use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation; use super::{Context, Module, RootModuleConfig}; use crate::configs::git_branch::GitBranchConfig; use crate::formatter::StringFormatter; /// Creates a module with the Git branch in the current directory /// /// Will display the branch name if the current directory is a git repo pub fn module<'a>(context: &'a Context) -> Option> { let mut module = context.new_module("git_branch"); let config = GitBranchConfig::try_load(module.config); let truncation_symbol = get_first_grapheme(config.truncation_symbol); let len = if config.truncation_length <= 0 { log::warn!( "\"truncation_length\" should be a positive value, found {}", config.truncation_length ); std::usize::MAX } else { config.truncation_length as usize }; let repo = context.get_repo().ok()?; let branch_name = repo.branch.as_ref()?; let mut graphemes: Vec<&str> = branch_name.graphemes(true).collect(); let trunc_len = len.min(graphemes.len()); if trunc_len < graphemes.len() { // The truncation symbol should only be added if we truncate graphemes[trunc_len] = truncation_symbol; graphemes.truncate(trunc_len + 1) } let parsed = StringFormatter::new(config.format).and_then(|formatter| { formatter .map_meta(|var, _| match var { "symbol" => Some(config.symbol), _ => None, }) .map_style(|variable| match variable { "style" => Some(Ok(, _ => None, }) .map(|variable| match variable { "branch" => Some(Ok(graphemes.concat())), _ => None, }) .parse(None) }); module.set_segments(match parsed { Ok(segments) => segments, Err(error) => { log::warn!("Error in module `git_branch`: \n{}", error); return None; } }); Some(module) } fn get_first_grapheme(text: &str) -> &str { UnicodeSegmentation::graphemes(text, true) .next() .unwrap_or("") } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use ansi_term::Color; use std::io; use std::process::Command; use crate::test::{fixture_repo, FixtureProvider, ModuleRenderer}; #[test] fn show_nothing_on_empty_dir() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = tempfile::tempdir()?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_branch") .path(repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = None; assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn test_changed_truncation_symbol() -> io::Result<()> { test_truncate_length_with_config( "1337_hello_world", 15, "1337_hello_worl", "%", "truncation_symbol = \"%\"", ) } #[test] fn test_no_truncation_symbol() -> io::Result<()> { test_truncate_length_with_config( "1337_hello_world", 15, "1337_hello_worl", "", "truncation_symbol = \"\"", ) } #[test] fn test_multi_char_truncation_symbol() -> io::Result<()> { test_truncate_length_with_config( "1337_hello_world", 15, "1337_hello_worl", "a", "truncation_symbol = \"apple\"", ) } #[test] fn test_ascii_boundary_below() -> io::Result<()> { test_truncate_length("1337_hello_world", 15, "1337_hello_worl", "…") } #[test] fn test_ascii_boundary_on() -> io::Result<()> { test_truncate_length("1337_hello_world", 16, "1337_hello_world", "") } #[test] fn test_ascii_boundary_above() -> io::Result<()> { test_truncate_length("1337_hello_world", 17, "1337_hello_world", "") } #[test] fn test_one() -> io::Result<()> { test_truncate_length("1337_hello_world", 1, "1", "…") } #[test] fn test_zero() -> io::Result<()> { test_truncate_length("1337_hello_world", 0, "1337_hello_world", "") } #[test] fn test_negative() -> io::Result<()> { test_truncate_length("1337_hello_world", -1, "1337_hello_world", "") } #[test] fn test_hindi_truncation() -> io::Result<()> { test_truncate_length("नमस्ते", 3, "नमस्", "…") } #[test] fn test_hindi_truncation2() -> io::Result<()> { test_truncate_length("नमस्त", 3, "नमस्", "…") } #[test] fn test_japanese_truncation() -> io::Result<()> { test_truncate_length("がんばってね", 4, "がんばっ", "…") } #[test] fn test_format_no_branch() -> io::Result<()> { test_format("1337_hello_world", "no_branch", "", "no_branch") } #[test] fn test_format_just_branch_name() -> io::Result<()> { test_format("1337_hello_world", "$branch", "", "1337_hello_world") } #[test] fn test_format_just_branch_name_color() -> io::Result<()> { test_format( "1337_hello_world", "[$branch](bold blue)", "", Color::Blue.bold().paint("1337_hello_world").to_string(), ) } #[test] fn test_format_mixed_colors() -> io::Result<()> { test_format( "1337_hello_world", "branch: [$branch](bold blue) [THE COLORS](red) ", "", format!( "branch: {} {} ", Color::Blue.bold().paint("1337_hello_world").to_string(), Color::Red.paint("THE COLORS").to_string() ), ) } #[test] fn test_format_symbol_style() -> io::Result<()> { test_format( "1337_hello_world", "$symbol[$branch]($style)", r#" symbol = "git: " style = "green" "#, format!( "git: {}", Color::Green.paint("1337_hello_world").to_string(), ), ) } #[test] fn test_works_with_unborn_default_branch() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = tempfile::tempdir()?; Command::new("git") .args(&["init"]) .current_dir(&repo_dir) .output()?; Command::new("git") .args(&["symbolic-ref", "HEAD", "refs/heads/main"]) .current_dir(&repo_dir) .output()?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_branch") .path(&repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = Some(format!( "on {} ", Color::Purple.bold().paint(format!("\u{e0a0} {}", "main")), )); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } // This test is not possible until we switch to `git status --porcelain` // where we can mock the env for the specific git process. This is because // git2 does not care about our mocking and when we set the real `GIT_DIR` // variable it will interfere with the other tests. // #[test] // fn test_git_dir_env_variable() -> io::Result<()> {let repo_dir = // tempfile::tempdir()?; // Command::new("git") // .args(&["init"]) // .current_dir(&repo_dir) // .output()?; // // git2 does not care about our mocking // std::env::set_var("GIT_DIR", repo_dir.path().join(".git")); // let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_branch").collect(); // std::env::remove_var("GIT_DIR"); // let expected = Some(format!( // "on {} ", // Color::Purple.bold().paint(format!("\u{e0a0} {}", "master")), // )); // assert_eq!(expected, actual); // repo_dir.close() // } fn test_truncate_length( branch_name: &str, truncate_length: i64, expected_name: &str, truncation_symbol: &str, ) -> io::Result<()> { test_truncate_length_with_config( branch_name, truncate_length, expected_name, truncation_symbol, "", ) } fn test_truncate_length_with_config( branch_name: &str, truncate_length: i64, expected_name: &str, truncation_symbol: &str, config_options: &str, ) -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::GIT)?; Command::new("git") .args(&["checkout", "-b", branch_name]) .current_dir(repo_dir.path()) .output()?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_branch") .config( toml::from_str(&format!( " [git_branch] truncation_length = {} {} ", truncate_length, config_options )) .unwrap(), ) .path(repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = Some(format!( "on {} ", Color::Purple .bold() .paint(format!("\u{e0a0} {}{}", expected_name, truncation_symbol)), )); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } fn test_format>( branch_name: &str, format: &str, config_options: &str, expected: T, ) -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::GIT)?; Command::new("git") .args(&["checkout", "-b", branch_name]) .current_dir(repo_dir.path()) .output()?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_branch") .config( toml::from_str(&format!( r#" [git_branch] format = "{}" {} "#, format, config_options )) .unwrap(), ) .path(repo_dir.path()) .collect(); assert_eq!(Some(expected.into()), actual); repo_dir.close() } }