );
envVarItem.SetDefinedExternally( false );
envVarItem.SetValue( tmpFileName.GetFullPath() );
wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars, "PGM_BASE::InitPgm: Setting entry %s = %s", envVarName, envVarItem.GetValue() );
m_local_env_vars[ envVarName ] = envVarItem;
if( wxGetEnv( envVarName, &envValue ) == true && !envValue.IsEmpty() )
tmpFileName.AssignDir( envValue );
envVarItem.SetDefinedExternally( true );
wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars, "PGM_BASE::InitPgm: Found entry %s externally", envVarName );
// Attempt to find the best default template path.
SEARCH_STACK templatePaths;
SystemDirsAppend( &bases );
for( unsigned i = 0; i < bases.GetCount(); ++i )
wxFileName fn( bases[i], wxEmptyString );
// Add KiCad template file path to search path list.
fn.AppendDir( "template" );
// Only add path if exists and can be read by the user.
if( fn.DirExists() && fn.IsDirReadable() )
wxLogTrace( tracePathsAndFiles, "Checking template path '%s' exists",
fn.GetPath() );
templatePaths.AddPaths( fn.GetPath() );
if( templatePaths.IsEmpty() )
tmpFileName = baseSharePath;
tmpFileName.AppendDir( "template" );
// Take the first one. There may be more but this will likely be the best option.
tmpFileName.AssignDir( templatePaths[0] );
envVarItem.SetDefinedExternally( false );
envVarItem.SetValue( tmpFileName.GetPath() );
wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars, "PGM_BASE::InitPgm: Setting entry %s = %s", envVarName, envVarItem.GetValue() );
m_local_env_vars[ envVarName ] = envVarItem;
if( wxGetEnv( envVarName, &envValue ) == true && !envValue.IsEmpty() )
tmpFileName.AssignDir( envValue );
envVarItem.SetDefinedExternally( true );
wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars, "PGM_BASE::InitPgm: Found entry %s externally", envVarName );
// Default user template path.
tmpFileName.AssignDir( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDocumentsDir() );
tmpFileName.AppendDir( "kicad" );
tmpFileName.AppendDir( "template" );
envVarItem.SetDefinedExternally( false );
envVarItem.SetValue( tmpFileName.GetPath() );
wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars, "PGM_BASE::InitPgm: Setting entry %s = %s", envVarName, envVarItem.GetValue() );
m_local_env_vars[ envVarName ] = envVarItem;
envVarName = wxT( "KICAD_SYMBOL_DIR" );
if( wxGetEnv( envVarName, &envValue ) == true && !envValue.IsEmpty() )
tmpFileName.AssignDir( envValue );
envVarItem.SetDefinedExternally( true );
wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars, "PGM_BASE::InitPgm: Found entry %s externally", envVarName );
tmpFileName = baseSharePath;
tmpFileName.AppendDir( "library" );
envVarItem.SetDefinedExternally( false );
envVarItem.SetValue( tmpFileName.GetPath() );
wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars, "PGM_BASE::InitPgm: Setting entry %s = %s", envVarName, envVarItem.GetValue() );
m_local_env_vars[ envVarName ] = envVarItem;
GetSettingsManager().Load( GetCommonSettings() );
// Init user language *before* calling loadCommonSettings, because
// env vars could be incorrectly initialized on Linux
// (if the value contains some non ASCII7 chars, the env var is not initialized)
SetLanguage( true );
ReadPdfBrowserInfos(); // needs GetCommonSettings()
#ifdef __WXMAC__
// Always show filters on Open dialog to be able to choose plugin
wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxOSX_FILEDIALOG_ALWAYS_SHOW_TYPES, 1 );
// TODO(JE): Remove this if apps are refactored to not assume Prj() always works
// Need to create a project early for now (it can have an empty path for the moment)
GetSettingsManager().LoadProject( "" );
return true;
bool PGM_BASE::setExecutablePath()
m_bin_dir = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath();
#ifdef __WXMAC__
// On OSX Pgm().GetExecutablePath() will always point to main
// bundle directory, e.g., /Applications/kicad.app/
wxFileName fn( m_bin_dir );
if( fn.GetName() == wxT( "kicad" ) )
// kicad launcher, so just remove the Contents/MacOS part
// standalone binaries live in Contents/Applications/<standalone>.app/Contents/MacOS
m_bin_dir = fn.GetPath() + wxT( "/" );
// Use unix notation for paths. I am not sure this is a good idea,
// but it simplifies compatibility between Windows and Unices.
