# Frequently Asked Questions ## Jakiej konfiguracji użyto w GIFie demonstracyjnym? - **Emulator terminala**: [iTerm2](https://iterm2.com/) - **Motyw**: Minimal - **Schemat kolorów**: [Snazzy](https://github.com/sindresorhus/iterm2-snazzy) - **Czcionka**: [FiraCode Nerd Font](https://www.nerdfonts.com/font-downloads) - **Powłoka**: [Fish Shell](https://fishshell.com/) - **Konfiguracja**: [Pliki Dotfile użytkownika matchai](https://github.com/matchai/dotfiles/blob/b6c6a701d0af8d145a8370288c00bb9f0648b5c2/.config/fish/config.fish) - **Wiersz poleceń**: [Starship](https://starship.rs/) ## Jak uzyskać uzupełniania poleceń pokazane na GIFie demonstracyjnym? Uzupełnianie, znane też jako autouzupełnianie, jest dostarczane przez używaną przez ciebie powłokę. W przypadku demo, jest to powłoka [Fish Shell](https://fishshell.com/), która domyślnie zapewnia uzupełnianie. Jeśli używasz Z Shell (zsh), zalecamy zapoznać się z [zsh-autosuggestions](https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions). ## Do top level `format` and `.disabled` do the same thing? Yes, they can both be used to disable modules in the prompt. If all you plan to do is disable modules, `.disabled` is the preferred way to do so for these reasons: - Disabling modules is more explicit than omitting them from the top level `format` - Newly created modules will be added to the prompt as Starship is updated ## Dokumentacja twierdzi, że Starship jest wieloplatformowy. Dlaczego moja preferowana powłoka nie jest obsługiwana? The way Starship is built, it should be possible to add support for virtually any shell. The starship binary is stateless and shell agnostic, so as long as your shell supports prompt customization and shell expansion, Starship can be used. Here's a small example getting Starship working with bash: ```sh # Get the status code from the last command executed STATUS=$? # Get the number of jobs running. NUM_JOBS=$(jobs -p | wc -l) # Set the prompt to the output of `starship prompt` PS1="$(starship prompt --status=$STATUS --jobs=$NUM_JOBS)" ``` The [Bash implementation](https://github.com/starship/starship/blob/master/src/init/starship.bash) built into Starship is slightly more complex to allow for advanced features like the [Command Duration module](https://starship.rs/config/#command-duration) and to ensure that Starship is compatible with pre-installed Bash configurations. For a list of all flags accepted by `starship prompt`, use the following command: ```sh starship prompt --help ``` The prompt will use as much context as is provided, but no flags are "required". ## Jak uruchomić Starship na dystrybucjach systemu Linux ze starszymi wersjami glibc? Jeżeli podczas używania gotowych instalacji (np. na CentOS 6 lub 7) pojawia się błąd w stylu "_version 'GLIBC_2.18' not found (required by starship)_", możesz użyć instalacji zbudowanej za pomocą `musl` zamiast `glibc`: ```sh curl -sS https://starship.rs/install.sh | sh -s -- --platform unknown-linux-musl ``` ## Why do I see `Executing command "..." timed out.` warnings? Starship executes different commands to get information to display in the prompt, for example the version of a program or the current git status. To make sure starship doesn't hang while trying to execute these commands we set a time limit, if a command takes longer than this limit starship will stop the execution of the command and output the above warning, this is expected behaviour. This time limit is configurable using the [`command_timeout`key](../config/#prompt) so if you want you can increase the time limit. You can also follow the debugging steps below to see which command is being slow and see if you can optimise it. Finally you can set the `STARSHIP_LOG` env var to `error` to hide these warnings. ## W wierszu poleceń zauważyłem symbole których się nie spodziewałem bądź nie rozumiem. Co one oznaczają? Jeśli zauważyłeś symbole których nie rozpoznajesz, możesz użyć `starship explain` aby uzyskać szczegółowy opis obecnie wyświetlanych modułów. ## Starship is doing something unexpected, how can I debug it? You can enable the debug logs by using the `STARSHIP_LOG` env var. These logs can be very verbose so it is often useful to use the `module` command if you are trying to debug a particular module, for example, if you are trying to debug the `rust` module you could run the following command to get the trace logs and output from the module. ```sh env STARSHIP_LOG=trace starship module rust ``` If starship is being slow you can try using the `timings` command to see if there is a particular module or command that is to blame. ```sh env STARSHIP_LOG=trace starship timings ``` This will output the trace log and a breakdown of all modules that either took more than 1ms to execute or produced some output. Finally if you find a bug you can use the `bug-report` command to create a GitHub issue. ```sh starship bug-report ``` ## Why don't I see a glyph symbol in my prompt? The most common cause of this is system misconfiguration. Some Linux distros in particular do not come with font support out-of-the-box. You need to ensure that: - Your locale is set to a UTF-8 value, like `de_DE.UTF-8` or `ja_JP.UTF-8`. If `LC_ALL` is not a UTF-8 value, [you will need to change it](https://www.tecmint.com/set-system-locales-in-linux/). - You have an emoji font installed. Most systems come with an emoji font by default, but some (notably Arch Linux) do not. You can usually install one through your system's package manager--[noto emoji](https://www.google.com/get/noto/help/emoji/) is a popular choice. - You are using a [Nerd Font](https://www.nerdfonts.com/). To test your system, run the following commands in a terminal: ```sh echo -e "\xf0\x9f\x90\x8d" echo -e "\xee\x82\xa0" ``` The first line should produce a [snake emoji](https://emojipedia.org/snake/), while the second should produce a [powerline branch symbol (e0a0)](https://github.com/ryanoasis/powerline-extra-symbols#glyphs). If either symbol fails to display correctly, your system is still misconfigured. Unfortunately, getting font configuration correct is sometimes difficult. Users on the Discord may be able to help. If both symbols display correctly, but you still don't see them in starship, [file a bug report!](https://github.com/starship/starship/issues/new/choose) ## Jak odinstalować Starship? Starship można odinstalować równie łatwo jak przebiega proces instalacji. 1. Usuń zawartość konfiguracji powłoki (np. `~/.bashrc`) służącą do zainicjalizowania Starship. 1. Usuń plik wykonywalny programu Starship. If Starship was installed using a package manager, please refer to their docs for uninstallation instructions. If Starship was installed using the install script, the following command will delete the binary: ```sh # Locate and delete the starship binary sh -c 'rm "$(command -v 'starship')"' ``` ## How do I install Starship without `sudo`? The shell install script (`https://starship.rs/install.sh`) only attempts to use `sudo` if the target installation directory is not writable by the current user. The default installation diretory is the value of the `$BIN_DIR` environment variable or `/usr/local/bin` if `$BIN_DIR` is not set. If you instead set the installation directory to one that is writable by your user, you should be able to install starship without `sudo`. For example, `curl -sS https://starship.rs/install.sh | sh -s -- -b ~/.local/bin` uses the `-b` command line option of the install script to set the installation directory to `~/.local/bin`. For a non-interactive installation of Starship, don't forget to add the `-y` option to skip the confirmation. Check the source of the installation script for a list of all supported installation options. When using a package manager, see the documentation for your package manager about installing with or without `sudo`.