# Changelog ## 0.5.0 - 2023-03-29 ### 🛠️ Fixes - **✨ Fix broken links and naming issues from fork transition- [adrianheine], [pr29]** This PR helps clean up a variety of references and links that weren't caught when the project transitioned from a fork of the `typed-html` crate. ### 🌿 Maintenance - **✨ Dependency gardening - [ashleygwilliams], [pr32]/[pr33]** General dependency maintenance with two notable actions: - replace `ansi_term` with `console` to match the rest of the axo toolchain - update `lalrpop` to 0.19.9 (latest release) to address warning [adrianheine]: https://github.com/adrianheine [pr29]: https://github.com/axodotdev/axohtml/pull/29 [pr32]: https://github.com/axodotdev/axohtml/pull/32 [pr33]: https://github.com/axodotdev/axohtml/pull/33 ## 0.4.1 - 2023-01-24 ### 🛠️ Fixes - **✨ Fix capitalization for Permissions-Policy meta tag- [ashleygwilliams], [pr26]** This PR updates the capitalization of the Permissions Policy header from `Permissions-policy` to `Permissions-Policy`. [pr26]: https://github.com/axodotdev/axohtml/pull/26 [ashleygwilliams]: https://github.com/ashleygwilliams ## 0.4.0 - 2023-01-24 ### 🎁 Features - **✨ Add support for Permissions-Policy meta tag- [SaraVieira], [pr23]** This pr adds support for using the [`Permissions-Policy` meta tag](https://www.w3.org/TR/permissions-policy-1/) that is used for defining a set of browser APIs you do not wish your website to have. [pr23]: https://github.com/axodotdev/axohtml/pull/23 ## 0.3.0 - 2023-01-02 ### 🎁 Features - **✨ More robust `aria` type checking - [SaraVieira], [i2]/[pr12], [i3]/[pr11]** `aria-sort` and `aria-orientation` now offer more robust type checking following the guidelines of MDN you can see in their pages: - [`aria-sort`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Attributes/aria-sort) - [`aria-orientation`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Attributes/aria-orientation) [i2]: https://github.com/axodotdev/axohtml/issues/2 [pr12]: https://github.com/axodotdev/axohtml/pull/12 [i3]: https://github.com/axodotdev/axohtml/issues/3 [pr11]: https://github.com/axodotdev/axohtml/pull/11 - **✨ Add twitter SEO tag support - [SaraVieira], [pr17]** Add support for meta tags used for twitter cards as showed in [their docs](https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-for-websites/cards/overview/markup) [pr17]: https://github.com/axodotdev/axohtml/pull/17 ### 🛠️ Fixes - **✨ Data Attributes now work with more than one hyphen - [SaraVieira], [pr10]** Our support for `data` attributes was limited in the way that it only supported one hyphen in said attributes, well, no more, use as many hyphens as your heart pleases [pr10]: https://github.com/axodotdev/axohtml/pull/10 - **✨ Allow `script` tags in HTML - [SaraVieira], [pr10]** We now allow you to add script tags in the HTML after the body as the HTML standards also allow - **✨ Allow unescaped text in`script`- [SaraVieira], [pr14]** Until now we were escaping the text passed down to the `script` tag and in the `script` tag is the only place we are sure we don't want to escape that so that's fixed and you can add `script` tags with unescaped text inside [pr14]: https://github.com/axodotdev/axohtml/pull/14 ## 0.2.0 - 2022-12-19 ### 🎁 Features - **✨ New Attribute - `aria`** - [SaraVieira] [`aria` attributes] are critical to making the web more accessible to everyone, but most importantly, people with disabilities. These were a to-do item from the original project, and so we to-did them. At least most of them. There are a [few open issues] if you'd like to help us complete the implementation. [`aria` attributes]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA [few open issues]: https://github.com/axodotdev/axohtml/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+aria - **✨ New Attribute - `meta:property`** - [SaraVieira] If you ask the internet why `meta` tags have a `property` attribute that isn't in the spec, you won't get great answers. Although not formally specified in HTML5, `property` attributes in `meta` tags are important for SEO and [the Open Graph Protocol]. They _are_ documented in [RDFa] which is a formal W3C recommendation. It is outside the scope of this project to standardize standards bodies. We needed to support the `property` attribute, and so we did. [saravieira]: https://github.com/SaraVieira [the open graph protocol]: https://ogp.me/ [rdfa]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RDFa ## 0.1.0 - 2022-12-16 Forked project, removed `dodrio` and `stdweb` features; initial release.