// However it is a potential problem in path handling under Windows.
// Remove file name form command line:
while( m_bin_dir.Last() != '/' && !m_bin_dir.IsEmpty() )
return true;
void PGM_BASE::loadCommonSettings()
m_help_size.x = 500;
m_help_size.y = 400;
m_show_env_var_dialog = GetCommonSettings()->m_Env.show_warning_dialog;
m_editor_name = GetCommonSettings()->m_System.editor_name;
for( const auto& it : GetCommonSettings()->m_Env.vars )
wxString key( it.first.c_str(), wxConvUTF8 );
wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars, "PGM_BASE::loadCommonSettings: Found entry %s = %s", key, it.second );
// Do not store the env var PROJECT_VAR_NAME ("KIPRJMOD") definition if for some reason
// it is found in config. (It is reserved and defined as project path)
if( key == PROJECT_VAR_NAME )
if( m_local_env_vars[ key ].GetDefinedExternally() )
wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars, "PGM_BASE::loadCommonSettings: Updating entry %s = %s", key, it.second );
m_local_env_vars[ key ] = ENV_VAR_ITEM( it.second, wxGetEnv( it.first, nullptr ) );
for( auto& m_local_env_var : m_local_env_vars )
SetLocalEnvVariable( m_local_env_var.first, m_local_env_var.second.GetValue() );
void PGM_BASE::SaveCommonSettings()
// GetCommonSettings() is not initialized until fairly late in the
// process startup: InitPgm(), so test before using:
if( GetCommonSettings() )
GetCommonSettings()->m_System.working_dir = wxGetCwd().ToStdString();
GetCommonSettings()->m_Env.show_warning_dialog = m_show_env_var_dialog;
// Save the local environment variables.
for( auto& m_local_env_var : m_local_env_vars )
if( m_local_env_var.second.GetDefinedExternally() )
wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars,
"PGM_BASE::SaveCommonSettings: Saving environment variable config entry %s as %s",
GetChars( m_local_env_var.first ),
GetChars( m_local_env_var.second.GetValue() ) );
std::string key( m_local_env_var.first.ToUTF8() );
GetCommonSettings()->m_Env.vars[ key ] = m_local_env_var.second.GetValue();
COMMON_SETTINGS* PGM_BASE::GetCommonSettings() const
return GetSettingsManager().GetCommonSettings();
bool PGM_BASE::SetLanguage( bool first_time )
bool retv = true;
if( first_time )
setLanguageId( wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT );
// First time SetLanguage is called, the user selected language id is set
// from common user config settings
wxString languageSel = GetCommonSettings()->m_System.language;
// Search for the current selection
for( unsigned ii = 0; LanguagesList[ii].m_KI_Lang_Identifier != 0; ii++ )
if( LanguagesList[ii].m_Lang_Label == languageSel )
setLanguageId( LanguagesList[ii].m_WX_Lang_Identifier );
// dictionary file name without extend (full name is kicad.mo)
wxString dictionaryName( "kicad" );
delete m_locale;
m_locale = new wxLocale;
if( !m_locale->Init( m_language_id ) )
wxLogTrace( traceLocale, "This language is not supported by the system." );
setLanguageId( wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT );
delete m_locale;
m_locale = new wxLocale;
retv = false;
else if( !first_time )
wxLogTrace( traceLocale, "Search for dictionary %s.mo in %s",
GetChars( dictionaryName ), GetChars( m_locale->GetName() ) );
if( !first_time )
// If we are here, the user has selected another language.
