#include #include #include #include #include #include "epic_drm.h" #define log(what) printf("[epic_drm] " what "\n") /** * sends a protected command to the client */ void get_cmd(struct command_channel* chan, const uint8_t* key) { log("sending encrypted DRM command"); uint8_t cmd[CMD_SIZE] = "echo 'sharks'"; getrandom(chan->data.nonce, 24, 0); crypto_lock(chan->data.mac, chan->data.exec_cmd, key, chan->data.nonce, cmd, CMD_SIZE); chan->command = SUCCESS; } /** * unprotects and executes data from the client */ void execute_cmd(struct command_channel* chan, const uint8_t* key) { log("decrypting command"); uint8_t cmd[CMD_SIZE]; int res = crypto_unlock(cmd, key, chan->data.nonce, chan->data.mac, chan->data.exec_cmd, CMD_SIZE); if (res != 0) { log("decryption error"); chan->command = ERROR; } else { log("executing command"); system((const char*)cmd); chan->command = SUCCESS; } } int main() { // create random key uint8_t key[16]; log("generating random key"); getrandom(key, sizeof(key), 0); // initialize memory log("opening shm"); shm_unlink(SHM_NAME); int shm = shm_open(SHM_NAME, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0644); ftruncate(shm, SHM_SIZE); struct command_channel* chan = mmap(NULL, SHM_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, shm, 0); sem_init(&chan->sem_c2s, 1, 0); sem_init(&chan->sem_s2c, 1, 0); // process commands log("ready"); while (true) { sem_wait(&chan->sem_c2s); switch (chan->command) { case GET_CMD: get_cmd(chan, key); break; case EXECUTE_CMD: execute_cmd(chan, key); break; default: log("unexpected command"); } sem_post(&chan->sem_s2c); } }