#!/bin/bash component_package="$1" resources="$2" arch="$3" usage(){ echo "Builds a distribution package for macOS." echo "Assumes that the following items already exist:" echo " - A starship component package" echo " - Resources in a pkg_resources directory" echo "Usage: $0 " echo " where arch is one of \"arm64\" or \"x86_64\"" } script_dir="$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )" source "$script_dir/common.sh" if [[ "$OSTYPE" != 'darwin'* ]]; then error "This script only works on MacOS" fi if [[ "${3-undefined}" = "undefined" ]]; then usage exit 1 fi # Generate a distribution file with the appropriate architecture plists if [[ "$arch" == "x86_64" || "$arch" == "x64" ]]; then archplist="$script_dir/x86_64.plist" elif [[ "$arch" == "arm64" || "$arch" == "aarch64" ]]; then archplist="$script_dir/aarch64.plist" else error "Invalid architecture: $arch" fi productbuild --synthesize --package starship-component.pkg --product "$archplist" starship_raw.dist # A terrible hacky way to insert nodes into XML without needing a full XML parser: # search for a line that matches our opening tag and insert our desired lines after it # Solution taken from https://www.theunixschool.com/2012/06/insert-line-before-or-after-pattern.html while read -r line do echo "$line" if echo "$line" | grep -qF '' echo '' echo '' echo '' fi done < starship_raw.dist > starship.dist # The above script does not correctly take care of the last line. Apply fixup. echo '' >> starship.dist echo "Creating distribution package with following distribution file:" cat starship.dist echo "Resource directory is $resources" echo "Component package is $component_package" # Build the distribution package productbuild --distribution starship.dist --resources "$resources" --package-path "$component_package" starship-unsigned.pkg # Clean up the distribution files rm -- *.dist