// Therefore the new prefered language name is stored in common config.
// Do NOT store the wxWidgets language Id, it can change between wxWidgets
// versions, for a given language
wxString languageSel;
// Search for the current selection language name
for( unsigned ii = 0; LanguagesList[ii].m_KI_Lang_Identifier != 0; ii++ )
if( LanguagesList[ii].m_WX_Lang_Identifier == m_language_id )
languageSel = LanguagesList[ii].m_Lang_Label;
COMMON_SETTINGS* cfg = GetCommonSettings();
cfg->m_System.language = languageSel;
cfg->SaveToFile( GetSettingsManager().GetPathForSettingsFile( cfg ) );
// Test if floating point notation is working (bug encountered in cross compilation)
// Make a conversion double <=> string
double dtst = 0.5;
wxString msg;
msg << dtst;
double result;
msg.ToDouble( &result );
if( result != dtst )
// string to double encode/decode does not work! Bug detected:
// Disable floating point localization:
setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "C" );
if( !m_locale->IsLoaded( dictionaryName ) )
m_locale->AddCatalog( dictionaryName );
if( !retv )
return retv;
return m_locale->IsOk();
void PGM_BASE::SetLanguageIdentifier( int menu_id )
wxLogTrace( traceLocale, "Select language ID %d from %d possible languages.",
menu_id, (int)arrayDim( LanguagesList )-1 );
for( unsigned ii = 0; LanguagesList[ii].m_KI_Lang_Identifier != 0; ii++ )
if( menu_id == LanguagesList[ii].m_KI_Lang_Identifier )
setLanguageId( LanguagesList[ii].m_WX_Lang_Identifier );
void PGM_BASE::SetLanguagePath()
SystemDirsAppend( &guesses );
// Add our internat dir to the wxLocale catalog of paths
for( unsigned i = 0; i < guesses.GetCount(); i++ )
wxFileName fn( guesses[i], wxEmptyString );
// Append path for Windows and unix KiCad package install
fn.AppendDir( "share" );
fn.AppendDir( "internat" );
if( fn.IsDirReadable() )
wxLogTrace( traceLocale, "Adding locale lookup path: " + fn.GetPath() );
wxLocale::AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix( fn.GetPath() );
// Append path for unix standard install
fn.AppendDir( "kicad" );
fn.AppendDir( "internat" );
if( fn.IsDirReadable() )
wxLogTrace( traceLocale, "Adding locale lookup path: " + fn.GetPath() );
wxLocale::AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix( fn.GetPath() );
bool PGM_BASE::SetLocalEnvVariable( const wxString& aName, const wxString& aValue )
wxString env;
// Check to see if the environment variable is already set.
if( wxGetEnv( aName, &env ) )
wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars,
"PGM_BASE::SetLocalEnvVariable: Environment variable %s already set to %s",
GetChars( aName ), GetChars( env ) );
return env == aValue;
wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars,
"PGM_BASE::SetLocalEnvVariable: Setting local environment variable %s to %s",
GetChars( aName ), GetChars( aValue ) );
return wxSetEnv( aName, aValue );
void PGM_BASE::SetLocalEnvVariables( const ENV_VAR_MAP& aEnvVarMap )
m_local_env_vars = aEnvVarMap;
// Overwrites externally defined environment variable until the next time the application
// is run.
for( auto& m_local_env_var : m_local_env_vars )
wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars,
"PGM_BASE::SetLocalEnvVariables: Setting local environment variable %s to %s",
GetChars( m_local_env_var.first ),
GetChars( m_local_env_var.second.GetValue() ) );
wxSetEnv( m_local_env_var.first, m_local_env_var.second.GetValue() );